Need help creating Flash Fly Out menu

HI, Could any one please help me figure out how to create a
Flash fly out menu. An example of what i am looking for can be seen

Hi saxah_jean
I am not a flash master but i think the problem can be solved
. Try putting a stop on the last frame of your 1st scene, put a
button on that that frame and give an action to jump to the next
scene, frame 1.
Abdul Aziz

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    [email protected]

    Hi saxah_jean
    I am not a flash master but i think the problem can be solved
    . Try putting a stop on the last frame of your 1st scene, put a
    button on that that frame and give an action to jump to the next
    scene, frame 1.
    Abdul Aziz

  • Help needed with creating Flash game

    I need to create Flash educational/quiz game for one of my clients. It would be based on concept like these ones for example:
    Example 1
    Example 2
    Note: when you open this link you will see two text boxs which you first must fill. On the left side text box "Upišite ime" means "Type your name" and right one "Upišite godinu svog rođenja" means "Year of birth"
    What is interesting about this type of games is that they are classic games (for example game Labirint where you have to find way out), but during play pop-up questions starts to appear to test end user knowledge abot certain topic (in example 2 topic is about AIDS/HIV). In case of my client, topic is about Eco environment.
    Here is where my trouble starts;) : I found many useful free tutorials how to create simple flash game (most interesting example I found is this one  BUT I dont know how make that system of popup questions appear during game similar to Example 1 and Example 2?
    Any help is appreciated and thanks in advance for promt reply.

