Need to improve Transaction codes Performence

Hi Experts,
   I created set of Transaction codes for (Demand & Tender Creation )which is related to MM Module
   Nearely 50 Transaction code are created in Portal Production ,using Transaction Iview
   Before creation in Portal ,the End User access these transaction codes directly in R/3
    Now they want to access through Portal That's why I created in Portal
        But now I am  facing perdormence issue ,when End User is accessinf through R/3 at that time  it's very fast
trough in Portal the Transaction codes are working slowly 
     Guys please let me know the better solution to resolve the issue..

I think you might need to do a thorough analysis to see where exactly are things going wrong. Try running the ITS URL directly to see if there is any performance improvement accessing the transactions via the WEBGUI. This will help you determine if the issue is really to do with the portal or it is the ECC server. To access the ITS URL, try
and access the transaction codes to see what the response time is. Once you know which system is causing issues, you would be able to directly address it. The topic of improving a system's performance is too widespread to comment exactly where things could be going wrong. There are tons of materials available on SDN for performance improvement which you might want to take a look at.
Hope it helps,

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  • Need help improve the code

    I have this file but I need to improve the code on some method. The methods are addNode, deleteNode, saveNode, findLader and are they anyway for me to iliminate the findsmallest method?
    here is the code
    import java.util.LinkedList;
    import java.util.Stack;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Graph {
    private LinkedList graph;
    private BufferedReader inputFile;
    public Graph() {
    graph = new LinkedList();
    // read the words from the given file
    // create a GraphNode
    // Add the node to the graph
    public void createGraph(String fileName) throws IOException {
    inputFile = new BufferedReader(
    new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream("word.txt")));
    // Convert the linkedlist to an array 'a'
    // sort the array 'a'
    // create a string from all elements in 'a'
    // return the string
    public String printGraph() {
    String output = new String();
    // will contain String objects
    // ... do some work with the list, adding, removing String objects
    String[] a = new String[graph.size()];
    // now stringArray contains all the element from linkedList
    quickSort(a, 0, a.size() - 1);
    for(int i=0;i<a.length;++i)
    output = output + new String(a.toString())+"\n";
    return output;
    private static void quickSort(Comparable[] theArray,
    int first, int last) {
    // Sorts the items in an array into ascending order.
    // Precondition: theArray[first..last] is an array.
    // Postcondition: theArray[first..last] is sorted.
    // Calls: partition.
    int pivotIndex;
    if (first < last) {
    // create the partition: S1, Pivot, S2
    pivotIndex = partition(theArray, first, last);
    // sort regions S1 and S2
    quickSort(theArray, first, pivotIndex-1);
    quickSort(theArray, pivotIndex+1, last);
    } // end if
    } // end quickSort
    private static int partition(Comparable[] theArray,
    int first, int last) {
    // Partitions an array for quicksort.
    // Precondition: theArray[first..last] is an array;
    // first <= last.
    // Postcondition: Returns the index of the pivot element of
    // theArray[first..last]. Upon completion of the method,
    // this will be the index value lastS1 such that
    // S1 = theArray[first..lastS1-1] < pivot
    // theArray[lastS1] == pivot
    // S2 = theArray[lastS1+1..last] >= pivot
    // Calls: choosePivot.
    // tempItem is used to swap elements in the array
    Comparable tempItem;
    // place pivot in theArray[first]
    //choosePivot(theArray, first, last);
    Comparable pivot = theArray[first]; // reference pivot
    // initially, everything but pivot is in unknown
    int lastS1 = first; // index of last item in S1
    // move one item at a time until unknown region is empty
    for (int firstUnknown = first + 1; firstUnknown <= last;
    ++firstUnknown) {
    // Invariant: theArray[first+1..lastS1] < pivot
    // theArray[lastS1+1..firstUnknown-1] >= pivot
    // move item from unknown to proper region
    if (theArray[firstUnknown].compareTo(pivot) < 0) {
    // item from unknown belongs in S1
    tempItem = theArray[firstUnknown];
    theArray[firstUnknown] = theArray[lastS1];
