More flexibility for cakendars

I have been asked to produce calendars for a number of clients but have found iphoto's calendar feature frustrating as you cannot add artwork or company logo to the lower section of the front cover under the main image. It would be great if Apple could add an image place holder like the ones used on pages templates to add small images where the text is placed to give the look a more personal or corporate feel. - So come on Apple, send us an update!

If you have a local source to print calendars there's a way you can add your additional graphics to the pages.
1 - while in the calendar mode start to Print and select PDF->Send PDF to iPhoto. That will create a 2000 x 1600 pixel jpg file for each page of the calendar an import it into iPhoto. (Note: immediately do a batch rename and set the title to Page. This will re-title the files Page -01, -02, etc. so you won't have any problem keeping them in order. You'll know what I mean when you see the naming convention that is used)
2 - using a 3rd party editor like Photoshop Elements, PS,Acorn or other application that handles layers, add your graphics, flatten the image and save as a jpg. Not familiar with InDesign but it might be able to edit the jpgs also.
3 - you can recombine the pages into a pdf file by using Combine PDFs. It will take graphic files as well as pdf files and join them into a new pdf file. Add the jpg files in order and save. You can have a local printer like The UPS Store (formally Kinkos). They offer calendars which are wire bound similar to Apples so should be able to print your pdf and bind it.
TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto (iPhoto.Library for iPhoto 5 and earlier) database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
I've created an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger or later), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. It's compatible with iPhoto 6 and 7 libraries and Tiger and Leopard. iPhoto does not have to be closed to run the application, just idle. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.
Note: There now an Automator backup application for iPhoto 5 that will work with Tiger or Leopard.

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    @ Barney-15E
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    BTW, I am Roody I guess I should join both accounts in some way.
    Message was edited by: iRoody

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    Have you tried using the BADI - BBPWFL_LIST ??_
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    Please revert in the event of any query.
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  • There is no more space for virtual disk ServerName_2.vmdk. You might be able to continue this session by freeing disk space on the relevant volume, and clicking Retry. Click Cancel to terminate this session.   Time: 30/05/2014 1:16:20 AM

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    After monitoring the host and VM for about 2 weeks, we did NOT have another instance of the above error.
    Sorry for the long winded post, but I wanted to give as much detail given this error has been raised before and snapshots are usually blamed as the cause.
    My question is this:
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    How do we prevent this issue from happening if we don't know the underlying cause?
    I would greatly appreciate any advice or suggestions.
    If I have not provided enough info on the specs or environment, please let me know and I will provide more information.
    Thanks all,

    The type of storage is really based on your requirements, and your ability to withstand downtime.
    iSCSI as you are using with a NAS such as Synology or QNAP.  NAS Selector - Support - Synology - Network Attached Storage (NAS)
    I wouldn't use iSCSI for Exchange or any database.  It's a bit slow.
    Do you have a single physical host?  Then I'd probably to an external direct attached storage.  This would be a card inserted in your host server that gives you multilane SAS/SATA connectivity ( and an external disk enclosure/array.
    For multiple hosts to a single array, I recommend a fibre channel connection to a FC capable switch, and on to a FC connected array.
    We used to use a HP P2000 (on old G1), but it's since been retired.  Worked pretty well once firmware was upgraded.!tab=features.  They can be connected via iSCSI, Fibre Channel or 6GB SAS so they are flexible and reasonably priced.
         Use RAID 6 with your large disk arrays.  With large disks there is a measurable failure rate when rebuilding a failed RAID5 array based on MTBF.
         Use smaller 15K disks in RAID 0+1 for speed on databases/Exchange.
         Use slower 7.2K disks in RAID6 for file storage.
    We are a small hospital and we have 3 VMware servers with dual CNA (FC and Ethernet in a single twinax cable) connections to 2 redundant Cisco Nexus 5K switches and then 4 Fibre Channel connections to an EMC VNX 5300.  It's extremely fast with about 50 virtual servers, but was quite an investment.  One thing we don't have to worry about is down time.  If there ever is an equipment failure, we have redundant everything, including power split between two UPSs.
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  • What is more flexible ?

