Need a help with  ORA-04030

ORA-04030 out of process memory when trying to allocate string bytes (string,string)
When host application tries to connect to Oracle, client received this error also there are about 200 MB free memory. This situation takes place every several hours, so I need stop and then start Oracle to solve the problem.
Any suggestions?
Oracle 8.1.7 , Windows NT 2000 Server pack2

This error can be cause by the optimizer chewing up all available user memory to while trying to develop an execution plan for a very complex or large query. try setting your optimzier_max_permutations=5000 in your init.ora. If this works, then you may want to increase it later.

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    A possible cause is security software (firewall) that blocks or restricts Firefox or the plugin-container process without informing you, possibly after detecting changes (update) to the Firefox program.
    Remove all rules for Firefox from the permissions list in the firewall and let your firewall ask again for permission to get full unrestricted access to internet for Firefox and the plugin-container process and the updater process.
    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox (Tools) > Add-ons > Appearance/Themes).
    *Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.

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    Bridge and Photoshop is a common file-based management system. (Not sure why you'd have used ACDSEE as well as Bridge.) In any event, it's on the way out. You won't be using it in 5 years time.
    Up to this the lack of processing power on your computer left no choice but to organise this way. But file based organisation is as sensible as organising a Shoe Warehouse based on the colour of the boxes. It's also ultimately data-destructive.
    Modern systems are Database driven. Files are managed, Images imported, virtual versions, lossless processing and unlimited editing are the way forward.
    For a Photographer Photoshop is overkill. It's an enormously powerful app, a staple of the Graphic Designers' trade. A Photographer uses maybe 15% to 20% of its capability.
    Apps like iPhoto, Lightroom, Aperture are the way forward - for photographers. There's the 20% of Photoshop that shooters actually use, coupled with management and lossless processing. Pop over to the Aperture or Lightroom forums (on the Adobe site) and one comment shows up over and over again... "Since I started using Aperture/ Lightroom I hardly ever use Photoshop any more..." and if there is a job that these apps can do, then the (much) cheaper Elements will do it.
    The change is not easy though, especially if you have a long-standing and well thought out filing system of your own. The first thing I would strongly advise is that you experiment before making any decisions. So I would create a Library, import 300 or 400 shots and play. You might as well do this in iPhoto to begin with - though if you’re a serious hobbyist or a Pro then you'll find yourself looking further afield pretty soon. iPhoto is good for the family snapper, taking shots at birthdays and sharing them with friends and family.
    Next: If you're going to successfully use these apps you need to make a leap: Your files are not your Photos.
    The illustration I use is as follows: In my iTunes Library I have a file called 'Let_it_Be_The_Beatles.mp3'. So what is that, exactly? It's not the song. The Beatles never wrote an mp3. They wrote a tune and lyrics. They recorded it and a copy of that recording is stored in the mp3 file. So the file is just a container for the recording. That container is designed in a specific way attuned to the characteristics and requirements of the data. Hence, mp3.
    Similarly, that Jpeg is not your photo, it's a container designed to hold that kind of data. iPhoto is all about the data and not about the container. So, regardless of where you choose to store the file, iPhoto will manage the photo, edit the photo, add metadata to the Photo but never touch the file. If you choose to export - unless you specifically choose to export the original - iPhoto will export the Photo into a new container - a new file containing the photo.
    When you process an image in iPhoto the file is never touched, instead your decisions are recorded in the database. When you view the image then the Master is presented with these decisions applied to it. That's why it's lossless. You can also have multiple versions and waste no disk space because they are all just listings in the database.
    These apps replace the Finder (File Browser) for managing your Photos. They become the Go-To app for anything to do with your photos. They replace Bridge too as they become a front-end for Photoshop.
    So, want to use a photo for something - Export it. Choose the format, size and quality you want and there it is. If you're emailing, uploading to websites then these apps have a "good enough for most things" version called the Preview - this will be missing some metadata.
    So it's a big change from a file-based to Photo-based management, from editing files to processing Photos and it's worth thinking it through before you decide.

