NDIS 6.5 Offload checksum failure

Test Name : Offload Checksum
Weworking on NDIS miniport driver for a 10G adapter which is causing an issue in receive path. Details mentioned as following.
TCPRxChecksum Offload is enabled for the 10G adapter. OffloadChecksum HCK test is run which is throwing following errors.
1)For non fragmentd packet: Tcp Module expected to get 30 packets, but only accepted 0;The miniport is expected to report 30 packets with correct checksum, but only gets 0;
2)For fragmentd packet: Tcp Module expected to get 30 packets, but only accepted 0;Tcp module expects to receive 30 packets with no offload indications, but it gets 0
I am doing the following in the miniport driver during the receive path of a packet.
Driver is indicating the following status to NDIS.
1)With in OOB data, fields inside NDIS_TCP_IP_CHECKSUM_NET_BUFFER_LIST_INFO  structure are filled appropriately.
2)In NetBufferList status, NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS is indicated always.
We have checked that the packets , checksums are fine in the transmit and receive side. However, NDIS does not seem to accept that the packets have valid checksum and very puzzling.
Inspite of doing this, HCK is throwing errors. What is that NDIS is expecting in the above two cases for the HCK to pass.
  Extraction of Offload checksum.htm below:
StartTime: 02:48:48.497
Checksum offload - Test Tcp receive checksum offload with Ipv4 ( Tcp checksum recv offload: On/Tcp Option: Off/Ipv4 Option: Off). Packet count: 30; Packet header size: 54; Packet total size 784
Duration: 00:00:00:01.700
StartTime: 02:48:50.197
Verify Checksum Offload Capability for test case variation
Duration: 00:00:00:00.00
StartTime: 02:48:50.197
Prepare TestCase for NetBuffer Module Send/Recv Configuration
Duration: 00:00:00:00.15
StartTime: 02:48:50.213
Checksum offload - Test Tcp receive checksum offload with Ipv4 ( Tcp checksum recv offload: On/Tcp Option: Off/Ipv4 Option: Off). Packet count: 30; Packet header size: 54; Packet total size 1514
- Name:                   TestDeviceSimpleCommHelper
- Type:                   SimpleCommunicationHelper
- Traffic Manager Type:   NDT_SIMPLE_TRAFFIC_MGR
- Configured NetBufferModuleStack:
- Name:                   SuppDeviceSimpleCommHelper
- Type:                   SimpleCommunicationHelper
- Traffic Manager Type:   NDT_SIMPLE_TRAFFIC_MGR
- Send Mechanism:         NDT_SEND_AT_PASSIVE
- NDIS Send Flags:        0
- Send Latency (ms):      0
- Preallocated NBL Count: 1
- Configured NetBufferModuleStack:
- Name:           SuppDeviceSimpleCommHelper_EndPoint
- Timeout (ms):   300000 
- Name:           TestDeviceSimpleCommHelper_EndPoint
- Timeout (ms):   5000 
- Name:   SuppDeviceSimpleCommHelper_EndPoint 
- Name:   TestDeviceSimpleCommHelper_EndPoint 
- Name:   SuppDeviceSimpleCommHelper_EndPoint 
Test Tcp receive checksum offload with Ipv4
Tcp Checksum Offload Enabled
Tcp Option
Ip Option
StressPayload Test Conclusion
StressPayload Test Explanation
Tcp Send Packet Number
Tcp Recv Packet Number
Accepted Checksum Recv Offload Packet Number
Tcp Offload Test Conclusion
Tcp Offload Test Explanation
Tcp Module expected to get 30 packets, but only accepted 0;The miniport is expected to report 30 packets with correct checksum, but only gets 0;
50019 Test case failed. For detailed information, please see the above log table 
Possible failure reason 

Hi Mudit,
Thanks for your replay. I checked the NDIS6.5 Checkconnectivity and Checkconfig these tests were passed. The above Same logic I applied for L3 Check-sum,  then all variations were passed. But only the TCP/UDP
packets only NDIS is not accepting. I put the wire-shark on both sides the packets were same i.e integrity is fine. 

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    We are developing NDIS 6.x miniport driver and are running NDIS Test 6.5 and are encountering failures in Offload Checksum when Rx checksum offload is enabled. The failures are as below indicating that the notified packets are not accepted by HCK test ,
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     We have looked at NET_BUFFER, NET_BUFFER_LIST  , packet and checksums as well.
    Any suggestions?  We have been stuck on this for a long time now.
    StartTime: 02:48:48.497
    Checksum offload - Test Tcp receive checksum offload with Ipv4 ( Tcp checksum recv offload: On/Tcp Option: Off/Ipv4 Option: Off). Packet count: 30; Packet header size: 54; Packet total size 784
    - Name: TestDeviceSimpleCommHelper
    - Type: SimpleCommunicationHelper
    - Traffic Manager Type: NDT_SIMPLE_TRAFFIC_MGR
    - Receive Process Mech: NDT_PROCESS_RECEIVE_AT_PASSIVE
    - Configured NetBufferModuleStack:
    - Name: SuppDeviceSimpleCommHelper
    - Type: SimpleCommunicationHelper
    - Traffic Manager Type: NDT_SIMPLE_TRAFFIC_MGR
    - Send Mechanism: NDT_SEND_AT_PASSIVE
    - NDIS Send Flags: 0
    - Send Latency (ms): 0
    - Preallocated NBL Count: 1
    - Configured NetBufferModuleStack:
    - Name: SuppDeviceSimpleCommHelper_EndPoint
    - Timeout (ms): 300000
    - Name: TestDeviceSimpleCommHelper_EndPoint
    - Timeout (ms): 5000
    - Name: SuppDeviceSimpleCommHelper_EndPoint
    - Name: TestDeviceSimpleCommHelper_EndPoint
    - Name: SuppDeviceSimpleCommHelper_EndPoint
    Test Tcp receive checksum offload with Ipv4
    Tcp Checksum Offload Enabled
    Tcp Option
    Ip Option
    StressPayload Test Conclusion
    StressPayload Test Explanation
    Tcp Send Packet Number
    Tcp Recv Packet Number
    Accepted Checksum Recv Offload Packet Number
    Tcp Offload Test Conclusion
    Tcp Offload Test Explanation
    Tcp Module expected to get 30 packets, but only accepted 0;The miniport is expected to report 30 packets with correct checksum, but only gets 0;
    50019 Test case failed. For detailed information, please see the above log table
    Possible failure reason             

    Hi Mudit,
    Thanks for your replay. I checked the NDIS6.5 Checkconnectivity and Checkconfig these tests were passed. The above Same logic I applied for L3 Check-sum,  then all variations were passed. But only the TCP/UDP
    packets only NDIS is not accepting. I put the wire-shark on both sides the packets were same i.e integrity is fine. 

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    NLS_DATE_FORMAT='DD-MON-YYYY hh24:mi:ss'
    PS2='> '
    PS3='#? '
    PS4='+ '
    SSH_CLIENT=' 50896 22'
    SSH_CONNECTION=' 50896 22'

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    I would recommend that you contact Sun and use your warranty.
    These forums are only user-to-user. The Ultra 40 M2 has just been added to the Sun System Handbook on March 22, 2007.
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  • TCP segmentation offload (TSO) and vmxnet3/1000v - bug?

