Movie Editing Software

I use PhotoShop Elements to edit photos that I drop into iMovie. Is there any software for editing (exposure, color, etc.) that can be used on video clips similar to PhotoShop? Thanks.

Ah, ye of little faith.
Some that I found that supposedly work on the Mac:
Jahsaka (freeware)
Avid Technology Media Composer
Boris FX media editing software
Avid Free DV
Avid Technology x-press pro
Avid technology symphony Nitris
Media 100 HD Site
Media 100 Producer
Media 100 Producer Suite
Adobe has several packages
Google it and there literally is a ton of allegedly Mac compatible movie editing software out there. Don't know if they are any good.

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    You are going to need to buy the Panther retail install set in order to get iMovie.
    You really need them, anyway, for system maintenance. It's really not proper to sell an iBook without the install CDs for the system software it's running.

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    Thank you for reminding me that I had not explained to the O.P. why I advise converting to DV format.
    MPEG Streamclip is a free application that could prove very useful in editing the MPEG-1 format movies produced by inexpensive still cameras. This is because MPEG-1 is not as compressed as MPEG-2 based formats, allowing one to scroll more slowly and smoothly through the clip. When editing MPEG-2, I was unable to press the scroll button fast enough to end where I wanted, and delete commercials.
    Have you tried the free MPEG Streamclip on a still camera's movies?
    The second reason I recommended converting highly compressed to DV format is the number of free applications written for DV format.
    Convert Clip to DV (not free)
    iMovie 05 doesn't give me the dates and times recorded by my camcorder. (This appears a strange oversight.) Instead I Ctrl-click a .dv file from my movie using Finder with the following contextual menu addition:
    So, for ease of editing and numerous, free applications, I recommend converting to DV format. What do you recommend for the O.P.?
    PS. I've used and repaired all 12 versions of Tiger. My trivial facts are from memory, which I shall respect your opinion and eliminate. In the '80s and '90s, films weren't edited by me on PCs, but on Workstations (which Macs now are). Most programs used proprietary software with which I wrote scientific visualization programs to interpret supercomputer results. Geologists, especially seismologists, need the fastest computers.
    The dates were of releases for Workstations, for I consulted as a numerical analyst. However, that was decades ago, and I apologize for any inaccuracies (I haven't checked). I don't consider dates to be the fascinating subject of this thread. I'm sorry there isn't more discussion.

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    Hi mate
    You said the videos are showing ok using the media player.
    Only the video editing software shows these videos squashed
    Im not quite sure why, but maybe you should check some settings in theses certain video editing applications
    PS: On your pictures I can see that you are using the Camtasia Studio.
    The first clip contains an edit option 1280x720, Shrink to fit. Maybe this is the reason why the clips show squashed

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    I highly recommend you try Video Monkey. It's free, though donations are certainly accepted, and does an excellent job of converting .mov to .wmv. Choose Best (2 Pass) for Encoding Speed and depending upon the size of your original file, uncheck 320 pixels wide to create a larger converted image. I set Quality to "Go Nuts".
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    Your Mac has a Firewire 400 port and USB port.
    Does your Mac have Intel chips?
    I notice that on the "movies" the local people have made, there's a slight white noise sound.
    A sound track has some noise in it called Room Tone/Atmosphere as no noise is not in our real world, so some noise is acceptable. However some recordings are simply bad and full of unwanted noise.
    A good audio track is one that no one actually notices. They simply listen instead of looking puzzled.
    So are you pretty satisfied with FCE?
    Yes. FCE is a good place to start. You will be penalized with an initial steep learning curve. How long depends on the individual and background.
    Think of FCE as a manual camera where you make all the settings and decisions rather than a point and shoot camera.
    Once you understand the settings and how things work, your work is only limited to your own creativity.
    If you feel the need to go to FCPro (part of the FCS Package) then 90% of the stuff you have learnt in FCE is useable in FCPro. The learning has not been wasted.
    In summary: if your Mac has Intel chips and you wish to edit DV, HDV or AVCHD, FCExpress will keep you happy and learning for quit a while.

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    Aperture and Lightroom are made by Apple and Adobe, respectively. Both are higher end photo management apps for cataloging your photo library. As you note, both are quite a step up from iPhoto.
    You can do some editing in both, but nothing like an actual image editor. Photoshop, as Klaus1 mentioned, is expensive. For around $70 online (like at, you can get Photoshop Elements. About 80% of what the full PS app can do for far less. PS Elements does remove CMYK color support.
    Pixelmator does a lot for not a whole lot of bucks. GIMP is an open source editor that does much of what Photoshop does, and it's free. Like PS, GIMP has a large learning curve.

