Missing characteristics value after exporting to excel

I created a web template with WAD 7.0 that is using a button with Export to Excel functionality.
The issue i have is that if I export to Excel, I don't see the characteristics/filter values e.g
Cal. year / quar
Company Code
Fiscal year/period
Vendor Account Group
It displays only the data.
How do I get these characteristic values do display in excel.

thanks for your response. I have checked and couldn't find options for select Analysis grid or Filter grid.
In the button, I used command * Export web application* and in the parameters I could find anything close to choosing the options you mentioned.

Similar Messages

  • Drill Down is not working after exporting to excel

    I have created a drill down report in SSRS . Its working perfect. But when I export it to excel, it is showing only the expanded nodes. But I want the same functionality which gives user to expand or collapse the nodes in Excel as well. Can any one please
    help me with this?

    Hi sil174sss,
    Per my understanding you are experiencing the issue with the excel report which have add the drill down action, after export to excel only the expanded nodes included and the collapsed nodes is not shown, right?
    Generally, if we expand the nodes before export to excel then the excel will display the expanded details row and keep collapsed the details row which haven't expand, but we have the toggle "+","-" on the left of the Excel to help
    control the expand and collapse, when you click the "+" you can expand the collapsed notes to see the details rows.
    I have tested on my local environment with different version of SSRS and can always see the "+","-" as below:
    On the Top left corner you can find the "1","2", this help to control the "Collapse All" and "Expand All".
    If you can't see the "+","-" in the excel, the issue can be caused by the Excel version you are currently using, and also excel have limit support of this, please provide us the Excel version information and the SSRS version. You
    can reference to this similar thread:
    lost collapsing columns when export to excel
    Please try to export other drill down report to excel and check if they work fine, if they did, the issue can be caused by the drill down action you have added in this report is not correctly, if possible, please try to redesign the report.
    Article below about how to add  Expand/Collapse Action to an Item for your reference:
    If your problem still exists, please feel free to ask
    Vicky Liu

  • Missing user variable input values in export to excel functionality

    I have a problem in exporting data into excel, I could able to export the data with complete result rows but i am not able to see the user input variable values.
    To be in detail: The moment i execute the report in web, user gives the initial variable values as selections and run a report. The data will be displayes as per the user selections. Then the user clicks on export to excel (designed as per SAP how to), now the excel data shows the body of the results but the initial input variable values are missing.
    It would be really good if we also export variable values along with the report output.
    If any of you solved this requirement, could you please help me in solving this.
    Thanks in advance

    Here is a solution to make visible the Values of variables you selected in the Excel File.....
    1.Create a Web Template with an Analysis Item and Info Field Item
    2.Assign the Data Provider which contains varaibles to the Analysis Item
    3.Assign the same Data Provider to an Info Field Item
    4.In the Properties of Info Field Item,
    Set the Visibility as "Visible"
    Data Binding as "Variable Value" and mention the varaible
    Save the Web template->Execute and Export to Excel
    Now you will get it in Excel file
    For more info....
    Re: Display values of variables in exported excel file