    NOTE: My knowledge of ESX and the 1000v does not run deep so I do not have a thorough understanding of the relationship / integration between those two components.  If anything I'm saying here is out-of-line I apologize in advance.
    Yesterday a report came in that an IIS application on a staging server in our test environment was not working (in Internet Explorer it returned "Page cannot be displayed").  The IIS server sits behind an F5 load balancer.  Both the F5 and the IIS server are VM guests on a VMware ESX host.  Both the IIS server and the F5 had recently been moved to a new environment in which the version of 1000v changed and the vnic driver changed (from E1000 to vmxnet3) and this appeared to be the first time that anybody noticed an issue.
    After some digging we noticed something peculiar.  The problem only manifested when the IIS server and the F5 were on the same physical host.  If they were not co-resident everything worked just fine.  After reviewing packet captures we figured out that the "Page cannot be displayed" was not because the content wasn't making it from IIS server to client but rather because the content was gzip compressed and something happened in-transit between the IIS server and the client to corrupt the payload thereby making the gzip decompressible.  As a matter of fact, at no time was IP connectivity ever an issue.  We could RDP to the IIS server and SSH/HTTP into the F5 without any issues.
    I started digging in a little deeper with Wireshark (details of which are included as an attached PDF).  It turns out that a bug??? involving TCP segmentation offload (TSO) was causing the payload of the communication to become corrupted.  What I'm still trying to figure out is who is responsible for the bug?  Is it VMware or Cisco?  I'm leaning towards Cisco and the 1000v and this is why.
    Referring to the attached PDF, TEST #2 (hosts co-resident) and TEST #3 (hosts not co-resident) show packet captures taken from the IIS box, the 1000v and the F5.  Figure 6 shows that the contents of the gzip'd payload can be deciphered by Wireshark as it leaves the IIS box.  Figure 8 shows capture data from the 1000v's perspective (spanning rx/tx on the F5 veth port).  It's still good at this point.  However, figure 10 shows capture data taken on the F5.  At some point in time between leaving the egress port on the 1000v and entering the F5 it cannot be decompressed (corrupt data).  There is no mention that the TCP checksum failed.  In my mind the only way that the data could be corrupt without a TCP checksum failure is if the corruption occurred during the segmentation of the packet.  However, if it was due to the guest OS-level vnic driver then why did it still look good to the 1000v egress towards the F5? 
    The most curious aspect of this whole thing is the behavior I described earlier related to onbox vs. offbox.  This problem only occurs when the traffic is switched in memory.  Refer to figure's 11 - 16 for capture data that shows the very same test when the F5 and IIS are not co-resident.  Is the 1000v (or vnic) savy enough to skip TSO in software and allow the physical NIC to do TSO if it knows that the traffic is going to have to leave the host and go onto the physical wire?  That's the only way I can make sense of this difference in behavior.
    In any case, here are all of the guest OS-level settings related to offload of any type (along with the defaults) and the one we had to change (in bold) to get this to work with the vmxnet3 NIC:
    IPv4 Checksum Offload: Rx & Tx Enabled
    IPv4 TSO Offload: From Enabled to Disabled
    Large Send Offload V2 (IPv4): Enabled
    Offload IP Options: Enabled
    Offload TCP Options: Enabled
    TCP Checksum Offload (IPv4): Rx & Tx Enabled
    UPD Checksum Offload (IPv4): Rx & Tx Enabled

    Hi sdavids5670
    Did you ever find a proper fix to your issue? was updating the N1Kv a solution?
    I have exactly the same symptoms with a N1Kv [4.2(1)SV2(1.1a)], F5 (ASM), vmxnet3 guests, however I'm failing all RDP (win2k8r2) and SSH large packets (redhat); the rest of my traffic appears fine. This only occurs when the F5 resides on the same VEM or VMware host as you have seen. My packet captures are similar.
    My work around is two fold. Firstly create rules to isolate the F5 onto hosts where guests are not utilising it and secondly, disable TCP offloading (I use IPv4 only). Neither of these are solutions.
    I have not tried a non-F5 trunk (ie, perhaps a CSR1000v) to replicate this without the F5.
    I suspected that the onbox / offbox issue was something specific about the logic of the VEM installed on the host (that's how I justified it to myself) rather than VEM->VEM traffic. It appears that only vEth -> vEth traffic on the same VEM is the issue. Also, I can only replicate this when one of the vEth ports is a trunk. I have yet to be able to replicate this if both are access port-groups (vEths).
    I have yet to log a TAC as I wanted to perform testing to exclude the F5.
    Thought that I would just ask....

  • Failure modes in TCP WRITE?

    I need help diagnosing an issue where TCP communications breaks down between my host (Windows) and a PXI (LabVIEW RT 2010).
    The bottom-line questions are these:
    1...Are there circumstances in which TCP WRITE, given a string of say, 10 characters, will write more than zero and fewer than 10 characters to the connection? If so, what are those circumstances?
    2...Is it risky to use a timeout value of 1 mSec?  Further thought seems to say that I won't get a 1000 uSec timeout if we're using a 1-mSec timebase, but I don't know if that's true in the PXI.
    On the PXI, I'm running a 100-Hz PID loop, controlling an engine.  I measure the speed and torque, and control the speed and throttle.  Along the way, I'm measuring 200 channels of misc stuff (analog, CAN, TCP instruments) at 10 Hz and sending gobs of info to the host (200 chans * 8 = 1600 bytes every 0.1 sec)
    The host sends commands, the PXI responds.
    The message protocol is a fixed-header, variable payload type: a message is a fixed 3-byte header, consisting of a U8 OpCode, and a U16 PAYLOAD SIZE field. I flatten some structure to a string, measure its size, and prepend the header and send it as one TCP WRITE.  I receive in two TCP READs: one for the header, then I unflatten the header, read the PAYLOAD SIZE and then another read for that many more bytes.
      The payload can thus be zero bytes: a TCP READ with a byte count of zero is legal and will succeed without error.
    A test starts with establishing a connection, some configuration stuff, and then sampling starts. The 10-Hz data stream is shown on the host screen at 2-Hz as numeric indicators, or maybe selected channels in a chart.
    At some point the user starts RECORDING, and the 10-Hz data goes into a queue for later writing to a file. This is while the engine is being driven thru a prescribed cycle of speed/torque target points.
    The recording lasts for 20 or in some cases 40 minutes (24000 samples) and then recording stops, but sampling doesn't.  Data is still coming in and charted. The user can then do some special operations, related to calibration checks and leak checks, and those results are remembered.  Finally, they hit the DONE button, and the whole mess gets written to a file.
    All of this has worked fine for several years, but as the system is growing (more devices, more channels, more code), a problem has cropped up: the two ends are occasionally getting out of synch. 
    The test itself, and all the configuration stuff before, is working perfectly. The measurement immediately after the test is good.  At some point after that, it goes south.  The log shows the PXI sending results for operations that were not requested. The data in those results is garbage; 1.92648920e-299 and such numbers, resulting from interpreting random stuff as a DBL.
    After I write the file, the connection is broken, the next test re-establishes it, and all is well again.
    In chasing all this, I've triple-checked that all my SENDs are MEASURING the size of the payload before sending it.  Two possibilities have come up:
    1... There is a message with a payload over 64k.  If my sender were presented with a string of length 65537, it would convert that to a U16 of value 1, and the receiver would expect 1 byte. The receiver would then expect another header, but this data comes instead, and we're off the rails.
      I don't believe that's happening. Most of the messages are fewer than 20 bytes payload, the data block is 1600 or so, I see no evidence for such a thing to happen.
    2... The PXI is failing, under certain circumstances, to send the whole message given to TCP WRITE.  If it sent out a header promising 20 more bytes, but only delivered 10, then the receiver would see the header and expect 20 more. 10 would come immediately, but whatever the NEXT message was, it's header would be construed as part of the payload of the first message, and we're off the rails.
    Unfortunately, I am not checking the error return from TCP write, since it never failed in my testing here (I know, twenty lashes for me).
    It also occurs to me that I am giving it a 1-mSec timeout value, since I'm in a 100-Hz loop. Perhaps I should have separated the TCP stuff into a separate thread.  In any case, maybe I don't get a full 1000 uSec, due to clock resolution issues.
    That means that TCP WRITE cannot get the data written before the TIMEOUT expires, but it has written part of it.
    I suspect, but the logs don't prove, that the point of failure is when they hit the DONE button.  The general CPU usage on the PXI is 2-5% but at that point there are 12-15 DAQ domain managers to be shutting down, so the instantaneous CPU load is high.  If that happens to coincide with a message going out, well, maybe the problem crops up.  It doesn't happen every time.
    So I repeat the two questions:
    1...Are there circumstances in which TCP WRITE, given a string of say, 10 characters, will write more than zero and fewer than 10 characters to the connection? If so, what are those circumstances?
    2...Is it risky to use a timeout value of 1 mSec?  Further thought seems to say that I won't get a 1000 uSec timeout if we're using a 1-mSec timebase, but I don't know if that's true in the PXI.
    Steve Bird
    Culverson Software - Elegant software that is a pleasure to use.
    Blog for (mostly LabVIEW) programmers: Tips And Tricks
    Go to Solution.

