Need Help Removing XML Photo Gallery on Button Click

Hi, I'm new to flash so this might seem like a dumb question, but I'm right in the middle of designing a photography site and need some help.  I have 4 buttons in my timeline that go to the corresponding frame labels when clicked, above each frame label is a keyframe with actionscript applied to it, that will load an external XML photo gallery. I need the current photo gallery that's on the screen to disappear when I click on a new button to load the new XML photo gallery.  this is the code that will be above each frame label with a few changes, then below this is the code for my buttons. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you  Code: Select all var imageX:XML; var imageList:XMLList;  var canvas:MovieClip = new MovieClip(); var picLoader:Loader; addChild(canvas); canvas.x = -155; canvas.y = 160;   var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("gallery.xml"); var imageLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); imageLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete); imageLoader.load(req);  function onComplete(e:Event):void { imageX = new XML(; imageList = imageX.image; picLoader = new Loader(); picLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event .COMPLETE, imageLoaded); picLoader.load(new URLRequest (imageList[0].url)); }  function imageLoaded(e:Event):void  { canvas.addChild(picLoader); }    Code for the buttons in different keyframe.  Code: Select all stop();  kids_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,onKidsClick); couples_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,onCouplesClick); portraits_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,onPortraitsClick); bellies_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,onBelliesClick);  function onKidsClick(e:MouseEvent):void { gotoAndStop("kids"); }  function onCouplesClick(e:MouseEvent):void { gotoAndStop("couples"); }  function onPortraitsClick(e:MouseEvent):void { gotoAndStop("portraits"); }  function onBelliesClick(e:MouseEvent):void { gotoAndStop("bellies"); }

Hi, I'm new to flash so this might seem like a dumb question, but I'm right in the middle of designing a photography site and need some help.  I have 4 buttons in my timeline that go to the corresponding frame labels when clicked, above each frame label is a keyframe with actionscript applied to it, that will load an external XML photo gallery. I need the current photo gallery that's on the screen to disappear when I click on a new button to load the new XML photo gallery.  this is the code that will be above each frame label with a few changes, then below this is the code for my buttons. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you  Code: Select all var imageX:XML; var imageList:XMLList;  var canvas:MovieClip = new MovieClip(); var picLoader:Loader; addChild(canvas); canvas.x = -155; canvas.y = 160;   var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("gallery.xml"); var imageLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); imageLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete); imageLoader.load(req);  function onComplete(e:Event):void { imageX = new XML(; imageList = imageX.image; picLoader = new Loader(); picLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event .COMPLETE, imageLoaded); picLoader.load(new URLRequest (imageList[0].url)); }  function imageLoaded(e:Event):void  { canvas.addChild(picLoader); }    Code for the buttons in different keyframe.  Code: Select all stop();  kids_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,onKidsClick); couples_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,onCouplesClick); portraits_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,onPortraitsClick); bellies_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,onBelliesClick);  function onKidsClick(e:MouseEvent):void { gotoAndStop("kids"); }  function onCouplesClick(e:MouseEvent):void { gotoAndStop("couples"); }  function onPortraitsClick(e:MouseEvent):void { gotoAndStop("portraits"); }  function onBelliesClick(e:MouseEvent):void { gotoAndStop("bellies"); }

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  • Need help with xml video gallery