  • After Export to Excel File error while opening using xmlwriter in silverlight

    Can one help me in fixing following issue after to export to excel had done iam getting following error message 
    "The file you are trying to open, 'test.xls', is in a different format than specified by the file extension. Verify that the file is not corrupted and is from a trusted source before opening the file. Do uou want to open the file now ?"
    If i click Yes file opens correctly but it shows above message . Can any one suggest me how to avoid this programatically with the following code.
    I tried by changing the file saving as  .xls to .xlsx  but it doesnt works.
    Public Sub Export()
    Dim ss As String = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet"
    Dim DataType As String
    Dim DataValue As Object
    'Dim DataView As C1.Silverlight.Data.DataView = m_DataGrid.ItemsSource
    'Dim ItemsSource As C1.Silverlight.Data.DataTable = DataView.Table
    Dim XmlSettings As XmlWriterSettings
    Dim ColumnBinding As Binding
    Dim FieldName As String
    Dim DataGridColumn As C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.DataGridColumn
    Dim ColumnIndex As Integer
    Dim J As Integer
    Dim DataGridRow As C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.DataGridRow
    Dim CommonUtil As New GoldCRM.Core.Common.Util
    Dim PropertyInfo As System.Reflection.PropertyInfo
    Dim CellFormat As String
    If m_DataGrid.Rows.Count = 0 Then Exit Try
    XmlSettings = New XmlWriterSettings
    XmlSettings.Indent = True
    XmlSettings.NewLineOnAttributes = False
    Using myXML As XmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(m_Stream, XmlSettings)
    With myXML
    .WriteProcessingInstruction("mso-application", "progid=" & ControlChars.Quote & "Excel.Sheet" & ControlChars.Quote)
    .WriteStartElement("Workbook", ss)
    .WriteStartElement("DocumentProperties", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office")
    .WriteElementString("Author", m_DocumentProperties.Author)
    .WriteElementString("LastAuthor", String.Format("{0} {1}", Application.Current.Resources("EmpFirstName"), Application.Current.Resources("EmpLastName")))
    .WriteElementString("Created", m_DocumentProperties.Created)
    .WriteElementString("LastSaved", m_DocumentProperties.LastSaved)
    .WriteElementString("Company", Application.Current.Resources("REPORTINGSITENAME"))
    .WriteElementString("Version", m_DocumentProperties.Version)
    .WriteEndElement() 'Document Properties
    .WriteStartElement("ExcelWorkbook", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel")
    .WriteElementString("WindowHeight", m_WorkbookProperties.WindowHeight)
    .WriteElementString("WindowWidth", m_WorkbookProperties.WindowWidth)
    .WriteElementString("WindowTopX", m_WorkbookProperties.WindowTopX)
    .WriteElementString("WindowTopY", m_WorkbookProperties.WindowTopY)
    .WriteElementString("ProtectStructure", m_WorkbookProperties.ProtectStructure)
    .WriteElementString("ProtectWindows", m_WorkbookProperties.ProtectWindows)
    .WriteEndElement() 'Excel Workbook
    For I As Integer = 0 To m_Styles.Count - 1
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "ID", ss, m_Styles(I).ID)
    If m_Styles(I).Name <> "" Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Name", ss, m_Styles(I).Name)
    End If
    If Not m_Styles(I).Alignment Is Nothing Then
    If m_Styles(I).Alignment.Horizontal <> 0 Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Horizontal", ss, m_Styles(I).Alignment.Horizontal.ToString)
    End If
    If m_Styles(I).Alignment.Vertical <> 0 Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Vertical", ss, m_Styles(I).Alignment.Vertical.ToString)
    End If
    If m_Styles(I).Alignment.WrapText = True Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "WrapText", ss, "1")
    End If
    End If
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Position", ss, "Bottom")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "LineStyle", ss, "Continuous")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Weight", ss, "1")
    .WriteEndElement() 'Border
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Position", ss, "Left")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "LineStyle", ss, "Continuous")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Weight", ss, "1")
    .WriteEndElement() 'Border
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Position", ss, "Right")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "LineStyle", ss, "Continuous")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Weight", ss, "1")
    .WriteEndElement() 'Border
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Position", ss, "Top")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "LineStyle", ss, "Continuous")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Weight", ss, "1")
    .WriteEndElement() 'Border
    .WriteEndElement() 'Borders
    Dim myFont As Excel.Styles.Font = m_Styles(I).Font
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "FontName", ss, myFont.FontName.ToString)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Size", ss, myFont.Size)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Color", ss, myFont.Color.ToString.Remove(1, 2))
    If myFont.Bold = True Then .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Bold", ss, "1")
    If myFont.Italic = True Then .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Italic", ss, "1")
    If myFont.Underline <> 0 Then .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Underline", ss, myFont.Underline.ToString)
    Dim myInterior As Excel.Styles.Interior = m_Styles(I).Interior
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Color", ss, myInterior.Color.ToString.Remove(1, 2))
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Pattern", ss, "Solid")
    .WriteEndElement() 'Style
    Next I
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "ID", ss, "DateStyle")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Format", ss, "General Date")
    .WriteEndElement() 'NumberFormat
    .WriteEndElement() 'Style
