Need help with calculating interest

Hey im trying to find out where my calculations are screwing up on the interest is coming up wrong but i am unable to find out where. After every month its suppose to be deposit - withdrawl * monthly interest rate and then add that total to the new month etc... any help will be appreciated. Heres my class and test
public class SavingsAccount
    private double bal;
    private double intRate;
The constructor initializes an object with a
balance and an annual interest rate.
@param bal The account balance.
@param intRate The annual interest rate.
    public SavingsAccount(double bal, double intRate)
    bal= 0.0;
    intRate = 0.0;
    The withdraw method withdraws an amount from
    the account.
    @param amount The amount to withdraw.
    public void withdraw(double amount)
        bal -= amount;
    The deposit method deposits an amount into
    the account.
    @param amount The amount to deposit.
    public void deposit(double amount)
        bal += amount;
    The addInterest method calculates the monthly
    interest and adds it to the account balance.
    public void addInterest()
    // Get the monthly interest rate.
    // Calculate the last amount of interest earned.
    // Add the interest to the balance.
     intRate = bal * (intRate/12);
     bal += intRate;
    The getBalance method returns the account balance.
    @return The account balance.
    public double getBalance()
    return bal;
    The getInterestRate method returns the annual
    interest rate.
    @return The annual interest rate.
    public double getInterestRate()
    return intRate;
    The getLastInterest method returns the last amount
    of interest earned.
    @return The last amount of interest earned.
    public double getLastInterest()
    return bal;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
public class SavingsAccountTest
    public static void main(String args[])
    // Annual interest rate
       double intRate;
    // Starting balance
       double startBal;
    // Amount of deposits for a month
       double deposit;
       double totalDeposit;
    // Amount withdrawn in a month
       double withdrawn;
       double totalWithdrawn;
    // Interest earned
       double intEarned = 0;
    // Deposit accumulator
       deposit = 0.0;
       totalDeposit = 0.0;
    // Withdrawal accumulator
       withdrawn =0.0;
       totalWithdrawn = 0.0;
    // Months that have passed
       double months;
    // Create a Scanner object for keyboard input.
       Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
    // Get the starting balance.
       System.out.println("What is your account's starting balance");
       startBal = keyboard.nextDouble();
       while (startBal < 0)
    // Get the annual interest rate.
       System.out.println("What is the annual interest rate?");
       intRate = keyboard.nextDouble();
       while (intRate <= 0 )
           intRate = 0;
    // Create a SavingsAccount object.
       SavingsAccount account = new SavingsAccount(0.0, 0.0);
    // Get the number of months that have passed.
       System.out.println("How many months have passed since the " +
                          "account has opened? ");
       months = keyboard.nextDouble();
       while (months <= 0)
           months = 1;
    // Get the deposits and withdrawals for each month.
    for (int i = 1; i <= months; i++)
    // Get the deposits.
       System.out.println("Enter the amount deposited during month " + i);
       deposit= keyboard.nextDouble();
       totalDeposit += deposit;
       while (deposit <=0)
           deposit = 0;
    // Get the withdrawals.
       System.out.println("Enter the amount withdrawn during month " + i);
       withdrawn = keyboard.nextDouble();
       totalWithdrawn += withdrawn;
       while (withdrawn <= 0)
           withdrawn = 0;
    // Add the deposits to the account.
       startBal += deposit;
    // Subtract the withdrawals.
       startBal -= withdrawn;
    // Add the monthly interest.
       intRate = startBal * intRate/12;
       startBal += intRate;
    // Accumulate the amount of interest earned.
       intRate += intEarned;
    // Create a DecimalFormat object for formatting output.
    DecimalFormat dollar = new DecimalFormat("#,##0.00");
    // Display the totals and the balance.
    System.out.println("Total deposited: " + dollar.format(totalDeposit));
    System.out.println("Total withdrawn: " + dollar.format(totalWithdrawn));
    System.out.println("Total interest earned: " + dollar.format(intEarned));
    System.out.println("Account balance: " + dollar.format(startBal));

Ok this is what i have fixed up so far but im still having trouble calculating the interest. Problem1) We were given the skeleton to the class and demo. I cannot figure out what to enter in getLastInterest.(completely lost all i need is hint) 2)When i try to get the Total money deposited and i call the account.deposit(balance) it keeps on giving an error void not allowed. Any help is appreciated
public class SavingsAccount
    private double balance;
    private double interest;
    private double intEarned;
    The constructor initializes an object with a
    balance and an annual interest rate.
    @param bal The account balance.
    @param intRate The annual interest rate.
    public SavingsAccount(double bal, double intRate)
    balance = bal;
    interest = intRate;
    The withdraw method withdraws an amount from
    the account.
    @param amount The amount to withdraw.
    public void withdraw(double amount)
        balance -= amount;
    The deposit method deposits an amount into
    the account.
    @param amount The amount to deposit.
    public void deposit(double amount)
        balance += amount;
    The addInterest method calculates the monthly
    interest and adds it to the account balance.
    public void addInterest()
    // Get the monthly interest rate.
    // Calculate the last amount of interest earned.
    // Add the interest to the balance.
     interest = balance * (interest/12);
     interest = intEarned;
     balance += interest;
    The getBalance method returns the account balance.
    @return The account balance.
    public double getBalance()
    return balance;
    The getInterestRate method returns the annual
    interest rate.
    @return The annual interest rate.
    public double getInterestRate()
    return interest;
    The getLastInterest method returns the last amount
    of interest earned.
    @return The last amount of interest earned.
    public double getLastInterest()
    return intEarned;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
public class SavingsAccountTest
    public static void main(String args[])
    // Annual interest rate
       double intRate;
    // Starting balance
       double balance;
    // Amount of deposits for a month
       double deposit;    
    // Amount withdrawn in a month
       double withdraw;
    // Interest earned
       double intEarned = 0;
    // Deposit accumulator
       deposit = 0.0;  
    // Withdrawal accumulator
       withdraw =0.0;    
    // Months that have passed
       double months;
    // Create a Scanner object for keyboard input.
       Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
    // Get the starting balance.
       System.out.println("What is your account's starting balance");
       balance = keyboard.nextDouble();
       if (balance < 0)
    // Get the annual interest rate.
       System.out.println("What is the annual interest rate?");
       intRate = keyboard.nextDouble();
       if (intRate <= 0 )
           intRate = 0;
    // Create a SavingsAccount object. Cannot find Symbol!!
       SavingsAccount account = new SavingsAccount(balance,intRate);
    // Get the number of months that have passed.
       System.out.println("How many months have passed since the " +
                          "account has opened? ");
       months = keyboard.nextDouble();
       if (months <= 0)
           months = 1;
    // Get the deposits and withdrawals for each month.
    for (int i = 1; i <= months; i++)
    // Get the deposits.
       System.out.println("Enter the amount deposited during month " + i);
       deposit= keyboard.nextDouble();
       if (deposit <=0)
           deposit = 0;
    // Get the withdrawals.
       System.out.println("Enter the amount withdrawn during month " + i);
       withdraw = keyboard.nextDouble();
       if (withdraw <= 0 || withdraw >= balance)
           withdraw = 0;
    // Add the deposits to the account.
    // Subtract the withdrawals.
    // Add the monthly interest.
    // Accumulate the amount of interest earned. ????? Wrong
       intRate += intEarned;
    // Create a DecimalFormat object for formatting output.
    DecimalFormat dollar = new DecimalFormat("#,##0.00");
    // Display the totals and the balance.
    System.out.println("Total deposited: " + dollar.format(account.deposit(balance)));
    System.out.println("Total withdrawn: " + dollar.format(account.withdraw(balance)));
    System.out.println("Total interest earned: " + dollar.format(account.addInterest()));
    System.out.println("Account balance: " + dollar.format(account.getBalance()));