    theArray[lastS1] = tempItem;
    } // end if
    // else item from unknown belongs in S2
    } // end for
    // place pivot in proper position and mark its location
    tempItem = theArray[first];
    theArray[first] = theArray[lastS1];
    theArray[lastS1] = tempItem;
    return lastS1;
    } // end partition
    // Given a new word, add it to the graph
    public void addNode(String word) {
    GraphNode node = new GraphNode(word);
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Duplicate Word, operation terminated");
    for(int i=0; i<graph.size(); ++i) {
    if(isAnEdge((String)(((GraphNode)graph.get(i)).getVertex()),(String)(node.getVertex()))) {
    EdgeNode e1 = new EdgeNode((String)node.getVertex(),1);
    EdgeNode e2 = new EdgeNode((String)((GraphNode)graph.get(i)).getVertex(),1);
    public boolean deleteNode(String word) {
    GraphNode node = new GraphNode(word);
    EdgeNode n = new EdgeNode(word,1);
    if(!graph.contains(node)) {
    return false;
    else {
    for(int i=0; i<graph.size();++i) {
    return true;
    public void save(String fileName) {
    try {
    PrintWriter output = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("word.txt"));
    for(int i=0; i< graph.size();++i) {
    catch (IOException e) {
    // given two word, find the ladder (using dijkstra's algorithm
    // create a string for the ladder and return it
    public String findLadder(String start,String end) {
    String ladder = new String();
    GraphNode sv = new GraphNode(start);
    GraphNode ev = new GraphNode(end);
    if(!graph.contains(sv)) {
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,start + " not in graph");
    return null;
    if(!graph.contains(ev)) {
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,end + " not in graph");
    return null;
    LinkedList distance = new LinkedList(((GraphNode)graph.get(graph.indexOf(sv))).getEdgeList());
    LinkedList visited = new LinkedList();
    LinkedList path = new LinkedList();
    path.add(new PathNode(start,"****"));
    for(int i=0; i<distance.size();++i) {
    PathNode p = new PathNode((String)((EdgeNode)distance.get(i)).getKey(),start);
    while(!visited.contains(end)) {
    EdgeNode min = findSmallest(distance,visited);
    String v = (String)min.getVertex();
    return null;
    // for(int i=0;i<graph.size();++i) {
    // String u = (String)(((GraphNode)(graph.get(i))).getVertex());
    GraphNode temp1 = new GraphNode(v);
    int index = graph.indexOf(temp1);
    LinkedList l = new LinkedList(((GraphNode)graph.get(index)).getEdgeList());
    for(int i=0;i<l.size();++i)
    String u = (String)(((EdgeNode)(l.get(i))).getVertex());
    if(!visited.contains(u)) {
    int du=999, dv=999, avu=999;
    dv = min.getCost();
    EdgeNode edge = new EdgeNode(u,1);
    if(distance.contains(edge)) {
    du = ((EdgeNode)(distance.get(distance.indexOf(edge)))).getCost();
    GraphNode temp = new GraphNode(v);
    GraphNode node = ((GraphNode)(graph.get(graph.indexOf(temp))));
    LinkedList edges = node.getEdgeList();
    if(edges.contains(edge)) {
    avu = ((EdgeNode)(edges.get(edges.indexOf(new EdgeNode(u,1))))).getCost();
    if( du > dv+avu) {
    if(du == 999) {
    distance.add(new EdgeNode(u,dv+avu));
    path.add(new PathNode(u,v));
    else {
    if(!path.contains(new PathNode(end,"")))
    return null;
    LinkedList pathList = new LinkedList();
    for(int i=0;i<path.size();++i) {
    PathNode n = (PathNode)path.get(path.indexOf(new PathNode(end,"****")));
    if(n.getEnd().compareTo("****") != 0) {
    n = (PathNode)path.get(path.indexOf(new PathNode(n.getEnd(),"****")));
    end = n.getStart();
    for(int i=0;i<pathList.size()-1;++i) {
    ladder = ladder + ((String)(pathList.get(i))) + " --> ";
    ladder = ladder + ((String)(pathList.get(pathList.size()-1)));
    return ladder;
    private EdgeNode findSmallest(LinkedList distance, LinkedList visited) {
    EdgeNode min = new EdgeNode("****",999);
    for(int i=0;i<distance.size();++i) {
    String node = (String)(((EdgeNode)distance.get(i)).getVertex());
    if(!visited.contains(node)) {
    if(((EdgeNode)distance.get(i)).getCost()<min.getCost()) {
    min = (EdgeNode)distance.get(i);
    return min;
    // class that represents nodes inserted into path set
    private class PathNode {
    protected String sv;
    protected String ev;
    public PathNode(String s,String e) {
    sv = s;
    ev = e;
    public String getEnd() {
    return ev;
    public String getStart() {
    return sv;
    public void setEnd(String n) {
    ev = n;
    public boolean equals(Object o) {
    public String toString() {
    return "("+sv+":"+ev+")";
    thank you

