Moving from Palm

I have used a Palm Zire 31 for the last umpteen years.I have now
switched to the iPhone and want to copy my calendar over. I exported
and imported to iCal and now all my events are repeated every day to
eternity. Nothing makes sense. Is there a way to do this and keep the
integrity of the calendar or do I just need to start over?
I think my contacts will sync ok, but the calendar is making me nuts.

yes it is possible. Please read :​age?
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    yes it is possible. Please read :​age?
    The search box on top-right of this page is your true friend, and the public Knowledge Base too:

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    there is some OP report after Windows update Dec 2014 macro stop responding ( I cant confirm if this is also related to your issue) its because security update for Office maybe conflict with the active-x that you are installed
    try to
    Close Excel
    Start Windows Explorer.
    Select your system drive (usually C:)
    Use the Search box to search for *.exd
    Delete all the files it finds.
    Start Excel again
    Open that file and save it, and try open at Windows 7
    to get more detail about this issue, I suggest also contact Office forum
    this case also will be solve installing kb3025036
    good luck

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    iOS and iPod: Syncing photos using iTunes
    iPad Tip: How to Delete Photos from Your iPad in the Photos App he-photos-app
    Another Way to Quickly Delete Photos from Your iPad (Mac Only) ad-mac-only
    How to Delete Photos from iPad
    How to: Batch Delete Photos on the iPad
    (With iOS 5.1, use 2 fingers)
    How to Delete Photos from iCloud’s Photo Stream
     Cheers, Tom

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    You may have to try deleting all the music from your phone (by going to Settings>General>Usage>Music, swipping All Music and tapping Delete), then sync it all back on with iTunes in order to fix this.

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    No guarantess but try smc and pram resets,

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    It would have been easy if there was a specific WM movement type for such transfer but due to the reason that the WM 309 is connected to various IM movement types, there is no direct report to get this information.
    Conversely, you may use MB51 with the combination of the WM managed storage location and movement type for your purpose. If there are multiple storage locations assinged to the same warehouse then you may put a range in the selection criteria.

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    Have you checked the Web site of the manufacturer of your wireless USB remote, to see if their product supports MacBook Pros?
    In general, the 13-inch MacBook Pro has less powerful hardware than the 15-inch model. A detailed comparison can be found in the right-hand column of the table here.
    Which external devices/equipment do you currently have  to be effective in an office environment with your Windows computer? The list is likely to be similar with a computer that runs OS X.
    Which applications do you currently depend upon under Windows? That might be the best guide to providing advice on how to best adapt to OS X.

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    Contact iTunes Customer Service and request assistance
    Use this Link  >  Apple  Support  iTunes Store  Contact

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    According the this:, "After moving to iCloud, family member accounts are no longer linked to the master account."  You can share an iCloud calendar (see, but I don't think you will be able to share iCloud contacts unless you are signed into the same iCloud account on both phones.

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    I have moved from the US to Norway, and want to change my apple ID to the Norwegian appstore. However, I am not allowed ot change from the US store before I use up my balance, which is 0.17 dollar. The problem is that nothing costs 0.17 dollar and I do no longer have an american visa card, only Norwegian. Is there any way I can erase the credit on my account so I can change the appstore country? Or osmething I can use this credit on? Thank you very much

    Try contacting the store support staff at: they are usually pretty good at sorting out these issues.

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    I have moved from Australia to UK and I would like to swap my details to the UK, country of residence, billing address etc.  I have spent over $4,000 on iTunes including extra iCloud storage and iTunes match.  I want to be able to keep app's, music, movies and my Cloud/Match exactly the same.  How do I do this?
    Everytime I go to do it a message says that all of my purchases will be lost?
    I need help but in real somple step by step easy as I am not hugely PC literate and still working out the whole Apple iTunes product behind the scenes so please help me in the simplistic way possible.
    Thanks you in advance

    papillondefer wrote:
    I want to be able to keep app's, music, movies and my Cloud/Match exactly the same.  How do I do this?
    Because of different local copyright laws and licensing you cannot keep everything exactly the same except for iCloud, which is not affected. You will have to create a new Apple ID for use on the UK iTunes Store with a form of payment drawn on a local bank and an address in the UK. As long as you have downloaded all your purchases and the computer is still authorized to play all protected video content that won't change, however Apps may give you trouble when updating because once associated with an Apple ID you can only switch between stores every 90 days.
    As for iTunes Match you must contact Australian iTunes Store support to cancel the subscription and you will have to resubscribe on the UK store.

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