just got my n96 when i get a call cannot hear ring tone volume on max . plus my Friends is the same are thay all like this

10-Oct-2008 12:23 AM
01215522144 wrote:
The 3d ring tones worked on the N95, why not the n96?
Do you know if they will be fixing this?
It was fixed in the V11.018 firmware update.
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    This is a known problem with the N96. I believe it was fixed in firmware V12 but cannot confirm since I don't have any video ringtones on mine (it's probably one of the most pointless features of a mobile phone IMO).
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  • N96 - too much music, cant choose ring tone

    is it me, or do they need to change the software slightly to not look for all music when you want to choose a ring tone in a profile setting... i have over 2000 music files and its impossible to find a ring tone youve uploaded to it, or one of the pre installed nokia ones for messages or alarms etc... i know you can start typing to search, but thats no good if you want to browse a short list or if you dont know the name of it...
    is there a change request somewhere to send to nokia?

    Does this still happen after re-booting the device?
    If so i would remove at least half of all your tracks as i have heard of this many times on other devices such as the N95 and the 8GB version.
    Message Edited by grayburn on 02-Oct-2008 05:11 PM
    Grayburn @ www.nokiausers.net & www.dailymobile.se....come say Hello!!!
    If you appreciate ANY help from a member,then show it by clicking on the Blue Star button, cheers

  • Transferring a ring tone

    Is it possible to transfer a ring tone from a Sony Ericson 800i to a Nokia N95 8Gb and N96?

    you may well transfer all your ringtones from your sony to your nokia, nokia is able to play most of the formats. but if you wanted to do that vice-versa then it could have been a problem(because nokia prevents sending of protected files)but in your case you can do that with a breeze!
    Was this post of some help? Click 'Kudos' star on the right hand side of this post. Your gesture will be highly appreciated!

  • I purchased Ring Tones - they do not show up on my phone

    Turns out all Ernestine Anderson songs are ring tonable. So I bought one, then a ring tone for 1.98...A bell folder appeared, a "ringtone" tab appeared WITH the ring tone I created. I hit apply so I can sync the ringtone into the iPhone, the iPhone says "sync in Progress" then the sync stops with no error messages. I look at my ringtone list in my iPhone....and its not there. The same goofy ring tones it came with.
    I have the current iPhone version - 1.0.2
    I have the current iTunes version -
    I am however losing faith in apple products and this is my first apple product.
    What is wrong? - I had to authorize it - problem solved (dunno why I had to in the first place but..)
    Message was edited by: WhereAreMyRingtones

    iTunes for some reason un-authorized it so I had to authorize it and it worked.

  • How can I create a new ring tone for my iPhone 4?

    How can I create a new ring tone for my iPhone 4? I followed the Garage Band process and ended up with the ring tone I want as a AAC audio file. It got stored in my iTunes a a song rather than a ring tone. How do I make it a ring tone vs. a song? I tried dragging it t the Ring Tone category at the bottom of the ITunes list, but it won't alloow me to move it?

    There's also an easy to use Applescript over at Doug's Applescripts for iTunes. It automates the whole thing. All you do is set the start and stop time on a file in iTuens and run the script. It will do everything else.
    Make Ringable v1.1

  • I can no longer sync music, books and ring tones

    I recently updated my iTunes, and something has changed.  I can sync music and audio books - but it erases my ring tones.  I noticed this, and attempted to sync my ring tones -- only to lose all of my music and audio books. I have the "manually manage music and videos" box checked (though the check keeps disappearing).  This is so frustrating!  Anyone know what's going on?

    Here is a support article with additional troubleshooting steps you should try:
    Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows

  • HT201269 I downloaded the iOS7, lost all the custom ring tones that I had on my phone, how do i get them back.  when I sync my phone, itunes says that they have been selected, but they don't show up on my phone

    I downloaded the iOS7, lost all the custom ring tones that I had on my phone.  the iTunes sync page says that they have all been selected but they don't show up in my phone? Help?

    I had the same problem and was able to fix it. Go to your iTunes and click on the Tones folder on the left under library. Some of my ring tones had an exclamation mark next to it and those were the ones that did not sync. You have to click on those and find it in your computer. Once the exclamation mark is gone, go to Tones section of your device in iTunes, make sure you select the tones you want synced, and click apply. I hope that helps you!

