Move iOS Backups to External Drive?

I am switching from a 750GB internal drive to a 256GB SSD on my MacBookPro. I have a 64GB iPad and a 64GB iPhone, both of which are almost full. To back up both devices uses almost 128GB on my internal drive, which will not work for me. The iCloud storage option is very expensive.
I would like to figure out a way to back up to an external drive. I read about a way to do this from MobileMe days, but not sure if it will work now. Any suggestions on how to accomplish this with Lion/iCloud/iOS5?
Thank you.

I recently installed an external Thunderbolt SSD which is now my boot drive, everything from my internal drive was cloned to it. I want to move my iPhone backups back to the internal HDD so they don't eat up space on my external SSD. I tried the code listed here but it's not working. When I entered the code, Terminal said "The file exists", but it's still writing backups to the external drive. Here's the code I used:
ln -s /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/Backup/ ~/Library/Application\ Support/MobileSync/Backup
Where am I going wrong?

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    That is the only logical conclusion. There is an easy solution. On the Mac app store download a free app called smartconverter. It is free. You just drag and drop file into app and it will convert to any file u want. I hope that foxes your issue

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    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    Try running a DVD Lens Cleaner disc through it, a little bit of dust or dirt is all it takes to throw them out and it might just be co-incidental with the upgrade.

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    To be clear, TM can back up your external drive perfectly well, provided it's in MacOS format. What it can't do is back up the external drive alone to one destination, and everything else to a different destination.
    As for what you should use instead of TM, I don't really have an opinion. SuperDuper and Carbon Copy Cloner are well regarded. You need to make some decisions about backup strategy before you choose a backup method. TM makes incremental backups, so you can revert to any of several earlier versions of a file. Those third-party products can do that too, though not as efficiently as TM. Also bear in my mind that a single backup is inadequate. You need more than one backup to be safe, and to be truly safe, at least one backup must be stored off-site at all times.

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    No, Michael Allbritton's (MA) method just copies the files you have selected to consolidate to the location you have temporarily designated in preferences.  MA didn't mean "library" as being the library file (library.itl) but the "collection".  Your files would still all be managed from the same iTunes library file on your internal drive but the movie files you selected to consolidate would now be referenced to their new location on the external drive.
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    do not confuse moving your whole folder and library with moving just media files as in
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    Moving your movies will only apply to your current collection.  If you add movies in the future you will need to make sure they are on the external drive, then hold down the option key while dragging the file to iTunes to tell iTunes to not copy it to your internal drive (which has been re-set as the location for your media folder after the move directions).

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    best regards,

    Your events and projects now reside in an file or files  with extension .imovielibrary.    You can create a new library wherever you want from within iMovie and drag and drop events into it from an exisitng library.  If you want to move the complete library, select the library then go File - Consolidate Project Media.  This ensures the library is self-contained and doesn't have any links to external media which could break when it is moved.  You can then move the library to the external HD using the Finder.  When you restart iMovie you will have to select  File - Open Library - Other and navigate to its new location.
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    If the data is from your computer then you have a copy with your Time Machine.  You can use Carbon Copy Cloner or SuperDuper to clone the hard drive. 

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    I am confused by your post. Have you already done this and want to know why the folder is 798 mb, or are you asking for advice on how to partition the drive so you can move the pics? If you plan to partition you must do it before you move the Library.
    Here is a guide on how to partition the drive:
    Here is a guide on how to move the library:

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    Are the photos being stored in iPhoto now?
    How is the external disk formatted?

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    hotwheels 22 wrote:
    you're the man.
    for future reference can i please just ask you if there are any restrictions on moving these from mac hd to mac hd in any way? I remember when I had to get it off the TC that I did this through Disk Utility for some reason.
    Not that I know of.  It will take quite a while, of course, especially over a network.
    The complication with copying from a TC via the Finder is, you have to locate it via the Finder by clicking on the Time Capsule in a Finder Sidebar or on your desktop, then double-click the volume to be able to see the sparse bundle.  Then you can drag it.
    /Also/ can I please ask you if I should /see/ a Time Capsule from a boot camp partition or from a windows virtual machine or even from a laptop on the network?
    As I mentioned earlier, I don't do Windoze.
    I think you should be able to see the TC itself from any computer on the network, and the HD as well (unless, perhaps, it's protected by a password), but I have no idea how to do that in Windoze.
    Perhaps one of our networking gurus will pop in with a better answer . . .

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    Hilal Malawi wrote:
    Thanks, but that site doesn't have a clear answer.
    Correct. As it clearly states, there are too many variables to have detailed solutions for every possible situation.
    In the 'pink' box, which best matches my situation, the instructions begin with: "•You must be logged on to the account being moved...".
    That's not clear at all. How do I log in to an account that doesn't exist yet? Connecting a hard disk that has a home folder to a new Mac doesn't allow me to 'log on' to that home folder's account, because it doesn't yet exist on the new Mac.
    You may have to set up user accounts "from scratch." Then change the ownership and permissions on the old home folders so you can copy the contents of the sub-folders from the old home folders to the new ones.
    If you're comfortable with permissions and Terminal, this may help:

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    Have looked at varying solutions and think I've got it narrowed down to going for either QNAP  TS212 NAS or dedicated Iomega Network hard drive but seem to come over a lot of conflicting reports of these items not working well with MAC, particularily some comments on the use of Iomega which is the more cost effective solution.
    A little background was planning on 2TB drives and partioning for Itunes library, Time Machine backups and PC backups. Have the S/W on MAC to read/write NTFS.
    From my research the dedicated NAS would be appear to be the best answer but a lot more expensive than a network drive.
    Can anyone advise of a network drive that they have experienced working well for this type of configuration?
    Also is there any issues with syncing Iphone to an external networked library?
    Any Advice Appreciated

    Trevnew wrote:
    when looked in preferences the old location was still there, eventually changed in preferences
    changing iTunes media folder location via preferences > advanced tells iTunes where to put new additions to your library, not where the current content is.
    also, with your library now on the NAS, you must make sure the NAS is mounted on your desktop before launching iTunes.
    ... still showed an issue with the file locations and the exclamation marks.
    you may have done something wrong initially (during re-locating your library to the NAS) because the exclamation marks usually appear when media files were moved using the finder and iTunes lost track of their location.
    you might be able to use this script:
    iTunes Track CPR v1.3 
    This script attempts to locate the files of so-called "dead tracks"--iTunes tracks designated with (!)--that you assume are not actually missing but are still located in the iTunes Music folder in their "iTunes File Order" (Music -> Artist -> Album ->"

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    Ultimately, my goal is to update to iPhoto '11, but I would like to have all my photos backed up first in case it doesn't go well. 

    Yes. You can back up your internal the external drives to the TM drive.
    Here is a site that has probably all the info you will need for using and troubleshooting TM. Bookmark this to read and for future reference.
    This was created by Pondini:

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    I'd like to backup my complete internal drive, but also backup specified folders on my 750GB-disk (like /pictures/, /movies/ ...).
    The only way I can think about is to exclude all folders except the once I want to backup on the 750-disk...
    Is this the right way to go?

    pydis123 wrote:
    I have 3 hdd: s.
    My internal, one 750gb external drive and a 1TB backup-disk.
    I'd like to backup my complete internal drive, but also backup specified folders on my 750GB-disk (like /pictures/, /movies/ ...).
    The only way I can think about is to exclude all folders except the once I want to backup on the 750-disk...
    Is this the right way to go?
    yes. that's the only way to do it with Time machine. you might also want to consider using a different backup program like chronosync or CCCloner for backing up that external if you only want a few folders.

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