Might Be a dumb Question...about making an iTunes account

when you make an iTunes account
It makes you enter billing information
So is having an iTunes account free?
Just having one not including downloading songs or anything.
I want to find the album art 4 all my music but it wont let me without an iTunes account
So, Is creating an iTunes Account Free?
No registration fee?
Or Monthly/Yearly fee?

Yes, an iTunes account is free.
When I signed up I didn't enter my billing info and you don't have to unless you plan on buying songs. As long as you don't buy songs you don't have to pay anything and you don't have to enter your billing info.

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    The Three Best Alternatives for Security Questions and Rescue Mail
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    Not a dumb question at all.
    First of all, set your iPhone up like this:
    1) Go to Settings on the main screen (looks like gears)
    2) Click on "Wi-Fi" (second option from the top)
    3) At the bottom of this page (Which should say "Wi-Fi Networks" at the top) turn "Ask to Join Networks" to the "ON" position.
    Now when you walk into a place that has Wi-Fi, your iPhone will display a little window that asks you whether you want to join the network or not.
    In some places, you may even see a list of more than one Wi-Fi network to join. This is quite common in New York City. The reason is because so many people have Wi-Fi in there apartments, and they all live so close together, that sometime your iPhone can detect multiple networks. The coffee shop near my apartment has their own network, but I can also connect to the Wi-Fi network in my apartment because I only live about 50 feet away.
    Anyway, when you see the list of Networks to join, you may notice a little padlock symbol next to some of them. This means these are closed networks that require a password to connect to. (My network is "Closed", ie requires a password so that everyone in the coffee shop next door doesn't use my internet).
    Networks that DO NOT have the little lock symbol are "Open" which means you can join them without a password. But there is a catch... A lot of coffee shops have open networks, but as soon as you try to browse the web, they redirect your browser to their own page, no matter what web address you enter. Basically, they are letting you connect to their network without a password, but not letting you browse the internet without giving them some money.
    So (as the previous poster said) the page that the coffee shops redirects you to, usually has instructions, and of course a place to put in a credit card. Once you do all that, then you can browse the internet without getting redirected to their little payment page. Its sort of confusing because you don't need a password to connect to their "open" network, but you do need one to browse any web pages. How you get the password differs from coffee shop to coffee shop, but usually they give it to you right inside your web browser once you give them your credit card number.
    T-Mobile provides wireless for Starbucks (at least in a lot of places they do). So once you have an account with t-mobile, you can use it in any starbucks or "T-mobile hotspot"
    Now this all sounds kind of complicated, but more and more these days, you can just walk into a place, find an open network (one without a lock next to it) and start browsing without being redirected or dealing with credit cards. Basically these places are providing free internet to try to attract customers.
    Good luck
    P.S. Wi-Fi eats up battery life. If you aren't going to be using it to browse web pages, you can go into settings, then Wi-Fi, and turn Wi-Fi off. This will save you battery life, but you have to remember to turn it back on. Even without Wi-Fi on, you can still browse the internet if you see a little "E" at the top of your screen. The E stands for the AT&Ts Edge network, which isn't as fast as Wi-Fi, but covers pretty much everywhere that your phone can get a signal.
    Message was edited by: erik graham

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    - Which of these BSSIDs are "relevant" that I should pay attention to?

    Why are there so many different BSSIDs and how should I interpret them?
    The 5 GHz band on the main network is one unique BSSID
    The 2.4 GHz band on the main network is one unique BSSID
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    The 5 GHz band on the guest network is one unique BSSID
    The 2.4 GHz band on the guest network is one unique BSSID
    If you have multiple AirPort routers, repeat the information above for each router.
    Which of these BSSIDs are "relevant" that I should pay attention to?
    Personally, I pay no attention to this, but some users place great importance on this.
    The BSSID tells you which AirPort.....if you have multiple AirPorts....and which band....2.4 GHz or 5 GHz.....that you are connected to at the current time....as well as whether you are connected to the "main" network, or the "guest" network.....if you have enabled the guest function.

