Need to rotate text 90 degrees in Numbers...any hints?

Need to rotate text 90 degrees in Numbers...any hints?

If you mean rotate text in a cell then this discussion may help with ideas to coerce Numbers to do what you want when it does not have the capability:

Similar Messages

  • How to Rotate Text 90 Degree?

    I tried to rotate text so that it reads from bottom to
    top of the screen (vertically). How to do it?
    I tried w/ Graphics2D and AffineTransform class but fail.
    Here is my code:
    AffineTransform af = new AffineTransform(0.0, 1.0, 1.0,
    0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    Graphics2D newg = (Graphics2D) g;
    g.drawString("Rotated Text", 70.0f, 70.0f);
    Anybody do text rotation please post reply.

    Turns out the bug still persists, and I post new Q on
    this forum. Please check it out.
    But here is the my entire code, if you would like to see
    and try:
    import javax.swing.DefaultCellEditor;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.SwingConstants;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    import java.awt.Graphics2D;
    import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
    public class CompJFC
    static JFrame frame1;
    static final int cWidth = 500;
    static final int cHeight = 500;
    Object[] ctable = {"Usage Graph for Users",
    "Usage Graph for Servers",
    "Usage Graph for Appliances",
    "Top 20 Users (Last 30 Days)",
    "Top 20 Users (Last 60 Days)",
    "Top 20 Users (Last 90 Days)"};
    JComboBox ccombo = new JComboBox(ctable);
    JPanel panel1, panel2, panel3;
    JCanvas canvas;
    public class JCanvas extends JComponent
    Insets insideBorder;
    JCanvas(int cWidth, int cHeight)
    insideBorder = new Insets(cHeight-150, 50, 50, cWidth-60);
    public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
    Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
    AffineTransform af1 = g2.getTransform();
    int xp = insideBorder.left-35;
    int yp =;
    AffineTransform af2 =
    AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(Math.toRadians(270), xp, yp);
    g2.drawString("Number of Online Users", xp, yp);
    public void AddComp()
    panel1 = new JPanel();
    ccombo.addItemListener(new ItemListener()
    public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent evt)
    String selected;
    canvas = new JCanvas(cWidth, cHeight);
    panel2.add(canvas, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    canvas = new JCanvas(cWidth, cHeight);
    panel2 = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
    panel2.add(canvas, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    panel3 = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
    panel3.add(panel1, BorderLayout.NORTH);
    panel3.add(panel2, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    JTabbedPane tpane = new JTabbedPane();
    tpane.addTab("Chart", panel3);
    public static void main(String args[])
    CompJFC jc = new CompJFC();
    frame1 = new JFrame("Swing GUI Exercise");
    frame1.setSize(cWidth, cHeight);
    frame1.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());

  • I need to rotate video 90 degrees and make it look right.

    I'm editing a video for a friend - they shot some video vertically (they didn't realize it doesn't work for video as it does for still photos).
    I tried rotating the picture but it's distorted (Stretched). Are there settings I can use to rotate picture 90 degrees without distortion (I realize there will be some kind of letterbox effect).

    The distortion you're seeing is the difference of non-square pixels in height vs width. Even though you rotated the picture to correct the angle, the video will still look stretched until you compensate for the non-square pixels.
    There's math involved if you want to get it exact, but I'd probably just select a top corner and, holding down the SHIFT key, distort the video until it looks right in the frame. You'll still be left with some pillar-boxing, but at least it'll look correct.

  • Rotate/rotating text in SmartForms

    Need to rotate text 90 degrees in a SmartForm.
    The printers are all PCL based.
    New print-controls cannot be created.
    In PCL, the following command sets rotation:
    where # is the number of degrees
    To rotate 90 degrees, the PCL command would be:
    In SAPscript, I can use the print-control for <ESC>.
    =  &a90P
    Another method that works involves standard texts.
    Define standard texts named ZPCLROTATE90 and ZPCLROTATE0.
    They willl set the rotation to 90 and reset to 0 degrees.
    ( &a90P
    ( &a0P
    The SAPscript uses the new standard text objects:
    AS  horizontal text
    AS  rotated text
    AS  horizontal again
    This also works in SAPscript.
    None of this seems to work in SmartForms.  I thought the INCLUDE text would work the same in SmartForms.  It does not.
    Tried the first method shown; SmartForms converts the "=" or "(" paragraph symbol to "*".  This separates the escape sequence and it becomes invalid.
    Any ideas?  They do not want to use SAPscript.  Cannot create a Z print-control.

