Mysql query (search multiple tables in database)

I have 12 tables in a database - january through to december.
I need to search all 12 tables for 'keyworrd' phrases submitted by the user through a search form.
Must be a more streamlined way of doing it than below using 'UNION'. I have incorporated 2 tables in the below query but  I need a more 'condensed' query for all 12 tables?
$sql = ('SELECT * FROM january WHERE tourTitle = "'.$keyword.'" UNION SELECT * FROM february WHERE tourTitle = "'.$keyword.'"');

bregent wrote:
>That's what I did last year but  thought I'd break it down this year into 12 easier to work with tables.
No, Ben is correct. Using 1 table for each month is absolutely the wrong way. It violates basic rules of normalization and causes all sorts of problems.
>Breaking it down appeals to be more so I can keep all the relevant months
>together instead of potentially becoming scattered throught-out one table.
That's what you use the Order By clause for.
>If by any chance the client says they want to update x, y or z I can go
>straight to the month in question without the necessity to flip through
>dozens of pages in phpMyAdmin as there is no real CMS management in place for this process.
Not sure what you are saying. Performing inserts, updates and queries is much simpler using a single table.
Whenever someone asks for a way to search through multiple tables, it tells me that the data structure is not designed well.
When I did this job last year there was about 60 pages created in phpMyAdmin. The records for January could be anywhere on those 60 pages as I may have to add additional records much later on in the process.
My thinking behind this was to keep all the month entries together so I could view them easily in phpMyAdmin.
Now due to my lack of knowlege about phpMyAdmin it could be possible to create a query to show only the january entries, I suspect it can do this.
I agree it is a lot simpler using 1 table to select and search through BUT I need if the ocassion arises to be able to view all the january or february entries etc one after the other, not 10 on page 2 and 3 on page 7 and 5 more on page 47 of phpMyAdmin.
So i quess what I really need is to write a select query in phpMyAdmin which only shows the selected entries for the month requested. I have not done much investigation into what phpMyAdmin can I suppose I need to.
Arrgh you see IT WAS SO SIMPLE:
SELECT * FROM `tours` WHERE month = "March"
It's because I'm frightened of the bloody thing in case I mess something up!

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    Thank you
    Edited by: user583094 on Mar 2, 2011 3:36 PM

    for the concat do I use xmlconcat?No, XMLConcat is used to concatenate XMLType fragments.
    The || operator will do fine, but you must escape any single quote inside the string :
    'SELECT ra.prefix ||''-''|| ra.suffix ||''-''|| ra.fiscal_yr as accession,
    FROM rcv.recv_accessions ra,
          ser.sero_samples ss,
          ser.sero_tests st
    WHERE ra.prefix = 8
    AND ra.fiscal_yr = 11
    AND =
    AND st.ssid ='
    INTO result
    FROM dual;Or, use the quoting operator to define a custom string delimiter :
    q'{SELECT ra.prefix ||'-'|| ra.suffix ||'-'|| ra.fiscal_yr as accession,
    FROM rcv.recv_accessions ra,
          ser.sero_samples ss,
          ser.sero_tests st
    WHERE ra.prefix = 8
    AND ra.fiscal_yr = 11
    AND =
    AND st.ssid =
    INTO result
    FROM dual;BTW, a good practice would be to use bind variables for the query. DBMS_XMLGEN can handle them nicely :
    qryctx   DBMS_XMLGEN.ctxHandle;
    v_out    CLOB;
    qrystr   VARCHAR2(4000) :=
    'SELECT ra.prefix ||''-''|| ra.suffix ||''-''|| ra.fiscal_yr as accession,
    FROM rcv.recv_accessions ra,
          ser.sero_samples ss,
          ser.sero_tests st
    WHERE ra.prefix = :b_prefix
    AND ra.fiscal_yr = :b_fiscal_yr
    AND =
    AND st.ssid =';
    qryctx := DBMS_XMLGEN.newContext(qrystr);
    DBMS_XMLGEN.setBindValue(qryctx, 'b_prefix', '8');
    DBMS_XMLGEN.setBindValue(qryctx, 'b_fiscal_yr', '11');
    -- to generate empty elements if necessary :
    DBMS_XMLGEN.setNullHandling(qryctx, DBMS_XMLGEN.EMPTY_TAG);
    v_out := DBMS_XMLGEN.getXML(qryctx);
    RETURN v_out;

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    Layered Pane with JTables or you can easily to it with a little scripting and HTML.
    plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, do not use SMS speak when posting.

