Need to view concurrent request output(pdf file of XML report)from OAFpage

I am submitting a concurrent request from OA page (on click of submit button).
As of now, to view output of the request user has to open SRS form.
Now the rquirement is to submit the request as well as to open the output file of the request in one action(i.e. on click of submitbutton) instead of going to SRS form to view output.
From the forum, I found out the way to go to request monitoring page and view all the current requests. But this is something different from what I am looking for.
Can somebody help m in this case?
Thanks & Regards

refer this link

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    EBS: 11i10
    DB: 10r2
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  • Getting Error While Attaching Concurrent Program Output PDF file for POAPPRV Workflow

    Hi All,
    I am getting the below error when I am trying to attach concurrent program output to the PO Approval Notification.
    An Error occurred in the following Workflow.
    Item Type = POAPPRV
    Item Key = 1040589-528378
    User Key =945871
    Error Name = WF_ERROR
    Error Message = [WF_ERROR] ERROR_MESSAGE=3835: Error '-20002 - ORA-20002: [WFMLR_DOCUMENT_ERROR]' encountered during execution of Generate function 'WF_XML.Generate' for event ''. ERROR_STACK=
    Wf_Notification.GetAttrblob(3604701, ZZ_PREVIOUS_PO_COMPARE, text/html)
    WF_XML.GetAttachment(3604701, text/html)
    WF_XML.GetAttachments(3604701,, 11283)
    WF_XML.GenerateDoc(, 3604701)
    WF_XML.Generate(, 3604701)
    WF_XML.Generate(, 3604701)
    Wf_Event.setMessage(, 3604701, WF_XML.Generate)
    Error Stack =
    Activity ID = 190844
    Result Code = #MAIL
    Notification ID = 3604701
    There are several threads for this error however I cannot find any specific solution to the problem.
    Please find the code below -
                                      itemkey=> itemkey,
                                      documentid =>'PLSQLBLOB:zz_po_reqapproval_init1.xx_notif_attachments/' || to_char(l_request_id_prev_po)||':'||to_char(l_document_num));
    -- here l_request_id_q_and_s is the request id of the program and l_document_num is the PO document number
    PROCEDURE xx_notif_attachments(p_request_id    IN VARCHAR2,
                                   p_document_num  IN VARCHAR2,
                                   p_document      IN OUT BLOB,
                                   p_document_type IN OUT VARCHAR2) IS
      v_lob_id          NUMBER;
      v_document_num    VARCHAR2(15);
      v_document_prefix VARCHAR2(100);
      v_file_name       VARCHAR2(500);
      v_file_on_os      BFILE;
      v_temp_lob        BLOB;
      v_dest_offset     NUMBER := 1;
      v_src_offset      NUMBER := 1;
      v_out_file_name   VARCHAR2(2000);
      v_conc_prog_name  VARCHAR2(500);
      v_conc_req_id     NUMBER;
      CURSOR get_output_file(p_concurrent_request_id NUMBER) IS
        SELECT cr.outfile_name, cp.concurrent_program_name
          FROM fnd_concurrent_requests cr, fnd_concurrent_programs_vl cp
         WHERE request_id = p_concurrent_request_id
           AND cp.concurrent_program_id = cr.concurrent_program_id;
      --    set_debug_context('xx_notif_attach_procedure');
      v_conc_req_id  := to_number(substr(p_request_id,
                                         instr(p_request_id, ':') - 1));
      v_document_num := substr(p_request_id,
                               instr(p_request_id, ':') + 1,
                               length(p_request_id) - 2);
      OPEN get_output_file(v_conc_req_id);
      FETCH get_output_file
        INTO v_out_file_name, v_conc_prog_name;
      CLOSE get_output_file;
      v_out_file_name := substr(v_out_file_name,
                                instr(v_out_file_name, '/', -1) + 1);
      v_file_name     := to_char(v_document_num) || '-Previous_PO_Rev.pdf';
      utl_file.fcopy(src_location  => 'APPS_OUT_DIR',
                     src_filename  => v_out_file_name,
                     dest_location => 'PO_DATA_DIR',
                     dest_filename => v_file_name);
      --  v_lob_id := to_number(v_document_id);
      v_file_on_os := bfilename('PO_DATA_DIR', v_file_name);
      dbms_lob.createtemporary(v_temp_lob, cache => FALSE);
      dbms_lob.fileopen(v_file_on_os, dbms_lob.file_readonly);
      dbms_lob.loadblobfromfile(dest_lob    => v_temp_lob,
                                src_bfile   => v_file_on_os,
                                amount      => dbms_lob.getlength(v_file_on_os),
                                dest_offset => v_dest_offset,
                                src_offset  => v_src_offset);
      p_document_type := 'application/pdf;name=' || v_file_name;
      dbms_lob.copy(p_document, v_temp_lob, dbms_lob.getlength(v_temp_lob));
    END xx_notif_attachments;
    Please help me find a to the above mentioned error.