  • Best video editing software

    I've used Mac in the past, but not for what I'm about to start using it for. I need the best video editing software possible if I wanted to take footage from an HD video camera and import onto a MacBook. I would be making video documentaries, maybe some underground type music videos without all the flashly lighting and special effects. I just want to be able to do a lot of transition effects, screen effects (like coloring & style overlays like theatrical style documentaries have), ability to easily cut & paste footage and edit the audio track if necessary, too. And then I would need the ability to take the complete footage through a DVD application so that I can add chapter splits and menu's.
    So which software would be best for this? I was thinking I wouldn't need to have Final Cut Studio 2 because I'm not trying to do some huge production or shoot a movie or anything. I figure I could just use Final Cut Express 4 and still do what I need to do. And for whichever one you recommend, what file types can you save in, and how easy is it to make the footage a different format, such as if I wanted to make a DVD 720p or even 1080p?

    I agree, only I really don't like FCE. Some of the features for one reason or another are kind of strange and harder to figure out than the same feature on FCP. I used to teach FCP at the Apple store to ProCare customers and one time they set me up with a customer for FCE. I thought it wouldn't be a problem and that everything worked the same with the exception of the more advanced features that express just wouldn't have. I don't remember how it was set up, but it was somewhat of a disaster. Pro just makes way more sense to me.
    The one definite thing I can tell you is that studio is not necessary, but that doesn't mean your only option is express. You can buy FCP 6 without getting the studio you don't need. I'm not sure if it's possible. I notice it was said that Macbooks don't support FCS2. I didn't know that. Because of that, I'm not sure if it would be the same about FCP6. If you ask people in the Apple store I can tell you already what they will say. They'll tell you that the graphics card isn't powerful enough and that it may take a lot longer to render because of that. To test this, I would say to go to the Apple store and try to run FCP 6 on a Macbook, but they no longer have the software on all the machines. They used to even have them on the Mac Minis. Whatever you decide on, good luck. My 2 cents, if FCP is supported I would go for it. I don't think it would slow down the rendering that dramatically. Really, it's just a question of whether or not you're willing to spend a grand on the software.

  • Looking for Win-based sound-editing software to work with AAC files

    Hi, everyone.
    I'm a part-time indoor-cycling instructor. I create iTunes playlists to fit a certain types of "rides," transfer the lists to my iPod, then hook the player to the club's stereo system. Very slick.
    But not slick enough. There are some songs I don't want to play all the way through; I want to use only isolated segments of certain songs. And I want to employ crossfade. When cycling, it's important to keep the music coming; dead spots are energy killers. I want to stich in some stray bits of oddball audio, such as funny snippets of movie dialog and other nonsense, to keep the mood light. And I'm looking for a way to more precisely control track-to-track playback volume.
    I know I can isolate a segment of a song file by using the "start time" and "stop time" adjustments on the "options" tab of a song file's "get info" settings within iTunes. But I want to do more than that. Sometimes I want to play :20 of a song at one part of the ride, and :40 of the same song later in the ride, and I don't want to have to make a renamed copy of the song file to make it happen.
    I'm thinking what I need is sound-editing software. I want to create, say, a 60-minute playlist in iTunes, export copies (not the originals) of the songs in that playlist to the sound-editing platform, do my editing and create a single, 60-minute file that I can then load into iTunes and thus, transfer to my iPod. When I hook the 'pod up to the club's stereo, I would then play the single 60-minute "song" instead of the 60-minute playlist.
    And of course, I want to do it really cheaply, on a PC running iTunes for Windows. How's that for a challenge?
    If I had a Mac, I probably could use SoundStudio to do this, because it imports AAC files.
    What I need is a Windows-based editing platform that can import AAC files. If you know of such an animal, I'd appreciate hearing about it.
    If there is no such animal, here's what I think I'll have to do:
    1. Pluck song files from my iTunes music folder
    2. Create a CD containing mp3 copies of those songs
    3. Send those mp3 copies into the editing software
    4. Stitch the songs together in the editing software into a single file
    5. Export that file as a single mp3 file
    6. Have iTunes convert that mp3 file to mp4.
    Right? Or wrong? If anyone has advice, I'm all ears.