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    hi Ravi,
    can you pls be a bit clear? what is this about? where you are using?

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    Thanks for any help.
    Edited by: user11220677 on Jun 3, 2009 3:08 AM

    Finally got to the bottom of this. Turns out that the problem has nothing to do with the Oracle datasource in the webservice application, as what I have initiially thought.
    The cause of the problem seems to be related to an import problem/issue in the Oracle SQL developer. Everytime I open Oracle SQL developer, one table (table2 in my example from previous post) is missing its data, so I import the data using the application's import wizard. Once the import is done, I use SQL developer's query interface to verify the data is there, and there are records returned - which made me think the database table was updated successfully. The problem was, I still do not have results when the query is run from the webservice containing the datasource.
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    Thanks anyway.

  • Weird problem with mysql query and data table buttons !!!!

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    Source query for the table is :
    SELECT tbl_tesserati.idtbl_tesserati idTesserato,
    FROM tbl_tesserati
    INNER JOIN tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_societa ON tbl_tesserati.idtbl_tesserati = tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_societa.id_tesserato
    INNER JOIN tbl_cariche ON      tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_societa.id_carica = tbl_cariche.idtbl_cariche
    INNER JOIN tbl_qualifiche ON      tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_societa.id_qualifica = tbl_qualifiche.idtbl_qualifiche
    INNER JOIN tbl_discipline ON      tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_societa.id_disciplina = tbl_discipline.idtbl_discipline
    INNER JOIN tbl_societa ON      tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_societa.id_societa = tbl_societa.idtbl_societa
    LEFT JOIN tbl_province ON tbl_societa.provincia_sede_sociale = tbl_province.idtbl_province
    LEFT JOIN tbl_comuni ON tbl_societa.comune_sede_sociale = tbl_comuni.idtbl_comuni
    LEFT JOIN tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_praticate ON tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_praticate.tessera_id=
    LEFT JOIN tbl_discipline_praticate ON tbl_discipline_praticate.idtbl_disciplina_praticate=tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_praticate.disciplina_praticata_id
    tbl_tesserati.cognome LIKE ?
    AND tbl_tesserati.nome LIKE ?
    AND tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_societa.id_societa LIKE ?
    AND tbl_tesserati.idtbl_tesserati LIKE ?
    AND tbl_cariche.idtbl_cariche LIKE ?
    AND tbl_qualifiche.idtbl_qualifiche LIKE ?
    AND tbl_tesserati.data_nascita >= ?
    AND tbl_tesserati.data_nascita<= ?
    AND tbl_discipline.idtbl_discipline LIKE ?
    AND codice_affiliazione LIKE ?
    AND tbl_societa.denominazione LIKE ?
    AND YEAR(tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_societa.data_scadenza) LIKE ?
    AND (tbl_province.nome LIKE ? OR tbl_province.nome IS NULL)
    AND ( tbl_comuni.nome LIKE ? OR tbl_comuni.nome IS NULL)
    The tbl_tesserati.data_nascita is a mysql date field.
    The click event handler code for the "Details" Button is:
    public String btnModificaTesserato_action() {
                TableRowDataProvider rowData= (TableRowDataProvider)getBean("currentRowTesserati");
            } catch(Exception ex) {
                log("errore nella query",ex);
            return "dettaglioTesseratoSocieta";
        }When i run the project and open the page the table is correctly rendered and populated with some rows. But when i click on details button nothing happens, the page is simply reloaded.
    If i set a breakpoint in the code line   TableRowDataProvider rowData= (TableRowDataProvider)getBean("currentRowTesserati");the debbuger does not stop the code execution ! As if the button was never clicked!
    I tried to modify the source query to :
    SELECT tbl_tesserati.idtbl_tesserati idTesserato,
    FROM tbl_tesserati
    INNER JOIN tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_societa ON tbl_tesserati.idtbl_tesserati = tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_societa.id_tesserato
    INNER JOIN tbl_cariche ON      tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_societa.id_carica = tbl_cariche.idtbl_cariche
    INNER JOIN tbl_qualifiche ON      tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_societa.id_qualifica = tbl_qualifiche.idtbl_qualifiche
    INNER JOIN tbl_discipline ON      tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_societa.id_disciplina = tbl_discipline.idtbl_discipline
    INNER JOIN tbl_societa ON      tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_societa.id_societa = tbl_societa.idtbl_societa
    LEFT JOIN tbl_province ON tbl_societa.provincia_sede_sociale = tbl_province.idtbl_province
    LEFT JOIN tbl_comuni ON tbl_societa.comune_sede_sociale = tbl_comuni.idtbl_comuni
    LEFT JOIN tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_praticate ON tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_praticate.tessera_id=
    LEFT JOIN tbl_discipline_praticate ON tbl_discipline_praticate.idtbl_disciplina_praticate=tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_praticate.disciplina_praticata_id
    tbl_tesserati.cognome LIKE ?
    AND tbl_tesserati.nome LIKE ?
    AND tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_societa.id_societa LIKE ?
    AND tbl_tesserati.idtbl_tesserati LIKE ?
    AND tbl_cariche.idtbl_cariche LIKE ?
    AND tbl_qualifiche.idtbl_qualifiche LIKE ?
    AND tbl_tesserati.data_nascita >= ?
    OR tbl_tesserati.data_nascita<= ?
    AND tbl_discipline.idtbl_discipline LIKE ?
    AND codice_affiliazione LIKE ?
    AND tbl_societa.denominazione LIKE ?
    AND YEAR(tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_societa.data_scadenza) LIKE ?
    AND (tbl_province.nome LIKE ? OR tbl_province.nome IS NULL)
    AND ( tbl_comuni.nome LIKE ? OR tbl_comuni.nome IS NULL)
    Using this query everything works well !! The click handler works and the debugger too !!
    I changed only the AND in OR !!!
    I also tried to change mysql-x-x-connector driver but without solving my problem.
    Can someone help me ?