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    """Create a console calculator applicaion that:
    * Takes one command line argument: your name and surname. When the
    program starts, display the date and time with a welcome message for the
    * Display all the available options to the user. Your calculator must include
    the arithmetic operations as well as at least five scientific operations of the
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    -Your program must also have the ability to round a number and
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    * Include sufficient error checking in your program to ensure that the user
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    * Your program must be able to do conversions between decimal, octal and
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    * Make use of a menu. You should give the user the option to end the
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    * When the program exits, display a message for the user, stating the
    current time, and calculate and display how long the user used your
    * Make use of helper classes where possible.
    * Use the SDK to run your program."""
    When the program starts, it asks the user for his/her name and surname. I got the program to ask the user again and again for his/her name and surname
    when he/she doesn't insert anything or just press 'enter', but if the user enters a number for the name and surname part, the program continues.
    Now my question is this: How can I restrict the user to only enter 'letters' (and spaces of course) but allow NO numbers for his/her surname??
    Here is the programs code that I've written so far:
    import java.util.*;
    import java.text.*;
    public class Project {
         private static String nameSurname = "";     
         private static String num1 = null;
         private static String num2 = null;
         private static String choice1 = null;
         private static double answer = 0;
         private static String more;
         public double Add() {
              answer = (Double.parseDouble(num1) + Double.parseDouble(num2));
              return answer;
         public double Subtract() {
              answer = (Double.parseDouble(num1) - Double.parseDouble(num2));
              return answer;
         public double Multiply() {
              answer = (Double.parseDouble(num1) * Double.parseDouble(num2));
              return answer;
         public double Divide() {
              answer = (Double.parseDouble(num1) / Double.parseDouble(num2));
              return answer;
         public double Modulus() {
              answer = (Double.parseDouble(num1) % Double.parseDouble(num2));
              return answer;
         public double maximumValue() {
              answer = (Math.max(Double.parseDouble(num1), Double.parseDouble(num2)));
              return answer;
         public double minimumValue() {
              answer = (Math.min(Double.parseDouble(num1), Double.parseDouble(num2)));
              return answer;
         public double absoluteNumber1() {
              answer = (Math.abs(Double.parseDouble(num1)));
              return answer;
         public double absoluteNumber2() {
              answer = (Math.abs(Double.parseDouble(num2)));
              return answer;
         public double Squareroot1() {
              answer = (Math.sqrt(Double.parseDouble(num1)));
              return answer;
         public double Squareroot2() {
              answer = (Math.sqrt(Double.parseDouble(num2)));
              return answer;
         public static String octalEquivalent1() {
              int iNum1 = Integer.parseInt(num1);
    String octal1 = Integer.toOctalString(iNum1);
    return octal1;
         public static String octalEquivalent2() {
              int iNum2 = Integer.parseInt(num2);
              String octal2 = Integer.toOctalString(iNum2);
              return octal2;
         public static String hexadecimalEquivalent1() {
              int iNum1 = Integer.parseInt(num1);
              String hex1 = Integer.toHexString(iNum1);
              return hex1;
         public static String hexadecimalEquivalent2() {
              int iNum2 = Integer.parseInt(num2);
              String hex2 = Integer.toHexString(iNum2);
              return hex2;
         public double Round1() {
              answer = Math.round(Double.parseDouble(num1));
              return answer;
         public double Round2() {
              answer = Math.round(Double.parseDouble(num2));
              return answer;
              SimpleDateFormat format1 = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE, dd MMMM yyyy");
         Date now = new Date();
         SimpleDateFormat format2 = new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm a");
         static Date timeIn = new Date();
         public static long programRuntime() {
              Date timeInD = timeIn;
              long timeOutD = System.currentTimeMillis();
              long msec = timeOutD - timeInD.getTime();
              float timeHours = msec / 1000;
                   return (long) timeHours;
         DecimalFormat decimals = new DecimalFormat("#0.00");
         public String insertNameAndSurname() throws IOException{
              boolean inputCorrect = false;
                   while (inputCorrect == false) {
                        while (nameSurname == null || nameSurname.length() == 0) {
                             for (int i = 0; i < nameSurname.length(); i++) {
                             if ((nameSurname.charAt(i) > 'a') && (nameSurname.charAt(i) < 'Z')){
                                       inputCorrect = true;
                        inputCorrect = false;
                        try {
                             BufferedReader inStream = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(;
                             System.out.print("Please enter your name and surname: ");
                             nameSurname = inStream.readLine();
                             inputCorrect = true;
                        }catch (IOException ex) {
                             System.out.println("You did not enter your name and surname, " + nameSurname + " is not a name, please enter your name and surname :");
                             inputCorrect = false;
                        System.out.println("\nA warm welcome " + nameSurname + " ,todays date is: " + format1.format(now));
                        System.out.println("and the time is now exactly " + format2.format(timeIn) + ".");
                        return nameSurname;
              public String inputNumber1() throws IOException {
              boolean inputCorrect = false;
                   while (inputCorrect == false) {
                        try {
                             BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(;
                             System.out.print("\nPlease enter a number you want to do a calculation with and hit <ENTER>: ");
                             num1 = br.readLine();
                             double number1 = Double.parseDouble(num1);
                             System.out.println("\nThe number you have entered is: " + number1);
                             inputCorrect = true;
                        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                             System.out.println("\nYou did not enter a valid number: " + "\""+ num1 + "\" is not a number!!");
                             inputCorrect = false;
                        return num1;
         public String calculatorChoice() throws IOException {
              System.out.println("Please select an option of what you would like to do with this number from the menu below and hit <ENTER>: ");
              System.out.println("Please select an option from the list below: ");
              System.out.println("1 - Add");
              System.out.println("2 - Subtract");
              System.out.println("3 - Multiply");
              System.out.println("4 - Divide (remainder included)");
              System.out.println("5 - Maximum and minimum value of two numbers");
              System.out.println("6 - Squareroot");
              System.out.println("7 - Absolute value of numbers");
              System.out.println("8 - Octal and Hexadecimal equivalent of numbers");
              System.out.println("9 - Round numbers");
              System.out.println("0 - Exit program");
              boolean inputCorrect = false;
                   while (inputCorrect == false) {
                        try {
                             BufferedReader inStream = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(;
                             System.out.print("Please enter your option and hit <ENTER>: ");
                             choice1 = inStream.readLine();
                             int c1 = Integer.parseInt(choice1);
                             System.out.println("\nYou have entered choice number: " + c1);
                             inputCorrect = true;
                        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                             System.out.println("You did not enter a valid choice number: " + "\""+ choice1 + "\" is not in the list!!");
                             inputCorrect = false;
                        return choice1;
         public String inputNumber2() throws IOException {
              boolean inputCorrect = false;
                   while (inputCorrect == false) {
                        try {
                             BufferedReader br2 = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(;
                             System.out.print("\nPlease enter another number you want to do the calculation with and hit <ENTER>: ");
                             num2 = br2.readLine();
                             double n2 = Double.parseDouble(num2);
                             System.out.println("\nThe second number you have entered is: " + n2);
                             System.out.println("\nYour numbers are: " + num1 + " and " + num2);
                             inputCorrect = true;
                        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                             System.out.println("You did not enter a valid number: " + "\""+ num2 + "\" is not a number!!");
                             inputCorrect = false;
                        return num2;
         public int Calculator() {
              int choice2 = (int) Double.parseDouble(choice1);
              switch (choice2) {
                        case 1 :
                             System.out.print("The answer of " + num1 + " + " + num2 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                        case 2 :
                             System.out.print("The answer of " + num1 + " - " + num2 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                        case 3 :
                             System.out.print("The answer of " + num1 + " * " + num2 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                        case 4 :
                             System.out.print("The answer of " + num1 + " / " + num2 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                             System.out.print(" and the remainder is " + decimals.format(answer));
                        case 5 :
                             System.out.println("The maximum number between the numbers " + num1 + " and " + num2 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                             System.out.println("The minimum number between the numbers " + num1 + " and " + num2 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                        case 6 :
                             System.out.println("The squareroot of value " + num1 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                             System.out.println("The squareroot of value " + num2 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                        case 7 :
                             System.out.println("The absolute number of " + num1 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                             System.out.println("The absolute number of " + num2 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                        case 8 :
                             System.out.println("The octal equivalent of " + num1 + " is: " + octalEquivalent1());
                             System.out.println("The octal equivalent of " + num2 + " is: " + octalEquivalent2());
                             System.out.println("\nThe hexadecimal equivalent of " + num1 + " is: " + hexadecimalEquivalent1());
                             System.out.println("The hexadecimal equivalent of " + num2 + " is: " + hexadecimalEquivalent2());
                        case 9 :
                             System.out.println("The rounded number of " + num1 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                             System.out.println("The rounded number of " + num2 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                        case 0 :
                             if (choice2 == 0) {
                   return choice2;
              public String anotherCalculation() throws IOException {
                   boolean inputCorrect = false;
                   while (inputCorrect == false) {
                             try {                              
                                  BufferedReader br3 = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(;
                                  System.out.print("\nWould you like to do another calculation? Y/N ");
                                  more = br3.readLine();
                                  String s1 = "y";
                                  String s2 = "Y";
                                  if (more.equals(s1) || more.equals(s2)) {
                                       inputCorrect = true;
                                       while (inputCorrect = true){
                                            inputCorrect = true;
                                  } else {
                                       System.out.println("\n" + nameSurname + " thank you for using this program, you have used this program for: " + decimals.format(programRuntime()) + " seconds");
                                       System.out.println("the program will now exit, Goodbye.");
                             } catch (IOException ex){
                                  System.out.println("You did not enter a valid answer: " + "\""+ more + "\" is not in the list!!");
                                  inputCorrect = false;
              return more;
         public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
              Project p1 = new Project();
    *Can you please run my code for yourself and have a look at how this program is constructed*
    *and give me ANY feedback on how I can better this code(program) or if I've done anything wrong from your point of view.*
    Your help will be much appreciated.
    Thanks in advance