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "ID", ss, "HeaderStyle")
    .WriteAttributeString("x", "Family", ss, "Swiss")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Bold", ss, "1")
    .WriteEndElement() 'Font
    .WriteEndElement() 'Style
    .WriteEndElement() 'Styles
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Name", ss, "WORKSHEET")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "ExpandedColumnCount", ss, m_DataGrid.Columns.Count)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "ExpandedRowCount", ss, m_DataGrid.Rows.Count + 100) 'Temporary fix: sometimes 1 row is not added.
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "FullColumns", ss, m_DataGrid.Columns.Count)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "FullRows", ss, m_DataGrid.Rows.Count + 100) 'Temporary fix: sometimes 1 row is not added.
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "DefaultRowHeight", ss, 15)
    For Each DataGridColumn In m_DataGrid.Columns
    If DataGridColumn.Visibility = Visibility.Visible Then
    If TypeOf DataGridColumn Is C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.DataGridNumericColumn Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "AutoFitWidth", ss, 1)
    ElseIf TypeOf DataGridColumn Is C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.DataGridDateTimeColumn Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "AutoFitWidth", ss, 1)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "AutoFitWidth", ss, 0)
    End If
    If DataGridColumn.Width.Value <= 100 Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Width", ss, 100)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Width", ss, DataGridColumn.Width.Value)
    End If
    End If
    J = 0
    For Each DataGridRow In m_DataGrid.Rows
    J += 1
    If TypeOf DataGridRow Is GoldCRM.Controls.Filter.clsFilterRow Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Index", ss, J)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "AutoFitHeight", ss, 0)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Height", ss, 15)
    ColumnIndex = 0
    For Each DataGridColumn In m_DataGrid.Columns
    If DataGridColumn.Visibility = Visibility.Visible Then
    FieldName = String.Empty
    If TypeOf DataGridColumn Is DataGridBoundColumn Then
    ColumnBinding = TryCast(DataGridColumn, DataGridBoundColumn).Binding
    If ColumnBinding.Path IsNot Nothing Then
    FieldName = ColumnBinding.Path.Path
    End If
    ElseIf TypeOf DataGridColumn Is DataGridTemplateColumn Then
    If DataGridColumn.FilterMemberPath IsNot Nothing Then
    FieldName = DataGridColumn.FilterMemberPath.Trim
    End If
    End If
    If Not FieldName.Equals(String.Empty) Then
    ColumnIndex += 1
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Index", ss, ColumnIndex)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "MergeAcross", ss, 0)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "StyleID", ss, "HeaderStyle")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Type", ss, "String")
    If DataGridColumn.Header IsNot Nothing Then
    End If
    .WriteEndElement() 'Data
    .WriteEndElement() 'Cell
    End If
    End If
    .WriteEndElement() 'Row
    End If
    If Not (TypeOf DataGridRow Is GoldCRM.Controls.Filter.clsFilterRow) Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Index", ss, J + 1)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "AutoFitHeight", ss, 0)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Height", ss, 15)
    ColumnIndex = 0
    For Each DataGridColumn In m_DataGrid.Columns
    If DataGridColumn.Visibility = Visibility.Visible Then
    FieldName = String.Empty
    If TypeOf DataGridColumn Is DataGridBoundColumn Then
    ColumnBinding = TryCast(DataGridColumn, DataGridBoundColumn).Binding
    If ColumnBinding.Path IsNot Nothing Then
    FieldName = ColumnBinding.Path.Path
    End If
    ElseIf TypeOf DataGridColumn Is DataGridTemplateColumn Then
    If DataGridColumn.FilterMemberPath IsNot Nothing Then
    FieldName = DataGridColumn.FilterMemberPath.Trim
    End If
    End If
    If Not FieldName.Equals(String.Empty) Then
    ColumnIndex += 1
    Dim DataCellValue As Object = Nothing
    If Not (TypeOf DataGridRow Is GoldCRM.Controls.Filter.clsFilterRow) Then
    PropertyInfo = CommonUtil.GetProperty(DataGridRow.DataItem, FieldName)
    If PropertyInfo IsNot Nothing Then
    DataCellValue = PropertyInfo.GetValue(DataGridRow.DataItem, Nothing)
    End If
    End If
    CellFormat = String.Empty
    If DataCellValue IsNot Nothing Then
    Select Case DataCellValue.GetType.Name.ToUpper
    Case "BitmapImage".ToUpper
    DataValue = "Image"
    DataType = "String"
    Case "Hyperlink".ToUpper
    DataType = "String"
    DataValue = "Hyperlink"
    Case "Decimal".ToUpper
    DataType = "Number"
    DataValue = DataCellValue
    Case "DateTime".ToUpper
    If CType(DataCellValue, Date).Year > 1900 Then
    DataType = "DateTime"
    DataValue = DataCellValue
    CellFormat = "DateStyle"
    DataType = "String"
    DataValue = DataCellValue
    End If
    Case Else
    DataType = "String"
    DataValue = DataCellValue
    End Select
    DataType = "String"
    DataValue = String.Empty
    End If
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Index", ss, ColumnIndex)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "MergeAcross", ss, 0)
    If Not CellFormat.Equals(String.Empty) Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "StyleID", ss, CellFormat)
    End If
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Type", ss, DataType)
    .WriteEndElement() 'Data
    .WriteEndElement() 'Cell
    End If
    End If
    .WriteEndElement() 'Row
    End If
    .WriteEndElement() 'Table
    .WriteEndElement() 'Worksheet
    .WriteEndElement() 'Workbook
    End With
    End Using
    Catch ex As Exception
    Throw New Exception(ex.Message, ex)
    If m_Stream IsNot Nothing Then
    End If
    m_Stream = Nothing
    m_DataGrid.IsLoading = False
    DataValue = Nothing
    'DataView = Nothing
    'ItemsSource = Nothing
    XmlSettings = Nothing
    ColumnBinding = Nothing
    DataGridColumn = Nothing
    End Try
    End Sub

