Netbeans: creating a jar including jar libraries

Hi everyone,
I am trying to create a jar of my netbeans project which includes some other jars as libraries.
The problem is that it compiles ok and creates the jar but unfortunately it does not include in the project .jar the libraries needed for the execution.
Therefore when I run the program it complains with a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError.
Anyone can advise on how I can solve this?

Read the README.TXT file that NetBeans creates in your dist folder. And please be informed that this is a forum for problems related to the Java lanuage and standard API, not for an IDE.
There are IDE forums on and

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  • Problem with creation of jar with external libraries

    hi guys, I've no problem with creation of jar,i use this command:
    jar -mcf MANIFEST.MF NameFile.jar *.class
    my file manifest is this:
    Manifest-Version: 1.0
    Created-By: Me
    Main-Class: NameFile
    Now,I've to make a jar file,but i have to use some external libraries in jar format.
    I've read on sun tutorial and i've added to manifest this line:
    Class-Path: dt.jar formshelp.jar formsrt.jar jh.jar looks-1.3.1.jar substance.jar TableLayout.jar
    But the jar file doesn't work, neither with a double click nor with console...
    Someone can help me?Thanks!:)

    Darkweb wrote:
    sorry but,the external libraries that i use are in .jar,what i've to do to include these libraries in my jar?One of 3 things
    1) Take them out of the jar, and put them in a folder, preferably a folder in the same folder as the jar
    2) Write a custom classloader to load classes from nested jars
    3) Extract the contents of all the dependency jars, and jar them all up with your own code
    The first is almost always the most preferable, the second one is doable but brittle and resistent to updating dependencies ( you have to release everything for any changes you need, even if it's not a change in your own code ) and the third one is tedious and suffers from the same robustness problems of the second, not to mention that a lot of software licences prohibit you from actually doing it. Do the first one, it's by far the most common and easiest to maintain. I really wouldn't advise the third option, ever, though. Any activity that reduces the modularity of your application is ill-advised

  • Including jars into executable jar

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    So , my development process resulted into one library: myapp.jar
    This application depends by other jars: lib1.jar, lib2.jar, lib3.jar,
    If I'll create one big jar archive with my classes and these libraries doesn't work (even I'll specify in manifest file all tags:
    Class-Path: lib1.jar lib2.jar lib3.jar
    Main-Class: com.snt.xdoc.MyApp
    So, it is possible to create one single JAR archive including all resources (my interesting point is to include jar libraries) and executable class to know where are these resoures (to establish corectly the classpath)?
    Thank you

    Hello Stefan
    Other topics about this problem can be found here:
    But you might want to take a look at META JAR UTILITIES :
    "Three classes with full source code and documentation that allows to extract resources from a file, from inside a JAR file that is currently executing (java -jar foo.jar), from a JAR that is included in the aforementioned executing JAR and to define a classLoader that can work with JARs, even if those JARs are JARred inside the currently executing JAR."
    MetaJarUtilities are being distributed with full source code under GNU's General Public License.
    For the moment being a JAR structured like this works:
    +- SuperMetaJarTest.class (uses BootstrapJarClassLoader.class)
    +- net/
    | +- yagga/
    | +- util/
    | +- BootstrapJarClassLoader.class
    +- metatest.jar (content below)
    | +- net/
    | | +- yagga/
    | | +- util/
    | | +- Meta Jar Utilities classes here...
    | +- jars/
    | | +- test.jar
    | +- TestmetaJar.class
    | +- text.txt
    +- jars2/
    +- test2.jar
    Good luck!

