Multiple graphics objects?

Is there any way to plot different graphs in multiple Xmath Graphics windows?  I know that the graphics window can be divided into a matrix of subplots, but what I'd like to do is plot two graphs in one window and a third graph in a second window.  I know in MATLAB, you can do subplots as well as plotting multiple figures in different windows.  Does MATRIXx have anything like this?
Alternatively, is there any way to subdivide the graphics window into two rows and two columns with one plot stretched across both columns of the first row and two smaller graphs taking the spots { row = 2, column = 1 } and { row = 2, column = 2 }?  For the first plot, I tried doing something like { row = 1, column = [ 1, 2 ] }, but the debugger informed me that keyword column only accepts integer values.
Luke G.

Hi Luke,
Yes, Xmath does support multiple plot windows. You have to use the Plot2D command for multiple windows, using the {win=num} option.
To plot graphs in subplot areas, use the {posn=[numrows,numcols,row,col,rowspan,colspan]} option. This syntax works in both Plot and Plot2D and does exactly what you want.

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    Surely there must be an easier way ?

    There is one, it called BufferedImage, you create one then get it graphics, draw on it every time you want (not in the pain method), and in the paint method you draw this bufferedimage to the graphics.
    BufferedImage b1;
    Graphics g1;
    b1 = new BufferedImage(w,h,BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR);
    g1 = b1.getGraphics();
    public void paintComponent(Graphics g)

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    In the future, Swing related questions should be
    posted in the Swing forum.
    Maybe you just use a JPanel as a rectangle by setting
    the border of the panel. Then you can add a
    MouseListener to the panel.The code is as follows
    import javax.swing.*;
       import java.awt.*;
       import java.awt.geom.*;
       import java.awt.image.*;
       import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
         import javax.swing.event.MouseInputAdapter;
        class MapImager extends JPanel
               BufferedImage imageMap;
              private static JFrame frame = new JFrame();
               //private String botswana = "Images/botswana.jpg";
               private Rectangle2D.Double square =
               new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, 350, 350);
               private GradientPaint gradient =
               new GradientPaint(0, 0,, 175, 175, Color.yellow,true); // true means to repeat pattern
               private final static int SQUARE_EDGE_LENGTH = 10;
                private static JPanel panel;
                private static int xPos;
                private static int yPos;
                private static int xP;
              private static int yP;
              private MapPanel mapPanel;
               public MapImager (){
                  //imageMap = getBufferedImage(botswana, this);
                   xPos = 186;yPos = 100;
              static MouseInputAdapter mia = new MouseInputAdapter(){
                   public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e){
                        xPos = e.getX();
                       System.out.println(" The X2 When mousePressed Cordinates are "+xPos);
                       yPos = e.getY();
                       System.out.println(" The Y2 When mousePressed Cordinates are "+yPos);
                   public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e){
                        xPos = e.getX();
                       System.out.println(" The X2 When mouseDragged Cordinates are "+xPos);
                       yPos = e.getY();
                       System.out.println(" The Y2 When mouseDragged Cordinates are "+yPos);
               public void paintComponent (Graphics g){
                 Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g;
                     g2d.drawImage (imageMap, 0, 0, this);
                   g.setColor(Color.RED);//I want to draw as many as i want and have each move freely on the frame.
         public static BufferedImage getBufferedImage(String imageFile,Component c){
             Image image = c.getToolkit().getImage(imageFile);
             waitForImage(image, c);
             BufferedImage bufferedImage =
                new BufferedImage(image.getWidth(c), image.getHeight(c),
             Graphics2D g2d = bufferedImage.createGraphics();
             g2d.drawImage(image, 0, 0, c);
         public static boolean waitForImage(Image image, Component c){
             MediaTracker tracker = new MediaTracker(c);
             tracker.addImage(image, 0);
             try {
                 catch(InterruptedException ie) {}
           public static void main(String[] args){
                  MapImage map = new MapImage();
                 frame.setSize(360, 380);
                  frame.setTitle("Map of Botswana");
                  frame.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );

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    There are a couple of solutions to this that I can think of.
    The first would be to have bitmaps prerendered at multiple resolutions with all the detail necessary for that resolution, and then display the lowest resolution image that gives the greatest amount of detail for the resolution needed by the application at the time. This method is used in 3d graphics programs to show lower detail textures on objects that are farther away.
    For very high magnifications, the large images may have to be partitiioned into multiple subimages, and of course you would only display the ones necessary to fill the viewing window.
    The other method would be to not use bitmaps at all, but store things as Shapes, which you can scale as required via an appropriate AffineTransform as necessary.
    These two methods are not at all mutually exclusive, so combining them and using bitmaps in one area and scaled shapes in another is entirely possible.

