More than 1 salesorg in ISA

The question is, if it is possible to have products from different Salesorg present at the same time on the ISA (B2B shop).??
When setting up the productcatalog you define a variant with salesorg and saleschannel as mandatory entries.
When creating a shop, you define which productcatalog and variant is supposed to be used. Allso mandatory.
Is there anyway, that the shop setting do not decide the salesorg, but it is decided by the material. So that different materials from different salesorg can be shown and ordered.

Hi Ajay
Could you please clarify, your answer.
First of all, is it possible to show a material X from sales org 1000, sales channel 10 and a material Y from salesorg 2000 and sales channel 20 on the same B2B shop ???
Or is it nessacary to have both materials created in both sales area to be shown on the same shop. ??
How does the order split work ????
Is there anywhere i can read some more about this order split ??
Do you have any link or documents regarding EOM /DOM, then pleas attatc or mail me directly [email protected]
Regards and thanks a lot.

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    This cannot be done unless these characterstics are related to each other in some way as Charactertics & Display Attributes.
    The reason being when you drill down the 0cust_sales , there is no link from 0Cust_sales to the other characterstics hence there is no prompt for these characterstics to be drilled down.
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    Kind Regards,

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    TÃtulo: Quer mudar sua vida??Leia com atenção!
              Autor: LUIZ
              Data: 19/11/2005
              Cidade: Boa Vista
              Estado: RR
              PaÃs: Brasil
              Eu achei uma mensagem sobre esse assunto e não dei muita atenção por ser um texto muito longo e parecer ser presente de papai Noel, más resolvi arriscar e deu certo. Vou tentar resumir para que vc tbm não ache esse texto cansativo e se quiser mais informções mande-me um e-mail – [email protected].
              Funciona assim:
              PASSO 1: Separe 6 meias folhas de papel e escreva em cada uma, o seguinte bilhete: " POR FAVOR, PONHA-ME EM SUA LISTA DE REMETENTES" colocando seu nome e endereço logo abaixo. Agora adquira 6 notas de R$ 1,00 e envolva cada uma em um dos bilhetes que você acabou de escrever. Em seguida, envolva cada um deles novamente com um papel escuro, para evitar que alguém veja a nota e viole o envelope, roubando o dinheiro. Então coloque cada um dentro de um envelope e lacre. A lista abaixo contém 6 nomes com endereços e você tem 6 envelopes lacrados. Você deve REMETER PELO CORREIO, um envelope para cada um dos nomes da lista. Faça isto, anotando corretamente o nome e o endereço nos envelopes, depositando em seguida no correio. A lista se encontra no final desse texto : PASSO 2: Elimine o primeiro nome da lista (#1). Reordene a lista de 1 a 5, ou seja (2 torna-se 1), (3 torna-se 2), etc.. Coloque o SEU nome e endereço como o 6º(sexto) da lista. :
              PASSO 3: Após feitas as alterações acima, coloque este artigo em pelo menos 200 fóruns e newsgroups.Você pode modificar o texto deste artigo, mas por favor, mantenha a integridade da mensagem. Isto é importante. LEMBRE-SE, quanto mais mensagens nos fóruns, newsgroups e livros de visitas você colocar, mais dinheiro você ganhará!
              O retorno será melhor se você colocar um bom tÃtulo ( ou esse mesmo), que fique visÃvel para todos.
              Agora, coloque o artigo modificado (ou esse mesmo).Existem milhares de fóruns e newsgroups. Você só precisa de 200. Então mãos à obra, LEMBRE-SE Toda vez que alguém agir como você, salvando esta mensagem, seguindo e executando corretamente todas as instruções, 6 pessoas estão sendo beneficiadas com R$ 1,00 cada e seu nome subirá na lista. Assim as listas multiplicam-se rapidamente e seu nome vai subindo até atingir a primeira posição. Desta forma quando seu nome alcançar a #1 posição, você já terá recebido milhares de reais em DINHEIRO VIVO! Lembre-se que você só investiu R$6.00. Envie agora os envelopes, suba o nome dos participantes da lista e adicione seu próprio nome na sexta posição da lista, poste-a nos fóruns e você está no negócio!
              COMO POSTAR NOS NEWSGROUPS --------
