New way of specifying console framebuffer resolution?

I just upgraded to the new kernel26archck kernel and udev today, and everything seems okay, except I think the way of specifying the console framebuffer resolution.  The old way was to add vga=xxx where xxx was the representation of the  resolution wanted.  I used vga-791 to give me a 1024x768 console framebuffer.  Now I get an error that asks me to pick a resolution, and no matter what I pick, I get a 640x480 res.
Is there any information about this available somewhere?  My googling has turned up nothing useful.

Two wiki posts:
and I copied my forum post to the wiki too: … and_ArchCK

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    The "output-device" parameter may not be set properly in Open Boot Prom(OBP) and hence during installation, the driver may not be installed. To fix this, try the following steps.
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    What you as is difficult without knowing your exact circumstances, i.e. what format pictures are you sending, do you shoot in .jpg or shoot in RAW and convert to .jpg, etc.  However, I don't see a way to quickly reduce the size of your image files without reprocessing your files in some manner.
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    If you images are already exported at a lower quality setting and are still too large the next step would be to reduce the dimensions of the image.  Lightroom has this capability.  I don't know about Aperture, but I assume it does.
    My normal workflow with my 7D:
    Take picture in RAW.
    Transfer to Lightroom 4 converting the Canon RAW files to Adobe's DNG format.
    Process images in Lightroom.  If any need further processing then export to Photoshop and/or Nik plug-ins.
    Export processed images that I wish to have on my iPad to my Pictures folder in .jpg format using a quality setting of 60.  I do not reduce the dimension of the image as I want the maximum sized images my iPad will allow.  As I only transfer a couple of thousand size is not an issue.
    Use iTunes to Sync photos to iPad.
    As was mentioned by a previous poster you could use Photoshop to bulk process the photos but that requires both Photoshop and a knowledge of creating a bulk action.  Not hard, but very confusing if you haven't used both Photoshop and the bulk process before.
    There may be other methods that could work for you but I am not aware of them.  With the breadth of experience of the members of this forum perhaps someone else could chime in with suggestions.

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    Uploaded with Skitch!
    3. From the Library Column (extreme left) click on Photos.
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    5. In the drop down on 'Get Selected Photo Items, select 'Photos'
    Uploaded with Skitch!
    6. Back to the Library column, extreme left and this time click on Mail
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    9. Save it, Name it.
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    iPhoto Menu -> Services -> And select the Service you created.
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    Uploaded with plasq's Skitch!
    Using the Keyboard Shortcuts in System Preferences you can choose a shortcut to do the whole thing from the keyboard.

    You can also drag from iPhoto '11 to Entourage 2008 and Outlook 2011.
    Both of these will create a new email adding the photos as full size attachments
    Good tip and I just tried it. Too bad Entourage does not have the size box in the
    lower right like Apple's Mail. I really don't like sending full size pictures in email
    messages so I will use Terence Devlin's Automator script or drag and drop to the
    the Mail Dock Icon.
    Two very good workarounds for the slow iPhoto mailer. I got spoiled using the
    IPhoto 09 email interface with Entourage that let me select the size and the x-number
    of Great IPhotos
    Thanks again for another tip on how to mail photos using iPhoto 11.
    Message was edited by: aRKay

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    Sorry, that should actually read:
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        // center the frame       
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    If not, try the Spry forum:

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    Is there a way to specify text-to-speech to dictate a specific line or page in a pdf file?
    With fully modern Cocoa applications (like Safari, Preview, TextEdit, and Mail) you can select the line or page and then from the application menu > Services > Speech > Start Speaking Text
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    In fact, it would be cool if text-to-speech
    highlighted each word that is being spoken through
    out the document during dictation and you could
    rewind, pause or fastforward the speech in real-time.
    That would be cool. Are you looking for an interface enhancement, or would a talking book reader with these features be acceptable?
    Is this feature available?
    No, but you can get somewhat close to this ideal by using VoiceOver and checking Show Caption Panel.
    if not, can anyone recommend any other programs that can do this?
    I have had fair success with the Text Help Read & Write Aloud products.
    eMac 1.42   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   I paid the going Windows price for a screen reader and got a free computer!

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    Last edited by athrunnzala (2011-03-02 11:20:29)

    I'm not sure if this is what you want (my coffee is not ready yet):
    What graphics card do you have and what drivers are you using?

Maybe you are looking for

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