Mountain Lion disk space

Since installing Mountain Lion i have been havimg some HDD irregularities.
I got a few -36 codes when copying some files to my Ext HDD and even just coping on my internal HDD
When i deleted movie files and other bits from my internal HDD, the free space available on the disk did not increase
SMART status of my 6 month old Seagate is fine
Disk Utilitiy verifies the disk fine. Permissions are fine too.
I wiped free space with Disk Utility at 3 passes - suddenly i have my free space from the deleted files back! - Great
The strange thing is, even though i now have this space back, about this mac shows the attached image - which does NOT add up (see other size and total disk size) - How can i have a 180gb other which was that size before i deleted those files?
Any Idea what's going on? I doubt my HDD is broken - but something is not right here.

I've run diskwarrior (no major faults found), onyx several times and gone over my disk with omnidisksweeper.
There are no large files anywhere, and everything points to me using about 217GB of disk space (Omnidisksweeper, Disk Utility, iStatPro e.t.c).
I have no idea where or why system info is writing 180GB of Other - thats almost as much as all the info i have.
Anyone else have this issue?

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    Your disk has been partitioned
    Try to remove the second partition

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    tkensington wrote:
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    Spotlight was changed for Lion;  changed so much that Lion must create a new index for every disk/partition on your system.   Worse, until it's done, Time Machine backups will run at a crawl, or worse, because the backups also need to be indexed again, but seem to get a lower priority than other drives.
    See if the other indexing has completed -- if there's a tiny dot in the Spotlight icon at the right of your menubar, click it and see what it's indexing.  Until that's done, your backups will be very slow, if they move at all.  You may be better off to cancel the backup and turn Time Machine OFF until everything else is done.
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    #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
       0:      GUID_partition_scheme                        *512.1 GB   disk0
       1:                        EFI                         209.7 MB   disk0s1
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    The error messages from permission repair mean nothing.
    Despite the widespread misinformation on this site, there is never a reason to repair permissions, except in the very rare case of a permission error, which you'll probably never see, or a boot failure. The built-in help for Disk Utility says:
    Repairing disk permissions
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    You shouldn't need Mountain Lion drivers you will only need BootCamp that located in your Utilities folder. Take a look at this link,
    Also with Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion equipped Macs, OS DVD no longer shipped with the units, because to reinstall the OS you will need to download the software via your recovery partition on your hard drive. 

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    (DVD RW Drive) D:
    (My Data) E:
    (Macintosh HD) F:
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    After trying to rebuild my data for a month, I have got it all back today. Luckily I didnt need the data during this time. Ok below is the solution for others who find themselves in a similar situation.
    When I had Snow Leopard, I installed windows 7 with bootcamp. Within windows I resized my windows partition and created a new drive E:\ for my data files, Every thing was great and E:\ has all my data from over last year and a half. Also had set up my backup schedule to run once a week.
    December 20th 2012 - D-Day
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    You can see screenshots of my partitions in both Windows 7 computer management  and Mountain Lion Disk Layout in my posts above.
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    Looked for data recovery solutions online and homed in on EaseUs Partition Master at Installed the free version in windows 7 and ran the Data Recovery ->Partition Recovery Wizard -> Search all lost files automatically.
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    A new problem surfaces
    Now when I restart the MAC, windows 7 is missing from the list of bootables. But the solution to this turned out to be very simple.
    See Christopher Murphy's detailed explanation in the discussion here I just read through the 1st few posts on this discussion to restore the windows 7 bootable option when restarting.
    To conclude
    Thanks Christopher Murphy from the other discussion for help on the 2nd half of the problem.

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    Any ideas how to solve this problem would be great, Thanks.

    Welcome to Apple Communities
    If the disk repair doesn't work:
    1. Do a backup with Time Machine
    2. Create a Mountain Lion installer in DVD or pendrive ( on-install-disk/)
    3. Press Option key in boot and press the Mountain Lion disk
    4. Erase the disk in Disk Utility and install 10.8



    Please google search for "Mountain Lion disk crash" before upgrading you mac pro. You might need to replace you Mac hard drive after the upgrade.So many people had the same problems including me.
    Be aware of the Mountain Lion upgrade problem.

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    Folks -
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    Turns out that the problem REALLY WAS MOUNTAIN LION!
    I had a clone of my Mountain Lion disk in my Mac Pro. I do a full clone every night, so I booted from that, and erased my primary disk.
    Then, I used Time Machine to go back to just before I installed Mountain Lion and then booted from the Lion DVD that I had made when Lion launched (see Google for this). I recovered to my erased disk, and 2.5 hours later I had a full 10.7.4 system up and running on my primary disk. This WORKS!!! I have just tried Logic, and the problems I was having disappeared. The Mackie Control surface is now responsive, and I'll bet Logic doesn't run away anymore either. Great tools - Carbon Copy Cloner (I'm a registed user) and Time Machine saved my butt.

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    Another option too for those (kind of like me) who never did the time machine.
    I just restored my computer back to Mountain Lion, and she's working perfect again, as I knew she would. E-mail popping into mailbox instantly as it should and did before the update, printer working fast as it was before update, no more freezing or glitches of any kind thankfully and finally. Here is the link that is through the Apple site to direct you on how to put your system back and get rid of Maverick's, that is assuming that is what you would like to do and also includes link for those wanting to try fixing the issue if that is your preference (most of this info is for those with mountain lion and some with the previousverisoin of OS X lion).
    If you want to keep Maverick's here is a good post on the apple discussion board to help you out:
    If you just want to totally get rid of it and put back what you had before, this is the short version of how to do so:
    NOTE: This particular link has a lot of info on what to do for different situations, it is a bit lengthy, yet still very helpful.
    OS X Mountain Lion: Reinstall OS X (direct from Apple support site, not someone else):
    OS X: About OS X Recovery (also from apple support directly and includes some instructions just the same as previous links above):
    Just in case you aren't sure what it will all look like as you are doing things, this is a link to show you a few pics of what you will see  as you as you are going through the process, it can be helpful for those who aren't sure what they are doing or how to do things at all:
    This is a way to download the Mountain Lion disk info from the server
    I hope this helps someone, it was amazing for me and my system is working perfect again like it was, battery life is way better went from like 3 hours to like 5 (not on full charge by the way, after it sat for a while doing the online update which took a while so that's saying something alone, huge improvement). I plan to wait a while before attempting to reinstall Maverick's, long enough for them to fix the bugs.

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