    You'll find that it is more to do with the way MySql deals with dates than anything else! Depending on how your date field is setup, then try using a BETWEEN statement for those 2 lines in your first query e.g.
    AND ( tbl_tesserati.data_nascita BETWEEN ? AND ?)
    The date column needs to be in the ISO format to work. If you examine your second query output, you might discover that the output is only going to refer to one parameter (probably the OR one). Did you manage to view the output logs from the application server? You would have got an idea from there with a message like stating a conversion error'.
    Alternatively, you could try using the to_days() function and convert it directly to a number which would be a lot easier to deal with. For example:
    AND to_days(tbl_tesserati.data_nascita >= ? )
    AND to_days( tbl_tesserati.data_nascita<= ? )
    Or try the BETWEEN version with to_days() and see what you get.
    More info about date formatting (v5) here:
    Before I forget, sometimes you may need to treat dates as Strings rather 'Long' as you did.
    As a matter of interest, did you try your query in a different piece of software?
    If my queries are a little more complicated, I tend to try MySql queries out in the free MySql query browser and also double check in another to verify certain issues. I found it easier to develop SQL in a seperate program then import the final version to JSC making the required modifications for parameters.
    Message was edited by:

  • Creating a tree query on multiple tables

    I have been reading the following article:
    The diagram 1b that the above links to shows a local government hierrachy structure stored in multiple tables. I am having a little difficulty understanding how you would write a query (using start with connect by syntax) to get the data displayed in a tree format??
    ie: (spaces are being removed so replaced them with --)

    hi, please post a sample data it would help us to further analyze. thanks.
    here is some example that might help
    NODE_DATA                                NODE_PAREN
    CAR                                      TRANSPORT
    PLANE                                    TRANSPORT
    BIKE                                     TRANSPORT
    HONDA                                    CAR
    747-400                                  PLANE
    MAZDA                                    CAR
    FRUIT                                    FOOD
    VEGETABLE                                FOOD
    SPINACH                                  VEGETABLE
    CARROT                                   VEGETABLE
    12 rows selected.
    SQL> select substr(rpad(' ',decode(level,1,0,2,2,4),' ')||node_data,1,20) node_data
      2    from myTreeData
      3  start with node_parent is null
      4  connect by node_parent = prior node_data;
    12 rows selected.

  • How to use one query against multiple table and recieve one report?