    Hello everyone
    I recently bought a xml video gallery. I'm loading the movie externally into another movie. When the xml gallery loads, it cancels all sounds.
    I need to figure out where in the actionscription can i reverse the cancellation of sounds. Can anyone help? if possible, I can email, whomever is willing to help, the xml gallery to see if theres another reason the sound is being canceled.
    Also, the sound of the gallery doesn't work til you click the volume scroller.
    Here are two parts of actionscript included in the gallery:
    part one:
    // Import filter classes
    import mx.transitions.Tween;
    import mx.transitions.easing.*;
    // Set flash variables
    var xmlFileUrl:String = "playlist.xml";
    var auto_play:String = "true";
    // Set xml file URL
    if (_root.xmlfile) {
        xmlFileUrl = _root.xmlfile;
    var V_SRC;
    var thuArray:Array = new Array();
    var currentVideo:Number = 0;
    var totalItems;
    var numOfItems:Number;
    var itemDistance:Number = 120+5;
    var itemHeight:Number = 80+2;
    var Value:Number = 1;
    var boundry:Number = 1;
    var ratio:Number = 1;
    var diff:Number = 1;
    var collectionWidth:Number = 1;
    var buffer:Number = 135*2;
    video_txt.theText.selectable = false;
    video_txt.theText.autoSize = "left";
    //The Format
    myFormat = new TextFormat();
    myFormat.font = _root.font_format;
    myFormat.size = _root.font_size;
    myFormat.color = _root.font_color;
    myFormat.align = "center";
    // Create a new movieclip to load the thumbs
    var thumbLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
    var thumbListener:Object = new Object();
    thumbListener.onLoadInit = function(target_mc:MovieClip, httpStatus:Number)
        new Tween(target_mc, "_alpha", Regular.easeOut, 0, 100, 1, true);
        target_mc._parent.preloader_mc._alpha = 0;
    var xml:XML = new XML();
    xml.ignoreWhite = true;
    xml.onLoad = xmlLoaded;
    // Load the xml file into the player
    function xmlLoaded(b:Boolean) {
        if (b) {
            auto_play = this.firstChild.firstChild.attributes.auto_play;
            scrollSpeed = parseInt(this.firstChild.firstChild.attributes.scrollSpeed);
            totalItems = this.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes;
            numOfItems = totalItems.length;
            for (j=0; j<numOfItems; j++) {
                var i = player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc.attachMovie("mc_Thumb", "thumb_"+j, j);
                i._x = itemDistance*j;
       = j;
                i.videoTitle = totalItems[j].attributes.title;
                i.videoUrl = totalItems[j].attributes.src;
                // Create an event for thumb rollover
                i.onRollOver = iRoll;
                i.onRollOut = i.onReleaseOutside=iOut;
                i.onRelease = iRelease;
                thuArray[j] = i;
            // default first video
            collectionWidth = player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._width;
            currentVideo = 0;
            V_SRC = thuArray[0].videoUrl;
            //scope._alpha = 100;
            new Tween(scope, "_alpha", Regular.easeOut, 0, 100, 0.5, true);
            trace("Error! xml file not loaded");
    // onRollOver Events
    function iRoll() {
        player_mc.mc_title.title_txt.htmlText = totalItems[].attributes.title;;
    function iRelease() {
        currentVideo =;
    function changeVideo() {
        V_SRC = thuArray[currentVideo].videoUrl;
        player_mc.mc_title.title_txt.htmlText = thuArray[currentVideo].videoTitle;
        video_txt.theText.text = totalItems[currentVideo].attributes.title;;
        player_mc.playStatus = 1;
    function nextVideo() {
        if (currentVideo<(numOfItems-1)) {
        } else {
            currentVideo = 0;
    function currentThumb() {
        for (i=0; i<thuArray.length; i++) {
            if (i == currentVideo) {
                thuArray[i].enabled = true;
    // Mouse movement on rollover
    this.onMouseMove = function() {
        collectionWidth = player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._width;
        boundry = player_mc.main_mc.area_mc._width;
        if ((player_mc.main_mc._ymouse>0) && (player_mc.main_mc._ymouse<itemHeight)) {
            if ((player_mc.main_mc._xmouse>0) && (player_mc.main_mc._xmouse<boundry)) {
                ratio = player_mc.main_mc._xmouse/boundry;
                diff = (collectionWidth-boundry)+buffer;
                Value = Math.floor((-ratio)*diff)+(buffer/2);
    this.onEnterFrame = function() {
        // Define movement area and speed
        if (player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._width>player_mc.main_mc.area_mc._width) {
            player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x = Math.round((player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x)+((Value-player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._ x)/scrollSpeed));
            if (player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x>0) {
                player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x = 0;
            } else if (player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x<(player_mc.main_mc.area_mc._width-(player_mc.main_mc. collection_mc._width))) {
                player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x = Math.round(player_mc.main_mc.area_mc._width-(player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._width));
        } else {
            player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x = 0;
    part two:
    // Define flash variables
    var video_url:String = "";
    var tempx:Number = this._parent._x;
    var tempy:Number = this._parent._y;
    var timeCounter:Number = 0;
    var timeInSeconds:Number = _root.time_counter;
    // Object to listen to onStage Event
    videoObj = vid.videoObj;
    // Setting up the connection
    var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
    var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);
    // Buffer time
    ns.setBufferTime (10);
    videoObj.attachVideo (ns);
    function loadVideo () {
        video_url = _parent.V_SRC;
        trace(video_url); (video_url);
    function checkStatus()
        if (playStatus == 1)
            mc_playAgain._visible = false;
            thumbs_out = false;
            title_out = false;
            mc_playAgain._visible = true;
        } // end else if
        if (so.getVolume() == 0)
    }; // End of the function
    mc_playAgain._visible = false;
    // Check Status of video
    ns.onStatus = function (info)
        if (info.code == "NetStream.Buffer.Empty")
            mc_buffer._visible = true;
        else if (info.code == "NetStream.Buffer.Full")
            mc_buffer._visible = false;
        else if (info.code == "NetStream.Play.Stop")
            if (playStatus == 1)
                playStatus = 0;
            } // end else if
            mc_playAgain._visible = true;
            mc_buffer._visible = false;
            thumbs_out = true;
            title_out = true;
        } // end else if
    // Get info about video
    ns.onMetaData = function(infoObject:Object)
        FLVduration = infoObject["duration"];
        relationshipW = infoObject.height / infoObject.width;
        relationshipH = infoObject.width / infoObject.height;
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "fullScreen")
            largeSize ();
            regularSize ();
        if (_parent.auto_play == "false")
            if (playStatus == 1)
                playStatus = 0;
            mc_buffer._visible = false;
            mc_playAgain._visible = true;
            thumbs_out = true;
            title_out = true;
            _parent.auto_play = "true";
        }// end else if
    var videoInterval = setInterval(videoStatus, 100);
    var amountLoaded;
    var duration;
    // videoStatus on load Event
    function videoStatus()
        amountLoaded = ns.bytesLoaded / ns.bytesTotal;
        controls_mc.mc_progress.mc_buff._width = amountLoaded * 250;
        controls_mc.mc_progress.mc_played._x = ns.time / duration * 250;
        controls_mc.mc_progress.mc_played._xscale = Math.round(ns.time*100/FLVduration);
    }; // End of the function
    function scrubIt() / 250 * duration));
    }; // End of the function
    // video time
    var time_interval:Number = setInterval(checkTime, 500, ns);
    function checkTime(ns:NetStream) {
        //current time
        var ns_seconds:Number = ns.time;
        var minutes:Number = Math.floor(ns_seconds/60);
        var seconds = Math.floor(ns_seconds%60);
        sec = seconds;
        min = minutes;
        if (sec<10) {
            sec = "0"+sec;
        if (min<10) {
            min = "0"+min;
        controls_mc.time_txt.time_1.text = min+":"+sec;
        //total time
        var minutes2:Number = Math.floor(FLVduration/60);