       Try to follow the steps givenbelow in your SMARTFORM.
    1. Create a template and keep the text alone inside that you wanted to rotate.
    2. Above and Below your text, In the text element that you wanted to rotate give the Print control.
         &variable text&
        PRINT CONTROL'SF202'
    2. Create a command inside the window and enter the attribute name and the attribute value.
        Ex. Use Attribute name as S_LZPL_HR1
                     Attribute value as 'BC_CD39'
    3 Create another command above the template and enter the value "SF200" in Include Printer control.
    4.Create another command above the template and enter the value "SF202" in Include Printer control.
    I followed the above procedure for rotation of texts, and it worked.

  • How do you rotate text

    I am looking to rotate text 90 degrees. I cant seem to find this basic function in numbers.

    Hi Bru,
    Text rotation is possible in Shapes and Text Boxes, but not in Tables. You can put a rotated image into a table cell, but you won't be able to use the text in the image in any functions.
    Here's the way I prefer for placing rotated text into a Table Cell.
    Insert > Text Box
    Type text into box
    Size the text and set the box dimensions to your liking - not critical on the size, but the proportions are important
    Click once on the box to select the object, not the text inside
    Rotate the object in the direction you desire
    Command-C to copy the object to the Clipboard
    Switch to
    Command-N to make a PDF of the Clipboard Content
    Command-C to place the PDF file on the clipboard
    Switch back to Numbers
    Command-V to paste it to the cell where you want it
    It takes less time to do it than to tell about it.
    I made an error in my sequence in the original post - now corrected.

  • Rotate text using java 1.1

    Hi...i need to rotate text using only java Affine Transformations.
    Does anyone ever had to do this?
    Please give some ideas.

    Hrm. You could always create an extension of Label's paint that provides the super method with a Graphics object and then, in your implementation, paint the rotation yourself...

  • How do you rotate text in numbers

    I'm trying to rotate the text in header row by 90 degrees.  Is this possible in Numbers?

    You cannot rotate text in any cell of a table.  There are a variety of technoques to work around this limitation:
    1) rotate a text box with the header text in it:
    2) copy the desired header text (which is rotated) then open Preview and create a new document from the clipboard.  Then use the rectangular selection tool to surround one word, then copy, then paste that into one of the cells in you header:
    Create new Preview doc from the clipboard contents:
    Now copy words out of preview using the rectangular selection tool:
    now select the cell where you want this text:
    There are some other ways (which you can find by searching this forum).
    Hope these help

  • I need to rotate my text in pages - in a template - not just a text box

    I am trying to make labels in Pages using a template I downloaded from the place I bought the labels.  Problem is I cannot rotate the text! And I cannot select the text box - it is not working.  WHY PAGES WHY???? Does anyone know how to deal with this? 

    If you already designed a label art and need to rotate it to fit the label itself you can select all the elements from the design and select "group" then on the  "format" tab of the Inspector you can rotate it. If you wish to print more than one label just copy, paste and move them to the label area. Hope this helps.
    Can you also post a print screen so we can better understand what you are trying to achieve.

  • How can i make the text go vertically in numbers

    How can I make the text vertical in numbers?  I have merged the cells and cannot find an option for making it go vertical as opposed to horizontal.