    i have the same issue now where i need to populate the xport file name as report name. can you send me your solution please.

  • "Missing parameter values."  --  Export and Print only...

    I have a web application and I am using CrystalReportViewer.  I am passing several parameters to Crystal using: 
    report.SetParameterValue(field.Name, Session[field.Name]);
    I have session variables which will hold parameters needed to pass into the report.  The session variables are populated from controls on my webpage after an onclick event.  This even not only populates session, but also passes parameters to the report with the following code: 
    ReportDocument report = new ReportDocument();
    Session["MapPathName"] = "./Reporting/CaseStudy.rpt";
    report.FileName = Server.MapPath(Session["MapPathName"].ToString());
    ParameterFields fields = new CrystalDecisions.Shared.ParameterFields();
    fields = report.ParameterFields;
    foreach (ParameterField field in fields)
          report.SetParameterValue(field.Name, Session[field.Name]);
    CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = report;
    This works great for reporting and is very extensible.  However, when clicking on the "Print" or "Export" buttons on the toolbar I get "Missing parameter values."  I attempted to export manually in code using the .ExportToStream function but I still get the error, "Missing parameter values." 
    I received this error also in Refresh, Search, and Navigate functions.  This was corrected by calling a function that supplies the above code block to these functions.  However, I do not see any events for controlling the Print nor the Export events. 
    QUESTION: How can I print or export a report when passing parameters using CrystalReportViewer?  Thanks in advance!
    P.S. - Crystal Reports XI Release 2
    Edited by: KyleSavant on Jun 18, 2009 5:42 PM

    There are no Export or Print events accessible for the viewer
    Since it sounds like you are creating the reportdocument object in your click event, the settings on this object become out of scope on successive postbacks executed by other events.
    to get around this without major changes, you can place your "report" object in session in this event and retrieve it from session on successive postbacks.  This should solve your problems around navigation, printing and exporting.  What you will need to do is check if the session object exists (usually in page_load or page_initialze) and if so, retrieve it from session and bind it to the viewer's reportsource.  If the session object does not exist, then do nothing (ie you have not clicked your button yet that retrieves the parameter values from session and loads the report).  Also, in your click event you can check if the report session object exists and if so, remove it so that it can be re-created with your new parameter values (ie i'm assuming the only time you want to set parameter values is in this event).

  • Missing parameter values on export

    I am using CR embedded edition as the reports engine for a webapplication written in C# .NET framework 2.
    when i export a report to some formats (not rpt's) I get a "missing parameter values" exception.
    the code i use:
    private void ExportToMemory()
                        //export the report to the required format
                        //second param - reserved...
                        crystalBytes = crystalReport.PrintOutputController.Export(ConvertToCrysalExportFormat(format),0);
                   catch(Exception e)
                        //save this so it can be handled by the main thread
                        threadException = e;
    can anyone help?

    Hello, Dana;
    Are you passing the parameters to the ReportDocument object or to the Viewer?
    There is an article that may explain the issue [here|https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/com.sap.km.cm.docs/oss_notes_boj/sdn_oss_boj_dev/sap(bD1lbiZjPTAwMQ==)/bc/bsp/spn/scn_bosap/notes.do].

