Move file or folder from al11 to FTP using an FM

Hi Experts,
            Is it possible to move a  file or folder from al11 to an ftp server using background processing?  If so, what function modules or sample codes can you suggest?  Please help.  Thanks so much.
Edited by: Anna Bechayda on Apr 28, 2008 5:10 AM

Hello Anna
Basically your report executed as batch job needs to exectue an external OS command (i.e. a FTP put or mput command).
The details for executing the FTP command depend on your OS. For a customer whose SAP system was running on a Windows server the batch job created a small FTP script which was then executed by the external OS command (FTP command of Windows server) using fm SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE.

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    My guess the problem you are running into is the drive is formatted for a PC as NTFS. OS X can read files from NTFS however it cannot write to it. Check the formatting on the drive, if it's NTFS then it should be reformatted to Mac OS Extended (Journaled), you can use Disk Utility to do this.
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    A dangerous and incorrect shell command has been posted in this thread.
    NEVER empty the Trash in the shell (Terminal.) NEVER put anything in the Trash unless you intend to delete it immediately. If you do put something in the Trash and change your mind about deleting it, move it out or use the Put Back contextual menu item. Then empty the remaining items in the Trash as usual.

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    I had a similar experience the other day. Try the following:
    Quit all applications.
    Go to the Apple menu and select Force Quit Applications.
    Click on Finder and then click the button Force Quit. (Your desktop should refresh.)
    Select the files and move them to the trash.
    If the above does not work, reboot your computer and then try moving those files to the trash again.

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    Hi Prakash,
    You can use third party tools like Metalogix which free for up to 25 GB data
    If you donot to keep the metadata then you  can use windows explorer
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    Hi Visakh,
    I specify the folder which holds the csv files. Then I assign each file path to a variable
    Then I use this variable (path) as connection string in the DFT flat file source:
    I created a workaround which I don't like but it seems to do the job. I kept the original foreach file to determine which file is valid BUT I don't do the data insert in this DFT no more. I deleted the ole db destination so it generates an error only if
    the data doesn't come through at the DFT. 
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    This works, but it isn't 'pretty' :) 
    Do you have an idea what could be wrong? It seems one bad file corrupts the destination connection. 
    When you say bad file is it metadata which is corrupted?
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    Need help regarding the below query.
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    MT_RAVE_L                     1..1 (is the main node)
          Logistic Info                 1..Unbounded (this is the structure under the main node)
                   LOGSOPTUN      1..1 (this is below Logistic Info field)
          File_Name                   1..1 ( This is also below main node with the same level of Logistic   Info structure)
    (Tried to insert a pic of the mapping but was unsuccesful)
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    Thanks in advance

    Have you set the property in  File adapter lastFieldOptional.
    Thanks and Regards