  • Program run in Netbeans but NOT running as jar file

    Dear all ,
    i hope any help in this problem.
    i am writing program to access parallel port i put next files :
    1. [ comm.jar + ] in
    [ C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_18\lib ] and [ C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_18\jre\lib ]
    2. [ win32com.dll ] in [ C:\WINDOWS\system32 ]
    when i run application in NetBeans IDE 6.8 work fine and every think is ok
    BUT when i produce jar file , generated jar file does not work [GUI appear but can not get ports on PC]
    - I try to set Environment Variable as next :
    CLASSPATH = .;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_18\lib\comm.jar
    also does not work
    any tip please ?
    Thanks in advance

    First of all, leave the lib and jre/lib directories of the JRE alone. Never ever touch them again. Remove any jars you have put there yourself, or better yet completely remove and reinstall the JRE to make sure you put it back in a correct state.
    After you do that, learn how to properly work with the classpath in both the IDE and the command line.
    Netbeans: you define the classpath by adding jars to the project (right click on the libraries node in the project tree to get the appropriate options).
    Command line: this depends on if you run a single class, or you invoke an executable jar.
    Single class: you use the -cp command line switch to define the classpath
    Executable jar: the jar itself defines the classpath in its META-INF/ file. The -cp command line switch is ignored.
    Since you use Netbeans, you'll get an executable jar so make sure to learn how such a jar is structured.

