My first wallpaper.

Hey guys. I just finished creating my first wallpaper!
I'm allways looking for clean wallpapers and there is some good ones out there, though some weeks ago I found this:
I really liked this one and though that of course it would look badass if it was a arch logo and not a heart!
So I sat down today at photoshop and came up with this:
It did not came out exactly as good as I wanted it but I am still proude of my self. Photoshop was a bitch and I had to redo the picture from scratch twice^^
Anyway, please tell me what you think of it.
You can find a full-hd res version here and aswell as the psd file if you wanna extend it or anything I do want to encourage this cuse I belive someone can probaly do alot better work than me!

Rasi wrote:bad boy!
Well, actually it was on my sisters school laptop where she got some student licence activated for photoshop. So I kinda did'nt really bother witch program I used sins it would just be a test picture in the end. Though I can honestly say that even if gimp is free and all that, it has to be one of the most boring programs to use. I think that the gui structure is just awfull and somehow allways performs alot slower than photoshop.
Though now it has been about one year sins I last used it, but in my opinion I have allways felt that it is a bad program.
If there is any other contender to gimp, photoshop or xara. Please let me know, cuse I wont be able to use photoshop as often as I need to^^

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  • [python] setting a variable in a loaded module from the main script

    I have have two python scripts, one generally controlling my desktop wallpaper, the other downloads the APOD picture from the net and sets it as my wallpaper.
    At the moment I can get the wallpaper script to load the apod script as a module to use its functionality.
    The problem comes when I try to get the module to recognise variables set from the parent script:
    I have both scripts using the variable  'verbose' to control how much output is printed, (which can be set from the command line options).
    How do I get the 'verbose' variable in the imported module to be the same as the variable set by the script?
    I can get it into an imported function using a keyword assignment when called, 'download(verbose=options.verbose)', but this is forgotten when other functions are called.
    I have also tried making it a global variable.
    I assume it is because I am importing the module and setting the default value before the main script sets its value, but I cant see a way round this.
    Any ideas?
    Many thanks,