        var seconds2 = Math.floor(FLVduration%60);
        sec2 = seconds2;
        min2 = minutes2;
        if (sec2<10) {
            sec2 = "0"+sec2;
        if (min2<10) {
            min2 = "0"+min2;
        controls_mc.time_txt.time_2.text = min2+":"+sec2;
        if (controls_mc.time_txt.time_2.text == "NaN:NaN") {
            controls_mc.time_txt.time_2.text = "00:00";
    setStage ();
    // Object to listen onStage Event
    var stageL:Object = new Object ();
    // function respnsible for content alignment
    function setStage ()
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "fullScreen") {
            tempx = this._parent._x;
            tempy = this._parent._y;
            this._parent._x = 0;
            this._parent._y = 0;
            vidBg_mc._x = 0;
            vidBg_mc._y = 0;
            mc_title._x = 0;
            mc_title._y = -30;
            slide_me._x = 0;
            slide_me._y = 0;
            vidBg_mc._width = Stage.width;
            vidBg_mc._height = Stage.height;
            mc_title._width = Stage.width;
            mc_title._height = Stage.height / 20;
            slide_me._width = Stage.width;
            slide_me._height = Stage.height / 20;
            vid._x = vid._y = 0;
            largeSize ();
            controls_mc._x = Math.round ((Stage.width / 2) - (controls_mc._width / 2));
            controls_mc._y = Math.round (Stage.height - 36);
            mc_playAgain._x = Math.round ((Stage.width / 2) - (mc_playAgain._width / 2));
            mc_playAgain._y = Math.round (Stage.height - 572);
            thumbs_mc._x = Math.round ((Stage.width / 2) - (thumbs_mc._width / 2));
            thumbs_mc._y = Math.round (Stage.height - 115);
            main_mc._x = Math.round ((Stage.width / 2) - (controls_mc._width / 2));;
            hide_mc.onEnterFrame = function () {
                timeCounter = timeCounter + 1;
                if (timeCounter >= timeInSeconds * 30) {
                    timeCounter = 0;
                    controls_mc._alpha = 0;
            this.onMouseMove = function () {
                timeCounter = 0;
                controls_mc._alpha = 100;
            delete hide_mc.onEnterFrame;
            delete this.onMouseMove;
            controls_mc._alpha = 100;
            this._parent._x = tempx;
            this._parent._y = tempy;
            vidBg_mc._width = 600;
            vidBg_mc._height = 360;
            mc_title._width = 600;
            mc_title._height = 30;
            slide_me._width = 600;
            slide_me._height = 30;
            vidBg_mc._x = vid._x = 0;
            vidBg_mc._y = vid._y = 35;
            mc_title._x = vid._x = 0;
            mc_title._y = vid._x = -30;
            slide_me._x = vid._x = 0;
            slide_me._y = vid._y = 35;
            regularSize ();
            controls_mc._x = 0;
            controls_mc._y = 395;
            mc_playAgain._x = 243;
            mc_playAgain._y = 158;
            thumbs_mc._x = 0;
            thumbs_mc._y = 316;
            main_mc._x = 0;
            main_mc._y = 406;
        mc_buffer._x = Math.round (vidBg_mc._x + (vidBg_mc._width / 2));
        mc_buffer._y = Math.round (vidBg_mc._y + (vidBg_mc._height / 2));
    // to apply when stage (browser window) is resized or modified
    stageL.onResize = function () {
        setStage ();
    // attaching object to the stage
    Stage.addListener (stageL);
    MovieClip.prototype.slide = function(yPos) {
        this._y -= (this._y-yPos)/5;
    // tilte actions
    mc_title.onEnterFrame = function()
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal" && title_out == false)
        else if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal" && title_out == true)
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "fullScreen" && title_out == false)
            this._y -= (this._y+106)/5;
        else if (Stage["displayState"] == "fullScreen" && title_out == true)
    // thumbs actions
    main_mc.onEnterFrame = function()
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal" && thumbs_out == false)
        else if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal" && thumbs_out == true)
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "fullScreen" && thumbs_out == false)
            this._y = Math.round (Stage.height - 0);
        else if (Stage["displayState"] == "fullScreen" && thumbs_out == true)
            this._y = Math.round (Stage.height - 133);
    // Playlist button
    controls_mc.playlist_mc.onRollOver = function ()
    controls_mc.playlist_mc.onRollOut = controls_mc.playlist_mc.onReleaseOutside = function ()
    // Toggle playlist button
    controls_mc.playlist_mc.onRelease = function ()
        if (thumbs_out == false)
            thumbs_out = true;
            title_out = true;
        else if (thumbs_out == true)
            thumbs_out = false;
            title_out = false;
        } // end if else
    // Define hit area for playPause button
    vid.onPress = controls_mc.playPause.onRelease = function ()
        if (playStatus == 1)
            playStatus = 0;
        else if (playStatus == 0)
            playStatus = 1;
    // playPause button
    controls_mc.playPause.onRollOver = function ()
        if (playStatus == 1)
        } // end else if
    controls_mc.playPause.onRollOut = controls_mc.playPause.onReleaseOutside = function ()
        if (playStatus == 1)
        } // end else if
    // Toggle playPause button
    controls_mc.playPause.onRelease = function ()
        if (playStatus == 1)
            playStatus = 0;
        else if (playStatus == 0)
            playStatus = 1;
    controls_mc.skip_mc.onRollOver = function ()
    controls_mc.skip_mc.onRollOut = controls_mc.skip_mc.onReleaseOutside = function ()
    controls_mc.skip_mc.onRelease = function ()
    // Play Again button
    mc_playAgain.onRollOver = function ()
    mc_playAgain.onRollOut = mc_playAgain.onReleaseOutside = function ()
    // Toggle Play Again button
    mc_playAgain.onRelease = function ()
        this._visible = false;
        playStatus = 1;
    // make the seek bar clickable
    controls_mc.mc_progress.mc_buff.onPress = function()
        xpos = controls_mc.mc_progress._xmouse;
        percent = Math.round(xpos/controls_mc.mc_progress._width*100);
        seekTime = percent/100*FLVduration;
        seekTime = Math.round(seekTime*100)/100;;
    // Set volume level
    var s:Sound = new Sound();
    controls_mc.mc_soundLevel.mc_volume._xscale = _root.volume_value;
    // Volume control
    controls_mc.mc_soundLevel.onPress = function()
        volumeTo = (this._xmouse / this._width)*100;
        this.mc_volume._xscale = volumeTo;
    // Volume
    _parent.createEmptyMovieClip("vSound", _parent.getNextHighestDepth());
    var so = new Sound(vSound);
    // Mute button
    controls_mc.mute_mc.onRollOver = function ()
        if (so.getVolume() >= 1)
        } // end else if
    controls_mc.mute_mc.onRollOut = controls_mc.mute_mc.onReleaseOutside = function ()
        if (so.getVolume() >= 1)
        } // end else if
    // Toggle mute button
    controls_mc.mute_mc.onRelease = function ()
        if (so.getVolume() >= 1)
            controls_mc.mc_soundLevel.mc_volume._xscale = 0;
            controls_mc.mc_soundLevel.mc_volume._xscale = 70;
        } // end else if
    // Resize video proportionaly
    function regularSize ()
        videoObj._width = 600;
        videoObj._height = videoObj._width * relationshipW;
        if (videoObj._height > 360)
            videoObj._height = 360;
            videoObj._width = videoObj._height * relationshipH;
        videoObj.smoothing = true;
        //var scale:Number;
        videoObj._x = (600 - videoObj._width) / 2;
        videoObj._y = (360 - videoObj._height) / 2;
    function largeSize ()
        videoObj._width = Stage.width;
        videoObj._height = videoObj._width * relationshipW;
        if (videoObj._height > Stage.height)
            videoObj._height = Stage.height;
            videoObj._width = videoObj._height * relationshipH;
        videoObj.smoothing = true;
        //var scale:Number;
        videoObj._x = (Stage.width - videoObj._width) / 2;
        videoObj._y = (Stage.height - videoObj._height) / 2;
    // Fullscreen button
    controls_mc.fullscreen_mc.onRollOver = function ()
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal")
        } // end else if
    controls_mc.fullscreen_mc.onRollOut = controls_mc.fullscreen_mc.onReleaseOutside = function ()
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal")
        } // end else if
    // Toggle fullscreen button
    controls_mc.fullscreen_mc.onRelease = function ()
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal")
            Stage["displayState"] = "fullscreen";
            _parent.video_txt.theText._visible = false;
            Stage["displayState"] = "normal";
            _parent.video_txt.theText._visible = true;