    let me fix my misstake which was point out by some one in here and thank you ofr do so because I'm new at this.
    I have this file but I need to improve the code on some method. The methods are addNode, deleteNode, saveNode, findLader and are they anyway for me to iliminate the findsmallest method?
    here is the code
    import java.util.LinkedList;
    import java.util.Stack;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Graph {
    private LinkedList graph;
    private BufferedReader inputFile;
    public Graph() {
    graph = new LinkedList();
    // read the words from the given file
    // create a GraphNode
    // Add the node to the graph
    public void createGraph(String fileName) throws IOException {
    inputFile = new BufferedReader(
    new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream("word.txt")));
    // Convert the linkedlist to an array 'a'
    // sort the array 'a'
    // create a string from all elements in 'a'
    // return the string
    public String printGraph() {
    String output = new String();
    // will contain String objects
    // ... do some work with the list, adding, removing String objects
    String[] a = new String[graph.size()];
    // now stringArray contains all the element from linkedList
    quickSort(a, 0, a.size() - 1);
    for(int i=0;i<a.length;++i)
    output = output + new String(a.toString())+"\n";
    return output;
    private static void quickSort(Comparable[] theArray,
    int first, int last) {
    // Sorts the items in an array into ascending order.
    // Precondition: theArray[first..last] is an array.
    // Postcondition: theArray[first..last] is sorted.
    // Calls: partition.
    int pivotIndex;
    if (first < last) {
    // create the partition: S1, Pivot, S2
    pivotIndex = partition(theArray, first, last);
    // sort regions S1 and S2
    quickSort(theArray, first, pivotIndex-1);
    quickSort(theArray, pivotIndex+1, last);
    } // end if
    } // end quickSort
    private static int partition(Comparable[] theArray,
    int first, int last) {
    // Partitions an array for quicksort.
    // Precondition: theArray[first..last] is an array;
    // first <= last.
    // Postcondition: Returns the index of the pivot element of
    // theArray[first..last]. Upon completion of the method,
    // this will be the index value lastS1 such that
    // S1 = theArray[first..lastS1-1] < pivot
    // theArray[lastS1] == pivot
    // S2 = theArray[lastS1+1..last] >= pivot
    // Calls: choosePivot.
    // tempItem is used to swap elements in the array
    Comparable tempItem;
    // place pivot in theArray[first]
    //choosePivot(theArray, first, last);
    Comparable pivot = theArray[first]; // reference pivot
    // initially, everything but pivot is in unknown
    int lastS1 = first; // index of last item in S1
    // move one item at a time until unknown region is empty
    for (int firstUnknown = first + 1; firstUnknown <= last;
    ++firstUnknown) {
    // Invariant: theArray[first+1..lastS1] < pivot
    // theArray[lastS1+1..firstUnknown-1] >= pivot
    // move item from unknown to proper region
    if (theArray[firstUnknown].compareTo(pivot) < 0) {
    // item from unknown belongs in S1
    tempItem = theArray[firstUnknown];
    theArray[firstUnknown] = theArray[lastS1];
    theArray[lastS1] = tempItem;
    } // end if
    // else item from unknown belongs in S2
    } // end for
    // place pivot in proper position and mark its location
    tempItem = theArray[first];
    theArray[first] = theArray[lastS1];
    theArray[lastS1] = tempItem;
    return lastS1;
    } // end partition
    // Given a new word, add it to the graph
    public void addNode(String word) {
    GraphNode node = new GraphNode(word);
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Duplicate Word, operation terminated");
    for(int i=0; i<graph.size(); ++i) {
    if(isAnEdge((String)(((GraphNode)graph.get(i)).getVertex()),(String)(node.getVertex()))) {