    __version__ = 1
    from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup, SUPPRESS_HELP
    import test2
    def_msg = 3
    def function1(msg=def_msg):
    print('1 message level here is {0}' .format(msg))
    def function2():
    print('2 message level here is {0}' .format(msg))
    def function3(msg=def_msg):
    msg = def_msg
    print('3 message level here is {0}' .format(msg))
    def function4():
    print('4 message level here is {0}' .format(msg))
    def main(msg=def_msg):
    print('m message level here is {0}' .format(msg))
    if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = OptionParser(usage = "usage: %prog [options] command", version="%prog {0}" .format(__version__),
    description = "Test script 1.")
    standard = OptionGroup(parser, "Standard Options")
    ## Standard Options
    standard.add_option("-q", "--quiet",
    action="store_true", dest="quiet", default=False, #help=SUPPRESS_HELP)
    help="only display warnings and errors")
    standard.add_option("-v", "--verbose",
    action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False, #help=SUPPRESS_HELP)
    help="display all output")
    action="store_true", dest="debug", default=False, #help=SUPPRESS_HELP)
    help="debug mode: detailed output of commands")
    action="store_true", dest="reallyquiet", default=False, help=SUPPRESS_HELP)
    #help="only display errors")
    action="store_true", dest="silent", default=False, help=SUPPRESS_HELP)
    #help="don't display any output")
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    ## message level
    if options.debug == True:
    msg = 5
    elif options.verbose == True:
    msg = 4
    elif options.quiet == True:
    msg = 2
    elif options.reallyquiet == True:
    msg = 1
    elif options.silent == True:
    msg = 0
    msg = 3
    __version__ = 1
    from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup, SUPPRESS_HELP
    #from test1 import msg
    def_msg = 3
    #msg = 3
    def function1(msg=def_msg):
    print('1 message level here is {0}' .format(msg))
    def function2(msg=def_msg):
    print('2 message level here is {0}' .format(msg))
    def function3():
    print('3 message level here is {0}' .format(msg))
    def main(msg=def_msg):
    #from test1 import msg
    #import test1
    #msg = test1.msg
    print('m message level here is {0}' .format(msg))
    if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = OptionParser(usage = "usage: %prog [options] command", version="%prog {0}" .format(__version__),
    description = "Test script 2.")
    standard = OptionGroup(parser, "Standard Options")
    ## Standard Options
    standard.add_option("-q", "--quiet",
    action="store_true", dest="quiet", default=False, #help=SUPPRESS_HELP)
    help="only display warnings and errors")
    standard.add_option("-v", "--verbose",
    action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False, #help=SUPPRESS_HELP)
    help="display all output")
    action="store_true", dest="debug", default=False, #help=SUPPRESS_HELP)
    help="debug mode: detailed output of commands")
    action="store_true", dest="reallyquiet", default=False, help=SUPPRESS_HELP)
    #help="only display errors")
    action="store_true", dest="silent", default=False, help=SUPPRESS_HELP)
    #help="don't display any output")
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    ## message level
    if options.debug == True:
    msg = 5
    elif options.verbose == True:
    msg = 4
    elif options.quiet == True:
    msg = 2
    elif options.reallyquiet == True:
    msg = 1
    elif options.silent == True:
    msg = 0
    msg = 3
    msg = def_msg
    I think I understand why it gives the results it does when run as ' -v'
    I was just wondering if there was an easier way to get the second script to take and remember the variable without having to write variable=value into the function call every single time? However this is the only way I have found so far.
    The actual code:
    __version__ = '6.2.0'
    import os, sys
    from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup, SUPPRESS_HELP
    #import warnings
    import random
    #import apod
    ##### CONFIG #####
    ## Global Variables
    root = '/home/wallpaper'
    feh_wallpaper_file = os.path.expanduser('~/.fehbg')
    filter_file = os.path.expanduser('~/.config/openbox/wallpaper/mask')
    config_path = os.path.expanduser('~/.config/openbox/wallpaper')
    list_default = 'default-list'
    list_alt = 'alt-list'
    menu_default = 'menu-folders'
    menu_alt = 'alt-menu'
    valid_list_list = 'alt-list', 'default-list'
    def_msg = 3
    ##### LOCK v2.2 #####
    def LockScript(fun, lock=lockfile, msg=def_msg):
    """Locks the script before starting a function."""
    if msg >= 5:
    print('Lock :: Locking Script')
    from os import O_CREAT, O_EXCL
    fd =, O_CREAT+O_EXCL)
    if msg >= 5:
    print('Lock :: created lock file')
    except OSError:
    if msg >= 1:
    print('Error :: Already running function {0}...' .format(fun))
    if msg >= 6:
    print('Lock :: Removed Lock File')
    if msg >= 1:
    print('Lock :: Error :: Lockfile missing')
    ##### CURRENT INFO #####
    def get_filter(msg=def_msg):
    """Retrieves the filter."""
    f = open(filter_file, 'r')
    i =
    if msg >= 6:
    print('Got Filter :: {0}' .format(i))
    return i
    def get_info(msg=def_msg):
    """Returns the path and name of the current wallpaper."""
    with open(feh_wallpaper_file, 'r') as f:
    a =
    b = a[15:-1]
    name = os.path.basename(b)
    import apod
    if name == 'apod':
    path = os.path.join(apod.archive_folder, apod.thisyear)
    w = os.listdir(path)
    wnum = len(w) -1
    name = w[wnum]
    path = os.path.dirname(b)
    path = os.path.dirname(b)
    if msg >= 5:
    print('current wallpaper :: {0} {1}' .format(path, name))
    return path, name
    def get_next(c, z, msg=def_msg):
    """Gets the next number in the sequence of length z."""
    if c == (len(z) - 1):
    n = 0
    n = c + 1
    if msg >= 6:
    print('next number is {0}' .format(n))
    return n
    def get_prev(c, z, msg=def_msg):
    """Gets the previous number in the sequence of length z."""
    if c == 0:
    p = (len(z) - 1)
    p = c - 1
    if msg >= 6:
    print('previous number is {0}' .format(p))
    return p
    def current_wallpaper_info(msg=def_msg):
    """Print the details of the current wallpaper."""
    name = get_info(msg=msg)[1]
    path = get_info(msg=msg)[0]
    folder = os.path.basename(path)
    mask = get_filter(msg=msg)
    import apod
    if path.startswith(apod.archive_folder) or name.startswith('APOD'):
    title = apod.get_name(fname=name, msg=msg)
    print('currently the wallpaper is "{0}", {1}' .format(title, name))
    elif not mask == '':
    print('currently the wallpaper is {0} from folder {1} using mask {2}' .format(name, folder, mask))
    print('currently the wallpaper is {0} from folder {1}' .format(name, folder))
    print('currently the wallpaper is {0} from folder {1}' .format(name, folder))
    def set_filter(i=None, msg=def_msg, mask_file=filter_file):
    """Sets the filter."""
    if test:
    f = open(mask_file, 'r')
    f = open(mask_file, 'w')
    if i == None:
    if msg >= 5:
    print('clearing filter')
    if test:
    print('exec :: Clear filter')
    if msg >= 4:
    print('Setting filter as "{0}"' .format(i))
    if test:
    print('exec :: Writing filter as :: "{0}"' .format(i))
    def set_wallpaper(name, path_in=get_info()[0], msg=def_msg):
    """Set the wallpaper."""
    spath = path_in.split(':')
    path = spath[0]
    mask = spath[1]
    set_filter(mask, msg=msg)
    full = os.path.join(path, name)
    if msg >= 4:
    print("setting {0} as wallpaper" .format(name))
    if test:
    print("exec :: feh --bg-scale {0}" .format(full))
    os.system("feh --bg-scale {0}" .format(full))
    #def set_default(d=default_file):
    # """Sets the default walllpaper."""
    # set_wallpaper(d[1], d[0])
    def set_wallpaper_last(msg=def_msg):
    """Set the wallpaper as the last image."""
    ## alternativly use "eval `cat ~/.fehbg`"
    full = os.path.join(get_info()[0], get_info()[1])
    if msg >= 4:
    print("setting {0} as wallpaper" .format(full))
    if test:
    print("exec :: feh --bg-scale {0}" .format(full))
    os.system("feh --bg-scale {0}" .format(full))
    def change_folder(folder0, mask=None, msg=def_msg):
    """Change Wallpaper folder (optional filter) relative from root dir."""
    folder_split = folder0.split(':')
    folder = folder_split[0]
    path = os.path.join(root, folder)
    if not os.path.exists(path): # Path does not exist
    if msg >= 1:
    print('Fatal Error :: path does not exist')
    print('avaliable folders are {0}' .format(avaliable_folders()))
    if msg >= 4:
    print('changing folder to {0}' .format(folder))
    f1 = os.listdir(path)
    if folder_split[1]:
    mask = folder_split[1]
    f2 = []
    for i in f1:
    if i.find(mask) > -1:
    f = f2
    if len(f) == 0:
    if msg >= 2:
    print('Warning :: invalid filter')
    set_filter(mask, msg=msg)
    else: # print('null mask')
    if msg >= 2:
    print('Warning :: null filter')
    if msg >= 5:
    print('No filter used, clearing')
    f = f1
    if len(f) == 0:
    if msg >= 1:
    print('Fatal Error :: no files in path')
    r = random.randrange(0,len(f))
    if msg >= 5:
    print('chosing random number:: {0}' .format(r))
    set_wallpaper(f[r], path, msg=msg)
    def avaliable_folders(r=root, msg=def_msg):
    """Returns a list of avaliable folders in the root wallpaper directory."""
    allfolders = os.listdir(r)
    folders = []
    for f in allfolders:
    if not f.startswith("."):
    return folders
    def strip_opt(p):
    #q1 = p.replace(' ','')
    #q2 = q1.replace('\t','')
    #q3 = q2.replace('\n','')
    q = p.replace(' ','').replace('\t','').replace('\n','')
    return q
    def check_list(l, path=config_path, dl=list_default, al=list_alt, msg=def_msg, returnF=False):
    """Checks to see (and returns) valid path to list."""
    if l == 'default' or l == 'def' or l == None :
    if msg >= 4:
    print('using default list')
    return os.path.join(path, dl)
    elif l == 'alt':
    if msg >= 4:
    print('using alternative list')
    return os.path.join(path, al)
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, l)):
    if msg >= 1:
    print('Error :: list does not exist')
    elif not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, l)):
    if msg >= 1:
    print('Error :: list not a file')
    c = valid_list_list.index(l)
    if msg >= 6:
    print('list name has been validated')
    if msg >= 2:
    print('Warnimg :: list used has not been vaildated by script')
    print('Warnimg :: if valid; add to the list of valid lists')
    if msg >= 5:
    print('path exists')
    return os.path.join(path, l)
    if returnF == True:
    return False
    if msg >= 2:
    print('Warning :: using default list')
    return os.path.join(config_path, dl)
    def get_seq(msg=def_msg):
    """Returns the sequence of current wallpaper and curr position."""
    mask = get_filter(msg=msg)
    path = get_info(msg=msg)[0]
    name = get_info(msg=msg)[1]
    list1 = os.listdir(path)
    if mask == '':
    list0 = list1
    list2 = []
    for i in list1:
    if i.find(mask) > -1:
    try: # check the filter is currently being used
    num = list2.index(name)
    #print('wallpaper in filtered list')
    list0 = list2
    except: # filter is out of date
    if msg >= 5:
    print('wallpaper not in filtered list... clearing')