    if you mean sound works well when the gallery is tested without being loaded into another swf but fails when loaded, change the highlighted line:
    // Import filter classes
    import mx.transitions.Tween;
    import mx.transitions.easing.*;
    // Set flash variables
    var xmlFileUrl:String = "playlist.xml";
    var auto_play:String = "true";
    // Set xml file URL
    if (_root.xmlfile) {
        xmlFileUrl = _root.xmlfile;
    var V_SRC;
    var thuArray:Array = new Array();
    var currentVideo:Number = 0;
    var totalItems;
    var numOfItems:Number;
    var itemDistance:Number = 120+5;
    var itemHeight:Number = 80+2;
    var Value:Number = 1;
    var boundry:Number = 1;
    var ratio:Number = 1;
    var diff:Number = 1;
    var collectionWidth:Number = 1;
    var buffer:Number = 135*2;
    video_txt.theText.selectable = false;
    video_txt.theText.autoSize = "left";
    //The Format
    myFormat = new TextFormat();
    myFormat.font = _root.font_format;
    myFormat.size = _root.font_size;
    myFormat.color = _root.font_color;
    myFormat.align = "center";
    // Create a new movieclip to load the thumbs
    var thumbLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
    var thumbListener:Object = new Object();
    thumbListener.onLoadInit = function(target_mc:MovieClip, httpStatus:Number)
        new Tween(target_mc, "_alpha", Regular.easeOut, 0, 100, 1, true);
        target_mc._parent.preloader_mc._alpha = 0;
    var xml:XML = new XML();
    xml.ignoreWhite = true;
    xml.onLoad = xmlLoaded;
    // Load the xml file into the player
    function xmlLoaded(b:Boolean) {
        if (b) {
            auto_play = this.firstChild.firstChild.attributes.auto_play;
            scrollSpeed = parseInt(this.firstChild.firstChild.attributes.scrollSpeed);
            totalItems = this.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes;
            numOfItems = totalItems.length;
            for (j=0; j<numOfItems; j++) {
                var i = player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc.attachMovie("mc_Thumb", "thumb_"+j, j);
                i._x = itemDistance*j;
       = j;
                i.videoTitle = totalItems[j].attributes.title;
                i.videoUrl = totalItems[j].attributes.src;
                // Create an event for thumb rollover
                i.onRollOver = iRoll;
                i.onRollOut = i.onReleaseOutside=iOut;
                i.onRelease = iRelease;
                thuArray[j] = i;
            // default first video
            collectionWidth = player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._width;
            currentVideo = 0;
            V_SRC = thuArray[0].videoUrl;
            //scope._alpha = 100;
            new Tween(scope, "_alpha", Regular.easeOut, 0, 100, 0.5, true);
            trace("Error! xml file not loaded");
    // onRollOver Events
    function iRoll() {
        player_mc.mc_title.title_txt.htmlText = totalItems[].attributes.title;;
    function iRelease() {
        currentVideo =;
    function changeVideo() {
        V_SRC = thuArray[currentVideo].videoUrl;
        player_mc.mc_title.title_txt.htmlText = thuArray[currentVideo].videoTitle;
        video_txt.theText.text = totalItems[currentVideo].attributes.title;;
        player_mc.playStatus = 1;
    function nextVideo() {
        if (currentVideo<(numOfItems-1)) {
        } else {
            currentVideo = 0;
    function currentThumb() {
        for (i=0; i<thuArray.length; i++) {
            if (i == currentVideo) {
                thuArray[i].enabled = true;
    // Mouse movement on rollover
    this.onMouseMove = function() {
        collectionWidth = player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._width;
        boundry = player_mc.main_mc.area_mc._width;
        if ((player_mc.main_mc._ymouse>0) && (player_mc.main_mc._ymouse<itemHeight)) {
            if ((player_mc.main_mc._xmouse>0) && (player_mc.main_mc._xmouse<boundry)) {
                ratio = player_mc.main_mc._xmouse/boundry;
                diff = (collectionWidth-boundry)+buffer;
                Value = Math.floor((-ratio)*diff)+(buffer/2);
    this.onEnterFrame = function() {
        // Define movement area and speed
        if (player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._width>player_mc.main_mc.area_mc._width) {
            player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x = Math.round((player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x)+((Value-player_mc.main_mc.colle ction_mc._x)/scrollSpeed));
            if (player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x>0) {
                player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x = 0;
            } else if (player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x<(player_mc.main_mc.area_mc._width-(player_m c.main_mc.collection_mc._width))) {
                player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x = Math.round(player_mc.main_mc.area_mc._width-(player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._w idth));
        } else {
            player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x = 0;
    part two:
    // Define flash variables
    var video_url:String = "";
    var tempx:Number = this._parent._x;
    var tempy:Number = this._parent._y;
    var timeCounter:Number = 0;
    var timeInSeconds:Number = _root.time_counter;
    // Object to listen to onStage Event
    videoObj = vid.videoObj;
    // Setting up the connection
    var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
    var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);
    // Buffer time
    ns.setBufferTime (10);
    videoObj.attachVideo (ns);
    function loadVideo () {
        video_url = _parent.V_SRC;
        trace(video_url); (video_url);
    function checkStatus()
        if (playStatus == 1)
            mc_playAgain._visible = false;
            thumbs_out = false;
            title_out = false;
            mc_playAgain._visible = true;
        } // end else if
        if (so.getVolume() == 0)
    }; // End of the function
    mc_playAgain._visible = false;
    // Check Status of video
    ns.onStatus = function (info)
        if (info.code == "NetStream.Buffer.Empty")
            mc_buffer._visible = true;
        else if (info.code == "NetStream.Buffer.Full")
            mc_buffer._visible = false;
        else if (info.code == "NetStream.Play.Stop")
            if (playStatus == 1)
                playStatus = 0;
            } // end else if
            mc_playAgain._visible = true;
            mc_buffer._visible = false;
            thumbs_out = true;
            title_out = true;
        } // end else if
    // Get info about video
    ns.onMetaData = function(infoObject:Object)
        FLVduration = infoObject["duration"];
        relationshipW = infoObject.height / infoObject.width;
        relationshipH = infoObject.width / infoObject.height;
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "fullScreen")
            largeSize ();
            regularSize ();
        if (_parent.auto_play == "false")
            if (playStatus == 1)
                playStatus = 0;
            mc_buffer._visible = false;
            mc_playAgain._visible = true;
            thumbs_out = true;
            title_out = true;
            _parent.auto_play = "true";
        }// end else if
    var videoInterval = setInterval(videoStatus, 100);
    var amountLoaded;
    var duration;
    // videoStatus on load Event
    function videoStatus()
        amountLoaded = ns.bytesLoaded / ns.bytesTotal;
        controls_mc.mc_progress.mc_buff._width = amountLoaded * 250;
        controls_mc.mc_progress.mc_played._x = ns.time / duration * 250;
        controls_mc.mc_progress.mc_played._xscale = Math.round(ns.time*100/FLVduration);
    }; // End of the function
    function scrubIt() / 250 * duration));
    }; // End of the function
    // video time
    var time_interval:Number = setInterval(checkTime, 500, ns);
    function checkTime(ns:NetStream) {
        //current time
        var ns_seconds:Number = ns.time;
        var minutes:Number = Math.floor(ns_seconds/60);
        var seconds = Math.floor(ns_seconds%60);
        sec = seconds;
        min = minutes;
        if (sec<10) {
            sec = "0"+sec;
        if (min<10) {
            min = "0"+min;
        controls_mc.time_txt.time_1.text = min+":"+sec;
        //total time
        var minutes2:Number = Math.floor(FLVduration/60);
        var seconds2 = Math.floor(FLVduration%60);
        sec2 = seconds2;
        min2 = minutes2;
        if (sec2<10) {
            sec2 = "0"+sec2;
        if (min2<10) {
            min2 = "0"+min2;