    Reading the generics faq, I have encountered this text:
    "In general, if you have an API that only uses a type parameter T as an argument, its
    uses should take advantage of lower bounded wildcards (? super T). Conversely, if
    the API only returns T, you�ll give your clients more flexibility by using upper bounded
    wildcards (? extends T)."
    Could anybody please explain me how would somebody benefit
    by using this convention ? Any examples ?

    Hi Simu,
    That's right - an excellent example :)
    Moreover - I do understand what you write here
    and why it's useful here. But according to what was
    written in the sun's faq (let me quote it again):
    "In general, if you have an API that only uses a type parameter T as an argument, its
    uses should take advantage of lower bounded wildcards (? super T). Conversely, if
    the API only returns T, you�ll give your clients more flexibility by using upper bounded
    wildcards (? extends T)."
    An example you could fit into this convention could be (let's quote again):
    public static <T> List<? extends T> doSomething(List<? super T> l) {
       return new ArrayList<T>();  // what else could I put in here ? I can't
                                                       //put just anything since I don't know what the T
                                                       //is going to be, so no subtypes available ...
                                                      //as for formal method's parameter l - there isn't
                                                      //any other benefit  then being able to invoke eg:
                                                      // l.add() .... or is there something else ?
    }So we accept a parameterized formal method's parameter whose
    type parameter is bounded wildcard. I understand that it is useful
    as we are able to call e.g.: l.add() But sometimes it is not that case
    and we want to accept List<? extends T>. So why does author assume that
    List<? super T> is in general better ? (Why is he assuming that in general
    we want to be able to call parameter's methods which have type parameter
    in its signature more often ?) And secondly, as I wrote as comment, what is
    the benefit of RETURNING List<? extends T> ?
    And have a look at what I wrote about copy method again:
    Original from Collections:
    public static <T> void copy(List<? super T> dst, List<? extends T> src) {}My propose:
    public static <T> void copy(List<? super T> dst, List<T> src) {}They BOTH work.
    Thanks for your patient :)

  • The Transform Each Effect: more flexibility is needed please...

    Is this really wishful thinking?
    I was reveiwing recently an episode on AdobeTV with Colin Smith regarding a very neat trick applying a style with Illustrator and repeating business cards on the same page. Very cool idea and way of using that effect indeed. I particularly like the fact that you can store and save that effect as a style so you can use it over and over again.
    A question came up to my mind about an issue and some possible limitations of this "Effect", since it can only resize objetcs by entering  % values but nowhere can one can enter numeric values instead. Of course you can perform that task with the "Transform Pannel" but you cannot do it with the "Transform Each Effect". Let's say that you have many logos on a page that you would like to reduce/enlarge to a certain width or height for each one as 2" width for example, you would have to do the math first to figure our what would be the % and then transfer this result in % to the "Transform Each Effect" so it can do the task.
    In such a case, you cannot use the "Transform Panel"  to reduce all the logos at the same time to a individual width of 2" because Illustrator  then consider the width of all the logos globally or as a "Group" but not each one of them. So you would end up with the wrong result. And, going futher with the math would means further steps and maybe involves then other "Trial an error" tests before acheiving what you are looking for.
    For a better understanding, please view the above video where the author explain and debates quite clearly that point::
    Like the author says at the end of in his video, you can always make a small "Action Script" but it involves more steps andfurther testings. So more flexibility is needed here from the "Transform Each Effect" and I tend to agree with the gentlemen on that matter. As you may know, many of us who are involved in production the simple task of rearranging/transforming logos is performed many times for certain projects. By adding this feature to the "Transform Each Panel" would be a great help to us all. Also, just imagine if that feature could then be save as a "Style", what a great time saver it would be for all of us!
    I know that you can first rezise one object with the "transform Panel" an then use the the "Transform again" command  in order to apply it to the others. But you cannot do it to all at the same time because Illustrator apply that transformation then globally. Also, if the some logos are let's say of various sizes it does not work at all.
    Is there another way some of you may know how to do it simpler? Is there a special "Plugin" available with Illustrator that you may know who could perform that type of task?
    May I finally point out that i'ts not a matter of doing that small task but the pain rather resides in doing it over and over again. So I do beleive that flexibility is needed here for us all...
    Thanking you in advance and looking forward to read you,
    Robert Marchand
    Sorry, but English is a "Work in progress" in my case...

