Mouse Click Inside text Frame

I need to get notification when user click inside a text frame (textStrory). I had gone through the IEventWatcher but I am not getting on which should I place this interface.
Any Suggestion will be  greatly appreciated.

Search for HitTest.

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    How can I respond to mouse clicks inside particular regions in an image loaded as part of an applet in a browser? ie, I want to send these clicks onto the server for the server to handle it and the server should change the image according to the mouse clicks.

    /*  <applet code="ImageMouse" width="400" height="400"></applet>
    *  use: >appletviewer
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
    import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class ImageMouse extends JApplet
        JLabel label;
        public void init()
            ImageMousePanel panel = new ImageMousePanel();
            ImageMouser mouser = new ImageMouser(panel, this);
            getContentPane().add(getLabel(), "South");
        private JLabel getLabel()
            label = new JLabel(" ");
            label.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("image coordinates"));
            Dimension d = label.getPreferredSize();
            d.height = 35;
            return label;
        public static void main(String[] args)
            JApplet applet = new ImageMouse();
            JFrame f = new JFrame();
    class ImageMousePanel extends JPanel
        BufferedImage image;
        Rectangle r;
        public ImageMousePanel()
            r = new Rectangle(getPreferredSize());
        protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)
            Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
            int w = getWidth();
            int h = getHeight();
            int imageWidth = image.getWidth();
            int imageHeight = image.getHeight();
            r.x = (w - imageWidth)/2;
            r.y = (h - imageHeight)/2;
            g2.drawImage(image, r.x, r.y, this);
        public Dimension getPreferredSize()
            return new Dimension(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());
        private void loadImage()
            String s = "images/greathornedowl.jpg";
                URL url = getClass().getResource(s);
                image =;
            catch(MalformedURLException mue)
                System.err.println("url: " + mue.getMessage());
            catch(IOException ioe)
                System.err.println("read: " + ioe.getMessage());
    class ImageMouser extends MouseMotionAdapter
        ImageMousePanel panel;
        ImageMouse applet;
        boolean outsideImage;
        public ImageMouser(ImageMousePanel imp, ImageMouse applet)
            panel = imp;
            this.applet = applet;
            outsideImage = true;
        public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
            Point p = e.getPoint();
                int x = p.x - panel.r.x;
                int y = p.y - panel.r.y;
                applet.label.setText("x = " + x + "  y = " + y);
                    outsideImage = false;
            else if(!outsideImage)
                outsideImage = true;
                applet.label.setText("outside image");

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    Is it possible to work out the insertion point in a text frame by having just the mouse postition?

    Search for HitTest.

  • Mouse Position inside a Frame

    is it possible to get the position of the mouse relative to the Frame and not to the component where I added the MouseListener?
    kind regards

    You could first check where the component starts in the frame and then add those starting coordinates to the coordinates. If there is a faster way to do this please post it

  • Keeping descenders inside text frames (CS3)

    Hi -- I have what I am sure is a very old question, but it's one I have been unable to find an answer for.
    Is there a way to keep descenders from falling outside the bottom of a text frame? Our users run their text frames all the way to the bottom of the pages, and the descenders often get wiped in the printing process.
    Any creative solutions that do not require a lot of manual action by the users? Having them manually adjust the text frames seems quite silly considering how sophisticated InDesign is.

    Any creative solutions that do not require a lot of manual action by the users? Having them manually adjust the text frames seems quite silly considering how sophisticated InDesign is.
    Are you by any chance familiar with the acronym PEBCAK? If you have control over the templates your users are using, you can define the Basic Text Frame object style to have some inset at the bottom of the frame. (I found the handy add-bottom-inset solution here, with the Google search terms "indesign descender outside of frame".) But there is nothing forcing your users to use the Basic Text Frame style, or even from editing said style themselves.
    I can imagine a wide variety of solutions to this issue - another approach would be a Preflight Profile that had the "Bleed/Trim Hazard" option checked, and that had aggressive settings for "Bottom." But none of them are foolproof (i.e. users can turn Preflight off), so the root of your issue must be addresssed with InDesign operator education.