        controls_mc.time_txt.time_2.text = min2+":"+sec2;
        if (controls_mc.time_txt.time_2.text == "NaN:NaN") {
            controls_mc.time_txt.time_2.text = "00:00";
    setStage ();
    // Object to listen onStage Event
    var stageL:Object = new Object ();
    // function respnsible for content alignment
    function setStage ()
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "fullScreen") {
            tempx = this._parent._x;
            tempy = this._parent._y;
            this._parent._x = 0;
            this._parent._y = 0;
            vidBg_mc._x = 0;
            vidBg_mc._y = 0;
            mc_title._x = 0;
            mc_title._y = -30;
            slide_me._x = 0;
            slide_me._y = 0;
            vidBg_mc._width = Stage.width;
            vidBg_mc._height = Stage.height;
            mc_title._width = Stage.width;
            mc_title._height = Stage.height / 20;
            slide_me._width = Stage.width;
            slide_me._height = Stage.height / 20;
            vid._x = vid._y = 0;
            largeSize ();
            controls_mc._x = Math.round ((Stage.width / 2) - (controls_mc._width / 2));
            controls_mc._y = Math.round (Stage.height - 36);
            mc_playAgain._x = Math.round ((Stage.width / 2) - (mc_playAgain._width / 2));
            mc_playAgain._y = Math.round (Stage.height - 572);
            thumbs_mc._x = Math.round ((Stage.width / 2) - (thumbs_mc._width / 2));
            thumbs_mc._y = Math.round (Stage.height - 115);
            main_mc._x = Math.round ((Stage.width / 2) - (controls_mc._width / 2));;
            hide_mc.onEnterFrame = function () {
                timeCounter = timeCounter + 1;
                if (timeCounter >= timeInSeconds * 30) {
                    timeCounter = 0;
                    controls_mc._alpha = 0;
            this.onMouseMove = function () {
                timeCounter = 0;
                controls_mc._alpha = 100;
            delete hide_mc.onEnterFrame;
            delete this.onMouseMove;
            controls_mc._alpha = 100;
            this._parent._x = tempx;
            this._parent._y = tempy;
            vidBg_mc._width = 600;
            vidBg_mc._height = 360;
            mc_title._width = 600;
            mc_title._height = 30;
            slide_me._width = 600;
            slide_me._height = 30;
            vidBg_mc._x = vid._x = 0;
            vidBg_mc._y = vid._y = 35;
            mc_title._x = vid._x = 0;
            mc_title._y = vid._x = -30;
            slide_me._x = vid._x = 0;
            slide_me._y = vid._y = 35;
            regularSize ();
            controls_mc._x = 0;
            controls_mc._y = 395;
            mc_playAgain._x = 243;
            mc_playAgain._y = 158;
            thumbs_mc._x = 0;
            thumbs_mc._y = 316;
            main_mc._x = 0;
            main_mc._y = 406;
        mc_buffer._x = Math.round (vidBg_mc._x + (vidBg_mc._width / 2));
        mc_buffer._y = Math.round (vidBg_mc._y + (vidBg_mc._height / 2));
    // to apply when stage (browser window) is resized or modified
    stageL.onResize = function () {
        setStage ();
    // attaching object to the stage
    Stage.addListener (stageL);
    MovieClip.prototype.slide = function(yPos) {
        this._y -= (this._y-yPos)/5;
    // tilte actions
    mc_title.onEnterFrame = function()
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal" && title_out == false)
        else if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal" && title_out == true)
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "fullScreen" && title_out == false)
            this._y -= (this._y+106)/5;
        else if (Stage["displayState"] == "fullScreen" && title_out == true)
    // thumbs actions
    main_mc.onEnterFrame = function()
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal" && thumbs_out == false)
        else if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal" && thumbs_out == true)
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "fullScreen" && thumbs_out == false)
            this._y = Math.round (Stage.height - 0);
        else if (Stage["displayState"] == "fullScreen" && thumbs_out == true)
            this._y = Math.round (Stage.height - 133);
    // Playlist button
    controls_mc.playlist_mc.onRollOver = function ()
    controls_mc.playlist_mc.onRollOut = controls_mc.playlist_mc.onReleaseOutside = function ()
    // Toggle playlist button
    controls_mc.playlist_mc.onRelease = function ()
        if (thumbs_out == false)
            thumbs_out = true;
            title_out = true;
        else if (thumbs_out == true)
            thumbs_out = false;
            title_out = false;
        } // end if else
    // Define hit area for playPause button
    vid.onPress = controls_mc.playPause.onRelease = function ()
        if (playStatus == 1)
            playStatus = 0;
        else if (playStatus == 0)
            playStatus = 1;
    // playPause button
    controls_mc.playPause.onRollOver = function ()
        if (playStatus == 1)
        } // end else if
    controls_mc.playPause.onRollOut = controls_mc.playPause.onReleaseOutside = function ()
        if (playStatus == 1)
        } // end else if
    // Toggle playPause button
    controls_mc.playPause.onRelease = function ()
        if (playStatus == 1)
            playStatus = 0;
        else if (playStatus == 0)
            playStatus = 1;
    controls_mc.skip_mc.onRollOver = function ()
    controls_mc.skip_mc.onRollOut = controls_mc.skip_mc.onReleaseOutside = function ()
    controls_mc.skip_mc.onRelease = function ()
    // Play Again button
    mc_playAgain.onRollOver = function ()
    mc_playAgain.onRollOut = mc_playAgain.onReleaseOutside = function ()
    // Toggle Play Again button
    mc_playAgain.onRelease = function ()
        this._visible = false;
        playStatus = 1;
    // make the seek bar clickable
    controls_mc.mc_progress.mc_buff.onPress = function()
        xpos = controls_mc.mc_progress._xmouse;
        percent = Math.round(xpos/controls_mc.mc_progress._width*100);
        seekTime = percent/100*FLVduration;
        seekTime = Math.round(seekTime*100)/100;;
    // Set volume level
    var s:Sound = new Sound(this);
    controls_mc.mc_soundLevel.mc_volume._xscale = _root.volume_value;
    // Volume control
    controls_mc.mc_soundLevel.onPress = function()
        volumeTo = (this._xmouse / this._width)*100;
        this.mc_volume._xscale = volumeTo;
    // Volume
    _parent.createEmptyMovieClip("vSound", _parent.getNextHighestDepth());
    var so = new Sound(vSound);
    // Mute button
    controls_mc.mute_mc.onRollOver = function ()
        if (so.getVolume() >= 1)
        } // end else if
    controls_mc.mute_mc.onRollOut = controls_mc.mute_mc.onReleaseOutside = function ()
        if (so.getVolume() >= 1)
        } // end else if
    // Toggle mute button
    controls_mc.mute_mc.onRelease = function ()
        if (so.getVolume() >= 1)
            controls_mc.mc_soundLevel.mc_volume._xscale = 0;
            controls_mc.mc_soundLevel.mc_volume._xscale = 70;
        } // end else if
    // Resize video proportionaly
    function regularSize ()
        videoObj._width = 600;
        videoObj._height = videoObj._width * relationshipW;
        if (videoObj._height > 360)
            videoObj._height = 360;
            videoObj._width = videoObj._height * relationshipH;
        videoObj.smoothing = true;
        //var scale:Number;
        videoObj._x = (600 - videoObj._width) / 2;
        videoObj._y = (360 - videoObj._height) / 2;
    function largeSize ()
        videoObj._width = Stage.width;
        videoObj._height = videoObj._width * relationshipW;
        if (videoObj._height > Stage.height)
            videoObj._height = Stage.height;
            videoObj._width = videoObj._height * relationshipH;
        videoObj.smoothing = true;
        //var scale:Number;
        videoObj._x = (Stage.width - videoObj._width) / 2;
        videoObj._y = (Stage.height - videoObj._height) / 2;
    // Fullscreen button
    controls_mc.fullscreen_mc.onRollOver = function ()
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal")
        } // end else if
    controls_mc.fullscreen_mc.onRollOut = controls_mc.fullscreen_mc.onReleaseOutside = function ()
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal")
        } // end else if
    // Toggle fullscreen button
    controls_mc.fullscreen_mc.onRelease = function ()
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal")
            Stage["displayState"] = "fullscreen";
            _parent.video_txt.theText._visible = false;
            Stage["displayState"] = "normal";
            _parent.video_txt.theText._visible = true;