  • How to include jar files in ant script for compiling

    i am trying to manually include j2ee.jar for compiling, here is the entire build.xml:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!--PRIMARY build file for all of dev modual -->
    <project name="com" default="compile.all" basedir="../">
    <path id="project.class.path">
    <pathelement location="lib/"/>
    <pathelement path="${java.class.path}/"/>
    <pathelement path="${additional.path}"/>
    <pathelement path="${CLASSPATH}" />
    <pathelement path="${classpath}" />
    <property name="SRCDIR" value="${basedir}/java" />
    <property name="DSTDIR" value="${basedir}/classes" />
    <property name="LIBDIR" value="${basedir}/libs" />
    <property name="JARDIR" value="${basedir}/jars" />
    <property name="DOCDIR" value="${basedir}/docs" />
    <property name="ORACLE.JAR" value="${LIBDIR}/orcl/8.1.7/" />
    <property name="JUNIT.JAR" value="${LIBDIR}/junit/3.7/junit.jar" />
    <property name="CLASSPATH" value="z:/tools/java;${SRCDIR};${DSTDIR};${JUNIT.JAR};${ORACLE.JAR}" />
    <property name="POLICYFILE" value="${SRCDIR}/com/leader/cti/main/ctimain.policy" />
    <property name="DEBUG_FLAG" value="on" />
    <property name="OPTIMIZE_FLAG" value="off" />
    <property name="DEPRECATION_FLAG" value="off" />
    <property name="RMI_VERSION" value="1.2" />
    <!-- builds everything -->
    <target name="compile.all">
    <antcall target="compile.cti"/>
    <target name="compile.vbsf" description="Compiles files for vbsf.jar.">
    <mkdir dir="${DSTDIR}"/>
    <copy file="${SRCDIR}/VBSFELK5UD3SWQ2E.class" todir="${DSTDIR}"/>
    <javac srcdir="${SRCDIR}" destdir="${DSTDIR}" classpath="${CLASSPATH}" debug="${DEBUG_FLAG}" deprecation="${DEPRECATION_FLAG}" optimize="${OPTIMIZE_FLAG}" >
    <include name="com/objectmatter/**/*.java" />
    <target name="compile.persist" description="Compiles files for persist.jar." depends="compile.vbsf" >
    <javac srcdir="${SRCDIR}" destdir="${DSTDIR}" debug="${DEBUG_FLAG}" deprecation="${DEPRECATION_FLAG}" optimize="${OPTIMIZE_FLAG}" >
    <classpath refid="project.class.path"/>
    <include name="com/leader/persist/**/*.java" />
    <include name="testcom/leader/persist/**/*.java" />
    <target name="compile.cti" description="Compiles files for both cti jars." depends="compile.persist,compile.cti.only" />
    <target name="compile.cti.only" description="Compiles files for both cti jars." >
    <javac srcdir="${SRCDIR}" destdir="${DSTDIR}" debug="${DEBUG_FLAG}" deprecation="${DEPRECATION_FLAG}" optimize="${OPTIMIZE_FLAG}" >
    <classpath refid="project.class.path"/>
    <include name="com/leader/cti/**/*.java" />
    <include name="testcom/leader/cti/**/*.java" />
    <rmic classpath="${CLASSPATH}" base="${DSTDIR}" stubversion="${RMI_VERSION}" >
    <include name="com/leader/cti/main/RMICTIService.class" />
    <include name="com/leader/cti/main/RMIConferenceCall.class" />
    <include name="com/leader/cti/main/RMIConferenceCallReservation.class" />
    <include name="com/leader/cti/main/FakeRmiCtiService.class" />
    <include name="com/leader/cti/main/FakeRmiConferenceCall.class" />
    <!--include name="com/leader/cti/main/DerivedQueueReceiver.class"/-->
    <!-- build all dev jars -->
    <target name="jar.all"
    description="Create all jar files"
    depends="jar.vbsf, jar.persist, jar.jeti, jar.service"/>
    <!-- build vbsf.jar -->
    <target name="jar.vbsf"
    description="Create client distribution jar for vbsf code"
    depends="compile.vbsf" >
    <mkdir dir="${JARDIR}" />
    <jar jarfile="${JARDIR}/vbsf.jar"
    basedir="${DSTDIR}" >
    <include name="VBSFELK5UD3SWQ2E.class"/>
    <include name="com/objectmatter/**/*.class" />
    <!-- build persist.jar -->
    <target name="jar.persist"
    description="Create client distribution jar"
    depends="compile.vbsf,compile.persist" >
    <mkdir dir="${JARDIR}" />
    <jar jarfile="${JARDIR}/persist.jar"
    basedir="${DSTDIR}" >
    <include name="com/leader/persist/**/*.class" />
    <!-- build jeti.jar -->
    <target name="jar.jeti"
    description="Create client distribution jar"
    depends="compile.vbsf,compile.persist,compile.cti" >
    <mkdir dir="${JARDIR}" />
    <jar jarfile="${JARDIR}/jeti.jar"
    basedir="${DSTDIR}" >
    <include name="com/leader/cti/rmiint/*" />
    <include name="com/leader/cti/main/*Stub*" />
    <include name="com/leader/cti/util/**" />
    <include name="com/leader/cti/vru/*" />
    <include name="com/leader/cti/interfaces/*" />