  • Stimulate mouse click inside a tableview column

    I have a table view and one of the columns has a button. How to click a button programmitically on a particular row on click of button which is outside of the tableview.

    It appears you can't do a bidirectional binding to myBooleanProperty.not(), so you need one property for each radio button. Here's the general idea:
    My data model class (the traditional person class, with a couple of additional properties). The two boolean properties are bidirectionally bound to each others' logical opposites "by hand".
    import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener;
    import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
    public class Person {
        private final SimpleIntegerProperty num;
        private final SimpleStringProperty firstName;
        private final SimpleStringProperty lastName;
        private final BooleanProperty vegetarian ;
        private final BooleanProperty meatEater ;
        public Person(int id, String fName, String lName) {
          this.firstName = new SimpleStringProperty(fName);
          this.lastName = new SimpleStringProperty(lName);
          this.num = new SimpleIntegerProperty(id);
          this.vegetarian = new SimpleBooleanProperty(false);
          this.meatEater = new SimpleBooleanProperty(true);
          this.meatEater.addListener(new ChangeListener<Boolean>() {
            public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Boolean> observable,
                Boolean oldValue, Boolean newValue) {
              if (vegetarian.get() == newValue) {
                vegetarian.set(! newValue);
          this.vegetarian.addListener(new ChangeListener<Boolean>() {
            public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Boolean> observable,
                Boolean oldValue, Boolean newValue) {
              if (meatEater.get()==newValue) {
                meatEater.set(! newValue);
        public String getFirstName() {
          return firstName.get();
        public void setFirstName(String fName) {
        public String getLastName() {
          return lastName.get();
        public void setLastName(String fName) {
        public int getId() {
          return num.get();
        public void setId(int id) {
        public BooleanProperty vegetarianProperty() {
          return vegetarian ;
        public boolean isVegetarian(){
          return vegetarian.get();
        public void setVegetarian(boolean vegetarian) {
        public BooleanProperty meatEaterProperty() {
          return meatEater ;
        public boolean isMeatEater() {
          return meatEater.get();
        public void setMeatEater(boolean meatEater) {
      }A controller. The RadioButtonCellFactory does the interesting stuff, binding the radio button's selected property to a property on the model.
    import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
    import javafx.collections.FXCollections;
    import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
    import javafx.fxml.FXML;
    import javafx.scene.control.RadioButton;
    import javafx.scene.control.TableCell;
    import javafx.scene.control.TableColumn;
    import javafx.scene.control.TableColumn.CellDataFeatures;
    import javafx.scene.control.TableView;
    import javafx.scene.control.cell.PropertyValueFactory;
    import javafx.util.Callback;
    public class TableExampleController {
      private TableView<Person> tableView;
      private ObservableList<Person> data;
      public void initialize() {
      private void buildTable(TableView<Person> tableView) {
        data = FXCollections.observableArrayList(new Person(1, "Joe", "Pesci"),
            new Person(2, "Audrey", "Hepburn"), new Person(3, "Gregory", "Peck"),
            new Person(4, "Cary", "Grant"), new Person(5, "Robert", "De Niro"));
        TableColumn<Person, Integer> idColumn = new TableColumn<Person, Integer>(
            .setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<Person, Integer>("id"));
        TableColumn<Person, String> firstNameColumn = new TableColumn<Person, String>(
            "First Name");
            .setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<Person, String>(
        TableColumn<Person, String> lastNameColumn = new TableColumn<Person, String>(
            "Last Name");
            .setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<Person, String>(
        TableColumn<Person, Person> vegetarianColumn = new TableColumn<Person, Person>(
        vegetarianColumn.setCellValueFactory(new IdentityCellValueFactory());
        vegetarianColumn.setCellFactory(new RadioButtonCellFactory(true));
        TableColumn<Person, Person> meatEaterColumn = new TableColumn<Person, Person>(
            "Meat Eater");
        meatEaterColumn.setCellFactory(new RadioButtonCellFactory(false));
        meatEaterColumn.setCellValueFactory(new IdentityCellValueFactory());
        tableView.getColumns().addAll(idColumn, firstNameColumn, lastNameColumn,
            vegetarianColumn, meatEaterColumn);
      public void dumpInfo() {
        for (Person p : data) {
          System.out.printf("%s %s (%s)%n", p.getFirstName(), p.getLastName(), p.isVegetarian()?"Vegetarian":"Meat Eater");
      private class IdentityCellValueFactory
          Callback<TableColumn.CellDataFeatures<Person, Person>, ObservableValue<Person>> {
        public ObservableValue<Person> call(
            CellDataFeatures<Person, Person> param) {
          Person person = param.getValue();
          return new SimpleObjectProperty<Person>(person);
      public class RadioButtonCellFactory implements
          Callback<TableColumn<Person, Person>, TableCell<Person, Person>> {
        private boolean matchVegetarian ;
        public RadioButtonCellFactory(boolean matchVegetarian) {
          this.matchVegetarian = matchVegetarian ;
        public TableCell<Person, Person> call(TableColumn<Person, Person> param) {
          return new TableCell<Person, Person>() {
            public void updateItem(final Person person, boolean empty) {
              if (empty) {
              } else {
                RadioButton button = new RadioButton();
                if (matchVegetarian) {
                } else {
    }FXML and startup for completeness:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <?import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane?>
    <?import javafx.scene.control.TableView?>
    <?import javafx.scene.control.Button?>
    <BorderPane xmlns:fx="" fx:controller="TableExampleController">
    <Button text="Dump info" onAction="#dumpInfo"/>
           <TableView fx:id="tableView"/>
    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader;
    import javafx.scene.Parent;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    public class TableExample extends Application {
      public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
        Parent root = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("tableExample.fxml"));
        Scene scene = new Scene(root, 400, 250);
      public static void main(String[] args) {

