Navigate XML document as tree

Hi Otn,
Can you help me! if is possible to navigate a specifed XML document as editable Tree / table tree using ADF components or using any another JSF component.
Thanks in advance :)))

hi user13326790
"A URL service data control is an Oracle ADF data control for URL services, such as XML files that can be accessed through a URL. ...", see "Use a URL Service Data Control"
But "H.1 Introduction to Data Controls" in the Developer's Guide for ADF says about the "URL Service Data Control":
"... This type of data control is not updateable. ..."
Possibly the other types of Data Controls can be "programmed" to provide updateable access to an XML document, but can't immediately suggest a "preferred" approach.
(tip : You can use "Your Control Panel" to make your name visible in forum posts.)
Jan Vervecken

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              fos = new"xyz.xml");

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    XML SQL Utility (which XSQL uses under the covers) only stores
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    Nestor Dutko (guest) wrote:
    : I am trying to create a XML file on the fly. I use the
    : NodeFactory to contruct a document (createDocument()). I have
    : then setStandalone("no") and setVersion("1.0"). when I try to
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    There is no mechanism to create a new DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE object
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    object (based on the type).
    Also, we do not do any validation while creating the DOM tree
    using the DOM APIs. So setting the DTD in the Document will not
    help in validating the DOM tree that is constructed. The only way
    to validate an XML file is to parse the XML document using
    DOMParser or SAXParser.
    Oracle XML Team
    Oracle Technology Network

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                DocumentBuilderFactory dbfac = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
                DocumentBuilder docBuilder = dbfac.newDocumentBuilder();
                Document doc = docBuilder.newDocument();
                Element root = doc.createElement("root");
                root.setAttribute("value", "Á á &#260; &#261; ä É é &#280;");
                TransformerFactory transfac = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
                Transformer trans = transfac.newTransformer();
                trans.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "yes");
                trans.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
                trans.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.ENCODING, "UTF-8");
                //create string from xml tree
       baos = new;
                StreamResult result = new StreamResult(baos);
                DOMSource source = new DOMSource(doc);
                trans.transform(source, result);
                writeToFile("Sample.xml", baos.toByteArray());
                InputSource is = new InputSource(new"Sample.xml")));
                DocumentBuilder obj_db = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
                Document obj_doc = obj_db.parse(is);
                System.out.println("Value is : " + new String(((Element) obj_doc.getElementsByTagName("root").item(0)).getAttribute("value").getBytes()));writeFile() - Writes the document bytes in Sample.xml file
    readFile() - Reads the Sample.xml file
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    Thanx in advance.

    I'm using JBuilder 2005 and i mentioned encoding UTF-8 for saving Java source files and also for compilation. I've modified my source code also. But the problem persists. After applying changing the dumped sample.xml file doesn't display these characters correctly in IE, but earlier it was displaying it correctly at IE.
    Modified code is:
    DocumentBuilderFactory dbfac = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
                DocumentBuilder docBuilder = dbfac.newDocumentBuilder();
                Document doc = docBuilder.newDocument();
                Element root = doc.createElement("root");
                root.setAttribute("value", "Á á &#260; &#261; ä É é &#280;");
                OutputFormat output = new OutputFormat(doc, "UTF-8", true);
       baos = new;
                OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(baos, "UTF-8");
                XMLSerializer s = new XMLSerializer(osw, output);
                writeToFile("Sample5.xml", baos.toByteArray());
                InputSource o = new InputSource(new"Sample5.xml")));
       obj_parser = new;
                Document obj_doc = obj_parser.getDocument();
                System.out.println("Value : " + new String(((Element) obj_doc.getElementsByTagName("root").item(0)).getAttribute("value").getBytes()));I'm hanged on this issue. Can u please provide me the code snippet that works with these characters or suggest solution.

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  • XML View & Model, Tree & binding

    Hi there,
    i'm trying to do some stuff with XML models, XML Views and Trees.
    Here is my xml model file :
    <objectSet version="">
        <aRoot code="testCode" reference="0123456789" description="TestDescription" owner="Tester">
                <component name="MyCompo1" type="MyCompo1Type">
                  <component name="MyCompo2" type="MyCompo2Type">
                   <property name="myProperty2-1" type="string" value="null"/>
                  <component name="MyCompo3" type="MyCompo3Type">
                   <property name="myProperty3-1" type="string" value="null"/>
    My XML View file :
    <core:View xmlns:core="sap.ui.core" xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" xmlns="sap.m" xmlns:cmn="sap.ui.commons"
            controllerName="cleanproject.TreeTest" xmlns:html="">
                    <cmn:Tree nodes="{/aRoot}">
                    <cmn:TreeNode text="{@name} TagNameHere?"></cmn:TreeNode>
    My Js Controller file :
    sap.ui.controller("cleanproject.TreeTest", {
    onInit: function() {
    var xmlModel =  new sap.ui.model.xml.XMLModel("cleanproject/"+xmlPath3);
    xmlModel.setXML("the full xml document here"); // bad trick
    I have multiples questions :
    What is the way to wait the xml file to be loaded, because when i'm not using setXML function in my controller, the view is instantiated too fast  and an error is raised as the model is not accessible ( Error message : "N is null" )
    Is it possible to display in a TreeNode the tagName of an element? ( e.g : "component", "property" )
    Is it possible to build the tree only with "component" TreeNodes ?
    4. Is it possible to bind a part of the datas , eg : bind with a deepth of 1,2,...n ?
    Thanks for helping,
    Edit :
    1. In the onInit function, use attachRequestCompleted method. In my case :
    var thus= this;
    tree.bindNodes("/",function(sId, oContext){
                    var tagName = oContext.getObject().tagName;
                    var name = oContext.getObject().getAttribute("name");
                    var sText = tagName;
                        sText+=" "+name;
                    return new cleanproject.custom.ComplexTreeNode({text:sText});
    3. It does not seem possible even with filters
    4. Can be done using javascript and a custom method