  • Move files to Trush from Server

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    are these AFP shares or SMB shares?
    anyway, i found an excellent writeup on these issues on the macintouch site.... copy/pasting:
    There are some subtleties that actually determine the exact behavior of Macs when it comes to trashing files on Network volumes for both Mac OS X and Mac OS 9 and earlier.
    All of the different behaviors comes back to one basic question - where does the file moved to the trash go? Remember, the Trash Can is just a directory (actually, the summation of several directories) where files get moved to. There has to be a different one for each volume that is mounted so that you don't have to copy a file from one volume to another volume to put something in the trash - hence your "Trash Can" actually reflects the contents of these different directories on different volumes. I believe (though I can't prove it) that even when dealing with network mounted volumes this is a client decision, not a file server decision. The file server (regardless of the OS running) just gets a request to move a file from point A to point B - it doesn't know that this file is being "trashed".
    In Mac OS 9 and earlier for local volumes, there was just one directory to hold trash for that volume. Mac OS 9 and earlier didn't have the concept of multiple users (without additional software at least, and these were essentially nasty contortions to "fake it"). For network volumes there was a scheme for creating an invisible Network Trash folder on the root level of the Share. I don't know how it handled multiple users logging into the same share (and am not going to spend the time to figure out - I believe it had to do with actually having multiple Trash Can folders within the Network Network Trash folder). So, if you had write permissions to the root level of the share you could create this folder (if it didn't already exist) and the client Mac would move the trashed file there. However, it would insist (at least is some cases - again, don't know all the details) on emptying this folders contents (your trash) when you went to dismount the network volume. However, if you didn't have write permissions to the Network Trash folder or to the root level of the share to create a Network Trash folder, you would get the message that the file would need to be deleted immediately.
    In Mac OS X Apple had to change the scheme as we are now in a multi-user environment - there are many different "trash can" directories. Each user gets one in .Trashes at the root level of their home directory (whether it be a local disk home directory or a network mounted home directory). There is also a .Trashes at the root level of all volumes mounted. Inside of this root level of the volume .Trashes directory is a folder with a number on it (the number is the UID - user id which - each login actually maps to one of these, remember that computers do numbers so we are all a number to them . So, if I delete an item off of a Firewire hard drive that I have plugged in, the file gets moved to the .Trashes/{UID number} at the root level of that Firewire drive. Since each user has a unique UID, we also have unique trash cans - that in our home directory .Trashes, and then in the volume based .Trashes it is in the folder /.Trashes/{UID}.
    Now we turn to Mac OS X with network volumes. It would appear that Apple doesn't even try to create a .Trashes/{UID} at the root level of network shares. It just insists on deleting the file immediately if it is on a network share. I am not quite sure of why this decision was made, but it does make things much cleaner from a system administration standpoint. Think about a network share that 2000 different users have access to (and yes I have those - we have about 80,000 users of our servers across around 180 "shares" that is a lot of trash cans OUTSIDE of the users directory (since it must be at the root level of the share) that they have permission to write to and can have files in. That breaks entirely the paradigm of keeping all user writable spaces in one place. Now, this doesn't apply when you mount the volume as a home directory since it uses the .Trashes directory at the root level of the USER'S HOME directory, NOT the root level of the share. If you don't understand the difference between these two situations (mounting as a share and mounting as a home directory), ask someone who programs or does system administration .
    Now, since this is a client decision, the Mac OS 9 client will move it to a writable Network Trash directory if one exists while Mac OS X clients won't even try even when the two are looking at the same file server. This is why you get different behavior to the same share depending on the client OS version. However, if the user doesn't have write permission to the Network Trashes folder at the root of the share, Mac OS 9 and earlier will now behave like Mac OS X - delete immediately.
    There is one place where I get different results than what Alex Narvey described. When I mount the space via SMB with a Mac OS Xclient, I get the SAME behavior as I did when I mounted that same space via AFP. Now, if you are going via SMB to a different kind of file server (namely, a Windows one) that might explain the different behavior, but I tend to doubt it. As I said above, I believe how to move things to trash is a client decision/behavior, not server (and as I said above - I can't prove that). So, I don't have an explanation for the difference between the behavior I see and the behavior Alex described.
    Long, but hopefully educational. Doesn't explain WHY Apple made the decision they did, but should give one a better understanding of the different behaviors that can occur. Like in science, it is important to remember that different behaviors occur because something IS different. Now, perhaps Apple should make the behaviors the same (from a user standpoint) even when things are different (like what kind of volume are we dealing with, who has write permissions to where, etc). - that I will duck. That is an argument between a human interface designer and the programmer who actually has to try and make it work.
    Following up on my own post -
    It just dawned on me WHY Apple would make Mac OS X always ask to immediately delete a file off a network share, rather than trash it.
    For consistency of the user experience when dealing with network shares. In Mac OS 9 and earlier whether you could move a file to the trash or if you had to delete immediately depended on the SERVER and write permissions there on the server. So, on Mac OS 9 and earlier you would get different behavior and have no real idea why you got different behavior.
    The Mac OS X behavior is different from that of Mac OS 9 and earlier, but within itself, it is very consistent - for network volumes you are always asked to delete the file immediately. This means that the user has a consistent user experience when at that Mac, regardless of the type of server or their permissions on the different network shares they may work with. If this is why Apple made the change in OS X, I would agree with them. Consistency is more important than features (as a general statement).

  • HT1589 iMac:  How do I move my iTunes folder from one external hard drive to another external drive?

    Due to file size reasons, I found myself several years ago with the need to move my iTunes Library from my desktop's internal drive to an external drive [which I also used via partition for a backup of my internal drive]  I now have to move to a different external hard drive -- again for more space.  I've copied the iTunes Library to the new drive, but can't seem to get iTunes to recognize and run it.
    What specifically do I need to do to get this done?

    You could plug the WD drive straight into the TC but it will be much faster to do it with the WD drive plugged into the computer.. and just mount the TC hard disk in Finder.
    To move itunes library you must follow the Apple instructions..
    You may need to reconnect itunes to the library before you try to move it.. !!

  • How can I save .mov file as another .mov file after trim from Pre9?

    I would have thought this would be simple.  Just like I can crop a still image in Photoshop and save it with a new name (or the same name), I expected to be able to trim or split an .mov file in Premiere Elements 9 and save the resulting file(s) under a new name (or the same name) while preserving the same format.
    But SIX hours later, NO.
    Instead, after I split or trim the .mov file, it seems to be held hostage inside a project that won't let it go.  I even tried "exporting" it but the choices are different than the properties of the source file (a BAD thing), and the resulting two files from the export are unreadable on my computer (USELESS).
    The .mov file was shot with a Canon EOS Rebel T3i.  Windows with Vista.  Adobe Premiere Elements 9.  I also have Photoshop CS5 Extended and Lightroom 3.4.x, if either of those would help.
    I'm sure that I'm mistaken,  There MUST be a secret menu option to SAVE-the-trimmed-CLIP-as-a-SOURCE-file.
    How could there not be something this basic?

