MSI 970 FAN PROBLEM (Fan 2 stuck at 100%)

I have a problem with my 970, when i start the pc the fanspeed is normal on both my 970. But when i wait approximately 5 min the fanspeed on Card 1 (fan2) ramps up to 100% even in idle. I have tried everything to ramp it down but it dosnt even show that its stuck at 100% (Msi afterburner etc). I have tried to set a fanspeed/automatic fanspeed with msi afterburner but nothing helps. I just got this problem and i have not had it before.
Anyone else have this or have a solution?

You mean like this?

Similar Messages

  • One of my MSI GTX 780-fans gets stuck on 100% every now and then :(

    Every now and then (randomly and not very often) one of the fans on my MSI GTX 780 gets stuck on 100% after windows 7 (64 bit) have loaded.
    It is impossible to get it to slow down by using any software or by restarting the computer (or even by turning it off).
    The Only way to get it back to normal functioning is to open the computer and stop the fan with my hands for a while. After that it works like it should, until next time this bug happens.
    Has anyone experienced anything like it?  Can it be solved or is the card broken?

    flobelix will give you the program needed (a link to it at least) and the information of how to so it!
    but he needs 2 things from you!
    1: the serial number of your MSI GTX 780 (leave off the last 3 digits)
    2: a copy of your cards current VBIOS (download this and run it and it will bring up GPU-Z and then click on the little icon at the end of BIOS Version and choose save to file (should be a under 1MB file) then upload it to somewhere like and give us a link to it there)

  • Help MSI GE60 Fan keeps spinning to 100% and down every 10 seconds.

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    Every time i turn on my laptop this always happen. It goes on when my laptop is on. Even if im not doing anything it still keeps spinning up and down. I checked the temperature and its at 40+ C and my CPU usage is normal. Basically im not doing anything and it keeps doing this fan spin up and down.
    Even when the cooler boost is on or off, its still does the same thing, the fan keeps spinning up to 100% and down.
    Do you think this is a software issue or hardware?  It is very annoying to hear the fan go 100% for 10 seconds then back to normal then back to 100% speed again and when i press cooler boost it doesnt do anything. So even tho the cooler boost button is off, it still keeps doing the 100% fan speed and back to normal again. It keeps repeating.
    Can anyone help me solve this problem please? Thank you very much.