    oh yeah. sorry. Two new errors were generated (same
    type). ...Yeah, sorry I didn't look closely enough.
    May I suggest a different approach? This is far from perfect, but is a big improvement of your current code:public class Inventory
        public static void main( String args[] )
            Iteminfo[] myItems = new Iteminfo[3];
            myItems[0] = new Iteminfo( 01, "Laptop", 15, 2000 );
            myItems[1] = new Iteminfo( 02, "Desktop", 25, 1500 );
            myItems[2] = new Iteminfo( 03, "Server", 10, 5000 );
            System.out.println("Inventory Program Part 2\n\n");
            System.out.printf( "The total of all inventory is: $%.2f. \n\n", getInvTotal(myItems));
            System.out.printf( "The sorted inventory list is: ");
        static void displayItems(Iteminfo[] myItems)
            for(int i = 0; i < myItems.length; i++)
                System.out.printf("Item "+(i+1)+": \n\n");
    static double getInvTotal(Iteminfo[] myItems)
    double total = 0.0;
    // Do the same thing with the for-statement here as
    // well, and add everything to the variable total.
    return total;
    static void sortItemInfo(Iteminfo[] myItems)
    // your sort algorithm here
    Try to finish it.
    Good luck.

  • PFCG - Flexibility for entering Values

    In the PFCG screen where we input the organization values for role restriction, I suppose the options available are not very flexible. Is there a reason for this? Is there a way in which we could change the layout? Could you suggest an Exit / Enhancement option for the need?
    SAP currently provides the option of inserting new rows, which i feel is not very handy. It could be better and more flexible if we had the option to include/exclude single values and range like the laout we have for SE16 (the tabs Selcet Single Values; Select Ranges; Exclude Single values and Exclude ranges)
    Any opinions / advice is welcome

    Scuppered by the post max length, here are answers, please hook up to the relevant points
    We form opinions though experience and trying out stuff for ourselves.  We evaluate new concepts against our experiences, if relevant. 
    The principle of least privilege is a common theory, typically represented in the implementation of an authorisation/permissions concept which is based on the premise that access is granted, not removed.  Ignoring any technical limitations we then see 2 concepts being used and abused.
    SAP_ALL analogy highlights the principle perfectly well.  When you create an exclusion you are saying you can have everything except xxxxx.
    This principle applies from the high level like SAP_ALL to the low level like excluding a field value.
    Why do we not recommend removing a transaction from SAP_ALL? Generally because we know that there is likely to be a lot of stuff left in there which is not required.  The same principle applies to excluding a field value.  Anyone who works in SAP knows that there are always lots of superfluous field values.
    As an example, someone asks for all plants except NNNN.   Security admin builds a role containing * in Plant with en exclusion of NNNN.  In 99% of cases that access would be granted for plant 0001, dummy plants, retired plants etc.  Security is often an inherent control over data completeness & accuracy, in this case that control would be broken.  The same applies for document types, some auth groups etc.
    If we are to use the car analogy, deaths in cars have decreased massively.  Why? because cars are far easier to drive and safeguards have been implemented (seat belts, crumple zones, air bags etc).
    Flexibility is great but it comes at a price.  A concept needs to be able to align with design principles & remain usable.  There are lots of additional things I would like to see which you have also raised an interest in.  Just not exclusions in my opinion
    Edited by: Alex Ayers on Sep 29, 2009 1:33 PM

  • IExternalizable more flexible?