    There are a couple of issues at play here, and both are working together to cause your issue(s).
    1) LV RT will suspend the TCP thread when your CPU utilization goes up to 100%. When this happens, your connection to the outside world simply goes away and your communications can get pretty screwed up. (More here)
    Unless you create some form of very robust resend and timeout strategy your only other solution would be to find a way to keep your CPU from maxing out. This may be through the use of some scheduler to limit how many processes are running at a particular time or other code optimization. Any way you look at it, 100% CPU = Loss of TCP comms.
    2) The standard method of TCP communication shown in all examples I have seen to date uses a similar method to transfer data where a header is sent with the data payload size to follow.
    <packet 1 payload size (2 bytes)><packet 1 payload..........><packet 2 payload size (2 bytes)><packet 2 payload.......................>
    On the Rx side, the header is read, the payload size extracted then a TCP read is set with the desired size. Under normal circumstances this works very well and is a particularly efficent method of transferring data. When you suspend the TCP thread during a Rx operation, this header can get corrupted and pass the TCP Read a bad payload size due to a timeout on the previous read. As an example the header read expects 20 bytes but due to the TCP thread suspension only gets 10 before the timeout. The TCP Read returns only those 10 bytes, leaving the other 10 bytes in the Rx buffer for the next read operation. The subsequent TCP Read now gets the first 2 bytes from the remaining data payload (10 bytes) still in the buffer. This gives you a further bad payload read size and the process continues OR if you happen to get a huge number back, when you try to allocate a gigantic TCP receive buffer, you get an out of memory error.
     The issue now is that your communications are out of sync. The Rx end is not interpeting the correct bytes as the header thus this timeout or bad data payload behavior can continue for quite a long time. I have found that occasionally (although very rare) the system will fall back into sync however it really is a crap shoot at this point.
    I more robust way of dealing with the communication issue is to change your TCP read to terminate on a CRLF as opposed to the number of bytes or timeout (The TCP Read has an enum selctor for switching the mode. In this instance, whenever a CRLF is seen, the TCP Read will immediately terminate and return data. If the payload is corrupted, then it will fail to be parsed correctly or would encounter a checksum failure and be discarded or a resend request issued. In either case, the communications link will automatically fall back into sync between the Tx and Rx side. The one other thing that you must do is to encode your data to ensure that no CRLF characters exist in the payload. Base64 encode/decode works well. You do give up some bandwith due to the B64 strings being longer, however the fact that the comm link is now self syncing is normally a worthwhile sacrifice.
    When running on any other platform other than RT, the <header><payload> method of transmitting data works fine as TCP guarantees transmission of the data, however on RT platforms due to the suspension of the TCP thread on high CPU excursions this method fails miserably.

  • Collection Server Initialization Failure

    One of my collection servers will not initialize. The WinXP box was
    replaced by a VMWare virtual WinXP machine and the ZAM 7.5 software was
    installed on the new machine using the same name as the old server. I
    installed the Task Server, Collection Server and the Collection client.
    All of the services start and there are no errors in the event logs. The
    manager shows the Task Server as running but the Collection server as
    stopped. When I start the Collection server I get the errors shown
    below. This is one of many Collection/Task Servers that I have setup
    including some that have been replaced by virtual machines as this one
    has been. All other Collection/Task Servers are running without error.
    I'm willing to remove it from ZAM and re-install and have tried that
    once to no avail. Any help is appreciated.
    ZAM 7.5 IR13
    Management Server Windows 2003
    Collection/Task Servers WinXP
    <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:48 AM" SEVERITY="Info">
    Bucket size: 200
    <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:48 AM" SEVERITY="Info">
    Process Controller Initialized
    <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:48 AM" SEVERITY="Info">
    Resetting all Workstations to Disconnected
    <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:48 AM" SEVERITY="Info">
    Default Option Set (COptset) may have been updated
    <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:48 AM" SEVERITY="Info">
    Process Controller Running
    <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:48 AM" SEVERITY="Info">
    Client cleanup. 0 entries.
    <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:48 AM" SEVERITY="Info">
    Default Option Set (COptset) may have been updated
    <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:48 AM" SEVERITY="Info">
    Default Option Set (COptset) may have been updated
    <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:48 AM" SEVERITY="Info">
    Updating cache file TSUsage32.exe as
    <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:48 AM" SEVERITY="Severe">
    Filestore checksum failure
    Filename: .\Cache\EXEDir\Client\Win32\TSUsage32.exe, Chksum
    calculated: 1, errno: 0
    Catalog (size: 446464, chksum: 48497451), File (size: 446464, chksum:
    <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:48 AM" SEVERITY="Severe">
    Unable to retrieve file TSUsage32.exe or write to
    <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:48 AM" SEVERITY="Severe">
    Application Object Error at 12/2/2008 10:05:48 AM on BMMSUS1 by BMMSUS1
    File Store Validation Failed.
    [2.4.1216] This application was unable to access the file due to a
    checksum failure. Source filename = TSUsage32.exe.
    <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:48 AM" SEVERITY="Info">
    Updating cache file tscclient as .\Cache\EXEDir\Client\Linux\tscclient.
    <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:48 AM" SEVERITY="Severe">
    Filestore checksum failure
    Filename: .\Cache\EXEDir\Client\Linux\tscclient, Chksum calculated:
    1, errno: 0
    Catalog (size: 556853, chksum: 46150589), File (size: 557419, chksum:
    <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:48 AM" SEVERITY="Severe">
    Unable to retrieve file tscclient or write to
    <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:48 AM" SEVERITY="Severe">
    Application Object Error at 12/2/2008 10:05:48 AM on BMMSUS1 by BMMSUS1
    File Store Validation Failed.
    [2.4.1216] This application was unable to access the file due to a
    checksum failure. Source filename = tscclient.
    <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:48 AM" SEVERITY="Info">
    Updating cache file colosx as .\Cache\EXEDir\Client\OSX\colosx.
    <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:49 AM" SEVERITY="Severe">
    Filestore checksum failure
    Filename: .\Cache\EXEDir\Client\OSX\colosx, Chksum calculated: 1,
    errno: 0
    Catalog (size: 1546124, chksum: 114527802), File (size: 1497396,
    chksum: 111016250)
    <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:49 AM" SEVERITY="Severe">
    Unable to retrieve file colosx or write to .\Cache\EXEDir\Client\OSX\colosx
    <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:49 AM" SEVERITY="Severe">
    Application Object Error at 12/2/2008 10:05:49 AM on BMMSUS1 by BMMSUS1
    File Store Validation Failed.
    [2.4.1216] This application was unable to access the file due to a
    checksum failure. Source filename = colosx.
    <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:49 AM" SEVERITY="Info">
    Updating cache file UMxlator.exe as
    <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:50 AM" SEVERITY="Severe">
    Filestore checksum failure
    Filename: .\Cache\EXEDir\Client\Win32\UMxlator.exe, Chksum
    calculated: 1, errno: 0
    Catalog (size: 1249280, chksum: 129525058), File (size: 1249280,
    chksum: 129500295)
    <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:50 AM" SEVERITY="Severe">
    Unable to retrieve file UMxlator.exe or write to
    <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:50 AM" SEVERITY="Severe">
    Application Object Error at 12/2/2008 10:05:50 AM on BMMSUS1 by BMMSUS1
    File Store Validation Failed.
    [2.4.1216] This application was unable to access the file due to a
    checksum failure. Source filename = UMxlator.exe.
    <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:50 AM" SEVERITY="Info">
    Updating cache file siupd as .\Cache\EXEDir\SysinfoUpg\Linux\siupd.
    <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:50 AM" SEVERITY="Severe">
    Filestore checksum failure
    Filename: .\Cache\EXEDir\SysinfoUpg\Linux\siupd, Chksum calculated:
    1, errno: 0
    Catalog (size: 7776, chksum: 613014), File (size: 7642, chksum: 602893)
    <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:50 AM" SEVERITY="Severe">
    Unable to retrieve file siupd or write to
    <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:50 AM" SEVERITY="Severe">
    Application Object Error at 12/2/2008 10:05:50 AM on BMMSUS1 by BMMSUS1
    File Store Validation Failed.
    [2.4.1216] This application was unable to access the file due to a
    checksum failure. Source filename = siupd.
    <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:50 AM" SEVERITY="Info">
    Updating cache file Colw32.exe as .\Cache\EXEDir\Client\Win32\Colw32.exe.
    <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:54 AM" SEVERITY="Severe">
    Filestore checksum failure
    Filename: .\Cache\EXEDir\Client\Win32\Colw32.exe, Chksum calculated:
    1, errno: 0
    Catalog (size: 2285840, chksum: 230582079), File (size: 2371856,
    chksum: 255767264)
    <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:54 AM" SEVERITY="Severe">
    Unable to retrieve file Colw32.exe or write to
    <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:54 AM" SEVERITY="Severe">
    Application Object Error at 12/2/2008 10:05:54 AM on BMMSUS1 by BMMSUS1
    File Store Validation Failed.
    [2.4.1216] This application was unable to access the file due to a
    checksum failure. Source filename = Colw32.exe.
    <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:55 AM" SEVERITY="Severe">
    Collection Server Error at 12/2/2008 10:05:55 AM on BMMSUS1 by BMMSUS1
    Collection Server Initialization Failure
    [2.6.4] The Collection Server failed to initialize.
    Application Object Error at 12/2/2008 10:05:54 AM on BMMSUS1 by BMMSUS1
    File Store Validation Failed.
    [2.4.1216] This application was unable to access the file due to a
    checksum failure. Source filename = Colw32.exe.
    <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:59 AM" SEVERITY="Info">
    The Process Controller has terminated.
    <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:06:16 AM" SEVERITY="Info">
    *** bmmsus1 *** One-minute Marker ***