    <include name="com/leader/cti/history/*" />
    <include name="com/leader/cti/autodial/*" />
    <!-- build jeti_service.jar -->
    <target name="jar.service"
    description="Create the jar file for the service"
    depends="compile.vbsf,compile.persist,compile.cti" >
    <mkdir dir="${JARDIR}" />
    <copy file="${basedir}/vbsf/cti.schema" tofile="${DSTDIR}/cti.schema" />
    <copy file="${basedir}/vbsf/cti.schema" tofile="/tools/java/com/leader/osapplication/persist/cti.schema" />
    <jar jarfile="${JARDIR}/jeti_service.jar"
    basedir="${DSTDIR}" >
    <include name="com/leader/cti/**" />
    <include name="cti.schema" />
    <!-- build jeti.jar, jeti_service.jar -->
    <target name="jar.cti"
    description ="Create client/server jars for cti"
    depends="jar.jeti,jar.service" />
    <!-- clean everything. -->
    <target name="clean">
    <delete dir="${DSTDIR}" />
    <delete dir="${JARDIR}" />
    <delete dir="${DOCDIR}" />
    <target name="clean.cti" description="clean cti class files (not jars)">
    <delete dir="${DSTDIR}/com/leader/cti" />
    <delete dir="${DSTDIR}/testcom/leader/cti" />
    <!-- Run the gui CTI tests -->
    <target name="test_cti_gui">
    <java classname="junit.swingui.TestRunner" classpath="${CLASSPATH}" fork="yes">
    <arg value="testcom.leader.cti.CTIPackageTest"/>
    <sysproperty key="leader.unique_number_generator.file" value="unique_number_generator_file_test" />
    <sysproperty key="vbsf.repository" value="/tools/java/dev/vbsf" />
    <sysproperty key="vbsf.enableGlobalCaching" value="false" />
    <target name="test.cti.gui"
    depends="test_cti_gui" />
    <!-- Run the text version of CTI tests -->
    <target name="test">
    <java classname="junit.textui.TestRunner" classpath="${CLASSPATH}" fork="yes">
    <arg value="testcom.leader.cti.CTIPackageTest"/>
    <sysproperty key="leader.unique_number_generator.file" value="unique_number_generator_file_test" />
    <!-- Run CTI service -->
    <target name="run.service"
    description="run the service normally"
    depends="compile.all" >
    <java classname="com.leader.cti.main.CTIMain"
    fork="yes" >
    <sysproperty key=""
    file="${POLICYFILE}" />
    <sysproperty key="config.dir"
    value="${SRCDIR}/com/leader/cti/main/" />
    <!-- Run fake CTI service -->
    <target name="run.service.fake"
    description="run the fake service"
    depends="compile.all" >
    <java classname="com.leader.cti.main.FakeCtiMain"
    fork="yes" >
    <sysproperty key=""
    file="${POLICYFILE}" />
    <sysproperty key="config.dir"
    value="${SRCDIR}/com/leader/cti/main/" />
    <!-- Run CTI service emulator -->
    <target name="run.service.emulator"
    description="run the service normally"
    depends="compile.all" >
    <java classname="com.leader.cti.main.CTIMain"
    fork="yes" >
    <sysproperty key=""
    file="${POLICYFILE}" />
    <sysproperty key="config.dir"
    value="${SRCDIR}/com/leader/cti/main/" />
    <sysproperty key="vru.propertyfile"
    value="" />
    <!-- Runs the CTI service and emulator -->
    <target name="run.emulator"
    description="run the service and the emulator"
    depends="compile.all" >
    <java classname="testcom.leader.cti.vru.emulator.VRUEmulator"
    fork="yes" />
    <!-- Runs the gui CONCALL testss -->
    <target name="run.gui"
    description="run the concall test gui"
    depends="compile.all" >
    <java classname="testcom.leader.cti.main.SwingClient"
    fork="yes" >
    <sysproperty key=""
    file="${POLICYFILE}" />
    <!-- Fires the maptool up. Defaults to CTI`s Schema file. -->
    <target name="maptool" >
    <java classname="com.objectmatter.bsf.mapping.toolgui.MapTool"
    classpath="${CLASSPATH}" >
    <sysproperty key="vbsf.repository" value="${basedir}/vbsf" />
    <target name="javadoc_cti">
    <mkdir dir="${basedir}/docs"/>
    <javadoc packagenames="com.leader.*" classpath="${CLASSPATH}" sourcepath="${SRCDIR}" destdir="${DOCDIR}\cti" author="true" version="true" use="true" windowtitle="Leader CTI API" doctitle="Leader Technologies, Inc" bottom="Copyright &#169; 2005 Leader Technologies Incorporated.<BR>All Rights Reserved." maxmemory="128m">
    <group title="Leader CTI Packages" packages="com.leader*"/>
    <target name="javadoc_vbsf">
    <mkdir dir="${basedir}/docs"/>
    <javadoc packagenames="com.objectmatter.* " classpath="${CLASSPATH}" sourcepath="${SRCDIR}" destdir="${DOCDIR}" author="true" version="true" use="true" windowtitle="VBSF by ObjectMatter API" doctitle="Leader Technologie, Inc" bottom="Copyright &#169; 2005 Leader Technologies Incorporated.<BR>All Rights Reserved." maxmemory="128m">