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    123 Main St. Anytown, Anystate USA
    555-826-4879 home
    555-799-4247 cell
    [email protected]
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    john smith 123 main st. etc.
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    john smith cell 555 etc.
    john smith johnsmith@ etc.
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    Thanks for reading

    Hi there camickr
    thanks for the help the other day
    this is my full code....
    package printing;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.print.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.table.*;
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    public class tablePanel
        extends JDialog  implements Printable {
      BorderLayout borderLayout1 = new BorderLayout();
      private boolean printing = false;
      private Dialog1 dialog;
      JPanel jPanel = new JPanel();
      JTable table;
      JScrollPane scrollPane1 = new JScrollPane();
      DefaultTableModel model;
      private String[] columnNames = {
      private Object[][] data;
      private String selectTotal;
      private double total;
      public tablePanel(Dialog1 dp) {
        dp = dialog;
        try {
        catch (Exception exception) {
      public tablePanel() {
        try {
        catch (Exception exception) {
      private void jbInit() throws Exception {
        scrollPane1.setBounds(new Rectangle(260, 168, 0, 0));
        jPanel.add(scrollPane1, java.awt.BorderLayout.CENTER);
    public static void main(String[] args) {
      tablePanel tablePanel = new  tablePanel();
    public void setTotal() {
      total = 0;
      int i = table.getRowCount();
      for (i = 0; i < table.getRowCount(); i++) {
        String name = (String) table.getValueAt(i, 1);
        if (!"".equals(name)) {
          if (i != table.getRowCount() - 1) {
            double dt = Double.parseDouble(name);
            total = total + dt;
      String str = Double.toString(total);
      table.setValueAt(str, table.getRowCount() - 1, 1);
      public void newTable() {
        model = new DefaultTableModel(data, columnNames) {
        table = new JTable() {
          public Component prepareRenderer(TableCellRenderer renderer,
                                           int row, int col) {
            Component c = super.prepareRenderer(renderer, row, col);
            if (printing) {
            else {
              if (row % 2 == 1 && !isCellSelected(row, col)) {
              else {
                c.setBackground(new Color(227, 239, 250));
              if (isCellSelected(row, col)) {
                c.setBackground(new Color(190, 220, 250));
            return c;
        table.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
          public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
            if (e.getClickCount() == 2) {
            if (e.getClickCount() == 1) {
              if (table.getSelectedColumn() == 1) {
        table.getColumnModel().getColumn(1).setCellRenderer(new TableRenderDollar());
      public void addToModel() {
        Object[] data = {
            "Price", "5800"};
      public void addRows() {
        int rows = 20;
        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
          Object[] data = {
      public void printOut() {
        PrinterJob pj = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob();
        try {
        catch (Exception PrintException) {}
      public int print(Graphics g, PageFormat pageFormat, int pageIndex) throws PrinterException {
        Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
        int fontHeight = g2.getFontMetrics().getHeight();
        int fontDesent = g2.getFontMetrics().getDescent();
        //leave room for page number
        double pageHeight = pageFormat.getImageableHeight() - fontHeight;
        double pageWidth =  pageFormat.getImageableWidth();
        double tableWidth = (double) table.getColumnModel().getTotalColumnWidth();
        double scale = 1;
        if (tableWidth >= pageWidth) {
          scale = pageWidth / tableWidth;
        double headerHeightOnPage = 16.0;
        //double headerHeightOnPage = table.getTableHeader().getHeight() * scale;
        //System.out.println("this is the hedder heigth   " + headerHeightOnPage);
        double tableWidthOnPage = tableWidth * scale;
        double oneRowHeight = (table.getRowHeight() +  table.getRowMargin()) * scale;
        int numRowsOnAPage = (int) ( (pageHeight - headerHeightOnPage) / oneRowHeight);
        double pageHeightForTable = oneRowHeight *numRowsOnAPage;
        int totalNumPages = (int) Math.ceil( ( (double) table.getRowCount()) / numRowsOnAPage);
        if (pageIndex >= totalNumPages) {
          return NO_SUCH_PAGE;
        g2.translate(pageFormat.getImageableX(), pageFormat.getImageableY());
    //bottom center
        g2.drawString("Page: " + (pageIndex + 1 + " of " + totalNumPages),  (int) pageWidth / 2 - 35, (int) (pageHeight + fontHeight - fontDesent));
        g2.translate(0f, headerHeightOnPage);
        g2.translate(0f, -pageIndex * pageHeightForTable);
        //If this piece of the table is smaller
        //than the size available,
        //clip to the appropriate bounds.
        if (pageIndex + 1 == totalNumPages) {
          int lastRowPrinted =
              numRowsOnAPage * pageIndex;
          int numRowsLeft =
              - lastRowPrinted;
                     (int) (pageHeightForTable * pageIndex),
                     (int) Math.ceil(tableWidthOnPage),
                     (int) Math.ceil(oneRowHeight *
        //else clip to the entire area available.
        else {
                     (int) (pageHeightForTable * pageIndex),
                     (int) Math.ceil(tableWidthOnPage),
                     (int) Math.ceil(pageHeightForTable));
        g2.scale(scale, scale);
        printing = true;
        try {
        finally {
          printing = false;
        g2.scale(1 / scale, 1 / scale);
        g2.translate(0f, pageIndex * pageHeightForTable);
        g2.translate(0f, -headerHeightOnPage);
        g2.setClip(0, 0,
                   (int) Math.ceil(tableWidthOnPage),
                   (int) Math.ceil(headerHeightOnPage));
        g2.scale(scale, scale);
        //paint header at top
        return Printable.PAGE_EXISTS;
    class TableRenderDollar extends DefaultTableCellRenderer{
        public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(
          JTable table,
          Object value,
          boolean isSelected,
          boolean isFocused,
          int row, int column) {
          Component component = super.getTableCellRendererComponent(
            if( value == null || value .equals("")){
              ( (JLabel) component).setText("");
              double number = 0.0;
              number = new Double(value.toString()).doubleValue();
              DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat(",##0.00");
              ( (JLabel) component).setText(df.format(number));
          return component;