    Update: I have just read all instructions in Snake tutorial which helped be better realize how Snake game works.
    a) This is what I plan to realize for my client:
    1. Snake game which end users will play and during play pop-up/quiz quesions will appear on topic Eco environment;
    2. For example when end user earns 50 points he must answer some of the random questions like "Q:How many ton of waste are produced by US livestock each year" with three answers A1: "1 milion" A2: "1 bilion" A3: "2 bilion" and after user scores 100 points then another question pops up and so on. This is all true if all answers are correct but in case he answer some question wrong than game can start from begining or another solution could be he looses -50 or -100 points.
    3. At the end, user which gains most points wins.
    b) This is what I have done till now:
    I have this file which I partly understand how it works with my Flash knowladge.
    All functions and main game engine is in layer code:
    "// Snake Game by Strille, 2004,
    blockSize = 8;   // the block width/height in number of pixels
    gameHeight = 30; // the game height in number of blocks
    gameWidth  = 45; // the game width in number of blocks
    replaySpeed = 1;
    SNAKE_BLOCK = 1; // holds the number used to mark snake blocks in the map
    xVelocity = [-1, 0, 1, 0]; // x velocity when moving left, up, right, down
    yVelocity = [0, -1, 0, 1]; // y velocity when moving left, up, right, down
    keyListener = new Object(); // key listener
    keyListener.onKeyDown = function() {
        var keyCode = Key.getCode(); // get key code
        if (keyCode > 36 && keyCode < 41) { // arrow keys pressed (37 = left, 38 = up, 39 = right, 40 = down)...
            if (playRec) {
                if (keyCode == 37 && replaySpeed > 1) {
                } else if (keyCode == 39 && replaySpeed < 10) {
            } else if (game.onEnterFrame != undefined) { // only allow moves if the game is running, and is not paused
                if (keyCode-37 != turnQueue[0]) { // ...and it's different from the last key pressed
                    turnQueue.unshift(keyCode-37); // save the key (or rather direction) in the turnQueue
        } else if (keyCode == 32) { // start the game if it's not started (32 = SPACE)
            if (!gameRunning || playRec) {
        } else if (keyCode == 80) { // pause/unpause (80 = 'P')
            if (gameRunning && !playRec) {
                if (game.onEnterFrame) { // pause
                    delete game.onEnterFrame; // remove main loop
                } else { // exit pause mode
                    game.onEnterFrame = main; // start main loop
    function startGame(pRec) {
        x = int(gameWidth/2); // x start position in the middle
        y = gameHeight-2;     // y start position near the bottom
        map = new Array(); // create an array to store food and snake
        for (var n=0;n<gameWidth;n++) { // make map a 2 dimensional array
            map[n] = new Array();
        turnQueue = new Array(); // a queue to store key presses (so that x number of key presses during one frame are spread over x number of frames)
        game.createEmptyMovieClip("food", 1); // create MC to store the food
        game.createEmptyMovieClip("s", 2); // create MC to store the snake
        scoreTextField.text = "Score: 0"; // type out score info
        foodCounter = 0; // keeps track of the number of food movie clips
        snakeBlockCounter = 0; // keeps track of the snake blocks, increased on every frame
        currentDirection = 1; // holds the direction of movement (0 = left, 1 = up, 2 = right, 3 = down)
        snakeEraseCounter = -1; // increased on every frame, erases the snake tail (setting this to -3 will result in a 3 block long snake at the beginning)
        score = 0; // keeps track of the score
        ticks = lastRec = 0;
        recPos = recFoodPos = 0;
        playRec = pRec;
        if (!playRec) {
            textMC.gotoAndStop("hide"); // make sure no text is visible (like "game over ")
            highscores.enterHighscoreMC._visible = false;
            statusTextField.text = "";
            recTurn = "";
            recFrame = "";
            recFood = "";
            game.onEnterFrame = main; // start the main loop
        } else {
            if (loadedRecordingNumber != -1) {
                var n = getLoadedRecordingNumberHighscorePos(loadedRecordingNumber);
                statusTextField.text = "Viewing " + highscores[n].name.text + "'s game (score " + highscores[n].score.text + ")";
            } else {
                statusTextField.text = "Viewing your game";
            game.onEnterFrame = replayMain; // start the main loop
        placeFood("new"); // place a new food block
        gameRunning = true; // flag telling if the game is running. If true it does not necessarily mean that main is called (the game could be paused)
    function main() { // called on every frame if the game is running and it's not paused
        if (playRec) {
            if (ticks == lastRec+parseInt(recFrame.charAt(recPos*2)+recFrame.charAt(recPos*2+1), 36)) {
                currentDirection = parseInt(recTurn.charAt(recPos));
                lastRec = ticks;
        } else if (turnQueue.length) { // if we have a turn to perform...
            var dir = turnQueue.pop(); // ...pick the next turn in the queue...
            if (dir % 2 != currentDirection % 2) { // not a 180 degree turn (annoying to be able to turn into the snake with one key press)
                currentDirection = dir; // change current direction to the new value
                recTurn += dir;
                var fn = ticks-lastRec;
                if (fn < 36) {
                    recFrame += " "+new Number(fn).toString(36);
                } else {
                    recFrame += new Number(fn).toString(36);
                lastRec = ticks;
        x += xVelocity[currentDirection]; // move the snake position in x