    has anyone used the IExternalizable interface? ...
    I have a fundamental question. When I haved serialized my object ... and have saved as a file .... and now I wants to make some changes in the class ... e.g. add an attribute ... I can not re-convert the file into an object of this class ... because in the readExternal method is now one more attribute, which the stored object (file) does not own ....
    is there a way to make this more flexible?
    -- // german
    Hallo hat schon mal jemand das im Titel erwähnte Interface benutzt? ...
    Habe mal ne grundlegende Frage dazu. Wenn ich mein Objekt serialisiert habe... und als Datei abgespeichert habe.... und nun in der Klasse einige Änderungen vornehmen möchte... z.B. ein Attribut hinzufügen... dann kann ich die Datei nicht wieder in ein Objekt dieser Klasse umwandeln... weil in der readExternal methode nun ein Attribute mehr abgefragt wird, welches das gespeicherte Objekt (Datei) nicht besitzt....
    gibts da Möglichkeiten das flexibler zu machen?
    Beispiel Code:
    Klasse A
         var attr1:String;
    Fall 1: Klasse(Objekt) wird als Datei gespeichert (mit Hilfe von IExternalizable) und auch wieder geladen... alles Prima...  
    Fall 2: Klasse(Objekt) wird als Datei gespeicher ....... und nun wird sie Verändert wie folgt....
    Klasse A
         var attr1:String;
         var attr2:String;
    Bei Fall 2: ist ein laden der gepeicherten Datei zurück in ein Objekt nicht mehr möglich.. Error #2006 The supplied index is out of bounds....  was ja logisch ist... wie macht man das jetzt dynamischer!?

    You can try one of these:
    Sites for Ordering Bound Books
    You can also Google for "online books" or "online book creation", etc.
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto (iPhoto.Library for iPhoto 5 and earlier) database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've created an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger or later), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. It's compatible with iPhoto 6 and 7 libraries and Tiger and Leopard. iPhoto does not have to be closed to run the application, just idle. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.≤br>
    Note: There now an Automator backup application for iPhoto 5 that will work with Tiger or Leopard.

  • Suggestion:  Need more stickers for Calendar

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    Any ideas of how this might can be done by Samsung?
    Thanks! I'm enjoying my S4.

    Unfortunately, this simply states how to get to the limited set of options in the Windows Server Essentials Server Backup - which offers a single daily-run schedule (can have multiple times in the day). This is effectively my point in (2), that this
    limited set of options (which I understand may work for some, if the volumes are not too big) needs to allow an Advanced option to have more flexibility to cope with bigger workloads.
    Suggestion (1) is a general comment about Windows Server Backup and the control that should be offered around how it should be controllable so that it "plays well" with whatever is running on the server itself.

  • Making GOA more flexible

    Hi everyone!
    I have to make GOA more flexible, do you know maybe how to achive that?:
    1. GOA is replicated not only as a contract in r/3, but can also be replicated to SRM local contract. Is it possible,  for example by assigning it to local purchase organization in SRM (in Distribution)
    2. GOA can be used as a source of supply in SRM, to be able to reffer SRM local PO to GOA.
    SRM 5.0, Extended Classic.
    Thanks in advance for any reaction....

    The IDOC to be maintained is: BLAREL
    <u>For more detailed information you can visit the links below -> </u>
    Also you can have look at notes:
    - Atul

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    No. iTunes Store only.
    "An iTunes Gift Card lets you shop for anything at the iTunes Store "  >

  • The workflow could not update the item, possibly because one or more columns for the item require a different type of information. Outcome: Unknown Error

    Received this error (The workflow could not update the item, possibly because one or more columns for the item require a different type of information.) recently on a workflow that was
    working fine and no changes were made to the workflow.
    I have tried a few suggestions, i.e. adding a pause before any ‘Update’ action (which didn’t help because the workflow past this action without incident); checked the data type being written
    to the fields (the correct data types are being written); and we even checked the list schema to ensure the list names and the internal names are aligned (they
    are), but we still cannot figure out why the workflow is still throwing this error.
    We located the area within the workflow step where it is failing and we inserted a logging action to determine if the workflow would execute the logging action but it did not, but wrote the same error message.
    The workflow is a Reusable Approval workflow designed in SharePoint Designer 2010 and attached to a content type. 
    The form associated with the list was modified in InfoPath 2010. 
    Approvers would provide their approval in the InfoPath form which is then read by the workflow.
    Side note - items created after the workflow throws this Unknown Error some seem to be working fine. 
    We have deleted the item in question and re-added it with no effect. 
    Based on what we were able to determine there don’t seem to be any consistency with how this issue is behaving.
    Any suggestions on how to further investigate this issue in order to find the root cause would be greatly appreciated?