    Smirre wrote:
    Now my question is this: How can I restrict the user to only enter 'letters' (and spaces of course) but allow NO numbers for his/her surname??You cannot restrict the user. It is a sad fact in programming that the worst bug always sits in front of the Computer.
    What you could do is checking the input string for numbers. If it contains numbers, just reprompt for the Name.
    AND you might want to ask yourself why the heck a calculator needs to know the users Name.

  • Need help with calculated fields in Adobe Interactive Forms

    Hi Gurus,
    I have an Adobe Interactive form in which i have radio buttons. Upon selecting any of the radio buttons, value in text box should be changed( Calculqated filedS). How i can achieve this?
    Moderator message: wrong forum, please post again in Adobe Interactive Forms, but always try yourself before asking.
    Edited by: Thomas Zloch on Jul 13, 2010 11:58 AM

    Hi Tapan
    No, it's working ,with  one remark.
    I've done a mistake, in the final formula. The logic remain the same! ;)
     The calculation values for second column ( COL2 ) are 1,2,3 and not 0,1,2 as I wrote  before and as for COL1 are so the formula is
    and not
    I created also a real example  for you, with 2 dif calculation ways . First I created 2 calc_columns for COL1 and COL2 ( CALC_COL1+CALC_COL and after I added both these 2 column , and second way is to calculate directly) .
    Check this image
    Romeo Donca, Orange Romania (MCSE, MCITP, CCNA) Please Mark As Answer if my post solves your problem or Vote As Helpful if the post has been helpful for you.

  • Need help with my graphic calculator!!!

    Hello everybody!! I need help with my little program I made.... The problem is that I am unable to use to calculate but it is possible to compile the code!! What should I do?? Thanks in advance.
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    class Aritmetik extends JFrame implements ActionListener{
         private JLabel l1 = new JLabel("Tal1: ", JLabel.LEFT);
         private JLabel l2 = new JLabel("Tal2: ", JLabel.LEFT);
         private JLabel l3 = new JLabel("Resultat",JLabel.LEFT);
         private JLabel l4 = new JLabel(" ", JLabel.RIGHT);
         private JTextField t1 = new JTextField(" ",10);
         private JTextField t2 = new JTextField(" ",10);
         private JButton b1 = new JButton("+");
         private JButton b2 = new JButton("-");
         private JButton b3 = new JButton("*");
         private JButton b4 = new JButton("/");
         public Aritmetik(){
              Container v = getContentPane();
              v.setLayout(new GridLayout(5,2));
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
              int tal1 = Integer.parseInt(t1.getText());
              int tal2 = Integer.parseInt(t2.getText());
                   if(e.getSource() == b1){
              if(t1.getText().equals("") || t2.getText().equals(""))
                                       JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Mata in tal!");
                        l3.setText("Resultat ");
                   l4.setText(" " + (tal1+tal2));
                   else if(e.getSource() == b2){
                        int sub = tal1-tal2;
                        l4.setText(" " + (sub));
                   else if(e.getSource() == b3){
                        int multi = tal1*tal2;
                        l4.setText(" " + (multi));
                   else if(e.getSource() == b4){
                        int div = tal1/tal2;
                        l4.setText(" " + (div));
                   public static void main(String[] arg){
                   Aritmetik A =new Aritmetik();

    Here is your problem:
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
      int tal1 = Integer.parseInt(t1.getText().trim());  // add the trim()
      int tal2 = Integer.parseInt(t2.getText().trim());  // add the trim()
      if(e.getSource() == b1){
        if(t1.getText().equals("") || t2.getText().equals(""))
          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Mata in tal!");
          l3.setText("Resultat ");
          l4.setText(" " + (tal1+tal2));
      }... Better ...
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)  throws NumberFormatException {
      String tala = t1.getText().trim();
      String talb = t2.getText().trim();
      if ( tala == null  ||  "".equals(tala)  ||  talb == null  ||  "".equals(talb) ) {
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Mata in tal!");
      int tal1 = Integer.parseInt(tala);
      int tal2 = Integer.parseInt(talb);
      if(e.getSource() == b1){
        l3.setText("Resultat ");
        l4.setText(" " + (tal1+tal2));
      else if(e.getSource() == b2){
        int sub = tal1-tal2;
        l4.setText(" " + (sub));
      else if(e.getSource() == b3){
        int multi = tal1*tal2;
        l4.setText(" " + (multi));
      else if(e.getSource() == b4){
        int div = tal1/tal2;
        l4.setText(" " + (div));
    }Message was edited by:

  • Need help with JTextArea and Scrolling

    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class MORT_RETRY extends JFrame implements ActionListener
    private JPanel keypad;
    private JPanel buttons;
    private JTextField lcdLoanAmt;
    private JTextField lcdInterestRate;
    private JTextField lcdTerm;
    private JTextField lcdMonthlyPmt;
    private JTextArea displayArea;
    private JButton CalculateBtn;
    private JButton ClrBtn;
    private JButton CloseBtn;
    private JButton Amortize;
    private JScrollPane scroll;
    private DecimalFormat calcPattern = new DecimalFormat("$###,###.00");
    private String[] rateTerm = {"", "7years @ 5.35%", "15years @ 5.5%", "30years @ 5.75%"};
    private JComboBox rateTermList;
    double interest[] = {5.35, 5.5, 5.75};
    int term[] = {7, 15, 30};
    double balance, interestAmt, monthlyInterest, monthlyPayment, monPmtInt, monPmtPrin;
    int termInMonths, month, termLoop, monthLoop;
    public MORT_RETRY()
    Container pane = getContentPane();
    lcdLoanAmt = new JTextField();
    lcdMonthlyPmt = new JTextField();
    displayArea = new JTextArea();//DEFINE COMBOBOX AND SCROLL
    rateTermList = new JComboBox(rateTerm);
    scroll = new JScrollPane(displayArea);
    scroll.setLocation(150,270);//DEFINE BUTTONS
    CalculateBtn = new JButton("Calculate");
    ClrBtn = new JButton("Clear Fields");
    CloseBtn = new JButton("Close");
    Amortize = new JButton("Amortize");//DEFINE PANEL(S)
    keypad = new JPanel();
    buttons = new JPanel();//DEFINE KEYPAD PANEL LAYOUT
    keypad.setLayout(new GridLayout( 4, 2, 5, 5));//SET CONTROLS ON KEYPAD PANEL
    keypad.add(new JLabel("Loan Amount$ : "));
    keypad.add(new JLabel("Term of loan and Interest Rate: "));
    keypad.add(new JLabel("Monthly Payment : "));
    keypad.add(new JLabel("Amortize Table:"));
    displayArea.setEditable(false);//DEFINE BUTTONS PANEL LAYOUT
    buttons.setLayout(new GridLayout( 1, 3, 5, 5));//SET CONTROLS ON BUTTONS PANEL
    buttons.add(CloseBtn);//ADD ACTION LISTENER
    rateTermList.addActionListener(this);//ADD PANELS
    pane.add(keypad, BorderLayout.NORTH);
    pane.add(buttons, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    pane.add(scroll, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter()
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    String arg = lcdLoanAmt.getText();
    int combined = Integer.parseInt(arg);
    if (e.getSource() == CalculateBtn)
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Got try here", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    catch(NumberFormatException ev)
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Got here", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    if ((e.getSource() == CalculateBtn) && (arg != null))
    if ((e.getSource() == CalculateBtn) && (rateTermList.getSelectedIndex() == 1))
    monthlyInterest = interest[0] / (12 * 100);
    termInMonths = term[0] * 12;
    monthlyPayment = combined * (monthlyInterest / (1 - (Math.pow (1 + monthlyInterest,  -termInMonths))));
    if ((e.getSource() == CalculateBtn) && (rateTermList.getSelectedIndex() == 2))
    monthlyInterest = interest[1] / (12 * 100);
    termInMonths = term[1] * 12;
    monthlyPayment = combined * (monthlyInterest / (1 - (Math.pow (1 + monthlyInterest,  -termInMonths))));
    if ((e.getSource() == CalculateBtn) && (rateTermList.getSelectedIndex() == 3))
    monthlyInterest = interest[2] / (12 * 100);
    termInMonths = term[2] * 12;
    monthlyPayment = combined * (monthlyInterest / (1 - (Math.pow (1 + monthlyInterest,  -termInMonths))));
    catch(NumberFormatException ev)
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Invalid Entry!\nPlease Try Again", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    }                    //IF STATEMENTS FOR AMORTIZATION
    if ((e.getSource() == Amortize) && (rateTermList.getSelectedIndex() == 1))
    loopy(7, 5.35);
    if ((e.getSource() == Amortize) && (rateTermList.getSelectedIndex() == 2))
    loopy(15, 5.5);
    if ((e.getSource() == Amortize) && (rateTermList.getSelectedIndex() == 3))
    loopy(30, 5.75);
    if (e.getSource() == ClrBtn)
    if (e.getSource() == CloseBtn)
    private void loopy(int lTerm,double lInterest)
    double total, monthly, monthlyrate, monthint, monthprin, balance, lastint, paid;
    int amount, months, termloop, monthloop;
    String lcd2 = lcdLoanAmt.getText();
    amount = Integer.parseInt(lcd2);
    termloop = 1;
    paid = 0.00;
    monthlyrate = lInterest / (12 * 100);
    months = lTerm * 12;
    monthly = amount *(monthlyrate/(1-Math.pow(1+monthlyrate,-months)));
    total = months * monthly;
    balance = amount;
    while (termloop <= lTerm)
    displayArea.append("Year " + termloop + " of " + lTerm + ": payments\n");
    monthloop = 1;
    while (monthloop <= 12)
    monthint = balance * monthlyrate;
    monthprin = monthly - monthint;
    balance -= monthprin;
    paid += monthly;
    displayArea.append(monthloop + "\t" + calcPattern.format(monthly) + "\t" + calcPattern.format(monthprin) + "\t");
    displayArea.append(calcPattern.format(monthint) + "\t" + calcPattern.format(balance) + "\n");
    monthloop ++;
    termloop ++;
    public static void main(String args[])
    MORT_RETRY f = new MORT_RETRY();
    f.setBounds(600, 600, 500, 500);
    }need help with displaying the textarea correctly and the scroll bar please.
    Message was edited by:

    What's the problem you're having ???