  • Can an InCopy editor add, remove and edit a text frame placed inside the main story text frame?

    I think I already know the answer to this which is - no. I'll explain why I am asking the question in a second, but the reason I think the simple answer is no is because - text frames are controlled by a designer in the layout file, an editor using incopy can only edit the text and images placed inside text frames, and so cannot resize them, add or delete them.
    Ok, so the reason I have asked this.
    Is there a way around this so that editors in incopy can edit certain types of text frame that are contained within the main text frame? I'm using these text frames to contain specific paragraph styles, giving them a boxed look and also with an anchored icon in the top left of the text frame depending on the type of paragraph it is. See screenshot as an example of a green text frame that I am using to contain paragraphs of type "tip".
    If it is not possible for editors in incopy to add, edit or resize these text frames (green tip frame in the example above), then how else can I style these paragraphs to give the same visual appearance, but without the use of wrapping them in a text frame?
    One (not so good) way around this is for the designer to add the text frames in the layout file after he gets the content back from the editor, then moving the "tip" paragraphs into these newly created text frames. However when the editor updates the content in incopy and gets these new text frames in their copy, they can not then delete them if they wish to, or if they add or reduce content inside of these green text frames then the frames dont grow to fit their edited content. So I dont think its a solution for the designer to control the adding, removing and resizing of these frames.
    UPDATE: I have just discovered that once a text frame has been placed into the document by the designer and the editor updates their copy in incopy-  they can then use the "Position Tool" to select that text frame - allowing them to resize it, or delete it! Fantastic. But would the editor be able to add these frames in themselves to begin with? Maybe have a document containing all of the objects available to them, copy and paste one of them into the main document and edit its content? Does anyone have any advice on how to go about this? Essentially I would like the editor to control the insertion, editing and removal of these inline text frames.

    True. But when all I am trying to achieve is a border around a paragraph, use of a table seems overkill to me. But if thats the only solution I have so far then I will have to go down that route.
    It would be useful to have an object libraries panel in InCopy so that editors can drag across predefined text frames into their doc via InCopy, but I cant see that option in InCopy. is there one? I have also thought about exporting the frames as seperate InDesign Snippets and saving them to an objects folder, then when an editor needs to insert one into their doc they simply use File > Place > "Choose required text frame snippet". However I have found that InCopy can't place InDesign snippets so that theory was a failure. Is there another format I could use to save the objects and bring them into InCopy? List below shows my findings so far for trying to save/export a text frame from InDesign and then import into InCopy:
    InDesign Snippet (.idms) - can't import into InCopy
    InDesign Document (.indd) - imports content as an image - only editable in InDesign
    InDesign Template (.indt) - imports content as an image - only editable in InDesign
    InDesign Library (.indl) - can't import into InCopy - no panel available in InCopy for object libraries (that I can see...)
    InCopy Markup (.icml) - only imports the text, loses the text frame

  • Unthreading text frames for Idiots

    I know there is a quick way to unthread text frames but for the life of me I cannot remember what it is. I know I can copy the text from the thread & start a new thread. But that seems like the slow way to do it. I swear I held the shift key down and double-clicked but can't seem to get this to work.