    I have duplicate tables, (except for their names of course) with commodities prices. They have the same column headings, but the data is different of course. I have a query that gives me a certain piece of information I am looking for but now I need to run this query against every table. I will do this every day as well, to see if the buying criteria is met. There are alot of tables though (256). Is there a way to say run query in all tables and return the results in one place? Thanks for your help.

    a. the all 256 tables whuld be one big partitoned table
    b. you can use all_tables in order to write a select that will write the report for you:
    SQL> set head off
    SQL> select 'select * from (' from dual
      2  union all
      3  select 'select count(*) from ' || table_name || ' union all ' from a
      4  where table_name like 'DB%' AND ROWNUM <= 3
      5  union all
      6  select ')' from dual;
    select * from (
    select count(*) from DBMS_LOCK_ALLOCATED union all
    select count(*) from DBMS_ALERT_INFO union all
    select count(*) from DBMS_UPG_LOG$ union all
    remove the last 'union all', and tun the generated quary -
    SQL> set head on
    SQL> select * from (
      2  select count(*) from DBMS_LOCK_ALLOCATED union all
      3  select count(*) from DBMS_ALERT_INFO union all
      4  select count(*) from DBMS_UPG_LOG$
      5  );

  • How to generate a query involving multiple tables(one left join others)

    Hi, all,
    I want to query a db like these:
    I need all the demographics information(from table demo) and their acr info(from table acr), and their clinical info(from table clinical), and their lab info(from table lab).
    The db is like this:
    demo->acr: one to many
    demo->clinical info: one to many
    demo->lab info: one to many
    I want to get one query result which are demo left join acr, and demo left join clinical, and demo left join lab. I hope the result is a record including demo info, acr info, clinical info, and lab info.
    How could I do this in SQL?
    Thanks a lot!

    Thank you very, very much!
    Actually, I need a huge query to include all the tables in our db.
    We are running a clinical db which collects the patients demographics info, clinical info, lab info, and many other information.
    The Demographics table is a center hub which connects other tables. This is the main architecture.
    My boss needed a huge query to include all the information, so others could find what they need by filtering.
    As you have found, because one patients usually has multiple clinical/lab info sets, so the result will be multiplied! the number of result=n*m*k*...
    My first plan is to set time point criteria to narrow all the records with one study year. If somebody needs to compare them, then I have to show them all.
    So I have to know the SQL to generate a huge query including as many tables as possible.
    I show some details here:
    "DOB" DATE,
    "SSN" VARCHAR2(11),
    Other tables are alike.
    Thank very much!

  • Query to find tables in database having maximum records or data

    how can i find 10 high volume tables in my database

    Hi user;
    Please try below query:
    How many schema we have and their size
    set pages 999
    col "size MB" format 999,999,999
    col "Objects" format 999,999,999
    select obj.owner "Owner" ,
    obj_cnt "Objects" , decode(seg_size, NULL, 0, seg_size) "size MB" from
    (select owner, count(*) obj_cnt from dba_objects group by owner) obj ,
    (select owner, ceil(sum(bytes)/1024/1024) seg_size from dba_segments group by owner) seg where obj.owner = seg.owner(+) order by 3 desc ,2 desc, 1
    To find Ten bigest object on our db
    col owner format a15
    col segment_name format a30
    col segment_type format a15
    col mb format 999,999,999
    select owner , segment_name , segment_type , mb from (
    select owner , segment_name , segment_type , bytes / 1024 / 1024 "MB" from dba_segments
    order by bytes desc ) where rownum < 11

  • Single Update query for multiple tables

    Hiii ....
    I want to update Table A and Table B in a single update query can it be possible.
    it is something like i have previously done with Mysql.
    e.g ..
    UPDATE A, B set a.A=1, b.B=X where (id.A= id.B) and id=101.
    Is it possible or how can i do it, help me out.

    sorry, i am posting the mysql example agin, it is something like this
    e.g ..
    UPDATE A, B set A.a=1, B.b=X where ( and

  • SQL query with multiple tables - what is the most efficient way?

    Hello I am learning PL/SQL. I have a simple procedure where I need to find number of employees and departments per location as per user input of location_id.
    I have 3 Tables:
    location_id (pk)
    department_id (pk)
    location_id (fk)
    employee_id (pk)
    department_id (fk)
    1 Location can have 0-MANY Departments
    1 Employee has 1 Department
    Here is the query I came up with for PL/SQL procedure:
    /*Ecount, Dcount are NUMBER variables */
    SELECT SUM (EmployeeCount), COUNT(DepartmentNumber)
         INTO Ecount, Dcount
         (SELECT COUNT(employee_id) EmployeeCount, department_id DepartmentNumber
              FROM employees
              GROUP BY department_id
              HAVING department_id IN
                        (SELECT department_id
                        FROM departments
                        WHERE location_id = userInput));
    I do get the correct result, but I am just wondering if my query is on the right track and if there is a more "efficient" way of doing this.
    Thanks in advance for helping a newbie out.