    The reason why I posted here was to hopefully find someone who has actually done this before rather than have someone throw packages at me that I can find on Google on my own.
    There are a number of SMS gateways out there, but I have not used any of them. Setting up some of them is a very time consuming process and I was hoping to get a heads up on one that that some else had used in the Solaris 10 x86 environment within a zone.
    I already have a working email version of this process which I put together very quickly, but using SMS would be a much better process for the techs out in the field.
    I won't have the actual GSM Modem in hand until Monday or Tuesday and am doing some preliminary work so that I can hit the ground running when it shows up.
    Thanks for your suggestions though.

  • Why does adobe premier elements render my video everytime i change something in it even when i have lots more of the video to edit? other editing software only seems to render at the start then lets you edit until your ready to save at the end.  Constant

    why does adobe premier elements render my video everytime i change something in it even when i have lots more of the video to edit? other editing software only seems to render at the start then lets you edit until your ready to save at the end.  Constant rendering means its almost impossible to edit anything. Please help.

    H TheGamer
    What version of Premiere Elements and on what computer operating system is it running? It will not influence my answer but will give me information in case I need to get into version specifics to detail my answer further.
    Timeline rendering is a preview matter. It does not fix anything, but it is your window of opportunity to catch of problem sooner than latter. If the Timeline rendering indicator displays orange (11 or higher) for the line above the Timeline content, that is the project telling you that you are not getting the best possible preview of the playback of that content in the Edit area monitor. And, every time you edit a file, you have altered the file from the time before. So, if you want to see the best possible for what you now have, you Timeline render. This is particularly helpful when you are dealing with titles, effects, transitions, and non native formats. You cannot turn off the Timeline render indicator system, at least none that I have ever found nor seen reported. You can do selective Timeline rendering by having the gray tabs of the Work Area Bar span only the Timeline segment that you want Timeline rendered.
    Consequently, you either ignore the Timeline render indicator system, move on in the project, and take your chances in the outcome or you Timeline render to get your best possible preview if the Timeline render indicator is suggesting that you do so.
    I am not approving or disapproving of this project feature, just commenting on the what is.
    This is not Adobe. Rather user to user. If you want to have your voice heard at Adobe, you might consider filing an Adobe Feature Request Bug Report Form.
    Please consider.
    Add is also possible to do Timeline rendering in a project, save close the project, and reopen it to find your previously "green" lined content now "orange", indicating unrendered. Yet the preview files generated originally by Timeline rendering are still existing in their hard drive save location. That is another story for other time.

  • HT2729 I created a video on my iphone 4..sent it to my gmail and has mov format ..I am trying to convert it to wmv so I can incorporate it in my movie making unable to convert..How can I do this?  I have tried several free download video conv

    I created a video on my IPHONE 4..emailed it to my gmail account and downloaded was in mov format..I am trying to incorporate it in a movie making software, and as it does not accept mov files, I am trying to convert to wmv...How can I do this? I have downloaded some free video convertor software with no avail.

    There's no way to delete all message threads at one go. You can however do one contact thread at a time.
    In Messages app where you see a list of messages from different contacts,  tap Edit (top left), tap the red (on the left), then tap the red Delete button on the right.

  • N93 video editing software

    my bro found a N93i few days ago, and he said the phones has video editing software, and wants 2 no if there a video editing software for the pc for the n93 and if so, can it be downloaded

    There are about 500,000 different video editing solutions that you can use in the PC.
    Can you be more specific?
    Windows Movie Maker.
    Nero Platnium
    Roxio Creator
    DVD Maker Plus
    Adobe Elements
    RealProducer Plus
    And each one will require something else to work with MPEG-4 videos. So depending on what you want to use then you may need different support.
    640K Should be enough for everybody
    El_Loco Nokia Video Blog

  • Windows Video Editing Software for Vado HD

    I just got the Vado HD and I am having trouble getting it to work in any video editing programs I try.
    It will not work in windows movie maker, ulead video studio, or power director. It works the best in Pinnacle Studio 2, but the video in the preview window is all messed up so?I can't really see what I am working on.
    Any ideas?Is there anybody else using this product with windows? If so, what software do you use for editing the videos?

    There's some posts in this forum about what people have successfully used.
    Me.. I was running XP, now Vista, with the same Video Editing package:
    )Magix Movie Edit Pro 4+.
    Although it was less than $50 just a month ago:
    'Firstdown80' reported the following as working:
    2)Sony Vegas Movie Studio Platinum 9 (required free ffdshow codec download)
    3)VideoPad Editor (FREE)

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