  • Need some help with a Macally enclosure and a spare internal drive

    Need some help with a Macally enclousure
    Posted: Oct 1, 2010 10:55 AM
    Reply Email
    I have a Macally PHR-S100SUA enclousure that does not recognise,my WD 1001fals hard drive. It has worked just fine with other internal drives, but not this one?
    This is a spare internal drive that I am trying to make an external drive to store back ups for a lot of data. But so far I can not get it recognized by the computer. Maybe I need different drivers?
    Any suggestions?
    Dan Page

    Drivers aren't typically needed for external enclosures.
    Macally has none listed for that enclosure.
    The same is true for the WD drive, internal or external; no drivers.
    With the exception of high end PM multi drive enclosures, I can't think of any that use drivers.
    How is the external connected?
    Have you tried different cables, different ports?
    Bad/damaged cables are fairly common.
    Have you verified connections inside of the enclosure?

  • Need some help with putting a folder in users directory

    I'm not sure how to do this, but what I want to do is put this file in C:/My Documents, but I need to be able to verify that C://My Documents exists, if not put it in C:/Program Files.
    Can any one help me out?
    try {
                        String[] contactArray = parseDatFile(fc.getSelectedFile());
                        Document document = createXMLDocument(contactArray);
                        new File(
                        "C:/Program Files/xxx/",// looks for directory for list
                    } catch (Exception exc) {
                        File f = new File("C:/Program Files/xxx/");// setting directory for list if not there
                        boolean yes = true;
                        yes = f.mkdir();// creating directory
                        try {
                            String[] contactArray = parseDatFile(fc.getSelectedFile());
                            Document document = createXMLDocument(contactArray);
                            new File(
                            "C:/Program Files/xxx/",// used only if the directory didn't exist

    Need some help with putting a folder in users directoryI recomend using System.getProperty( "user.home" ) not a hard-coded value.
    This will use the users home folder ( C:\My Documents ) on Win9X (I guess), C:\Documents and Settings\<current user> on Win2K +, and ~ on Unix-a-likes.