              Etapa 1) Copie e salve este artigo em seu editor de texto. (selecione o texto, clique em Editar e Copiar, abra seu editor de texto e clique em Editar e Colar, depois clique em Arquivo e Salvar como .txt) Etapa 2) Faça as devidas alterações neste artigo, incluindo seu nome na sexta posição da lista. Etapa 3) Salve novamente o arquivo. Clique em Editar e Selecionar tudo. Clique novamente em Editar e Copiar. Etapa 4) Abra seu navegador, Netscape, Internet Explorer ou algum outro qualquer e procure vários newsgroups (fóruns on-line, cadernos de mensagens, locais de conversa, discussões) e poste uma mensagem nova em cada MURAL ou ÁREA, ou algo similar. Etapa 5) Para postar entre nesses newsgroups. No campo destinado para digitar o texto ou mensagem a ser enviada para o newsgroups, clique com o botão direito do mouse. Em seguida clique em Colar. Como Assunto ou tÃtulo, digite um nome que chame a atenção, como o meu, ou invente algo parecido. Clique em enviar e pronto, você acabou de enviar sua primeira mensagem! Parabéns...Etapa 6) Selecione outro newsgroups e repita o passo 5. Faça isso no mÃnimo para 200 newsgroups. **QUANTO MAIS MENSAGENS VOCÊ ENVIAR AOS NEWSGROUPS MAIS CHANCES VOCÊ TERÁ DE GANHAR MAIS DINHEIRO ** Pronto! Você logo começará a receber dinheiro pelo correio. Se você deseja ficar anônimo, você pode inventar um nome para usar na lista, contanto que o endereço esteja certo para que você receba o dinheiro. **CONFIRA SEU ENDEREÇO!!!.
              ------- PORQUE RENDE TANTO DINHEIRO --------
              Agora vamos ver POR QUE rende tanto dinheiro: Fazendo uma análise bastante pessimista, vamos supor que de cada 200 mensagens, apenas 5 dêem retorno. Assim das minhas 200 mensagens, receberei apenas R$5,00 referentes ao meu nome na #6 posição. Agora, cada uma das 5 pessoas que me enviaram R$1.00 postaram mais 200 mensagens cada uma. Se apenas 5 de cada 200 retornarem, receberei R$ 25,00 referentes ao meu nome na #5 posição. Agora, cada uma das 25 pessoas que me enviaram R$1.00 postaram mais 200 mensagens cada uma. Se apenas 5 de cada 200 retornarem, receberei R$ 125,00 referentes ao meu nome na #4 posição. LEMBRE-SE ! Estamos considerando um exemplo extremamente fraco. Agora, cada uma das 125 pessoas que me enviaram R$1.00 postaram mais 200 mensagens cada uma. Se apenas 5 de cada 200 retornarem, receberei R$ 625,00 referentes ao meu nome na #3 posição. Agora, cada uma das 625 pessoas que me enviaram R$1.00 postaram mais 200 mensagens cada uma. Se apenas 5 de cada 200 retornarem, receberei então R$ 3.125,00 referentes ao meu nome na #2 posição. Agora, cada uma das pessoas que me enviaram R$1.00 postaram mais 200 mensagens cada uma. Se apenas 5 de cada 200 retornarem, receberei nesta última fase R$ 15.625,00 referentes ao meu nome na #1 posição. INCRÍVEL! Com um investimento original de apenas R$6,00, cria-se uma oportunidade gigantesca. Estima-se que entre 20.000 e 50.000 novas pessoas se juntem à Internet todos os dias e vão para os chats e fóruns. "O que são seis reais para tentar uma chance milionária que pode dar certo?" As chances são grandes quando milhões de pessoas honestas como você estão se juntando a esse grupo?? Lembre-se, a HONESTIDADE faz parte deste jogo. MANDE UM DÓLAR AO INVÉS DE UM REAL PARA OS ESTRANGEIROS .
              IMPORTANTE: O envio das cartas contendo o bilhete e R$1,00, é que torna honesto e prospero o sistema, assim o sistema sobrevive, pois tudo que é desonesto, mais cedo ou mais tarde, fracassa certamente.
              1)Luiz Carlos Rodrigues - Av. Dr. Nilo Peçanha,252 - Marapé.
              CEP: 11070-050 SANTOS - SP
              2)Renato Pontes Eller - Rua Ranulfo Alves,709 Vila Isa.
              Cep: 35044-220 Governador Valadares - MG
              3)Dalton Sampaio - Rua Senador Máximo, 75 - Centro.
              Cep: 57250-000 Campo Alegre – AL
              4)Samuel Rodrigues P. Junior – Av. Ernani do Amaral Peixoto, 195 Apt 701 - Centro.
              Cep: 24020-071 Niterói - RJ
              5)PatrÃcia A de Barros Silva – Rua Maria Teresa Assunção 479 A –Penha
              CEP:03609.000 –São Paulo-SP
              6) Luiz Faustino – Rua Ágata, 238 – Jóckey Club
              CEP: 69313-108 – Boa Vista - RR

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    Dear Shankar
    You have not specified whether the scenario is MTO or MTS.  If it is MTO, stock will be allocated against sale order as and when MFBF is done.  If it is MTS, then go to OMJJ, select Movement Type and give 292 and execute.  Now select "Field selection (Enjoy)" tab on your left and there maintain the option as Required Entry for the field "KDAUF" and save.
    Now go to MB1A, give movement type 292 with special stock W, plant and storage location and execute so that the system will ask for sold to party code.  Give the sold to party code and enter material code, stock to be reserved and save.
    If you see in MMBE now, those stocks will be displayed as special stock.
    G. Lakshmipathi