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    look at:

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    document.write("<link id="link1" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/WebDemoExtractor/resources/introductionFireFox.css" /> ");
    U jave tried many variations of the following
    document.write("<ui:link binding='#{introduction.link2}' id='link2' url='/resources/introductionFireFox.css'/>")
    I have tried performing many variations with the the above and I have had no success.
    Is it even possible to perform this function??
    Thank you

    jackiepanpan wrote:
    Not a dumb question at all.
    I think you mean how is it possible to view YouTube videos in Safari on iPad, right?
    Basically, YouTube senses the browser you're using. Because Safari on iPad doesn't support Flash, YouTube delivers the movie in a format the iPad can play (like H.264, as a previous post mentioned). This happens with YouTube videos embedded on other web sites, too.
    I hope this helps.
    I was in an Apple Store a few days ago, and a teenage kid really wanted an iPad. His dad said, "but it doesn't play flash, so you won't get to see YouTube videos that you love." Kid said, something expletive deleted.
    The son then picked up the iPad, and he clicked on the YouTube icon. Walked out of the store with it. Sales guy and I laughed. Made my day.

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    Close apps and not delete apps.
    1. Double tap the home button to bring up the multi-tasking view
    2. Swipe the app's windows upwards to close
    3. The app will fly off the screen

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    You should use the battery for a while every day but not drain it right down, before re-connecting the power and re-charging it to 95%+ this is not a complete cycle but partial/normal cycling.
    _Every couple of months_ you should re-calibrate the battery which means you keep using it until it goes into emergency sleep itself (you will see a warning then 5 minutes later it will go off by itself) and then _leave it in this state for at least 5 hours_ before you re-connect the power supply and fully charge it (without unplugging) - this is a proper re-calibration.

  • Might be a dumb question, but I'll ask anyway.

    I just changed my ISP and would like to change my email address on my iTunes account. How would I go about doing that?
    Thanks for your help.
    If this post belongs elsewhere, please feel free to move it.

    When you sign in to the itunes store there is box called view account and you can edit your information there, hope that answered what you are looking for.

  • Questions about mac mini iTunes server, streaming to macbook pro, ipads, etc.

    I'm thinking about getting a mac mini to work with my NAS as a iTunes server. I have a bunch of questions about this. I will have two iPhones, a few iPads, and a laptop that will be accessing the files. I have iTunes match. This is basically to keep an always on computer for hosting the music/movies. My questions are as follows . . .
    #1 Are there any good, comprehensive guides to show you how to do this?
    #2 Can the movies be accessed when not at home on the shared network?
    #3 Can the iPads or the macbook pro download the shared movies to be stored locally?
    #4 Back to #3, how will it work on my macbook pro with listening to music (I have iTunes match)? Say i go to library and I break out my macbook pro and I don't have internet. What happens if I download music while at home onto my macbook pro to listen to it when I go to the library? Will i start a new library on my macbook pro? How will that mesh with the home server when I come back.
    #5 Is there a way to mirror files or folders? So something that I have on my macbook pro will also mirror on the home server.
    Thanks for your help on this. I'll post any follow up questions.

    seanfenton wrote:
    1. I want to replace the Optical drive with a 2TB SATA. can I use this 2.5 inch?
    I do not know if it is the same model number, but this one will work in your MBP:
    2. I want to replace the HD with a 128GB SSD 840. When I replace these drives, will my OS still be in tact? I have never done this job before.
    No. You will have to format the drives in Disk Utility>Erase to Mac OS Extended (Journaled) and then install the OSX by using the original install disks.
    3.) I want to replace the ram sticks to max capacity. This is 2 2GB sticks, Correct?
    No.  An early 17" 2008 MBP will accept 6GB RAM with the following specifications:  200-pin PC2-5300 (667MHz) DDR2 SO-DIMM.  The best sources of Mac compatible RAM are OWC and Crucial.
    4.) Most difficult...
    I want to extend the monitor wirelessly to a projector. I thought about using Apple TV and Airplay. However, support for airplay is for MacBooks 2011 and newer. I thought of using a PS3 and the media server, but I think this brings on a format compatibility issue. (my library is so large I could not afford to convert all my movies to MP4.) So, how would you recommend I put my extended monitor with VLC player onto a projector?
    Could I possibly connect the MBP to a Mac Mini as an extension? would this work natively? I would rather use a VGA cord than F with 3rd party app BS.
    Cannot help you there.
    5..) I want to Bypass iTunes this time around. I would prefer to use Finder and VLC to manage all of my music. I mostly play all my music on shuffle, so, could I create a playlist on VLC with all of my music and play it randomly? (im sure this is possible but i'd like to organize all my plans with confirmation.)
    You are not obligated to use iTunes.
    6.) Can i upgrade the keyboard to backlit? i've read that this is possible.
    All MBPs have back lighted keyboards.  Your either needs a NVRAM reset or a repair.

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