  • Need some help with downloading PDF's from the net.

    need some help with downloading PDF's from the net.  Each time I try to click on a link from a website, if it takes me to a new screen to view a pdf, it just comes up as a blank black screen?  any suggestions?

    Back up all data.
    Triple-click the line of text below to select it, the copy the selected text to the Clipboard (command-C):
    /Library/Internet Plug-ins
    In the Finder, select
    Go ▹ Go to Folder
    from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-G. Paste into the text box that opens (command-V), then press return.
    From the folder that opens, remove any items that have the letters “PDF” in the name. You may be prompted for your login password. Then quit and relaunch Safari, and test.
    The "Silverlight" web plugin distributed by Microsoft can also interfere with PDF display in Safari, so you may need to remove it as well, if it's present.
    If you still have the issue, repeat with this line:
    ~/Library/Internet Plug-ins
    If you don’t like the results of this procedure, restore the items from the backup you made before you started. Relaunch Safari again.

  • Need some help with the Select query.

    Need some help with the Select query.
    I had created a Z table with the following fields :
    ZADS :
    I had written a select query as below :
    select single vkorg abgru from ZADS into it_rej.
    IT_REJ is a Work area:
           END OF IT_REJ.
    This is causing performance issue. They are asking me to include the where condition for this select query.
    What should be my select query here?
    Please suggest....
    Any suggestion will be apprecaiated!

    Hello Everybody!
    Thank you for all your response!
    I had changes this work area into Internal table and changed the select query. PLease let me know if this causes any performance issues?
    I had created a Z table with the following fields :
    ZADS :
    I had written a select query as below :
    I had removed the select single and insted of using the Structure it_rej, I had changed it into Internal table 
    select vkorg abgru from ZADS into it_rej.
    Earlier :
    IT_REJ is a Work area:
    Now :
    DATA : BEGIN OF IT_REJ occurs 0,
    I guess this will fix the issue correct?
    PLease suggest!

  • Need some help with threads...

    Hello all,
    I am working on a project at work, and I am not the best programmer in the world. I have been trying to get my head around this for a couple of days and just cannot get it to work.
    I am writing an instrumentation control program that will have three threads. One is the GUI, one will receive control information and set up the hardware, and one will check the hardware status and report it to the GUI periodically. I plan on using the invokeLater() method to communicate the status to the GUI and change the status display in the GUI. Communication from the GUI to the controller thread and from the status thread to the controller thread I had planned on being piped input/output stream as appropriate. I have a control class and a status class that need to be communicated over these piped streams. In some trial code I have been unable to wrap the piped input/output streams with object input/output streams. I really need some help with this. Here is the main thread code:
    package playingwiththreads1;
    *public class PlayingWithThreads1 {*
    public static void main(String[] args) {*
    * PipedOutputStream outputPipe = new PipedOutputStream();*
    * ObjectOutputStream oos = null;*
    * ReceiverThread rt = new ReceiverThread(outputPipe);*
    // Start the thread -- First try*
    * Thread t = new Thread(rt);*
    // Wrap the output pipe with an ObjectOutputStream*
    oos = new ObjectOutputStream(outputPipe);*
    catch (IOException e)*
    // Start the thread -- Second try*
    //Thread t = new Thread(rt);*
    /** Send an object over the pipe. In reality this object will be a
    class that contains control or status information */
    if (!oos.equals(null))
    oos.writeObject(new String ("Test"));
    catch (IOException e)
    catch (InterruptedException e)
    I read somewhere that it matters where you start the thread relative to where you wrap piped streams with the object streams. So, I tried the two places I felt were obvious to start the thread. These are noted in the comments. Here is the code for the thread.
    package playingwiththreads1;
    public class ReceiverThread implements Runnable {
    private PipedInputStream inputPipe = new PipedInputStream();
    private ObjectInputStream inputObject;
    ReceiverThread (PipedOutputStream outputPipe)
    System.out.println("Thread initialization - start");
    inputObject = new ObjectInputStream(inputPipe);
    catch (IOException e)
    System.out.println("Thread initialization - complete");
    public void run()
    System.out.println("Thread started");
    if (inputObject.available() > 0)
    catch (IOException e)
    Through testing I have determined that no matter where I start the thread, the thread never gets past the "inputObject = new ObjectInputStream(inputPipe);" assignment.
    Could someone please help me with this? There are other ways for me to write this program, but this is the one that I would like to make work.
    Many thanks in advance,
    Rob Hix
    Edited by: RobertHix on Oct 6, 2009 3:54 AM

