Mouseover Popups on Report

Hi there,
I'm working on an application which allows users to create a letter from pre-created paragraphs.
I've got it set up so they click on a button which opens a popup displaying a report with columns for select, paragraph name and paragraph text. When selected the paragraph text is inserted into the HTML editor on the calling page.
What I would like to do is lose the column for paragraph text and just have it displayed on mouseover of the paragraph name - a bit like on some forums where you can hover over a thread title & get the text of the opening post.
Can anyone point me in the right direction as to how I would accomplish this (assuming it is possible).

Hi Martin
One method is to set this in the paragraph name column's HTML Expression field:
You can do a similar thing with link attributes.

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    How are you passing values to the IR filter? There could be a possibility that you source logic is truncating the leading zeros.

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    Without using any funky JavaScript, try adding a TITLE
    attribute to your
    IMG tags:
    <img src="image.jpg" alt="" title="Pop-up text here" />
    Adobe Community Expert

  • Mouseover popup on comment bubble report

    Application Express
    Internet Explorer - 8
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    Theme - Productivity - 26
    Hi I have a report based on the comment bubble template, what I need is to show a popup on mouseover to show more information. I looked at the packaged applications that come with Apex 4.2 and the Artwork Cataloge application seems to have a region based on plsql and on mouseover a really nice popup appears showing more information. I am wondering how I could do the same for my comment bubble report using this method. I'm not sure how to do it as my report/region is not based on plsql. Can anyone help me, I'm new to Apex so still finding my feet.

    Here is a the code from the "Recent bugs" region, but stripped of their complexity - and stripped of identifying objects from my code, so you pretty much just need to fill in the sql, and clean it up... it was very quick and dirty
      d                     date;
      l_status              varchar2(30);
      d := sysdate;
      sys.htp.p('<ul class="detailedStatusList">');
      for c1 in (
        SELECT ...
        FROM ...
      ) loop
        sys.htp.p(' <a h...ref="'||apex_util.prepare_url('f?p='||:app_id||':61:'||:app_session||'::NO:61,RP:Pn_item_ID:'||sys.htf.escape_sc(||'">');
        --sys.htp.p('     <img src="'||sys.htf.escape_sc(replace('#IMAGE_PREFIX#e2.gif','#IMAGE_PREFIX#',:image_prefix))||'" alt="" />');   
        sys.htp.p('     <span>'||sys.htf.escape_sc(substr(c1.description,1,150))||'</span>');
        sys.htp.p(' <section class="detailedListTooltip">');
        sys.htp.p('   <h4>Callup List: '||sys.htf.escape_sc(c1.description)||'</h4>');
        sys.htp.p('       <ul>');
        sys.htp.p('     <li>');
        sys.htp.p('       <label>Created by</label>');
        sys.htp.p('       <span>'||sys.htf.escape_sc(c1.created_by)||'</span>');
        sys.htp.p('     </li>');
        sys.htp.p('     <li>');
        sys.htp.p('       <label>Created</label>');
        sys.htp.p('       <span>'||sys.htf.escape_sc(apex_util.get_since(c1.created_date))||'</span>');
        sys.htp.p('     </li>');
        sys.htp.p('     <li>');
        sys.htp.p('       <label>Created date</label>');
        sys.htp.p('       <span>'||sys.htf.escape_sc(c1.created_date)||'</span>');
        sys.htp.p('     </li>');
        sys.htp.p('     <li>');
        sys.htp.p('       <label>(Group)</label>');
        sys.htp.p('       <span>(distribution)</span>');
        sys.htp.p('     </li>');
        for r_rec in  (
    select cg.group_name
          ,listagg((select  from )||' ('||cnt||')','<br>') within group (order by cnt desc) la
    from  cg
        ,(select count(*) cnt,
          from  ci
          group by ) ci
    group by cg.
    order by cg.order_seq
        ) loop
        end loop;
        sys.htp.p('       </ul>');
        sys.htp.p(' </section>');
      end loop;
    end;I've worked out how to translate it into a list template, so all you need to do is feed a query and you get the standard layout - I'll blog the instructions when I get a chance.

