Multidimensional array in jquery class/object

I'm trying to get into javascript and jquery for a hobby project of mine. Now I've used the last 4 hours trying to find a guide on how to create class objects that can contain the following information
Identification : id
Group : group
Persons : array(firstname : name, lastname : name)
Anyone know of a tutorial that can show me how to do this?
I found this page where I can see that an object can contain an array, but it doesn't state whether it is possible to use a multidimensional array.
And this page just describes the object with normal values.
Any pointers in the right direction are appreciated.

There are no classes in JavaScript. It uses a different style of objects and what you found is indeed what you need.
Well, it might help to think about it as a dynamic, runtime-modifiable object system. An Object is not described by class, but by instructions for its creation.
Here you have your object. Note that you can use variables everywhere.
var id = 123;
var test = {"Identification": id,
"Group": "users",
"Persons": [{"firstname":"john", "lastname":"doe"},{"firstname":"jane","lastname":"doe"}]
This is identical to the following code. (The first one is a lot nicer, though.)
var id = 123;
var test = new Object();
test.Identification = id;
test["Group"] = "users;
test.Persons = new Array();
As you can see, you can dynamically add new properties to an object. You can use both the dot-syntax ( and the hash syntax (object["property"]) in JavaScript.

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    My guess is that you are building your arrays incorrectly.
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    messageID=2766098This does not work in j2me. WriteObject does not exist, and there are no serialsation interfaces in j2me. So you'll have to do that on your own.
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    this.file = ff;
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    // Get stream to read from
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    // close stream
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    int i = filename.lastIndexOf('.');
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    classname = filename.substring(0,i);
    // create class object from bytes
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    } catch ( e) {
    return c;
    } // end of method loadClass
    } // end of class FileClassLoader
    /* The above class is used in the following button action in my gui */
    /* At the moment im trying to output the data to standard output */
    private void SelectPackage_but2ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
    final JFileChooser f = new JFileChooser();
    int rVal = f.showOpenDialog(Remedy.this);
    // selects directory
    File dir = f.getSelectedFile();
    // gets a list of files within the directory
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    // for loop to filter out all the .class files
    for (int k=0; k < allfiles.length; k++) {
    if (allfiles[k].getName().endsWith(".class")) {
    try {
    System.out.println("File name: " + allfiles[k].getName()); // used for debugging
    FileClassLoader loader = new FileClassLoader(allfiles[k]);
    Class cl = loader.loadClass();
    //Class cl = null;
    Class[] interfaces = cl.getInterfaces();
    java.lang.reflect.Method[] methods = cl.getDeclaredMethods();
    java.lang.reflect.Field[] fields = cl.getDeclaredFields();
    System.out.println("Class Name: " + cl.getName());
    //print out methods
    for (int m=0; m < methods.length; m++) {
    System.out.println("Method: " + methods[m].getName());
    // print out fields
    for (int fld=0; fld < fields.length; fld++) {
    System.out.println("Field: " + fields[fld].getName());
    } catch (Exception e) {
    } // end of if loop
    } // end of for loop

    It's throwing the exeption on the line:
    FileClassLoader loader = new FileClassLoader(allfiles[k]);
    I'm sure its something to do with the extended class i've created. but i cant seem to figure it out..
    Thanks if you can figure it out

  • Re: Beginner needs help using a array of class objects, and quick

    Dear Cynthiaw,
    I just read your Beginner needs help using a array of class objects, and quick of Dec 7, 2006 9:25 PM . I really like your nice example.
    I also want to put a question on the forum and display the source code of my classe in a pretty way as you did : with colors, indentation, ... But how ? In html, I assume. How did you generate the html code of your three classes ? By help of your IDE ? NetBeans ? References ?
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    Thanks for your help.

    chavada wrote:
    Dear Cynthiaw,
    I just read your Beginner needs help using a array of class objects, and quick of Dec 7, 2006 9:25 PM . I really like your nice example.You think she's still around almost a year later?
    I also want to put a question on the forum and display the source code of my classe in a pretty way as you did : with colors, indentation, ... But how ?Just use [code] and [/code] around it, or use the CODE button
    public class Foo() {
      * This is the bar method
      public void bar() {
        // do stuff

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    Edited by: 994075 on Mar 14, 2013 11:55 PM

    994075 wrote:
    yup..thanks guru :DI'm no guru, I just bought a decent Java book 10 years ago and here I am.
    so i guess Object Class can be array :).I don't get that statement. You can store objects in an array, if that's what you mean. An array itself is also an object.
    but i'm not understrand if static method in Card object can be called automatically when Card initialized in CardTest?a) research constructors
    b) you usually don't need static methods, its just something that people new to the language tend to overuse because then you don't have to create object instances. Forget about static methods, try to make it work using regular non-static methods.
    And you really should read and study more, you're coming to the forum way too soon. First get a solid knowledge base, the only thing you're doing now is asking questions that you could have answered for yourself by studying more.