    Thanks for the help, but that did not work. I tried flushing the ObjectOutputStream and it is still hanging when initializing the thread.
    Here is a better look at the code since I was helped to figure out how to insert it:
    The main method:
    package playingwiththreads1;
    public class PlayingWithThreads1 {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            PipedOutputStream outputPipe = new PipedOutputStream();
            ObjectOutputStream oos = null;
            ReceiverThread rt = new ReceiverThread(outputPipe);
            // Start the thread -- First try
            //Thread t = new Thread(rt);
            // Wrap the output pipe with an ObjectOutputStream
                oos = new ObjectOutputStream(outputPipe);
            catch (IOException e)
            // Start the thread -- Second try
            Thread t = new Thread(rt);
            /* Send an object over the pipe.  In reality this object will be a
             * class that contains control or status information */
                if (!oos.equals(null))
                    oos.writeObject(new String ("Test"));
            catch (IOException e)
            catch (InterruptedException e)
    }The thread code:
    package playingwiththreads1;
    public class ReceiverThread implements Runnable {
        private PipedInputStream inputPipe = new PipedInputStream();
        private ObjectInputStream inputObject;
        ReceiverThread (PipedOutputStream outputPipe)
            System.out.println("Thread initialization - start");
                inputObject = new ObjectInputStream(inputPipe);
            catch (IOException e)
            System.out.println("Thread initialization - complete");
        public void run()
            System.out.println("Thread started");
                if (inputObject.available() > 0)
            catch (IOException e)
    }Does anyone else have and ideas?

  • Need some help with ".png" image.

    Good day everyone. Here's the run down. I need to add an
    image (image "A") ontop of another image (image"B"). Image "B" is a
    paterned background. And Image "A" a logo with a transparent
    As it stands I have image "A" as a "png" and as you know....
    they are fri**ing huge! Haveing it as a "gif" only presents me with
    the IE6 problem of it adding a colored background to the image.
    So I'm stuck! Can any one tell me or point me in the
    difection of a tutorial to tell me the best way to add an image
    with a transparent background in Dreamweaver.
    Really need some help with this!
    Thanks all!

    >Right you can see the work in progress here>
    Before going much further I'd recommend reconsidering the use
    of a textured background. They are usually included for the benefit
    of the site owner only, and likely to annoy visitors. Studies on
    the subject suggest they often lead to usability problems. I do
    like to header graphic, but at 200K it's kinda heavy and can
    probably be optimized.

  • Need some help with guitar setup...

    jeez, never thought i'd be asking a question like this after playing for like 20 years, but i need some help with a guitar setup for mac. i'm gonna list out a lot of crap here that prolly doesn't affect anything at all, but here goes.
    Imac 17inch G4 - latest updated OS X... 10.4, or 5, or whatever. garageband 3.0
    digitech gnx-3
    alesis sr-16
    sure mic's
    yamaha e203 keyboard
    here's the setup:
    yamaha is on its own on a usb uno midi interface, sure's connected to gnx's xlr port, alesis connected to gnx's jam-a-long input, '87 kramer vanguard connected to gnx's guitar input. currently running headphones out on gnx to line in on mac.
    here's the problem:
    everything works beautifully, but my guitar sounds like crap. if i plug headphones into the gnx, it sounds beautiful. that makes me think its some kind of level issue between the gnx's output, and the mac's input, but nothing seems to fix it.
    by sounding like crap, i mean way too much bass. sound is muddy, blurry, not crisp... aka crap. i've tried altering both output and input on mac and gnx, and i cant get a combination that works. the gnx has a s/pdif out, can the mac accept that as input? might that help? short of running the gnx to my marshal half stack and mic'ing that, anyone have any suggestions, or use a similar setup?
    any help would be greatly appreciated!