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    6) I have several websites which I have built and usually upgrade on the windows desktop, usually through Internet explorer, but I can't access the sites properly on the iPad (I can see them but can't alter them) and when sending emails through the websites they won't show the page and I can't navigate the page (the size of the email page is bigger than the iPad screen, but I can't either shrink the page to size or move the page around as you normally would on the pad, any ideas?
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    8) when wanting to alter part of a sentence, I can't always get the cursor in the right place? Sometimes it is simple the wrong line, but often it will only go at the end or start of a word and not where I want it. Is there any way of making it more exact? Again I never have a problem with moving the cursor on windows, either by mouse or on the touch screen function on windows 7. Any ideas? As after pressing the screen multiple times I just want to throw it out of the window!
    IT might just be that I don't have the correct settings (I am a technophobe) but I absolutely hate the iPad and only have it for work emails, it is so annoying that I can get my mobile phone and kindle3g to work fine, but always have problems with the iPad. I am sure it could be good (and for reading emails on the go in the uk it is great, as I like the key board) but it just seems to make everything else difficult.
    i Hope you can help and sorry for asking questions others have, but I am just hoping that something new might have been developed!
    Message was edited by: K Paton

    1) I have upgraded to ios6 and the kindle app will open but crashes and disappears when I try to access a book?
    Try rebooting your iPad, that should fix he issue. I that doesn't work, delete the app and re-download it.  The Kindle books should all be in he Kindle cloud services and you can get them again. I have an iPad2 w/ Kindle app and it works just fine - no issues.
    2) is there any way I can open more than one page at a time, as opening one at a time is hopeless?
    Page as in a kindle book way? turn iPad to landscape position from portrait position. If, however, you mean open more than one application at a time, then no. And not hopeless, as it takes a bit of time to get used to, going from a desktop/laptop format to tablet format.
    3) Is there any way you can replicate the right click function on word? As pasting and copying on the iPad is irritating to say the least!
    It's actually fairly easy. Press down on the word, then you can expand by drawing your finger to cover word/sentence/paragraph/page, hit select or select all then it gives you the option to cut, copy, paste, define. If you want to use a word processing app on the iPad, Pages is a good application.
    4) why can't my Samsung 11 phone connect to my iPad via Bluetooth? A they can't seem to 'see' each other? I may have turned a setting off when I was recently abroad and didn't want huge roaming charges.
    It's the connection on your phone. Samsung Galaxy SII? Android software?  What you have to do is go to the phone's settings and connect via wireless, not Bluetooth. Go to System Settings (on phone) and under Wireless and Networks click 'more' and go to the Tethering and Portable Hotspot option. Set up your mobile wifi hotspot,  name it though it will probably come up with 'AndroidAP', choose a WPA2 security level and put in a password. Go back to previous screen and turn on 'Portable Wi-Fi Hotspot' box. Then on your iPad in the Settings - Wi-Fi section, it should then recognize your phone for tethering. If it's a Windows Phone 7,  I don't know the layout of that software, but presumeably similar.
    5) Why do the submit buttons on some websites not work and how can I get them to? I never have a problem with windows, but it is often a problem with the iPad.
    Sometimes the issue is with the website design, not all websites are optimized for mobile devices - not just iPad but also Android devices. It happens. They're getting there, but occasionally the page might need a refresh.
    6) I have several websites which I have built and usually upgrade on the windows desktop, usually through Internet explorer, but I can't access the sites properly on the iPad (I can see them but can't alter them) and when sending emails through the websites they won't show the page and I can't navigate the page (the size of the email page is bigger than the iPad screen, but I can't either shrink the page to size or move the page around as you normally would on the pad, any ideas?
    It depends on what you use to build the websites on the computer. Recommend a free program on the computer called CoffeeCup Free HTML Editor. I don't recommend using IE period; Firefox or Chrome are my choices on Windows machines. I have two websites that I manage, both using this program. I'm assuming that when you mean you can't access the sites on the iPad you mean to update them? Ostensible there are apps to let you do this. What format are the sites? Without seeing what exactly you mean and what you want to do, it's hard to explain.
    As for seeing full page while emailing within a site, turn iPad to portrait mode, and try to finger-pinch touch the screen to see if that will bring the fuller page  into view. Other option is opening a second tab with same website and just go between tabs to reference material.
    7) finally, when roaming abroad recently, I had no problems using the wifi, but when trying to use the cellular data (using the roaming function) I could not get it to work? The ipad seemed to be connected to the network with no problems, but wouldn't actually update the emails? I tried turning it on and off, but that didn't make a difference. My kindle and mobile phone (both also on 3G ) worked great, it was just (as usual) the ipad playing up.
    If you were outside the US or Canada, my guess is the problem lies within the SIM card in your iPad. If you were outside North America, there are different band levels - I'm guessing you have a SIM thats locked to a particular provider. Band level frequencies differ per country/continent, so a SIM card that will work in Canada/US will not likely work in UK/Europe/Asia/Australia, etc. you will be able to get your emails again when back on a wifi network. Mobile phone may have a different type SIM card (GSM/HSPA) from your iPad SIM. Also, check your email settings.
    8) when wanting to alter part of a sentence, I can't always get the cursor in the right place? Sometimes it is simple the wrong line, but often it will only go at the end or start of a word and not where I want it. Is there any way of making it more exact? Again I never have a problem with moving the cursor on windows, either by mouse or on the touch screen function on windows 7. Any ideas? As after pressing the screen multiple times I just want to throw it out of the window!
    Moving the cursor on a sentence is a matter of putting your finger on the screen where you want it. It's exceptionally easy to do. I'm using the Notes app to write this whole segment and I just need to put my finger where I want to change things and presto it's ready for me to change where I want it.
    Here's a solution: sell your iPad (after you wipe your data off it) to someone who will appreciate it, and put your money towards the Windows Surface Tablet out later this year/early next year, where you can (reportedly) connect a mouse to it. It will have some of the Windows 7/8 functionality that you're more familiar with, or get a netbook.
    - Ceridwyn2