    Quote from: reprieve.nagrand on 03-May-13, 08:35:31
    I have already tried uninstalling the S-bar and SCM drivers but still getting the fan noise. Also tried the no-battery and no-power reset for more than 24 hours but still having the same problems. The only thing that worked was changing the values in the RWeverything software. The only problem here is that it will work only until I shutdown the laptop. Once I do a cold boot I have to redo the RWeverything changes again.
    thanks for your case. Can I ask you a few questions more, please?
    1. According to your model id your notebook came with just FreeDos, right? Could you please enter the Bios and go to System Information to confirm that you are using Bios 10F and EC version 14.04 (or 4.04)?
    2. I urgently need a screenshot of your EC-Page within RWeverything after a cold boot without any modifications. Please try to make the screenshot at that time, when you can barely hear the fan anymore during the spin-on / spin-off cycle.
    3. CoolerBoost: with a laptop that has been sitting idle for at least 20mins since last cold boot (no load, please!), can you turn on coolerboost by pushing the button somewhere to the left of the Powerbutton and let coolerboost run for at least 30 seconds. Then turn coolerboost off again and wait for the fan to slow down. Does the fan run continously after applying coolerboost or does it enter its off/on-cycle again. Please try it for at least 5 times and repeat it during other Windows sessions for two times. If this trick works, you are the man to make the video! Please help me out here. Please note, that the coolerboost trick will only work until there is load on the system again. If the fan speed picks up again due to load and slows down again, it will enter the annoying pattern, again.
    4. While still reviewing the case and going through my notes, I came across an entry that I reflashed the EC-Controller with the same firmware one or two nights before the problem disappeared. This happened after uninstalling S-Bar and SCM earlier. So, if you are familiar with DOS-Flashing using USB-Sticks you could try to reflash the EC-Controller, than remove all power sources for at least 20 mins. If anyone else is experiencing the problem, please go ahead and report your findings. But please do the reflash only if you are familiar with such things and of course, please do so on your own risk!
    Current status and work in progress:
    As I haven't gotten hand on a video proofing that simply pushing the coolerboost fan button makes the problem temporarily go away, I am still stuck on there. The coolerboost solution works until the system load increases so much, that the fan level has to be raised. When the system load goes back to idle again, the fan level decreases and enters the off/on-cycle again.
    The good news is I managed to customize a programm called fan control tools to somehow automatically apply the changes in RWeverything via a small GUI. This tool will also allow you to set fan profiles for Office, Games, etc. The bad news is, that this will trigger UserAccountControll at least once and it doesn't reapply after a cold boot or returning from hibernate, yet. I am now currently working on a solution that allows the new fan values to be set by Windows automatically using a batch file. This will apply the new values after a normal Windows boot, but not when returning from hibernate, though.
    However, if you have found your remedy value for the fan issue within RWeverything, you can turn to Svet in the subforum "Notebook Modified & Private BIOS'ses & EC-FW". He will certainly be able to create you a custom EC-FW with those values written permanently in it.
    My case:
    The fan problem with my notebook has not (yet) returned. It has been running without S-Bar/SCM just fine. It can even process all fan profile alterations I have made. So, am I just lucky? While I do believe, that the fans of those notebooks experiencing the issue could be "somewhat odd", I find it hard to believe that my fan really suffered a mechanical problem. Without doing anything mechanical wise, my problem went away.
    @Warner: I promised to present more videoproof of the case, but unfortunately I haven't managed to get a hold on a suitable video, especially since my unit has been running fine for the last weeks. Please be patient, if I have enough evidence I will post it asap.
    One question bothers me though: looking at the EC-page of RWeverything, I was wondering if these are really all values, that the EC handles and checks. Are there any other values, variables that the EC manages and that are not displayed on the EC-page of RWeverything? The reason for asking this, is because I have a video showing the ECpage of RWeverything while the fan does his off/on-cycle and you can clearly see the RPMvalue correspond to the actions of the fan. As you pointed out, the boosts occur because the EC is missing a fan signal, I could clearly see the RPM value at offset 0xCD respond to the actions of the EC. If the controller looks for that value only, it should surely see the RPMs of the fan, as I can see them in RWeverything. So, I was wondering if the EC has other values not shown in RWeverything, that determine if the EC should enter the boost cycle?
    While having another look at that video again, to me it appears as if the EC does this really on purpose. It tries to reduce the voltage of the fan to a point so low, that the fan simply starves. Then it boosts the fan up again. The only question is: why does the EC do that? Is there a leftover setting inside the EC - perhaps from another notebook - where such low RPMs were achievable?
    You can find the video here in this zip-file:
    In the zip-file you will find three numbered videos, the first one is the most interesting as it shows the annoying fan cycle while the laptop is running idle. In the second one, the user put load on the system using prime95. The third one shows the system while it cools off again after prime95 has been stopped. Sadly, the video is too short as the system doesn't reach its lowest fan state again. The videos were taken in march in Germany, so the ambient temperature is around 20-21 °C or less (normal room temperature in Germany).

  • MSI 970 Gaming Hardware Monitor FAN profile not working in windows

    Not sure how this is supposed to work but when I'm in the hardware monitor and I set a min max temp for the fans, it works great in the bios you can see the speed increasing with the temps.
    However when I'm in windows the it is stuck at the lowest RPM and speed doesn't increase when the temps raises.
    Anyone know the solution to this?
    Windows 8.1 x64 using Aida64 to test.