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    I have now found a solution for this issue that I thought I would share in case it would be helpful for anyone. It utilizes Automator actions for Mac OS X and Microsoft Word 2011 [2008 may work also, but I don't have a copy of that to test]; I am not good with scripting but perhaps similar solutions could be found for other systems and programs.
    1. If you want to place a multipage pdf within a text frame, first it into individual files for each page (with Acrobat Pro or pdftk or something similiar).
    2. Create an Automator service or program with the action "Create New Word Document". You can also use another automator action to save the document, or save it manually (to change the filename). In the finder, select the items you want, then run the service or drag them into the Automator program you have created.
    3. Place the word document into your InDesign story. Your items will now be anchored objects ordered in your text frame as they were in the finder.
    Please let me know if this is helpful or if anyone has suggestions for doing this process is a more efficient way. I am not sure, but it may be the case that this approach would only work on Macs, as I gather from this thread.

    I might note that I am using InDesign CS 5, and importing from a document stored in docx format.

  • How to change font/ font color etc in a graphic object using JCombobox?

    My program im writing recently is a small tiny application which can change fonts, font sizes, font colors and background color of the graphics object containing some strings. Im planning to use Jcomboboxes for all those 4 ideas in implementing those functions. Somehow it doesnt work! Any help would be grateful.
    So currently what ive done so far is that: Im using two classes to implement the whole program. One class is the main class which contains the GUI with its components (Jcomboboxes etc..) and the other class is a class extending JPanel which does all the drawing. Therefore it contains a graphics object in that class which draws the string. However what i want it to do is using jcombobox which should contain alit of all fonts available/ font sizes/ colors etc. When i scroll through the lists and click the one item i want - the graphics object properties (font sizes/ color etc) should change as a result.
    What ive gt so far is implemented the jcomboboxes in place. Problem is i cant get the font to change once selecting an item form it.
    Another problem is that to set the color of font - i need to use it with a graphics object in the paintcomponent method. In this case i dnt want to create several diff paint.. method with different property settings (font/ size/ color)
    Below is my code; perhaps you'll understand more looking at code.
    public class main...
    Color[] Colors = {Color.BLUE, Color.RED, Color.GREEN};
            ColorList = new JComboBox(Colors);
    ColorList.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) {
                     JComboBox cb = (JComboBox)ev.getSource();
                    Color colorType = (Color)cb.getSelectedItem();
              });;1) providing the GUI is correctly implemented with components
    2) Combobox stores the colors in an array
    3) ActionListener should do following job: (but cant get it right - that is where my problem is)
    - once selected the item (color/ font size etc... as i would have similar methods for each) i want, it should pass the item into the drawingboard class (JPanel) and then this class should do the job.
    public class DrawingBoard extends JPanel {
           private String message;
           public DrawingBoard() {
                  Font font = new Font("Serif", Font.PLAIN, fontSize);
                  message = "";
           public void setMessage(String m) {
                message = m;
           public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
                  Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
                  g2.drawString(message, 50, 50);
           public void settingFont(String font) {
                //not sure how to implement this?                          //Jcombobox should pass an item to this
                                   //it should match against all known fonts in system then set that font to the graphics
          private void settingFontSize(Graphics g, int f) {
                         //same probelm with above..              
          public void setBackgroundColor(Color c) {
               repaint(); // still not sure if this done corretly.
          public void setFontColor(Color c) {
                    //not sure how to do this part aswell.
                   //i know a method " g.setColor(c)" exist but i need to use a graphics object - and to do that i need to pass it in (then it will cause some confusion in the main class (previous code)
           My problems have been highlighted in the comments of code above.
    Any help will be much appreciated thanks!!!