    list0 = list1
    set_filter(msg=msg) # clear filter
    try: # needed if current wallpaper has been removed
    num = list0.index(name)
    if msg >= 5:
    print('current wallpaper info ::')
    print('name : {0}, number : {1}' .format(name, num))
    return num, list0
    if msg >= 1:
    print('Error :: get_seq :: Current wallpaper file missing :: name : {0}' .format(name))
    return 0, list0
    def list_sequence(com='next', seq=None, msg=def_msg):
    cname = get_info(msg=msg)[1]
    if seq == None:
    list_dir = get_info(msg=msg)[0]
    list_file = get_seq(msg=msg)[1]
    if msg >= 4:
    print('Changing wallpaper in sequence using current folder:mask')
    ## Build a list.
    a = check_list(seq, msg=msg)
    list_dir = []
    list_file = []
    with open(a, 'r') as f:
    for line in f:
    i = line.split(',')
    list_dir.append(os.path.join(root, strip_opt(i[0])))
    set_filter(msg=msg) # flush mask if using a list
    if msg >= 4:
    print('Changing wallpaper in sequence using list file')
    c = list_file.index(cname)
    if msg >= 5:
    print('found current wallpaper in list at position {0}' .format(c))
    if com == 'random':
    n = random.randrange(0, len(list_file))
    if msg >= 4:
    print('setting random wallpaper from sequence')
    elif com == 'prev':
    n = get_prev(c, list_file)
    if msg >= 4:
    print('setting previous wallpaper in sequence')
    elif com == 'next':
    n = get_next(c, list_file)
    if msg >= 4:
    print('setting next wallpaper in sequence')
    elif com == 'first':
    if msg >= 4:
    print('setting first wallpaper in sequence')
    n = 0
    if msg >= 2:
    print('Warning :: Unknown commmand')
    n = 0
    if msg >= 4:
    print('Warning :: not found current wallpaper in list / folder')
    print('using first file in list / folder')
    n = 0
    if seq == None:
    set_wallpaper(list_file[n], list_dir, msg=msg)
    set_wallpaper(list_file[n], list_dir[n], msg=msg)
    def toggle_list(d='default', com='toggle', msg=def_msg):
    """Removes the current file from the list."""
    a = check_list(d, msg=msg)
    file_list = []
    mod_file = []
    cname = get_info(msg=msg)[1]
    cpath = get_info(msg=msg)[0]
    if os.path.dirname(cpath) == root:
    cdir = os.path.basename(cpath)
    elif os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(cpath)) == root:
    cdir = os.path.join(os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(cpath)), os.path.basename(cpath))
    cmask = get_filter(msg=msg)
    if cmask == '':
    cdmask = cdir
    cdmask = '{0}:{1}' .format(cdir, cmask)
    in_list = False
    with open(a) as f:
    for line in f:
    i = line.split(',')
    if cname == strip_opt(i[1]):
    if msg >= 6:
    print('file in list')
    in_list = True
    if msg >= 6:
    print('file not in list')
    mod_file.append('{0} , {1} \n' .format(strip_opt(i[0]), strip_opt(i[1])))
    if in_list and com != 'rmfile' :
    if msg >= 3:
    print('Removed file from list')
    if test:
    for j in mod_file:
    print('writing newline: {0}' .format(j))
    with open(a, 'w') as newf:
    for j in mod_file:
    elif not in_list and com != 'addfile':
    mod_file.append('{0} , {1} \n' .format(cdmask, cname))
    if msg >= 3:
    print('Added wallpaper to list')
    if test:
    for j in mod_file:
    print('writing newline: {0}' .format(j))
    with open(a, 'w') as newf:
    for j in mod_file:
    if com == 'addfile':
    if msg >= 2:
    print('Warning :: File already in list')
    elif com == 'rmfile':
    if msg >= 2:
    print('Warning :: File not in list')
    if msg >= 1:
    print('Error :: UNKNOWN :: TOG LIST FUNCTION')
    ##### OPENBOX MENU #####
    def gen_obmenu():
    import oblib
    for i in avaliable_folders():
    oblib.item(i, ' --silent --change {0}' .format(i))
    def gen_obmenu_simple(name=None, i=None):
    import oblib
    if name == None:
    oblib.menu_start(name, i)
    oblib.item('Deafult', ' --silent --default')
    oblib.item('APOD', ' --silent --apod')
    oblib.item('APOD Save', ' --silent --apod-save')
    oblib.item('Random', ' --silent --random')
    if name == None:
    def gen_obmenu_standard():
    import oblib
    oblib.item('Deafult', ' --silent --default')
    oblib.item('APOD', ' --silent --apod')
    oblib.item('APOD Save', ' --silent --apod-save')
    oblib.menu_start('Change Set')
    oblib.item('Toggle List', ' --silent --toggle')
    oblib.item('Random', ' --silent --random')
    def gen_obmenu_alt():
    import oblib
    oblib.sep('Alt Menu')
    def obmenu_change_set(a='default', dl=menu_default, al=menu_alt):
    import oblib
    menu = check_list(a, dl=dl, al=al, returnF=True)
    if menu != False:
    f = open(menu, 'r')
    for line in f:
    i = line.split(',')
    oblib.item(strip_opt(i[0]), ' --change {0}' .format(strip_opt(i[1])))
    for i in avaliable_folders():
    oblib.item(i, ' --change {0}' .format(i))
    ##### TEST FUNCTIONS #####
    def parser_options():
    print('Options are: {0}' .format(options))
    print('Args are : {0}' .format(args))
    print('Command is : {0}' .format(command))
    def meta_info():
    if options.meta_source == None:
    print('No source specifieed')
    print('Script launched from source :: {0}' .format(options.meta_source))
    def test_module():
    def new_mod():
    #if path == None:
    # print('No path specified, using pwd')
    # path = os.curdir
    #need_new_name = False
    #print('Checking filenames in {0}' .format(path))
    #for name in os.listdir(path):
    # if name.find(" ") > -1:
    # print("Warning :: > < in {0}" .format(name))
    # need_new_name = True
    # if name.find("'") > -1:
    # print("Warning :: >'< in {0}" .format(name))
    # need_new_name = True
    # if name.find("&") > -1:
    # print("Warning :: >&< in {0}" .format(name))
    # need_new_name = True
    # if name.find('"') > -1:
    # print('Warning :: >"< in {0}' .format(name))
    # need_new_name = True
    # if need_new_name:
    # new_name = name.replace('"', "").replace(" ", "_").replace("&", "and").replace("'", "")
    # if re_name:
    # print("Renaming to new name:: {0}" .format(new_name))
    # os.rename(os.path.join(path, name), os.path.join(path, new_name))
    # else:
    # print("Suggested new name:: {0}" .format(new_name))
    # need_new_name = False
    def sane_names(path=None, re_name=False, msg=def_msg):
    """Check file names in a path."""
    if path == None:
    print('No path specified, using pwd')
    path = os.curdir
    need_new_name = False
    print('Checking filenames in {0}' .format(path))
    for name in os.listdir(path):
    if name.find(" ") > -1:
    print("Warning :: > < in {0}" .format(name))
    need_new_name = True
    if name.find("'") > -1:
    print("Warning :: >'< in {0}" .format(name))
    need_new_name = True
    if name.find("&") > -1:
    print("Warning :: >&< in {0}" .format(name))
    need_new_name = True
    if name.find('"') > -1:
    print('Warning :: >"< in {0}' .format(name))
    need_new_name = True
    if need_new_name:
    new_name = name.replace('"', "").replace(" ", "_").replace("&", "and").replace("'", "")
    if re_name:
    print("Renaming to new name:: {0}" .format(new_name))
    os.rename(os.path.join(path, name), os.path.join(path, new_name))
    print("Suggested new name:: {0}" .format(new_name))
    need_new_name = False
    print('File name check complete')
    ##### MAIN FUNCTION #####
    def Main(msg=def_msg):
    """Chooses which command to run."""
    if options.direction != None: # a dircetion has been set
    list_sequence(com=options.direction, seq=options.whichlist, msg=msg)
    elif command == 'last':
    elif command == 'info':
    ## change folder
    elif options.newfolder != None:
    change_folder(options.newfolder, msg=msg)
    ## apod
    elif command == 'apod':
    #apod.download2(msg=msg, test=test)
    import apod
    apod.download2(msg=msg, test=test)
    elif command == 'apod-save':
    #apod.apod_save('today', msg=msg, test=test)
    import apod
    apod.apod_save('today', msg=msg, test=test)
    ## list management
    elif options.toggle != None:
    toggle_list(options.whichlist, com=options.toggle, msg=msg)
    ## openbox menu
    elif command == 'obmenu':
    elif command == 'obmenu-simple':
    elif command == 'obmenu-alt':
    ## filename check
    elif command == 'sane-name':
    sane_names(path=options.sane_path, re_name=options.sane_rename, msg=msg)
    ## cycle
    elif command == 'cycle':
    print('ERROR :: function not implemented')
    elif command == 'testmod':
    elif options.whichlist != None: # a list but no direction specified
    list_sequence(seq=options.whichlist, msg=msg)
    elif command == "TestNone":
    print('Test mode null op[tion')
    elif command == None: ## no command specified
    print('Error :: no valid command found')
    ##### SCRIPT STARTUP #####
    if __name__ == "__main__":
    # def parse_change(option, opt_str, value, parser):
    # parser.values.command = 'change'
    # parser.values.newfolder = value
    # def parse_smask(option, opt_str, value, parser):
    # parser.values.command = 'set-mask'
    # parser.values.mask = value
    def parse_cycle(option, opt_str, value, parser):
    parser.values.command = 'cycle'
    parser.values.interval = value
    def parse_msglevel(option, opt_str, value, parser):
    parser.values.msg = value
    # def parse_addfile(option, opt_str, value, parser):
    # parser.values.command = 'addfile'
    # parser.values.whichlist = value
    # def parse_rmfile(option, opt_str, value, parser):
    # parser.values.command = 'rmfile'
    # parser.values.whichlist = value
    parser = OptionParser(usage = "usage: %prog [options] command", version="%prog {0}" .format(__version__),
    description = "Drews Script to the manage wallpapers using feh.")
    parser.set_defaults(command=None, whichlist=None, direction=None, toggle=None, newfolder=None)
    standard = OptionGroup(parser, "Standard Options")
    metaopt = OptionGroup(parser, "Meta Info Options", "Further datails about the script startup useful for debugging")
    gapod = OptionGroup(parser, "APOD Options", "Controls for the Astronomy Picture of the Day. ")
    obmenu = OptionGroup(parser, "Openbox Menu", "Support for openbox xml menu generation. ")
    #groupalt = OptionGroup(parser, "Alternative Wallpapers")
    gplist = OptionGroup(parser, "List Support")
    namecheck = OptionGroup(parser, "Filename Support")
    direction = OptionGroup(parser, "Direction Commands")
    ## Standard Options
    standard.add_option("-q", "--quiet",
    action="store_true", dest="quiet", default=False, #help=SUPPRESS_HELP)
    help="only display warnings and errors")
    standard.add_option("-v", "--verbose",
    action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False, #help=SUPPRESS_HELP)
    help="display all output")
    action="store_true", dest="debug", default=False, #help=SUPPRESS_HELP)
    help="debug mode: detailed output of commands")
    action="store_true", dest="reallyquiet", default=False, help=SUPPRESS_HELP)
    #help="only display errors")
    action="store_true", dest="silent", default=False, help=SUPPRESS_HELP)
    #help="don't display any output")
    standard.add_option('-t', "--test",
    action="store_true", dest="test", default=False, #help=SUPPRESS_HELP)
    help="test mode :: only print output")
    action="store_const", const="testmod", dest="command", #help=SUPPRESS_HELP)
    help="test mode :: use test function module")
    action="store_const", const="TestNone", dest="command", #help=SUPPRESS_HELP)