  • Y-axis Does not show values when exported to excel

    We are facing trouble while showing Y-axis values when report is exported to excel. On report Y-axis is shown properly however when we export it to excel only 1 value is shown with arrow mark(=>).
    If we will right click Y axis, we can see all data exported in "Select Data". If we select Y-axis, and change axis properties to automatic, we can see Y-axis values on excel.
    Now, is there any property setting which will show all the data on Y-axis instead of showing up single value with arrow?

    Thanks for your reply. I tried it closing all sheets and exporting, however result doesn't change. There is an aggregate table we are querying to which holds almost 20k records. Right now I have observed this with 3 reports. In one of the report I am using Horizontal chart. In that report there is issue with X-axis.
    1000<= |
                  A                     B                  C                D

  • Picture disappears after exporting to Excel and saving.

    I appologise if this question has been asked before, but I did try search past posts.
    I am using CR4E, the latest version.
    I have designed a report with a Logo in the Page Header. (JPG). If I export the report as a Excel Report (Page Based), the
    Picture is displayed as expected.
    I can open and close the Excel Report as many times as I want and the picture remains. BUT as soon as I make a change to the
    spreadsheet, and save, the Picture disappears.
    I have tried using a BMP file, but still the same, I have tried having the picture in different sections but no luck.
    If anyone has any ideas as to how I can keep the picture after saving the Excel version I would be greatly in your debt.

    I have managed to find a work around, although I am not 100% why it works but it does.
    I was unable to find a solution to the problem using the Eclipse version of CR, but I found a version of CR2008 at the office, and
    using that, inserted a OLE Object attached to my Logo (JPG) and placed this OLE object on the report. My original Picture of the logo was left in its correct placement.
    With this OLE Object, it appears that I am not able to export the XLS file and then manipulate the spreadsheet and save as many times
    as I wish and the logo remains.
    The only issue I have with the OLE Object, and this is probably down to my lack of knowledge, is that the Object contains
    a text reference to the file name "Company_Logo.jpg" and that it. It does not display the picture or anything but the text.
    I am then unable to hide this text or change the colour of the font to "hide" it. What I have had to do is make the object as small
    as possible and place it in the bottom right corner of the report and hope no one notices it
    So as you can see my solution is not the greatest but it is working.
    Krishnan, I tried you suggestion of moving it the picture object back and forward did not help, and then your File Export Options
    idea is not possible in Eclipse Crystal Reports (not that I could find). What version of CR would you be refering to?
    Thanks for the suggestions/help.

  • Column values shift towards left for null values when export to excel

    Post Author: pssuresh
    CA Forum: Exporting
    I have a strange problem when using crystal report 10 export through C# Code. Consider in a row there are 3 columns and i am exporting to excel. ex.Student_id,Student_name,Student_Section. If Student_name values are null, then student_section values get displayed under student_name. There is a column shift towards left when there are null values. If anybody has already faced this problem, please post ur answer.
    Note:  When i just export to excel directly from crystal report, it works fine. i face problem only when i export through .Net code. I guess it is the problem with some formatting through code. if any body has fix, let me know.

    Post Author: pssuresh
    CA Forum: Exporting
    Thanks for your reply. Even i have done the same thing yesterday to solve that problem. But we have nearly 100 of reports and started migrating now. The best solution crystal reports suggest is this.

  • Missing characteristics value in table AUSP

    Hi all,
    In the classification of equipment master, the characteristics value of a new class could be shown but the value cannot be found in the table AUSP.
    (it's been ensured that the object no. input is correct)
    Where is the value stored? or is there something wrong?
    Many Thanks!

    check CABN table.

  • Missing report header when exporting to Excel

    When exporting to Excel from an ASP.NET application (Visual Studio 2003), some reports do not include the report header section.  The reports headers are there when exporting to PDF.
    I cannot see any obvious difference between the reports that export the report header and those that do not.  I believe that I have the latest service pack.

    I am using Microsoft Development Environment 2003 Version 7.1.6030.  The About Box only says Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET.  It does not show a version number.
    I have not been able to find any information regarding ExportHeaderAndFooter or even ExportHeader.  They do not appear to be options in this version of Crystal.
    I have tried reducing the report header to a simple text object that works OK on another report but it will still not export on this one.  The report footer does export OK though.