    I tried copying the bin files from another server (again) and this time
    it worked. I only wish I knew what I did different.
    > One of my collection servers will not initialize. The WinXP box was
    > replaced by a VMWare virtual WinXP machine and the ZAM 7.5 software was
    > installed on the new machine using the same name as the old server. I
    > installed the Task Server, Collection Server and the Collection client.
    > All of the services start and there are no errors in the event logs. The
    > manager shows the Task Server as running but the Collection server as
    > stopped. When I start the Collection server I get the errors shown
    > below. This is one of many Collection/Task Servers that I have setup
    > including some that have been replaced by virtual machines as this one
    > has been. All other Collection/Task Servers are running without error.
    > I'm willing to remove it from ZAM and re-install and have tried that
    > once to no avail. Any help is appreciated.
    > MSSQL2005
    > ZAM 7.5 IR13
    > Management Server Windows 2003
    > Collection/Task Servers WinXP
    > <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:48 AM" SEVERITY="Info">
    > Bucket size: 200
    > </EVENT>
    > <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:48 AM" SEVERITY="Info">
    > Process Controller Initialized
    > </EVENT>
    > <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:48 AM" SEVERITY="Info">
    > Resetting all Workstations to Disconnected
    > </EVENT>
    > <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:48 AM" SEVERITY="Info">
    > Default Option Set (COptset) may have been updated
    > {67D90F66-44B1-40B4-B99E-47AC4AAC9D61}
    > </EVENT>
    > <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:48 AM" SEVERITY="Info">
    > Process Controller Running
    > </EVENT>
    > <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:48 AM" SEVERITY="Info">
    > Client cleanup. 0 entries.
    > </EVENT>
    > <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:48 AM" SEVERITY="Info">
    > Default Option Set (COptset) may have been updated
    > {695CA4D0-CF4B-47C2-83B3-07461265CB06}
    > </EVENT>
    > <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:48 AM" SEVERITY="Info">
    > Default Option Set (COptset) may have been updated
    > {56547EAC-3A97-4BFE-8648-CA68C8227574}
    > </EVENT>
    > <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:48 AM" SEVERITY="Info">
    > Updating cache file TSUsage32.exe as
    > .\Cache\EXEDir\Client\Win32\TSUsage32.exe.
    > </EVENT>
    > <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:48 AM" SEVERITY="Severe">
    > Filestore checksum failure
    > Filename: .\Cache\EXEDir\Client\Win32\TSUsage32.exe, Chksum
    > calculated: 1, errno: 0
    > Catalog (size: 446464, chksum: 48497451), File (size: 446464, chksum:
    > 48597282)
    > </EVENT>
    > <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:48 AM" SEVERITY="Severe">
    > Unable to retrieve file TSUsage32.exe or write to
    > .\Cache\EXEDir\Client\Win32\TSUsage32.exe
    > </EVENT>
    > <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:48 AM" SEVERITY="Severe">
    > Application Object Error at 12/2/2008 10:05:48 AM on BMMSUS1 by BMMSUS1
    > File Store Validation Failed.
    > [2.4.1216] This application was unable to access the file due to a
    > checksum failure. Source filename = TSUsage32.exe.
    > </EVENT>
    > <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:48 AM" SEVERITY="Info">
    > Updating cache file tscclient as .\Cache\EXEDir\Client\Linux\tscclient.
    > </EVENT>
    > <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:48 AM" SEVERITY="Severe">
    > Filestore checksum failure
    > Filename: .\Cache\EXEDir\Client\Linux\tscclient, Chksum calculated: 1,
    > errno: 0
    > Catalog (size: 556853, chksum: 46150589), File (size: 557419, chksum:
    > 46259996)
    > </EVENT>
    > <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:48 AM" SEVERITY="Severe">
    > Unable to retrieve file tscclient or write to
    > .\Cache\EXEDir\Client\Linux\tscclient
    > </EVENT>
    > <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:48 AM" SEVERITY="Severe">
    > Application Object Error at 12/2/2008 10:05:48 AM on BMMSUS1 by BMMSUS1
    > File Store Validation Failed.
    > [2.4.1216] This application was unable to access the file due to a
    > checksum failure. Source filename = tscclient.
    > </EVENT>
    > <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:48 AM" SEVERITY="Info">
    > Updating cache file colosx as .\Cache\EXEDir\Client\OSX\colosx.
    > </EVENT>
    > <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:49 AM" SEVERITY="Severe">
    > Filestore checksum failure
    > Filename: .\Cache\EXEDir\Client\OSX\colosx, Chksum calculated: 1,
    > errno: 0
    > Catalog (size: 1546124, chksum: 114527802), File (size: 1497396,
    > chksum: 111016250)
    > </EVENT>
    > <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:49 AM" SEVERITY="Severe">
    > Unable to retrieve file colosx or write to .\Cache\EXEDir\Client\OSX\colosx
    > </EVENT>
    > <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:49 AM" SEVERITY="Severe">
    > Application Object Error at 12/2/2008 10:05:49 AM on BMMSUS1 by BMMSUS1
    > File Store Validation Failed.
    > [2.4.1216] This application was unable to access the file due to a
    > checksum failure. Source filename = colosx.
    > </EVENT>
    > <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:49 AM" SEVERITY="Info">
    > Updating cache file UMxlator.exe as
    > .\Cache\EXEDir\Client\Win32\UMxlator.exe.
    > </EVENT>
    > <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:50 AM" SEVERITY="Severe">
    > Filestore checksum failure
    > Filename: .\Cache\EXEDir\Client\Win32\UMxlator.exe, Chksum calculated:
    > 1, errno: 0
    > Catalog (size: 1249280, chksum: 129525058), File (size: 1249280,
    > chksum: 129500295)
    > </EVENT>
    > <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:50 AM" SEVERITY="Severe">
    > Unable to retrieve file UMxlator.exe or write to
    > .\Cache\EXEDir\Client\Win32\UMxlator.exe
    > </EVENT>
    > <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:50 AM" SEVERITY="Severe">
    > Application Object Error at 12/2/2008 10:05:50 AM on BMMSUS1 by BMMSUS1
    > File Store Validation Failed.
    > [2.4.1216] This application was unable to access the file due to a
    > checksum failure. Source filename = UMxlator.exe.
    > </EVENT>
    > <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:50 AM" SEVERITY="Info">
    > Updating cache file siupd as .\Cache\EXEDir\SysinfoUpg\Linux\siupd.
    > </EVENT>
    > <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:50 AM" SEVERITY="Severe">
    > Filestore checksum failure
    > Filename: .\Cache\EXEDir\SysinfoUpg\Linux\siupd, Chksum calculated: 1,
    > errno: 0
    > Catalog (size: 7776, chksum: 613014), File (size: 7642, chksum: 602893)
    > </EVENT>
    > <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:50 AM" SEVERITY="Severe">
    > Unable to retrieve file siupd or write to
    > .\Cache\EXEDir\SysinfoUpg\Linux\siupd
    > </EVENT>
    > <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:50 AM" SEVERITY="Severe">
    > Application Object Error at 12/2/2008 10:05:50 AM on BMMSUS1 by BMMSUS1
    > File Store Validation Failed.
    > [2.4.1216] This application was unable to access the file due to a
    > checksum failure. Source filename = siupd.
    > </EVENT>
    > <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:50 AM" SEVERITY="Info">
    > Updating cache file Colw32.exe as .\Cache\EXEDir\Client\Win32\Colw32.exe.
    > </EVENT>
    > <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:54 AM" SEVERITY="Severe">
    > Filestore checksum failure
    > Filename: .\Cache\EXEDir\Client\Win32\Colw32.exe, Chksum calculated:
    > 1, errno: 0
    > Catalog (size: 2285840, chksum: 230582079), File (size: 2371856,
    > chksum: 255767264)
    > </EVENT>
    > <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:54 AM" SEVERITY="Severe">
    > Unable to retrieve file Colw32.exe or write to
    > .\Cache\EXEDir\Client\Win32\Colw32.exe
    > </EVENT>
    > <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:54 AM" SEVERITY="Severe">
    > Application Object Error at 12/2/2008 10:05:54 AM on BMMSUS1 by BMMSUS1
    > File Store Validation Failed.
    > [2.4.1216] This application was unable to access the file due to a
    > checksum failure. Source filename = Colw32.exe.
    > </EVENT>
    > <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:55 AM" SEVERITY="Severe">
    > Collection Server Error at 12/2/2008 10:05:55 AM on BMMSUS1 by BMMSUS1
    > Collection Server Initialization Failure
    > [2.6.4] The Collection Server failed to initialize.
    > Application Object Error at 12/2/2008 10:05:54 AM on BMMSUS1 by BMMSUS1
    > File Store Validation Failed.
    > [2.4.1216] This application was unable to access the file due to a
    > checksum failure. Source filename = Colw32.exe.
    > </EVENT>
    > <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:05:59 AM" SEVERITY="Info">
    > The Process Controller has terminated.
    > </EVENT>
    > <EVENT AT="12/2/2008 10:06:16 AM" SEVERITY="Info">
    > *** bmmsus1 *** One-minute Marker ***
    > </EVENT>

