Migration assistant won't migrate

Trying to migrate from my son's Macbook Pro to his new Macbook Air.  Both are running 10.6.8 and have had all the latest software updates run.  Tried wired (with ethernet adapter for the MBA) and wireless - he doesn't have a Time Machine backup to try.
In each case we get through the point of entering the code from one computer to the other and things chug along, but the screen never comes up asking which items I want to migrate.  The Macbook Pro displays a dialog saying that communication was lost from the other computer.  I'm given the option to hit cancel which will abort the process (though it never does) or hit OK to continue to try (which never results in success.  Meanwhile the MBA just says "processing."
This whole process has been very frustrating.  I've read any applicable posting I could find here, but haven't found anything that solves the problem.
Here are some questions I had:
- do specific sharing preferences have to be set on both machines?
- I believe the ethernet port on his MBP works OK.  I turned off Airport and was able to connect through ethernet to the Internet.  Is there any other way to tell if the ethernet port isn't communicating?
- I tried doing the initial transfer while the two computers were with me for the weekend.  Now he's back at school 4 hours away.  Is there a way I can screen share with one or both computers to continue to troubleshoot them remotely?  If so, pointing me to the source to do that would be helpful as I've not tried it before.
Thanks in advance for your advice.

I found that I needed to create another temporary admin account and run the migration assistant from that account. Then the option to replace the original admin account was no longer greyed out.
I suppose one could enable root and log in as root as well to do this.

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    That isn't a valid link to your picture (it's a link to the file on your computer). You would need to post it to a serve (and remove the spaces in the name) and post that link here.
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    Rather than connecting "on the same network", use Create Network from the airport menu icon and connect the two notebooks directly and thus get an "N" connection. Ensure that you turn on file sharing, turn off the firewalls on both computers on this singular network you have created. Then you should be able to migrate if you are the "owner" or administrator as set up on both computers. Follow the directions... post back if this does or does not work.

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    See A5.
    Time Machine Troubleshooting

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    I have the exact same problem. When setting up the new MacBook, I attached the firewire cable and restarted the PowerBook into target disk mode. The Firewire symbol appears on the screen but the MacBook gives the error message "There are no versions of MacOS X available on your old Mac". I wanted to test if it is a problem with the MacBook, and found that the MacBook will recognize and mount a portable firewire hard drive. Furthermore, when I tried attaching it to an intel iMac, it recognized it and was ready to import files from it. Therefore it seems that the problem is that the OS X 10.4.11 on the PowerBook is somehow 'invisible' to the MacBook migration assistant. I tried repairing permissions on the old PowerBook, but that didn't help. In the meantime I also ran software update on the MacBook, which brought it up to the very latest version of Leopard.
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    A possible reason for backups not to be available in Migration Assistant is that the computer doesn't have a name, or the name is corrupt. Open the Sharing preference pane and check the name. If you can't do that, reset the PRAM. Credit to ASC member Csnote for this observation.
    Most likely, some folders were excluded from your backups as the result of a failed or aborted software installation.  
    Starting from a clean installation of OS X, set up a new administrator account and log in. Enter Time Machine and press the key combination shift-command-C. The front window will show all mounted volumes. All snapshots should now be accessible.* Select the one you want and navigate to your home folder (in the Users folder at the top level of the old startup volume.)
    You should now be able to restore your user data. I suggest you do this in two stages. Quit all applications except the Finder before you begin.
    Restore all the visible items at the top level of your home folder.
    Hold down the option key and select Go ▹ Library from the Finder menu bar. Enter Time Machine and restore all items in the Library folder. Log out and log back in as soon as the restore is complete.
    Any other invisible folders or files at the top level of your home folder that you want to preserve will have to be restored separately. For most users, that isn't necessary.
    You'll have to reinstall all third-party applications from scratch, or restore them from another kind of backup, if you have one.
    You'll have another problem if this is a new computer, or if you erased the startup volume: The next time you back up, Time Machine won't recognize any files as being the same as they were before, and will make a full copy of all files. There might not be enough space on one or more of your backup volumes for that. There are different ways of dealing with that situation, depending on your needs. The easiest way is to set your backup drives aside, if possible, until you're sure you'll no longer need the data on them, then erase them and start over. Meanwhile start a new backup on one or more empty storage devices. If that solution isn't workable for you, ask for instructions.
    *If you don't see any snapshots in Time Machine, exit the time-travel view and then hold down the option key while selecting
    Browse Other Backup Disks...
    from the Time Machine menu, which has an icon that looks like a clock running backwards. Select the backups of your computer by its previous name. If you don't have the Time Machine menu, open the Time Machine preference pane in System Preferences and check the box marked
    Show Time Machine in menu bar

  • Migration Assistant Won't Recognize Time Machine Back Up

    My old white macbook just died. I bought a new macbook air to replace it. I am trying to use the time machine back up in migration assistant but it won't work. Since the Air doesn't have firewire I am connecting the external drive to my AirPort Extreme. It recognizes the drive but when I click to use it I get a connection error message. I tried hooking up the drive by USB but it won't mount at all. What am I doing wrong? I don't really want to do a full Time Machine restore because the Air has iLife '11 and the macbook only had iLife '10 and I don't want to have to pay for it again.

    First of all, Migration Assistant is smart enough to keep the newer version of iLife.
    Second, your MacBook Air came with a restore drive (a little flash drive) that has iLife on it. You don't have to purchase it again.

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    Installed Leopard on my MacBook. Before that, made bootable copy of my old system on external USB hard drive. Now, when Leopard is on my Mac, I tried to use Migration Assistant to transfer my data, but it won't allow me one of it's options which I need: "Replace the existing user account with one you're transferring".
    I've done this before between two MacBooks running Tiger, with FireWire cable. It worked just fine.

    I finally solved the problem by disconnecting the Time Capsule ethernet cable from the internet.  Then the sparsebundle suddenly appeared.

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