  • Need help with DW photo gallery

    I'm learning DW the hard way, trial & error. I've created
    my photo album & uploaded it. It looks find, but when I click
    on the pictures to enlarge them I get the message "ooops no page
    found". What do I do to resolve this issue? I know I'm missing a
    Please help me!!! Thanks, Barbara

    Look at the path to the larger image. Is the path correct?
    Did you upload
    the larger photos?
    Can you post a URL to your site?
    Nancy Gill
    Adobe Community Expert
    Author: Dreamweaver 8 e-book for the DMX Zone
    Co-Author: Dreamweaver MX: Instant Troubleshooter (August,
    Technical Editor: Dreamweaver CS3: The Missing Manual,
    DMX 2004: The Complete Reference, DMX 2004: A Beginner's
    Mastering Macromedia Contribute
    Technical Reviewer: Dynamic Dreamweaver MX/DMX: Advanced PHP
    Web Development
    "whuzthere" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:fs4591$6ir$[email protected]..
    > I'm learning DW the hard way, trial & error. I've
    created my photo album
    > &
    > uploaded it. It looks find, but when I click on the
    pictures to enlarge
    > them I
    > get the message "ooops no page found". What do I do to
    resolve this
    > issue? I
    > know I'm missing a step.
    > Please help me!!! Thanks, Barbara

  • Need help positioning flash photo gallery partially behind graphic.

    I have created the basic photoshop layout that I will now be assembling in Dreamweaver.  I wish to create a 4 or 5 image gallery using LightBox 2 that will rotate images within the header graphic.  Image attached. How would I accomplish this code wise.  Would I place the arched graphic within it's own <div> and float it above the div that holds the slideshow/gallery?  Any help would be appreciated.

    To the example that you have linked to above, make the following additions
      <div id="arch-container" style="position:relative;">
        <div id="arch-img" style="position:absolute; top: 170px;"><img src="images/arch-img.png" alt="arch_img" width="959" height="195" /></div>
    I have used inline styles to make it easy on myself, but in reality you would put the style rules in the corresponding element selector in the CSS. Also, you would readjust the values to suit.
    Also, it is worth mentioning that placing a width and height on your image as you have done, should really be done using CSS.
    As a side note, I have gotten into the habit of using classes for all of my style rules. I came to the conclusion that this is the way to go when trying to analyse a problem within my web page. ID's are unique per document and as such are used when manipulating the DOM using JavaScript. Now when I see an ID in one of my documents, I know that it is not a styling matter as in CSS, but a problem within my script.
    Take the above note as a thought, because there is a ongoing debate about this.
    Message was edited by: Altruistic Gramps

  • I need help with XML Gallery Fade in out transition. somebody please help me :(

    I need help with XML Gallery Fade in out transition. somebody please help me
    I have my post dont want to duplicate it

    The problem doesn't lie with your feed, although it does contain an error - you have given a non-existent sub-category. You need to stick to the categories and sub-categories listed here:
    Subscribing to your feed from the iTunes Store page work as such, but the episodes throw up an error message. The problem lies with your episode media files: you are trying to stream them. Pasting the URL into a browser produces a download (where it should play the file) of a small file which does not play and in fact is a text file containing (in the case of ep.2) this:
    You must provide a direct link to the actual mp3 file. Streaming won't work. The test is that if you paste the URL of the media file (as given in the feed) into the address bar of a browser it should play the file.