    Hi all,
    I just tested again and now it's working...
    <Label xmlns="sap.m" design="Standard" text="{/MAIN_OBJECTSet('1')/PROPERTY_NAME}"
      visible="true" textAlign="Begin" textDirection="Inherit" width="200px"
      required="false" labelFor="">
    The relative path syntax depends on the used model!
    Strange - but ok.
    Best regards,

  • How to write an xml Document to a flat file using JAVA....

    Can any one help me out.....
    How to write a XML Document to the current filesystem using JAVA....
    without using com.sun.xml.tree.*....
    Document xmlDoc;
         Node rows = (Node) xmlDoc.createElement("ROWS");
    and i have to write this xmlDoc to a file called(abc.xml) for further use...

    Have you considered using JDOM? ( )
    The XMLOutputter class can write the Document to a file. ( The Document however will be an org.jdom.Document object ).
    If you are weary of a new API, you could just create a new File object called abc.xml and stream the data from the XML Document you have to this new File object.

  • Traversing the entire nodes of an xml document ?

    I want to traverse through the entire nodes of an if_ixml_document. which is the best way to do this?
    Please find the sample document.
             <guid auto="false">
             <short_title italics="on">
                    <bold language = "german">
    In this document, i need to traverse through the nodes <text>, <id>, <guid> , <title>, <short_title>, <bold> etc.
    Thanks in advance

    there are lots of examples in SDN. Could you try, and revert back in case of specific issue?
    There are also examples in SAP library: [SAP Library: Parsing an XML document DOM-based| ], [SAP Library: Traversing the DOM tree| ], [SAP Library: Traversing the DOM tree with iterators| ], ...
    And there is demo program: BCCIIXMLT12

  • Can I append an XML Document into another?

    I have a large xml document which I open into coldfusion (mx
    7), and then a smaller group of files that are opened into thier
    own xml objects. After some customization of xml text values, I
    want to append the smaller xml documents into the larger document
    at specific positions within the document tree.
    I have the code that I thought would do this, using an
    arrayappend function, but what happens is that only the root
    element of the smaller (inserted) xml document is placed into the
    main document.
    Is this possible, or do I need to modify the code so that the
    entire tree of xml data that I am appending is created on the

    Personally I do this with XSLT.
    <cfxml variable="doc1">
    <member id="10">
    <cfxml variable="doc2">
    <member id="1">
    <member id="2">
    <member id="3">
    <cffile action="write" file="#expandPath("/")#\doc2.xml"
    output="#ToString(doc2)#" nameconflict="overwrite">
    <!--- METHOD ONE using a depreciated and undocumented
    method --->
    <cfset newNode = doc1.root.member.cloneNode(true)>
    <cfset doc2.changeNodeOwner(newNode)>
    <cfset doc2.root.appendChild(newNode)>
    <cfdump var="#doc2#" label="Merged by hidden functions"
    <!--- METHOD TWO using XSLT --->
    <!--- create an xsl docutment--->
    <cfsavecontent variable="transformer">
    <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""
    <xsl:output method="xml"/>
    <!--load the merge file -->
    <xsl:variable name="emps"
    <!--- this line references and XML file to be combined
    with the main file,
    I wonder if there is a way to use an XML document in memory
    here? --->
    <!-- combine the files -->
    <xsl:template match="/">
    <!-- select all the child nodes of the root tag in the
    main file -->
    <xsl:for-each select="root/child::*">
    <!-- copy the member tag -->
    <xsl:copy-of select="."/>
    <!-- and all the child nodes of the root tag in the merge
    file -->
    <xsl:for-each select="$emps/root/child::*">
    <!-- copy the member tag -->
    <xsl:copy-of select="."/>
    <!--- create a combined xml document --->
    <cfset doc2 = XMLparse(XMLtransform(doc1,transformer))>
    <cfdump var="#doc2#" label="Merged by XSLT"

  • Create xml document by xpath in java

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    something like:
    Document doc = someobject.create(xpath expression);
    then i can use DOM to fill the framework?

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  • Does unmarshall operation hold entire XML document in memory?

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    Yes. I am going with Stax + JAXB to unmarshall. Stax so I could iterate over each element and then use JAXB to unmarshall an element at a time. But the solution is a bit involved. I wanted to do it with just JAXB and so I want to know if JAXB holds the entire content tree in memory if I unmarshall the root element.

Maybe you are looking for