    There are two ways to look at what error the PLSQLBLOB API is throwing.
    1) Call your PLSQLBLOB API GNE_PO_CREATE_FILE_ATTACHMENT.Gne_Create_File_Attachment directly from a PLSQL block and verify that it returns the BLOB data successfully.
    You could also call another WF API that in turn executes the PLSQLBLOB API internally. For example,
    l_document blob;
    l_doctype varchar2(240);
    l_aname varchar2(90);
    dbms_lob.CreateTemporary(l_document, true, dbms_lob.Session);
    -- 207046 - This is the notification id of your failed workflow
    -- PO_REPORT - Document type attribute
    -- 'text/html' - Content Type being generated for
    Wf_Notification.GetAttrBLOB(207046, 'PO_REPORT', 'text/html', l_document, l_doctype, l_aname);
    -- Print the size of the document here to verify it was fetched correctly
    2) Turn on log for SYSADMIN user with following attributes.
    Log Enabled = TRUE
    Log Level = ERROR
    Log Module = wf.plsql%
    Restart the Workflow Deferred Agent Listener and Workflow Notification Deferred Agent Listener and run your workflow process. Search for log messages written for above context and you can identify the error at wf.plsql.WF_XML.GetAttachment module with message starting as "Error when getting BLOB attachment ->"
    Hope this helps.

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    l_url := fnd_webfile.get_url
    file_type =>'request_xml_output' , --fnd_webfile.request_out,
    id => req_id,
    gwyuid => l_gwyuid,
    two_task => l_two_task,
    expire_time => 10 -- minutes, security!.
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    It is expected to get this error as the concurrent request output file is missing. The only way to fix this error is to restore the out files from a recent backup you have taken. Or, ask the user to submit the same concurrent program again and a new out file will be created then.

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    plz re-check $APPLCSF/$APPLOUT
    what is
    pwdis it blank for you?
    did you set env before check $APPLCSF/$APPLOUT ?
    also check $APPLPTMP
    concurrent request output $APPLCSF/$APPLOUT and log $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG
    How To Change The Log And Output Location For Concurrent Managers? [ID 872766.1]
    Concurrent Processing - Concurrent Manager Generic Platform Questions and Answers [ID 105133.1]
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    Below is the .java file
    package com.insequence.gv;
    public class Jinvoker {
              public static int invoke(String program) throws, java.lang.InterruptedException
                   System.out.println("invoking program: " + program);
                   Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(program);
                   int exitValue = p.waitFor();
                   return exitValue;
              public static void main(String[] argv)
                   System.out.println("invoker start");
    //               int retval = invoke("c:\\tvalesky\\java\\invoker\\targetexe arg1 arg2 arg3");
    //               int retval = invoke("C:\\Program Files\\FWTools1.1.0\\bin\\gdalinfo.exe C:\\data\\EarthData2005\\Ortho\\no_collaged.tif");
                   String arg1 = "C:\\data\\EarthData2005\\Ortho\\no_collaged.tif > c:\\testing.txt";
    //               String arg1 = "C:\\data\\EarthData2005\\Ortho\\no_collaged.tif";
                   int retval = invoke("C:\\Program Files\\FWTools1.1.0\\bin\\gdalinfo.exe " + arg1);
    //               int retval = invoke("C:\\Program Files\\FWTools1.1.0\\bin\\gdalinfo.exe");
    //               String arg1 = "-s_srs epsg:26915 -t_srs epsg:4326 C:\\data\\EarthData2005\\Ortho\\no_collaged.tif C:\\data\\EarthData2005\\Ortho\\no_collaged2.tif";
    //               int retval = invoke("C:\\Program Files\\FWTools1.1.0\\bin\\gdalwarp.exe " + arg1);
    //               int retval = invoke("C:\\testing.bat C:\\data\\EarthData2005\\Ortho\\no_collaged2.tif");
                   System.out.println("invoker end: returned " + retval);
                   catch( e)
                        System.out.println("IOException caught: " + e);
                   catch(java.lang.InterruptedException e)
                        System.out.println("InterruptedException caught: " + e);
    John Mitchell

    Well, if you ultimately want the output from the process, you don't need to redirect it to a file first. Just read from the standard output of the process. See [url]Process.getInputStream and Process.getErrorStream. You'll need to read from both simultaneously so you'll need to create two threads. You could also use [url]ProcessBuilder if you're using Java 1.5

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    Is there any app that offers a visual/thumbnail view of local network pdf files?
    I'm aware that I could upload them all to Dropbox, but even then I was not able to find a visual view in the Dropbox app.  And, since there is no need to go up to a cloud I'd like to avoid that step.
    I would rather not have them even kept on the iPads but rather just have the iPads view the copy from my hard drive and then trash it on close off said magical app.
    Any suggestions?

    no one?  nothing?  anyone?  anything?