    help="test mode :: no command specified")
    parser.add_option("--info", '-i',
    action="store_const", const="info", dest="command",
    help="Displays information about the current wallpaper.")
    parser.add_option("--last", '-l',
    action="store_const", const="last", dest="command",
    help="Sets the wallpaper as the last picture")
    direction.add_option('-n', "--next",
    action="store_const", const="next", dest="direction",
    help="Sets the next wallpaper in the sequence")
    direction.add_option('-p', "--prev", '--previous',
    action="store_const", const="prev", dest="direction",
    help="Sets the previous wallpaper in the sequence")
    direction.add_option('-r', '--rand', "--random",
    action="store_const", const="random", dest="direction",
    help="Sets a random wallpaper from the sequence")
    direction.add_option('-1', '--first', "--safe",
    action="store_const", const="first", dest="direction",
    help="Sets the first wallpaer in the sequence")
    gplist.add_option('-d', "--default",
    action="store_const", const="default", dest="whichlist",
    help="Uses the wallpapers from the default file list")
    action="store_const", const="alt", dest="whichlist",
    help="Uses the wallpapers from the alternative list")
    parser.add_option("--change", '-c',
    metavar="Folder[:Filter]", dest="newfolder",
    help="Changes the wallpaper folder, optional filter.")
    gapod.add_option('-a', "--apod",
    action="store_const", const="apod", dest="command",
    help="downloads and sets the wallpaper as todays APOD picture")
    action="store_const", const="apod-save", dest="command",
    help="Saves todays APOD picture")
    # gapod.add_option("--apod-last",
    # action="store_const", const="apod-last", dest="command",
    # help="Sets the wallpaper as yesterdays APOD picture")
    # gapod.add_option("--apod-force",
    # action="store_const", const="apod-force", dest="command",
    # help="force the download of todays APOD picture")
    action="store_const", const='rmfile', dest='toggle',
    help="Adds the current wallpaper to the list.")
    action="store_const", const='addfile', dest='toggle',
    help="Removes the current wallpaper from a list.")
    gplist.add_option("--toggle-list", '--toggle',
    action="store_const", const='toggle', dest='toggle',
    help="Adds/Removes the current wallpaper from a list.")
    metavar="LIST", dest='whichlist',
    help="Sets which list to use.")
    action="store_const", const="obmenu", dest="command",
    help="Prints the standard openbox menu.")
    action="store_const", const="obmenu-simple", dest="command",
    help="Prints the simple openbox menu.")
    action="store_const", const="obmenu-alt", dest="command", #help=SUPPRESS_HELP)
    help="Prints the alternative openbox menu.")
    action="store_const", const="sane-name", dest="command",
    help="Checks if wallpaper names are valid.")
    metavar="PATH", dest="sane_path", default=None,
    help="Which folder to check.")
    action="store_true", dest="sane_rename", default=False,
    help="If to rename invalid files.")
    metavar="Source", dest='meta_source', default=None,
    help="Details from where the script was launched from")
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    test = options.test
    #debug = options.debug
    #verbose = options.verbose
    #quiet = options.quiet
    ## message level
    if options.debug == True:
    msg = 5
    elif options.verbose == True:
    msg = 4
    elif options.quiet == True:
    msg = 2
    elif options.reallyquiet == True:
    msg = 1
    elif options.silent == True:
    msg = 0
    msg = 3
    #if options.command == None:
    # try: # try and find a command
    # command = args[0]
    # except:
    # pass
    # command = options.command
    command = options.command
    if options.debug:
    LockScript(Main, msg=msg) # start the script
    __version__ = '3.2.0'
    import os, sys
    from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup, SUPPRESS_HELP
    import shutil
    from datetime import date
    #print('loaded apod')
    ##### VARIABLES #####
    ## Files and Paths
    #apod_archive_folder = '/home/wallpaper/apod_archive'
    archive_folder = '/home/wallpaper/apod_archive'
    save_folder = '/home/wallpaper/Space'
    tmpdir = '/tmp/wallpaper/apod'
    html_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'apod-html')
    img_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'apod-img')
    index_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'apod-index')
    work = os.path.expanduser('~/.config/openbox/apod')
    date_file = os.path.join(work, 'apod-date')
    apodfile = os.path.join(work, 'apod')
    apodlast = os.path.join(work, 'apod-last')
    namefile = os.path.join(work, 'apod-names')
    video_dir = os.path.join(work, 'apod-videos')
    errs = os.path.join(work, 'archive-errors')
    dtoday = str( # todays date
    thisyear = dtoday[:4]
    saveprefix = 'APOD-'
    ## Defaults
    def_test = False
    def_msg = 3
    def_command = None
    def_apodset = True
    def_archive_apod = True # Keep all APOD pictures
    def_clear_apod = False
    def_force_apod = False
    def_cutoff = None
    store_file_list = ''
    ##### LOCK v2 #####
    ## Lock v2
    def LockScript(fun, lock='/tmp/apod.lock', msg=def_msg):
    """Locks the script before starting a function."""
    from os import O_CREAT, O_EXCL
    try: # lock the function
    fd =, O_CREAT+O_EXCL)
    #print('created lock file')
    except OSError:
    print('Already running function {0}...' .format(fun))
    try: # release lock
    print('Error :: Lockfile missing !!!')
    ##### DEFINITIONS #####
    def get_date(dfile=date_file):
    check_file(dfile, create=True, msg=1)
    f = open(dfile)
    def check_dir(d, create=False, msg=def_msg):
    """Check if path exists."""
    if not os.path.exists(d):
    if msg > 3:
    print('Error : folder missing...')
    if create:
    if msg > 3 :
    print('...created folder')
    return True
    print('Fatal Error :: could not create directory {0}' .format(d))
    return False
    elif not os.path.isdir(d):
    print('Fatal Error :: this is not a directory')
    return True
    def check_file(f, create=False, msg=def_msg):
    """Check if path exists."""
    if not os.path.exists(f):
    #if msg > 3:
    # print('Error : file missing...')
    if create:
    check_dir(os.path.dirname(f), create=create, msg=msg)
    if msg > 5:
    print('creating file {0}' .format(f))
    q = open(f, 'w')
    return True
    if msg >= 1:
    print('Fatal Error :: could not create file {0}' .format(f))
    if msg >= 5:
    print('file {0} does not exist' .format(f))
    return False
    if msg >= 5:
    print('file {0} exists' .format(f))
    return True
    def copy_file(ffrom, fto, msg=def_msg, test=def_test):
    """Copy files, from to (with test option)."""
    if test:
    print('[[copy command: {0} to {1}]]' .format(ffrom, fto))
    shutil.copy(ffrom, fto)
    if not os.path.exists(ffrom):
    print('Warning: error copying file, does not exist')
    elif os.path.isdir(ffrom):
    print('Fatal Error :: file being copied is a directory!')
    print('Fatal Error :: UNKNOWN ERROR during copy')
    def download_files(hfile=html_file, ifile=img_file, datefile=date_file, msg=def_msg, test=def_test, apodset=def_apodset, day='today', archive_apod=def_archive_apod):
    """Download the APOD html and img."""
    import urllib.request
    import socket
    timeout = 10
    if day == 'today':
    url = ''
    name = dtoday
    year = thisyear
    url = '{0}.html' .format(day)
    name = day
    if day[:1] == '9' :
    name = '19{0}-{1}-{2}' .format(day[:2], day[2:4], day[4:])
    name = '20{0}-{1}-{2}' .format(day[:2], day[2:4], day[4:])
    year = name[:4]
    response = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
    html =
    if msg > 3:
    print('downloaded html data for {0}' .format(day))
    check_file(hfile, create=True, msg=msg)
    f = open(hfile, 'wb')
    if msg >= 1:
    print('ERROR :: page not found :: exiting.')
    if day == 'today':
    t = open(datefile, 'w')
    if msg > 3:
    print('updated date file with todays date')
    if msg > 3:
    print('copying over yesterdays APOD image')
    copy_file(apodfile, apodlast, msg=msg, test=test)
    found_img = False
    with open(hfile, 'r', encoding='latin-1') as g:
    for line in g:
    if 'IMG SRC' in line:
    i = line.split('"')
    if msg > 4:
    print('found image : {0}' .format(i[1]))
    found_img = True
    img_responce = urllib.request.urlopen(os.path.join('', i[1]))
    img_data =
    print('error in img download')
    check_dir(errs, create=True, msg=1)
    check_file(os.path.join(errs, name), create=True, msg=0)
    if msg >= 5:
    print('read img data')
    check_file(ifile, create=True, msg=0)
    if msg >= 5:
    print('created img file')
    with open(ifile, 'wb') as l:
    if msg >= 3:
    print('downloaded image for {0}' .format(day))
    if day == 'today':
    copy_file(ifile,apodfile, msg=msg, test=test)
    if archive_apod:
    apod_archive(msg=msg, test=test, dfile=ifile, year=year, name=name)
    if not found_img :
    if msg >= 3:
    print('video :: not found image line in file from {0}' .format(i))
    check_file(os.path.join(video_dir, name), create=True, msg=0)
    if day == 'today':
    print('Warning : no image line in html file')
    copy_file(apodlast,apodfile, msg=msg, test=test)
    def apod_archive(dfile=img_file, msg=def_msg, test=def_test, year=thisyear, name=dtoday):
    """Archive APOD picture."""
    arch_file = os.path.join(archive_folder, year, name)
    check_dir(os.path.join(archive_folder, year), msg=msg, create=True)
    if check_file(arch_file, create=False, msg=msg):
    if msg > 3:
    print('APOD picture already archived')
    if msg > 3:
    print('Archiving APOD picture')
    copy_file(dfile, arch_file, msg=msg, test=test)
    def apod_save(day='current', sfolder=save_folder, msg=def_msg, test=def_test, prefix=saveprefix):
    """Save APOD picture as best of APOD."""
    with open(os.path.expanduser('~/.fehbg'), 'r') as f:
    a =
    b = a[15:-1]
    if day == 'today' or b[-4:] == 'apod':
    source = apodfile
    sfile = prefix + dtoday
    elif day == 'current':
    if not (os.path.dirname(b) == archive_folder or os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(b)) == archive_folder ):
    print('picture is not in the recognised apod archive folder')
    source = b
    sfile = prefix+ b[-10:]
    if msg >= 1:
    print('unknown file specified')
    if msg > 3:
    print('Saving APOD picture to Save folder')
    copy_file(source, os.path.join(sfolder, sfile), msg=msg, test=test)
    def set_apod(a=apodfile, msg=def_msg, test=def_test, apodset=def_apodset ):
    """Sets the APOD wallpaper."""
    if not apodset:
    if msg > 3:
    print('Skipping setting APOD picture')
    if msg > 3:
    print('Setting APOD picture')
    if test:
    print("exec :: feh --bg-scale {0}" .format(a))
    os.system("feh --bg-scale {0}" .format(a))
    def clear_date(msg=def_msg, test=False):
    """Clears the date file."""
    if msg > 3:
    print('reseting date')
    if not test:
    t = open(datefile, 'w')
    ##### APOD NAMES #####
    def get_name(fname=None, names=namefile, msg=def_msg, rerun=True, prefix=saveprefix):
    """Returns the name of an APOD file."""
    name_index = []
    title_index = []
    with open(names, 'r') as f:
    for line in f:
    i = line.split(',', 3)
    if fname == None:
    if msg >= 4:
