Need help writing a query that generates sequential tokens

Updated example to accomodate duplicates in cacard and to change the #temp_tokentable.cccard to varchar(20).
I am just having a block. I have a should be easy task, and have looked at it several ways, but cannot come up with some tsql that I would not be embarressed to show coworkers.
This is a the simplistic example of what needs to get done - 
cacard table has credit cards. need to replace all credit cards with a generated token. the token is generated by just adding 1 to the lasttokenused and then + the right(creditcard, 4). Then the token and clear credit card values are inserted into
cacard can be a rather large table (# of rows and wide) in production so need to be as efficient as possible. But it is a onetime conversion program.
Thanks for any help
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Temp_cacard') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #Temp_cacard
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Temp_tokentable') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #Temp_tokentable
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Temp_lasttokenused') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #Temp_lasttokenused
Create table #temp_cacard (ccard numeric(19,0))
Insert into #temp_cacard values (1234567891234567), (2344567890123456789),(3456789012345678900), (1234567891234567)
Create table #temp_tokentable (token varchar(20), ccard varchar(20))
Create table #temp_lasttokenused (token varchar(20))
Insert into #temp_lasttokenused values ('081111111111111111')
want to end up with
08111111111111124567 1234567891234567
08111111111111136789 2344567890123456789
08111111111111148900 3456789012345678900

Thought that I would post the code that reads a credit card number file and replaces card numbers
with token values. The tokens keep the last 4 of the original credit card number. I have two example card number tables. One table -cacardn - has a numeric(19,0) card number and the other - cacardv - has a varchar(20) card
number. My shop has credit card numbers defined as both. Obviously, another step after this runs is to encrypt the column.
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#cacardn')IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #cacardn;
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#cacardv')IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #cacardv;
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Token')IS NOT NULL
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Temp_Token')IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #Temp_Token;
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#LastToken')IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #LastToken;
-- cardnumber table that has numeric (19,0) card numbers
Create Table #cacardn ([cccard] numeric(19,0))
INSERT INTO #cacardn ([cccard]) VALUES
-- carnumber table that has varchar(20) card numbers
Create Table #cacardv ([cccard] varchar(20))
INSERT INTO #cacardv ([cccard]) VALUES
-- token table that has tokens, varbinary card numbers, data type (13-20) are card numbers
Create Table #Token (
[token] varchar(20),
[data] varbinary(256),
[type] int)
INSERT INTO #Token ([token],[data],[type]) VALUES
('00000000000000000000', CAST('00000000000000000000' as varbinary), 13),
('', CAST('' as varbinary), 13),
('0', CAST('0' as varbinary), 13),
('00091111111111111111', CAST('00000000000000001111' as varbinary), 13),
('00091111111111121112', CAST('00000000000000001112' as varbinary), 14),
('00091111111111201120', CAST('00000000000000001120' as varbinary), 20)
-- Temporary, Intermediate table
CREATE TABLE #Temp_Token(ClearValue varchar(128));
SELECT * INTO #LastToken from (
SELECT '0009111111111150') d (lastgeneratedToken)
-- Create an entry in the Temp_Token table for entries in the card number field that do not match the Token table token or
-- Token table data values. These must be card number clear values.
-- ++ change from #cacardv to #cacardv to test both numeric and varchar card numbers
-- ++ the card number field must not NULL, not = 0 and numberic values
FROM #cacardv l
WHERE cccard IS NOT NULL and CAST(cccard as varchar) <> '0' and CAST(cccard as varchar) not like '%[^0-9]%' and
WHERE (right('00000000000000000000'+ rtrim(cccard), 20) = [token] or
CAST(right('00000000000000000000'+ rtrim(cccard), 20) as varchar) = CAST([data] as varchar)) and
[type] in (13,14,15,16,20))
DECLARE @lastgeneratedToken varchar(20) = (SELECT lastgeneratedToken from #LastToken)
-- Update the last token used
UPDATE ifs_EDLastTokenUsed
SET EDToken = RIGHT('0000000000000000' + CAST(@lastgeneratedToken + CAST(@@RowCount AS numeric)AS varchar), 16);
-- Insert into the Token table
SELECT DISTINCT RIGHT('0000000000000000' + CAST(@lastgeneratedToken + ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ClearValue) AS varchar(20)) + RIGHT(ClearValue,4), 20),
CAST(RIGHT('0000000000000000' + ClearValue, 20) as varbinary), 13
FROM #Temp_Token
-- Now Update the card number field that matches the Token data field with the Token token field.
-- ++ change from #cacardv to #cacardv to test both numeric and varchar card numbers
-- ++ Do not undate NULL, 0, or non-numeric card numbers (they are invalid values)
SET c.cccard = s.[token]
FROM #cacardv c inner join (SELECT DISTINCT cccard, Cast([token] as varchar) as [Token]
FROM #cacardv l inner join #Token s
ON RIGHT('0000000000000000' + CAST(l.cccard as varchar), 20) = CAST(s.[Data] as varchar)
WHERE [type] in (13,14,15,16,20)) s
on c.cccard = s.cccard
WHERE c.cccard IS NOT NULL and CAST(c.cccard as varchar) <> '0' and CAST(c.cccard as varchar) not like '%[^0-9]%'
-- Check the Results
select * from #cacardv
Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated. (this is not the exact code. but the main statements are represented.)
Wonder about my WHERE clauses that seek to exclude junk data (IS NOT NULL, <> '0', and numeric only data), shhould the WHERE close be on the inner or outer WHERE?