  • I have purchased actual ring tones, not songs or MP3s, RING TONES.  They used to be on my Iphone but when I got a new laptop and downloaded new ITunes, they are showing up in Itunes in RINGTONES, but will not transfer to my iphone. They are checked. Help?

    I have purchased actual ringtones from the ITunes store.  They were working fine on my Iphone 3 before, but I got a new laptop and the new version of ITunes, and now even though they are listed as ring tones on my ITunes, they will not transfer to my Iphone.  (Please do not tell me they are songs and not ring tones, they are definitely RING TONES!)  Can anyone help me with this?  Thanks.

    Use the Transfer Purchases command in the File menu of iTunes.

  • HT203167 I got a new iPhone 4s and I lost all my ring tones that I bought from the iTunes store how do I get them back

    I lost ring tones that I bought when I got this new iPhone 4s how do I get them back

    tlynnbrit wrote:
    No I have notbeen syncing to my computer..I Had just gotten the phone and hadnt had a chance to yet. Sorry..mycomputer is old and slow.
    Sorry.  Your info is gone.
    You chose to set up your iphone from your daughters backup.
    The iphone is designed to be synced with your computer regularly.  You should have set up syncing from day one.
    As you have failed to sync your information, it is gone.
    Very sorry.

  • Different alerts for email and sms messages for a contact with custom ring tone

    I have a Curve 8530 with OS
    I have my default sound profile set up to play one type of alert sound when I receive and email message and another when I receive an SMS message (so I know the difference without looking at my phone). That works fine except for contacts that I also have a custom ring tone set up for. It seems that under the Custom Ring Tones/Alerts section of the contact there is only one entry for Messages and it applies to both email and SMS. If I have the contact's message alerts set to the alert I have for email, then their SMS messages play the same alert and I might think it's an email. Or if I have the messages alerts set to the SMS alert sound then their emails sound like SMS messages. Is there a way to have a custom ring tone set up for a contact but still allow their emails and SMS messgaes to follow the current sound profile's settings?

    Have you had any luck resolving this issue. I had a 8230 and this was possible. But like you I can get the 8530 to work. If you found the solution, please let me know.

  • How can I use an itune I purchased for my ring tone

    Is it possible to use a purchased itune on my iphone as a ringtone?

    I find the easiest way is to drag and drop the track into Garage Band, crop it to where you want it (make sure you have the cropped track drug all the way to the left, it counts the empty space as time and it can't exceed 60 seconds I think) and then export it as a Ring Tone to iTunes.
    There was a way to export it out of iTunes and back in, but Apple crippled that :-(

  • Hi - how do i use iTunes to create ring tones using music in my library, hi - how do i use iTunes to create ring tones using music in my library

    hi - how do i use iTunes to create ring tones using music in my library, hi - how do i use iTunes to create ring tones using music in my library

    As stated... Google would be your Friend...
    But you can have a look here as well...
    Ringtones FAQs
    Create and Buy Ringtones

  • How can i set up different rings/tones for incoming emails for different email accounts?

    HI, I would like to be able to hear different rings/tones for emails coming from different email accounts. Eg, One sound for incoming email from gmail and another sound for incoming e-mail from Yahoo.

    " Is there a possibility to set up different ringtones for each of the emails separately? "
    No.  Maybe with ios 6 this fall.
    "Also would there also be an option for high priority emails to have a different ringtone as well?"
    No.  Maybe with ios 6 this fall.

  • Every time I sync my iphone 4 with itunes my ring custom ring tones change.  I have 7 custom ring tones in itunes.  One time it will load 1 custom ring tone the next it may be 3 then the next it is one again.  The last time it gave me 4 of the 7.

    Every time I sync my iPhone 4 with iTunes the number of my custom ring tones change.  I have 7 custom ring tones listed.   The first time it will load 1 of the ring tones and the next time it will load 3,  The next time it will be back to 1.  If I have assigned one of the custom ring tones and it does not get loaded it goes back to the ring tone that came with the phone.  The last time itunes gave me 4 of the 7 so I have not tried to sync it again.  I am using iTunes 10 (10.4.10), and windows 7.
    Has anyone else had this problem??
    Any ideas to what I need to do??

    Have you ever had all 7 of them synced before? Are these ringtones you made yourself? Is there a chance they could exceed 30 seconds in length? Is there a chance you have moved the original file location on the computer? May need the answers to a couple more questions to try and determine an answer.

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