    print('getting todays date')
    date = get_date()
    elif fname.startswith(prefix):
    if msg >= 4:
    print('removing save prefix from name')
    date = fname[len(prefix):]
    date = fname
    c = name_index.index(date)
    return title_index[c][:-2]
    if rerun:
    if msg >= 2:
    print('Warning :: name not in index, recreating')
    get_name(fname=fname, names=names, msg=msg, rerun=False)
    if msg >= 1:
    print('Error :: name not in index, please recreate')
    def regen_index(msg=def_msg, cutoff=None):
    build_name_list(msg=msg, cutoff=cutoff)
    def file_status(date, msg=def_msg, cutoff=None):
    """Status of an APOD Picture."""
    downloaded_files = [] # files in main apod download folder
    archive_files = [] # files in sub folder
    archive_download = [] # files from archive download
    videolist = []
    for i in os.listdir(archive_folder):
    if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(archive_folder,i)):
    for j in os.listdir(os.path.join(archive_folder, i)):
    j1 = j[2:]
    j2 = j1.replace('-','')
    i1 = i[2:]
    i2 = i1.replace('-','')
    for i in os.listdir(video_dir):
    if date[:1] == '9' :
    tdate = '19{0}' .format(date)
    tdate = '20{0}' .format(date)
    if cutoff == None:
    cutoff = '1995' # apod started 1995 06 16
    if tdate <= cutoff:
    return 'cut-off'
    if msg >= 5:
    print('picture has been downloaded')
    return 'downloaded' #print('picture from {0} has already been downloaded' .format(pagedate))
    if msg >= 5:
    print('picture has been downloaded')
    return 'archived' #print('picture from {0} has already been downloaded' .format(pagedate))
    if msg >= 5:
    print('picture has been downloaded by archive retrieval')
    return 'retrieved'
    if msg >= 5:
    print('picture is a video')
    return 'video file'
    if msg >= 5:
    print('picture is missing')
    return 'missing'
    def download_apod_index(msg=def_msg, index=index_file):
    """Downloads the apod index file."""
    import urllib.request
    response = urllib.request.urlopen('')
    html =
    if msg > 3:
    print('downloaded apod index')
    check_file(index, create=True, msg=msg)
    f = open(index, 'wb')
    if msg >= 1:
    print('Fatal Error :: index page not found')
    def build_name_list(msg=def_msg, index=index_file, names=namefile, cutoff=None):
    """Builds a name list."""
    check_file(names, create=True, msg=msg)
    data = []
    with open(index, 'r') as f:
    for line in f:
    if '<a href="ap' in line:
    i = line.split(':', 1)
    imgdate = i[1][13:19]
    imgname = i[1][26:-9]
    status = file_status(date=imgdate, msg=msg, cutoff=None)
    if imgdate[:1] == '9' :
    imgfile = '19{0}-{1}-{2}' .format(imgdate[:2], imgdate[2:4], imgdate[4:])
    imgfile = '20{0}-{1}-{2}' .format(imgdate[:2], imgdate[2:4], imgdate[4:])
    if msg >= 3:
    print('found file : date = {0} : status = {1} : filename = {2}' .format(imgdate, status, imgfile))
    data.append('{0},{1},{2},{3} \n' .format(imgfile, imgdate, status, imgname))
    if msg >= 4:
    print('finished parsing index file')
    with open(namefile, 'w') as newf:
    for j in data:
    if msg >= 4:
    print('written new name list')
    ##### MACROS #####
    def download2(msg=def_msg, test=def_test, apodset=def_apodset, force_apod=def_force_apod, clear_apod=def_clear_apod, archive_apod=def_archive_apod):
    """Downloads and sets APOD picture."""
    if clear_apod:
    clear_date(msg=msg, test=test)
    if force_apod:
    if msg >= 3:
    print('download forced')
    if get_date() != dtoday or force_apod:
    download_files(msg=msg, test=test, archive_apod=archive_apod)
    if msg >= 2:
    print('apod has already been downloaded today')
    set_apod(msg=msg, test=test, apodset=apodset) # #set apod picture
    def archive_download(msg=def_msg, newindex=False, cutoff=None, test=def_test):
    """Search and download missing pictures from the APOD archive pages"""
    if newindex:
    regen_index(msg=msg, cutoff=cutoff)
    target_dates = []
    with open(namefile, 'r') as g:
    for line in g:
    i = line.split(',')
    if i[2] == 'missing':
    if file_status(date=i[1], msg=msg) == 'missing':
    if msg >= 4:
    print('target list built')
    for j in target_dates:
    if msg >= 4:
    download_files(msg=msg, test=test, day=j, archive_apod=True)
    ##### OPENBOX MENU #####
    def gen_obmenu_standard():
    import oblib
    oblib.item('APOD', ' --update')
    oblib.item('APOD Save', ' --save')
    oblib.item('APOD Force', ' --force')
    def obmenu_archive_folders(t='pipe'):
    import oblib
    years = []
    for i in os.listdir(archive_folder):
    if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(archive_folder,i)):
    if t == 'pipe':
    oblib.menu_start('Apod Archive')
    for k in years:
    oblib.item('Apod: {0}' .format(k), ' --change {0}/{1}' .format(archive_folder, k))
    if t == 'pipe':
    ##### TEST FUNCTIONS #####
    def parser_options():
    print('Options are: {0}' .format(options))
    print('Args are : {0}' .format(args))
    print('Command is : {0}' .format(options.command))
    def meta_info():
    if options.meta_source == None:
    print('No source specifieed')
    print('Script launched from source :: {0}' .format(options.meta_source))
    def test_module(msg=def_msg):
    #print(get_name(fname=None, msg=msg))
    ##### MAIN FUNCTION #####
    def Apod_Main(msg=def_msg):
    """Main functions."""
    command = options.command
    check_dir(work, create=True, msg=msg)
    if options.regen_index :
    regen_index(msg=msg, cutoff=options.cutoff)
    if command == None:
    command = 'pass'
    if command == "download":
    if msg > 3:
    print('Updating APOD')
    download2(msg=msg, test=options.test, apodset=options.apodset, force_apod=options.force, clear_apod=options.clear, archive_apod=options.archive)
    elif command == "download-only":
    if msg > 3:
    print('Downloading APOD picture only')
    download2(msg=msg, test=options.test, apodset=False, force_apod=options.force, clear_apod=options.clear, archive_apod=False)
    elif command == "last":
    if msg > 3:
    print('Setting last APOD')
    set_apod(apodlast, msg=msg, test=options.test, apodset=options.apodset)
    elif command == "save-today":
    apod_save('today', msg=msg, test=options.test)
    elif command == "save":
    apod_save('current', msg=msg, test=options.test)
    elif command == "set":
    if msg > 3:
    print('Setting APOD')
    set_apod(msg=msg, test=options.test, apodset=options.apodset)
    elif command == "restore":
    if msg > 3:
    print('Restoreing yesterdays APOD picture.')
    copy_file(apodlast, apodfile, msg=msg, test=options.test)
    set_apod(msg=msg, test=options.test, apodset=options.apodset)
    elif command == 'retrieve':
    archive_download(msg=msg, newindex=options.newindex, cutoff=options.cutoff)
    elif command == 'testmod':
    elif command == "TestNone":
    print('Test mode null op[tion')
    elif command == "pass":
    if msg >= 4:
    print('pass option has been called')
    elif not command == None:
    if msg >= 2:
    print('Warning :: Unrecognised command specified')
    if msg >= 2:
    print('Warning :: no commands found, using default option')
    set_apod(msg=msg, test=options.test, apodset=options.apodset)
    ##### SCRIPT STARTUP #####
    if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = OptionParser(usage = "usage: %prog [download options] [command]", version="%prog {0}" .format(__version__),
    description = "Script to manage APOD wallpapers.")
    parser.set_defaults(archive=def_archive_apod, apodset=def_apodset, command=None)
    standard = OptionGroup(parser, "Standard Options")
    doptions = OptionGroup(parser, "Download Options")
    aoptions = OptionGroup(parser, "Archive Options")
    metaopt = OptionGroup(parser, "Meta Info Options", "Further datails about the script startup useful for debugging")
    standard.add_option("-q", "--quiet",
    action="store_true", dest="quiet", default=False,
    help="only display warnings and errors")
    standard.add_option("-v", "--verbose",
    action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False,
    help="display all output")
    action="store_true", dest="debug", default=False,
    help="debug mode: detailed output of commands")
    action="store_true", dest="reallyquiet", default=False, help=SUPPRESS_HELP)
    #help="only display errors")
    action="store_true", dest="silent", default=False, help=SUPPRESS_HELP)
    #help="don't display any output")
    standard.add_option('-t', "--test",
    action="store_true", dest="test", default=False, help=SUPPRESS_HELP)
    #help="test mode :: only print output")
    action="store_const", const="testmod", dest="command", help=SUPPRESS_HELP)
    #help="test mode :: use test function module")
    standard.add_option("--test-none", "--pass",
    action="store_const", const="TestNone", dest="command", help=SUPPRESS_HELP)
    #help="test mode :: no command specified")
    parser.add_option('-a', '-u', '--update',
    action="store_const", const="download", dest="command",
    help="Downloads and sets the wallpaper as todays APOD picture")
    action="store_const", const="save", dest="command",
    help="Saves the curent APOD wallpaper")
    action="store_const", const="set", dest="command",
    help="Sets wallpaper as APOD")
    action="store_const", const="download-only", dest="command",
    help="Only downloads todays APOD picture")
    action="store_const", const="last", dest="command",
    help="Sets the wallpaper as yesterdays APOD picture")
    action="store_const", const="restore", dest="command", help=SUPPRESS_HELP)
    #help="Restores yesterdays APOD picture as todays.")
    aoptions.add_option("--retrieve", '--populate',
    action="store_const", const="retrieve", dest="command",
    help="Retrives archive APOD images from the APOD archive")
    action="store_true", dest="regen_index", default=False,
    help="Regenerates the APOD index file")
    action="store_false", dest="newindex", default=True, help=SUPPRESS_HELP)
    #help="Do not build a nex index")
    metavar="Date", dest='cutoff', default=def_cutoff,
    help="Cut off date for downloading archive pictures")
    # parser.add_option("--get-name",
    # metavar="NAME", dest="getname", default=None,
    # help="Returns the name of a pictures name")
    action="store_true", dest="force", default=def_force_apod,
    help="Force the download of todays APOD picture")
    action="store_true", dest="clear", default=def_clear_apod, help=SUPPRESS_HELP)
    #help="resets the date of last APOD download.")
    action="store_true", dest="archive",
    help="If to archive a picture after download")
    action="store_false", dest="archive",
    help="If to archive a picture after download")
    action="store_true", dest="apodset", help=SUPPRESS_HELP)
    #help="If to set the wallpaper as APOD.")
    action="store_false", dest="apodset", help=SUPPRESS_HELP)
    #help="Skips setting APOD as wallpaper")
    metavar="Source", dest='meta_source', default=None,
    help="Details from where the script was launched from")
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    ## message level
    if options.debug == True:
    msg = 5
    elif options.verbose == True:
    msg = 4
    elif options.quiet == True: # warnings
    msg = 2
    elif options.reallyquiet == True: # errors only
    msg = 1
    elif options.silent == True: # no output
    msg = 0
    msg = 3
    if options.debug:
    LockScript(Apod_Main, msg=msg)