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    * wire from Bundle to waveform chart.
    * options of th chart: stack plots.
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    Thank you for your time
    Marcelo A J

    Since you are dealing with waveforms already, I think you actually want to have an array of waveforms to go into your chart.  You also need to map the plots to the scale that you want to use.  You can do that in the plot tab of the properties window.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines

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    Hi Nancy,
    This screenshot was only for imagination. A part of the code (not all) is below.  In the code there are some background images but they are not seem in live mode.
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <link href="css/my_site.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <link href="SpryAssets/SpryTabbedPanels.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
    <link href="SpryAssets/SpryCollapsiblePanel.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryTabbedPanels.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryCollapsiblePanel.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    #CollapsiblePanel1 .CollapsiblePanelOpen .CollapsiblePanelTab {
        background-color: #003366;
        font-size: 18px;
        line-height: 52px;
        color: #FFF;
    #CollapsiblePanel1 .CollapsiblePanelTabHover .CollapsiblePanelTab {
        background-color: #003366;
        color: #FFF;
        text-shadow: 1px 1px #000;
        font-weight: bold;
        line-height: 52px;
    #CollapsiblePanel1 .CollapsiblePanelClosed .CollapsiblePanelTab  {
        background-color: #C3CFDF;
        border-radius: 5px 5px 0px 0px;
        color: #999
        text-shadow: 1px 1px #000;
        font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
        font-size: 18px;
        font-weight: bold;
        line-height: 52px;
    #CollapsiblePanel2 .CollapsiblePanelOpen .CollapsiblePanelTab {
        background-image: url(images/international.jpg);
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        font-size: 18px;
        line-height: 52px;
        color: #FFF;
    #CollapsiblePanel2 .CollapsiblePanelTabHover .CollapsiblePanelTab {
        background-color: #003366;
        color: #FFF;
        text-shadow: 1px 1px #000;
        font-weight: bold;
        background-image: url(images/TR_Col-WEB.png);
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        line-height: 52px;
    #CollapsiblePanel2 .CollapsiblePanelClosed .CollapsiblePanelTab  {
        background-color: #C3CFDF;
        border-radius: 5px 5px 0px 0px;
        color: #999
        text-shadow: 1px 1px #000;
        font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
        font-size: 18px;
        font-weight: bold;
        background-image: url(images/TR_Gray2-WEB.png);
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        line-height: 52px;
    #CollapsiblePanel2 .CollapsiblePanelContent {
        background-color: blue;
    #CollapsiblePanel3 .CollapsiblePanelOpen .CollapsiblePanelTab {
        background-image: url(images/TR_Col-WEB.png);
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        font-size: 18px;
        line-height: 52px;
        color: #FFF;
    #CollapsiblePanel3 .CollapsiblePanelTabHover .CollapsiblePanelTab {
        background-color: #003366;
        color: #FFF;
        text-shadow: 1px 1px #000;
        font-weight: bold;
        background-image: url(images/TR_Col-WEB.png);
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        line-height: 52px;
    #CollapsiblePanel3 .CollapsiblePanelClosed .CollapsiblePanelTab  {
        background-color: #C3CFDF;
        border-radius: 5px 5px 0px 0px;
        color: #999
        text-shadow: 1px 1px #000;
        font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
        font-size: 18px;
        font-weight: bold;
        background-image: url(images/TR_Gray2-WEB.png);
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        line-height: 52px;
    #CollapsiblePanel4 .CollapsiblePanelOpen .CollapsiblePanelTab {
        background-image: url(images/TR_Col-WEB.png);
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        font-size: 18px;
        line-height: 52px;
        color: #FFF;
    #CollapsiblePanel4 .CollapsiblePanelTabHover .CollapsiblePanelTab {
        background-color: #003366;
        color: #FFF;
        text-shadow: 1px 1px #000;
        font-weight: bold;
        background-image: url(images/TR_Col-WEB.png);
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        line-height: 52px;
    #CollapsiblePanel4 .CollapsiblePanelClosed .CollapsiblePanelTab  {
        background-color: #C3CFDF;
        border-radius: 5px 5px 0px 0px;
        color: #999
        text-shadow: 1px 1px #000;
        font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
        font-size: 18px;
        font-weight: bold;
        background-image: url(images/TR_Gray2-WEB.png);
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        line-height: 52px;
    #CollapsiblePanel5 .CollapsiblePanelOpen .CollapsiblePanelTab {
        background-image: url(images/TR_Col-WEB.png);
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        font-size: 18px;
        line-height: 52px;
        color: #FFF;
    #CollapsiblePanel5 .CollapsiblePanelTabHover .CollapsiblePanelTab {
        background-color: #003366;
        color: #FFF;
        text-shadow: 1px 1px #000;
        font-weight: bold;
        background-image: url(images/TR_Col-WEB.png);
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        line-height: 52px;
    #CollapsiblePanel5 .CollapsiblePanelClosed .CollapsiblePanelTab  {
        background-color: #C3CFDF;
        border-radius: 5px 5px 0px 0px;
        color: #999
        text-shadow: 1px 1px #000;
        font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
        font-size: 18px;
        font-weight: bold;
        background-image: url(images/TR_Gray2-WEB.png);
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        line-height: 52px;

