MovieClipLoader & batching in Photoshop

I scaled a folder full of Images in PS using Batch & an
action I created (the action ends with save as JPG). I also scaled
a duplicate set to thumbnail sizes using the right-click short-cut
on the mouse. Everything loads fine on my computer, but when
testing online I cannot get the larger images to load. It is only
the JPG's I saved using "Batch".
I'm not sure if there's enough information here, but hopfully
somebody has done this too. I have discovered that JPG's saved as
progressive do not load when I test from my server, but I did not
save them that way. (james peak album)

my flash plugin is version 9.0. It's definitately updated
because I need it for !!!
has anybody tried to load my photo album and had success with
the large images?
(james peak is the problem album)
I feel it is normal to encounter more problems when moving
things to a server, But it doesn't make sense b/c flash runs
locally on the computer, and just downloads the image from the
server. My next step is to trace the error with a dynamic text box.
Will that give me a decent lead or just a generic "error" message?.
My space is from

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    What comes to mind is to use Apple Disk utility on this partition to check
    and repair permissions and maybe run an app like Disk Warrior to clean up
    the disk. If this is not working then try using Finder to create a brand new
    folder and subfolders on this drive and still in Finder move the files with
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    Go to edit/preferences/startup scripts.  Make sure you have at least Bridge and PS checked.

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    Well this is bare bones but may help… As is it just reads a list from text file… Gets the JPEGs of a given folder and re-names them… Should be an easy edit to adjust to your needs… It does nothing to check anything adds up… What file formats do you have and do the new names already have proper extension…?
    function renameFiles() {
              var i, files, fold, names;
              names = File.openDialog( ' Where be the file names…?' );
              fold = Folder.selectDialog( ' Where be the files…?' );
              if ( names != null && fold != null ) {
                        files = fold.getFiles( '*.jpg' );
               'r' );
                        count = files.length;
                        for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
                                  files[i].rename( names.readln() + '.jpg' );

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    Have a look here

  • Ebenenkompositionen im Batch speichern (Photoshop)

    Hallo zusammen,
    ich nutze in Photoshop CS sehr gerne die Möglichkeit der Ebenekomposition.
    Wenn ich ein Bild bearbeite, erstelle ich so ca. 4-5 unterschiedliche Varianten.
    Nun ist es bei mir so, daß ich nach der Bearbeitung erst nur die Photoshop Datei speichere.
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    Dafür muß ich aber jede PSD-Datei aufmachen, jede Ebenenkomposition auswählen und speichern.
    Kann ich so was nicht Automatisch erledeigen? Mein Problem ist nur, ich weiß nicht immer, wie die Kompositionen heißen und wie viele es sind.
    Die Datei könnte anschließend ja den Namen der PSD-Datei + Name der Erbenkomposition haben.
    Weiß jemand Rat?

    Unter Datei: Scripte: Layer Comps zu Dateien ist so etwas vorgefertigt. Eventuell Scripte nachinstallieren, oder von Adobe Studio suchen, wenn nicht auf Instllations-CD schon dabei (bei mir waren die automatisch installiert).
    In PS CS2 ist das auch aus Bridge ansteuerbar.

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    not for "batch editing"
    You can set PSE as the external editor in the iPhoto preferences. iPhoto has the capability to directly interface with any external editor - simply go to the iPhoto preferences (iPhoto menu ==> preferences ==> General and set the Edit photo option to in external editor - select the desired external editor and you are set - now when you edit photos they are sent to the selected external editor and when you are finished editing you save (not save as) and the edited photo is returned to iPhoto, the original is maintained in iPhoto and the iPhoto database is correctly updated.
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  • Photoshop crashes when selecting File / Automate / Batch

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    I understand that Adobe staff has chosen to blame scanner drivers for the problem. And, I've read the discussions thru last year (very long and boring when all you want is a fix). But, I'm not settled on several things which do not add-up.
    First, I'll review the symptoms for the sake of all interested readers. Photoshop users have reported Photoshop crashing whenever they select File / Automate / Batch from the menu for years. This problem got much worse (widespread) since the release of version 12.0.4. The problem apparently affects only those with Train compatible scanners and who installed Adobe's optional Twain plugin. I never read how anyone came to this conclusion, but scanner drivers are being blamed. The accepted work-around is to disable or remove Adobe's Twain plugin.
    Second, I want to point out that Photoshop works normally when using the Twain plugin. I can scan images and they are imported directly into Photoshop without any problems. This was the case before the 12.0.4 update and is still the case now.
    Third, I want to pose my most pressing question. What does selecting "Batch..." have to do with scanner drivers? In other words, what possibly could Photoshop be doing with scanner drivers when selecting "Batch..." that it does not do when actually does use the drivers?
    Lastly, I'll point out that I am a software developer of over 30 years. So, I understand how it might somehow work out in the details that the source of the problem really is buggy scanner drivers. However, as a programmer with a lot of experience dealing with problems common in device driver API's, I know that good practice is to expect anything. If Photoshop begins a process that calls out to someone else's software API, it should cushion that call with proper exception error handling. All processes should execute with an "if all else fails" contention.