    I already gave two tools to fit this kind of needs.
    tip #1 :
    --[SCRIPT write_vertically]
    Enregistrer le script en tant que Script : write_vertically.scpt
    déplacer le fichier ainsi créé dans le dossier
    <VolumeDeDémarrage>:Utilisateurs:<votreCompte>:Bibliothèque:Scripts:Applications :Numbers:
    Il vous faudra peut-être créer le dossier Numbers et peut-être même le dossier Applications.
    Saisir dans une cellule le mot à écrire verticalement puis le sélectionner.
    ATTENTION, il ne faut pas sélectionner la cellule mais le mot qui doit apparaitre surligné.
    Aller au menu Scripts , choisir Numbers puis choisir “write_vertically”
    Le script colle dans la cellule le mot apès avoir inséré un return entre tous les caractères.
    Pour mon usage personnel j'associe un raccourci à ce script grace à FastScripts.
    L’aide du Finder explique:
    L’Utilitaire AppleScript permet d’activer le Menu des scripts :
    Ouvrez l’Utilitaire AppleScript situé dans le dossier Applications/AppleScript.
    Cochez la case “Afficher le menu des scripts dans la barre de menus”.
    Sous 10.6.x,
    aller dans le panneau “Général” du dialogue Préférences de l’Éditeur Applescript
    puis cocher la case “Afficher le menu des scripts dans la barre des menus”.
    Save the script as a Script: write_vertically.scpt
    Move the newly created file into the folder:
    <startup Volume>:Users:<yourAccount>:Library:Scripts:Applications:Numbers:
    Maybe you would have to create the folder Numbers and even the folder Applications by yourself.
    In a cell, type a word to write vertically then select it.
    CAUTION, don’t select the cell but the word which must be highlighted.
    Go to the Scripts Menu, choose Numbers, then choose “write_vertically”
    The script insert in the cell the word after inserting a return between every characters.
    For my own use, I link a shortcut to the script thank to FastScripts.
    The Finder’s Help explains:
    To make the Script menu appear:
    Open the AppleScript utility located in Applications/AppleScript.
    Select the “Show Script Menu in menu bar” checkbox.
    Under 10.6.x,
    go to the General panel of AppleScript Editor’s Preferences dialog box
    and check the “Show Script menu in menu bar” option.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France)
    2012/01/01 no longer use a local variable, use result
    on run
    Clear the clipboard *)
      set the clipboard to ""
    Copy the selection in the clipboard *)
              my raccourci("Numbers", "c", "c")
    Loop waiting that the clipboard is really filled *)
                                  if (the clipboard as text) is not "" then exit repeat
                        on error
                        end try
              end repeat
    Extract the clipboard's content *)
      the clipboard as text
    Insert return between every characters *)
              my recolle(every character of result, return)
    Fill the clipboard with the edited string *)
      set the clipboard to result
    Paste in the cell *)
              my raccourci("Numbers", "v", "cas")
    end run
    on recolle(l, d)
              local oTIDs, t
              set oTIDs to AppleScript's text item delimiters
              set AppleScript's text item delimiters to d
              set t to l as text
              set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oTIDs
              return t
    end recolle
    on activateGUIscripting()
      (* to be sure than GUI scripting will be active *)
              tell application "System Events"
                        if not (UI elements enabled) then set (UI elements enabled) to true
              end tell
    end activateGUIscripting
    ==== Uses GUIscripting ====
    This handler may be used to 'type' text, invisible characters if the third parameter is an empty string.
    It may be used to 'type' keyboard raccourcis if the third parameter describe the required modifier keys.
    I changed its name « shortcut » to « raccourci » to get rid of a name conflict in Smile.
    on raccourci(a, t, d)
              local k
              tell application a to activate
              tell application "System Events" to tell application process a
                        set frontmost to true
                                  t * 1
                                  if d is "" then
      key code t
                                  else if d is "c" then
      key code t using {command down}
                                  else if d is "a" then
      key code t using {option down}
                                  else if d is "k" then
      key code t using {control down}
                                  else if d is "s" then
      key code t using {shift down}
                                  else if d is in {"ac", "ca"} then
      key code t using {command down, option down}
                                  else if d is in {"as", "sa"} then
      key code t using {shift down, option down}
                                  else if d is in {"sc", "cs"} then
      key code t using {command down, shift down}
                                  else if d is in {"kc", "ck"} then
      key code t using {command down, control down}
                                  else if d is in {"ks", "sk"} then
      key code t using {shift down, control down}
                                  else if (d contains "c") and (d contains "s") and d contains "k" then
      key code t using {command down, shift down, control down}
                                  else if (d contains "c") and (d contains "s") and d contains "a" then
      key code t using {command down, shift down, option down}
                                  end if
                        on error
                                  repeat with k in t
                                            if d is "" then
      keystroke (k as text)
                                            else if d is "c" then
      keystroke (k as text) using {command down}
                                            else if d is "a" then
      keystroke k using {option down}
                                            else if d is "k" then
      keystroke (k as text) using {control down}
                                            else if d is "s" then
      keystroke k using {shift down}
                                            else if d is in {"ac", "ca"} then