  • We are a family of 6 - 2 parents and 4 children.. We have an iMac, 3 macbooks, a Macbook Pro and an iPad. We all want to be able to share the itunes library, but it keeps telling us that it can't authorize more than 5 computers.  What can we do???

    How can we home share with more than 5 computers?? We are a family of 6 and each has his/her own computer.

    You can't. But iDevices don't count. So you should be able to share the 5 computers.

  • I have a new Palm Pre Plus - can I have more than one Google G-Mail Account on the phone?

    I have a general G-Mail account and it has started getting too busy with advertisements etc.  I'm thinking about changing to a different e-mail address but don't know what yet.
    I have an old Palm Centro I used to Synch with my laptop.  Now I need to do this with G-Mail.  So I created a unique g-mail account that would only contain my calendar and contact information - i called it "palm.last name" - made sense to me.
    When I try to add it to my Palm Pre Plus I am unable to sign in.  I'm wondering if you are limited to the number of Gmail e-mail accounts you can have on the phone.  If i can only have 1 then I don't want my e-mail to be "palm.last name" and give that out to people - that would not make sense to them. 
    I already have a Yahoo Account and I'm thinking about another Yahoo Account to keep some e-mails and instant messages separate from my personal Yahoo.  If I cannot add more than 1 account, this is going to be a problem.
    Thank you for any assistance you can provide.

    Hi, and welcome to the Palm Support Community.
    You should be able to add your second Gmail account without any problem...I have two Gmail accounts on my Pre and have no difficulties.
    When you say you are unable to "sign in", I assume you mean you are unable to sync the email and calendar on your new account?  Double-checking your user name and password are the only things that come to mind.
    I am a volunteer, and not an HP employee.
    Palm OS ∙ webOS ∙ Android

