Mp3s play in browser - I have NOT enabled mp3 file types in QT 7.1 prefs?

I do not want Quicktime to play mp3s in my browser. I want to save them to my hard drive and play them from my mp3 player.
I do not have mp3 checked in the Quicktime 7.1 prefererences file types tab.
How can I stop quicktime from playing mp3s in my browser - but retain the ability to play quicktime movies?

Is that the only alternative? I knew I could right click and save as. But I'm looking to left click and have another application play it (so nothing hijacks the current page I'm on). I'm talking about clicking on mp3 files.
For example, on my PC I can left click on any mp3 and it opens in WinAmp and thus doesn't take over my browser window. This allows me to quickly and easily listen to songs on an mp3 blog while reading about the artist/etc. I don't have to right click, save to my desktop, close the browser window, double click, etc.. I can just left click, it plays, and nothing is hijacked.
That is not possible on a Mac?

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    After installing Adobe Flash Player (, download and install the hack so you can also view Flash 11 content.
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    Back up all data before making any changes. Please take each of the following steps until the problem is resolved.
    Step 1
    If Adobe Reader or Acrobat is installed, and the problem is just that you can't print or save PDF's displayed in Safari, you may be able to do so by moving the cursor to the the bottom edge of the page, somewhere near the middle. A black toolbar should appear under the cursor. Click the printer or disk icon.
    Step 2
    There should be a setting in its preferences of the Adobe application such as Display PDF in Browser. I don't use those applications myself, so I can't be more precise. Deselect that setting, if it's selected.
    Step 3
    If you get a message such as ""Adobe Reader blocked for this website," then from the Safari menu bar, select
    Safari ▹ Preferences... ▹ Security
    and check the box marked
    Allow Plug-ins
    Then click
    Manage Website Settings...
    and make any required changes to the security settings for the Adobe PDF plugin.
    Step 4
    Triple-click anywhere in the line of text below on this page to select it, the copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C:
    /Library/Internet Plug-ins
    In the Finder, select
    Go ▹ Go to Folder
    from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-G. Paste into the text box that opens by pressing command-V, then press return.
    From the folder that opens, move to the Trash any items that have "Adobe" or “PDF” in the name. You may be prompted for your login password. Then quit and relaunch Safari.
    Step 5
    The "Silverlight" web plugin distributed by Microsoft can interfere with PDF display in Safari, so you may need to remove it, if it's present. The same goes for a plugin called "iGetter," and perhaps others—I don't have a complete list. Don't remove Silverlight if you use the "Netflix" video-streaming service.
    Step 6
    Do as in Step 4 with this line:
    ~/Library/Internet Plug-ins
    If you don’t like the results of this procedure, restore the items from the backup you made before you started. Relaunch Safari.

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