    <group title="Objectivity Packages" packages="com.objectmatter.*"/>
    i am getting this:
    Compiling 1 source file to C:\Projects\Leader\dev\classes
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ package javax.jms does not exist
    import javax.jms.*;
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ package javax.jms does not exist
    import javax.jms.Queue;
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ package javax.jms does not exist
    import javax.jms.JMSException;
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ package javax.jms does not exist
    import javax.jms.Message;
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol: class MessageListener
    public abstract class BasicMQReceiverAsyncR implements Runnable, MessageListener
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : class QueueConnectionFactory
    location: class BasicMQReceiverAsyncR
    QueueConnectionFactory queueConnectionFactory = null;
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : class QueueConnection
    location: class BasicMQReceiverAsyncR
    QueueConnection queueConnection = null;
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : class QueueSession
    location: class BasicMQReceiverAsyncR
    QueueSession queueSession = null;
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : class QueueReceiver
    location: class BasicMQReceiverAsyncR
    QueueReceiver queueReceiver = null;
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : class TextMessage
    location: class BasicMQReceiverAsyncR
    TextMessage message = null;
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : class QueueConnectionFactory
    location: class BasicMQReceiverAsyncR
    queueConnectionFactory = (QueueConnectionFactory)
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ package javax.jms does not exist
    queue = (javax.jms.Queue) jndiContext.lookup(QUEUE_NAME); //queue1 = (javax.jms.Queue)jndiContext.lookup("MyQueue1");
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable Session
    location: class BasicMQReceiverAsyncR
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : class JMSException
    location: class BasicMQReceiverAsyncR
    catch (JMSException e)
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : class JMSException
    location: class BasicMQReceiverAsyncR
    catch (JMSException x)
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : class BytesMessage
    location: class BasicMQReceiverAsyncR
    if (m instanceof BytesMessage)
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : class BytesMessage
    location: class BasicMQReceiverAsyncR
    BytesMessage bytesMsg = (BytesMessage)m;
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : class BytesMessage
    location: class BasicMQReceiverAsyncR
    BytesMessage bytesMsg = (BytesMessage)m;
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : class QueueSession
    location: class BasicMQReceiverAsyncR
    QueueSession queueSession2 = null;
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : class QueueSender
    location: class BasicMQReceiverAsyncR
    QueueSender queueSender2 = null;
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable Session
    location: class BasicMQReceiverAsyncR
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : class BytesMessage
    location: class BasicMQReceiverAsyncR
    BytesMessage bytesMessage = queueSession.createBytesMessage();
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable DeliveryMode
    location: class BasicMQReceiverAsyncR
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable DEFAULT_PRIORITY
    location: class com.leader.cti.vru.Message
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable DEFAULT_TIME_TO_LIVE
    location: class com.leader.cti.vru.Message
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\com\leader\cti\msgqueue\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : class JMSException
    location: class BasicMQReceiverAsyncR
    catch (JMSException x)
    26 errors
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\build.xml:34: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    C:\Projects\Leader\dev\java\build.xml:56: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.
    BUILD FAILED (total time: 8 seconds)
    my class path is:
    as you can see j2ee.jar is in %J2EE_HOME%\lib, but still doesn't work. can someone help me?