  • Need help with conditional query

    guys this is just an extension of this post that Frank was helping me with. im reposting because my requirements have changes slightly and im having a hell of a time trying to modify the query.
    here is the previous post.
    need help with query that can look data back please help.
        "FGL_GRNT_CODE" VARCHAR2(60),
        "FGL_FUND_CODE" VARCHAR2(60),
        "FGL_ACCT_CODE" VARCHAR2(60),
        "FGL_ORGN_CODE" VARCHAR2(60),
        "FGL_PROG_CODE" VARCHAR2(60),
        "FGL_GRNT_YEAR" VARCHAR2(60),
        "FGL_PERIOD"    VARCHAR2(60),
        "FGL_BUDGET"    VARCHAR2(60)
    Insert into FGL (FGL_GRNT_CODE,FGL_FUND_CODE,FGL_ACCT_CODE,FGL_ORGN_CODE,FGL_PROG_CODE,FGL_GRNT_YEAR,FGL_PERIOD,FGL_BUDGET) values ('240055','240055','7600','4730','02','11','00','400');
    Insert into FGL (FGL_GRNT_CODE,FGL_FUND_CODE,FGL_ACCT_CODE,FGL_ORGN_CODE,FGL_PROG_CODE,FGL_GRNT_YEAR,FGL_PERIOD,FGL_BUDGET) values ('240055','240055','7240','4730','02','10','1','100');
    Insert into FGL (FGL_GRNT_CODE,FGL_FUND_CODE,FGL_ACCT_CODE,FGL_ORGN_CODE,FGL_PROG_CODE,FGL_GRNT_YEAR,FGL_PERIOD,FGL_BUDGET) values ('240055','240055','7240','4730','02','10','1','0');
    Insert into FGL (FGL_GRNT_CODE,FGL_FUND_CODE,FGL_ACCT_CODE,FGL_ORGN_CODE,FGL_PROG_CODE,FGL_GRNT_YEAR,FGL_PERIOD,FGL_BUDGET) values ('240055','240055','7600','4730','02','11','1','400');
    Insert into FGL (FGL_GRNT_CODE,FGL_FUND_CODE,FGL_ACCT_CODE,FGL_ORGN_CODE,FGL_PROG_CODE,FGL_GRNT_YEAR,FGL_PERIOD,FGL_BUDGET) values ('360055','360055','7200','4730','02','10','1','400');
    Insert into FGL (FGL_GRNT_CODE,FGL_FUND_CODE,FGL_ACCT_CODE,FGL_ORGN_CODE,FGL_PROG_CODE,FGL_GRNT_YEAR,FGL_PERIOD,FGL_BUDGET) values ('360055','360055','7600','4730','02','10','1','400');
    Insert into FGL (FGL_GRNT_CODE,FGL_FUND_CODE,FGL_ACCT_CODE,FGL_ORGN_CODE,FGL_PROG_CODE,FGL_GRNT_YEAR,FGL_PERIOD,FGL_BUDGET) values ('240055','240055','7240','4730','02','10','14','200');
    Insert into FGL (FGL_GRNT_CODE,FGL_FUND_CODE,FGL_ACCT_CODE,FGL_ORGN_CODE,FGL_PROG_CODE,FGL_GRNT_YEAR,FGL_PERIOD,FGL_BUDGET) values ('240055','240055','7600','4730','02','10','14','100');
    Insert into FGL (FGL_GRNT_CODE,FGL_FUND_CODE,FGL_ACCT_CODE,FGL_ORGN_CODE,FGL_PROG_CODE,FGL_GRNT_YEAR,FGL_PERIOD,FGL_BUDGET) values ('240055','240055','7240','4730','02','10','14','200');
    Insert into FGL (FGL_GRNT_CODE,FGL_FUND_CODE,FGL_ACCT_CODE,FGL_ORGN_CODE,FGL_PROG_CODE,FGL_GRNT_YEAR,FGL_PERIOD,FGL_BUDGET) values ('240055','240055','7240','4730','02','10','2','100');
    Insert into FGL (FGL_GRNT_CODE,FGL_FUND_CODE,FGL_ACCT_CODE,FGL_ORGN_CODE,FGL_PROG_CODE,FGL_GRNT_YEAR,FGL_PERIOD,FGL_BUDGET) values ('240055','240055','7240','4730','02','11','2','600');
    I need to find the greatest grant year for the grant by a period parameter.
    once i find the greatest year i need to check the value of period 14 for that grant for the previous year and add it to the budget amount for that grant. however if their is an entry in the greatest year for period 00 then i need to ignore the period 14 of previous year and do this calculation current period +(current period - greatest year 00)
    hope that makes sense so in other words with the new data above. if i was querying period two of grant year 11. i would end up with $800
    because the greatest year is 11 it contains a period 0 with amount of $400 so my total should be
    period 2 amount $ 600
    period 0 amount $ 400 - period 2 amount of $600 = 200
    600+200 = $800
    if i query period 1 of grant 360055 i would just end up with 800 of grnt year 10.
    i have tried to modify that query you supplied to me with no luck. I have tried for several day but im embarrased to say i just can get it to do what im trying to do .
    can you please help me out.
    here is the query supplied by frank kulash who gracefully put this together for me.
    WITH     got_greatest_year     AS
         SELECT     fgl.*     -- or whatever columns are needed
         ,     MAX ( CASE
                     WHEN  fgl_period = :given_period
                     THEN  fgl_grnt_year
                  ) OVER ()     AS greatest_year
         FROM     fgl
    SELECT     SUM (fgl_budget)     AS total_budget     -- or SELECT *
    FROM     got_greatest_year
    WHERE     (     fgl_grnt_year     = greatest_year
         AND     fgl_period     = :given_period
    OR     (     fgl_grnt_year     = greatest_year - 1
         AND     fgl_period     = 14

    Hi, Miguel,
    Are you waying that, when the greatest year that has :given_period also has period='00' (or '0', or whatever you want to use), then you want to double the budget from the given_period (as well as subtract the budget from the '00', and not count the pevious year's '14')? If so, add another condition to the CASE statement which decides what you're SUMming:
    WITH     got_greatest_year     AS
         SELECT       TO_NUMBER (fgl_grnt_year)     AS grnt_year
         ,       fgl_period
         ,       TO_NUMBER (fgl_budget)     AS budget
         ,       MAX ( CASE
                       WHEN  fgl_period = :given_period
                       THEN  TO_NUMBER (fgl_grnt_year)
                    ) OVER ()     AS greatest_year
         FROM       fgl
    ,     got_cnt_00     AS
         SELECT     grnt_year
         ,     fgl_period
         ,     budget
         ,     greatest_year
         ,     COUNT ( CASE
                       WHEN  grnt_year     = greatest_year
                       AND       fgl_period     = '00'
                       THEN  1
                    ) OVER ()          AS cnt_00
         FROM    got_greatest_year
    SELECT       SUM ( CASE
                        WHEN  grnt_year     = greatest_year                    -- New
                  AND       fgl_period     = :given_period                    -- New
                  AND       cnt_00     > 0            THEN  budget * 2     -- New
                        WHEN  grnt_year     = greatest_year
                  AND       fgl_period     = :given_period       THEN  budget
                        WHEN  grnt_year     = greatest_year
                  AND       fgl_period     = '00'            THEN -budget
                        WHEN  grnt_year     = greatest_year - 1
                  AND       fgl_period     = '14'     
                  AND       cnt_00     = 0            THEN  budget
               )          AS total_budget
    FROM       got_cnt_00
    ;You'll notice this is the same as the previous query I posted, except for 3 lines maked "New".