  • Help - I need more than 1000 Notes of 4000 characters

    The 4000 character limitation of Notes and the limitation of 1000 Notes and the length of time it takes to load in Notes make using iPod notes very limiting. I've experimented with a few other options which I explain below, BUT MY QUESTION IS does anyone have any other suggestions on how to work around the 4000 character limitation?
    Here is what I have found to be alternative options:
    Split your notes into 4000 character blocks using the split command (open Terminal and type "man split" to read about the command)
    Install Linux on the iPod. This worked with my older iPod but there isn't a Linux for the newer iPod yet.
    Using Contacts "note"
    Summary: Uses a manually created Contacts file to store text of up to 243,185 characters in length. If creating files manually requires special formatting for linebreaks. Compatible with music playback and iTunes sync.
    Contacts are stored on the iPod according to the vCard standard. vCard stores contact entries in vcf files. A single vcf file can contain any number of vCard entries. The iPod firmware looks for the vcf files in the iPod Contacts folder. The Contacts folder can contain any number of vcf files and will load all of them into memory when viewing contacts.
    Contacts synchronized with iTunes are stored in the iSync.vcf file.
    You can paste your text content into an Address Book entry and sync it to the iPod via iTunes. There may be limits in the Address Book application regarding the amount of text it will allow.
    Using any text editor you can create your own vcf files and place them into the Contacts folder as well. Using the org and note attributes in the vCard entry in a vcf file you can create a contact that can display up to 243185 characters of text. A sample vcf file with a single vCard entry would look like this:
    org:Sample Note
    note:You can use Contact notes to get around the 4k limitation of iPod notes. Doing so requires some changes in the syntax of the text however because the vCard format is fairly restrictive.\nFor one thing any line breaks must be converted to a backslash followed by lower case n.\nFor another many symbolic characters must be escaped by preceding them with a backslash.
    The "org" attribute names the contact, and the "note" attribute contains the text, up to 243,185 characters of text. While a vCard entry can only have a single note attribute, you can have any number of vCard entries in a single vcf file.
    One requirement of this approach is that the text must be edited to a format compatible with the vCard standard. That means that all linebreaks in the text must be converted to a backslash "\" followed by "n", and any symbolic characters should be preceded with backslash.
    The negatives of this approach are that linebreaks must be altered and the notes are mixed in with your contacts. But to the positive they are still viewable while music is playing, and they are left alone by the iTunes synchronization process.
    This method does not interfere with listening to a song. This method is independent of synchronizing with iTunes.
    Using the Calendar "description"
    Summary: Uses a manually created Calendar file or Calendar entries in iCal to store text of up to 20,600 characters in length per calendar event. If creating files manually requires special formatting for linebreaks. Compatible with music playback. NOT compatible with iTunes sync if using a manually created file.
    The iPod supports the vCal standard for displaying calendar information. Version 1.0 of this standard uses vcs files; and version 2.0 of this standard uses ics files. Most calendar programs can export either vcs or ics files and there is plenty of information available online for how to convert data from a calendar application into one of these formats.
    The iPod firmware will display the contents of vcs and ics fles that are located in the iPod Calendars folder.
    Calendar events defined in the vCal standard have a description attribute. The iPod firmware displays the description attribute when displaying the calendar event. It is possible to create a calendar specifically for the purpose of storing text in description attributes. You could create a calendar in a calendar program such as iCal and sync it with the iPod via iTunes, or you could create your own calendar file manually. Unfortunately if you sync calendars using iTunes then iTunes will delete all files in the Calendars folder that it does not directly control, so maintaining any kind of external calendar file is not compatible with syncing calendars using iTunes.
    The iPod can read both vcs and ics calendar files, but for creating your own you should use vcs because vcs doesn't have a line length limit while ics does and requires special line-wrapping. The iPod will display only the first 20600 characters of the event description.
    A simple vcs file with a single fake event would look like this:
    X-WR-CALNAME:Notes Calendar
    SUMMARY:Sample note
    DESCRIPTION;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:=0D=0ALine breaks need to be converted to an equal sign followed by 0D followed by another equals sign followed by 0A. There is no line length limit, so the text can be as long as you need. There may be a reasonable limit imposed by the iPod calendar interface due to scrolling.
    Each Calendar in the file is demarcated by the BEGIN:VCALENDAR and END:VCALENDAR statements. The VERSION statement when set to 1.0 indicates a vcs file (2.0 should be used in an ics file). The X-WR-CALNAME statement can be used to indicate a name for the calendar. If no calendar name is specified the iPod uses "Other".
    Each Calendar event is demarcated by the BEGIN:VEVENT and END:VEVENT statements. Each event requires start and end times (DTSTART and DTEND, respectively), a SUMMARY which is the event title, and the DESCRIPTION which is the text you wish to read. Linebreaks in the description text must be converted to "=0D=0A".
    The negatives of this approach are that linebreaks must be altered and the notes are attached to specific dates in the calendar so to find them you would need to navigate to those dates. Of course you could put all notes on the same date, or use different dates or even different calendars (within the same vcs file or not) to organize them.
    This method does not interfere with listening to a song. This method is NOT compatible with syncing Calendars with iTunes if you are using a manually created file.
    Using Music Lyrics
    Summary: Uses the Lyrics section of fake songs to store text of up to 10,000 characters in length per song. Does not require special formatting of text. Incompatible with music playback. Requires the text to be stored in iTunes.
    iTunes allows the lyrics of a song to be attached to the ID3 tags of the song and viewed on the iPod while the song is playing. Technically lyrics can be up to 256 MB in length, but the iPod will only display the first 10000 characters.
    Using lyrics allows notes to be sorted into playlists just as songs are which could be helpful for organizing them. To attach lyrics though there must be a song as well. It is possible to create a very small MP3 that can be used just to attach lyrics to. The process for doing so is described in forum message 2331260, but the short story is:
    - In the iTunes main library window, select a track you want to chop up, and select "Get info". The track cannot be a protected AAC track such as those purchased from the Apple Music Store.
    - Go to the "Options" tab. Set "Start Time" and "Stop Time", corresponding to the start and finish of the chunk of song you want to chop out. Click "OK".
    - Right-click on the track again in the main library window and select "Convert selection to XXX". (The XXX will be whatever file format you happen to have set in your iTunes Importing preferences at the time.)
    - After a little while, iTunes will spit out a second, smaller copy of the track, containing just the music between the Start and Stop times you set in the original track. Rename the new track as you please. You can then use iTunes to paste the lyrics to this song clip.
    The negatives of this approach are that it requires synchronization with iTunes, requires storage of the text on your computer as well as your iPod, requires the creation of fake songs in your Library, and cannot be used while a song is playing (unless the song you are listening to is the song that has the text you want to read in its lyrics).
    Advantages are that this method does not require any editing of the text regarding linebreaks, and this method allows playlists to be used to organize the notes.
    While all of these methods work, none of them are completely ideal. If Contacts could be stored in hierarchical folders then that method would be pretty good.
    Are there any other alternatives that people have found to work well to work around this iPod limitation of 1000 max notes of 4000 max characters?