    <property name="messaging.client.jar.path" value="Location in your local drive" />
    <property name="" value="nameOfYourFile.jar" />

  • Are JDev autogenerated paths needed to create ear, war and jar files ?

    We want to create ear, war and jar files from Ant build script generated from JDeveloper
    We also like to use ojdeploy with it.
    In the process of creating build.xml files from projects, we see these paths.
    We also have standalone Weblogic installed with ADF runtime
    1- Do we need these path ids to generate ear, jar, war files properly and then deploy the ear to our standalone Weblogic so that our webapp can run ok ?
    2- Why are they generated, if they are not needed
    From research, it appears that we don't need these paths except to keep ant targets of init, compile, exec etc with ojdeploy.
    3- Is that true ?
    We are afraid that because no paths are listed in the build.xml, then when we deploy the ear app, it cant use the ADF runtime on the standalone WLS.
    Thanks in advance for answering.
    eg of paths generated below:
      <path id="library.SOA.Designtime"/>
      <path id="library.SOA.Runtime"/>
      <path id="library.BPEL.Runtime"/>
      <path id="library.Mediator.Runtime"/>
      <path id="library.MDS.Runtime">
        <pathelement location="{oracle.middleware}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.mds_11.1.1/mdsrt.jar"/>
      <path id="library.BC4J.Service.Runtime">
        <pathelement location="{oracle.middleware}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.model_11.1.1/adfbcsvc.jar"/>
        <pathelement location="{oracle.middleware}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.model_11.1.1/adfbcsvc-share.jar"/>
        <pathelement location="{oracle.middleware}/oracle_common/modules/commonj.sdo_2.1.0.jar"/>
        <pathelement location="{oracle.middleware}/modules/org.eclipse.persistence_1.1.0.0_2-1.jar"/>
        <pathelement location="{oracle.middleware}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.webservices_11.1.1/wsclient.jar"/>
        <pathelement location="{oracle.middleware}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.web-common_11.1.1.jar"/>
      <path id="library.TopLink">
        <pathelement location="{oracle.middleware}/modules/"/>
        <pathelement location="{oracle.middleware}/modules/org.eclipse.persistence_1.1.0.0_2-1.jar"/>
        <pathelement location="{oracle.middleware}/modules/com.bea.core.antlr.runtime_2.7.7.jar"/>
        <pathelement location="{oracle.middleware}/modules/javax.persistence_1.0.0.0_2-0-0.jar"/>
      <path id="library.Oracle.Rules"/>
      <path id="classpath">
        <path refid="library.SOA.Designtime"/>
        <path refid="library.SOA.Runtime"/>
        <path refid="library.BPEL.Runtime"/>
        <path refid="library.Mediator.Runtime"/>
        <path refid="library.MDS.Runtime"/>
        <path refid="library.BC4J.Service.Runtime"/>
        <path refid="library.TopLink"/>
        <path refid="library.Oracle.Rules"/>

    There are two different things here. Using ant to build the class files and then building an ear from the class files and other resources.
    The building part needs the libraries if you use javac as compiler. Building an ear file only needs the path to the jar files which are packed into the ear.
    In this sense you need the pages you see in the build.xml.
    Then Jdev offers another way: ojdeploy. This tool is a Jdev without a gui.
    You can use this tool and build the classes for each project of a workspace and to build build war and ear file. This is just like you click the rebuild button for each project and then the deploy the projects and application. If you use this approach you don't need the generated path ids as the whole build process is done inside Jdev as it's done on your developer pc.

  • How to include .jars?

    I have been unable to find out how to include in the .ear file generated by wsgen the supporting .jar files that my Web Service EJB needs.
    I thought this could be done with the "classpath" parameter in the wsgen tag in build.xml, but it doesn't seem to do anything.
    Can someone please provide a hint?

    Hi Pete,
    You mentioned the <wsgen> Ant task, so I'm assuming that you're using WLS 6.1
    An automated way to do this, is to include a series of <exec> Ant tasks after
    the <wsgen> one. These <exec> Ant tasks would call the jar.exe and look something
    like this:
    <arg line="xvf ${APPLICATIONS}/MyWS.ear myEJB.jar"/>
    <delete dir="myEJB-jar"/>
    <mkdir dir="myEJB-jar"/>
    <arg line="xvf myEJB.jar"/>
    <copy todir="myEJB-jar">
    <fileset dir=".">
    <include name="jar1-used-by-EJB.jar"/>
    <include name="jar2-used-by-EJB.jar"/>
    <copy todir="myEJB-jar/META-INF">
    <fileset dir=".">
    <include name="MANIFEST.MF"/>
    <jar jarfile="myEJB.jar" basedir="myEJB-jar" />
    <arg line="uvf ${APPLICATIONS}/MyWS.ear myEJB.jar"/>
    I realize this seems like a lot of steps, but they are at least automated :-)
    Note that the contents of the MANIFEST.MF that you copy in must look like this:
    Manifest-Version: 1.0
    Created-By: Ant 1.4
    Class-path: jar1-used-by-EJB.jar jar2-used-by-EJB.jar
    in order for the EJBs to find the newly included .jar files.
    Mike Wooten
    Pere Torrodellas <[email protected]> wrote:
    I have been unable to find out how to include in the .ear file generated
    by wsgen the supporting .jar files that my Web Service EJB needs.
    I thought this could be done with the "classpath" parameter in the wsgen
    tag in build.xml, but it doesn't seem to do anything.
    Can someone please provide a hint?