      keystroke (k as text) using {command down, option down}
                                            else if d is in {"as", "sa"} then
      keystroke (k as text) using {shift down, option down}
                                            else if d is in {"sc", "cs"} then
      keystroke (k as text) using {command down, shift down}
                                            else if d is in {"kc", "ck"} then
      keystroke (k as text) using {command down, control down}
                                            else if d is in {"ks", "sk"} then
      keystroke (k as text) using {shift down, control down}
                                            else if (d contains "c") and (d contains "s") and d contains "k" then
      keystroke (k as text) using {command down, shift down, control down}
                                            else if (d contains "c") and (d contains "s") and d contains "a" then
      keystroke (k as text) using {command down, shift down, option down}
                                            end if
                                  end repeat
                        end try
              end tell
    end raccourci
    tip #2 :
    --[SCRIPT rotate_cell_contents]
    Enregistrer le script en tant que Script : rotate_cell_contents.scpt
    déplacer le fichier ainsi créé dans le dossier
    Il vous faudra peut-être créer le dossier Numbers et peut-être même le dossier Applications.
    Sélectionner une cellule dont le texte doit être tourné de 90 degrés.
    Aller au menu Scripts , choisir Numbers puis choisir “rotate_cell_contents”
    L’aide du Finder explique:
    L’Utilitaire AppleScript permet d’activer le Menu des scripts :
    Ouvrez l’Utilitaire AppleScript situé dans le dossier Applications/AppleScript.
    Cochez la case “Afficher le menu des scripts dans la barre de menus”.
    Sous 10.6.x,
    aller dans le panneau “Général” du dialogue Préférences de l’Éditeur Applescript
    puis cocher la case “Afficher le menu des scripts dans la barre des menus”.
    Save the script as a Script: rotate_cell_contents.scpt
    Move the newly created file into the folder:
    <startup Volume>:Users:<yourAccount>:Library:Scripts:Applications:Numbers:
    Maybe you would have to create the folder Numbers and even the folder Applications by yourself.
    Select a cell whose contents must be rotated for 90 degrees.
    Go to the Scripts Menu, choose Numbers, then choose “rotate_cell_contents”
    The Finder’s Help explains:
    To make the Script menu appear:
    Open the AppleScript utility located in Applications/AppleScript.
    Select the “Show Script Menu in menu bar” checkbox.
    Under 10.6.x,
    go to the General panel of AppleScript Editor’s Preferences dialog box
    and check the “Show Script menu in menu bar” option.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France)
    2011/06/26 -- No longer use an auxiliary text box. Now keep the text attributes.
    2012/01/31 -- edited for Lion
    on run
              local dName, sName, tName, rowNum1, colNum1, rowNum2, colNum2
              local le_texte, la_largeur, la_hauteur, myNewDoc
              my activateGUIscripting()
    Extract properties of the source/target cell *)
              set {dName, sName, tName, rowNum1, colNum1, rowNum2, colNum2} to my get_SelParams()
              tell application "Numbers" to tell document dName to tell sheet sName to tell table tName
                        set selection range to range (name of column colNum1 & name of row rowNum1)
              end tell
              my raccourci("Numbers", "x", "c")
    Trigger Preview *)
              tell application "System Events"
                        if "Preview" is not in (name of every application process) then launch application "Preview"
              end tell
      delay 0.2 -- required
    New document from the clipboard *)
              my raccourci("Preview", "n", "c")
    Rotate to left *)
              my raccourci("Preview", "l", "c")
    Copy *)
              my raccourci("Preview", "c", "c")
    Quit *)
              my raccourci("Preview", "q", "c")
              (system attribute "sys2") < 7
              if result then
    Click the [Don't Save] button in the warning sheet *)
                        tell application "Preview" to activate
                        tell application "System Events" to tell application process "Preview" to tell window 1
                                  name of buttons
                                  repeat 50 times
                                            delay 0.1
                                            if exists sheet 1 then exit repeat
                                  end repeat
                                  tell sheet 1 to click button 2
                        end tell
              end if
    Back to Numbers *)
              tell application "Numbers" to tell document dName to tell sheet sName to tell table tName
      -- just reset the focus on the table
              end tell
    Paste in the cell *)
              my raccourci("Numbers", "v", "c")
    end run
    set { dName, sName, tName,  rowNum1, colNum1, rowNum2, colNum2} to my get_SelParams()
    tell application "Numbers" to tell document dName to tell sheet sName to tell table tName
    on get_SelParams()
              local d_name, s_name, t_name, row_num1, col_num1, row_num2, col_num2
              tell application "Numbers" to tell document 1
                        set d_name to its name
                        set s_name to ""
                        repeat with i from 1 to the count of sheets
                                  tell sheet i to set maybe to the count of (tables whose selection range is not missing value)
                                  if maybe is not 0 then
                                            set s_name to name of sheet i
                                            exit repeat
                                  end if -- maybe is not 0
                        end repeat
                        if s_name is "" then
                                  if my parleAnglais() then
                                            error "No sheet has a selected table embedding at least one selected cell !"
                                            error "Aucune feuille ne contient une table ayant au moins une cellule sélectionnée !"
                                  end if