        y += yVelocity[currentDirection]; // move the snake position in y
        if (map[x][y] != SNAKE_BLOCK && x > -1 && x < gameWidth && y > -1 && y < gameHeight) { // make sure we are not hitting the snake or leaving the game area
            game.s.attachMovie("snakeMC", snakeBlockCounter, snakeBlockCounter, {_x: x*blockSize, _y: y*blockSize}); // attach a snake block movie clip
            snakeBlockCounter++; // increase the snake counter
            if (map[x][y]) { // if it's a not a vacant block then there is a food block on the position
                score += 10; // add points to score
                scoreTextField.text = "Score: " + score; // type out score info
                snakeEraseCounter -= 5; // make the snake not remove the tail for five loops
                placeFood(map[x][y]); // place the food movie clip which is referenced in the map map[x][y]
            map[x][y] = SNAKE_BLOCK; // set current position to occupied
            var tailMC = game.s[snakeEraseCounter]; // get "last" MC according to snakeEraseCounter (may not exist)
            if (tailMC) { // if the snake block exists
                delete map[tailMC._x/blockSize][tailMC._y/blockSize]; // delete the value in the array m
                tailMC.removeMovieClip(); // delete the MC
            snakeEraseCounter++; // increase erase snake counter   
        } else { // GAME OVER if it is on a snake block or outside of the map
            if (playRec) {
            } else {
    function replayMain() {
        for (var n=0;n<replaySpeed;n++) {
    function gameOver() {
        textMC.gotoAndStop("gameOver"); // show "game over" text
        delete game.onEnterFrame; // quit looping main function
        gameRunning = false; // the game is no longer running
    function placeFood(foodMC) {
        if (playRec) {
            var xFood = parseInt(recFood.charAt(recFoodPos*3)+recFood.charAt(recFoodPos*3+1), 36);
            var yFood = parseInt(recFood.charAt(recFoodPos*3+2), 36);
        } else {
            do {
                var xFood = random(gameWidth);
                var yFood = random(gameHeight);
            } while (map[xFood][yFood]); // keep picking a spot until it's a vacant spot (we don't want to place the food on a position occupied by the snake)
            if (xFood < 36) {
                recFood += " "+new Number(xFood).toString(36);
            } else {
                recFood += new Number(xFood).toString(36);
            recFood += new Number(yFood).toString(36);
        if (foodMC == "new") { // create a new food movie clip
            foodMC ="foodMC", foodCounter, foodCounter);
        foodMC._x = xFood*blockSize; // place the food
        foodMC._y = yFood*blockSize; // place the food
        map[xFood][yFood] = foodMC; // save a reference to this food movie clip in the map
    //- Highscore functions
    enterHighscoreKeyListener = new Object();
    enterHighscoreKeyListener.onKeyDown = function() {
        if (Key.getCode() == Key.ENTER) {
            playerName = highscores.enterHighscoreMC.nameTextField.text;
            if (playerName == undefined || playerName == "") {
                playerName = "no name";
            highscores.enterHighscoreMC._visible = false;
            loadedRecordingNumber = -1;
    function enterHighscore() {
        if (score >= lowestHighscore) {
            highscores.enterHighscoreMC._visible = true;
        } else {
            loadedRecordingNumber = -1;
    function getLoadedRecordingNumberHighscorePos(num) {
        for (var n=0;n<10;n++) {
            if (num == highscores[n].recFile) {
                return n;
    function loadHighscores() {
        vars = new LoadVars();
        vars.onLoad = function(success) {
            for (var n=0;n<10;n++) {
                var mc = highscores.attachMovie("highscoreLine", n, n);
                mc._x = 5;
                mc._y = 5+n*12;
       = (n+1) + ".";
       = this["name"+n];
                mc.score.text = this["score"+n];
                mc.recFile = parseInt(this["recFile"+n]);
            lowestHighscore = parseInt(this.score9);
            if (!gameRunning) {
            delete this;
        if (this._url.indexOf("http") != -1) {
            vars.load("highscores.txt?" + new Date().getTime());
        } else {
    function loadRecording(num) {
        vars = new LoadVars();
        vars.onLoad = function(success) {
            if (success && this.recTurn.length) {
                recTurn = this.recTurn;
                recFrame = this.recFrame;
                recFood = this.recFood;
            } else {
            delete this;
        loadedRecordingNumber = num;
        if (this._url.indexOf("http") != -1) {
            vars.load("rec"+loadedRecordingNumber+".txt?" + new Date().getTime());
        } else {
    function saveHighscore() {
        sendVars = new LoadVars();
        for (var n in _root) {
            if (_root[n] != sendVars) {
                sendVars[n] = _root[n];
        returnVars = new LoadVars();
        returnVars.onLoad = function() {
            if (this.status == "ok") {
                loadHighscoresInterval = setInterval(function() {
                }, 1000);
            delete sendVars;
            delete this;
        sendVars.sendAndLoad("enterHighscore.php", returnVars, "POST");
    function startClicked() {
        if (!gameRunning || playRec) {
            if (highscores.enterHighscoreMC._visible) {
                highscores.enterHighscoreMC._visible = false;
    function viewGame(lineMC) {
        statusTextField.text = "Loading " + + "'s game...";
    Now what is left to do is somehow to iclude educational quiz in this game/code. First idea that came to me is same thing Ned suggested: to create some unique movie clip which would contain all data/questions lined up but main problem for me is how to "trigger" that movie clip to play only AFTER end user clicks on "Start game" or SPACE to restart? Not sure how to solve this issue?