  • XML Photo Gallery - Loader won't load :(

    I'm trying to make an XML Photo Gallery type thing. For each
    'Product' it creates a new instance of a MovieClip from the
    library, 'XmlItem' which contains a Loader Component and Dynamic
    The Product Title goes into the Dynamic Text perfectly. The
    problem is with the Loader Component. It simply REFUSES to load the
    images. There's an exception. If I deliberately cause a syntax
    error in the Loader Component's code, then the pictures load! What
    the hell?
    Oh, also I'm having trouble with the placement of the XmlItem
    instances... For each of them, what position is _x relative to?
    Thanks very much in advance for any help,

    my_ldr must exist on all frames or, if you navigate to a frame where it doesn't exist, you must create another loader with the "new" constructor.  in the later situation, you'll need to (re)define your button actions too because the new loader will need to before referenced in the button listener functions.  even if you use the same name, my_ldr, you'll probably need to re-define your buttons.

  • Need Help Removing Background

    I need help removing a background from a picture.  My boss wants some t-shirts made but the only image I have is one with a tie-dye background and I need it to just be the black and white that is on the image.  I have been trying for 2 weeks to do this and I can get real close but it leaves the colors around the edges and I need this gone.  Any ideas?  Anyone that can help me out?  I have the original photo and the one with almost everything removed if someone can help me fine tune the rest that would be great.

    You've done all the hard work and are almost there!
    Starting with your b/w rendition, duplicate the background layer, and shut off the visibility of the background layer. Work on background copy layer
    Go to Enhance menu>convert to black and white>vivid landscape style
    Open a blank layer between the background and background copy layers and fill this layer with white
    Make the background copy layer active and use the eraser tool to clean up a few smudges on the background copy layer
    Open a blank layer at the top of the stack, and press CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+E to create a stamp visible layer
    With the rectangular marquee tool, make a rectangular block selection of "DRIVE-IN THEATRE" and place this on its own layer (CTRL+J). Make the blending mode multiply, then duplicate this layer 3-4 times.
    For the text on the bottom, suggest that you erase this and replace the information with the type tool.

  • Flash & XML Photo Gallery with Categories

    Hello friends
    i am trying but
    i want to create Flash & XML Photo Gallery with Different Categories
    please help me

    If you want to do using oop
    go throgh this article first

  • Error in creating XML photo gallery with Flash CS4 and AS 3.0

    Hello, all. I've been creating an XML photo gallery with Flash CS4 and AS 3.0 following a tutorial. I followed the instructions step-by-step but at the end I got the following error message instead:
    Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2035: URL Not Found.
    Could anyone in the community assist me as to how to solve the problem? The script has no errors and last time I checked all the applicable files (the .xml file, the .jpg files, the .swf and the .fla file) are in my Documents folder on the Mac.
    Looking forward to your suggestions!

    Check the folder structure
    Flash is not able to get some file thats why the IO Error.
    trace the url path just before u load the file and u will be abel to find whether that file is in specified folder or not.

  • I need help buying iPhoto photo album.

    I need help buying iPhoto  photo album. iPhoto was built in to my iMac. I am supposed to be able to make picture albums using my photos. It won't let me purchase the photo album i just made. I can't find any kind of help anywhere. Please help

    If you have iPhoto '08 or older it is no longer supported for print products
    If you have iPhoto '09 or '11 reboot, launch iphoto and
    Before ordering your book preview it using this method - - and save the resulting PDF for reference - the delivered book will match it.
    If the preview s good and you can not order boot into safe mode, preview again and order

  • I need help with the photo stream. Everytime I try to open it on my PC it says photo stream is unable and I have tried everuthing to enable it but it doesn't work. Any help, please?

    I need help with the photo stream. Everytime I try to open it on my PC it says photo stream is unable and I have tried everuthing to enable it but it doesn't work. Any help, please?

    Freezing, or crashing?
    ID on the Mac can produce reports that may (or may not) prove helpful in diagnosing the problem. I suspect this is something not directly related to InDesign, and maybe not to any of the Adobe apps directly since you seem to be having a problem in more than one. That often inidcates a problem at the system level.
    Nevertheless, it won't hurt to try to gather the reports. You'll find driections for how to generate them, and to post them on (then put a link to them here) so we can see what's going on at Adobe Forums: InDesign CS5.5 Not Responding
    Do you happen to run a font manager? If so, which one, and waht version?

  • TS1389 I need help removing UAC from itunes..

    I need help removing UAC from itunes so it will not allow me to open itunes. Everything I have read from other comments that you shouldn't turn off your user account control. I just to be able to open itunes. Can anyone help me with this problem?? Greg, ogrady612@yahoo,com

    I had this problem too but you do not need UAC to be turned on.
    Click on start and search for 'uac' in the search box at the bottom and click on 'Change User Account Control Settings' when it comes up. Move the slider to the bottom when the window appears and save the changes and your done!
    It's worked for me and my uac has been off for months without causing me any problems!
    Hope this helped

  • I need help removing a malicious program form my mac!

    Hello, I am 99% sure I accidentally acquired/downloaded a malicious program on my mac and I am new to macs and need help removing it!
    I have growl and the other day it notified me that screen sharing, file sharing and web sharing were all turned on at once. As soon as I saw this I quickly got off of the internet and found out how to disable them.
    Also, three programs kept requesting to access the internet and I denied them of course. Their names were: nmbd, netsessionmac1225fd0, and krb5kdc.
    Like I said I am new to macs and need some help fixing this problem. So, if anyone has any ideas that would help a lot.
    I already have screen sharing, file sharing, and web sharing turned off and now it requires a password to access (which i changed after i disabled them) but I want to ask some mac people if I need to do anything else, thanks!