  • Need help with almost completed plugin engine project

    Hi all,
    For a while now I have been working on a plugin engine. After a few iterations, the engine is similar to the Eclipse engine, in that plugins use extension points and extensions to allow contributions. Unlike the eclipse engine I have added the ability for plugins to fire events through the engine and other plugins can add listeners, all through the plugin.xml manifest. Dependencies are mostly handled automatically at plugin load time (when extensions get resolved to extension points, and listeners get resolved to events). For the case where a plugin needs to use classes from another plugin, dependencies are also allowed to be declared. Like the eclipse engine, activation of plugins occurs the first time a class is used within the plugin's classpath, OR a plugin can be activated after it is loaded.
    What I need help with is testing, working on examples to provide with the engine project, and feedback/suggestions before we release the M1 build. I am asking for those that are interested in this type of work to volunteer to help where applicable and possible. I want to provide a solid plugin engine to the java community, one that is easy to use, works well, and is pretty effecient in terms of resource usage and performance.
    Of particular interest to me right at the moment is dealing with multiple versions. As I see it, the engine will be used within an application and as such plugins would be distributed with a specific application version. The plugin version itself is more of a notification as to what version a plugin is, although I imagine it will help when updating at runtime as well.
    Just a few other details of the engine. It handles (or will soon) dynamic load, unload and reload of plugins at runtime. Plugins can be distributed in an archive file format, we call .par (Plugin ARchive), with additional plugin filename extensions configurable at runtime. The plugins can be developed and deployed in an expanded directory format as they are in Eclipse as well, or in the archive format. In the archive format they do not need to be unzipped when deployed, and they can contain embeded jar/zip libraries. The engine handles finding and creating classes directly out of the .par file at runtime.
    Multiple locations to find plugins are configurable before the engine starts, and even after it starts more could be added to allow additional locations to find plugins. URLs are supported, and soon the HTTP protocol will be supported so that plugins can be downloaded and installed at runtime.
    The project can be found at If you would like to get involved and help out, please sign up on the dev mail list and send an email to introduce yourself to the rest of the members on the list.
    I'll also add that I am working on a Swing UI Framework built entirely from plugins. It provides a ready-to-launce UI application that developers can simply add their plugins to, extending various extension points of the framework to have menu items, toolbar buttons, status bar access, help and preferences dialog additions, file i/o choosers, tons of open-source components ready to use (or extend to add on to), and like Eclipse, hopefully... draggable window frames that can be dropped on any other frame to form a tabbed frame of windows. Some of this is a ways off, some is getting there now. Presently you can add menu items that do allow plugin activation when first clicked, so plugins can be loaded but not activated until needed. The Preference dialog works but is not completed, and a plugin that adds a plugin control panel to view all loaded plugins, activate them, load/unload/reload, view extension points, extensions, dependencies, etc is partially completed. The point is, to allow a ready to run UI framework in Swing with an easy path for developers to quickly build applications with. If you are interested in this, when you join the mail list and introduce yourself, indicate that you are interested in this as well, as we need help with plugin development for it and would appreciate more help here too.
    Look forward to some replies.

    Might I suggest setting up a project at a known project-site? I've seen your progress and questions posted here from time to time, but one of the drawbacks is that you have to fill each post with the entirity of your vision to explain what you're doing. That's a lot of text to read - and most folks will skip right over it.
    On the other hand, a well-crafted, good-looking project web-site, with appropriate links and docs and vision statements, diagrams, etc. will have more likelyhood of attracting volunteers. and are likely spots to set up shop. In addition, you get CVS and bug-tracking systems, which can be quite valuable in such a large-scale project where there are lots of pieces.

  • Need help with Blog, Wiki and Gallery

    Hi Team,
    Need help with Blog, Wiki and Gallery startup. I have newly started visiting forums and quite interested to contribute towards these areas also.
    Please help.
    Santosh Singh
    Santosh Singh

    Hello Santhosh,
    Blog is for Microsoft employees only. However, you can contribute towards WIKI and GALLERY using the below links.

  • Need help with reviewing in acrobat professional 8.0

    I need help with reviewing in adobe acrobat professional 8.0 for windows.
    When I click in Edit->Preferences->Reviewing I choose Network folder and in browse button I select the network folder.
    It´s ok, but when I restart the computer, the configuration of reviewing dissapear.
    Any sugestion for solve this problem?

    The closest I came was:
    // Custom calculation script
    (function () {
        // Get the field values, as strings
        var s1 = getField("Charged").valueAsString;
        var s2 = getField("Reduction").valueAsString;
        // Perform the calculation if both fields are not blank
        // and Charged is not zero
        if (s1 && s2 && +s1 !==  0) {
            event.value = 100 * (+s1 - +s2) / +s1;
        } else {
            event.value = "";
    which I got from another thread. It works, but the result tends to have a - before the number. Also when I use the formatting in acrobat and select percentage the decimal placement gets confusing. I'm creating this form for a bunch of morons in my HR department so extraneous numbers makes them confused. I need the most simplified result possible.

  • NEED HELP with ut2004 patch mu


    Have you actually read what the patch does? If not, check it out here. What you are hearing is probably it. The weapon sounds itself don't change. It just sounds more immersi've in that you can hear the rockets flying from one side to another more clearly, or hearing flak scattering when it hits the ground, etc.. It's nothing significant, but it does make it a bit more interesting to play.

  • Im DROWNING! need help with a simple java assignment! plz someone help me!

    i need help with my java assignment, with validating a sin number. easy for must who know java. im drowning... please help!

    You will need to store each digit of the social insurance number in a field of its own. To validate the entry you will:
    1. Multiply the 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th digit by 2.
    2. If the product of any of the four multiplications result in a value greater than 9, add the two resulting digits together to yield a single-digit response. For example 6 * 2 = 12, so you would add the 1 and the 2 to get a result of 3.
    3. Add these four calculated values together, along with the 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th digits of the original number.
    4. Subtract this sum from the next highest multiple of 10.
    5. The difference should be equal to the 9th digit, which is considered the check digit.
    Example of validating S.I.N. 765932546
    1st digit 7
    2nd digit (6*2 =12 1+2=) 3
    3rd digit 5
    4th digit (9*2 = 18 1+8 =) 9
    5th digit 3
    6th digit (2*2 = 4) 4
    7th digit 5
    8th digit (4*2 = 8) 8
    Total 44 next multiple of 10 is 50
    50-44 = 6 which is the 9th digit
    Therefore the S.I.N. 765932546 is Valid
    ********* SIN Validation *********
    Welcome - Please enter the first number: 120406780
    Second digit value multiplied by 2 4
    Fourth digit value multiplied by 2 8
    Sixth digit value multiplied by 2 12
    Eighth digit value multiplied by 2 16
    Value derived from 6th digit 3
    Value derived from 8th digit 7
    The total is 30
    Calculated digit is 10
    Check digit must be zero because calculated value is 10
    The SIN 120406780 is Valid
    this is my assignemtn this is what i have! i dont know where to start! please help me!
    /*     File:
         Author:     Ashley
         Date:     October 2006
         Purpose: Lab1
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class Lab1
              public static void main(String[] args)
                   Scanner input = new Scanner(;
                   int sin = 0;
                   int number0, number1, number2, number3, number4, number5, number6, number7, number8;
                   int count = 0;
                   int second, fourth, sixth, eighth;
                   System.out.print("\t\n**********SIN Validation**********");
                   System.out.println("\t\nPlease enter the First sin number: ");
                   sin = input.nextInt();
                   count = int.length(sin);     
                   if (count > 8 || count < 8)
                   System.out.print("Valid: ");