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    Devil is in the detailspublic class Test2 {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        Object[] myArray = new Object[10];
        fillDimensionalArray(myArray, 5, 5);
      public static void fillDimensionalArray(Object[] array, int dim, int size) {
        if (dim==1) {
          for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {
            array[i] = new int[size];
            for (int j=0; j<size; j++) ((int[])array)[j]=999;
    } else {
    for (int i=0; i<array.length; i++) {
    array[i] = new Object[size];
    for (int j=0; j<size; j++) {
    fillDimensionalArray( (Object[]) array[i], dim - 1, size);

  • Multidimensional array and chars

    Hi again,
    My apologies in advance if i can't word my question that well, i will try and be as clear and succinct as possible and hopefully for this newbie you can apprehend what i'm trying to figure out if i come up short.
    I'm trying to write a rather large control statement with a while loop and several nested ifs inside it that ultimately returns a single character after all is said and done, and then continually concatenates that character to a string which will eventually be output to a file. The part i'm stuck at is after i've changed the two letter characters into their ASCII values. I need to make the program take those two ASCII values and use them as a reference to a character in a multidimensional array of alphabetic characters, and then that character will be what is returned at the end.
    Here's the method, thanks in advance for your time.
    public String encode( String cipherKey )
            String textToEncode =;
            String encodedText = " ";
            cipherKey = cipherKey.toUpperCase();
            textToEncode = textToEncode.toUpperCase();
            int numberOfChars = textToEncode.length();
            int cipherPos = 0;
            int cipherLength = cipherKey.length();
            while (input.hasNext())
                for ( int count = 0; count < numberOfChars; count++ )
                    if (Character.isLetter(textToEncode.charAt(count)))
                        cipherPos %= cipherLength;
                        int xChar = (int) textToEncode.charAt(cipherPos);
                        int yChar = (int) textToEncode.charAt(count);
                        xChar -= 65;
                        yChar -= 65;
                        if ((xChar >= 0) && (xChar <= 25))
                            if ((yChar >= 0) && (yChar <= 25))
                        return ' ';
                     encodedText = encodedText +
        return encodedText; 
        }As you can see towards the end there are some incomplete statements where i became lost.

    its there, i couldnt c&p the whole program because it went over my character limit. Yeah it did compile but couldn't invoke my encode method without a NullPointerException.
    Here are the other methods in the class....
        public String setSource( String in )
            source = in;
            return source;
         Sets the value of the output file
         * @param out A <code>String</code> value representng name of output file.
         * @see #setSource
        public String setDestination( String out )
            destination = out;
            return destination;
         * Method to open both input and output files, and to test for exceptions
         * @see #encode
         * @see #decode
        private void openFiles()
        File inputFile = new File(source);  //Creates new file object from source file
        File outputFile = new File(destination);  //Creates new file object from destination file
            /* Tests whether input file exists and if so enables the Scanner
             * to read the data in from the source file. Catches SecurityException and
             * FileNotFoundException amd prints appropriate messages to user.
            if (inputFile.exists())
                    input = new Scanner( new File( source ) );
                    FileReader reader = new FileReader(inputFile);
                    BufferedReader BufferIn = new BufferedReader(reader);
                catch ( SecurityException securityException )
                    System.err.println("You do not have read access to this file.");
                    System.exit( 1 );
                catch ( FileNotFoundException filesNotFoundException )
                    System.err.println("Error: File does not exist.");
                    System.exit( 1 );         
            /* Tests whether output file exists and if it does enables Formatter
             * to write encoded output to file. Catches SecurityException and
             * FileNotFoundException and prints appropriate message to user.
            if (outputFile.exists())
                    output = new Formatter( new File( destination ) );
                catch ( SecurityException securityException )
                    System.err.println("You do not have write access to this file.");
                    System.exit( 1 );
                catch ( FileNotFoundException filesNotFoundException )
                    System.err.println("Error: File does not exist.");
                    System.exit( 1 );
         * Closes both input and output files after output file has been written
         * to.
         * @see #openFiles
        private void closeFiles()
            if ( output != null )
        }Edited by: fearofsoftware on Apr 17, 2009 8:35 PM