    Do you want to break the story into two separate frames? If so, use the Break Frame script in the Samples.
    Do you want to suck the story back into a frame. Click the outport and then click inside that frame. That breaks the story and doesn't leave you with a loaded cursor.

  • Determine mouse click position on jps page

    hi ........ i'm developing registration web application using Jsp and want to determine the user mouse click position on frame.......... how can i do it using jps

    I used to have a lengthy JSP page, which has lot of list boxes. When I click one list box, the other list box value is depend on the previous one. so, I post the form and when I come back it used to scroll at the top. I used to below code to resolve it. I called scrollingPos() fn in list boxes onchange event.
         function scrollingPos(){
              //store the scrolling position in the hidden (whichpos)
              var mypos = 0;
              mypos = document.body.scrollTop;
              document.forms[0].whichpos.value = mypos;
         function gohere() {
              //while loading form, get the 'whichpos' value from the server and pass to scrollTo
              var thispos = '<%= scrollpos %>';
              thispos = 0;
    <html:hidden name="mainForm" property="whichpos"/>

  • Double-click to enter a text frame - selecting text unresponsive

    So frustrating...I haven't been able to find a solution to this anywhere online.
    Let's say I've got an InDesign document open, and have my selection tool (V).
    I double click on a text frame (that is full of text), see that there is now a cursor inserted in the text frame, so I go to swipe or double-click to select/highlight some text, and NOTHING HAPPENS (it is unresponsive).
    I wait a second, and then I can select text.
    But this was not an issue in CS6 on the Mac I used to use for almost 2 years. 
    I could double click on a text frame and quickly swipe text to select, it was very fast.  This second-long delay in responsiveness trips me up every time, disrupts my flow and is really, really annoying when I am selecting and editing different text boxes hundreds of times all day long.  I am using ID CC on a Windows machine now, but the CPU is super fast (16 GB ram, i7 processor) and should not be having any lag issues in InDesign. 
    Does anyone else have this problem?  Is there something in the InDesign preferences that I can change, or is this a bug?

    de_fault, please send a complaint to Adobe otherwise they won't fix it:
    Adobe - Feature Request/Bug Report Form
    Problem description: When switching from the Selection tool to the Text tool (by double-clicking in a text box) there is a 1-2 second delay before you can select text.
    Steps to reproduce bug:
    1. Make a text box and fill with text
    2. Select the Selection tool (V)
    3. Double-click in the text box so that you see a cursor
    4. Immediately try to select text
    Results:  You have to wait 1-2 seconds before you can select text.
    Expected results:  There should not be a delay.  There was no delay in previous versions.

