Migration forms 4.5 to 6i on AIX 4.3.3

We have one hundred forms in version 4.5. We need upgrade forms to 6i. What we must make, that correctly and safely change version? Where we can find appropriate documentation? We own OS AIX 4.3.3 and RDBMS
Regards Gregory

If you are going client/server to client/server then in most cases its just a case of recompiling the FMB,PLLs etc etc. There are some differences in the PL/SQL versions which may throw up one or two issues but there is nothing really specific.
My advice would be to try a few Forms and get a feel for any issues before doing a full batch recompile and test.
Grant Ronald
FOrms Product Management

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    6i Forms/Reports -> 9i Forms/Reports.
    You might want to check out the migration section
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    There was a bug raised on this 3490850 where somone had the same symptoms but it was closed without action because the database version was not supported with that version of Forms. Now I am not sure if this is the same problem (i'm not sure if should be - so long as you are using the latest patch to 6i Forms which was supported against up to the 10g database) but its an issue of using an unsupported version of Oracle Forms.
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    As Abhishek said, create your folder structure in the target environment and import.
    Also if you have duplicate named folders look at where your forms import after the fact as they seem to go to one folder or the other not the folder they were in structurally; we logged the folder issue as an SR FYI.
    Good to know about parenthesis and LCM -- it also doesn't like ampersands for certain items e.g. Essbase filter names.
    John A. Booth

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    Just compile all files in Forms and Reports 6i, then the application will be ready for use in Developer 6i environment

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    In order to migrate forms from 4.5 to 10g,
    you need to compile the forms in 6i first and then upgrade them directly to 10g.
    Forms 4.5 is client based while anything after Forms 6 is server based.
    This is an important migration and close attention should
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    This seems to be a common point of confusion. The "FMw Upgrade Assistant" is a utility which helps you to upgrade the entire Application Server installation to a newer version (e.g. 11.1.x). This has nothing to do with your Forms (fmb, mmb, pll, etc) or Reports (rep, rdf, etc) applications. Generally speaking, I would say that using the UA is not necessary and likely should not be used in most cases. Cases where it should be used might include a situation where your previous version has been significantly customized and you don't know how or don't want to make the same customization in the new environment manually. Whether you are talking about a new product (Oracle or not) or even a new OS, generally your best bet is to start with a clean, new installation. Attempting to upgrade an existing version always comes with problems. Just one man's opinion ;-)
    As for your Forms application(s), there is a Forms Migration Assistant (FMA), explained in the Forms Upgrade Guide:
    That said, just like using UA, it is always better to take the extra time and not rely on such tools if they can be avoided. In most cases, the FMA will not be needed. This is especially true if your application is coming from version 10. For older versions, using FMA might be beneficial.
    So, to the point, in order to move a Forms application (fmb, mmb, pll) from version 10 to 11 is as simply as recompiling your modules using the v11 compiler. That's it ;-)

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    It's not recommended to migrate from Forms 5 to 10g directly, the internal structure is completely different, you need to migrate to 6i first where you'll do all the correction needed and than migration to 10g will be very smooth.
    check the [Forms Upgrade Center|http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/forms/htdocs/upgrade/index.html] for more information and white papers about migrating Forms.

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    I did this converting, in '99 year, long time ago
    I recommended you the Developer version 1.5 or 2.1, for this convertion. in the directory BIN exists a file named f60cmp32.exe (or f60comp32.exe some like this...if not exists try f60run32.exe)
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    Yes you can. Take a look at Upgrading from Pre-Forms 6i Applications to Oracle Forms 11g. This document is geared towards upgrading to Forms 11g, but in order to upgrade to Forms 11g you must first upgrade to Forms 10g. This document describes that process.
    Hope this helps,
    Craig B-)
    If someone's response is helpful or correct, please mark it accordingly.

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    Welcome to the Oracle Forums. Please take a few minutes to review the following:
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    Following these simple guidelines will ensure you have a positive experience in any forum; not just this one! ;-)
    This is a fairly common question in the Forums. A simple search of the forum would have given you your answer! poelger provided a link to the Forms Upgrade Center - which is a great place to start! :)
    Hope this helps,
    Craig B-)
    If someone's response is helpful or correct, please mark it accordingly.

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    Could you then explain what your problem is?
    Frank has pointed you to a great source of information. What is it you don't understand.
    Generally speaking you just need to recompile the FMB file to regeneate the FMX - but if you are moving from client/server to web you may need to do some more changes (see the website).
    Grant ROnald
    FOrms Product Management

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    correct. You use FMA first and then compile the FMX files. You can also use the Forms builder environment to perform the migration, but FMA is more convenient to use.

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    It would be better to post your thread at the forms forum:

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