  • Need help with getResource() problem under weblogic 6.1

    Hey all,
              I've got a serious problem that I can't figure out. This should be really
              simple - but it's alluding me. I have an ear file with a number of servlets
              inside it. This ear file also contains a resource that my servlets want to
              read from. This resource is located (within the ear file) at:
              "/content/structure/a.txt". The file contains raw ascii.
              To have my serlvet read from this file, I thought it would be as simple as:
              URL content =
              // pw is an instance of PrintWriter
              However, when I execute the above I get the following exception:
              OK, so fine - I figure that I'm new to this. The documentation for the URL
              class tells me there is another way around this. It says that rather then
              calling getContent() directly, I can open a stream on the URL and read from
              that, like so:
              URL content =
              FileInputStream fis = content.openStream();
              but when I do this I get the following different exception:
              at Utility.writeFileToOutput(^M
              Apparently this thing is trying to return a web-logic-specific stream (which
              is incompatible with an FileInputStream) - which I don't want to use or
              learn about since I want my stuff to work under other webservers.
              Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? This should be simple.
              John Hilgedick
              WisdomTools, Inc.
              [email protected]

              I appreciate your response. I tried treating it as a normal InputStream -
              but it didn't make any difference. Here's what I did:
              URL content =
              InputStream is = (InputStream)content.getContent();
              And here's the exception:
              at Utility.writeFileToOutput(^M
              You can see that it is definitely breaking somewhere in getContent().
              If you have any other ideas, I'd appreciate hearing about them.
              ----- Original Message -----
              From: "Wenjin Zhang" <[email protected]>
              Newsgroups: weblogic.developer.interest.servlet
              Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 5:03 PM
              Subject: Re: Need help with getResource() problem under weblogic 6.1
              > The "/" in getServletContext().getResource("/content/structure/a.txt")
              means the
              > web (WAR) application root, not your EAR root.
              > The ClassCastException is because that content.openStream() is not
              > and has nothing to do with Weblogic. You should treat it as normal
              > "John Hilgedick" <[email protected]> wrote:
              > >Hey all,
              > >
              > >I've got a serious problem that I can't figure out. This should be
              > >simple - but it's alluding me. I have an ear file with a number of
              > >inside it. This ear file also contains a resource that my servlets want
              > >to
              > >read from. This resource is located (within the ear file) at:
              > >"/content/structure/a.txt". The file contains raw ascii.
              > >
              > >To have my serlvet read from this file, I thought it would be as simple
              > >as:
              > >
              > >URL content =
              > >servlet.getServletContext().getResource("/content/structure/a.txt");
              > >// pw is an instance of PrintWriter
              > >pw.print(content.getContent());
              > >
              > >However, when I execute the above I get the following exception:
              > >
              > >java.lang.NullPointerException
              > > at
              > >
              > > at
              > > at
              > >
              > >OK, so fine - I figure that I'm new to this. The documentation for the
              > >URL
              > >class tells me there is another way around this. It says that rather
              > >then
              > >calling getContent() directly, I can open a stream on the URL and read
              > >from
              > >that, like so:
              > >
              > >URL content =
              > >es.txt");
              > >FileInputStream fis = content.openStream();
              > >
              > >but when I do this I get the following different exception:
              > >
              > >java.lang.ClassCastException:^M
              > > at Utility.writeFileToOutput(^M
              > >
              > >Apparently this thing is trying to return a web-logic-specific stream
              > >(which
              > >is incompatible with an FileInputStream) - which I don't want to use
              > >or
              > >learn about since I want my stuff to work under other webservers.
              > >
              > >Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? This should be simple.
              > >
              > >-john
              > >
              > >
              > >--
              > >John Hilgedick
              > >WisdomTools, Inc.
              > >[email protected]
              > >
              > >

  • Need help with a currently "in-use" form we want to switch to Adobes hosting service

    Hi, I am in desperate need of help with some issues concerning several forms which we currently use a paid third party (not Adobe) to host and "re-distribute through email"...Somehow I got charged $14.95 for YOUR service, (signed up for a trial, but never used it)..and now I am paying for a year of use of the similar service which Adobe is in control of.  I might want to port my form distribution through Adobe in the hopes of reducing the errors, problems and hassles my customers are experiencing when some of them push our  "submit button". (and I guess I am familiar with these somewhat from reading what IS available in here, and I also know that, Adobe is working to alleviate some of these " submit"  issues, so let's don't start by going backwards, here) I need solutions now for my issues or I can leave it as is, If Adobe's solution will be no better for my end users...
    We used FormsCentral to code these forms and it works for the most part (if the end-user can co-operate, and thats iffy, sometimes), but I need help with how to make it go through your servers (and not the third party folks we use now), Not being cruel or racist here, but your over the phone "support techs" are about horrible & I cannot understand them or work with any of them, so I would definitely need someone who speaks English and can understand the nuances of programming these forms, to please contact me back. (Sorry, but both those attributes will be required to be able to help me, so, no "newbie-interns" or first week trainees are gonna cut it).... If you have anyone who fits the bill on those items and would be willing to help us, please contact me back at your earliest convenience. If we have to communicate here, I will do that & I can submit whatever we need to & to whoever we need to.
    I need to get this right and working for the majority of my users and on any platform and OS.
    You may certainly call me to talk about this, and I have given my number numerous times to your (expletive deleted) time wasting - recording message thingy. So, If it's not available look it up under [email protected]
    (and you will probably get right to me, unlike my and I'm sure most other folks',  "Adobe phone-in experiences")
    Thank You,
    Michael Corman
    Phenix City, Alabama  36869