  • Multiple JButtons inside JTable cell - Dispatch mouse clicks

    I know this subject has already some discussions on the forum, but I can't seem to find anything that solves my problem.
    In my application, every JTable cell is a JPanel, that using a GridLayout, places vertically several JPanel's witch using an Overlay layout contains a JLabel and a JButton.
    As you can see, its a fairly complex cell...
    Unfortunately, because I use several JButtons in several locations inside a JTable cell, sometimes I can't get the mouse clicks to make through.
    This is my Table custom renderer:
    public class TimeTableRenderer implements TableCellRenderer {
         Border unselectedBorder = null;
         Border selectedBorder = null;
         public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected,
                   boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) {
              if (value instanceof BlocoGrid) {
                   if (isSelected) {
                        if (selectedBorder == null)
                             selectedBorder = BorderFactory.createMatteBorder(2,2,2,2, table.getSelectionBackground());
                        ((BlocoGrid) value).setBorder(selectedBorder);
                   } else {
                        if (unselectedBorder == null)
                             unselectedBorder = BorderFactory.createMatteBorder(2,2,2,2, table.getBackground());
                        ((BlocoGrid) value).setBorder(unselectedBorder);
              return (Component) value;
    }and this is my custom editor (so clicks can get passed on):
    public class TimeTableEditor extends AbstractCellEditor implements TableCellEditor {
         private TimeTableRenderer render = null;
         public TimeTableEditor() {
              render = new TimeTableRenderer();
        public Component getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable table, Object value,
                boolean isSelected, int row, int column) {
             if (value instanceof BlocoGrid) {
                  if (((BlocoGrid) value).barras.size() > 0) {
                       return render.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, isSelected, true, row, column);
             return null;
        public Object getCellEditorValue() {
            return null;
    }As you can see, both the renderer and editor return the same component that cames from the JTable model (all table values (components) only get instantiated once, so the same component is passed on to the renderer and editor).
    Is this the most correct way to get clicks to the cell component?
    Please check the screenshot below to see how the JButtons get placed inside the cell:
    If you need more info, please say so.

    My mistake... It worked fine. The cell span code was malfunctioning. Thanks anyway.

  • How to give Bold style inside Single Text Frame

    I created a text frame with some text in it. It comes in three paragraphs. First para is the title with two words and below two are small description. All the text is kept in single textframe and I need that to be in single frame only. NOW, I need to bold the first para that is the title with two words. How can I write the code to give bold style to the first paragraph inside that frame? Do I need to take different frame? I want all in single actually. Also I want the entire text frame to give my customized text color.
    Hoping a valuable suggestion
    Thanks in advance.

    Dave, Good questions(s)!!! Details below...
    It's CS2. I need to put some text in all (many) documents I work regularly. Instead of copying from the previous file or any other source, as the text is same for all, I thought of writing the script with the text itself. Running that will create text frame and write the text. Got almost but was unable to bold the title of the text which I mentioned earlier as a first paragraph with two words.
    Also I couldn't give the my color swatch to the text.
    Here is my script:
    var myTextFrame = app.activeWindow.activePage.textFrames.add()
    var myParagraph = myTextFrame.paragraphs.item(0)
    var myFont = app.fonts.item("Arial")
    myTextFrame.geometricBounds = ["11.2in", "6in","9.57in","0.5in"];
    myTextFrame.contents = "First Paragraph"
    myTextFrame.parentStory.insertionPoints.item(-1).contents = "\r This is Second paragraph.";
    myTextFrame.parentStory.insertionPoints.item(-2).contents = "\r\rHere comes the Third Paragraph with extra para space";
    myParagraph.parentStory.appliedFont = myFont
    myParagraph.parentStory.pointSize = 8
    myParagraph.paragraphs.item(-1).spaceAfter = "0.05in"
    Hope this answers all your questions. Waiting for valuable solution. Have another question will ask after I got this. For now, two questions 1) making bold first two words 2) font color

  • Disable Mouse Right click inside Adobe Acrobat PDF plugin

    Hi All,
    We are rendering Adobe live cycle pdf file inside html object tag.
    I have disabled toolbar , navigation bar using navpanes=0&toolbar=0.
    But when mouse right click reenable the context menu again.
    So Is there any way to disable mouse righ click inside Adobe Acrobat PDF browser plugin?

    I had the same problem after updating Firefox to version 4.0 and Acrobat Reader to Version X. For me (Win XP) what solve the problem was deleting the Acrobat Reader Plugin (nppdf32.dll) in the Firefox plugin folder (C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\plugins). So now there is only one Acrobat Reader Plugin left namely the one in the Acrobat Reader plugin folder (C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 10.0\Reader\Browser).