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ *** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    Quoting Steve:
    "I'll say it once more: It's impossible to cut a piece of video and then resave your file.....[because] IT'S [against] THE NATURE OF EDITING VIDEO WITH EVERY VIDEO EDITING SOFTWARE IN THE WORLD."
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ *** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    I'm very pleased to say that I've found out how to do exactly what I wanted to do, despite Steve's strongly stated opinion that it is "impossible."
    I can:
    ..... trim or split a video
    ..... and save it under the same name or a different name(s)
    ..... WITHOUT converting it to something else before or after trimming
    ..... WITHOUT changing it from its original format
    ..... WITHOUT exporting (compressing) it
    ..... WITHOUT "rendering" it different in any way except my desired length change (and resulting smaller file size)
    This is desireable to me in order to:
    ..... save many gigs of space on my terabyte drives
    ..... while retaining source file footage that may be useful in future projects
    ..... IN ITS ORIGINAL (source) FORMAT !!!!!
    I got thinking about the software that came with my camera.  I didn't install it because it included things like a program to handle RAW images (and I prefer to use Adobe Lightroom 3) and a program that I thought might be similar to Bridge (and I really like Adobe Bridge).
    But I decided to install it and see if there was anything there that would allow me to work with the videos and sure enough, there it was - the ability to trim my videos of the junk while keeping the rest in original perfect format, just as it was shot. From a user's point of view, it is a precise video version of cropping a still image in Photoshop.  EXACTLY what I wanted to do!!!
    Here is a collage of the properties box of the "before" version (the original original), collaged together with the  properties box of the "after" version (the trimmed original).  The properties boxes are the properties as reported by Adobe Premiere Elements 9.
    In the above-shown collage of the screenshots that I've made for you, you can see that nothing has changed in terms of the properties.  The only changes are the length (because I cut it), the file size (because it is MUCH smaller now), and the name (because I wanted to preserve the original file in order to make a screenshot of its properties for you). I WANT TO REPEAT - the new CUT file is identical to the original, except the unwanted portion has been cropped away. It was NOT compressed, it was NOT rendered, it was NOT exported.  It is a true source file utilizing original footage in its original format.
    (This forum limits images to 450 pix wide so to see that all the relevant format properties are the same in both properties boxes, you may have to increase the size through your browser by holding down the [Ctrl] and hitting the "=" key (the one with the "+" above the "=" sign).)
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ *** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    Here are the steps I took to make the screenshot above:
    1 - Opened the original file in Canon ZoomBrowser EX 6.7 (which came with the camera).
    2 - Trimmed ("cut") the file by placing a start point and stop point around the desirable footage.
    3 - Saved under a different file name.  (NOTE:  This was a true save, NOT an export, NOT a "render" of some sort.)
    4 - Switched to Adobe Premiere Elements 9 and started a new "project."
    5 - Used "Get Media" to pull the original version and the cut version of the video into the project.  NOTE:  I pulled the cut version in first, so if there had been a format mismatch (as compared with the DSLR-1080p30 @29.97 setting I normally use when creating a new project), Premiere would have said so.  But there was NOT a format mismatch.  And it runs perfectly, just as it did before, including audio.
    6 - Right clicked each video and took a screenshot of the properties of each to show you.
    And this means I can use the trimmed footage for any purpose down the road, yet I didn't have to save the entire file which included unwanted footage.  And I've saved a considerable amount of space on one of my terabyte drives.
    Easy as pie:
    I trimmed the excess off a video WITHOUT "converting," "exporting," "compressing," "rendering" or changing the format away from the original in any way.
    No loss of any type of data whether audio or visual or "other."  (Except, of course, the unwanted footage.)

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    I encoded a 10min video via compressor for a client. It took 2hrs to compress which was the first sign that something was wrong. Once brought into DVDSP, I noticed that the .mov file of the opening & closing animation was not there - just black w/ audio.
    Any ideas? I have to redo the clients DVD on Monday & I'm hoping I'll know how to fix this problem by then.
    Thanks in advance!

    It took 2hrs to compress
    I dpoesn't mean too much with no other info from yuor project.
    What format is your sequence?
    How long in minutes?
    What do you mean with exporting to a mov file? You need to encode your movie to MPEG2 video and AC3 audio to use in DVDSP, or export your sequence as a Quicktime Movie, same settings, and use that as source and let DVDSP encode it.
    Come back with more info !!
    Hope that helps !

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    After downloading a movie in iTunes Store (with iTunes Extra feature), I don't know why I can't find the main movie file on my hard drive (only iTunes Extra file was showed). What can I do?

    I can't find a movie I downloaded and iTunes wants me to purchase it again.

  • How to move an app folder from screen to screen

    Can I move an app folder I created on one screen to another?

    The folder will 'bounce back' if you 'flick' the folder to the edge.
    To move the folder to another screen, you need to firmly tap and hold and slowly slide your finger to the right. Keep your finger held down on the right side of the screen until the screen shifts. Then, release your finger.

Maybe you are looking for