Moving my iTunes (me again)

I authorized the new comp. and connected via firewire & reboot, and see the HD on the new desktop but now but can't figure out which files to move from where to where. Help again please.

This is a second thread. OP has tried a couple of different things. All I meant was as soon as she finished following the instructions, she'd be done. I was just seconding your excellent explanation. I also wanted to let her know I was still paying attention.

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    Message was edited by: danjwin

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    davidfrombillings wrote:
    I thought I could just drag and drop my iTunes library to an external hard drive.
    it'll work ... if done properly ☞
    copy the entire iTunes folder (not just the iTunes music or media folder) from <MacintoshHD>/users/<yourname>/music on your Mac to the external, then launch iTunes while holding the option (⌥) key, click on choose library when prompted, and select the iTunes folder on the external.
    if I already have my iTunes going to the incorrect files how is it going to find the correct files again.
    you could try if this script helps:
    iTunes Track CPR v1.3 
    This script attempts to locate the files of so-called "dead tracks"--iTunes tracks designated with (!)--that you assume are not actually missing but are still located in the iTunes Music folder in their "iTunes File Order" (Music -> Artist -> Album ->"
    Eric Ross wrote:
    When you moved the file back did you go back into iTunes in your preferences and select the advance tab and then selected the location again or where your files are
    the iTunes media folder location in preferences > advanced tells iTunes where to put new additions to your library, not where your content currently is.

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    Close iTunes. Click the icon to start it, then press and hold down the left shift key. Keep holding until asked to choose or create a library. Choose the iTunes folder on your external drive. That should bring back all your playlists, ratings, play counts etc. You may have to settle for removing and reloading the media onto the device again. That's not too bad, but what you don't want to have happen is your apps being removed and reloaded as then you can lose settings and data. If that looks likely backup and then restore the device rather than sync it.
    If for some reason rebuilding the library the way you did has moved files around then the restored library may have trouble finding things. If so post back and I'll explain what to do...

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    Ok. progress...
    So is your media folder called iTunes Music or iTunes Media? And does it have a folder called Music inside it?
    Before going any further you should first attempt to use File > Library > Organize Library > Rearrange files in the folder "<Media Folder>" (ignore if grayed out). This will make sure that any iPod Games or Mobile Applications get placed inside the iTunes Media folder which is needed for portability.
    If your iTunes Media folder is called iTunes Music, close iTunes, rename the folder as iTunes Media and start iTunes again. iTunes will automatically adjust. Close iTunes again.
    On your external drive rearrange the folders that you have already copied there so that they match the layout in your active library. You should end up with a folder called X:\iTunes where X: is the external drive letter, and the media folder is X:\iTunes\iTunes Media. If the library layout was upgraded then you will need to create a Music folder inside this and move all the artist folders and Compilations into Music. You will also need to copy iPod Games and Mobile Applications from your internal drive into the new media folder. Next copy the files iTunes Library.itl, iTunes Library Extras.itdb, iTunes Library Genius.itdb, sentinel and the folder Album Artwork from the internal drive into X:\iTunes. The preceding manipulations should make the internal and external copies of your library match without you having to copy all of the media over again.
    Now hold shift as you start iTunes. Click choose, browse to and open X:\iTunes\iTunes Library.itl.
    Finally use File > Library > Organize Library > Consolidate files. This will ensure that any stray files that might have been added from outside your original media folder will be copied into the new one.
    You can now reclaim the space used by your library on the internal drive, however before you do so I would advise you to obtain another external drive and make use of this backup tip.

  • Moving the iTunes library to an external drive

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    I followed the Apple article and successfully moved my iTunes library to an external drive.
    which article (post a link) did you follow and what exactly did you move to the external ?

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    please advise

    If you copied over the whole iTunes folder then shift-starting-iTunes should allow you to get reconnected. If you only moved the iTunes Media folder then copy the main iTunes library folder to <Alt.Drive>\iTunes, move the media folder to <Alt.Drive>\iTunes\iTunes Media then open the library file <Alt.Drive>\iTunes\iTunes Library.itl.
    If there are still tracks that can't be found then as long as there is some semblance of order my script FindTracks should have a reasonable stab at reconnecting things.

  • I have moved my Itunes media folder to an external drive and Itunes does not find the items in the folder

    Running Win7. I moved my entire Itunes library to an external drive to free up space on my laptop. Itunes recognized the change and all was well. That worked fine and I have synced several times from the laptop with the library on the external drive. Now the laptop is in the shop (sigh, not Itunes related a dead network card). I connected the external drive to my desktop, made sure my software was up to date. opened ITunes went to edit/preferences/advanced. Went to change Itunes media folder location and navigated to the proper folder on my external drive and clicked OK. None of the music, videos, etc, that are in that folder show up in iTunes on the desktop. Restarted ITunes, no help, reboot computer, no help. Have I done something wrong or left out a step. I could copy all the media onto the desktop individually and build new playlists but that seems like something that should not be needed? One of the reasons I moved my Itunes media folder to the external drive was so I could use the laptop for iTunes while travel and the desktop for iTunes while at home. Do I have to copy the entire folder to my desktop and take up space there? That would be counterproductive to using the external drive. I searched and saw a hint to hold down shift while starting ITunes but that did not change anything. Any help would be most appreciated!
    Jim in WV