    EdgeNode e1 = new EdgeNode((String)node.getVertex(),1);
    EdgeNode e2 = new EdgeNode((String)((GraphNode)graph.get(i)).getVertex(),1);
    public boolean deleteNode(String word) {
    GraphNode node = new GraphNode(word);
    EdgeNode n = new EdgeNode(word,1);
    if(!graph.contains(node)) {
    return false;
    else {
    for(int i=0; i<graph.size();++i) {
    return true;
    public void save(String fileName) {
    try {
    PrintWriter output = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("word.txt"));
    for(int i=0; i< graph.size();++i) {
    catch (IOException e) {
    // given two word, find the ladder (using dijkstra's algorithm
    // create a string for the ladder and return it
    public String findLadder(String start,String end) {
    String ladder = new String();
    GraphNode sv = new GraphNode(start);
    GraphNode ev = new GraphNode(end);
    if(!graph.contains(sv)) {
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,start + " not in graph");
    return null;
    if(!graph.contains(ev)) {
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,end + " not in graph");
    return null;
    LinkedList distance = new LinkedList(((GraphNode)graph.get(graph.indexOf(sv))).getEdgeList());
    LinkedList visited = new LinkedList();
    LinkedList path = new LinkedList();
    path.add(new PathNode(start,"****"));
    for(int i=0; i<distance.size();++i) {
    PathNode p = new PathNode((String)((EdgeNode)distance.get(i)).getKey(),start);
    while(!visited.contains(end)) {
    EdgeNode min = findSmallest(distance,visited);
    String v = (String)min.getVertex();
    return null;
    // for(int i=0;i<graph.size();++i) {
    // String u = (String)(((GraphNode)(graph.get(i))).getVertex());
    GraphNode temp1 = new GraphNode(v);
    int index = graph.indexOf(temp1);
    LinkedList l = new LinkedList(((GraphNode)graph.get(index)).getEdgeList());
    for(int i=0;i<l.size();++i)
    String u = (String)(((EdgeNode)(l.get(i))).getVertex());
    if(!visited.contains(u)) {
    int du=999, dv=999, avu=999;
    dv = min.getCost();
    EdgeNode edge = new EdgeNode(u,1);
    if(distance.contains(edge)) {
    du = ((EdgeNode)(distance.get(distance.indexOf(edge)))).getCost();
    GraphNode temp = new GraphNode(v);
    GraphNode node = ((GraphNode)(graph.get(graph.indexOf(temp))));
    LinkedList edges = node.getEdgeList();
    if(edges.contains(edge)) {
    avu = ((EdgeNode)(edges.get(edges.indexOf(new EdgeNode(u,1))))).getCost();
    if( du > dv+avu) {
    if(du == 999) {
    distance.add(new EdgeNode(u,dv+avu));
    path.add(new PathNode(u,v));
    else {
    if(!path.contains(new PathNode(end,"")))
    return null;
    LinkedList pathList = new LinkedList();
    for(int i=0;i<path.size();++i) {
    PathNode n = (PathNode)path.get(path.indexOf(new PathNode(end,"****")));
    if(n.getEnd().compareTo("****") != 0) {
    n = (PathNode)path.get(path.indexOf(new PathNode(n.getEnd(),"****")));
    end = n.getStart();
    for(int i=0;i<pathList.size()-1;++i) {
    ladder = ladder + ((String)(pathList.get(i))) + " --> ";
    ladder = ladder + ((String)(pathList.get(pathList.size()-1)));
    return ladder;
    private EdgeNode findSmallest(LinkedList distance, LinkedList visited) {
    EdgeNode min = new EdgeNode("****",999);
    for(int i=0;i<distance.size();++i) {
    String node = (String)(((EdgeNode)distance.get(i)).getVertex());
    if(!visited.contains(node)) {
    if(((EdgeNode)distance.get(i)).getCost()<min.getCost()) {
    min = (EdgeNode)distance.get(i);
    return min;
    // class that represents nodes inserted into path set
    private class PathNode {
    protected String sv;
    protected String ev;
    public PathNode(String s,String e) {
    sv = s;
    ev = e;
    public String getEnd() {
    return ev;
    public String getStart() {
    return sv;
    public void setEnd(String n) {
    ev = n;
    public boolean equals(Object o) {
    public String toString() {
    return "("+sv+":"+ev+")";
    }thank you