    It is the completely correct code
    I hope that's what you need
    Just put DrawingBoard into JFrame and run
    Good luck!
    public class DrawingBoard extends JPanel implements ActionListener{
         private String message = "message";
         private Font font = new Font("Serif", Font.PLAIN, 10);
         private Color color = Color.RED;
         private Color bg = Color.WHITE;
         private int size = 10;
         public DrawingBoard(){
              JComboBox cbFont = new JComboBox(GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getAvailableFontFamilyNames());
              JComboBox cbSize = new JComboBox(new Integer[]{new Integer(14), new Integer(13)});
              JComboBox cbColor = new JComboBox(new Color[]{Color.BLUE, Color.RED, Color.GREEN});
              JComboBox cbBG = new JComboBox(new Color[]{Color.BLUE, Color.RED, Color.GREEN});
         public void setMessage(String m){
              message = m;
         protected void paintComponent(Graphics g){
              Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
              g2.setColor(bg);//set background color
              g2.fillRect(0,0, getWidth(), getHeight());          
              g2.setColor(color);//set text color
              FontRenderContext frc = g2.getFontRenderContext();
              TextLayout tl = new TextLayout(message,font,frc);//set font and message
              AffineTransform at = new AffineTransform();
                        getWidth()/2 + tl.getBounds().getHeight()/2);//set text at center of panel
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
              JComboBox cb = (JComboBox)e.getSource();
              if (e.getActionCommand().equals("font")){
                   font = new Font(cb.getSelectedItem().toString(), Font.PLAIN, size);
              }else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("size")){
                   size = ((Integer)cb.getSelectedItem()).intValue();
              }else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("color")){
                   color = (Color)cb.getSelectedItem();
              }else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("bg")){
                   bg = (Color)cb.getSelectedItem();

  • Not possible to store multiple fileReference object in same array?

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to store multiple fileReference  object in one array. But everytime I push() in a new object the old  objects that's already in the array gets set to the latest object.
    I'm  letting the user select an image. Then I push the selected  fileReference object into an array like my_array.push(  FileReference( );
    If I then run a loop on  "my_array" to check it's content I'm getting the latest pushed  fileReference object for every index in the array.
    With one object pushed in:
    1. Image1.jpg
    With two objects pushed in:
    1. Image2.jpg
    2. Image2.jpg
    Anyone have any thoughts on this?
    Thank you so much

    This is basically what I'm doing. The code is cut out from a larger portion so there might be errors, but hopefully not.
    // Local Files
    private var localFiles:FileReference           = new FileReference();
    private var fileList:Array                = new Array();
    private function browse(event:MouseEvent)
         trace("[Browse] Using local files");
         localFiles.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, onLocalFilesSelected);
    private function onLocalFilesSelected(e:Event)
         localFiles.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, localFileHandler);
    private function localFileHandler(event:Event):void
         localFiles.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, localFileHandler);
    private function showFileList():void
         for(var $x:int=0;$x<fileList.length;$x++)
              var file:FileReference = FileReference(fileList[$x]);
              trace($x+": " +;
    Thank you

  • Trying to move a graphics object using buttons.

    Hello, im fairly new to GUI's. Anyway I have 1 class which makes my main JFrame, then I have another 2 classes, one to draw a lil square graphics component (which iwanna move around) which is placed in the center of my main frame and then another class to draw a Buttonpanel with my buttons on which is placed at the bottom of my main frame.
    I have then made an event handling class which implements ActionListner, I am confused at how I can get the graphics object moving, and where I need to place the updateGUI() method which the actionPerformed method calls from inside the event handling class.
    I am aware you can repaint() graphics and assume this would be used, does anyone have a good example of something simular being done or could post any help or code to aid me, thanks!

    Yeah.. here's an example of custom painting on a JPanel with a box. I used a mouse as it was easier for me to setup than a nice button panel on the side.
    Anyways... it should make it pretty clear how to get everything setup, just add a button panel on the side. and use it to move the box instead of the mouse.
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.event.MouseInputAdapter;
    public class MoveBoxAroundExample extends JFrame
         private final static int SQUARE_EDGE_LENGTH = 40;
         private JPanel panel;
         private int xPos;
         private int yPos;
         public MoveBoxAroundExample()
              xPos = 250;
              yPos = 250;
         private JPanel getPanel()
              if(panel == null)
                   panel = new JPanel()
                        public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
                             g.fillRect(xPos-(SQUARE_EDGE_LENGTH/2), yPos-(SQUARE_EDGE_LENGTH/2), SQUARE_EDGE_LENGTH, SQUARE_EDGE_LENGTH);
                   MouseInputAdapter mia = new MouseInputAdapter()
                        public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
                            xPos = e.getX();
                            yPos = e.getY();
                        public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
                            xPos = e.getX();
                            yPos = e.getY();
              return panel;
         public static void main(String args[])
              new MoveBoxAroundExample();