  • Ardoris Openbox Theme

    My first openbox theme (actually first theme of any kind). … tent=75799
    I made it to go with a wallpaper I made:
    (Yar I know it's similar (practically identical) to many other wallpapers: e.g. I imagine we all followed the same tutorial )
    I uploaded the other wallpaper the theme was made to go with:
    Last edited by bavardage (2008-02-23 21:51:01)

    Even though I like dark themes and dislike flashy ones, this one looks realy nice.
    The wallpaper also looks good Would you mind doing a set of the first wallpaper in different colours?

  • Annoying graphic errors (flashing)

    I have a problem with my PowerBook G4 (OSX 10.4.3-10.4.5). I bought the Book last March. The graphics card is an Ati Radeon 9700. Last month I got a Samsung Syncmaster 214T TFT Display for my office workplace to which I connect the PowerBook.
    Problem description:
    I connect the PB via DVI to the Syncmaster 214T. After a few minutes the screen starts "flashing" from time to time (approx. once per minute). It's hard to describe... As if the whole content is pulled to the side for half a second.
    This happens nearly every day. When I adjust the cable at the PB dvi port long enogh, the flashing stops. Usually I have to adjust the cable to a position where it's "beveled" and not fully inserted but gets the signal through anyway. Sometimes this workaround helps.
    Is it the cable?
    I changed dvi-cables with a friend. He had no problems while using my cable, but I had the usual flashing issues with his cable. So I guess it's not the cable.
    Is it the graphics card?
    I connected my PB to the following devices:
    - a beamer (via dvi/vga-connector): No problems (res. 1024x768, 10 times 2 hours)
    - two other beamers (via dvi/vga-connector): No problems (res. 1024x768, several times for 2 hours).
    - a iiyama TFT (dvi): No problems (res. 1600x1200, 30 minutes)
    - an Apple Cinema display (dvi): No problems (res. 1920x1200, 1 hour)
    - a Samsung Syncmaster 244T 24" display: No problems (res. 1920x1200 for 30 minutes, res. 1600x1200 for 15 minutes).
    - another Samsung Syncmaster 214T (same model as mine): Same problems as with my Samsung! Same flashing issues. They appeared immediately (30 seconds).
    Is it the Samsung display?
    There have been several Macs and Win-based pcs connected the the Samsung displays with no problems.
    Does anyone have an idea what might be the reason?
    PowerBook G4 & PowerMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

    Next hint?!?
    There have been many errors two hours ago. Approx. every second one graphical error! changed my wallpaper and had no problems.
    Switching back to the first wallpaper - errors immediately.
    Switching to back to the 2nd one - No errors (for now approx. 2 hours)
    Any suggestions?

