New Apple TV user - suggestions

I bought mine four days ago and so far, I love it. I do however have a few suggestions.
1. App Store. The Apple TV is basically an iPad without the screen. It uses the same CPU/GPU and includes 8gb flash memory and 256mb RAM.
2. Take advantage of the built-in USB port. I'd like the following:
a. external hard drive - for media content as well as apps
b. keyboard (I can't stand using the remote for searching).
c. mouse or trackpad
d. printer
3. More video sources. I want to use this thing with just about any online video library.
4. LIVE TV. I want to be able to use this as an alternative to cable TV, both free channels (CNN and MSNBC can be watched for free with a web browser) and premium channels.
5. Facetime - webcam support through USB port.
Apple TV is capable of doing so much more. Why cripple it?

Bootstrap_Bill wrote:
I bought mine four days ago and so far, I love it. I do however have a few suggestions.
2. Take advantage of the built-in USB port. I'd like the following:
a. external hard drive - for media content as well as apps
b. keyboard (I can't stand using the remote for searching).
c. mouse or trackpad
d. printer
Apple are unlikely to formally enable USB for the device unless it's for some proprietary accessory - the port is officially for service/diagnostics and can be used to restore the unit via itunes.
USB support was often requested for AppleTV 1 but never happened - unofficial hacks/mods did utilise it - you may well see the same for the new unit.
Apple TV is capable of doing so much more. Why cripple it?
Again, the problem here is we know it's a computer at heart and can do far more, but Apple have released a product with specific uses/specifications - just because it could potentially do things doesn't mean we'll see them or it'll eat into the territory of more expensive products.
Best chance of a lot more functionality is if they allow apps for it.

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    TJBUSMC1973 wrote:
    The iPhone is working, as designed and advertised.  In this case, the user failed to educate themselves properly, either by proper research or asking the right questions, before purchasing the device.
    I understand that the OP failed to do research. But then, I wasn't replying to the OP. I was replying to Chris. I have Verizon. I can talk and use data at the same time with my Droid Maxx. Therefore, the problem is not just with the network. It would be technically possible for an iPhone to do that on Verizon/Sprint if Apple had chosen to use a different chip, such as the kind other phone manufacturers have elected to use.
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                    Faithful Apple Fan, BPACK

    You can submit feature requests to Apple customer service.
    I was wondering how great it would be if the new Apple TV would have built in Radio Frequency control capability for all HT products.
    No idea what you mean by HT devices, but it is unlikely Apple would release a product to support 3rd party devices.  On top of which changing the ATV remote to be RF instead of IR would break all the existing remotes that are able to work with ATV.  And would be MUCH more expensitve.
    Comcast has RF control with it's new x1
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    but it does not work with other components like a DVR, AV Receiver or other HT devices.
    Right, since once you switch to RF you break compatablity with all the other IR devices out there which is pretty much 99% of them.
                    If the Apple had a relationship with the different audio/video manufacturers so
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