    The iPod shuffle is a music player. The iPods with screens have always been more than that. If the iPod didn't have a calendar, contacts, and notes I wouldn't have considered buying one. Music playing is nice, but I certainly didn't want to carry around multiple devices needlessly. The iPod and a simple cell phone are enough. When the iPhone comes out maybe I'll be down to one device.
    As for the Palm, having been a Newton user at the time I was never impressed with anything about Palm except its size. The same people who bought cheap PC's instead of Macs bought cheap Palms instead of Newtons. Quantity rather than quality won out.
    Apple learned from that and made the iPod a good size to begin with, otherwise it might have suffered a similar fate.
    The only PDA capability the iPod lacks is the ability to edit its content independently of the computer. That would be handy, but it turns out hasn't been a critical need for me. More often than not I need to look something up not change something while away from my office. There is a good side to this though, if I lost the iPod I would not have to worry a bit about losing any Contacts, Calendar events, or Music. Notes though, well that is a different matter, those I backup.
    I guess one person's music player is another person's PDA.

  • Sharing More than One Movie with iDVD????

    Okay.. I would like to know if there is another way to burn MORE than one movie an iDVD project. It seems that sending the movie straight to iDVD creates it's own project, and when you try to send another movie, it creates a completely different project. I know I can send a movie to Media browser but the quality of the movie is much better when I share it via the command in iMovie 09 (Shrare->iDVD). I've noticed that the file type is different when you send it to iDVD than when you put it in Media Browser as well.
    Currently this is what I do.. Share it to iDVD.. Then I save that iDVD project to my desktop. I close iDVD, and start sharing my second movie. I then Control-Click on the first iDVD project and choose "Show Package Contents". I then dig into the trenches of that file to find the movie file. I then drag it to the desktop and delete the first iDVD project. When the new iDVD project gets made, I simply drag the file on my desktop into the iDVD project I want it in and then it works. This seems like a so un-apple way to do this though. I think iMovie definetly needs and update here. It's great if you ony want to burn a 1 movie to iDVD, but what if you want to do more. There should be a way to select multiple movies to send to iDVD or the option of adding a new imported movie to the current project in iDVD.
    Am I missing something or is there another way to do this? Is there a good export option in QuickTime? DV doesn't work because the quality I get is horrible. Somehow the shared to iDVD movie is the best quality and it's a QuickTime file via h.264. Is that my best export option? Sharing with the Media browser creates a mv4 file that's much smaller in size, even at the largest setting. The frames are more jumpier when iDVD finishes with it than the h.264 file.
    Any better suggestions? Also, where do I go to make suggestions for Apple. I can't find it anymore on this website.

    Q:Also, where do I go to make suggestions for Apple.
    A: Launch iDvd and then scroll down to Provide iDvd Feeback.

  • Anyone with more than one iPhone 6/6+ in same order getting there phones shipped if all your phones didn't have 9-19 when you ordered?