    By the way, a big thank you to everyone who has helped so far..
    Here is the list of my running programs and keep in mind that I do have my firewall turned on as well as file sharing, screen sharing, and web sharing turned off so the suspect program may not be running?
    1905 Activity Monitor MattBurke 2.5 2 28.8 MB Intel (64 bit)
    1915 activitymonitord root 0.7 1 1.2 MB Intel (64 bit)
    1890 AirPort Base Station Agent MattBurke 0.0 4 3.8 MB Intel (64 bit)
    2038 AppleSpell.service MattBurke 0.0 2 6.1 MB Intel (64 bit)
    59 autofsd root 0.0 2 664 KB Intel (64 bit)
    64 avgconfigd root 0.0 4 2.7 MB Intel (64 bit)
    65 avgd root 0.0 8 4.5 MB Intel (64 bit)
    136 avglnsd root 0.0 7 14.6 MB Intel (64 bit)
    63 avgnotifyd root 0.0 7 4.3 MB Intel (64 bit)
    181 avgsched root 0.0 6 4.0 MB Intel (64 bit)
    16 blued root 0.0 2 2.7 MB Intel (64 bit)
    15 configd root 0.0 7 3.1 MB Intel (64 bit)
    137 coreaudiod _coreaudiod 0.0 3 5.2 MB Intel (64 bit)
    21 coreservicesd root 0.0 4 50.7 MB Intel (64 bit)
    3787 cupsd root 0.0 3 2.8 MB Intel (64 bit)
    148 cvmsServ root 0.0 1 692 KB Intel (64 bit)
    11 DirectoryService root 0.0 5 7.0 MB Intel (64 bit)
    14 diskarbitrationd root 0.0 2 1.6 MB Intel (64 bit)
    3726 diskimages-helper MattBurke 0.0 3 12.3 MB Intel (64 bit)
    17 distnoted daemon 0.0 2 1.4 MB Intel (64 bit)
    1872 Dock MattBurke 0.1 3 32.4 MB Intel (64 bit)
    53 dynamic_pager root 0.0 1 444 KB Intel (64 bit)
    3705 FanControlDaemon root 0.0 2 1.5 MB Intel
    1874 Finder MattBurke 0.0 6 134.2 MB Intel (64 bit)
    3332 Firefox MattBurke 3.1 27 247.6 MB Intel
    1878 fontd MattBurke 0.0 2 3.9 MB Intel (64 bit)
    51 fseventsd root 0.0 13 2.6 MB Intel (64 bit)
    1904 gfxCardStatus MattBurke 0.0 2 5.6 MB Intel (64 bit)
    1955 Growl Menu MattBurke 0.0 2 7.7 MB Intel (64 bit)
    1924 GrowlHelperApp MattBurke 0.0 5 13.8 MB Intel (64 bit)
    3732 hdiejectd root 0.0 2 1.6 MB Intel (64 bit)
    50 hidd root 0.7 4 1.8 MB Intel (64 bit)
    1901 HP Event Handler MattBurke 0.0 4 7.3 MB Intel (64 bit)
    0 kernel_task root 1.6 79 172.1 MB Intel
    48 KernelEventAgent root 0.0 3 712 KB Intel (64 bit)
    10 kextd root 0.0 2 3.8 MB Intel (64 bit)
    37 krb5kdc root 0.0 2 1,020 KB Intel (64 bit)
    1 launchd root 0.0 3 1.4 MB Intel (64 bit)
    193 launchd MattBurke 0.0 2 1.0 MB Intel (64 bit)
    1894 LinkScanner Agent MattBurke 0.0 8 9.3 MB Intel (64 bit)
    1893 Loader Agent MattBurke 0.0 2 3.8 MB Intel (64 bit)
    1853 loginwindow MattBurke 0.0 2 12.7 MB Intel (64 bit)
    1909 Logitech Control Center Daemon MattBurke 0.0 4 6.9 MB Intel
    18 mDNSResponder _mdnsresponder 0.0 3 2.3 MB Intel (64 bit)
    46 mds root 0.1 5 99.4 MB Intel (64 bit)
    3712 mdworker MattBurke 0.0 3 11.6 MB Intel (64 bit)
    3717 mdworker _spotlight 0.0 3 21.4 MB Intel (64 bit)
    1897 netsessionmac1225fd0 MattBurke 0.3 8 3.7 MB Intel
    12 notifyd root 0.0 2 556 KB Intel (64 bit)
    35 ntpd root 0.0 1 760 KB Intel (64 bit)
    1875 pboard MattBurke 0.0 1 504 KB Intel (64 bit)
    175 prldispservice root 0.1 15 8.0 MB Intel
    147 prl_naptd root 0.0 3 3.0 MB Intel
    1908 RescueTime MattBurke 0.3 7 11.6 MB Intel
    24 securityd root 0.0 2 3.6 MB Intel (64 bit)
    62 sh root 0.0 1 304 KB Intel (64 bit)
    66 socketfilterfw root 0.0 3 7.2 MB Intel (64 bit)
    13 syslogd root 0.0 4 752 KB Intel (64 bit)
    40 SystemStarter root 0.0 2 656 KB Intel (64 bit)
    1873 SystemUIServer MattBurke 0.0 4 22.9 MB Intel (64 bit)
    1907 Temperature Monitor Lite MattBurke 0.9 4 6.0 MB Intel
    1949 usbmuxd _usbmuxd 0.0 3 1.2 MB Intel (64 bit)
    1883 UserEventAgent MattBurke 0.0 3 5.3 MB Intel (64 bit)
    1854 WindowServer _windowserver 1.3 7 76.0 MB Intel (64 bit)

  • I need help importing navigation bars and rollover buttons from fireworks?

    I need help importing navigation bars and rollover buttons from fireworks, drop down menus and rollover states won't work!

    In my experience, the code created by graphics apps is less than satisfactory. And image based menus are very awkward for several reasons. 
    #1 If you decide to change your menu later, you must go back to your graphics app and re-craft the whole thing.  After 2-3 times of this, it gets old in a hurry.
    #2 Image based menus cannot be "seen" by search engines, screen readers and language translators.
    #3 CSS styled text menus are better for your site's visibility, accessibility and they are a snap to edit in Dreamweaver.
    That said, if you're still married to image based menus, use Fireworks to create images only. Use Dreamweaver's Image Rollover Behaviors to create your rollover scripts.
    Nancy O.

  • Need help moving videos/photos from Galaxy S4 to iMac

    need help moving videos/photos from Galaxy S4 to iMac
    Samsung's utility Kies is awful
    Hlpe please

    did this
    import photos from android to mac
    got this, try it o_your_mac/
    or use the first link to try some of the google hits for ways to get photos from android devices into osx

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