  • InDesign (CS5) beachballs when clicking into a text frame

    I'm working on a document that causes a weird problem: when I click into a text frame, sometimes this causes InDesign to beachball for a few seconds. Activity monitor shows that InDesign takes 100% CPU time - no other activity involved. After a few seconds, everything works smoothly again.
    This does not happen every single time I click into a text frame. It happens especially after inserting sth from a library, or from another document (say, 7 out of 10 times). But it may also happen when copying (Cmd-C, Cmd-V or Alt-drag) a simple text frame within the same page.
    I gets more weird: This only seems to happen in two of my documents (and copys thereof). There isn't anything special about these documents. They contain a lot of tables and anchored objects, but that's true for a lot of other documents, too. I tried copying a table from document A (no problems) to document B (the one with problems). Clicking into this table causes a beachball. Coping the very same table within document A is fine. Even copying the table back from document B does not cause any problems. It seems like the effect is document-exclusive. I just don't know what makes it so darn exlusive .
    This problem occurs on different machines (all Macs, all 10.6, all CS5). The faster the machine, the shorter the beachball time. But even on an 8-core-iMac it easily takes up to 2 secs. Which is annoying, to say the least.
    Any ideas?

    Hmm, what version of 10.6 is this? I thought, as of 10.6.8, Sample Process always included the Binary Images section at the end. Unfortunately, because basically every one of the 250-odd plugins in InDesign has a GetPlugin()  symbol, it's tough to know exactly what is going on there...
    So, all 2126 samples recorded the same bottom 49 stack frames:
    2126 start
    2126 main
    2126 GetPlugIn
    2126 0x1cd60fef
    2126 SendEventToEventTarget
    2126 SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*)
    2126 DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*)
    2126 ToolboxEventDispatcherHandler(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*)
    2126 SendEventToEventTarget
    2126 SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*)
    2126 DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*)
    2126 GetPlugIn
    2126 GetPlugIn
    2126 GetPlugIn
    2126 CEventDispatcher::DispatchEvent(IEvent*, IEvent::SystemHandledState)
    2126 CEventDispatcher::DispatchToEventHandlers(IEvent*)
    2126 CDefaultEH::ButtonDblClk(IEvent*)
    2126 CWindowEH::ButtonDblClk(IEvent*)
    2126 PanelEventHandler::ButtonDblClk(IEvent*)
    2126 PanelEventHandler::ButtonDblClk(IEvent*)
    2126 PanelEventHandler::ButtonDblClk(IEvent*)
    2126 PanelEventHandler::ButtonDblClk(IEvent*)
    2126 0x1f6bb8b8
    2126 GetPlugIn
    2126 0x1cfbf039
    2126 CSubject::Change(IDType<ClassID_tag>, IDType<PMIID_tag> const&, void*)
    2126 GetPlugIn
    2126 GetPlugIn
    2126 0x1afdcfdb
    2126 0x1afdc658
    2126 0x1afdb09c
    2126 0x1cfa0675
    2126 PanelView::Show(short)
    2126 PanelView::ParentsVisibleStateChanged(short)
    2126 CControlView::DoAutoAttach()
    2126 GetPlugIn
    2126 PanelView::Show(short)
    2126 CControlView::Show(short)
    2126 CComboBoxView::DoAutoAttach()
    2126 CControlView::DoAutoAttach()
    2126 CFontFamilyObserver::AutoAttach()
    2126 CFontFamilyObserver::Init(short)
    2126 0x1e757c45
    2126 GetPlugIn
    2126 GetPlugIn
    2126 GetPlugIn
    2126 GetPlugIn
    2126 GetPlugIn
    2126 StoryEndCharHelper::FixEndCharacterSingleStory(UIDRef const&)
    (Sorry, that's kind of long. Maybe I should have formatted it differently?)
    But clearly it has something to do with Fonts (CFontFamilyObserver), and something to do with one particular story (FixEndCharacterSingleStory()).
    Then when we look actually closer to the top of the stack:
        2121 StoryEndCharHelper::FixEndCharacterSingleThread(ITextModel*, long, long)
          2121 StoryEndCharHelper::GetFontAttributes(ITextModel*, long, boost::shared_ptr<AttributeBossList>*)
            2119 GetPlugIn
              1154 AttributeScanner::AttributeScanner(IComposeScanner const*, long, long, IDType<ClassID_tag> const*, IDType<ClassID_tag> const*, AttributeScanner::AttributeClassification)
                1151 AttributeScanner::ReadAttributeChunk(short)
                  1143 AttributeScanner::ReadAttributesFromVOS(VOS_SimpleCursor*, short, short)
                    1120 AttributeScanner::ReadAttributesFromRunIn(AttributeBossList const*, long*, short)
                      1117 GetPlugIn
                        1116 GetPlugIn
                          1102 GetPlugIn
                            1011 GetPlugIn
                              963 GetPlugIn
                                889 GetPlugIn
                                  768 GetPlugIn
                                    658 boost::basic_regex<int, boost::icu_regex_traits>::do_assign(int const*, int const*, unsigned int)
                                      596 boost::re_detail::get_icu_regex_traits_implementation(icu_3_6::Locale const&)
                                        587 icu_3_6::Collator::createInstance(icu_3_6::Locale const&, UErrorCode&)
                                          586 icu_3_6::Collator::makeInstance(icu_3_6::Locale const&, UErrorCode&)
                                            581 icu_3_6::RuleBasedCollator::RuleBasedCollator(icu_3_6::Locale const&, UErrorCode&)
                                              578 icu_3_6::RuleBasedCollator::setUCollator(char const*, UErrorCode&)
                                                578 ucol_open_internal_3_6
              958 AttributeScanner::GetSameRunLength()
                958 AttributeScanner::ReadAttributeChunk(short)
                  958 AttributeScanner::ReadAttributesFromVOS(VOS_SimpleCursor*, short, short)
                    944 AttributeScanner::ReadAttributesFromRunIn(AttributeBossList const*, long*, short)
                      942 GetPlugIn
                        941 GetPlugIn
                          933 GetPlugIn
                            865 GetPlugIn
                              812 GetPlugIn
                                744 GetPlugIn
                                  647 GetPlugIn
                                    538 boost::basic_regex<int, boost::icu_regex_traits>::do_assign(int const*, int const*, unsigned int) 
    Well, I made some attempt to filter out the weeds. A substantial amount of time is spent in the regular expression library. Do you have GREP styles? They may be part of the problem.
    If we can resolve this without needing to know which GetPlugIn() are which, that would be helpful. Otherwise you'll need to [maybe?] upgrade to 10.6.8; force a crash (View > Send Signal > Abort (SIGABRT)) in Activity Monitor, which may not be easy to do usefully, since if the crash happens during one of the unremarkable parts of the beachball, it won't tell us anything; break out fancier less user-friendly tools like or gdb.
    I don't suppose you're familiar with any of those tools?
    So, I would try removing all your non-system fonts and seeing if that changes the behavior. Or tightening up GREP styles...
    Or pulling out the heavy guns.