  • Need to know transaction code for category

    Hi Gurus ,
    I had like to know the transaction code for product category in CRM 2007
    Please reply me asap

    Hi Srinivas
    For CRM 2007 the correct method for maintaining the Product Category & Products is via the WEB UI.
    Refer to Best Practice Guide C04. Make sure you follow the necessary settings for setting yourself up with Role POWERUSER.
    Oce this is done.
    Log into Webclient, select Poweruser Role if multiple options provided.
    From the navigation bar select Master Data, within this option will be various options relating to Product Hierarchies, etc.
    Hope this helps.

  • Need help on transaction code to create

    1)How to create a transaction code with input parameter?
    2) I have a selection screen with the input parameter VKORG.
    If I entered a value in vkorg, that related values only updated in custom table thru that transaction.

    First Create the program in SE38 (Report program /Module pool program)
    Steps to create the t-code for Report program.
    T-code for report program
    1. Go to se93
    2. give the meaning full t-code name
    3. Click on Create button (popup will appear)
    4.Give the meaning full short text
    5.Select the second radio button and press enter
    (Program and selection Screen)
    6. U will get a new screen , here u give ur report program name
    7. save, check and execute
    T-code for module pool program
    1. Go to se93
    2. give the meaning full t-code name
    3. Click on Create button (popup will appear)
    4.Give the meaning full short text
    5.Select the first radio radio button and press enter
    (program and screen)
    6. U will get a new screen , here u give ur report program name
    7. save, check and execute
    Hope this will solve ur problem

  • Need information on transaction code

    Hi Experts,
    Is there any standard SAP transaction that can be execute by material to display the
    ‘completeness’ ( availability of the components) for process orders?(ECC & APO)

    Hi prasad,
    you can check it by co09.

  • Transaction code for Table Maitainence for table

    Hi all,
    i have created Table Maintainece for Table and also i need to create transaction code
    for table maintainence.
    there when i create transaction code with TRANSACTION with PARAMETERS and SKIP FIRST  SCREEN.
    I can see all the records in the table into table Maintainence.
    Is ther is any possibility like i can restrict records on the key fields (like selection screen).
    Will anybody let me know how to goahead with this requirement.