  • I am missing the add objects section from the fly out menu in Photoshop CS6. 3d workspace

    I am missing the "add objects" section from the fly out menu in Photoshop CS6. I am in the 3D workspace of Photoshop. "Scene" is highlighted and I have clicked on the little fly out menu in the upper right hand corner of that panel. The whole section that should contain, Add objects, delete objects, duplicate objects, all the way through reverse order is missing. The add lights section above and render section below it is there. I am not new to Photoshop, but I am new to the 3D section of Photoshops work space.
    I do know about creating a new layer in the layers tab and merging the objects together trick. But I kind of would like for the program to work correctly as I am sure that doing it that way will cause some sort of problems later in the work process.
    Below are the specs of my system.
    Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.0.1 ( 20131024.r.34 2013/10/24:21:00:00) x64
    Operating System: Windows NT
    Version: 6.2
    System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:12, Stepping:3 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, HyperThreading
    Physical processor count: 4
    Logical processor count: 8
    Processor speed: 2394 MHz
    Built-in memory: 32651 MB
    Free memory: 28832 MB
    Memory available to Photoshop: 29606 MB
    Memory used by Photoshop: 89 %
    Image tile size: 128K
    Image cache levels: 4
    OpenGL Drawing: Enabled.
    OpenGL Drawing Mode: Basic
    OpenGL Allow Normal Mode: True.
    OpenGL Allow Advanced Mode: True.
    OpenGL Allow Old GPUs: Not Detected.
    Video Card Vendor: Intel
    Video Card Renderer: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600
    Display: 3
    I am actually running windows 8. So I am not sure why it is saying windows NT. Anyway...
    Photoshop says that my software is up to date. I use Photoshop daily and everything else works just fine. I have looked through this forum and there is someone else who had the same issue as me but their question was not given a solution. So that is why I choose to post it again.
    Any help will be great. Thank you!

    I've made tests with four different 3rd party tools: OpenGL Extension Viewer, GPU Caps Viewer, Compute4Cash OpenCL Diagnostic Tool and Mudlord's Glide3x wrapper tester. All those tools report no problems with my video card driver and OpenGL/CL.
    I have contacted nVidia and based on reports from the tools and visual tests from GPU Caps Viewer nVidia support doesn't see a problem with my driver.
    I found sniffer_gpu.exe which according to Adobe Help pages is a kind of diagnostic tool and determines whether Photoshop uses the graphic card OpenCL or not. Here is the output:
    Device: 00000000002B1BE8 has video RAM(MB): 1023
    Vendor string:    NVIDIA Corporation
    Renderer string:  GeForce GTX 650/PCIe/SSE2
    Version string:   3.0.0
    OpenGL version as determined by Extensionator...
    OpenGL Version 3.0
    Has NPOT support: TRUE
    Has Framebuffer Object Extension support: TRUE
    OpenGL ok
    OpenCL ok, version=1.1 CUDA 4.2.1
    Return code: 3
    From Adobe GPU Sniffer tool, it looks OK.
    On the other hand, I have your word that there is no problem with Photoshop not recognizing OpenCL for my card and that nVidia driver has problems. Can you justify this somehow? Perhaps you could provide more details on technical level, or another utility to run and extract details, to at least identify the problem Photoshop has and hopefully solve it on either side.
    P.S. During tests there were two things which I noticed, but they are probably not related to the issue:
    1. One tool reports the lack of Windows registry key SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows (NT)/CurrentVersion/OpenGLDrivers. But according to your previous statement, Photoshop only uses OS calls, no registry and according to nVidia, this key is not used in Windows 7.
    2. During some tests GPU Caps Viewer reports that "OpenCL CPU not supported on the selected platform". This is not complaining about GPU, only about CPU. But Photoshop is complaining about GPU, so it shouldn't be relevant.

  • Need help Installing Flash player 10.3 for firefox. It stops at 50%

    So I have Windows Vista Basic Home, I tried updating my Flash version in firefox because it was out of date, but everytime it start downloading it , then I get the a message that says "Error " Appliation in use."  I uninstalled it and followed all the suggestions on the websites nothing is working. I even  uninstall google chrome thinking it was the problem but I'm still having that problem so I really don't know what to do because now the only place Flash player is installed seems to be Google chrome that I had to redoawload, but everywhere else tells me that I need to install it.

    Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2011 15:13:29 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Need help Installing Flash player 10.3 for firefox. It stops at 50%
        Re: Need help Installing Flash player 10.3 for firefox. It stops at 50%
        created by Kpiebo in Installing Flash Player - View the full discussion
    I have been at it since yesterday and it's still not working.
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         Start a new discussion in Installing Flash Player by email or at Adobe Forums
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  • Checked fly out menu

    Hi, I have a photoshop extension with custom fly-out menu  setted up by CSXSInterface.instance.setPanelMenu.
    I wonder if it is possiblr to add check mark to the menu. The same as you can see in Histogram window next to compact/extended/all view options.
    My xml description of menu looks like this:
    <mx:XML id="myMenuData">
               <MenuItem Id="Compact" Label="Compact view"/>
          <MenuItem Id="Expert"  Label="Developer view"/>
    but if I add some other options (toggled, type) nothing happens

    No can do.
    Here's a link to what you can do with flyout menus. (Besides creating sub-menus, not much). i.htm
    It could be you can cobble together something using NativeMenus, but it would not be straight-forward...