  • Creating new graphics object from a existing one and sending it for print

    i have a graphics object which is big in size, I am creating a new graphics object from the existing one as given below
    //map is a graphic object
    Graphic g1 = (Graphic)map.create(x,y,width,height);
    Graphic g2 = (Graphic)map.create(x,y,width1,height1);
    Graphic g3 = (Graphic)map.create(x,y,width2,height2);
    Now I want to send the graphic object g1,g2,g3 for print in the method
    public int print (Graphics g, PageFormat pf, int idx) throws PrinterException {
    // Printable's method implementation
    if (curPageFormat != pf) {
    curPageFormat = pf;
    pages = repaginate (pf);
    if (idx >= 3)) {
    return Printable.NO_SUCH_PAGE;
    g = (Graphics) arrayList.get(idx);
    return Printable.PAGE_EXISTS;
    This is not working... what is wrong. can anybody suggest..
    I tried to print a object inside a scrollpane, it is not printing the entire diagram. so I am thinking of something like this.... Please let me know what to do....

    The easy way to do this is create a copy using Windows Explorer.
    Open the project and go to File > Rename.
    Then you have your 2013 ready made project.
    See for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

  • RE: multiple named objects with the same name andinterface

    First I will start by saying that this can be done by using named anchored
    objects and registering them yourself in the name service. There is
    documentation on how to do this. And by default you will get most of the
    behavior you desire. When you do a lookup in the name service (BindObject
    method) it will first look in the local partition and see if there is a
    local copy and give you that copy. By anchoring the object and manually
    registering it in the name service you are programmatically creating your
    own SO without defining it as such in the development environment. BTW in
    response to your item number 1. This should be the case there as well. If
    your "mobile" object is in the same partition where the service object he is
    calling resides, you should get a handle to the local instance of the
    service object.
    Here is the catch, if you make a bind object call and there is no local copy
    you will get a handle to a remote copy but you can not be sure which one!
    It end ups as more or less a random selection. Off the top of my head and
    without going to the doc, I am pretty sure that when you register an
    anchored object you can not limit it's visibility to "User".
    -----Original Message-----
    From: [email protected]
    [<a href="mailto:[email protected]">mailto:[email protected]]On</a> Behalf Of David Foote
    Sent: Monday, June 22, 1998 4:51 PM
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: multiple named objects with the same name and interface
    More than once, I have wished that Forte allowed you to place named
    objects with the same name in more than one partition. There are two
    situations in which this seems desirable:
    1) Objects that are not distributed, but are mobile (passed by value to
    remote objects), cannot safely reference a Service Object unless it has
    environment visibility, but this forces the overhead of a remote method
    call when it might not otherwise be necessary. If it were possible to
    place a copy of the same Service Object (with user visibility) in each
    partition, the overhead of a remote method call could be avoided. This
    would only be useful for a service object whose state could be safely
    2) My second scenario also involves mobile objects referencing a Service
    Object, but this time I would like the behavior of the called Service
    Object to differ with the partition from which it is called.
    This could be accomplished by placing Service Objects with the same name
    and the same interface in each partition, but varying the implementation
    with the partition.
    Does anyone have any thoughts about why this would be a good thing or a
    bad thing?
    David N. Foote
    Get Your Private, Free Email at <a href=
    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
    Searchable thread archive <URL:<a href=
    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
    Searchable thread archive <URL:<a href=