  • Missing rotated text in PDF created via FPDF

    Hi guys,
    I have a weird problem which is preventing some rotated text to be viewed in adobe reader, while every other reader like foxit, google pdf viewer and scrib are doing just fine!
    if you create a flyer using following link
    the generated PDF displays just fine in google document viewer but if I download and open the same in Adobe reader the pull tab text (text rorated 90 degrees) vanish, again the PDF is just fine in foxit reader as well!
    What am I doing wrong, any ideas would be much appriciated.
    Also here is the code to rotate text I'm using by extending the FPDF class
    function Rotate($angle,$x=-1,$y=-1)
    if($x==-1) $x=$this->x;
            if($y==-1) $y=$this->y; //echo "{$this->x} - {$this->y}";die();
            if($angle!=0) $this->_out('Q');
    $this->_out(sprintf('q %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f %.2f %.2f cm 1 0 0 1 %.2f %.2f cm',$c,$s,-$s,$c,$cx,$cy,-$cx,-$cy));
    OS: Windows Any ( >= XP)
    Adobe version X (latest updates)

    Hello anupam,
    I know this is a particularly old thread, however i thought i'd post the solution here for others who may have been searching around for a solution to this very same problem and come across this thread.
    As George has correctly stated it is an issue with the unbalanced q and Q operators. I recognise the provided piece of code, it is of course a snippet from a generation class such as FPDF or TCPDF or HTML2PDF, the error occurs when the rotation is not returned to 0 before finalising the document.
    i.e. You would have used something like $pdf -> Rotate(270,60,50) or $this -> Rotate(270,60,50) where 270=the degree of rotation , 60=the x coordinate , 50=the y coordinate.
    Once you've completed writing all your text, lines, images, cells you need to make sure to reset the rotate i.e. $pdf -> Rotate(0) prior to Outputting the pdf to screen or saving it as a file.

  • Rotating text without embedding fonts - how?

    No doubt same or similar question was asked and most likely answered but I could not
    find anything that would match...
    I want to draw column headers of my ADG vertically. So, I need rotate column text 90 degree
    and adjust position.
    Is it true that it can be achieved with embedded font only? If it is true how can it be done for
    Unicode code, which includes ranges for Japanese, Chinese, etc characters. The size of
    swf is going to be huge. Several sites like this
    claims that they have a solution for the problem without embedding fonts.
    Note: I am still using Flex 3.3 SDK with no TLF. By the way, do TLF libraries work with
    3.3 SDK.?
    Thanks in advance

    Draw your text onto a bitmap image (or take an ImageSnapshot of a Label), then rotate the image.