  • MSI KT3 Ultra-ARU error

    Hi everyone, my motherbord is giving me the 8 or 9 beep code
    (8 = Display memory Read/Write test failure, 9 = ROM BIOS checksum failure) guess I need a new motherbord?
    I have a MSI KT3 Ultra-ARU and it has Promise 20276 (raid 0 and 1)
    The beeping started after I did a clean install of winxp then a blue screen of death pop-up, when it boot up there was a blank screen then starts to beep
    I Strip the system down to RAM, processor and video card only and even change the agp video card to a pci
    and clear the bios by change the jumper and taking out the battery
    any idea what it could be?

    Neither processor or memory is supported. The processor is 166x2 (333) MHz. http://www.msi.com.tw/program/products/mainboard/mbd/pro_mbd_cpu_support_detail.php?UID=11&kind=1
    Edition: I would like that PSU!! - Eh, now that the processor wont work... Do you still have need for your PSU?

  • K8NGM-V, Onboard-LAN problems

    Hi, I'm having some serious problems with the onboard LAN card on my K8NGM-V board. I've been trying alot and I cant get it to work properly. I installed the latest drivers from nvidia (nForce 8.26) and the card is detected and installed as "nvidia nForce networking controller", after a reboot it is assigned an IP from my DHCP router, so far so good. But when I try to access the internet (or my router which I'm directly connected to) it's not working as it should. I'm only getting like 25% successrate when I'm pinging an hompage or a LAN device. It's going REALLY slow to connect to webpages, most of the time the connection times out.
    Right now I'm using a PCI network card, which works great. So the problem have to be with the onboard lan.
    If anyone have the slightest clue to what could be wrong, please post!

    Some nVidea lans seem to have some problems. I'm not sure wether the follwoing will be a solution for your adapter, but trying won't hurt you.
    Goto Device manager and look for the adapter. Select Properties -> Advanced and look for Offload Checksum. Set it to Disabled, restart and try your connection. If it doesn't do anything, simply set it to what it was.
    Edit: also, check for adware/spyware/virusses and check your firewall settings. Do you have a sperate modem? If so, what happens when you skip the router and connect directly to the modem?

  • How to create dblink between oracle 10G and mysql

    I want to create dblink between oracle 10G and mysql
    I create it in ECC6.0 using DBCO transaction tcode,which database type can choose?Microsoft sql server?Because there have no mysql item.
    I choosed MSS  so that I can test it, but it failed,there is an error that 'ORA-12569:TNS:packet checksun failure'.
    I configured the oracle tnsnames.ora file like this:
         CW.WORLD =
               (DESCRIPTION =
                    (ADDRESS_LIST =
                          (ADDRESS =
                                  (COMMUNITY = SAP,WORLD)
                                  (PROTOCOL = TCP)
                                  (HOST = XX.XX.XX.XX)
                                  (PORT = XXXX)
                   (CONNECT_DATA =
                        (SID = XXX )
                   (HS = ok )
    When I tnsping CW,it will fail,like this " TNS-12569:TNS:packet checksum failure"
    How can I do.

    I want to know if this possible?