  • Query SQL code gets deleted after export to Excel. "Query must have at least one destination field"

    Hi all,
    I'm getting really frustrated by this Access error. It happens when I export the result of a query through an Access macro to Excel, the first time it runs well but the next time, there is a chance that the query won't run and the error "Query
    must have at least one destination field" will be displayed. After that, I try to check the query SQL code and discover the code has vanished. I'm using simple Select query without joins, only "where", "group by" and "order by"
    Thank you in advance for your help,
    One of these queries are like the following (all of them are of this type):
    SELECT Field1, field2, field3, field4, field5, Sum(Field6) AS SumOfField6, Sum(Field7) AS SumOfField7
    FROM Table1
    WHERE Field6 is not null
    GROUP BY Field1, field2, field3, field4, field5
    Order By Sum(Field6) desc

    Hi Peter, 
    Thank you for your response, I updated the original question with one of the codes.

  • After Export to excel response handler, control does not restore

    I am downloading an excel file from a bsp page using the following code. However, after the download the control does not come back to the page from where the download was done. l_xml_xstring variable has the data in xstring format.
      lv_content_type = 'application/vnd.ms-excel'.            
        -> create response
      runtime->server->response->set_header_field( name  = if_http_header_fields=>content_type "'Content-Type'
                                          value = lv_content_type ).
      runtime->server->response->set_header_field( name  = 'content-disposition'
                                          value = 'attachment; filename=output.xls' ).
      IF NOT l_xml_string IS INITIAL.
        runtime->server->response->set_data( l_xml_xstring ).
    navigation->response_complete( ).
    Is there any additional step so that the control comes back?

    (sorry i really dontknow, because the same works in my case)
    alternate approach.
    for your case you dont have to generate cached response.
    create a bsp page and set its MIME type to application/vnd.ms-excel (in the properties tab of the page)
    within the layout , just have a simple html table with data.
    now call this page, you will automatically get the save / open option.

  • Missing Data Value on Export

    I am using FDM v11.1.2.2, and I am receiving an error during the export step. The export message shows that there is no Value for the record. I have set the Data Value for the location as <Entity Currency>, and I am not sure why the Value dimension is missing from dat file that is produced. The adapter is FM11X-G6-A. I have no scripts in the application.
    Has anyone seen this before?
    Line: 2, Error: Invalid cell for Period Jan.
    Actual;2012;Jan;YTD;2891_DIVN;;FFS;[ICP None];[None];OM;LOAD;-182.49
    Error Message in Error Log
    ** Begin fdmFM11XG6A Runtime Error Log Entry [2013-01-23-11:54:06] **
    Description.....Data Load Errors.
    Computer Name...XXXXXXXX
    App Name........
    Cluster Name....
    Connect Status.... Connection Open

    That did it, thank you. Should be my last question... if I have 50 locations, would I have to go in and edit each one manually? I tried changing just the parent location, but that didn't work.
    Also, I found this in the latest FDM guide:
    Data Value—An extra dimension that is used only for integration with multi-dimension
    target systems. This dimension is associated with a data load location. When FDM creates
    the load file, the dimension value is entered for every data line that is loaded by the location.
    For example, the Data Value dimension is associated with the Value dimension in Financial
    Management. By default, if no value is entered in this field, for integration with Financial
    Management, the Data Value <Entity Currency> is the default value.
    Message was edited by: ffba8d4a-2fdd-47a4-9925-b9293ba8db38

  • Missing option value after reboot ?

    after already a while now, our Mac running 10.4 was shutdown due to voltage problems in the building.
    after starting up, we wanted to continue our work as usually,
    but uhh..... Mac didn't want to do so.
    I have absolutely no idea what happened, but our mail refuses to work.
    Server Admin says SMTP is working,
    but POP and IMAP are always disabled.
    log shows the following error:
    Jul 6 14:39:28 hxxaxxex postfix/pipe[1371]: DC33C1B6C5B: to=<[email protected]>, relay=cyrus, delay=1216, status=deferred (temporary failure. Command output: 421 4.3.0 deliver: empty option value on line 19 of configuration file_ )
    i tried to find errors in main.cf and master.cf,
    couldn't find an error yet tho.
    any suggestions/help greatly appreciated,
    thanks in advance

    after some research and a lucky finding,
    i was able to resolve the error.
    too bad server admin seems to do an awful job.
    neither did it reference to the correct file that was missing an entry,
    nor did it save the conf file correctly, since the entry was already there before.
    i found this article:
    the file/line missing an entry was
    File: imapd.conf
    Line: tlscommonname:
    and no, it's not 10.3 server admin, lol
    i hope no1 else will ever encounter this problem,
    if any1 does tho, may this article help.
    kindest regards

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