    You can build a small report that call the maintenance view. In the report, convert the SELECT-OPTIONS input to the [DBA_SELLIST|] parameter of function module [VIEW_MAINTENANCE_CALL|].
    If you have "pertinent" key to filter the data, you may define these as sub-key in a mainetance view, those fields will be asked for when entering the maintanance dialog. Or you can build a [view cluster|] using these sub-set keys.

  • Need help in transcation code ime0

    I need help in transaction code ime0. I mean to say what is this TCode doing? What different Drill-down program means? Where I can use this report?

    Please check the link for help
    <a href="">CA - Drilldown Reporting</a>
    Hope it helps

  • Is there any view for  table TSTCT (transaction code text )

    I need to display the transactions allowed per a user , in that i need to display transaction codes along with the text.
    In this report selection screen contains user as select option, when the user enters group of users as selection it is consuming a lot of time to get the t codes and to get the text from the table tstct. is there any way so that i can reduce the the runtime of this program.

    I am not sure abt the view but Try to use the key fields in the where clause of select statement. This you can do to have a good performance or restrict the user to enter few entries in that select option. Instead of select-options you can use parameters options also.

  • How to attach Form to Transaction Code F-92

    Dear All,
    I have a reuirement from my client, where in they need Printout for Transaction Code f-92, I want to know how to attach Form to the Transaction Code or is there any standard Form availabale in the system.
    Thanks in advance
    Dnyanesh Shenwai

    The user menu is the set of menu of all roles of user, so you should check the roles of the user and update one of menu of user roles.
    You can do it by transactions PFGC, but if you change a role you'll change the menu of all users have that role.
    This operation usually is made by the administrators of system.
    Message was edited by: max bianchi

  • How can i log transaction codes, programes and tables used by a user?

    Hi everyone,
    i need to log transaction codes, programes and tables a user has used in a certain time. how can i trace that and is it possible with timestamps?
    i tried something with the badi workload_statistic but thats not what i need. is there a simple function which can do that or is this really much more complicated?

    In SE13 there is an option to log table changes for a table.
    If you search for "SCU3" you will find plenty of information on this. Also search for "RECCLIENT" (without the "/") and you will find some more specialized threads.

  • Transaction code KO88 need to be check at company code leval

    Dear Experts,
    I need maintain authorization check at company code level for the transaction code KO88
    Can you suggest what are the better approaches/solutions to meet this requirement
    Thanks in Advance
    Guru Prasad

    it does not look like you can use standard authorization objects assigned to this transaction. This transaction is from CO module and this module does not use company codes directly. It uses controlling areas instead. You can see it in authorization object K_VRGNG which is checked in KO88.
    It does not look like there is a suitable BADI either. So if you are on Netweaver you can try to use enhancement framework. In program KO71 which corresponds to transaction KO88 is subroutine ACTIVITY_AUTHORITY_CHECK where FM K_VRGNG_AUTHORITY_CHECK is used to check authorization for object K_VRGNG. It looks to me that it's a good point to use implicit enhancement point of this subroutine to add additional authorization check. In your case check for company code attached to internal order. But you need to test it properly and it might work only for this transaction. So if user can start settlement from somewhere else that your additional check might not be performed.

  • Need to add Standard transaction code to User Menu.

    Hi All,
    I need to add Standard transaction code to User Menu. How this can be accomplished?

    Your Security and/or Basis team probably have control of the user menu settings.  On the other hand, if this is for YOUR user menu, you could choose to simply adjust your favorites.

  • Need all transaction codes related to SD and MM

    i am in need of need all transaction codes related to SD and MM.
    can anyone help me to get it.
    thanks in advance.