  • How to rotate text

    I was told to restate my number's problem as I want to rotate text within a single cell. This is for grade book so the column label can be hidden along with other data.

    I was also excited by iWorks, and I was planning to adopt it and try to wean myself from Office even before Numbers was announced. I figured I'd just use the Tables within Pages to do my spreadsheet functions, since all the same calculations are available there. After a month of working in iWork, it's obvious that it would be premature to un-install Office for Mac, but I'm still determined to make the switch and I believe that Apple will address the serious issues, like the speed problem, in short order. So, I'm still excited about being closer to shaking the Microsoft dependency.
    Regarding your application, I don't know how large and complicated your design is, but I encourage you to try my suggestion just to get a feel for working with references that span sheets and tables. This, to me, is much easier in Numbers than in Excel. I tried cross-sheet referencing in Excel years ago and found it too complicated, but in Numbers it is as simple as pie. You can build your second table in the same sheet as your first table if you want to keep things close together for that phase, and then just drag the new table to a new sheet when you're done with it. To make a cell in the destination table mirror the entry in the source table, simply type an = sign in the destination cell and then click on the source cell. To replicate the reference in the first destination cell across the first row, highlight that cell and drag the fill handle across the row. Then, with the filled row highlighted, drag the fill handle down the sheet to populate as many rows as you need. This whole process takes only a few seconds. Now you have a copy of the source table that can be independently formatted, labeled and printed after you move it to it's own sheet. This is the Numbers equivalent of setting a Print Area in Excel, except on steroids.
    I hope you don't give up!

  • TS2755 My wife and I both have iPhone 5s, I can't send text messages to non iPhone people that I use to but iPhone people I can, My wife can send text to non iPhone numbers.  I have checked and we both have the same settings.

    My wife and I both have iPhone 5s, I can't send text messages to non iPhone people that I use to but iPhone people I can, My wife can send text to non iPhone numbers.  I have checked and we both have the same settings.  Both of our phones are up to date 7.0.4.

    The ability to see and send calendar invites is a function of the calendar you are subscribing to and who owns it. We need more information, like what calendar are you subscribing to? MS Exchange? Google? Mobile Me?

  • Example -- double-click to rotate shape 36 degrees

    This is my first attempt to cause Visio to handle double-click on a shape.
    I need to rotate the shape 36 degrees each time it's double-clicked.
    Here's what I have right now:
    Enable developer tab in ribbon
    Select shape
    in developer tab, click "Show ShapeSheet"
    In ShapeSheet, enable "Events" box to show
    For "EventDblClick", enter the formula to handle double-clicks
    Formula I'm trying:
    Result when I double-click:
    "Shape protection, container, and/or layer properties prevent complete execution of this command."
    However, I couldn't find any protection being applied to this shape.  Ideas or suggestions?  Pointers to existing solutions and walkthroughs welcome. 
    My goal: Create a specific shape which rotates by 36 degrees on each double-click, and export it as a stencil.
    10 years Windows storage drivers | Microsoft Patent Attorney | LCA - Patents | Microsoft (not giving legal advice)

    I eventually discovered the problem.  It was a mistake of a someone new to this.  Here's the correct formula, which works quite well:
    In a nutshell, I was confused because the display in the datasheet showed the value in degrees, even though it appears to have required the value in radians.
    Live and learn!
    10 years Windows storage drivers | Microsoft Patent Attorney | LCA - Patents | Microsoft (not giving legal advice)

  • In pages, how can I rotate text ?

    In pages, how can I rotate text ?

    The text needs to be in a TextBox which you can create from the ToolBar and the that can be rotated by control clicking near the top right corner of TextBox and dragging it around.
    Alternatively click on the TextBox > Inspector > Metric > Rotate: enter value.
    Greetings from hot, sweaty and beautiful Broome

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