Need Item UID on MouseOver in SAP B1 Form

Hi Experts,
Thanks in advance.
Please help me in this issue. On Mouseover on any B1 form control ,I need the Item UID of the control . Please let me know the solution for this.

I think you have two issues with that:
1. There is no "mouse-over" event in UI API so I don't know how you are going to achieve that
2. As far as I know, there is no central location where the information is held. So even if you could handle the mouse-over event (which you cant) there is no way to get the information. I mean there is no DB table you can query for that information and from what I can see it is only displayed on the bottom left of the screen.
Maybe a more creative solution is possible, but it would be very complicated:
1. use windows API to find out where the mouse is on the screen
2. Use UI API to find out what form in B1 has focus
3. Use UI API to find each item on the form & figure out where each one is (top, left, height and width properties)
4. Make a calculation and display the item information of the item you are over.
So like I said, a very complicated solution - it would be much simpler if B1 had a mouse-over event, as you could get itemUID from the pVal. But unfortunately this doesn't exist.

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    you have to configure ADS on your Java Visual Administrator for Adobe forms development. No extra H/W configuration is needed. You can search for the document containing details of ADS configuration or tell me your email-id I will send it to you.
    Reward points if helpful.
    Vaibhav Tiwari.

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    If # is coming means, that is the problem with the printer. I think u might have used your local printer to see the print preview.
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      w_string .
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          http_invalid_state         = 2.
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          http_invalid_state         = 2
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        WRITE:/ 'Valid email address'.
        WRITE:/ 'Invalid email address'.

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    Hi Vikram,
    If the MSS (manager Self Service) packages are deployed in your portal, you will be able to use the PCR (Personnel change Request) Forms. You can submit the forms and the approvals can be prorperly routed using the Worlkflow.
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    Do dig into this link.
      <a href="">Interactive Forms based on Adobe</a>
    Hope you have got your answer.
    Kindly update if it helps you. Also search in SDN for relevant detials. There are many general threads in this forum, regrding introductory links.
    Thanks and regards ,

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    well you should ask your Lotus Notes administrator to setup an SMTP gateway on the LotusNotes side for you. I know that this is possible but I have not done it myself before. And since this is an SAP BusinessObjects forum I am not sure you will get an answer about this here.
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    Hi Sateesh,
    I think you are new to Integration.I would suggest you to go thru all the topics in SAP XI and then you will get a good idea whether every topic is important or not
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    2)Message monitoring
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    As Robert has stated there is plenty of information if you would have done a search first or looked at the CRM wiki.
    Please review the rules of engagement before posting further.
    Due to this thread, being way too vague and a duplicate question, I'm now locking it.
    Thank you,
    CRM Forum Moderator

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    helo guys
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    Hi Subu
    Initially you need to prepare topics wise questions and in the process the data collection should be from 2 sources i.e. Primary - collecting information directly by interacting with the client and the other one is Secondary - from the documents that you collect from the client.
    After formal introduction during the Kick off meeting never directly jump down to interact with the client you need to patiently observe the day to day business process of the client - department wise for the first few days. Do document all the observations that are made by you, this will help you to analyse the gap between the legacy system and std SAP Process.
    The first and the foremost thing is that we need to see on what flatform all the business process relating to Accounting is maintained i.e the software used to store the legacy data.\
    Now I will mention some of the important points that can be used a check list during your interaction with the client.
    1.We are the consultants who need to freeze the Enterprise Structure first and later on the other module consultants will add their respective enterprise elements to the enterprise structure freezed by us. Therefore this process will by itself will take not less than 1 to 2 months. This process is the Typical phase where a lot of interaction/understanding/experience will come into limelight. So be attentive and observe the process throughly, once the Enterprise Structure is freezed and configured we cannot withdraw from the system.
    2. Codification of the Enterprise Elements play a vital role do follow some naming convention. Here coding can be in 3 forms i.e. pure numeric, alfanumeric or pure alphabets.
    3. Identify the chart of accounts that is maintained.
    4. Grouping process of the GL Account According tos Schedule VI of Companies Act 1956
    5. Customer & Vendor Grouping - payment terms maintained - Down payment if applicable - how the memos maintained.
    6.. Collect all the documents relating to Procurement Process right from indent preparation to billing and followed by payment. This is very useful.
    7. CIN plays a very important role regarding this we will have a seperate session in the days to come.
    This is just a beginning and hope this will help you and as the time comes up do feel free to put up questions and I will clarify for the same.
    Murali Kanth Natti

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    please have a look at the announcement threads sticking at the top of the forum about the latest SAP GUI.
    Best regards

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      Check out the parameters that you r passing in the Write_form and Start_form with the paramters that you r passing in the sap script form.
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       FUNCTION                       = 'SET'
       TYPE                           = 'BODY'
       WINDOW                         = 'MAIN'
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    Mrutyunjaya Tripathy

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