    Our Verizon account has 10 lines and I figure we're paying over $7,000 a year, when I think of how much money total we have payed to Verizon only to be jerked around and around and lied too over and over again really does make me sick.  6 of these contracts have ended and 3 will be up in next couple months and 1 has a year left so the cancelation fees would not be that bad. And with the other big carrier I've heard it might be cheaper on monthly service. All I wanted from Verizon was for them to do whats right.
    I Ordered
    iPhone 6 16gb  gray
    iPhone 6+ 16gb gray
    iPhone 6+ 64gb gray
    iPhone 6+ 64gb silver
    all on the same order. I finished at 3:19 am est and got a date of 10/14 even though all the phones except the 6+ 16 gb gray had 9/19. Got confirmation email at 4:56 will ship by 10/14 I got worried that all the phones would not ship till 10/14 and contacted verizon thru facebook messenger. They told me my phones would ship in the order received and not be held up by a phone that wasn't available in my order. And based on the time of my order she said 9/19 for the 6 and 6+ silver, 10/7 for the 6+ 64 gray , 10/14 for 6+ 16 gray. On Monday morning my status changed to 9/19:):) in the afternoon in changed to unknown. I called 611 and rep went thru all my phones with a time sheet she had and said i should get all but the 6+ 16 gray on 9/19, she said that one you had to order by 3:00 to get on 9/19. On Wednesday my status changed to 10/14 , called 611 again and this lady told me all my phones had 10/14 listed after them. She told me she didn't know  what to tell me that Apple ships the phones and its out of Verizon's hands because they don't have the phones. then she told me to call Apple (and gave me the phone # ) and see if they ship preorders with more than 1 in a order when their available or wait till all are. I called them ( they laughed that Verizon had me call them) and they don't hold up orders . Called customer service back and guy said at least 10 times ....I ASSURE YOU VERIZON WILL NOT HOLD YOUR PHONES!!!  i said of course they're not actually putting them in a box and waiting for all, they're sending them to other people who ordered after me. I asked him if my order could be separated/ rebuilt and do a (jump the line request)  so i could get my phones when i should. He said there is no such thing at verizon....he has worked there many years and if there was he would know. Someone posted # to Internet orders so i called them Thursday morning, spoke to a very nice guy he said my phones that i should get i would and i should get an e-mail later that day and if i didnt get anything by 8:00 pm to call back. Before we hung up i asked if I didn't  get anything did he know if they could cancel/separate/rebuild and do jump the line, he said they can do that and put me on hold while he spoke with a supervisor, he came back and said if nothing happened that day they would do that with my order. I got nothing, called Internet orders back at 8:30pm... went thru my history and asked them to do the rebuild. She transferred me to supervisor who REFUSED to rebuild my order, that is only for orders that have a technical error. She was also the first person from Verizon to tell me that they DO NOT  ship orders in multiple shipments, they will only send when everything is available. She then said your order was given a delivery date of before 10/14  and that's when you'll get all your phones. I let her know that there is nothing about that confirmation that tells me that the phones that I ordered that had 9/19 deliver by dates would not be delivered then, 9/19 is before 10/14.

    Same thing happened to me!!! They made a shady business move and they should be ashamed. Placed a pre-order for an Phone 6 and an iPhone 6 Plus at 2 AM on the 12th and got my pre-order in line just like everyone else did that morning. The 6 said delivery by 9/19 and the Plus was already back ordered to 10/7 but that's fine, I expected the Plus to be harder to get anyway. Being that both phones were eligible it made sense to just place one order given this hasn't been an issue in the past. However, Verizon moved my iPhone 6 pre-order delivery to coincide with the back ordered Plus so they don't have to ship each phone separately!!! I have to wait for something on backorder while the other is ready so they can save on shipping cost. I expected the one that I pre-ordered IN TIME FOR A 9/19 delivery and waited my turn "in (on)line" like everyone else I should get that when it told me that in the checkout, THEN send the Plus when it becomes available. I even have the confirmation email that says "Deliver by 9/19"!!!  Every company you order from sends you the backorder item when it becomes in stock, they don't wait and hold the entire order for it. WHAT A BUNCH OF CRAP!!!

  • Is there a way to put an item under more than one calendar at the same time?

    I use the calendar to keep track of not only my schedule, but my entire family's. For years I had a calendar labeled 'kids.' Now as they're getting older it would be easier to have an individual calendar for each child. Easier for me to track where they are and they could have they're own calendar on their iphone or iphone touch since we all share one cloud account. However, frequently more than one is at the same activity. The calendar program will only allow me to select one calendar to place an event under; as soon as I select another, it deselects the first. Is there a way to place an event under more than one calendar?
    (Since I'm still the one driving that needs to know date, time, place, etc type details I don't want them adding it to their own schedule - maybe -  on their devides and synching through cloud)

    You can create many calendars. Here's the tip:
    Example: you have 1 son and 1 daughter.
    In iCloud ( )
    Create 1 calendar called Son ( Choose a color to tell them apart )
    Create 1 calendar called Daughter ( Ditto )
    Create 1 calendar called Kids
    Since you are the creator, you get to see all calendars combined.
    Send invitations to each of them
    Son gets Son and Kids calendars
    Daughter gets Daughter and Kids calendars
    So if there an event for Son, just put in that calendar
    If it's for both then enter it in the Kids calendar
    Likewise for daughter.

  • Can I use more than one Apple ID on one device

    I have seen some answers to this type of question before but not that since the ios 6 so will ask again. My household shares an Apple ID and it has worked great as we have added devices and purchased apps.  My problem now is this, we have hit a point where I have work things on my iPad and iPhone that I really don't need to be shared with the whole family but it isn't a major deal or security risk. I don't want to give up the advantages of having the household ID.  Is there an easy way to have another ID on my iPad and switch between them without having major complications?  I am for the most part a techie so not afraid of these kind of things but I can't afford to lose everything right now and take the time to set it all back up so getting advice here.  Thanks in advance for any help you can give.

    You can use more than one apple id, but keep in mind that when apps need updating that you'll will need to sign in with correct credentials to update them.
    Share an apple id for the itunes and app stores, but keep your own for icloud, facetime and messages.
    Managing and Sharing multiple id's with your family r-family/

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