  • Disable registration popup Crystal Reports XI

    Post Author: RichardF
    CA Forum: Deployment
    I have made a silent deployment of Crystal Reports XI. Because i dont want the user to get the registration popup when crystal reports is started for the first time, i was wondering if i can disable it with a registry setting. (or a maybe there is a better solution)
    thanks Richard

    Post Author: mteegarden
    CA Forum: Deployment
    Depending on how you are running your silent deployement, you could just add the registration key to the registry at the end of your silent installation.
    &#91;HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Business Objects\Suite 11.5\Crystal Reports\Keycodes\CR Pro&#93; "Serial"="Valid 10 digit reg#"
    Since we have so many installations and we don't want every one of our users registering their products, we use this method.

  • Mouseover popup window

    When I mouseover a hotspot on my image I want to display a
    box or window with more information?
    Like google and netflix :)
    Thank you

    rockhiker wrote:
    > When I mouseover a hotspot on my image I want to display
    a box or window with more information?
    Use the Spry Tooltip widget in Dreamweaver CS4. If you don't
    have CS4,
    you can hand-code it by using the Spry framework:
    David Powers, Adobe Community Expert
    Author, "The Essential Guide to Dreamweaver CS3" (friends of
    Author, "PHP Solutions" (friends of ED)

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    Furthermore, when I have the column in the query analyzer i have created a caracteristic variable so we can see the first month of the interval but i would to print the entire intervall (200604 - 200703 instead of 200604). Do you know how can I do that?
    Thanks a lot,

    The best way is to add 2 attributes to your IO: one is only chars and second is numeric.
    Question "how to fill them" depends on which system you use: 3.5 or 7.
    In BI 7, in transformations set "rule type" for these objects "formula" and use formulas LEFT and RIGHT
    For example the value is AAA123. For char IO use LEFT(3, YOURINFOOBJ) - result will be AAA
    For numeric IO use RIGHT(3,YOURINFOOBJ). result will be 123.
    Then in BEx add 2 this attributes to your query.
    In BW 3.5 the formulas will be the same but insert them into update rules.

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    Read this -

  • Create Mouseover Popup

    I have an image that I have sectioned off into four hotspot
    quadrants, what I want to do is when you mouse over a quadrant is
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    Yes. For a 'text bubble' you can use DW's SetText behavior to
    change the
    text content of any element on the page that has your
    selected ID attribute
    value. For an image swap you can use a disjoint rollover (see
    here -
    depending on your skill level, you could use something like
    'boxover' found
    here -
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "lwieskam" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:gdabgv$dsj$[email protected]..
    >I have an image that I have sectioned off into four
    hotspot quadrants, what
    > want to do is when you mouse over a quadrant is to
    display a text bubble
    > or an
    > image in a specific location on the page, is this

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    My Message Popup is reported as:
       Verify that the Installed memory (RAM) is 1.96 GB: Passed
            Button Index:             1
    What is the best way to prevent reporting the Button Index line?

    For your step in the sequence open Step.Result in Variables pane, right click on ButtonHit, select Advanced>Edit Flags and uncheck "Include in Report" property. It is checked by default for custom step types created as combined types with the Message Popup general type.
    That should be done for all instances of these step. When I tried just to incheck the "Include in Report" property in my step type, somehow it is still checked for all newly created steps of this step type. Possible solutions (besides changing them all manually as I described above) are to modify them at drop time from OnNewStep custom substep or to create automated script and run it on your sequences after creation to modify the flag.
    Let me know if you need help with these solutions.
    Sergey Kolbunov
    CLA, CTD

  • How to call a popup report

    How to call a popup window report

    Hi ,
    Try this link -
    sathya - ** Mark as answered if my post solved your problem and Vote as helpful if my post was useful **.

  • Report RSEOUT00 - Window popup

    Hi Experts,
    is it possible to deactivate the window popup from Report RSEOUT00 ?
    I call it into my report by using following code :
    SUBMIT rseout00 
                   WITH p_rcvpor = d_portnr
                   AND RETURN.