  • Multidimensional Array in TableView

    I'm working on a program that stores some variables in a multidimensional array (NSMutableArrays in a NSMutableArray). My array looks something like this:
    Saaz (CZ)
    EK Goldings
    I've made a class with two methods (for adding rows, and for doing the math). I'm just testing the logic in a command line application and all seems to work fine. But eventually I want to make a Cocoa app and use the TableView to add/edit/delete rows.
    Is this the correct way to go? If desired I can post some code.

    I fixed it by using a NSMutableArray with a NSMutableDictionary objects as childs. Now I need to convert my other classes to use NSMutableDictionaries instead of NSMutableArrays.

  • Multidimensional Array Sort

    Please help. I am very new to java and trying to build a multidimensional array. I have two variables 1)item_name and 2)item_value. These are values that I obtain by looping through a database result set. I need to build and array that can hold these variables. Once the multidimensional array is built I need to be able to sort it by item value.
    For example I would like to do something like this:
    while ( = item_name
    array.value = item_value
    Thanks for any help!

    Don't use a multidimensional array. Use an array of objects, where the objects are of a class that you define. It might be something as simple as class Item that just has two fields--name and value--and their getters and setters. Or maybe just getters if you want the class to be immutable.
    Have the class implement Comparable and sort on value.
    If you sometimes want to sort on value and sometimes on name, then you'll need to either define two Comparators (one for name, one for value) or make the class Comparable on whichever is the more "natural" ordering and define a Comparator for the other one.
    Either put them in an array and use one of the java.util.Arrays.sort methods to sort them, or put them in a List (java.util.LinkedList or java.util.ArrayList) and use Collections.sort to sort them.

  • Multidimensional Arrays + Me + OOP = Fear
    class node {
         int[][] grid = new int[0][0];
         void detect(){
    class game {
         public static void main(String args[]) {
              node a = new node();
    The output of this code is:
    I am trying to create an imaginary grid so I can implement A* algorithm into my game which will later be an applet.
    Why did the output of this come out so weird? I do not understand multidimensional arrays and I struggle to understand object oriented programming.
    I have known Java since Nov 2006, but I have always dodge some of this difficult stuff. I am totally self taught and I have been learning through the Internet and a very old Java 2 book. So please speak "dumb" to me.
    Thank you,

    Oh, grow up. If you get insulted this easily, you'll be inconsolable when you have to get a real job. I'm so sick of these children who want help but also want their genius to remain unquestioned.
    Anyway my point wasn't that you altered the image, but rather that you were careless in what you presented as data. Some of the stuff on that image couldn't possibly have worked with the code you posted. (In particular "java node" would not have even run. It wouldn't produce any output at all other than an error message.)
    Part of debugging is gathering real, useful, accurate information. And if you want help debugging you have to share real, useful, and accurate information. If you gather output and then change your code, you should at the very least make this clear.

  • Problem with Dynamically accessing EJB Class objects in WL 7.0 SP1

    I am trying to build a component which has the ability to instantiate and execute
    an known EJB method on the fly.
    I have managed to build the component but when I try and execute it I get a ClassNotFoundException.
    I know that the EJB I am trying to invoke is deployed and available on the server,
    as I can see it in the console, I also seen to have been able to get the remote
    interface of the object, my problem occurs when I try and access the class object
    so I can perform a create on the object and then execute my method
    The code I have written is below:
    private Object getRemoteObject(Context pCtx, String pJNDIName, String pHomeBean)
    throws Exception {
         String homeCreate = "create";
         Class []homeCreateParam = { };
         Object []homeCreateParamValues = {};           
    try {  
    //This call seems to work and doesn't throw an exception     
    Object home = pCtx.lookup(pJNDIName);
    //However this call throws a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
    Class homeBean = Class.forName(pHomeBean);
    Method homeCreateMethod = homeBean.getMethod(homeCreate,homeCreateParam);
    return homeCreateMethod.invoke(home, homeCreateParamValues);
    } catch (NamingException ne) {             
    logStandardErrorMessage("The client was unable to lookup the EJBHome.
    Please make sure ");
    logStandardErrorMessage("that you have deployed the ejb with the JNDI
    name "+pJNDIName+" on the WebLogic server ");
    throw ne;
    } catch (Exception e) {
    throw e;     
    Any advice would be really appreciated, I'm fast running out of ideas, I suspect
    it has something to do with the class loader but I'm not sure how to resolve it
    Jo Corless