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    Is it possible to have a records with the same values for AA and BB? Are you interested in these rows or do you only care about rows with the same value of AA and different BB?
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    Frank Kulash wrote:
    SELECT    description
    ,         instruction
    ,         MAX (dt)     AS most_recent
    ,         COUNT (*)    AS total_num
    FROM      table_x
    GROUP BY  descrrption
    ,         instruction;"GROUP BY x, y" means the output will contain one row for every distinct combination iof x and y that occurs in the results.
    All the columns in the SELECT BY clause must be
    (a) in the GROUP BY clause,
    (b) aggregate functions (like MAX or COUNT), or
    (c) trivially dependant on (a) or (b) (for example: UPPER (description))Thank you;
    I think i was trying to over complicate things.
    So simple, yet so very effective
    thanks again

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        $row_rs_itemscat3 = WAEC_findRecordMySQL($rs_itemscat3, "item_ID", $ATC_itemID);
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          $ATC_itemName = "".$row_rs_itemscat3['itemName']  ."";// column binding
          $ATC_itemDescription = "".$row_rs_itemscat3['itemShortDesc']  ."";// column binding
          $ATC_itemWeight = floatval("".$row_rs_itemscat3['itemWeight']  ."");// column binding
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          $ATC_itemThumbnail = "".$row_rs_itemscat3['itemThumb']  ."";// column binding
          $ATC_itemcolorchoice = "".$row_rs_colors['color']  ."";// column binding
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          $row_rs_itemscat3 = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs_itemscat3);
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    Assuming that you're form fields are required, validated,
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    <cfquery name="instForm" datasource="dsn">
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    SQL> create table mytable
      2  as
      3  select 'pranita' consultant_name, 'manager' designation, 'sohan' salesman from dual union all
      4  select 'pradeep', 'ceo', 'nick' from dual union all
      5  select 'sham', 'developer', 'prasad' from dual union all
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      7  select 'sam', 'developer', 'rajesh' from dual union all
      8  select 'pranita', 'manager', 'sohan' from dual union all
      9  select 'john', 'designer', 'anand' from dual union all
    10  select 'pradeep', 'ceo', 'rohit' from dual union all
    11  select 'sam', 'developer', 'nick' from dual
    12  /
    Tabel is aangemaakt.
    SQL> select consultant_name
      2       , designation
      3       , count(decode(salesman,'sohan',1)) "sohan"
      4       , count(decode(salesman,'nick',1)) "nick"
      5       , count(decode(salesman,'prasad',1)) "prasad"
      6       , count(decode(salesman,'rajesh',1)) "rajesh"
      7       , count(decode(salesman,'anand',1)) "anand"
      8       , count(decode(salesman,'rohit',1)) "rohit"
      9    from mytable
    10   group by consultant_name
    11       , designation
    12  /
    CONSULT DESIGNATI      sohan       nick     prasad     rajesh      anand      rohit
    sam     developer          0          1          0          1          0          0
    john    designer           1          0          0          0          1          0
    pradeep ceo                0          1          0          0          0          1
    sham    developer          0          0          1          0          0          0
    pranita manager            2          0          0          0          0          0
    5 rijen zijn geselecteerd.Regards,

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    Need Help on below Query.
    "test9" Table Data in COLUMN "Name" AS
    I am writing a query as :
    SELECT * FROM test9 WHERE Name IN ('a','b','c','d','e','f','g')
    I want result set as , It should show data as -
    i.e. data which does not exists in the table and which is give in in clause
    Is it possible in a single query.

    You can put the data that is to be checked for into a table instead or an inline view, for example:
    with t as
    (select 'a' as c1 from dual
    union all
    select 'b' from dual
    union all
    select 'c' from dual
    union all
    select 'd' from dual
    union all
    select 'e' from dual)
    select c1 from (select 'a' as c1 from dual
    union all
    select 'b' from dual
    union all
    select 'c' from dual
    union all
    select 'd' from dual
    union all
    select 'e' from dual
    union all
    select 'f' from dual
    union all
    select 'g' from dual)
    select c1 from t
    2 rows selected.

