My mac is stuck in a update mode is there a key command or a way to restart this

my mac has been stuck in a update for three days now, is there a key comand or a way to get my computer to stop the update I can't do anything?

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    caitlinfromcambridge wrote:
    Thanks -- I would like to try this. I do not know how to reach hard drive from old mac to new. Can you help me with this?
    There are two ways - you can boot your old Mac in Target Mode (reboot your Mac, and as soon as you hear the startup chime hold down the T key on the keyboard until you see the yellow/orange Firewire logo on screen).  You can then use a FireWire cable to connect your new mac to your old one.  The old Mac hard drive will appear on your new Mac as if it is an external hard drive.
    Details on Target Disk Mode:
    If you don't have a firewire cable but you do have a home network (i.e. both computers can access the Internet at the same time), you can share the hard drive on your old Mac and then connect to it on your new Mac.
    Good article on sharing your hard drive:
    Finally, if the above doesn't thrill you, you can hook an external drive to your old Mac, copy the mail folder over to it, then connect the external drive to your new Mac and copy it over.  It's two steps, but if you don't have a firewire cable and aren't comfortable with sharing over a network it will work just as well - you just have to wait for the mail folder to copy twice instead of once.
    If you get stuck post back!

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    Hello troffs,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information on this, take a look at:
    If you can't update or restore your iOS device
    Turn off your device. If you can't turn it off, press and hold the Sleep/Wake and Home buttons at the same time and wait a few seconds for it to turn off.
    Plug the device's USB cable into your computer only.
    Hold down the device's Home button as you connect the USB cable to it.
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    iTunes should open and display a message such as: "iTunes has detected an iPhone in recovery mode. You must restore this iPhone before it can be used with iTunes."
    Use iTunes to restore your device.
    Best of luck,

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    Thanks, Wetlandstom

    Hello, try this...
    First, Safe Boot , (holding Shift key down at bootup), use Disk Utility from there to Repair Permissions, test if things work OK in Safe Mode.
    Then move these files to the Desktop for now...
    Reboot & test.
    PS. Safe boot may stay on the gray radian for a long time, let it go, it's trying to repair the Hard Drive.

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    I am sounds to me like what you wish to do is to make an exact copy of the hard disk in your Gigabit Ethernet and apply that copy to the drive in your MDD, correct?
    From what I understand, you are saying you cannot access your GE's hard disk using target disk mode? Or am I mistaken? Also, can you not boot up normally on the GE's hard disk? Is there something wrong with it?
    The easiest way to clone a disk is to just make a disk image of the hard disk you wish to keep, and then apply that disk image to the destination disk. Disk utility can perform all this very easily, and pretty quickly. Of course, if you are having trouble booting in target disk mode, this can be a problem...
    I'm still kind of confused on what exactly is the problem, and what you are trying to accomplish. Could you please explain a little more and answer the questions above? Much appreciated.

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    OK, thanks.
    So I restored the original firmware, and I got through the update.
    Here is what the update instructions should say:
    "Once the flashing starts continue holding until the light is steady again."
    I thnk my problem was that I released the button too soon.

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    PS @apple: at least you should mention these kind of things before installation; would save people a great deal of trouble - thanks
    Message was edited by: Guy Pardon

    Start with LeopardUpdate8RN/NewandNoteworthy/NewandNoteworthy.html%23//appleref/doc/uid/TP40010380-CH4-DontLinkElementID2 and

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    Update frozen
    1. Reset iPad
    Hold the Sleep/Wake and Home button down (together) until you see the Apple Logo
    2. If the above doesn't work, force iPad into Recovery Mode
    Note: Make sure battery is above 50%

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    Originally Posted by rk25123  
    Hi there, that's kinda strange, because I too have the latest MacBook Air and for me (and should also for you since iLife came pre-installed) the update downloaded and installed flawlessly via App Store, in the updates section (not in the purchased one). Maybe it's just a bug, Mac App Store seems a Beta to me for how laggy and buggy it is. Usually when it says something about another account it's 'cause you have pirated software and the App Store receipt inside it is indeed connected to another account, making it impossible to download the update. If that's your case what you have to do is to right click on iPhoto and select "show package content", open the "Content" folder and delete the "_MASReceipt" folder inside it, now the update will show up on Software Update.
    A user posted on another site a way to solve this.
    It worked for me, hope it helps.

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    iPhone 4
    Windows Vista (yeah, I know...)

    A reply to this sure would be appreciated!
    I have the exact same issue on my iPhone 4S and I am now restoring, hopefully successfully and without losing everything.  I sure hope iCloud actually works for all of my apps!!!


    This is ridiculous, I TRY to update my 8.1 preview and I can only get about 15% through before the two hour limit and the system restarts and I have to start ALL OVER AGAIN.
    I LOVE how MICROSOFT is not supplying a solution or giving us the option of a getting a CD or other offline update.

    Support for Windows 8.1 Preview ended on January 14, 2014.  It's time to replace it with the final, released version.
    Windows 8.1 Preview Support Comes to an End
    Update from Windows 8.1 Preview to  Windows 8.1
    Carey Frisch

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    Ok, I just googled how to format my external hard drive to Mac OS extended (Journaled), no problem, understood.
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    Just FYI - the situation is resolved.  I downloaded the new snow leopard 10.6.8 update for safari and now itunes works.  I have no idea what that has to do with anything - but I saw it on another forum and it actually worked.

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