  • How to include jar files in jdk1.7

    Please can anybody tell me that how can i include jar files in jdk1.7

    You mean to add a library in NetBeans? If so, click here

  • Xcode including JARs in a project

    How do I add a JAR to an Xcode project so that auto complete works and the project will compile? I can't seem to get either to work. I have tried the Project>Add to Project... and it adds the JAR but it doesnt get indexed or added to the class path.
    MacBook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    I've done some experimentation and this appears to work for Java Jar projects. It's a three stage process and you've got to get each stage exactly right
    1) Drag your jar file from the Finder to the project window. Drop it just above the Manifest file. When asked, make sure you SELECT the "copy files" tick box. When it's done, select the jar file from the project window and type command-I to check that the path name is correct. It should say that the file has been copied into your Xcode project folder. You need the file here in order for compilations to take place.
    2) Add the following line to the Manifest file, putting in the correct name:
    Class-Path: yourjarfilename.jar
    It's VITAL that you put a newline after this otherwise it won't work. This tells the java run time system to look for your second jar file when running the program. The file name is "relative" to the main jar file; in other words, they're both in the same folder.
    3) In targets, click on the triangle next to your Java target name, then from the menu choose: Projects > New Build Phase > New Copy Files Build Phase
    When the window opens up, change the folder to Products Directory (aside: if you're making an application bundle, I guess you choose either Resources or Java Resources instead). Make sure you DESELECT the "Copy when installing" option.
    You'll find that a new Copy Files build phase has been created. Drag your jar file from within the project window and drop it on top of the new build phase. You should now see the number (1) in brackets. BTW, the Java Jar project build also includes a Copy Files phase, which is used to install any man(ual) page file you might have written for your program. Don't get these two phases mixed up or you'll copy your Jar file to the wrong place.
    That's it. Your project should now build and run.
    Good luck

  • Include jars for compiling and exclude jars for war

    In the context of using ant to create a war, I have some doubts:
    Actually to compile my web application codes, I put in classpath the following two jars as:
           <pathelement location="${lib.dir}/${servlet-api.jar}"/>
           <pathelement location="${lib.dir}/${jsp-api.jar}"/>   without these two jars I would get compiling errors.
    To create a war, I have to exclude these two jars:
       <lib dir="${webapp.dir}/WEB-INF/lib">
                 <exclude name="servlet-api.jar"/>   
                 <exclude name="jsp-api.jar"/> 
               </lib>If I kept these two jars in the war, JBOSS application server would complain of duplicate classes.
    My approach works. But my question is:
    Is it the best practice to include jars for compiling codes and exclude jars if the application servers already have them?
    Best regards,

    Yes. That is the best practice.
    In fact its the only practice to do it properly.
    You are compiling against Interface only. Your code will work as long as that interface is implemented by the server, even if it does different things under the hood. This is what lets your web application work on whatever server you deploy it on - Jboss, Tomcat, Weblogic - it shouldn't matter as they all implement the same basic interfaces.
    You could also expand that list to include common APIs which you know are available on your server if you don't want to bundle them with every web application.
    JSTL jars are one potential example.