    Quote from: noel_bouvrie on 28-May-15, 21:44:33
    I'm guessing this isn't my lucky day. I put the BIOS on a mem stick, go in to the BIOS select M-FLASH > Update BIOS > Select the USB stick and BIOS file and BIOS just freezes. I waited for a while because I was afraid it was somehow doing the update and I would interrupt thus breaking the BIOS/Motherboard. Eventually I Hard reset and thank god bios came up again so I tried again, same problem.
    I think i'll wait for release notes, it works now and unless there is something worthy in it I'd rather stay away from it. If it ain't broken don't fix it
    I admit this thread is puzzling...I have the MSI "970 Gaming" motherboard--and it is so named because it houses the AMD 970a core-logic chipset...It doesn't appear as if the "M.33" bios at the above link is designed for my board--but maybe it is, I can't tell... Current bios is 2.22 (no "M" anywhere)--Just in case we are actually speaking of the same motherboard, I have the same experience with my fan controls in that they seem not to work with the Command Center in the way that you'd think they should work.  Command center is theoretically supposed to run at boot, and any setting you save for system fans 1 & 2 (plus the cpu fan, of course) *should* run when the program runs at boot and you have saved your system fan settings to "smart mode"...  (Says he who is wondering if he's just made a dumb post...) At least, that's what I *think*...Anyway...that apparently does not happen so I pulled Command Center out of my boot-up routine.
    You know, if you and I don't have the same motherboard then why do two completely different motherboards bear the same name?  Eh?
    Of course, I just may be thoroughly confused about all of this somehow...!

  • Msi gtx 970 Fans Randomly Turning On When Idling???

    So basically I have had my msi gtx 970 for a couple weeks and the fans seem to behave as normal? Now once when I was idling I noticed the fans spin up and immediately spin down straight away. So basically now every 30 seconds the fans will spin up and spin straight back down which is weird. The temps are fine and I have checked this using MSi Afterburner. The fans I'm pretty sure are meant to stay off under 65 which it is so why are the fans spinning up. I don't seem to notice it noise wise but I don't know what it is happening. When I check the Fan % in Msi After Burner it doesn't log the fan ramping up but the 'fan tachometer, RPM' section shows it going up and back down, I will link a picture of this. I will link you the youtube video which I highly reccomend watching for a better idea of what's happening. I show you it spin up once and back down then a waiting period and then it doing it again.
    YouTube Video:
    Msi afterburner, Fan tachometer section:

    Quote from: rwcordell on 05-November-14, 04:05:25
    I may have found a problem with MSI's fan settings on these cards.
    Is this the problem? I don't know. But it does not seem to be set correctly IMO.
    As you can see below the fans with the OEM bios are never actually set to 0 rpm. When they are off they are actually being told to spin at 1% power at 23 rpm.
    I have changed mine.
    The fans no longer randomly spin with the new drivers. And I have not had any more problems with one fan not spinning up ( although its too early to declare victory on that problem ).
    My fans now start up at 50c and even when overclocked to 1503MHZ I have not gone over 65c at 68% fan speed.
    Went ahead and copied your settings and everything seems to be working as it should  now. Thanks
    Just tested it by getting gpu up to 50c and it seems to work. After it drops below 50 it takes a bit for the red fan to spin back down (stayed around 44% for a good 3-5 mins). After the red fan dropped to 0% the black fan slowly dropped down to 29% and that's where it is sitting right now. I think this is per design though since I remember my gpu doing this even on .16. The cooldown process or something I guess.
    And at the end of this post black fan is back down to 0%. Good call on the problem looks like it's fixed .