  • Need help for flash builder

    i need help for flash builder 4 and papervison 3d. I need to create a slider with it ranges of value from 10 to 50 to adjust the camera values for the camera.fov and also need to create it for the yaw of the object from 0 to 360. I try to look for any slider event and classes in this program but cant find any, btw, i need to use the AS only project file.
    here is my codes:
    can you please tell me how i should modify the codes?
        import flash.display.BitmapData;
        import flash.display.Sprite;
        import org.papervision3d.materials.BitmapFileMaterial;
        import org.papervision3d.materials.BitmapMaterial;
        import org.papervision3d.objects.primitives.Sphere;
        import org.papervision3d.view.BasicView;
        [SWF (width="800", height="600", backgroundColor="0x000000",frameRate="30")]
        public class EarthBitmap extends BasicView
            private var sphere:Sphere;
            public function EarthBitmap()
                super(800 , 600);
                var earthmaterial:BitmapFileMaterial = new BitmapFileMaterial("../assets/Earth.jpg");
                sphere = new Sphere(earthmaterial,100,20,18);
                camera.fov = 25;
            public function rotateSphere(evt:Event):void

    Turn the click handler into a full on separate function. Then store all the views in an array and use Math.rand() to randomly choose one.
    Something like this:
              var questionsArray:Array = {question2,question3,question5,questionRed,questionGeography};
              function buttonClickHandler(event:MouseEvent){
                   var randomProblem:int = Math.floor(Math.random()*(questionsArray.length));     //generates a random integer between 0 and the total number of questions in the array (arrays are 0-based)
    <s:Button id="randomProblemButton" label="Next Problem" click="buttonClickHandler(event)" />
    Haven't tested that, but something along that line should work

  • Make transparent Spry vertical fly out menu

    I followed one tutorial on adding a Spry vertical flyout menu for my nav. I did it and it looks great. May I ask one question? I'm stumped on how to make the flyout menu for "For Sale" and "For Rent" flyout to the right. It works awesome without the sidebar1 div wrapping it. It's probably a laughably easy setting in the css, but I'm still learning.
    I did try to help myself first by reading tutorials and watching AdobeTV videos, but they tend to cover how to stylize the menu vs troubleshooting.
    I'm guessing that I've messed up the given css that comes with the menu when inserting it into the web page, so you'll probably recommend me delete the menu and it's css file and just start clean. Will you take a look at what I have so far. Here is the link:
    here it is with the content and the submenus are displayed whether moused over or not.
    Your time is valuable, and I appreciate this 'push' that will get me making progress again. Feel free to pass on a link to where I can read and learn it to save you the time of typing.
    Thank you,
    Rob Cookenour
    Vice President - Marketing Division
    T. C. Lewis & Co. Properties
    Message was edited by: TCLewisProperties

    Sorry for the 'green' post. I tell my daughters to read instructions before doing their homework, and I failed to read all the 'before you post' instructions. In my panic to get help for this old mind I have, I simply reached out too fast. I'm sorry to the forum.
    I just updated my CS3 Spry files to the latest version from the link that you provided. Thanks for the help. After uploading the new spry filed to the site, I'm going back to start over and avoid my lack of skills in the vertical fly out menu and try an accordian menu for now.
    Thank you to the forum for the help.
    Rob Cookenour & Family.

  • Format Chart Context (Fly Out) Menu

    Post Author: stevek
    CA Forum: General
    Hello all,
    In my deployed CR 8.5 application the "Format Chart" fly out menu does launch any subsequent dialogs. When I select a chart and right click and hover over "Format Chart" the fly out menu appears with "Template", "General", "Titles" and "Grid" but nothing happens when I select one of them.I have the "sscsdk80.dll" deployed with the application.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I Found OSS Note that looks promising!
    Note 1119412 - Internet Explorer standard context menu displayed on chart

  • Fly-Out Menu background

    I have enabled the fly-out menu option on my SharePoint 2013 master page using the code below.  Can someone tell me how to set the width of the background box?  In Chrome the text is wider than the box, and in IE the box is really tall and narrow,
    and it wraps the text for each of my links to 8 or 10 lines.  Thanks.  

