[MIDP2.0] Cannot Load Image

The following is the code I used
public class GraphicsLoader {
  static Image myImage;
  public GraphicsLoader() {
    try {
      myImage = Image.createImage("/images.png"); // <---- Null Pointer Exception
    } catch (IOException ioEx){
  }Which I have placed the images.png in the same directory as the classfiles, but it couldn't be loaded! I really do not understand why.

Your image should be in res folder. You java file is in source folder

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    Thanks & Regards

    Hi Dear,
    You can add image on the PLD as follows.
    1) Add one Picture Field on the Report
    2) Paste the Image file into the Bitmap Folder on the server
    3) Click on Content-->then Browse.then select that image file from server
    4) then after that you can set the properties from Format tab.
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    Hope this will help you...
    lg Mahendra

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    VisIRBackground     = Parent.getImage ( Base, "images/rear view.jpg" );
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         try {
              VisIRMediaTracker.waitForID ( nImagesLoaded );
              bFailed = VisIRMediaTracker.isErrorID ( nImagesLoaded );
              if ( bFailed )
         catch ( InterruptedException e ) {
              System.err.println( e.toString () + new Integer ( nImagesLoaded ).toString () );

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    1. but I don't use URL in audio clipIf you use Applet.getAudoClip(), you do, because that's what the method requires.
    2. I get null exception when I use your suggestionthen change the path so that it correctly points to the file.

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    Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
    image = tk.getImage("test.png");
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, Integer.toString(image.getWidth(null)));
    But image.getWidth(null) returns -1
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    The image is not 'loaded' yet, and the size is not yet known.
    That is why getWidth returns -1. This is described in the javadoc of the getWidth() method.
    If you for instance do this:
    Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
    Image image = tk.getImage("test.png");
    new ImageIcon(image);
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, Integer.toString(image.getWidth(null)));it should return the width of the image (if the image file is actually found that is)
    - Roy

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    imageFile = imageFile.resolvePath("images/" + obj.id + extension);
    var filestream:FileStream = new FileStream();
    filestream.open(imageFile, FileMode.WRITE);
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    file = new File(File.applicationStorageDirectory.nativePath);
    file = file.resolvePath("images/" + obj.id + extension);
    image.load(new URLRequest(file.nativePath));
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    Can anybody help?

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    Oh, sorry, wasn't looking properly. You cannot load images
    into MovieClips like in AS2, you have to use a Loader or the
    UILoader component.
    If you want to be able to position the loader visually, then
    you can give an instance of the UILoader component and instance
    name within the THEPhoto MC, and use the following code:
    MovieClip(photo).holder.load(photoRequest); //where holder is
    the instance name of the loader.
    Within the ThePhoto class you could create a new Loader:
    public var imgLoader:Loader = new Loader();
    public function ThePhoto () {
    imgLoader.x = 0;
    imgLoader.y = 0;
    and then use:

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    I've try to reinstall the whole OS X, nothing else installed, the same problem occurred.
    Is it the problem on Intel core? or any setting I can do to overcome it?
    Hope the problem could be solve, I like to use Safari except this problem.
    iMac 20" Intel core   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    Well... no - except to ask if your intel imac is connected to the internet in exactly the same way as the ppc imac. If it is, then that's puzzling
    You're right, I'm puzzled by the imac.
    Intel imac is at my home, ppc imac is at my office;
    both using same ISP but different service plan,
    (home:) PPPoE, ADSL modem -> buffalo MIMO wireless router -> intel imac (both direct wire or wireless connect have same result)
    (office:) fixed-ip, ADSL modem -> firewall -> Linksys wireless router -> ppc imac (wireless)
    both network setting with manual assigned IP, gateway and same DNS
    Same result occurred when (1)open box new machine, (2)after updated system, (3)reinstall whole OS with preserve the old setting, (4)reinstall whole OS with erase the whole harddisk option, (5)updated system after the reinstallation.
    I firstly think may be some security setting in imac that blocked the images, but can't found out. I secondly think some html code at this web not work on Safari.
    May someone with same machine help to open this web to see if all intel imac get the same result?

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    a SQL database ?
    I would like to show this image in Flash, but i don't know
    how to load in from a SQL database using ASP.

    Flash cannot load images from an SQL database.
    Flash can load JPEG, PNG, GIF, SWF, MP3, and FLV files.
    An SQL database can be used to store the file names and their
    location. ASP can retrieve that data from the SQL and return to
    Flash to load the above file formats.
    For Flash to do the communication with ASP you need to
    determine if you are using URL Encoded or XML data structures.
    For URL Encoded data you look at
    For XML Encoded data you look at
    Then in their onLoad methods you use
    to load JPEG, GIF, PNG and SWF;
    for MP3,
    Video.attachVideo and NetStream.play for FLV.
    For the ASP side the work with the database has nothing to do
    with Flash other than using any search variable sent from Flash
    with LoadVars.sendAndLoad or XML.sendAndLoad. In other words it
    could be an HTML form sending the same variable and calling the
    same ASP script. Same with returning values except with Flash only
    URL Encoded or XML data structures are sent back and not

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    Loaded image: jar:file:/C:/rgajava/MKSLeak/jar/leak.htmlMKSLeak.jar!/images/audiooff.gif
    Loaded image: jar:file:/C:/rgajava/MKSLeak/jar/leak.htmlMKSLeak.jar!/images/audioon.gif
    that were displayed when I upped the trace level. The images still do not appear.
    Does anyone know how to fix this? I am loading the images using getImage(URL,String).

    As a partial answer to my own question, the Java tutorial declares that some browsers cannot load images from jar files. This appears to be the case with IE5.5 and Java 1.3.1, but it is strange that IE5.5 and Java 1.3.0 seem to have no problem. Nevertheless, the applet works well and images load if the images are accessed outside of the jar file.

  • I cannot view pictures on pinterest or other websites. Load images Auto is enabled.

    I cannot view images on sites like pinterest or photo sharing sites, the box comes up blank. I've deleted history, the "Load Images Automatically" is enabled. I only have this problem on foxfire. The images come up fine on Safari on my Mac. Please help.

    The Reset Firefox feature can fix many issues by restoring Firefox to its factory default state while saving your essential information.
    Note: ''This will cause you to lose any Extensions, Open websites, and some Preferences.''
    To Reset Firefox do the following:
    #Go to Firefox > Help > Troubleshooting Information.
    #Click the "Reset Firefox" button.
    #Firefox will close and reset. After Firefox is done, it will show a window with the information that is imported. Click Finish.
    #Firefox will open with all factory defaults applied.
    Further information can be found in the [[Reset Firefox – easily fix most problems]] article.
    Did this fix your problems? Please report back to us!

  • Cannot read image file in oracle 10g forms, getting error frm-47100

    I'm unable to read the image from the file location. But If I do re-save via MS-Paint the same image then I'm able to load successfully. I want to load image directly instead of re-save.  Error getting like "frm-47100 Cannot read image file".
    Need your co-operation to solve this issue.
    Thanks in advance!
      tiff_image_dir varchar2(80):=('D:\IMAGE\');
      photo_filename varchar2(80);
      if :image_no is null then
      :Image_no :=:UID_NO;
      end if;

    Hi Sindhu,
    By default any operating system file extension starts after the dot. So in this case when it says 2 dots it will think there is something wrong.

Maybe you are looking for

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