Nach iOS Update Akkuverhalten deutlich schlechter / After Battery Update iOS behavior significantly worse

Das iPhone 4S ist mein erstes iPhone, bisher war ich auch absolut zufrieden. Mein iPhone hat bzw. hatte keine der bekannten Fehler. Mein Display hat keinen Gelbstich, mein Akku war auch super. Im Schnitt hielt mein iPhone 4S ca. 40-55h, je nachdem wie ich es genutzt habe, davon waren meist 5-7h Benutzung und der Rest Standby. Im Vgl. hielten meine vorherigen Android Smartphones (SGS2, LG Speed) nur ca. 20-30h. Mein iPhone 4S verlor z.B. über die Nacht (6-8h) ca. 1-3% an Akku. Nach dem Update auf iOS 5.0.1 ist der Akkuverbrauch im Standby gefühlt schlechter geworden, nun sind es in der Nacht ca. 3-5%. Aber definitiv schlechter ist der Verbrauch nun bei der Benutzung geworden, eine halbe Stunde Nachrichten Apps lesen und etwas Doodle Jump + Infinity Blade spielen hat fast 10% Akku gefordert, das war vorher definitiv nicht so.
Translate with google.
Danke Cole / Thanks Cole

I have exactly the same issue.
Iphone 6/ IOS8.2 - Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV (Buitlin Mitsubishi Multimedia system)
BT Streaming - BT Conneciton drops evey couple of seconds
BT Phone calls - BT connection drops every now and then.
I see the BT icon disappearl every now and then on the radio's screen even when the connection is not in use.
Ipad AIR-2 / Logitech thin keyboard cover:
BT conneciton lost often.
Come on Apple! Fix this!!!

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    It also has a micro USB port, it's quite small and easy to miss, it's right next to the HDMI port.
    If your problem persists get yourself a micro USB cable (sold separately), you can restore your Apple TV from iTunes:
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    Connect the micro USB cable to the Apple TV and to your computer.
    Open iTunes.
    Select your Apple TV in the Source list, and then click Restore.

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    Hallo @dozeidle,
    hatte bis eben genau das gleiche Problem. Hoffe es bleibt beim "hatte".
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    Viel Erfolg.

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    Hello Andyoneill9,
    It sounds like you are trying to restore your phone but keep getting an errror message 3194. I want to recommend the troubleshooting steps from this article named:
    Error 3194 or "This device isn't eligible for the requested build"
    Important: If you see one of these messages and need help updating or restoring your iOS device, Install the latest version of iTunes and try to update or restore again. After that, follow these steps if you need more help.
    Check your "hosts" file
    After you've updated iTunes to the latest version, you can check the hosts file to be sure your computer can contact the update server. Use the numbered steps below if you’re on a Mac.
    If you’re using a Windows computer, follow steps in this Microsoft support article, noting that resetting the hosts file will affect software services that rely on hosts file redirects. If you're using Windows on a business computer, consult your IT department to be sure applications will still work correctly after resetting the hosts file.
    In the Finder, choose Applications > Utilities.
    Open Terminal.
    Enter this command and then press Return:
    sudo nano /private/etc/hosts
    Enter the password you use to sign in to your computer and press Return. You won't see text appear in the Terminal window when you enter the password. Make sure you use a nonblank administrator password.
    Terminal will display the hosts file. Navigate using the arrow keys and look for an entry containing “”.
    Add the # symbol and a space ("# ") to the beginning of the entry.
    Press Control-O to save the file. Then, press Enter when prompted for the filename and Control-X to exit the editor.
    Restart your computer.
    Try to update or restore your iOS device again.
    This is the first troublehsooting step to try, so there are additional things to try if needed you need them.
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.

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    After updating to IOS 6 neither AppStore nor ITunes Store are working properly, the Langugage is English even as the Country and Language settings are correct. Both stores are suddenly US so that you cannot apply any transaction. Before the stores were properly Austrian.
    When will this bug be fixed?????

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    Das haben schon mehrere Forummitglieder hier berichtet, dass das iPad gelegentlich recht langsam reagiert. In IOS 7 bleiben sehr viele Aps erst einmal im Hintergrund geöffnet, wenn man sie nicht explizit beendet - ich würde also immer dafür sorgen, dass die apps auch beendet werden.
    Wie voll ist der Speicher aud dem iPad? Ich würde das nicht bis zur Grenze ausreizen, damit das System noch Arbeitsspeicher hat.
    Außerdem ist es sinnvoll alles in den Einstellungen deaktivieren, was das System nur langsam machen kann und keinen wirklichen Nutzen bringt. Das sind im wesentlichen dieselben EInstellungen wie zum Energiesparen, shen Sie mal auf diese Liste hier:
    Die Siete ist leider nur in Englsch, tut mir leid.

  • IPhone 5 keeps turning off after battery replacement

    iPhone 5 keeps turning off after battery replacement. After 10 minutes or so, the phone freezes and shuts off, can't even use it anymore.

    Hi there Luke811813,
    I would recommend taking a look at the troubleshooting steps found in the article below.
    iPhone: Hardware troubleshooting
    Will not turn on, will not turn on unless connected to power, or unexpected power off
    1.Verify that the Sleep/Wake button functions. If it does not function, inspect it for signs of damage. If the button is damaged or is not functioning when pressed, seek service.
    2.Check if a Liquid Contact Indicator (LCI) is activated or there are signs of corrosion. Learn about LCIsand corrosion.
    3.Connect the iPhone to the iPhone's USB power adapter and let it charge for at least ten minutes.
    4.After at least 15 minutes, if:
    •The home screen appears: The iPhone should be working. Update to the latest version of iOS if necessary. Continue charging it until it is completely charged and you see this battery icon in the upper-right corner of the screen . Then unplug the phone from power. If it immediately turns off, seek service.
    •The low-battery image appears, even after the phone has charged for at least 20 minutes: See "iPhone displays the low-battery image and is unresponsive" symptom in this article.
    •Something other than the Home screen or Low Battery image appears, continue with this article for further troubleshooting steps.
    5.If the iPhone did not turn on, reset it while connected to the iPhone USB power adapter.
    •If the display turns on, go to step 4.
    •If the display remains black, go to next step.
    6.Connect the iPhone to a computer and open iTunes. If iTunes recognizes the iPhone and indicates that it is in recovery mode, attempt to restore the iPhone. If the iPhone doesn't appear in iTunes or if you have difficulties in restoring the iPhone, see this article for further assistance.
    7.If restoring the iPhone resolved the issue, go to step 4. If restoring the iPhone did not solve the issue, seek service.
    Issue not resolved
    My issue is still not resolved. What do I do next?
    Contact Apple Support.
    -Griff W.

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