    I found this site which might assist with no wrapping within the flyout menu:
    /* Resize navigation fly-out width */
    ul.dynamic {
    auto !important; 
    /* !important needed to override inline SharePoint style */
    That worked for me.
    Jesse A. Brandenburg

  • How to make a fly-out menu item checked?

    is there a way to make a fly-out menu item (coming from an XML list) checked - like in this example:
    by the way, I know it's been submitted as a bug already, but fyi sub-menu items (2-1 in the following example) don't work as expected:
    var xmlMenu:XML =
          <MenuItem Id="item_1" Label="Item 1"/>
          <MenuItem Label="Item 2">
            <MenuItem Label="Item 2-1"/>
          <MenuItem Label="---"/>
          <MenuItem Label="Item 3"/>
    Thanks in advance!

    If Harbs says nope, it's nope
    At least now I know it. Thanks!

  • I need help with adobe muse sub-menu styling

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    To achieve this, you can use an accordion widget with custum styling.
    IF you search for Terry White, Muse, accordion, you will find some video tutorials on YouTube.

  • I need help installing flash on windows 8

    I need help installing flash on windows 8

    Chris… No I was using the desktop version, I cannot stand the M version, guess it would be nice if I had  a touch screen..…when I finally got my computer to download the Acrobat Standard XI program, not sure how it worked, but I think it had something to do with Windows 8 not allowing itself to update all my apps and programs, even though my computer was set to automatically update any Windows/Microsoft updates…finally I got my Windows updates done, it downloaded like 36 files…and then I had to restart,(which also could have been playing a factor)…so finally got the program downloaded on Windows 8…but then I tried to run the new program and it says install serial I assume that it was asking for the serial # for the Acrobat Standard XI…finally after googling the web, I found somebody that said try your older serial # from the previous program, and when I did this it finally works.. you would think with a brand new Windows computer I would have no problem installing Windows Updates…somebody needs to make a sticky about this, I am sure I am not the only one haiving this problem..

  • Need help with Flash CS4 buttons/can't get buttons to control anything

    I need help with Flash CS4. I am making a banner with an animation (Image change into movie clip "3D Spiral") and added buttons but I cannot get the buttons to control the animation. Please help I am frustrated! If someone could help I would be most appreciated.

    Thank you.
    Michael J. Sheehan  allelois
    Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2009 18:48:09 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Need help with Flash CS4 buttons/can't get buttons to control anything
    Hi there
    I'm not sure how you wound up where you did. But you wound up in the Adobe Captivate forums. Please stand by as I move your thread to the Flash forums.
    Cheers... Rick

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    I need help creating my webpage: It has a textbox on it were
    the user enters a URL and it then redirects the end user to that
    URL when they press the GO Button. It also has a check box saying
    "Hide my IP", If the end user clicks this box and then clicks go
    they will be directed to the website they stateted in the Textbox
    but this time it shall mask there IP Address so they can bypass
    proxys and surf anonomosly. Please can someone give me some HTML
    code i could use for this site or a Link to a website that can give
    me the code.

    I assume the application is connecting to Oracle using an application ID/password. If so, check to see if that user has a private synonyn to the table. If so drop it since you have a public synonym.
    Verify that the public synonym is in fact correct. Drop and recreate the public synonym if you cannot select against the synonym name using an ID that can perform select * from inhouse.icltm where rownum = 1. That is if this other user cannot issue select * from icltm where rownum = 1 without an error.
    Check that the application ID has the necessary object privileges on the table.
    Queries you need
    select * from dba_synonyms
    where table_owner = 'INHOUSE'
    and table_name = 'ICLTM'
    You may find both public and private synonms. Either fix or delete. (Some may reference someelses.icltm table if one exists)
    select * from dba_tab_privs
    where table_name = 'ICLTM'
    and owner = 'INHOUSE'
    Note - it is possible to create mixed case or lower case object names in Oracle by using double quotes around the name. Do not do this, but do look to see that this was not done.
    You could also query dba_objects for all object types that have the object_name = 'ICLTM'
    HTH -- Mark D Powell --

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