    The most frequently used transaction codes are as follows:
    1. VS00 - Master data
    2. VC00 - Sales Support
    3. VA00 - Sales
    4. VL00 - Shipping
    5. VT00 - Transportation
    6. VF00 - Billing
    Others as follows:
    At Configuration:
    1. VOV8 - Define Sales documents type (header)
    2. OVAZ - Assigning Sales area to sales documents type
    3. OVAU - Order reasons
    4. VOV4 - Assign Item categoreies(Item cat determination)
    5. VOV6 - Scedule line categories
    6. OVAL - To assign blocks to relevant sales documents type
    7. OVLK - Define delivery types
    8. V/06 - Pricing
    9. V/08 - Maintain pricing procedure
    10.OVKP - Pricing proc determination
    11.V/07 - Access sequence
    1. Customer Master Creation-VD01 and XD01 (for full inclu company code)
        VD02 - Change Customer
        VD03 - Display Customer
        VD04 - Customer Account Changes
        VD06 - Flag for Deletion Customer
        XD01 - Create Customer
        XD02 - Modify Customer
        XD03 - Display Customer
    2. Create Other material -
    3. VB11- To create material determination condition record
    4. CO09- Material availability Overview
    5. VL01 - Create outbound delivery with ref sales order
    6. VL04 - Collective processing of delivery
    7. VA11 - Create Inquiry
        VA12 - Change Inquiry
        VA13 - Display Inquiry
    Sales & Distribution
    Sales order / Quote / Sched Agreement / Contract
    · VA01 - Create Order
    · VA02 - Change Order
    · VA03 - Display Order
    · VA02 - Sales order change
    · VA05 - List of sales orders
    · VA32 - Scheduling agreement change
    · VA42 - Contract change
    · VA21 - Create Quotation
    · VA22 - Change Quotation
    · VA23 - Display Quotation
    · VF02 - Change billing document
    · VF11 - Cancel Billing document
    · VF04 - Billing due list
    · FBL5N - Display Customer invoices by line
    · FBL1N - Display Vendor invoices by line
    · VL02N - Change delivery document
    · VL04 - Delivery due list
    · VKM5 - List of deliveries
    · VL06G - List of outbound deliveries for goods issue
    · VL06P - List of outbound deliveries for picking
    · VL09 - Cancel goods issue
    · VT02N - Change shipment
    · VT70 - Output for shipments
    · VKM3, VKM4 - List of sales documents
    · VKM1 - List of blocked SD documents
    · VD52  - Material Determination
    MM Transaction Code
    All transaction are stored in table TSTC. 
    Transaction for MM module start with M. 
    IH09 - Display Material
    MM01 - Create Material 
    MM02 - Change Material 
    MM03 - Display Material
    MM50 - List Extendable Materials
    MMBE - Stock Overview
    MMI1 - Create Operating Supplies
    MMN1 - Create Non-Stock Material 
    MMS1 - Create Service
    MMU1 - Create Non-Valuated Material
    ME51N - Create Purchase Requisition
    ME52N - Change Purchase Requisition
    ME53N - Display Purchase Requisition
    ME5A - Purchase Requisitions: List Display
    ME5J - Purchase Requisitions for Project
    ME5K - Requisitions by Account Assignment
    MELB - Purch. Transactions by Tracking No.
    ME56 - Assign Source to Purch. Requisition
    ME57 - Assign and Process Requisitions
    ME58 - Ordering: Assigned Requisitions
    ME59 - Automatic Generation of POs
    ME54 - Release Purchase Requisition
    ME55 - Collective Release of Purchase Reqs.
    ME5F - Release Reminder: Purch. Requisition
    MB21 - Create Reservation
    MB22 - Change Reservation
    MB23 - Display Reservation
    MB24 - Reservations by Material
    MB25 - Reservations by Account Assignment
    MB1C - Other Goods Receipts
    MB90 - Output Processing for Mat. Documents
    MB21 - Create Reservation
    MB22 - Change Reservation
    MB23 - Display Reservation
    MB24 - Reservations by Material
