Mysterious size increase

Wondering if anyone can help me understand why a quicktime (6.5.2 pro) movie increased in file size after I decreased the resolution.
I originally "shared" from iMovie to QT as DV. That file is 720x480 and is 1.31 GB. I then opened that .dv movie file and went to properties>size>and adjusted it down to 540x360, and Saved As. That new file is a .mov file (I understand how QT does that but not sure why) and is 2.63 GB!
I didn't add anything; nor did I use export to change anything. Only Save As.
noodlehead confoun..ddeD

Thanks for that tip. I did a few tests and you're right. Though I can't see the "two copies" you refer to. I opened both and looked at movie properties, going through all the items. Everything looks the same in both.
Along similar lines, I am seeking info about export and compression options. I am about to create a new post for this, titled: "Great results but why?"
It refers to getting better results using Toast Video CD as an export option, and other questions.
Thanks again.

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    Hi Anand,
    Please note that the actual space used by the mailbox database will not increase. This only refers to the attribution of space used by each individual mailbox. Actually, this happens due to the inclusion of all item properties into quota calculations, providing
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    Check the given below links and compare your code with them:
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    It seems that your program has some "memory overuse" problems.
    Memory overuse occurs when the program always allocates some new memory blocks on the heap (new, malloc) but never deletes them. Most of the time, these blocks are not "memory leaks" because the pointers on these blocks still exist, so that a garbage collector does not solve the issue.
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    The only way to solve this, IMHO, is to track the memory in-use before and after processing.
    Using Rational purify, you can call purify_all_inuse() to see all blocks inuse or purify_new_inuse() to see the new allocated blocks. Do this before and after processing, then check what is different.
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    Good luck,

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    The file size increase is a result of the embedded information used for long-term signature validation.
    If you do not need this feature, you can turn it off:
    Preferences > Security > Advanced Preferences > Creation tab
    disable "Include Signature’s Revocation"
    Help page: html

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