  • Unknow error message on 4000

    I got error message and i dont find what this signification :
    ****************** show log ******************
    Network Management Processor (ACTIVE NMP) Log:
    Reset count: 5
    Re-boot History: May 11 2001 02:45:36 0, Apr 20 2001 01:20:47 0
    Apr 19 2001 09:26:19 0, Apr 17 2001 03:49:05 0
    Mar 07 2001 17:34:34 0
    Bootrom Checksum Failures: 0 UART Failures: 0
    Flash Checksum Failures: 0 Flash Program Failures: 0
    Power Supply 1 Failures: 1 Power Supply 2 Failures: 1
    DRAM Failures: 0
    Exceptions: 0
    Loaded NMP version: 6.2(1)
    Reload same NMP version count: 2
    Last software reset by user: 4/19/2001,09:25:19
    MCP Exceptions/Hang: 0
    Heap Memory Log:
    Corrupted Block = none
    NVRAM log:
    01. 3/10/2003,15:39:27: new_nvram_checksum:Block 0 checksum failed: 0x1CEC(0x1CCC)
    02. 3/10/2003,15:43:30: new_nvram_checksum:Block 0 checksum failed: 0x1CEC(0x1CCC)
    03. 3/10/2003,15:47:34: new_nvram_checksum:Block 0 checksum failed: 0x1CEC(0x1CCC)
    04. 3/10/2003,15:51:37: new_nvram_checksum:Block 0 checksum failed: 0x1CEC(0x1CCC)
    05. 3/10/2003,15:55:42: new_nvram_checksum:Block 0 checksum failed: 0x1CEC(0x1CCC)
    06. 3/10/2003,15:59:45: new_nvram_checksum:Block 0 checksum failed: 0x1CEC(0x1CCC)
    07. 3/10/2003,16:03:49: new_nvram_checksum:Block 0 checksum failed: 0x1CEC(0x1CCC)
    08. 3/10/2003,16:07:52: new_nvram_checksum:Block 0 checksum failed: 0x1CEC(0x1CCC)
    09. 3/10/2003,16:11:56: new_nvram_checksum:Block 0 checksum failed: 0x1CEC(0x1CCC)
    10. 3/10/2003,16:16:01: new_nvram_checksum:Block 0 checksum failed: 0x1CEC(0x1CCC)
    11. 3/10/2003,16:20:06: new_nvram_checksum:Block 0 checksum failed: 0x1CEC(0x1CCC)
    12. 3/10/2003,16:24:11: new_nvram_checksum:Block 0 checksum failed: 0x1CEC(0x1CCC)
    13. 3/10/2003,16:28:17: new_nvram_checksum:Block 0 checksum failed: 0x1CEC(0x1CCC)
    14. 3/10/2003,16:32:20: new_nvram_checksum:Block 0 checksum failed: 0x1CEC(0x1CCC)
    15. 3/10/2003,16:36:24: new_nvram_checksum:Block 0 checksum failed: 0x1CEC(0x1CCC)
    16. 3/10/2003,16:40:28: new_nvram_checksum:Block 0 checksum failed: 0x1CEC(0x1CCC)
    17. 3/10/2003,16:44:32: new_nvram_checksum:Block 0 checksum failed: 0x1CEC(0x1CCC)
    18. 3/10/2003,16:48:36: new_nvram_checksum:Block 0 checksum failed: 0x1CEC(0x1CCC)
    19. 3/10/2003,16:52:39: new_nvram_checksum:Block 0 checksum failed: 0x1CEC(0x1CCC)
    20. 3/10/2003,16:56:43: new_nvram_checksum:Block 0 checksum failed: 0x1CEC(0x1CCC)
    21. 3/10/2003,17:00:46: new_nvram_checksum:Block 0 checksum failed: 0x1CEC(0x1CCC)
    22. 3/10/2003,17:04:50: new_nvram_checksum:Block 0 checksum failed: 0x1CEC(0x1CCC)
    23. 3/10/2003,17:08:53: new_nvram_checksum:Block 0 checksum failed: 0x1CEC(0x1CCC)
    24. 3/10/2003,17:12:57: new_nvram_checksum:Block 0 checksum failed: 0x1CEC(0x1CCC)
    25. 3/10/2003,17:17:00: new_nvram_checksum:Block 0 checksum failed: 0x1CEC(0x1CCC)
    26. 3/10/2003,17:21:04: new_nvram_checksum:Block 0 checksum failed: 0x1CEC(0x1CCC)
    27. 3/10/2003,17:25:08: new_nvram_checksum:Block 0 checksum failed: 0x1CEC(0x1CCC)
    28. 3/10/2003,17:29:14: new_nvram_checksum:Block 0 checksum failed: 0x1CEC(0x1CCC)
    29. 3/10/2003,17:33:17: new_nvram_checksum:Block 0 checksum failed: 0x1CEC(0x1CCC)
    30. 3/10/2003,17:37:21: new_nvram_checksum:Block 0 checksum failed: 0x1CEC(0x1CCC)
    31. 3/10/2003,17:41:24: new_nvram_checksum:Block 0 checksum failed: 0x1CEC(0x1CCC)
    32. 3/10/2003,17:45:28: new_nvram_checksum:Block 0 checksum failed: 0x1CEC(0x1CCC)
    33. 3/10/2003,17:49:32: new_nvram_checksum:Block 0 checksum failed: 0x1CEC(0x1CCC)
    34. 3/10/2003,17:53:35: new_nvram_checksum:Block 0 checksum failed: 0x1CEC(0x1CCC)
    35. 3/10/2003,17:57:39: new_nvram_checksum:Block 0 checksum failed: 0x1CEC(0x1CCC)
    36. 3/10/2003,18:01:42: new_nvram_checksum:Block 0 checksum failed: 0x1CEC(0x1CCC)
    37. 3/10/2003,18:05:46: new_nvram_checksum:Block 0 checksum failed: 0x1CEC(0x1CCC)
    38. 3/10/2003,18:09:50: new_nvram_checksum:Block 0 checksum failed: 0x1CEC(0x1CCC)
    39. 3/10/2003,18:12:44: new_nvram_checksum:Block 0 checksum failed: 0x1CEC(0x1CCC)
    Module 2 Log:
    Reset Count: 6
    Reset History: Fri May 11 2001, 02:45:48
    Fri Apr 20 2001, 01:20:59
    Thu Apr 19 2001, 09:26:31
    Tue Apr 17 2001, 03:49:14
    Module 3 Log:
    Reset Count: 6
    Reset History: Fri May 11 2001, 02:45:50
    Fri Apr 20 2001, 01:21:01
    Thu Apr 19 2001, 09:26:33
    Tue Apr 17 2001, 03:49:14
    Module 4 Log:
    Reset Count: 7
    Reset History: Fri May 11 2001, 02:46:38
    Fri Apr 20 2001, 01:21:49
    Thu Apr 19 2001, 09:27:21
    Tue Apr 17 2001, 07:05:25
    Thanks for the help.