  • How do I set the wallpaper for the the first page only

    how do I set the wallpaper for the the first page only.I have my ICE #'s as wallpaper but I only want it on the first page

    When you set a wallaper you are asked where you want to set it. Either Lock Screen or Home Screen or Both.
    If you choose Lock screen it will only appear when you wake up your phone.
    If you set it to Home screen, then it wil be set behind the app icons on all your home screens.
    If you choose both, then it will be on both.
    Not sure what you mean by the " have a photo of my ICE in contacts that I am trying to use????" 
    The Photo should be in the Photos App. how is it in contacts?  is it assigned to a contact?

  • First attempt at arch wallpaper

    I hope you guys actually like it.. It's my first time. I'll practice and keep doing better .
    Last edited by AquaFox (2007-07-16 13:55:02)

    It's a good begin but don't like the colors
    Otheriwse a good wallpaper would be a blue one and adding a great arch logo in a lighter color
    If you don't understeand, if you gave The Gimp, make an image, fill it and create a selection, fill the selection with white but not at 100% opacity
    Would be nice, will maybe try tomorrow

  • First generation iPhone wallpaper

    Is there any way I can transfer wallpaper photos from a first generation iPhone to an iPhone 3gs running OS 4
    Thank you in advance

    You can't transfer the wallpaper photos included with the firmware/OS, but you can transfer photos from your computer to your 3GS that were transferred from your computer to your original or first generation iPhone.

  • My first question about photos and getting rid of them in the wallpaper sec

    I have no idea how to get rid of jsut a couple, it only seems that i will have to erase all of them. any info would be greatly appreciated.

    Not sure, have you checked the manual?

  • Look..i really want to add rotating wallpaper like window 7 can do on desktop i my iphone iphone is first generation..any idea how i want to do that?

    do you have answers for my question?/

    I don't believe that can be done I'm afraid.

  • MSI Forum Wallpaper Design Contest

     The winner will be rewarded with a soon to be launched Z87-GD65 GAMING motherboard.
    (check it out at
     Design and submit a wallpaper in this Forum topic.
     (If you don't have an MSI Forum account you need to register first here, please read how to add pictures to forum posts below)
    Contest Rules:
    -   Submitted wallpapers must be at least 1920x1080.
        (Preferably JPG or PNG formats, 16:9 or 16:10 ratio, max 2560x1600)
    -   You can post as many unique wallpapers as you like until the contest ends at June 28th 18:00h (GMT).
        (when we will lock this topic).
    -   MSI will select and announce the winner, one week after the contest has ended.
    -   The winner will be contacted by PM and registered email.
        (if we can’t reach the winner within one week, we will select a new winner)
        (so please check your PMs/Email regularly when the contest has ended)
    -   MSI Forum Rules and MSI Forum Terms also apply to the Wallpaper entries, so keep it clean.
        (no obscenity/vulgarity/copyrighted material).
        MSI reserves the right to remove entries when we think the entry is inappropriate.
    -   By submitting your wallpaper entry to this forum you give MSI the right to use/upload/print
        any wallpaper entries for marketing activities during or after this contest.
    -   Upload your wallpaper(s) to an image hoster  (e.g. photobucket, imageshack, etc) or other online location with unrestricted access.
    -   Please use the following tags to add your uploaded wallpaper to your forum post.
       Code: [Select]
    [img width=760]http://url-to-your-wallpaper-goes-here.jpg[/img]    (“width=760” added for proper forum scaling, does not affect original image). More info here.
        (Please Note if you also want to use the URL tags you need at least 2 posts in the forum (=anti spam measure))
    -   Use high quality pictures. As a starter you can use any pictures/logos from or
        other MSI websites (,,
    -   Increase your chance of winning by:
          1.) Using the MSI Dragon image
          2.) Using the MSI Gaming theme or the MSI OC theme
          3.) Get a lot of users to share your Forum post on Facebook
               (everyone can share your Forum post on Facebook by clicking the button in your forum post).
    Good luck everyone.

    Hello everyone,
    Here is my submission for the contest with 7 wallpapers (I know it's a lot... but I was inspired so... ^^ )
    For the 2 first ones, I wanted some classic good looking wallpapers with the MSI Dragon being the center of it, with some high quality effects. So here they are, a bright version and a dark one.
    Hope you guys like it.
    For the 5 next ones, I tried something really different. More in an advertising campaign way. Some minimalist looking wallpapers, trying to focus on simple things, no shadow effect. Art on it's purest form, simple but well thought.
    I asked myself why people would chose MSI instead of another brand, so I figured the people who already know that. So I first started with the "Gamers know why" because it's obvious, then went to an iconic e-sport legend ("Legends Know Why") Mr. Patrik 'cArn' Sättermon, I think he and the Fnatic team clearly represent why people should chose MSI. So I used the Fnatic team for the third one "Winners know why", they are clearly one of the best multigaming team of the world and are sponsored by MSI for quite a few years now. (The picture is from the IEM 5 For the 4th one, I noticed that I start to see more and more MSI laptops around me, at college etc, so I thought that "The World knows why". And for the last one I tried to represent the spirit around the MSI Dragon and the whole Gaming part of MSI, that feeling of POWER. So I tried to make that last one a combination of the 2 styles. Representing the Power coming out of the Dragon... in a minimalist way. So here's "Unleash the Dragon". I hope I succeed. And I really hope you like my work. It took me several hours to complete that "campaign" and I'm really proud of it. I used the "#" system in it because as I made it as an advertising campaign, I thought it would be nice if everyone could share that spirit easily.
    The picture of cArn and the one of the Fnatic team are from the internet, the rest comes from my personal pictures (textures and such) and of course everything is homemade.