    >> What does selecting "Batch..." have to do with scanner drivers?
    When running the actions for the Batch command, Photoshop updates it's menu/command state to check which commands are enabled or disabled based on the document state being changed by the actions.  Part of that update is calling the scanner interface to see what is available or not, and at that point some drivers crash.  Since the crash occurs in third party code executed within Photoshop's context - there was not much Photoshop could do to recover (there was exception handling, but it couldn't work across OS and DLL boundaries).
    In Photoshop CS6, we spent quite a bit of time figuring out why they were crashing (apparently there was some assumption about the application GUI state), and how we could avoid them crashing in those circumstances - and now CS6 avoids the crashes in the Batch command even with the TWAIN plugin and drivers are loaded.

  • Discrepancy when running JS in batch mode from Bridge vs. Photoshop

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    ] var docRef = activeDocument;
    var layerRef = docRef.artLayers.add();
    layerRef.kind = LayerKind.TEXT;
    var textRef = layerRef.textItem;
    textRef.position = [4, 9.546666666667];
    textRef.justification = Justification.CENTER;
    textRef.font = 'Verdana';
    textRef.size = 10;
    textRef.contents ='_')[1].split('-')[0];

    [email protected] wrote:
    > I have an action that calls the following bit of javascript. When I run the action on a single file I have no problem. When I run the action using Batch from Photoshop CS3 I don't have any problems. When I run the action using Batch from Bridge CS3, I get prompted with a dialog box at line 2, I have to hit Enter to get past line 3, and have to hit Enter after the last line. Can anyone explain why the behavior would be different depending on where it's called from? How can I modify the javascript to get around this?
    You might want to try and put a
    app.displayDialogs = DialogModes.NO;
    at the top of the script. It should suppress the dialogs.

  • How to "save for web" via batch processing in Photoshop elements

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    You can batch save them as jpgs, gifs, or PNGs using Process Multiple Files, and even batch resize them as long as they are all in the same orientation and the same aspect ratio (shape), but  the resulting files will be somewhat larger than you'd get with Save for Web because Save for Web removes the photos' exif data, which PMF won't. Since these are logos, there shouldn't be much difference.

  • Automated batch doesn't work in photoshop & from Bridge

    Hi all,
    Automated batch from  Bridge  tools>photoshop>batch  Photoshop cs5 stops working. Automated batch also doesn't work in photoshop. Automated actions work in Photoshop. All other Photoshop process work  from Bridge. I use a PC with windows. This happens even with files I was  previously able to do an automated batch with Photoshop. It doesn't  matter what the file extension is. This has only recently begun  happening for no apparent reason.

    First, given what you've written, it's important to ask:  48 x 48 what?  Details matter.  48 x 48 pixels?  Inches?
    Beyond that, yes, I believe the Image Size dialog interacts with us a little differently than it used to.
    Whether it's a positive or negative design change I can't say.  They're trying to pack a lot of functionality in there, and it might take a little getting used to...  It does seem deterministic:
    If you want to keep the physical print size the same and increase the pixel density - i.e., upsample the  image - you would have to choose physical dimensions.  Try this:
    1.  Change the units to inches.
    2.  Change the ppi value and press OK.  This resamples the image.
    On the other hand, if you want to keep the pixel count the same, but just change the ppi value so that it matches a particular kind of display, how would you do it?  Try this:
    1.  Change the units to pixels.
    2.  Change the ppi value and press OK.  This changes the metadata.
    Are you trying to assume what leaving the units set to percent means?  To me it says "xx % of the pixel count".

  • Bridge photoshop batch problem

    Hi there,
    After upgrading to Photoshop CS4 from CS3 (new install), I am having a problem with running Photoshop batch from bridge.
    I have actions that work fine when run from Photoshop but fail when run from bridge.
    I don't seem to be able to run any Photoshop actions from bridge without a failure.
    The error messages include:
    "JavaScript code was missing"
    "The command 'Pixel Genius PhotoKit Capture Sharpener Expert' is not currently available"
    As well as other seemingly random "the command .... is not currently available".
    I am running Vista 64 bit.
    If anyone has any ideas - I would appreciate them.

    Hi there again,
    An update to this problem.
    The problem appears to be with Bridge-Photoshop communication.
    I select images in bridge, choose Tools->Photoshop->Batch.  Photoshop opens and I select the Action to run and click OK.  At this point, if Photoshop had no image already loaded then the Action fails because there is no image, ie. the selected images from Bridge are not opened in Photoshop.  The error messages are consistent with having no image loaded to run the various action tasks on.
    If Photoshop already had an image loaded, then it proceeds to run the Action, once for the number of images I first selected in Bridge, but on the image that was already loaded - not on the images selected in Bridge.
    I have deinstalled and reinstalled Photoshop and all its updates with no change.  Any ideas at all would be appreciated.
    BTW Image Processor works ok when invoked from Bridge.

  • Bridge / Batch/Photoshop Command

    Bridge opens a copy of PS (cs6) whenever I try to use that command. I've done everything from reinstalling to resetting all settings. no joy. Any ideas?

    That's what it's supposed to do.
    The commands under Tools>Photoshop will open photoshop.
    For example, the idea for Tools>Photoshop>Batch is to pick the photos/documents in bridge and
    then batch opens photoshop and the batch dialog so you can choose an action and where you want to save to.
    In the batch dialog, if you look at the Source, it should say Bridge.
    some more info: tml

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