Multiple duplicate categories

I have noticed that for some reason iTunes shows some of my music as seperate categories although they have the same information. An example is James Brown. In the browser, under my category of R&B (Soul) there are two identical listings for James Brown. Some of the albums are under one listing and one album is under the other. The artist category is the exact same: James Brown (I even copy and pasted them all together to ensure that they were the same). However, James Brown is listed twice. Does anyone know what's going on?

Hi Dandy
Webmaster Tools only shows you areas that may be a concern and just because it shows something it doesn't mean your ranking etc will be affected. However, if you are really concerned you should look at canonicals. You can read more about it here Basically you are telling the search engines whichj is the main version of that product so simply show the product url in the main catalogue.

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    Broken Links
    It depends a bit on why things aren't where iTunes expects to find them but if they are in sensible Artist & Album folders in some common location then my FindTracks script should be able to reconnect them to iTunes. FindTracks uses some fuzzy matching routines and searches for multiple potential locations within a media folder. For more details see this thread.
    Apple's official advice is here... HT2905 - How to find and remove duplicate items in your iTunes library. It is a manual process and the article fails to explain some of the potential pitfalls.
    Use Shift > View > Show Exact Duplicate Items to display duplicates as this is normally a more useful selection. You need to manually select all but one of each group to remove. Sorting the list by Date Added may make it easier to select the appropriate tracks, however this works best when performed immediately after the dupes have been created.  If you have multiple entries in iTunes connected to the same file on the hard drive then don't send to the recycle bin.
    Use my DeDuper script if you're not sure, don't want to do it by hand, or want to preserve ratings, play counts and playlist membership. See this thread for background and please take note of the warning to backup your library before deduping.
    (If you don't see the menu bar press ALT to show it temporarily or CTRL+B to keep it displayed)
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    Apple's official advice on duplicates is here... HT2905: How to find and remove duplicate items in your iTunes library. It is a manual process and the article fails to explain some of the potential pitfalls such as lost ratings and playlist membership.
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    I answered (or ask you an additional question about this) already where you posted in the other thread.
    Posting duplicate questions causes problems, wastes time.
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    Command+A selects all items. Command+delete deletes the items, so I suspect it would delete all the files in that window, in other words I don't think it is what you want to do.
    Looking at this another way, there isn't any easy shortcut to deleting duplicates from iTunes.  The best way is to stay on top of duplicates as they are created and change how you do thing in iTunes so you do not create many duplicates.  Oh, there are scripts that will do this, but some things iTunes may say are duplicates are not.  I have one album where there are two tracks with the exact same name and artist but one version is unplugged.  iTunes just tells me they are duplicates.
    How to find and remove duplicate items in your iTunes library - (commercial)
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        Thank you for reaching back out to us, if your contacts are backed up by GMail, if you log in to your account on a PC, they should appear online under the Contacts tab. Try this also, if you go to Contacts>Settings icon(three vertical dots button) Settings>Contacts to Display> What options are selected? This screen will help you pick and choose what contacts list to display.
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    1. Google it. You may find third party applications that do what you want.
    2. Here is the link to an Apple discussion thread.
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