    Thank you for your prompt response - I did as you said and did a drag and drop into the iTunes window - it imported and got my album art from the net. When I started Itunes with the shift key down I was prompted to choose a library but since I copied over the media folder and not the library folder I was unable to select that so I guess I will have to create a new library and add in all the music, videos, etc. unless I wait for my laptop and export the library or at least that seems to be the case? In short, all my data (iTunes media folder) is on my external drive and can be added to the blank iTunes screen but I can not choose a library folder. Is there anyway around completely making all those playlists again? I am not sure my laptop will survive the shop with data intact and really hate to start over on those.
    In an unrelated question - I collect old TV shows from the 1950's. Can I make playlists within the home video folder somehow?  In other words like one for Quiz shows, one for comedies, one for police and detective shows, etc. while I am remaking all my playlists for my music if I end up having to go that route?
    Once again thank you for helping me out. I am not too Itunes savvy and really appreciate you taking the time to answer.

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    Thank you for your prompt response - I did as you said and did a drag and drop into the iTunes window - it imported and got my album art from the net. When I started Itunes with the shift key down I was prompted to choose a library but since I copied over the media folder and not the library folder I was unable to select that so I guess I will have to create a new library and add in all the music, videos, etc. unless I wait for my laptop and export the library or at least that seems to be the case? In short, all my data (iTunes media folder) is on my external drive and can be added to the blank iTunes screen but I can not choose a library folder. Is there anyway around completely making all those playlists again? I am not sure my laptop will survive the shop with data intact and really hate to start over on those.
    In an unrelated question - I collect old TV shows from the 1950's. Can I make playlists within the home video folder somehow?  In other words like one for Quiz shows, one for comedies, one for police and detective shows, etc. while I am remaking all my playlists for my music if I end up having to go that route?
    Once again thank you for helping me out. I am not too Itunes savvy and really appreciate you taking the time to answer.

  • Problems after moving my iTunes library to an external hard drive.

    Hello everyone. I recently followed the instructions in the Apple support article to move my iTunes library to an external drive. After completing all the steps in the article I consolidated my library on the new drive and verified that all of my files made it over to the new location. Then I deleted my music files from the old location and made sure, one more time, that my music and videos would still play through iTunes. Everything worked fine. The files in iTunes all referenced the new location. Then there was a problem...
    The next morning I opened my iTunes and every song and video showed an exclamation point. None of them could find their files! I went into my iTunes preferences to confirm my setting were still good and found that my iTunes music folder had been changed back to its default location on my Mac hard drive! All the files are still located on my external drive where I consolidated them, but iTunes is trying to pull them from the default location.
    Why has this preference changed?
    How can I fix what's happened?
    And, how can I make sure this doesn't happen again?!
    Thanks to anyone who wants to offer me some advice!

    I may have found an answer here: -a-new-hard-drive
    They only thing I can assume is that my external hard drive was slow to start and iTunes defaulted to its old directory (see the last paragraph at the link above). However, once my external was recognized shouldn't everything have fixed itself?
    Message was edited by: williamson42
    Message was edited by: williamson42

  • After moving my iTunes and iPhoto libraries to an external hard drive and deleting the originals i found i still had no space on my

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    all seemed to be ok.
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    any help please as i am loving tje mac but i am still quite new to it.

    Did you empty Trash?

  • After moving my itunes library from my old WinXP computer to my new Win7 computer, itunes gives a warning that my content on my phone must be removed and re-synced. I want to merge changes/updates on my phone with my itunes library as normal, not erase it

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    How do I merge content on my iPhone & content in iTunes together?

    Hopefully you still have the original library and can redo the migration...
    These are two possible approaches that will normally work to move an existing library to a new computer.
    Method 1
    Backup the library with this User Tip.
    Deauthorize the old computer if you no longer want to access protected content on it.
    Restore the backup to your new computer using the same tool used to back it up.
    Keep your backup up-to-date in future.
    Method 2
    Connect the two computers to the same network. Share your <User's Music> folder from the old computer and copy the entire iTunes library folder into the <User's Music> folder on the new one. Again, deauthorize the old computer if no longer required.
    Both methods should give the new computer a working clone of the library that was on the old one. As far as iTunes is concerned this is still the "home" library for your devices so you shouldn't have any issues with iTunes wanting to erase and reload.
    I'd recommend method 1 since it establishes an ongoing backup for your library.
    Note if you have iOS devices and haven't moved your contacts and calendar items across then you should create one dummy entry of each in your new profile and iTunes should  merge the existing data from the device.
    If your media folder has been split out from the main iTunes folder you may need to do some preparatory work to make it easier to move. See make a split library portable.
    Should you be in the unfortunate position where you are no longer able to access your original library or a backup then then see Recover your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device for advice on how to set up your devices with a new library with the maximum preservation of data.