  • Changing mouse click text select in term windows

    Minor nit/question -
    When you click on text in the terminal window, it only selects up to a non-word character (i.e. it stops selecting at punctuation, so trying to click on Foo::Bar to select it all, it goes first to Foo (stopped by the ':') and then selects the entire line on the next click.
    Most Linux flavors seem to go by whitespace - first click selects everything that is between whitespace, even if it includes non-alpha characters (thus you get Foo::Bar with one click); then the next click selects the whole line. Having gotten used to that, the Mac behavior is... annoying.
    So - how does one change it? Can it be user-config'd?
    Thanks for any assistance.

    I have actually found out what the issue is. I have called a javascript method onblur of the text element which is present in the suggest region. This onblur method is interfering with the mouse click event of the auto complete suggestions shown. If i remove the onblur method, everything is working fine. I have simulated the issue in the html file present in the compressed folder attached herwith. In that i am actually throwing an alert on blur where as in real scenario i have some other functionalities to be handled on blur.
         For clarity i will explain the real scenario as well. When the user selects a suggestion from the auto complete div, the value will be placed in the text box and on blur of the text box, the dataset will be filtered based on the value in the text box.  Few pointers on this issue:
    The on blur functionality does not interfere when we select a suggestion using down arrow in key board.
    If i use mouse click to select then i have to wait for few milliseconds extra with the mouse clicked on the value before releasing it, so that the selected value is available in the textbox. Within this few milliseconds, the onblur function gets executed and then self.nodeClick is executed thus placing the value in the textbox. But forcing the user to keep the mouse clicked on the value for sometime will not sound good.
         Kindly advise as to how this issue could be handled.

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