    Hi I have this error message too, do i need to worry about it?
    sho ver
    WS-C6509 Software, Version NmpSW: 6.3(1)
    Copyright (c) 1995-2001 by Cisco Systems
    NMP S/W compiled on Jul 30 2001, 17:30:35
    System Bootstrap Version: 7.1(1)
    Hardware Version: 3.0  Model: WS-C6509  Serial #: TBA05390957
    PS1  Module: WS-CAC-2500W    Serial #: ART054100KL
    PS2  Module: WS-CAC-2500W    Serial #: ART054100WD
    Mod Port Model               Serial #    Versions
    1   2    WS-X6K-SUP2-2GE     SAD0623018X Hw : 3.15
                                             Fw : 7.1(1)
                                             Fw1: 6.1(3)
                                             Sw : 6.3(1)
                                             Sw1: 6.3(1)
             WS-F6K-PFC2         SAD062201N7 Hw : 3.2
    2   16   WS-X6416-GBIC       SAL0548F1BQ Hw : 2.0
                                             Fw : 5.4(2)
                                             Sw : 6.3(1)
    3   16   WS-X6416-GBIC       SAL0548F1BX Hw : 2.0
                                             Fw : 5.4(2)
                                             Sw : 6.3(1)
    4   48   WS-X6348-RJ-45      SAL0532A9AN Hw : 5.0
                                             Fw : 5.4(2)
                                             Sw : 6.3(1)
             WS-F6K-VPWR                     Hw : 1.0
           DRAM                    FLASH                   NVRAM
    Module Total   Used    Free    Total   Used    Free    Total Used  Free
    1      262016K  69069K 192947K  32768K  17078K  15690K  512K  243K  269K
    Rmon checksum failed.
    Uptime is 1343 days, 20 hours, 5 minutes
    DEPTDIST_01(01) (enable)  sho env
    Environmental Status (. = Pass, F = Fail, U = Unknown, N = Not Present)
      PS1: .     PS2: .     PS1 Fan: .     PS2 Fan: .
      Chassis-Ser-EEPROM: .     Fan: .
      Clock(A/B): A         Clock A: .     Clock B: .
      VTT1: .    VTT2: .    VTT3: .
    DEPTDIST_01(01) (enable)  sho log
    Network Management Processor (ACTIVE NMP) Log:
      Reset count:   7
      Re-boot History:   May 01 2010 15:42:05 0, Apr 30 2010 23:51:11 0
                         Jun 01 2009 02:21:54 0, Jun 01 2009 00:56:55 0
                         May 28 2009 02:36:17 0, May 28 2009 02:21:55 0
                         Mar 26 2009 11:36:23 0
      Bootrom Checksum Failures:      0   UART Failures:                  0
      Flash Checksum Failures:        0   Flash Program Failures:         0
      Power Supply 1 Failures:        5   Power Supply 2 Failures:        0
      Swapped to CLKA:                0   Swapped to CLKB:                0
      Swapped to Processor 1:         0   Swapped to Processor 2:         0
      DRAM Failures:                  0
      Exceptions:                     0
      Loaded NMP version:            6.3(1)
      Reload same NMP version count: 4
      EOBC Exceptions/Hang:            0
    Heap Memory Log:
    Corrupted Block = none
    NVRAM log:
    01. 1/4/2014,13:31:36: new_nvram_checksum:Block 59 checksum failed: 0x55B6(0x55A6)
    02. 1/4/2014,13:31:36: new_nvram_checksum:Block 59 checksum failed: 0x55B6(0x55A6)
    03. 1/4/2014,13:31:36: new_nvram_checksum:Block 59 checksum failed: 0x55B6(0x55A6)
    04. 1/4/2014,13:31:36: new_nvram_checksum:Block 59 checksum failed: 0x55B6(0x55A6)
    05. 1/4/2014,13:31:37: new_nvram_checksum:Block 59 checksum failed: 0x55B6(0x55A6)
    06. 1/4/2014,13:31:37: new_nvram_checksum:Block 59 checksum failed: 0x55B6(0x55A6)
    07. 1/4/2014,13:36:36: new_nvram_checksum:Block 59 checksum failed: 0x55B6(0x55A6)
    08. 1/4/2014,13:36:37: new_nvram_checksum:Block 59 checksum failed: 0x55B6(0x55A6)
    09. 1/4/2014,13:36:37: new_nvram_checksum:Block 59 checksum failed: 0x55B6(0x55A6)
    10. 1/4/2014,13:36:37: new_nvram_checksum:Block 59 checksum failed: 0x55B6(0x55A6)
    11. 1/4/2014,13:36:37: new_nvram_checksum:Block 59 checksum failed: 0x55B6(0x55A6)
    12. 1/4/2014,13:36:38: new_nvram_checksum:Block 59 checksum failed: 0x55B6(0x55A6)
    13. 1/4/2014,13:41:37: new_nvram_checksum:Block 59 checksum failed: 0x55B6(0x55A6)
    14. 1/4/2014,13:41:37: new_nvram_checksum:Block 59 checksum failed: 0x55B6(0x55A6)
    15. 1/4/2014,13:41:37: new_nvram_checksum:Block 59 checksum failed: 0x55B6(0x55A6)
    16. 1/4/2014,13:41:37: new_nvram_checksum:Block 59 checksum failed: 0x55B6(0x55A6)
    17. 1/4/2014,13:41:37: new_nvram_checksum:Block 59 checksum failed: 0x55B6(0x55A6)
    18. 1/4/2014,13:41:38: new_nvram_checksum:Block 59 checksum failed: 0x55B6(0x55A6)
    19. 1/4/2014,13:46:36: new_nvram_checksum:Block 59 checksum failed: 0x55B6(0x55A6)
    20. 1/4/2014,13:46:36: new_nvram_checksum:Block 59 checksum failed: 0x55B6(0x55A6)
    21. 1/4/2014,13:46:36: new_nvram_checksum:Block 59 checksum failed: 0x55B6(0x55A6)
    22. 1/4/2014,13:46:37: new_nvram_checksum:Block 59 checksum failed: 0x55B6(0x55A6)
    23. 1/4/2014,13:46:37: new_nvram_checksum:Block 59 checksum failed: 0x55B6(0x55A6)
    24. 1/4/2014,13:46:37: new_nvram_checksum:Block 59 checksum failed: 0x55B6(0x55A6)
    25. 1/4/2014,13:51:36: new_nvram_checksum:Block 59 checksum failed: 0x55B6(0x55A6)
    26. 1/4/2014,13:51:37: new_nvram_checksum:Block 59 checksum failed: 0x55B6(0x55A6)
    27. 1/4/2014,13:51:37: new_nvram_checksum:Block 59 checksum failed: 0x55B6(0x55A6)
    28. 1/4/2014,13:51:37: new_nvram_checksum:Block 59 checksum failed: 0x55B6(0x55A6)
    29. 1/4/2014,13:51:37: new_nvram_checksum:Block 59 checksum failed: 0x55B6(0x55A6)
    30. 1/4/2014,13:51:38: new_nvram_checksum:Block 59 checksum failed: 0x55B6(0x55A6)
    31. 1/4/2014,13:52:16: new_nvram_checksum:Block 59 checksum failed: 0x55B6(0x55A6)
    32. 1/4/2014,13:56:37: new_nvram_checksum:Block 59 checksum failed: 0x55B6(0x55A6)
    33. 1/4/2014,13:56:37: new_nvram_checksum:Block 59 checksum failed: 0x55B6(0x55A6)
    34. 1/4/2014,13:56:37: new_nvram_checksum:Block 59 checksum failed: 0x55B6(0x55A6)
    35. 1/4/2014,13:56:37: new_nvram_checksum:Block 59 checksum failed: 0x55B6(0x55A6)
    36. 1/4/2014,13:56:38: new_nvram_checksum:Block 59 checksum failed: 0x55B6(0x55A6)
    37. 1/4/2014,13:56:38: new_nvram_checksum:Block 59 checksum failed: 0x55B6(0x55A6)
    38. 1/4/2014,13:59:24: new_nvram_checksum:Block 59 checksum failed: 0x55B6(0x55A6)
    Module 2 Log:
      Reset Count:   2
      Reset History: Sat May 1 2010, 15:43:08
                     Fri Apr 30 2010, 23:52:16
    Module 3 Log:
      Reset Count:   2
      Reset History: Sat May 1 2010, 15:43:08
                     Fri Apr 30 2010, 23:52:16
    Module 4 Log:
      Reset Count:   7
      Reset History: Sat May 1 2010, 15:43:12
                     Fri Apr 30 2010, 23:52:19
                     Mon Jun 1 2009, 02:23:02
                     Mon Jun 1 2009, 00:58:02
    DEPTDIST_01(01) (enable)

  • Poor network when create virtual switch in hyper-v 2012

    i installed on DELL R620 windows server 2012 STD and add the hyper-v role
    when i created a virtual switch , the speed of network in the HOST( the server itself) is ver poor ( copy file from fileserver is 300Kbs)
    when i remove the virtual switch , the speed of the network is better(  copy file from fileserver is 10-20Mbps)
    i spoke with DELL support center , and after check up , no problem has found.
    i tried all the chnges with the offload checksum etc but nothing helped
    Please your comment about this issue

    Need some additional information
    Which Team type are you utilizing? 
    Which Raid Controller are you using on the hosts?
    I would suggest you try this as well while its specific to 10Gb CNA's it can help with 1Gb in some cases.  SMB
    Also utilizing the low latency Bios settings can often offer additional NIC performance 
    Dell 12th Gen Low Latency Bios Settings

  • General query on CSM and CSS flow timeout values

    Hi all,
    i have a SLB Application Processor Complex module on my Cisco 6504 which basically does some load balancing work. I am pretty new to this device but the configurations and setup looks somewhat similar to the Cisco ACE but i only have some experience with the Cisco CSS.
    What i would like to know is what the equivalent command to the CSS "flow timeout" is on the CSM. Would that be the "idle timeout" command? I understand that the "pending timeout" is more to governing how long it takes to setup a 3 way handshake from client to server and the "idle timeout" is what i am looking for. Please correct me if i am wrong...
    On the CSS, a flow timeout is on 16secs for most standard ports and 8 secs for HTTP. I would like to know what the default setting is for the CSM idle timeout?? Thanks alot!!