    MB25 - Reservations by Account Assignment
    MBRL - Return Delivery per Mat. Document
    MB1C - Other Goods Receipts
    MB90 - Output Processing for Mat. Documents
    MB1B - Transfer Posting
    MIBC - ABC Analysis for Cycle Counting
    MI01 - Create Physical Inventory Document
    MI02 - Change Physical Inventory Document
    MI03 - Display Physical Inventory Document
    MI31 - Batch Input: Create Phys. Inv. Doc.
    MI32 - Batch Input: Block Material
    MI33 - Batch Input: Freeze Book Inv.Balance
    MICN - Btch Inpt:Ph.Inv.Docs.for Cycle Ctng
    MIK1 - Batch Input: Ph.Inv.Doc.Vendor Cons.
    MIQ1 - Batch Input: PhInvDoc. Project Stock
    MI01 - Create Physical Inventory Document
    MI02 - Change Physical Inventory Document
    MI03 - Display Physical Inventory Document
    MI31 - Batch Input: Create Phys. Inv. Doc.
    MI32 - Batch Input: Block Material
    MI33 - Batch Input: Freeze Book Inv.Balance
    MICN - Btch Inpt:Ph.Inv.Docs.for Cycle Ctng
    MIK1 - Batch Input: Ph.Inv.Doc.Vendor Cons.
    MIQ1 - Batch Input: PhInvDoc. Project Stock
    MI01 - Create Physical Inventory Document
    MI02 - Change Physical Inventory Document
    MI03 - Display Physical Inventory Document
    MI31 - Batch Input: Create Phys. Inv. Doc.
    MI32 - Batch Input: Block Material
    MI33 - Batch Input: Freeze Book Inv.Balance
    MICN - Btch Inpt:Ph.Inv.Docs.for Cycle Ctng
    MIK1 - Batch Input: Ph.Inv.Doc.Vendor Cons.
    MIQ1 - Batch Input: PhInvDoc. Project Stock
    MI21 - Print physical inventory document
    MI04 - Enter Inventory Count with Document
    MI05 - Change Inventory Count
    MI06 - Display Inventory Count
    MI09 - Enter Inventory Count w/o Document
    MI34 - Batch Input: Enter Count
    MI35 - Batch Input: Post Zero Stock Balance
    MI38 - Batch Input: Count and Differences
    MI39 - Batch Input: Document and Count
    MI40 - Batch Input: Doc., Count and Diff.
    MI08 - Create List of Differences with Doc.
    MI10 - Create List of Differences w/o Doc.
    MI20 - Print List of Differences
    MI11 - Physical Inventory Document Recount
    MI07 - Process List of Differences
    MI37 - Batch Input: Post Differences
    CT01 - Create Characteristic
    CT02 - Change Characteristic
    CT03 - Display Characteristic
    CL01 - Create Class
    CL02 - Classes
    CL03 - Display Class
    CL04 - Delete Class
    CL2B - Class Types
    Edited by: Alvaro Tejada Galindo on Apr 7, 2008 12:53 PM

  • What authorizations and transaction codes needed to do transports?

    I would like to find out what authorization objects and transaction codes are needed to perform transports in r/3 v4.6? 
    Are transaction codes SE06, SE09, SE10 or authorization objects S_TRANSPRT, S_CTS_ADMI needed?

    Yes you would need the following Tcodes to do the transports. In R3, usually when you create or change, you get prompted for a transport request and then all your changes are captured in there, till such time as you release the request.
    You can create, view and release requests using tcodes SE01, SE09 or SE10.
    You'll need the auth objects you specfied and the activites assoiciated with creating, viewing and carrying out other activites with transports via these autho objects. These need to be assigned to a role and the role assigned to the user.

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    Hi All,
    Please can anyone give me the Transaction Codes and BAPIs that are needed and used for developing an application for Mobile Time and Travel.?
    Please help me out.

    Hi Anu
    Below are the Functional Modules used in the standard MTT application.
    <u><b>RFC's for Time Sheet (MTS)</b></u>
    <u><b>RFC's for Travel Expenses (MTR)</b></u>
    Hope this helps

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