MRP - Primeros Pasos

Estrimados Amigos del Foro:
  Quisiera saber mas del uso del MRP en el SAP, si hubiera algun manual con ejemplos o una guia sobre el MRP  el cual pudiera sacar provecho
Jesus Bocanegra

Estimado Jesus,
Link a los tres manuales disponibles para  MRP han sido referidos en el siguiente thread :
Manual de produccion
Algunas funcionalidades no has sido modificadas, por lo que los manuales de versiones anteriores se mantienen activos.
Juan Manuel Marrero
SAP Business One Forums  Team

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    Hola Juanfe;
    Los grupos de usuarios, te puede ayudar a la hora de iniciarte.... por ejemplo en puedes ver muchos tutuoriale/
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    Un saludo!

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    Estimado Jesus
    el SDK soporta por defecto .NET y Java. Cuando tu instalas el SDK (C:\Program Files\SAP\SAP Business One SDK), se copia la documentacion y ejemplos los cuales te pueden servir de guia para iniciarte en el mundo de la programacion de ADDONS, de igualmanera existe el TB1300 que es la documentacion oficial para la certificacion en el SDK la cual solo esta disponible para los partners.
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  • Order of delivery schedule line counter at schedule agreements from MRP run

    Currently we are using schedule agreements for our long term external suppliers, but we are facing a problem with the order of new delivery schedule lines created during MRP run.
    Because of master data settings like, lot size, rounding value, plan delivery time and planning time fence to set as firm new requirements, multiple schedule lines are created with no order for schedule line counter.
    Does anyone is aware of a BADI, user exit or customizing control to have this schedule line counter in order?
    Thank you
    Daniel Guillen
    Skyworks Inc.

    Pls put this query in SD fourms  and get immly help because this is technical fourms.

  • MRP - Auto creation of del schedule lines based on planned delivery time

    We have activated MRP (type PD) where Purchase requiesition is auto created by system for requirement quantity. We require to optimize delivery schedule in such a way that entire PR quantity is broken into various delivery schedule based on planned delivery time and requirement.  Scenario can be further explained with following example.
    Material Requirement for a month is say 1,25,000 units
    Closing Stock say 25,000 units
    PR Generated by system for 1,00,000 units. The entire quantity is schdulled with only one delivery schedule line as per planned delivery time. 
    The requirement is to generate multiple delivery schedule lines automatically in Purchase requisition based on planned delivery time so that Purchase orders can be placed with system generated delivery schedule lines.
    How can it be achieved ?
    Nirav Kinkhabwala

    This subject has been discussed repeatedly in this and other forums.  I must assume that you overlooked the rules of engagement, which state that you should first search the forums and other public sites, before posting questions here.
    Standard SAP MRP cannot be made to generate multiple items in a Purchase requisition.  The functionality you seek is usually achieved when converting purchase reqs to Purchase orders, where many single purchase reqs can be adopted into a single Purchase order.
    You also might want to investigate use of Vendor Scheduling agreements.
    Best Regards,

  • MRP To Generate SCHEDULE LINES for Scheduling Agreement

    I have followed the below steps but still the Schedule lines is not generated for scheduling agreement.
    1Maintain MRP views 1,2,3,4 for the material in material mste.(MM01)
    2. Maintain Purchase Info Record for the vendor plant & material combination.(ME11)
    3. Create Scheduling agreement using ME31L
    4. Maintain source list for the material & the scheduling agreement # and Line item set the MRP relevant indicator 2 (Necessary ?) ME01
    During Run MRP for the material.the below details entered///
    Processing key NETCH Net Change in Total Horizon
    Create purchase req. 1 Purchase requisitions in opening period
    Schedule lines 3 Schedule lines
    Create MRP list 1 MRP list
    Planning mode 1 Determination of Basic Dates for Planned
    Run MDBT or MD02 but still doesn't create the schedule lines......Anything else missing.
    MRP Procedure: PD
    MRP Group: 0000 (External Procurement only)
    Lot Size: EX (Lot For Lot)
    Procurement Type: F
    Sched Margin Key: 000
    Avilablity chec: 02 (Individual requirement)
    MRP: 4

    Source List a Mandatory for Scheduling Agreement, if you want to create automatic Scheduling line.
    Plz use (2) in MRP RELEVENT tab in ME01 (Source List).
    rest of the thing is ok, make sure a material master(MRP 2 VIEW) in that view you have to give a planed delivery days. it is must.

  • Schedule lines are not getting generated through MRP

    Hello Experts,
    While running MRP, we observed that the system is creating PR instead of schedule lines, although all the necessary prerequistes to generate schedule lines through MRP are maintained. For e.g.
    1. MRP Schedule line relevant indicator '2' is maintained in the Source List.
    2. Sch. Agreement dates and Source List validity dates are same.etc...
    Further after some analysis, we observed that if we change the source list validity from date to some back date then system is creating correct schedule lines.
    Example: Material M1; Planned delivery time 7 days; GR processing time 5 days; MRP Type PD; Lot Size WB;
    SA validity dates - 07.09.2011 to 31.12.2011
    Source List validity dates - 07.09.2011 to 31.12.2011
    If MRP run on 12.09.2011 and source list dates are retain same as mentioned above, system creates the PR.
    If MRP run on 12.09.2011 and source list dates changes to 05.09.2011 to 31.12.2011, system creates the schedule lines.
    Could you please let us know, why the system behave like this?