  • First impressions... There's still a long, long way to go

    I'm a very experienced (and still heavy user) of Windows Mobile (not Windows Phone). The Playbook is my first Blackberry and I have been using it for 2 weeks now. I believe both the hardware and OS have much potential but currently feel the latter has still much to progress. This is a list of my opinions and ideas of the experience so far.
    1- Good hardware, small form factor, clean and stylish design.
    2- The upcoming Android support is a blessing (a much needed boost in app availability).
    1- The lack of available "native" apps is dire:
        1.1- Extremely low freeware availability (many apps free under other platforms are paid in the Playbook... many don't exist).
        1.2- Good apps are scarce (even among the paid ones... most are just adapted web pages).
    2- No customization (besides wallpaper and icon position).
    3- The OS and bundled apps are still very immature.
    #Improvements (OS and bundled software):
    The lack of native email client and calendar / agenda were near the top of the list. But I see these are to be included in version 2 of QNX.
    1- General:
        1.1- Predictive text is helpful (when done right) for instance in foreign languages (by replacing typed common chars with the correct uncommon ones... saves a lot of time especially considering how these are input).
        1.2- Custom dictionary (a must... I'm a doctor and the vocabulary is very specific).
        1.3- Swipe frame to scroll pages
        1.4- Put volume control in top bar.
        1.5- Add USB host feature so one can transfer files to / from any PC (because most I come across don't have Blackberry Device Manager).
        1.6- Add a real file manager is a must (a app based approach instead of a file based one is counter productive).
        1.7- Add a painting app. It would be a very nice inbuilt feature.
        1.8- Support more ebook formats (at least epub... chm would be nice)
    2- Desktop:
        2.1- Rename, create, delete, move tabs.
        2.2- Cut, copy, paste, rename , create, delete, change image of shortcuts
         2.3- Widgets (especially feed readers and post-its)
    3- Alarm clock
        3.1- Set music from file
        3.2- Multiple alarms set at the same time (for instance I have different wake up times depending o the day of the week... it's frustrating having to set different hours every day instead of having multiple recurrent hours set).
    4- Office apps in need of much improvement (it's feasible... SoftMaker Office was a killer suit under the old Windows Mobile / CE):
        4.1- General:
            a) Select file type in first save and in "Save as" menu
            b) Allow multiple open files at once (to easily consult and copy text... because I may or may not want to save changes in the midst of editing).
        4.2- Word to Go:
            a) Support for txt, rtf and odt
            b) Ability to search
            c) Create indentation (tab)
            d) Create bullets
              e) Create tables (at least import from spreadsheets)
            f) Import images
        4.3- Sheet to Go (at least as good as Bye Design Spread32...):
            a) Support csv, ods
            b) Ability to search
            c) Insert columns / rows
            d) Copy / cut / paste entire columns / rows
            e)  Predictive /automatic cell completion (based on values that already exist in the same column / row )
            f) Spellchecking text in cells
            g) Formulas, commands, macros
            h) Graphs
            i) Keyboard doesn't automatically pop-up when a cell is selected (must select textbox in the upper screen)
            j) If for any reason you abandon the input box the text will be lost
        4.4- Slideshow to Go:
            a) Support odp
            b) Ability to search
            c) Create and edit presentations
    6- Adobe Reader (I direly need points 1, 2 and 3... 4 and especially 5 would be very welcome):
        6.1- Ability to search
        6.2- Jump page by number
        6.3-  Bookmark features
        6.4- Text selection / copy
        6.5-  Highlight and annotation
        6.6-  Fill forms    
    7- Web browser:
        7.1- Open offline pages and swf files.
        7.2- Keep audio and video streaming while viewing a different tab.
        7.3- Better bookmark management (folders for different groups).
        7.4- Option to translate page or highlighted text.
        7.5- Powerful tab and session management (like Firefox TabMixPlus)
        7.6- Powerful download option (build download galleries, download embedded videos / musics... basically Firefox Flashgot and DownThemAll)
        7.7- Adblocking (a must when the screen is such a valuable real estate) and  Privacy /anonimity. FF ABPlus and Ghostery
        7.8- Form text recovery (like Firefox Lazarus)
        7.9- New email notifier (like Firefox Webmail Notifier... unless you already addressed this with an indicator in the desktop top bar now that you added a native email client)
    8 - BB App World:
        8.1- Connection to server falls often
        8.2- Can't uninstall apps if disconnected from the web
        8.3- Can't remove apps from the installed app history (it becomes cluttered very fast)
        8.4- Can't filter free and paid apps in searches
        8.5- In general more limited than web version
    9- Movie player (like a very tweaked version of the OSS PDA champion TCPMP... something in the lines of VLC):
         9.1 - A wider format list support :
            a) Videos: flv, mkv, rmvb, mov, mpeg, 3gp (and variants)
            b) Audio: flac, ogg, mid
            c) Subtitles: srt
        9.2 - More playback options (slower or faster replay)
        9.3- Stream media
    #PC software# Device Manager, BB Desktop, App World plugins for WIndows
    1- Too many processes running (terminate all unnecessary ones on device unplug... help not bloating Windows).
    2- No BB App World in BB Desktop (why use the browser if we still need to install plugins... might aswell make a shell for mshtml).
    3- Application management (backup / restore, uninstall).
    4- Install applications from outside the appstore (backups in the pc... else must download everything after factory reset... and possibly major updates right).
    After trying them all I kept just the essential Device Manager (needed to connect to my PC).
    #Accessories# suggestions
    1- USB 4G dongle (because Bluetooth 2.0 speed is just lousy and I believe most owners would buy it... I would).
    2- Dock with hdmi and usb connector.
    3- USB adapter to connect pendrives to the device (coupled with needed usb drivers update in the OS).
    4- Thin (maybe attachable) keyboard  (like the one of the old HTC Advantage). Saw videos of a prototype (?) at Crackberry (which in my low experience feels like one of the major BB community) but besides looking bulky the current kickstand concept would render the user unable to place it over the lap if needed (in a train for instance).
    Currently it doesn't match my needs (comes in handy sometimes but it's still not a suitable full replacement for my 4 year old PDA). Hope this changes soon. RIM has a reputation of being a firm that produces devices for professionals and that's what I'm hoping for.
    Hope my oppinion don't pass as aggresive (it's just what I honestly think). Sorry for any mistakes but I'm new to the platform and company (as for grammar and typos English isn't my native language).

    3.2 you can make multiple clocks, each clock can have a different alarm.

  • Animated GIF's as Wallpaper

    I have tried to use several animated gif images as wallpaper on my Nokia 5610, but none of them will animate, only the first frame shows (no cycling of frames). Are animated gif's not supported by the nokia 5610? Is there an option I need to turn on?

    Most Nokia phones will not support animated GIFs as wallpapers (I say most just to cover myself, I'm not sure that any do).
    You should be able to view animated images withing the gallery, but the behaviour you describe seems normal for the wallpaper.

  • Mountain lion flashing apple bar/flashing wallpaper/no dock?

    i have a macbook pro that i bought april 2010. i bought ML from the app store about a month ago. im now having a few problems.
    the battery died while my daughter was watching netflix so she plugged in the charger. i pressed the power button and left it. i walked away for a while and when i came back the screen was black. i assumed in sleep but it was off. i double checked the charger was correctly attached. OK. and pressed the little button on the side to see the battery level. 5/8 lights lit up so that was OK. i figured it a fluke and tried to power on again. it got to the grey apple screen with spinning gear and a progress bar came up at the bottom. there was no progression in the bar and about 5 seconds later the computer was off again.
    my daughter THEN tells me that when the screen went black the first time she pressed a bunch of random buttons on the keyboard. i dont know if that can do anything or not.
    i then tried to start with option. it was the only thing i could think to try, i used to have windows partitioned on my HD but erased that because i didnt use it and just had a small partition that i had time machine on.
    i chose to try to restore with a time machine back up. it was seeming to work. restarted computer and signed in with my primary/admin account. it was moving very slow but was moving.
    -slow startup
    -computer seems lagged. im seeing the spinning color wheel after every click.
    -in my admin account the dock is gone. i tried to change the settings to disable the dock hiding so it was always at the bottom of the screen...still no dock.
    -my wallpaper and the right side of the apple bar at the top of the screen (wifi/clock/battery/etc) was flashing every few seconds on and off.
    i tried to boot into safe mode to see if that would do anything.
    i held shift key right after power button - gray apple screen/spinning gear. -power off
    i held the shift key as soon as the start up chime started until the apple. -gray apple/spinning gear-no change for 2 hours. forced shut down with power button.
    i waited until the end of the chime, held the shift key until the apple. -power off
    after that i couldnt power on at all except in recovery mode. regular start up would take me to chime/apple/spinning gear/progress bar then shut down.
    restored with time machine back up again. got to login screen and tried to login with my second/guest account.
    -very slow/lagging/spinning color wheel
    BUT the wallpaper isnt flashing to gray and the dock is in place.
    but the right side of the apple bar at the top of my screen is flashing. i havent tried to log out of this account to try logging into my admin account yet... what should i do? any ideas?

    Is this problem only affecting one user account?
    Does booting in safe mode (hold down shift key at boot time) get you in?

  • Wallpaper switch to solid color after log-out  / log-in between different user account on the same iMac

    On my iMac, i created different accounts for the member of the family. When i switch from one to an other account and go back to the first account the wallpaper change automaticly to a solid color wallpaper. I have tried all the solution described on different forum for Mac, but no one can fix the problem. This had known under 10.8, but i have hoped that will be not the case under 10.9 !

    This article should help you:
    Maintaining and Monitoring Account Lockout
    Meanwhile, I would like to recommend you ask Windows Server forum for more professional help:
    The reason why we recommend posting appropriately is you will get the most qualified pool of respondents, and other partners who read the forums regularly can either share their knowledge or
    learn from your interaction with us. Thank you for your understanding.
    Karen Hu
    TechNet Community Support

  • How do I set a photo as wallpaper to my iPad Mini after iOS 7.0.2 software update?

    I open up the Photos app on my iPad Mini to choose a photograph to use on my home screen and lock screen. First, I hit Select located in the upper right side of the screen of the app and I choose a photograph to use. Second, I choose AirDrop located on the upper left corner of the app. Afterwards, I choose Use as Wallpaper found in AirDrop. Next, the photo is shown with the words Move and Scale on it. Then I choose Set Lock Screen, Set Home Screen and Set Both, not all do these at once though. When I click on each of these buttons nothing happens. The photograph I chose will not show up on my Lock Screen and Home Screen. I want to set this photograph to show up on both my Lock Screen and my Home Screen. I am getting very frustrated that I can not set a photograph to Set Both so that it shows up on both my Lock Screen and Home Screen at the same time. I forgot to say that I just went to my settings, then general, then reset and finally Reset All Settings before doing this, because I could not download any new apps at all. I am wondering if this has anything to do with this? I am willing to take any help I can get. In the end, I end up hitting cancel, because I am very frustrated.

    Hello there, RedHead101.
    The following iPhone Basics guide should help you with how to do this. It should work just like that on your iPad:
    iOS 7 - iPhone Basics - Apple Support iOS%207
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.

Maybe you are looking for