  • GTX 970 fan problems

    I've been dealing with this for months but it's been really bad recently so I thought I'd ask for help.  My GTX 970 Gaming 4G will fairly often fail to start the rear fan when it heats up, causing the front fan to run at 100% which is very loud.  I have to reboot or open up my case and spin-start the rear fan to get it to function normally again.  I have previously updated my vbios to version 182 because I thought it fixed this problem, but it definitely hasn't.  Is there any fix available or am I looking at an RMA?
    GTX 970 Gaming 4G
    S/N: 602-V316-09SB1410084408
    VBIOS: NV316MH.182

    Quote from: wilson.gg2 on 09-June-15, 00:47:23
    Good luck getting it RMA'd mate. MSI are the worst, they won't take it direct and only through incapable vendors who can't understand it's an intermittent problem and therefore can't replicate it and won't RMA it back to MSI.
    To think this problem is still rearing it's ugly head.
    Do yourself a favour and try for a refund and then go for a reliable manufacturer like ASUS or others.
    >>Please read and comply with the Forum Rules.<<

  • GTX 970 Fan Issue Part Two

    i am new to the forum but i followed the first threat every day since my MSI 970 GTX Card has the issue with the fans (one is at 100% and one does not move)
    I found that the threat is closed, i think that this is a shame.  I want to quote:
    Enough of flaming on MSI
    >>Please read and comply with the Forum Rules.<<
    If you have an issue mentioned in this topic with your 970 or 980, RMA it. (My word, RMA is a simple way, who pays me as i cannot use the pc in this time ??)
    If you can't understand that MSI is unable (or was) to reproduce the issue, then we can't do anything about it. Also note that MSI has lots of different things to do, not just fixing 970 fan issue.
    Any updates will be posted by Mods/Admins here.----End of quote."
    WOW !!!!  MSI has a lot different things to do ?
    And what, please ? The GTX970 is as new as a card could be. And MSI has different things to do as fixing errors ? WHAT ????????????? WHAT HAS MSI TO DO ???
    I think you must be kidding. I am sorry that my first post is full of angry but if MSI has other things to do as fixing an error from a brand new product, what for the heck are these things ???? (fixing errors on a Geforce 8800 or else, oh yeah, that is really important !!)
    I have contact with my reseller and i will get ( i hope still 2014 ) a new card, hopefully without errors.
    But the statemant of MSI is, simple to say, not enough.

    Quote from: Nichrome on 06-November-14, 20:23:34
    Very upsetting?
    Explain me one thing: how can you fix something if it's not broken? If they can't get the issue, then they can't investigate. Please stop behaving like you're 5 years old that don't understand a thing. Unless you are 5 years old, then it seems that your parents should speak to us or MSI instead of you.
    That's not nice is it.  Yes he might be being a little melodramatic.  But to then insult him by calling him a child?  You should not be insulting people.  Whether this is a user to user forum or not, the forum uses the MSI brand which should encourage even more so a kinder approach to customers using the forum.  In my humble opinion of course. 
    Customers are unhappy.  It would be wise to note that the reaction of MSI, this forum, the fan troubles are all being widely discussed and documented all over the web.  MSI's reputation is not always being viewed in a good light.  Surely we should be trying to mindful and where possible improve that.
    Also, the view that in some shape or form its the customers fault for buying hardware early isn't one I share, nor should it imo be viewed as acceptable.  I have always bought early release gpu's and never had any issue in the past 20 years from a hardware perspective.  I will freely admit that these 2 x 980's of mine are my very first purchases of MSI though. 
    I actually quite like my MSI 980's, though it is looking likely that they may require a vbios update to rectify the fan spin up issue being currently investigated by Nvidia.  It would have been nice to know that this was being investigated by MSI too.  Is that enough to put me off MSI again?  Not really.  But my perception of MSI has changed and think things could be handled better.
    TL;DR  MSI could do better at maintaining customer relations.