    anyone? ... any suggestions? I think it might be an issue with the gnx pre-amping the signal as it goes out, and then the mac amping it on the way in, giving me a buttload more signal than i need, but since i cant find a happy level, i'm not really sure. i really dont want to resort to mic'ing my marshall... even with the volume almost off, my jcm900 is WAY too loud for apartment use. its not like i really NEED the guitar to sound perfect, i only use garageband to sketch out ideas for songs between myself and bandmates, but its really annoying to not have my customary crisp distortion. my bass player keeps telling me to use the built in amps, but, not to dis a practically free program, but the built in amps blow, at least after 10 years of marshall tube amplification they do. if anyone has any suggestions that might be helpfull on how i might resolve this, i would be your best friend for life and go to all your birthday parties

  • Need some help with MDX formula

    Hello, I am not finding any good documentation on MDX formulas, there is a specific one that I need some help with....could someone please elaborate what exactly does this formula mean? thanks.

    If new MEASURE gets added to Measure's table , in BPC Client , etools->client Options-> Refresh Dimensions should get the new measure into the CurrentView .IF not try  etools->client Options-> Clear Local application information .
    Formula 2 : 
    This formula is used to retrieve AST & LEQ account values.
    If current time member is at monthlevel ,ie  ClosingPeriod of  2011.FEB is  the current member it self ,and would retrieve 2011.FEB value.
    If Current time member is at quarter level then ClosingPeriod of 2011.Q1 is 2011.Mar  ,and would retrieve 2011.MAR value.
    If Current time member is at year level then ClosingPeriod of 2011.TOTAL is 2011.DEC  ,and would retrieve 2011.DEC value.
    Formula 1 :
    Irrespective of the level of the Time , MEASURES.SIGNEDDATA would retrieve current Time member value.This formula is used to retrieve INC & EXP account values
    if current time member is at month level,2011.FEB , 2011.FEB value is retrieved.
    if current time member is at quarter level,2011.Q1 , 2011.Q1(JANFEBMAR)  value is retrieved.
    if current time  member is at year level,2011.TOTAL , 2011.TOTAL(JAN,FEB,....,DEC)  value is retrieved.
    Hope this helps.

  • Need some help with computation

    Hi, I need some help with the following:
    My page 3 is a form thats shows, among other things, a document ID (:P3_DOC_ID). Next to this item I have created a button that calls a document selection form (page 10).
    On selection this forms sets 2 items:
    P10_SELECTED (Y or N)
    P10_DOC_ID (the selected documents ID value)
    When the user selects a document he returns to the calling form.
    On page 3 I now try to capture the selected values. For a test item I managed to do this by defining this items source as:
    [PL/SQL function body]
    if V('P10_SELECTED') = 'Y'
    return V('P10_DOC_ID'); -- selected value
    return V('P3_TEST'); -- else the original value
    end if;
    However I want P3_DOC_ID to capture the selected value. I tried using a computation but that did not work. Any ideas?
    thanks Rene

    You might want to check if the "Source Used" attribute for P3_DOC_ID is set to always or to "only when ..." it sounds like you need it set to "only when ..."
    If that does not work try this
    Place the following in a pl/sql anonymous block and turn off your
    if :P10_SELECTED = 'Y'
    :P3_DOC_ID := :P10_DOC_ID; -- selected value
    :P3_DOC_ID := :P3_TEST; -- else the original value
    end if;

  • Need some help with strange sounds in Logic Pro 8

    I need some help with a problem I have in Logic Pro 8.
    When I have arrange window open, suddley strange high tones starts to make noise in my headphones. I don't know where these sounds comes from or why, but I need some help to get them away. Should I just try to contact Apple?

    Hi Martin
    Welcome to the forum. Give everyone here some more info about your set up otherwise it may be difficult to figure out what is wrong.
    Which mac?
    Which OS?
    any hardware devices?
    if you are listening through headphones using the built in audio from the mac, you may be hearing fan noise or a hard drive spin noise.

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