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    How to make Adobe as your default viewer for all your PDF file instead of the Preview given? Thanks

    you need to "Get Info" on the file first. Select it, right click and select 'Get Info' in the menu.
    In the window that pops up, near the bottom, the "Open With" drop down menu needs changed. If the drop down menu does not present the one you want, select "Other" and find it.

  • How to view concurrent request of other users

    We have upgraded recently to R 12.
    Would really appreciate if some one can guide me how i can allow the super user "A" to be able to view all the concurrent requests that were submitted by various key users of HRMS.
    I know in 11i there is a profile option: "Concurrent: Report Access Level" that defines who can access the output of concurrent requests.
    I want to assign the same to one user (super user) only in R12 instance.
    how to do this???

    594647 wrote:
    We have upgraded recently to R 12.
    Would really appreciate if some one can guide me how i can allow the super user "A" to be able to view all the concurrent requests that were submitted by various key users of HRMS.
    I know in 11i there is a profile option: "Concurrent: Report Access Level" that defines who can access the output of concurrent requests.
    I want to assign the same to one user (super user) only in R12 instance.
    how to do this???Please see these docs/links.
    R12 View Concurrent Requests FAQ [ID 1261985.1]
    Unable To View Concurent Output Executed By A User Of The Same Responsibility [ID 1468231.1]

  • I need to configure Acrobat to display PDF files in Safari, but I have a lot of troubles to do it.I have OX S yosemite, I unistalled adobe acrobat, I closed safary and I installed the new version of adobe acrobat.

    Dear everyone
    I need to configure Acrobat to display PDF files in Safari, but I have a lot of troubles to do it.
    I read a european commission document explaining that
    If Safari does not display pdf forms in the browser window, uninstall all older versions of Adobe Reader and download the most recent one. First close Safari and then install Reader. Launch Safari and you ought to be able to open the pdf files inside the Safari window. If you install Adobe Reader 10.1.x without first closing Safari, Safari will not display the pdf file inside its browser window until it is re-launched. For further help, please see
    I have OX S yosemite, I unistalled adobe acrobat, I closed safary and I installed the new version of adobe acrobat
    but when I open a web page that I need to allow me to display and modify PDF files it is not working.
    I checked the following web page
    Troubleshoot Safari plug-in | Acrobat X, Reader X
    that is recommending the following:
    The AdobePDFViewer plug-in is used to display PDF files in Safari using Acrobat and Reader.
    This plug-in is installed as part of the Acrobat X or Reader X installation. The location of this plug-in is:
    /Library/Internet Plug-ins/AdobePDFViewer.plugin
    but after the new installation with this folder is completely empty and I am still
    unable to open these pdf.
    Does anybody knows anything else I can do?
    Best regards

    Moving this discussion to the Adobe Reader forum.

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    Thanks in Advance.

    White space is NOT your friend!
    Make sure you don't have any unwanted whitespace between commands and especially tagged on the end of lines. Chain your commands together with no whitespace and let them wrap, do not enter carriage returns.

  • How to output PDF file through XI from PDF form generated in SAP

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    I need to generate and send out PDF file to other system through XI. The PDF file source come from SAP PDF form which type is XSTRING. I see there is a similar thread posted here /message/527877#527877 [original link is broken]
    but it seems does not have good solution there. Can anybody give a hand?
    Useful information will be surely awarded.

    Please check the links below to know about conversion agent tool,it is a third party tool which helps to convert the PDF,word doc,HL7 doc......etc into xml format.
    This s/w u have to buy from SAP and do the convertion in the convertion agent tool and deploy it in the xi server.
    Check the links
    More on the SAP Conversion Agent by Itemfield
    Integrate SAP Conversion Agent by Itemfield with SAP XI
    Conversion Agent a Free Lunch?
    How to get started using Conversion Agent from Itemfield
    Conversion Agent - Handling EDI termination characters

  • Integrating an Exisitng multiple page PDF file into a report and outputting as one PDF

    Post Author: sditmer
    CA Forum: Crystal Reports
    We would like to be able to  PDF files into a report based on a file name contained in the detail of the report. For Example, I have some data in our database relating to a specifc PDF file  including the name of the PDF that I would like to print in the header of the report and then print the actual PDF as the detail of the report. The PDF may be multiple pages so I would like the remaining pages of the report to follow on each page of my crystal report. Essentially I am trying to merge a  report header onto a mulitple page PDF file as a single report. Is this possible to do out of the BOX with Crystal? Do I need some other tools to do this?

    Post Author: IdoMillet
    CA Forum: Crystal Reports
    Consider a 3rd-party tool as a solution (for a list of such tools, see Visual CUT software allows you to automate the process of merging the pdf export of your reportwith a pdf file named based on a formula in the report.  The resulting merged pdf file can automatically be printed or emailed.

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    When it appears in the browser you could use "Save As" to save it locally.

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