  • MSI 970 Gaming Motherboard

    I am getting ready to start me a gaming build & i would like any feedback on the MSI 970 Gaming what make it better than the standard MSI such as the MSI 970A-G46 the 970 indeed has a different look than the 970A-G46 does I need to buy the best possible on my $1,100 bugdet I have also chose the MSI READON R9270 VIDEO CARD I am 100^ MSI ALL THE WAY .I have always used MSI mainboards & MSI video cards when ever possible I ought to list my entie machine so i can get feedback on it from all of you MSI lovers
    Here is my build thus far
    1.Sentey X Plus Power XPP725-PS 725W ATX Power Supply
    2.MSI 970 Gaming AM3+ AMD 970 SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 ATX AMD Motherboard
    3.AMD FX-6300 Vishera 6-Core 3.5GHz (4.1GHz Turbo) Socket AM3+ 95W Desktop Processer
    4.DEEPCOOL GAMMAXX 400 CPU Cooler 4 Heatpipes 120mm PWM Fan with Blue LED, Silver.
    5.G.SKILL Ripjaws X Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800
    6.Vizta V24LMH Black 24" LED 1080P HD Monitor
    7.Viotek Black ATX Mid Tower Gaming Computer Case W/ 120MM & 80MM RED LED, USB 3.0
    8.MSI R9 270 GAMING 2GB CrossFireX Support Video Card
    9.Western Digital Black WD1003FZEX 1TB 7200RPM SATA3 64MB Hard Drive
    10.Microsoft Windows std 8.1 64-bit (Full Version) - WN7-00615
    11.JEWAY JK-8101 Wired USB Port Eight Computer Gaming Keyboard Mouse Combos 6L
    12.Cyber Acoustics Platinum CA-3602 Speaker System
    13.LG 12X SATA Internal Bluray Combo Drive MDISC DVD CD Burner 3D Playback+Software

    Here is the info on that Raidmax Cobra
    Haswell Ready.
     80 PLUS® Bronze certification guarantees more than 85% efficiency at typical loads
    Stable voltage, low-noise levels by thermal controlled 13.5cm fan
    Low noise and voltage regulate DC output quality perfectly.
    A strong single +12V rail for high-end system heavy load configuration provides stable and highly compatibility.
    The COBRA series offers complete electric protection by OVP, UVP, OPP, and SCP.
    Compliance with the latest EU ErP Direction
    Fully safety certificate with CE, FCC, TUV, and UL.
    Active PFC, Quad+12v Rails. Design supports all HIGH-END Multi-Core GPU graphic cards
    Do you think that this PSU will be ok for my build

  • Help with msi 970 gaming

    I have a msi 970 gaming, I am having some problems with it, I made a usb bios stick which has now become corrupt, so I got in touch with msi and am still awaiting a reply. I was told to clear the cmos jumper of which I have, I have also taken the battery out for five mins and that hasn't changed anything.
    so I am sat with a board that powers up okay but have no video output. anyone willing to help me with some suggestions please I have tried everything from taking my two gtx770 and amd fx6300 and amd phanom ii x4 black edition check all power outputs to the board and cards and hd and dl dvd, so any help would be most appreciated. Dave

    The bios update failed and due to not having a backup bios the board is now bricked. You need to rma it as it is beyond things you can try yourself.

  • Bios beep Code after installing Msi 970 GTX 4G gaming

    I recently replaced my 570gtx with an MSI 970 GTX 4G Gaming.
    Although everything seems to be running fine and windows boots without any problems, I have noticed the occurrence of 1 beep at the mobo bios boot since installing this card. Which according the the manufacturer indicates a "BIOS ROM checksum failure - Possible MB failure".  I already checked whether it could be caused by the Card being loosely fitted in the PCI slot by removing and reinserting it to no avail. The card came with the latest graphic card bios installed. I also checked my CMos settings and could find nothing wrong with it unless I'm missing something.
    So the question is whether I should be worried or not?