    I understand that the reusable workflow doesn’t work properly now. Have you tried to remove the Update list item action to see whether the workflow can run without issue?
    If the workflow runs perfectly when the Update list item action is removed, then you need to check whether there are errors in the update action. Check whether the values have been changed.
    Entan Ming
    Entan Ming
    TechNet Community Support

  • The workflow could not update the item, possibly because one or more columns for the item require a different type of information using Update Item action

       I got error  "The workflow could not update the item, possibly because one or more columns for the item require a different type of information "I  found out the cause is  Update Item action       
    I need to update item in another List call Customer Report ,the field call "Issues"  with data type  "Choice"   to yes
    then the error arise .   please help..

    Thanks for the quick response Nikhil.
    Our SPF 2010 server is relatively small to many setups I am sure. The list with the issue only has 4456 items and there are a few associated lists, eg lookups, Tasks, etc see below for count.
    Site Lists
    Engagements = 4456 (Errors on this list, primary list for activity)
    Tasks = 7711  (All workflow tasks from all site lists)
    Clients = 4396  (Lookup from Engagements, Tslips, etc)
    Workflow History = 584930 (I periodically run a cleanup on this and try to keep it under 400k)
    Tslips = 3522 (Engagements list can create items here, but overall not much interaction between lists)
    A few other lists that are used by workflows to lookup associations that are fairly static and under 50 items, eg "Parters Admin" used to lookup a partners executive admin to assign a task.
    Stunpals - Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties.

  • How do I get more memory for my Macbook Pro Spring 2010 13-inch with 2.66GHz Intel Core 2 Duo?

    How do I get more memory for my Macbook Pro spring 2010 13-inch with 2.66GHz Intel Core 2 Duo. Apple says no memory currently available for that model. I have 4 GB memory and 3.99 used. Help!

    macette1976 wrote:
    Now I'm confused. This is the one Crucial told me to get:
    CT3309356 - 4GB DDR3 PC3-8500 Unbuffered NON-ECC 1.35V 512Meg x 64
    Also what do you mean that actual memory is 16GB but with Apple it's 8?
    When I go to the "About this Mac" it says Memory 4G 1067 MHz DDR3, then when I go to System Report it says
     Memory Slot
    Bank 0/ DIMM0 2G DDR3 1067 MHZ OK
    Bank 1/ DIMM0 2G DDR3 1067 MHZ OK
    Sorry I'm clueless. Just don't want to buy something that messes up my machine more than it already is.
    The Crucial site appears to have recommended the correct spec 4gB RAM stick for your model. Please note that you will need to remove the existing sticks of RAM to install new, so you will need 2x4gB to get to 8gB.
    When your model of computer was designed/built, it was tested with readily available 2x4gB (8gB). After release RAM retailers have tested it with higher amounts, and Apple didn't update their quoted specs.

  • I have my own icloud account separate from my family's apple ID for itunes. I need more storage for I have to pay a separate $20/ month to get more storage or does the $20 include all members of the plan?

    I have my own icloud account separate from my family's apple ID for itunes. I need more storage for I have to pay a separate $20/ month to get more storage or does the $20 include all members of the plan?

    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    If your iCloud account uses your family's Apple ID, you will pay $20/year for all your family members. If your iCloud account uses a different Apple ID than your family's Apple ID, you will pay only for you

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    Hi Experts/Gurus/All, We have following scenario in Mediators :- For Inbound Interfaces :- M1-->M2-->M3 M1 calls M2 and M2 calls M3 There are 3 mediators, Mediator#1(M1),Mediator#2(M2) and Mediator#3(M3) M1 performs a FIle Read and do a ABO-->OAGIS c

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    With my iPhone 4, I cannot get things such as music videos in the iPod to play on the Apple TV.  Both devices are connected to the same network, as is my PC, and Home Sharing is enabled.  The Remote app on the iPhone works just fine to play content o

  • Wi fi problems

    I have to be in the same room as my router to be connected to wifi. I have walked thru all the trouble shooting problems with Apple and they haven't worked. I can't pick up wifi from anywhere else.

  • Service Name

    Hi, I have installed Oracle 8.1.6 fo Win 98 on my computer. How can I configure listener.ora, sqlnet.ora and tnsnames.ora to use Service Name: Test. I need to use this any service name on localhost without connecting to the network. Thank's Ondrej nu