    First I will start by saying that this can be done by using named anchored
    objects and registering them yourself in the name service. There is
    documentation on how to do this. And by default you will get most of the
    behavior you desire. When you do a lookup in the name service (BindObject
    method) it will first look in the local partition and see if there is a
    local copy and give you that copy. By anchoring the object and manually
    registering it in the name service you are programmatically creating your
    own SO without defining it as such in the development environment. BTW in
    response to your item number 1. This should be the case there as well. If
    your "mobile" object is in the same partition where the service object he is
    calling resides, you should get a handle to the local instance of the
    service object.
    Here is the catch, if you make a bind object call and there is no local copy
    you will get a handle to a remote copy but you can not be sure which one!
    It end ups as more or less a random selection. Off the top of my head and
    without going to the doc, I am pretty sure that when you register an
    anchored object you can not limit it's visibility to "User".
    -----Original Message-----
    From: [email protected]
    [<a href="mailto:[email protected]">mailto:[email protected]]On</a> Behalf Of David Foote
    Sent: Monday, June 22, 1998 4:51 PM
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: multiple named objects with the same name and interface
    More than once, I have wished that Forte allowed you to place named
    objects with the same name in more than one partition. There are two
    situations in which this seems desirable:
    1) Objects that are not distributed, but are mobile (passed by value to
    remote objects), cannot safely reference a Service Object unless it has
    environment visibility, but this forces the overhead of a remote method
    call when it might not otherwise be necessary. If it were possible to
    place a copy of the same Service Object (with user visibility) in each
    partition, the overhead of a remote method call could be avoided. This
    would only be useful for a service object whose state could be safely
    2) My second scenario also involves mobile objects referencing a Service
    Object, but this time I would like the behavior of the called Service
    Object to differ with the partition from which it is called.
    This could be accomplished by placing Service Objects with the same name
    and the same interface in each partition, but varying the implementation
    with the partition.
    Does anyone have any thoughts about why this would be a good thing or a
    bad thing?
    David N. Foote
    Get Your Private, Free Email at <a href=
    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
    Searchable thread archive <URL:<a href=
    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
    Searchable thread archive <URL:<a href=

  • InDesign Place Multiple Graphics in a grid

    I really like new feature of placing multiple graphics all at once into a grid, simply by holding the Command+Shift. This seems to be limited to only working when multiple files have been chosen in the Place dialog and loaded into the Place cursor. It would be really beneficial for this grid ability to be extended to instances when a single file that contains multiple pages is chosen (ex:multi-page InDesign document or PDF). Each page is loaded into the Place cursor as if they were separate graphics to be placed, just the grid keyboard command doesn't work since only a single file was chosen from the Place command.

    That's a great idea. Post it on the official form:  Adobe - Feature Request/Bug Report Form

  • Problem with decimal data visualization in a circular graphic object type

    When we are design a report using Crystal Reports 2008 we found the following problem. When we insert an object of type circle graphic selecting the option in the graphics wizard for view in the legend data both in value and percentage (u2018bothu2019 design) we cant show them in a two decimals format at the same time.
    Using the option u2018number formatu2019 and indicating two decimals only affects the value but not the percentage.
    Show both the value and the percentage with two decimals at same time itu2019s a necessary requirement for our report design.
    Is there any way to show both the value and the percentage in a circle graphic object with two decimals at the same time?

    hello Jose,
    i am not sure what you mean by "circular graphic object type".
    there's nothing in the standard cr 2008 build that has this that i've ever found that creates a circle other than inserting a box and changing the rounding on the corners. if you're using a 3rd party product or add-on you'll need to contact whoever built it.

  • Best practice for linking fields from multiple entity objects

    I am currently transitioning from PHP to ADF. I'm looking for the best practice for linking data from multiple entity objects.
    EO 'REQUESTS' has fields: req_id, name, dt, his_stat_id, her_stat_id
    EO 'STATUSES' has fields: stat_id, short_txt_descr
    'REQUESTS' is linked to EO 'STATUSES' on: STATUSES.stat_id = REQUESTS.his_status_id
    'REQUESTS' is also linked to EO 'STATUSES' on: STATUSES.stat_id = REQUESTS.her_status_id
    REQUESTS.his_status_id is independent of REQUESTS.her_status_id
    When I create a VO for REQUESTS, I want to display:, REQUESTS.dt, STATUSES.short_txt_descr (for his_stat_id), STATUS.short_txt_descr (for her_stat_id)
    What is the best practice for accomplishing this? It appears I could do it a few different ways:
    1. Create the REQUESTS VO with a LOV for his_stat_id and her_stat_id
    2. Create the REQUESTS VO with the join to STATUSES performed within the query for the VO. This would require joining on the STATUSES EO twice (his_stat_id, her_stat_id)
    3. I just started reading about View Links - would that somehow do what I'm looking for?
    I also need to be able to update his_status_id and her_status_id through the by selecting a STATUSES.short_txt_descr from a dropdown.
    Any suggestions on how to approach such a stupidly simple task?
    Using jDeveloper if that makes a difference in the solution.
    Thanks ahead of time,

    I vote for solution 1 as it's just your use case. As you said you what to update the his_status_id and her_status_id through the by selecting a STATUSES.short_txt_descr by a drop down. This is exactly the LOV solution.
    ViewLinks are used fro master detail navigation (which you don't do here) and Joining the data make it difficult to update (and you still need a LOV for the drop down box.

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