    Hello Joanne,
    Congratulations! I'm very happy that you've managed to fix your problem. It's
    always essential to understand how to package applications when deploying on BEA
    WebLogic. Usually, by throwing everything into an EAR file solves just about all
    the class loader problems. :-) Let us know if you have any further problems that
    we can assist you with.
    Best regards,
    Ryan LeCompte
    [email protected]
    "Joanne Corless" <[email protected]> wrote:
    I've fixed it!!!!!!!!
    Thanks to everyone who gave me help!!!!
    The class loader was the culprit which is what I suspected all along.
    As soon
    as I put the 2 jar files I was using into an EAR file the problem went
    Thanks again
    Jo Corless
    "Ryan LeCompte" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Hello Joanne,
    As Mr. Woollen mentioned, I also believe it's a problem with the class
    You need to be careful how you arrange your EJBs, because WebLogic has
    a specific
    method in which it loads classes in an EAR, JAR, and WAR file(s). Please
    to for more information about
    BEA WebLogic
    class loading mechanisms and caveats. Also, try printing out the various
    that are available on the object that was returned to you via reflection.
    example, use the getMethods() method, which returns an array of Method
    that you can subsequently cycle through and print out the various method
    This way you can discover if the class found/returned to you is indeed
    the one
    you intend to locate.
    Hope this helps,
    Ryan LeCompte
    [email protected]
    Rob Woollen <[email protected]> wrote:
    I believe the issue is the home interface class for this EJB is not
    available in the class loader which is doing the reflection.
    If you do:
    I suspect it will fail. Reflection still requires that the class be
    -- Rob
    Joanne Corless wrote:
    Hi Slava,
    If I make my code look like you describe below I get a compliationerror telling
    me that
    home.getMethod() is not recognised (no such method)
    If I change it slightly and use
    Method homeCreateMethod =
    The code will compile OK but when executed it still throws a NoSuchMethodException
    Any ideas ?
    Thanks for your help so far
    Jo Corless
    Your code should look like
    Object home = pCtx.lookup(pJNDIName);
    Method homeCreateMethod =
    return homeCreateMethod.invoke(home, homeCreateParamValues);
    Slava Imeshev
    "Joanne Corless" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    Hi Ryan,
    I also wanted to mention that if you do a "header search" in this
    with the search query as "reflection", you will see many previousmessages
    reflection and EJBs. I believe you could learn a lot from thedifficulties
    others have faced and solved.I tried that and although there was a number of similar cases noneof them
    seem to fix my issue. Thanks for the suggestion though
    Are the EJBs that you are trying to access accessible via your
    Try to avoid having them accessible via the main system classpath,and
    only bundle
    them in your appropriate EJB jar files (contained in an EAR file,for
    example).Maybe I should have laid the problem out a little clearer.
    I have a number of EJB's bundled up in a JAR file which is hot deployedto
    server. Within this first JAR file is an EJB (SSB) component that
    able to invoke a known method on another EJB. This second EJB may
    not be
    within the first JAR file but it also will be hot deployed.
    The component trying to invoke the method on the 2nd EJB has to
    able to
    an instance of the 2nd EJB without actually knowing anything bar
    Name which
    is passed in at runtime.
    I can get as far as doing the
    Object home = pCtx.lookup(pJNDIName);
    This returned a class with the name
    My problem seems to occur when I try and invoke the create method
    Method homeCreate = home.getClass().getMethod("create", new Class[0]);
    My code throws a java.lang.NoSuchMethodException at this point so
    to progress to the next step of :
    Object bean = homeCreate.invoke(home, null);
    So I can return the instantiated bean back to the calling client.
    Why am I getting the NoSuchMethodException, is is because I am gettinga
    back rather than the home interface and if so how do I get the truehome
    from the bean
    Thanks in advance
    Jo Corless

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