    Well, thanks for writing back...just so you know...I started using Adobe products in 1987, ...yeah...back Illustrator 1 & 9" B&W Macs ...John Warnock's Helvetica's....stuff like that...8.5 x 11 LaserWriters...all that good stuff...I still have some of it working on a mac...much of it was stuff I bought. some stuff I did not...I'm not a big fan of this "cloud" thing Adobe has foisted upon the creatives of the world...which I'm sure you can tell...but the functionality and usefulness of your software can not be disputed, so feel free to do whatever we will continue to pay for, ...I am very impressed with CC PS on the 64 bit PC and perhaps I will end up paying you the stipend that you demand for the other services.
    So  I guess that brings us to our problem.. a few years back and at the height of the recession and near bankruptcy myself,  I was damn lucky and hit on something and began a small arts and crafts supply service to sell my products online to a very "niche market" ...I had a unique product and still sell that product (plus others) online...My website is Yes...but there is a market it seems, for everything now, and this is the market I service...Catagorically, these are 99%+ women that use these "adhesive, sticky backed vinyl products"  to make different "craft items" that are just way too various and numerous to go into... generally older women, women who are computer illiterate for the most part...and all this is irrelevant to my problem, but I want you to have every bit of background on this and especially the demographic we are dealing with, so we can get right to the meat of the problem.
    OK...So about two years ago, I decided to offer a "plain sheet" product of a plain colored "stick back" vinyl... it is available in multiple quantities of packs ( like 5 pieces, 10 pieces, 15 pieces, in a packi  & so on)...and if you are still on my site.. go to any  "GO RIGHT TO OUR ORDER PAGE"  button, scroll down a little...and then to the "PLAIN VINYL" will see the Weebly website order process.) You can back out from here, I think,..but, anyway this product is available in 63 colors + or - a few. So then the problem is,  how do they select their individual colors within that (whatever) pack?... .
    So my initial idea was to enable a "selection form" for these "colors" that would be transmitted to me via email as 'part" of the "order process".. We tried getting our customers to submit a  " a list" ( something my competitiors still do, lol, poor bastards)......but just unbelievable..I can't even begin to tell you what a freakin' nightmare that was...these people cannot even count to 10, much less any higher... figuring out what colors to list and send me... well, lets just say, it wasn't working......I had to figure out a better way...Something had to be done.
    So after thinking this all out,  and yeah...due to my total ignorance, i figured that we could make a form with Live Cycle Designer (Now Forms Central)...(back then something that was bundled with Adobe Acrobat Pro), I believe, and thats what this thing was authored in... and it would be all good...LOL!
    Well not so you well know, Adobe Acrobat would NOT LET YOU EMAIL anything from just wouldn't work (and I know why, and all that hooey), but not being one to take NO for answer,.I started looking for a way to make my little gizmo work.. So I found this company that said they can "hijack" (re-direct actually) the request to email, bypass the wah-wah, and re-transmit it to the proper parties.....for less than $100 a year,  I think...its called
    A nice gentleman named Joseph Silva helped us program the thing to go to his servers and back out. Please dont hassle them...I need them...for basically does work...try should get back a copy of the form that you filled out...good luck however,  if you're on MAC OSX or similar...
    I have included a copy of both of our forms (and feel free to fill it out and play with it)...just put test somewhere on it...(and you must include YOUR email or it will balk)..they are supposed to be mostly identical, except one seems to be twice as large....generating a 1.7 meg file upon submission, while the other one only generates a 600K file or so...thats another issue for another day or maybe you can advise on that also...
    OK so far so good......In our shop, once Grandma buys a 10 pack (or whatever), Only then she gets to the link on her receipt page ro the relevant "selection form" ,(this prevents "Filling and Sending"  with "no order" and "no payment", another early problem we had)... which they can click on and it will usually download and open up on their device if all goes well...Then our little form is supposed to be fillable and is supposed to ADD UP all the quantities, so grandma knows how many she is buying and so forth right on the fly,  and even while she changes her mind..., and IT'S LARGE so grandma can see it, and then it TOTALS it all up for them, ( cause remember, they can NOT add)..,  except there is a programming bug (mouse-click should be a mouse-up probably or something..) which makes you click in the blank spaces to get to a correct TOTAL...about 70-80% of our customers can enable all these features and usually the process completes without problems for them especially on PC's running Windows OS and Acrobat Reader X or least for most... Unfortunately it is still not the "seamless process" I would like or had envisioned for the other folks out there that do have trouble using our form....  Many folks report to us the following issues that we know of.  First of all it takes too much time to load up...We know its there anyway that you can see, to streamline this thing? I would love for it to be more compact...this really helps on the phones and pads as I'm sure you well know.
    Some just tell us,"it WON'T work"....I believe this is because they are totally out of it and dont even have Adobe Reader on their machine, & don't know how to get it ( yes, we provide the links).....or it's some ancient one can stop this one...
    It almost always generates some kind ( at least one time)  of "error message" which we do warn them about..., telling one,  basically that "Acrobat doesnt even like this happening at all, and it could be detrimental to ones computer files", blah-blah...(this freaks grandma out really bad)...& usually they end up not even trying to send it...  and then I get calls that even you wouldn't believe...& If they DO nut up and push the Red "Submit Form" button, it will usually send the thing to us (and also back to them at the "required email address" they furnished on the form, thats what the folks at the "fillable forms place" do) so, if it's performing it's functions, why it is having to complain?. What are we doing wrong?....and how can I fix it?...Will re-compiling it or saving it as a newer version of "FormsCentral" correct any of these problems ?
    Ok, so that should keep you busy for a minute and we can start out with those problems...but the next thing is, how can I take advantage of YOUR re-direct & hosting services?, And will it get rid of the error messages, and the slowness, and the iOS incompatibilities ? (amazingly,  the last iOS Reader version worked almost OK.. but the newest version doesnt seem to work with my form on my iphone4)  If it will enable any version of the iOS to send my form correctly and more transparently, then it might be worth the money...$14.95 a MONTH you say. hmmmmm...Better be good.
    Another problem is, that I really don't need 5000 forms a month submitted. I think its like 70-100 or less....Got any plans for that?  Maybe I'm just not BIG ENOUGH to use Adobe's services, however in this case, I really don't care whose I do use as long as the product works most correctly for my customers as well as us. Like I said, If I'm doing the best I can, I won't change anything, and still use the other third party, If Adobe has a better solution, then i'm all for that as well. In the meantime, Thanks for any help you can provide on this...
    Michael Corman
    (706) 326-7911

  • Need help with trim and null function

    Hi all,
    I need help with a query. I use the trim function to get the first three characters of a string. How do I write my query so if a null value occurs in combination with my trim to say 'Null' in my results?

    Thanks for the reply. What am I doing wrong?
    SELECT trim(SUBSTR(AL1.user_data_text,1,3)),NVL
    FROM Table
    I want the XX to appear in the same column as the
    trim.The main thing you're doing wrong is not formatting your code. The solution may become obvious if you do.
    What you're saying is:
    SELECT  trim ( SUBSTR (AL1.user_data_text, 1, 3))
    ,       NVL ( AL1.user_data_text, 'XX' )
    FROM    Tablewhich makes it clear that you're SELECTing two columns, when you only want to have one.
    If you want that column to be exactly like the first column you're currently SELECTing, except that when that column is NULL you want it to be 'XX', then you have to apply NVL to that column, like this:
    SELECT  NVL ( trim ( SUBSTR (AL1.user_data_text, 1, 3))
                , 'XX'
    FROM    Table

  • I need help with resetting my ichat. When i try to login now it wont let me... it says "AOL Instant Messenger password" and then "iChat can't log in to ... because your login ID or password is incorrect. How do I reset this if I cant log in?

    I need help with resetting my ichat. When i try to login now it wont let me... it says "AOL Instant Messenger password" and then "iChat can't log in to ... because your login ID or password is incorrect. How do I reset this if I cant log in? When I try to press online the same thing pops up and I have no way of logging in or asking for help.

    iChat (it would help to know which version) can accept Apple IDs as valid AIM Screen Names.
    However if you have iChat 5 or earlier you cannot use ones ending in or issued by iCloud. (they can be used in iChat 6 or Messages as these versions make a double login to AIM and Apple to allow the use of the password).
    In addition if you are using an Apple ID for an AIM Screen Name the password still needs to keep to the 16 character limit that AIM has.
    AN name can be used on any version of iChat  (Until the 30th June 2014)
    As it does not need a double check with Apple you can use it to log in to the AIM Web pages
    Login here with an AIM Name registered at AIM or and name and see if you get any suspended account messages.
    Sometimes account can be suspended. Usually because something has triggered the "Unusual Activity" item.
    About a year ago many users that travelled out of their own country found themselves suspended when they got home.
    If the Name checks out of if an Apple ID the password in known to be 16 characters or Less then do this:-
    In Lion upwards open a Finder Window and use the Go Menu whilst holding down the ALT key.
    Select the Library that appears in the menu list.
    Navigate to Preferences.
    (If you have version earlier than Lion the just navigate to ~/Library/Preferences (that's the Library in you Home - Little House icon - folder)
    Fnd (even if you are using Messages)
    Drag the file to the Trash and Restart the app.
    7:39 pm      Thursday; May 29, 2014
    ​  iMac 2.5Ghz i5 2011 (Mavericks 10.9)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad

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