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    Regards, George
    George Dorian
    Sutter Instruments
    51 Digital DR.
    Novato, CA 94949
    [email protected]
    (415) 883-0128
    FAX (415) 883-0572

    George may not answer you.  He hasn't been online here for almost eight years.
    You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are. ~ Alice

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            // your code goes here
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    I have a client that uses constant contact for email
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    contact via API.
    FORM.asp :: (i got this one under control)
    and submits to serverside.asp
    In serverside.asp i need to have
    the API URL
    username (of the constant contact account)
    password (of the constant contact account)
    name (submited from form.asp)
    email (submitted from form.asp)
    redirect URL (confirm.asp)
    Can anyone help get me going in the right direction?
    i have tried several things i found on the net and just cant
    get anyone to work correctly.
    One main issue i keep having is that if i get it to submit to
    the API url correctly - i get a success code, it doesnt redirect to
    the page i am trying to redirect to.
    ASP or ASP.NET code would be find.

    > This does require server side programming.
    > if you dont know what that is, then you dont know the
    answer to my question. I
    > know what i need to do - i just dont know HOW to do it.
    If you are submitting a form to a script on a remote server,
    and letting
    that script load content to the browser, YOU have no control
    over what it
    loads UNLESS there is some command you can send it that it
    will understand.
    No amount of ASP on your server is going to change what the
    remote script
    they only allow their customers to see the instructions for
    the API so i
    can't search to see IF there is a redirect you can send with
    the form info.
    But posts on their support board say that there is.
    Adobe Community Expert, dreamweaver

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    As always thanks for your reading and replying to my Post,

    Hi there,
    what Image editing software do you have, if any ?

  • Need help with SQL Query with Inline View + Group by

    Hello Gurus,
    I would really appreciate your time and effort regarding this query. I have the following data set.
    1234567----------11223-------------- 7/5/2008----------paid for cleaning----------------------44345563------------------I-----------------*20.00*-------------19
    1234567----------11223--------------7/5/2008-----------Adjustment for bad quality---------44345563------------------A-----------------10.00------------19
    7654321----------11223--------------7/5/2008-----------Adjustment from last billing cycle-----23543556-------------------A--------------------50.00--------------19
    4653456----------11223--------------7/5/2008-----------paid for cleaning------------------------35654765--------------------I---------------------30.00-------------19
    Please Ignore '----', added it for clarity
    I am trying to write a query to aggregate paid_amount based on Reference_No, Check_Number, Payment_Date, Invoice_Number, Invoice_Type, Vendor_Number and display description with Invoice_type 'I' when there are multiple records with the same Reference_No, Check_Number, Payment_Date, Invoice_Number, Invoice_Type, Vendor_Number. When there are no multiple records I want to display the respective Description.
    The query should return the following data set
    1234567----------11223-------------- 7/5/2008----------paid for cleaning----------------------44345563------------------I-----------------*10.00*------------19
    7654321----------11223--------------7/5/2008-----------Adjustment from last billing cycle-----23543556-------------------A--------------------50.00--------------19
    4653456----------11223--------------7/5/2008-----------paid for cleaning------------------------35654765-------------------I---------------------30.00--------------19
    The following is my query. I am kind of lost.
    select B.Description, A.sequence_id,A.check_date, A.check_number, A.invoice_number, A.amount, A.vendor_number
    from (
    select sequence_id,check_date, check_number, invoice_number, sum(paid_amount) amount, vendor_number
    from INVOICE
    group by sequence_id,check_date, check_number, invoice_number, vendor_number
    ) A, INVOICE B
    where A.sequence_id = B.sequence_id

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    Attachments: ‏24 KB

    As Lynn found, there is a memory problem with the vi which didn't show up in my limited testing.
    Using Shift Registers with Picture Controls can cause problems.
    See this thread.
    Try the attached "mod" version.
    Then I got to thinking, why redraw the box (2x with "erase") - when you could just move a box around?
    (Note: I used a picture for the box, but you could use other objects.)
    The "mod1" version does it this way.
    Help the forum when you get help. Click the "Solution?" icon on the reply that answers your
    question. Give "Kudos" to replies that help.
    squarescan ‏20 KB
    squarescan mod ‏20 KB

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    More information about this game:
    The game should generate a random obstacle course for the player. The first column of the grid, however, should consist of all empty pieces, with the exception of the upper left-hand corner, which is the grid location where the player initially resides.
    Enter a loop in which the following things happen (not necessarily in this order):
    Print the current board configuration. Additionally, a key should be printed describing what each piece is.
    Get an action from the user. The player can move up, down, left, or right. Use the following controls: up = 'i', down = 'm', left = 'j', right = 'k'. The player can move at most one block at a time. Of course, if the player tries to move into a spot occupied by an immovable block, the player will not move.
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