    It's an old Dell Xps 730x I bought off a friend since I liked the case and he was letting it go cheap. Pretty much everything other than the Mobo, PSU and CPU have been replaced.
    Operating System
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
    Intel Core i7 950 @ 3.07GHz   41 °C
    Bloomfield 45nm Technology
    Corsair Vengeance
    12.0GB Triple-Channel DDR3 @ 801MHz (9-9-9-24)
    DELL Inc. 0P270J (CPU 1)   24 °C
    uses the Intel X58 chipset
    Bios version 1.06
    DELL SX2210 (1920x1080@60Hz)
    4095MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 (MSI)   36 °C
    931GB Hitachi HDE721010SLA330 (SATA)   32 °C
    931GB Hitachi HDE721010SLA330 (SATA)   32 °C
    1863GB Western Digital WDC WD20EARX-00PASB0 (SATA)   26 °C
    1863GB Western Digital WDC WD20EARX-00PASB0 (SATA)   27 °C
    Optical Drives
    HL-DT-ST BD-RE BH20N SCSI CdRom Device
    Realtek High Definition Audio
    Dell 1000 Watt PSU
    from what I read it produces 18 amps on each of the +12v rails.
    Considering newer graphic cards require 32amps this may be the problem; however, before upgrading to the MSI card it was running on 570 GTX SLI without any occurrence of the beep at bios boot. The only difference between the old cards to the new is that I had to attach the power cable adapter included in the box for the second power cable to be attached.
    P.S. my bad should have posted specs but opened the thread late in the day

  • MSI 970 Gaming wont reboot

    Bought a new MSI 970 Gaming board
    The problem is that my MSI 970 Gaming wont reboot by it self when I have a windows reboot, I have to push the reset switch, I have reinstalled windows with no further problems buth the problem stays
    No bsods or other strange things, run of pc mark and 3d mark and memtest but all are ok
    Videocard and psu are also new
    My specs:    PSU CoolerMaster V650
    Main Board:MSI 970 Gaming
    CPU : AMD Phenom II X4 955 Black Edition
    GPU: ATI/AMD Radeon R9 270X
    HDD: 2x Samsung 1 GB
    SDD: Samsung SSD 840 EVO Series 500GB
    Memory:  4x Kingston 2GB DDR3-1333
    Saw that other people have same thing so a fix for this board would be welcome

    Memory:  4x Kingston 2GB DDR3-1333
    have you tried with 1 memory stick only in 1st DIMM near to CPU socket?

  • Msi 970 gaming Driver issues + OC

    hi i got msi 970 gaming motherboard and i experience bad gaming as i always play after 20 min the internet stops working after tha i always need to troubleshoot the problem and it works fine then it does again i got driver killer e2200 . Any help pls? also when i want to overclock my proccesor it give me black screen but then goes to windows but it does all over again i know that i can overclock my fx 6300 black edition with no worries to 4.5ghz i got evo 212 hyper cooler
    Any help please

    other topic removed, please don't open multiple topics for the same subject >>Please read and comply with the Forum Rules.<<
    Quote from: kaka89123 on 01-June-15, 18:22:26
    everytime when i reset PC i get yellow triangle and click trouble shoot problems and always say that ip dont have valid configuration or something like that then it fixes but its pretty annoying when you playing and you suddenly dont have internet
    install latest killer drivers from: 64
    then see how its goes

  • MSI 970 Gaming + AMD FX-8350

    I want to upgrade my computer and by searching around I stumbled upon the new MSI 970 Gaming mainboard. I'm really looking forward to the isolated audio PCB and even the ramdisk software integrated in the MSI Command Center would be nice to have.
    But I want to upgrade to an FX-8350, too.
    Officially the FX8350 has a TDP of 125 Watt. But I know that it can draw more, even without overclocking. At least 140 Watt under certain circumstances, e.g. when using burn-in tools like Prime95.
    I heard of problems with a few 970 chipset mainboards, when used with power demanding CPUs like the FX8350. They usually start throttling, if the TDP exceeds a certain limit. Avoiding an early death of the mainboard, caused by the overheating of the used MOSFETs. As far as I know the throttling isn't always an issue with mainboards with 'bigger' chipsets, like the 990FX, since they usually support a higher TDP.
    The 'FX8350-issue' is known for quite a while, so I'm not sure if it sill applies to the new '970 Gaming' mainboard. Besides the 'military class 4 components' nothing is said about the used components, e.g. something about the power phase, which could give somewhat of a hint.
    Now what would you say, based upon your experience? Do you think that the new '970 gaming' is a viable option for the FX8350? Or should I buy a mainboard with a 'bigger' chipset, like the MSI 990FXA-GD65? And if you say 'yes' to the 970 Gaming, would it be still a viable option if I want to overclock the FX8350 (not sure if I'll do it).