  • [Newbie] Bundling App classes+ util jars with jni libraries

    first off, im a noob if it gets to creating archives... I can make a simple archive if I dont have special depedancies but beyond that... :)
    I have my app's classes and two utility jar files which also need respective jni libraries.
    Can I pack all of it in an archive for zero deploy or do the jni libraries need to be installed?

    Since the jni-Libraries (or .so/.dll if you're doing a multi-platform deploy) contain native code, they have to be loaded and memory-mapped by the OS, so I'd guess that they have to be deployed seperately from your .jar file.
    They don't however need to be installed into the system and can reside in a seperate directory in the applications directory structure. Then you will only have to tell the JRE about this directory (let's call it "./lib"):
    java -Djava.library.path=./lib -jar myapp.jar
    HTH :)

  • How to include .jar files in coldfusion code 

    To Integrate our cfm code with paypal jar files we do the
    following steps with our local coldfusion server ,and to run and
    integrate the paypal Java SDK jar files, I think we need to do the
    same process on the server, can you suggest any thing to do the
    following setting for my domain on the server, without setting the
    class path in coldfusion administrator.
    The ColdFusion application server must be configured to know
    the location of the PayPal JAR
    files, and your ColdFusion Markup (CFM) pages must be
    configured with the absolute path to
    the PayPal API certificate for the PayPal API user on whose
    behalf the calls are made.
    1. Install the PayPal Java SDK “Installing the
    2. Copy a subset of the Java SDK JAR files to a location
    accessible by the ColdFusion
    application server. The JAR files are in SDK_root\lib and
    their exact names are as
    – bcmail-jdk14-128.jar
    – bcprov-jdk14-128.jar
    – paypal_base.jar
    – paypal_stubs.jar
    – xerces.jar
    – xpp3-
    – xstream.jar-1.1.3.jar
    3. With the ColdFusion Application Server Administrator, add
    the absolute path of the
    location you determined in Step 2 to the Java and JVM
    CLASSPATH environment variable.
    4. Restart the ColdFusion Application Server.
    Suggest me how to include .jar files without setting

    > Suggest me how to include .jar files without setting
    Copy them to {CF_HOME}\lib, where {CF_HOME} is, for example,
    C:\CFusionMX7. Restart Coldfusion.

  • How to create a deployable ejb(.jar file) when we use Oracle application sever?

    In case if we use Weblogic we give following command on console to create a deployable ejb, while weblogic.jar is in classpath.
    java weblogic.ejbc temp.jar StudentBean.jar
    1)What are the classes or jar files we have to set in classpath,
    2)What console based command(like what I mentioned above for weblogic) can we use,
    so that we can create a deployable jar file in case if we are using Oracle application server.

    You can discover the origins of a loaded class programatically. You want to print:

  • How to includ jar files?

    I am having jar file and iam running that jar file in command prompt using java -jar WorkFlow.jar command. I have to include some additional jar files in classpath while running this WorkFlow.jar file... Anyone please tell me how to include the jar files in java command??

    Sathishkumar.D wrote:
    I am having jar file and iam running that jar file in command prompt using java -jar WorkFlow.jar command. I have to include some additional jar files in classpath while running this WorkFlow.jar file... Anyone please tell me how to include the jar files in java command??
    SathishYou can't. The WorkFlow.jar you have them specified in the class path entry in the manifest file.

  • How do i create this an executable jar???

    I have the following package structure, could anybodt tell me what i have to type into my manifest file to get it to work? thanks
    com/anoobis/userInterface/UserInterface.class <-- main class
    lib/TableLayout.jar <-- a jar file i use
    thanks in advance

    jar -cfm Run.jar manifest.txt
    it is creating the jar file but it is tiny (4KB) and
    comes up with the error message "Could not find the
    main class. Program will exit."
    Message was edited by:
    CyborgAvengerOpen your jar with WinZip or some zip viewing utility. I am sure that it has not been packaged correctly [the package structure for the class is not present] and hence the main class is not found. You need to run the jar command on the base directory which contains the package directories and the classes inside it.

Maybe you are looking for

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