    Welcome to SDN,
    In transaction OMDT you have to enable the indicator create schedule lines
    In MD02 MRP control Prameter here select the Delivery schedules -3- Schedule line. Processing Key as NETCH and Planning Mode - 3 delted and recreated.
    Maintain source list ME01, in that put MRP indicator as '2' i.e. schedule lines via MRP.Put your agreement no in that.
    If u run MRP properly u will get schedule lines automatically in ME38.
    Make the schedule agreement, make it source relevent in the source list make is FIX and MRP indicator as 3.

  • MRP Type P1 and late firm schedule lines

    Hello All,
         We are using MRP Type P1 which firms our schedule agreement schedule lines within the planning time fence (as desired).  However, sometimes the supplier is late on delivery and the firm schedule line goes into the past.
         Is it possible to have MRP move the firm schedule line delivery date to today instead of going into the past?
         Thank you,

    Hi ,
    Bring process forward (reschedule in)
    Within this rescheduling horizon, the net requirements calculation checks whether, after a requirement, a firmed receipt exists, which can be used to cover this requirement. Then the system displays a rescheduling date as well as the exception message Bring process forward for this receipt. The net requirements calculation then uses this receipt and the system will only create another procurement proposal if the receipt quantity is not sufficient to cover the complete requirement. Several firmed receipts can be used to cover one requirement.
    It does not take in to account the GR processing time and it is purely based on the stock requirement date , parameters in Procurement and Scheduling in the Material Master
    So it will consume the requirement  backward scheduling and bring the Process forward.
    Kumar which  strategy are you using ?  scheduling agreement is of weekly , daily or monthly bucket ?
    How many days SA bring to Production and How many days SA for forecast you are doing ?
    Are you using any Program to convert these SA in to PIR and upload ( using any program ) .
    Edited by: jaya vimal on Jun 16, 2010 1:33 PM

  • *MRP unable to create Delivery Schedule Lines in MM Scheduling Agreement*

    Hi Experts,
    I need your help...
    The issue is, in-spit of maintaining Source List with an u201CScheduling Agreement with item No.u201D & u201CSource List Usage in MRPu201D as 2 (Record relevant to MRP. Sched. lines generated automatically), MRP run does not generate Schedule Lines, instead PRs are created.
    Please help me to understand such behavior and fix the issue as the requirement is to generate Schedule Lines only.

    Please check
    1) Source List maintained properly in terms of Material # ; plant # ; proper POrg ; Schd Agr # and line item# ; proper validity date & MRP relevant indicator
    2) Please also check Quata arrangement if you are using. whether % is maintained correctly against the vendor
    3) MD03 , Delivery schedules- should be 3
    4) check your planning horizon whether it is NETCH or not
    5) check material master -MRP2 view, Procurement type is F- external procurement, schedule margin key if you are using
    if everything above is set, then I feel it should work
    Also please verify-
    lot size, safety stock and the corresponding prod volume for MRP input v/s the stock available in MMBE
    MD04, we can see the open del lines.
    if SS = 50 , prod volume is 150
    1) if MMBE shows 200 then it wont generate any schedule.
    2) if MMBE is 180 and your lotsize is 40, then after MD03, you will have a schedule line of 40 (provided if everything is set properly)
    Please ensure there are NO open delivery lines . if you find such in MD04, then please close open delivery lines
    in calculation of MRP, system considers such open delivery lines are going to receive and no additional schedule line generated even after MRP run

  • MRP is not working for one material

    I've run MRP without problems, but now I have a problem with one material. It is strange because if I copy that material with MM01, create the BOM and the run the MRP, everything works fine with the new material, but not with the old one.
    Any idea why it could be not working, while the copy works perfectly?

    First of all check have u maintained MRP parameters correctly
    ( MRP type etc.)
    Though u have created BOM but if parent material has no requirement then it will not create any requirement for ur created material so check whether parent material is applicable for MRP or Not

  • Cross Plant Planning- MRP activation indicator turned after the creation of Material code

    Dear Experts,
    Working on Cross plant planning, where 1001 Production plant will stock transfer material to 8 different plants.
    Right now, only 10001 plant had MRP and planning file entry ticked in customizing OMDU.
    The other 8 plants have Materials codes created and MRP views extended but no MRP activation is ticked.
    Now, to have Cross plant planning MRP set, I have done necessary configurations, Scope of Planning, Special Procurement 40, and parallel processing is configured. All master datas are set properly. Tested few scenarios in IDES, working fine.
    If my understanding is clear, than I thin I need to run MDAB, activation of planning file and MDRE, Planning file Consistency Check,  because MRP will run in background?
    Is this correct or something more needs to be done ?? Please suggest
    Please also tell what is the use of MDRE t code.
    Best regards

    Hello Shailesh
    MDAB (RMMDVM20) is at plant level, you need to create different variants as per your plants
    Create a variant for the new plants and then schedule a job for these variants.
    Check customizing transaction OMDU -> set up planning file
    entry and consistency check of planning file entries.
    Best Regards,

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