    Thank you both for sharing your thoughts.
    @Nichrome: You're right that the mobo is vital. So getting a 990FX just makes sense. It's just because the hardware features of the 970 Gaming are just so good. Nice onboard sound, integrated headphone amplifier, nice network card, etc. It's mouth-watering so to speak I just need to be certain
    @flobelix: I hoped that someone would say that, being it the last chapter of AM3+, they would make a better thermal design.
    I'll think I have to give it a bit more thought. Or probably wait a bit until something is said about the thermal design. It's just that I really like the hardware features of the 970 Gaming
    Again thank you!

  • MSI 970 GAMING CPU Voltage

    Hello all.
    I have a problem with  my CPU voltage and OC'ing.
    First little backround, I did have Gigabyte GA-ma770-UD3 (rev2.1) before i upgraded to MSI 970 Gaming. I was able to OC The 1600T CPU to 4000MHz with 1.55V and it was prime95 stable 24h, but i kept CPU clock at 3800MHz 1.45V prime95 stable 24h as i didnt want to kill my CPU beacause of high voltage, oh and was using 4x1gb DDR2 900MHz.
    Sooo. Now i've been playing with this new mobo, and im little confused. My CPU VCORE is 1.392V, voltage setting set AUTO on BIOS, my previous build with gigabyte mobo had this set to 1.350V on AUTO in BIOS.
    Could the "wrong voltage" value be because of my prosessor is "AMD Processor Model Unknown" in CPU-Z and BIOS says the same.
    Also the whole overclocking is not fun anymore, seems that i cant achieve any higher STABLE OC than 3700MHz and that takes too much voltage, around 1.5V.
    I really feel that there is something wrong with the mobo or the bios, as i have tried OC'ing with my old motherboard and i can OC my CPU well better than with my current MSI 970 Gaming. And i think this mobo should do better or atleast equal to my old mobo.

    you have to make sure that your CPU could be properly recognize in the bios first 

  • Problem with a stuck yellow process chain

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    I have a problem with a stuck yellow process chain.
    A Meta chain calling a sub chain. The sub chain loads some master data.
    Some months ago one process stopped in yellow, no processes still running.
    So after that day when the meta chain runs the error msg is as follows
    The previous run of the current subchain, BW_METADATA_MD_ST , is not yet   
         complete. This leads to communication errors with the metachain called,    
         BW_METADATA_MD .                                                                               
    System response                                                                               
    The current run of the metachain is cancelled.                                                                               
    1.  End the previous run of the subchain, or wait until the run is         
             It does not matter whether the run was successfully completed or       
    2.  Restart the metachain.                                                 
    How do I end the previous run of the subchain?
    There is no process running, just want to set the flag to ended.
    Thanks in advance.
    Message was edited by:
            Lars Johnsson

    Hi Lars,
       Have a look this web log : Restarting Processchains
    Hope it Helps

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  • Anychart 5 integration kit for APEX

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  • Query with outer join not dispalying the correct results

    Hi All, I am having a table which has a column called status it can either be null or has the code which comes from the lookup b.When I use this query select b.menaing from a where a.status=b'lookup_code(+) AND b.lookup_type='MTH_BUSINESS_FUNCTION' A

  • StarOffice 8 not working a my PC

    I'm running XP Home on my laptop and Staroffice 8 runs great. It's all I've ever installed on it. On my PC running XPpro, I have Staroffice6. I recall trying to install SO7 a while back but it didn't work. Therefore, I just kept SO6 on it. After seve