    The only other way I can think of without using BDC okcode on the pop-up box etc. is to use the Submit Via Job option i.e. to submit the RSEOUT program as a background job. I found a nice example under ABAP Keyword Documentation->Call and Exit Program Units->Starting Programs->Calling an Executable Program->Submit->Submit-job_options. It goes like this:
    DATA: number TYPE tbtcjob-jobcount,
          name TYPE tbtcjob-jobname VALUE 'JOB_TEST',
          print_parameters TYPE pri_params.
        jobname          = name
        jobcount         = number
        cant_create_job  = 1
        invalid_job_data = 2
        jobname_missing  = 3
        OTHERS           = 4.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
      SUBMIT submitable TO SAP-SPOOL
                        SPOOL PARAMETERS print_parameters
                        WITHOUT SPOOL DYNPRO
                        VIA JOB name NUMBER number
                        AND RETURN.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
            jobcount             = number
            jobname              = name
            strtimmed            = 'X'
            cant_start_immediate = 1
            invalid_startdate    = 2
            jobname_missing      = 3
            job_close_failed     = 4
            job_nosteps          = 5
            job_notex            = 6
            lock_failed          = 7
            OTHERS               = 8.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    Hope this helps.

  • Pop up text on clicking link on a sql report

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    I've a sql report like below
    taskId(edit) Task_details Notes owner .....
    What I want to do is if I click on taskId which is edit link ,pop up text box should open where I can add notes to that row.
    How can I achive this?
    Thanks in advance

    Take a look at the following blog posts and see if they can help you get what you are looking for (there are sample applications in them showing the functionality):
    Hope that's useful for you.

  • Popup from ALV for displaying full text = problems!!!

    Dear all,
       I created an ALV to display data. In this ALV, I have a text column, which just show FIRST 30 characters of the original text.
      Now I want to double click on that field, and it will pop up a small window to show full text (the original text, unknown length).
    I made lots of references and I decided to use FM POPUP_WITH_TABLE because of some reasons:
    a)  the original text is retrieved from another FM READ_TEXT. After the call of READ_TEXT, the text will be stored into an internal table. Then, it can be passed to POPUP_WITH_TABLE without more modification.
    b) POPUP_WITH_TABLE can show the text more meaningfully. I mean, if the length of the text is greater than the length of the popup window, it <b>automatically break the line and displays the rest in the next line</b>. ( FM POPUP_TO_INFORM does NOT do that.)
    However, I've faced some <b>PROBLEMS</b> with FM POPUP_WITH_TABLE
    1) The popup window has 2 button OK and Cancel. <b>Is there any way just to display Cancel button?</b>
    2) If I click on Cancel or OK without choose any line on the popup window => It will raise an exception, called BREAK_OFF. In this case
    If the clicked button is CANCEL => it will close the popup
    If  the clicked button is OK => nothing happens. And I must click on CANCEL to close the popup.
    <b>I want to close the popup windown without raising any exceptions. How can I ?</b>
    3) When I enter many complex selection criteria on Selection Screen to limit the result, displaying ALV is good. But when I click on the text field to popup => the report cannot be manipulated. I have to kill the session in SM04.
    <b>What's wrong? </b>(because for single selection criteria, it works well.)
    Every body has any suggestions?
    Thank you in advance

    I solved it. I just use another list for pop-up event.
    Although it worked well now, I thought it was not a good solution.
    Thank you all of you.
    Best regards.

  • Dynamic Images in Crystal Reports

    I have a report with Dynamic Images. I am able to run the report but once I try to export it or try to browse through the pages I get the following error:
    Application popup: Crystal Reports - [Inventory Graphics Report.rpt]: crw32.exe - Application Error : The exception Integer division by zero.
    (0xc0000094) occurred in the application at location 0x2c03a410.

    Hi Don,
    I have read your response 10 times, but I don't really understand it.
    "Your only option is to use the Insert OLE Object or picture into the report" - fine, but how is this achieved from a dataset?
    "CR will not display BLOB fields as pictures" - fine, but maybe I used the word BLOB badly. The dataset column datatype is "byte[]". Will CR display byte[] columns as pictures?
    "You can use a database field to point to which picture file to use, then you won't be using up valuable memory space importing the images into your data set. And the Logo's now dynamic...." - this seems to suggest that the database field is a string storing the file location on disk. Yes? I don't care about memory space in this case and I'm happy to load a binary file into a byte[] column if there is a way of displaying it.
    So, if I understand correctly, you're suggesting the dataset contain a table.row.column which stores the filelocation. How do I convert that to display as a picture (dynamically)?

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