  • TS1389 I have moved my iTunes library from an old PC to my new one running on Windows 8.  All play normally apart from two albums:  Songwriter by Justin Hayward and The Roaring Silence by Manfred Man''s Earth Band.  The FAQ suggestions don't resolve the p

    I have moved my iTunes library from an old PC to my new one running on Windows 8.  All play normally apart from two albums:  Songwriter by Justin Hayward and The Roaring Silence by Manfred Man''s Earth Band.  The FAQ suggestions don't resolve the problem.

    Honestly, all the people in all the world that look at this forum, no-one can tell me why my itunes is causing my machine to fall over?
    I wiped the machine and started again. Fresh XP install, fresh iTune download, fired it up imported one album and bang. Over it went. I've PC Checked the hard ware, mad onioned the system to see if it's a resource thing but it's rock solid until i open iTunes. Then after every re-boot, the message is back in the event log.
    Source iPod Service Event ID 0
    The description for Event ID ( 0 ) in Source ( iPod Service ) cannot be found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display messages from a remote computer. You may be able to use the /AUXSOURCE= flag to retrieve this description; see Help and Support for details. The following information is part of the event: Service started.
    Can someone at least reply to let me know I've not typed this in dutch!! :o)

  • Moving my iTunes library - So now what do I do???

    I store my music on a Seagate 250GB drive which is now full, so I needed to move my library to my new Seagate 1T external drive. I created a new library [changed library] on the 1T with a few songs from my hard drive, and then used iTunes "add to library' to put library from the 250 GB to the 1T. And I went to bed because it would take a while.
    When I woke up, iTunes was frozen about half way through the add, the 250GB library had disappeared, and all the copied folders on the 1T were empty. Plus iTunes couldn't open the library because it was 'locked'. And so I restarted and the result is the 250 GB library is intact, and the 1T has about half the songs copied on to it, and iTunes is working again.
    So now what do I do?
    1. It would take forever to figure out which folders were not copied, select them, and add them. [it's not like it started with the A's and finished with R's]
    2. It would take forever to try adding the 250GB library again, hope it doesn't freeze, and then delete the duplicates.
    3. So I am thinking I need to delete the 1/2 library on the 1T, and try adding the 250Gb library again.
    Or ................ is there some way to do an add/copy and have iTunes not copy the dulicates ie the ones that are already on the 1T.
    Or ............. is there something else I should consider.

    iTunes: How to move your music to a new computer -
    do not confuse moving your whole folder and library with moving just media files as in
    iTunes for Mac: Moving your iTunes Media folder -
    Quick answer if you let iTunes manage your music:  Copy the whole iTunes folder and all its subfolders and files intact to the other drive.  Start iTunes with the option key held down and guide it to the new location of the library.

  • I moved my Itunes music and now it won't automatically locate them?

    I moved all my music to a different folder, and I click one song in my library to locate it, and then I locate it, and I click locate all files and it won't add them, and I have over 1k songs so I don't want to locate them all manually one by one. What do I do? Is there a fix or program for Windows?
    I have a backed up Library.xml file can I edit that somehow?

    It all depends a bit on what you want to do.
    Option 1
    The "offical" method (i.e. there is a support article describing it) for moving your media around is to allocate a new media folder and then consolidate your content to that new location. The downside with it is that you then have to manually clean up what gets left behind. The other problem with that method is that it splits the library and the media folder up. Once this has happened it is less easy to do the following trick.
    Option 2
    The "unofficial" but still widely documented alternative is to move the entire iTunes folder to a new location. This assumes the media folder was inside the main iTunes folder to start with. If you move a library in this layout to a new location then you can hold down shift when iTunes is starting and choose to open the libary in the new location. (Hold shift, click icon for iTunes, carry on holding shift for some time until a prompt appears). iTunes should open the library from its new location and automatically update the preference for the iTunes Media folder to match. Everything just works.
    Actually, if your library was created by iTunes 8 or earlier and you haven't updated to iTunes Media Organisation then you might need to fix up a few things like iPod Games and Mobile Apps, or better yet, upgrade to iTunes Media Organisation before  you go moving the iTunes folder with File > Library > Organise Library > Reorganise files in the folder <Media Folder>. If the last option is greyed out you've already done it.
    Option 3
    Finally, if you just want to consolidate files to a new folder without creating copies then my script ConsoldateByMoving will move files to their default location (i.e. where iTunes would copy it to) within the current media folder. It is also possible to modify the script to use a different root folder for all the files it is moving, or indeed adapt it (carefully & take a backup first) for your own personal naming scheme.
    Option 4
    There are also all sorts of move-my-iTunes-library-guides that talk about editing the XML file to update files with the new location that you've just given them by hand and then "damaging" the ITL file in a way that makes iTunes rebuild the ITL from the XML data. Ignore all such nonsense, there are easier ways to destroy your library.
    I'd recommend you go for option 2. I actually organise my media with a personalised version of the script, but there is no real benefit other than a warm glow that everything is organised my way because I want it that way.

Maybe you are looking for