    Hi Daniel,
    For Idle Timeout the the default is 1 hour/ 3600 sec.
    As you know for Cicso CSM thare are 2 timers per vserver.
    Idle timeout
    Pending timeout.
    If a connection is timed out it's because of one of these timers.
    Idle timeout per vserver - If there is no traffic neither from client nor server. Idle connection timer duration in seconds; the range is from 0 (connection remains open indefinitely) to 13500000. The default is 1 hour. If you do not specify a duration value, the default value is applied.
    This example shows how to specify an idle timer duration of 4000:
    Cat6k-2(config-slb-vserver)# idle 4000
    Pending timeout per vserver - is the max time allowed to complete the 3-way handshake.The default is 30 sec.Range is from 1 to 65535. This is a SLB virtual server configuration submode command. The pending connection timeout sets the response time for terminating connections if a switch becomes flooded with traffic. If the 3-way handshake does not complete within this time, the connection is dropped.
    The CSM expect to see 2-way traffic within the pending timeout. If no traffic is received from the server, the session is removed.
    This example shows how to set the number to wait for a connection to be made to the server:
    Cat6k-2(config-slb-vserver)# pending 300
    These are not counted as failures.
    A failure is when the server does not respond or respond with a reset.
    The CSM can hold 1 million connections in memory at the max.
    So, if you set the idle timeout to 10 hours, your max connection rate is 1 M / 10 * 3600 = ~250 conn/sec.
    Assuming they would all be open and then idle.
    When the number of pending connections exceeds a configurable threshold, the CSM begins using the SYN cookies feature, encrypting all of the connection state information in the sequence numbers that it generates. This action prevents the CSM from consuming any flow state for pending (not fully established) TCP connections. This behavior is fully implemented in hardware and provides a good protection against SYN attacks.
    Generic TCP termination
    Some connections may not require TCP termination for Layer 7 load balancing. You can configure any virtual server to terminate all incoming TCP connections before load balancing those connections to the real servers. This configuration allows you to take advantage of all the CSM DoS features located in Layer 4 load-balancing environments.
    To select the traffic type and appropriate timeout value, use the unidirectional command in the SLB virtual server submode.
    [no | default] unidirectional
    some protocol automatically set the 'unidirectional' function.
    For example : UDP.
    You can see if a vserver is unidirectional or bidirectional by doing a 'sho mod csm X vser name detail'
    When a virtual server is configured as unidirectional, it no longer uses the pending timer. Instead, the idle timer will determine when to close idle or errant flows. Because the idle timer has a much longer default duration than the pending timer, be sure to set the idle timer to an appropriate value.
    Use the command  "show module csm slot# stats" to get the details of connection.
    The statistics counters are 32-bit. Totals are accumulated since the last time the counters were cleared.
    This example shows how to display SLB statistics:
    Cat6k-2# show module csm 4 stats
    Connections Created:       180
    Connections Destroyed:     180
    Connections Current:       0
    Connections Timed-Out:     0
    Connections Failed:        0
    Server initiated Connections:
          Created:0, Current:0, Failed:0
    L4 Load-Balanced Decisions:180
    L4 Rejected Connections:   0
    L7 Load-Balanced Decisions:0
    L7 Rejected Connections:
          Total:0, Parser:0,
          Reached max parse len:0, Cookie out of mem:0,
          Cfg version mismatch:0, Bad SSL2 format:0
    L4/L7 Rejected Connections:
          No policy:0, No policy match 0,
          No real:0, ACL denied 0,
          Server initiated:0
    Checksum Failures: IP:0, TCP:0
    Redirect Connections:0,  Redirect Dropped:0
    FTP Connections:           0
    MAC Frames:
          Tx:Unicast:1506, Multicast:0, Broadcast:50898,
              Underflow Errors:0
          Rx:Unicast:2385, Multicast:6148349, Broadcast:53916,
              Overflow Errors:0, CRC Errors:0
    Table mentioned below describes the fields in the display.
    Table for "show module csm stats" Command Field Information
    Connections Created
    Number of connections that have been created on the CSM.
    Connections Destroyed
    Number of connections that have been destroyed on the CSM.
    Connections Current
    Number of current connections at the time the command was issued.
    Connections Timed-Out
    Number of connections that have timed out, which can occur for the following reasons:
    •connection has been idle (in one or both directions) for longer than the configured idle timeout.
    •TCP connection setup not completed successfully.
    Connections Failed
    Number of connections failed because the server did not respond within the timeout period, or the server replied with a reset.
    Server initiated Connections
    Number of connections created by real servers, the number of current connections, and the number of connections that failed (because the destination is unreachable).
    L4 Load-Balanced Decisions
    Number of Layer 4 load-balancing decisions attempted.
    L4 Rejected Connections
    Number of Layer 4 connections rejected because no real server was available
    L7 Load-Balanced Decisions
    Number of Layer 7 load-balancing decisions attempted.
    L7 Rejected Connections: Total
    Number of Layer 7 connections rejected.
    L7 Rejected Connections: Parser
    Number of Layer 7 connections rejected because the Layer 7 processor in the CSM ran out of session buffers to save the parsing state for multi-packet HTTP headers. The show module csm tech-support proc 3 command will show detailed buffer usage.
    L7 Rejected Connections: Reached max parse len
    Number of Layer 7 connections rejected because the HTTP header in the packet is longer than max-parse-len. When a virtual server is configured with HTTP persistent rebalancing or cookie matching/sticky, the CSM must parse to the end of HTTP header. The default max-parse-len value is 2000 bytes.
    L7 Rejected Connections: Cookie out of mem:
    Number of Layer 7 connections rejected because of no memory to store cookies. When a virtual server is configured with cookie matching, the CSM must save the cookie contents in memory.
    L7 Rejected Connections: Cfg version mismatch
    Number of Layer 7 connections rejected because part of the request was processed with an older version of the configuration. This counter should only increase after configuration changes.
    L7 Rejected Connections: Bad SSL2 format:
    Number of Layer 7 connections rejected because the request is using an unsupported SSL format or the format is not valid SSL.
    L4/L7 Rejected Connections
    Number of Layer 4 and Layer 7 connections rejected for policy related reasons:
    No policy: connection rejected because the request matched a virtual server, but this virtual server did not have a policy configured.
    No policy match: connection rejected because the request matched a virtual server, but the request did not match any policy configured on the virtual server.
    No real: connection rejected because no real server was available to service the request
    ACL denied: connection rejected because a request matched a policy with a client-access-list entry and the entry is configured to deny the request.
    Server Initiated: connection initiated by a real server is rejected.
    Checksum Failures
    Number of checksum failures detected (there are separate counters for IP and TCP failures).
    Redirect Connections
    Number of connections redirected, and the number of redirect connections dropped.
    FTP Connections
    Number of FTP connections opened.
    MAC Frames
    Number of MAC frames received and transmitted on the CSM backplane connection.
    For getting details on all of these commands kindy refer Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Content Switching Module Command Reference, 4.2 URL mentioned below:
    Kindly Rate.
    Sachin Garg

  • Cannot obtain a Data Connection in 11g for Visual Studio 2008

    I click on "Server Explorer" and select "Add Connection", after entering "Data Source Name:" ORCL, i select "Use specific user and password:\", I enter HR with password as 12, "Role" remains "Default" after clicking "Test Connection" I get this error: "ORA-12569 TNS:packet checksum failure " my tnsnames.ora file looks like this: "ORCL =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = LapTop3-PC)(PORT = 2030))
    (SERVICE_NAME = orcl)
    How do I obtain a Data Connection?

    You don't know what you are talking about fellow:
    Here's my registry which the installer created:
    (Default) REG_SZ (not set)
    Host REG_SZ LapTop3-PC
    Name REG_SZ HTTP
    Port REG_SZ 2030
    ------------ END ================
    Again, I did NOT put that in my registry, the installer did!
    here's the original tnsnames.org file:
    # Every line that begins with # is a comment line
    # Create Oracle net service names, or aliases, for each database server
    # you need to connect to.
    # TNSNames.ora sample entry
    # alias =
    # (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = myserver.mycompany.com)(PORT = 1521))
    # (SERVICE_NAME = orcl)
    # You can modify the entry below for your own database.
    # <data source alias> = Name to use in the connection string Data Source
    # <hostname or IP> = name or IP of the database server machine
    # <port> = database server machine port to use
    # <database service name> = name of the database service on the server
    <data source alias> =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = <hostname or IP>)(PORT = <port>))
    (SERVICE_NAME = <database service name>)
    -------------- my changed tnsnames.ora file:
    ORCL =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = LapTop3-PC)(PORT = 2030))
    (SERVICE_NAME = orcl)
    # Every line that begins with # is a comment line
    # Create Oracle net service names, or aliases, for each database server
    # you need to connect to.
    # TNSNames.ora sample entry
    # alias =
    # (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = myserver.mycompany.com)(PORT = 1521))
    # (SERVICE_NAME = orcl)
    # You can modify the entry below for your own database.
    # <data source alias> = Name to use in the connection string Data Source
    # <hostname or IP> = name or IP of the database server machine
    # <port> = database server machine port to use
    # <database service name> = name of the database service on the server
    ================================ end of change =============================
    No I don't have a network DB. I thought you could use Oracle as you do ".mdb" connections in MS Access
    I have said before, I know nothing about Oracle, but I'm trying to see if I want to learn it or stay with what I already have.
    I have to obtain a "Data Connection" before I can setup the Database; at lease that is in every example I have seen in the websites. Before you can setup a TABLE you have to have a "Data Connection"!!!
    Edited by: lam5158 on Sep 25, 2009 10:45 PM
    Edited by: lam5158 on Sep 25, 2009 10:50 PM

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