    Welcome to the forum!
    Something like this will be more efficient:
    SELECT    COUNT (employee_id)               AS ECount
    ,       COUNT (DISTINCT department_id)     AS DCount
    FROM       employees
    WHERE       department_id IN (     SELECT     department_id
                        FROM      departments
                        WHERE      location_id = :userInput
    ;You should also try a join instead of the IN subquery.
    For efficiency, do only the things you need to do.
    For example, you don't need a count of employees in each department, so don't compute one. That means you won't need the in-line view, so don't have one.
    You don't need PL/SQL for this job, so don't use PL/SQL if you don't have to. (I realize this question was out of context, so you may have good reasons for doing this in PL/SQL.)
    Do all filtering as early as possible. Don't waste effort computing things that won't be used .
    A particular example of this is: Never use a HAVING clause when you can use a WHERE clause. What's the difference between a WHERE clause and a HAVING clause? The WHERE clause is applied before aggregate functions are computed, and the HAVING clause is applied after; there's no other difference. Therefore, if the HAVING clause isn't referencing an aggregate function, it could be done in a WHERE clause instead.

  • SQL query involving multiple tables

    I have a scenario in SQL where For each post there are associated tags. A user is one who makes post and he belongs to a particular location. The location corresponds to a particular country.
    I create tables as
    CREATE TABLE post_table
    post_id VARCHAR(20),
    user_id VARCHAR(20),
    PRIMARY KEY(post_id)
    CREATE TABLE tags_table
       post_id VARCHAR(20),
       tags VARCHAR(20),
       PRIMARY KEY(tags, post_id),
       FOREIGN KEY(post_id) REFERENCES post_table(post_id) ON DELETE CASCADE
    CREATE TABLE location
    location_id VARCHAR(20),
    country VARCHAR(20),
    PRIMARY KEY (location_id)
    CREATE TABLE user_info
    user_id VARCHAR(20),
    location_id VARCHAR(30),
    PRIMARY KEY (user_id),
    FOREIGN KEY(location_id) REFERENCES location(location_id) ON DELETE CASCADE
    );Now, I insert values in these tables as
    INSERT INTO post_table VALUES( 'p1', 'u1' );
    INSERT INTO post_table VALUES( 'p2', 'u1' );
    INSERT INTO post_table VALUES( 'p3', 'u2' );
    INSERT INTO post_table VALUES( 'p4', 'u3' );
    INSERT INTO post_table VALUES( 'p5', 'u2' );
    INSERT INTO tags_table VALUES( 'p1', 'US Open' );
    INSERT INTO tags_table VALUES( 'p1', 'Real good' );
    INSERT INTO tags_table VALUES( 'p1', 'Madrid' );
    INSERT INTO tags_table VALUES( 'p2', 'Madrid' );
    INSERT INTO tags_table VALUES( 'p3', 'Rossoneri' );
    INSERT INTO tags_table VALUES( 'p4', 'Milan' );
    INSERT INTO tags_table VALUES( 'p4', 'Los Angeles' );
    INSERT INTO tags_table VALUES( 'p5', 'Rossoneri' );
    INSERT INTO location VALUES( 'loc1', 'Spain');
    INSERT INTO location VALUES( 'loc2', 'England');
    INSERT INTO user_info VALUES( 'u1', 'loc1' );
    INSERT INTO user_info VALUES( 'u2', 'loc2' );
    INSERT INTO user_info VALUES( 'u3', 'loc1' );Now I have to fire a query For each country, display the most seen tag(s)
    So for this data the result should be like
    Country              MostTags
    Spain                Madrid
    England              RossoneriPlease help me write this query guys.

    Something like this
    select      country
         , tags from
                   , t.tags
                   , dense_rank() over (     partition by
                                  order by count(*) desc) drn
              from      location l
                   , user_info u
                   , post_table p
                   , tags_table t
              where      l.location_id = u.location_id
                   and p.user_id=u.user_id
                   and p.post_id=t.post_id
              group by
                   , t.tags
    where drn <=1   -- rank depends on like 1,2 or 3 popular tags for each countryRegards

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