Newbie: How to design layering?

I am sorry if this question isn�t the clearest but I am pretty new to Java. And please feel free to critic how I ask this question and the program I am going to show, I hope this will help me in the future ask better questions and write better code.
This program was something I was working on for class that I couldn't finish. It is something I really need to learn because I am taking the second Java class and i am sure this is something I really will need to know.
Question: I am trying to finish this program and my goal is to click on the order button and have all the panels I have be cleared. ( I change the setVisible to false). But the problem I am facing is when I try to add more panels the panels are being added to the bottom. I am pretty sure this is happening because I am not starting a new frame. But that is the question, how do I clear the first frame and all the panes and start a new one?
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.text.*;
class LowFatBurgerGUI extends JFrame
//Frame properties
private static final int FRAME_WIDTH = 575;
private static final int FRAME_HEIGHT = 500;
private static final int FRAME_X_ORIGIN = 150;
private static final int FRAME_Y_ORIGIN = 250;
//Button properties
private static final int BUTTON_WIDTH = 150;
private static final int BUTTON_HEIGHT = 30;
private int tofuCount = 0;
private int cajunCount = 0;
private int buffaloCount = 0;
private int rainbowCount = 0;
private int riceCount = 0;
private int noSaltCount = 0;
private int zucchiniCount = 0;
private int brownCount = 0;
private int mochaCount = 0;
private int latteCount = 0;
private int espresCount = 0;
private int oolongCount = 0;
private int tofuBurgercount = 0;
private int cajunChickencount = 0;
private int buffaloWingscount = 0;
private int rainbowFilletcount = 0;
private int riceCrackercount = 0;
private int noSaltFriescount = 0;
private int zucchinicount = 0;
private int brownRicecount = 0;
private int cafeMochacount = 0;
private int cafeLattecount = 0;
private int espressocount = 0;
private int OolongTeacount = 0;
private static final double TOFU_BURGER_PRICE = 3.49;
private static final double CAJUN_CHICKEN_PRICE = 4.59;
private static final double BUFFALO_WINGS_PRICE = 3.99;
private static final double RAINBOW_FILLET_PRICE = 2.99;
private static final double RICE_CRACKER_PRICE = 0.79;
private static final double NO_SALT_FRIES_PRICE = 0.69;
private static final double ZUCCHINI_PRICE = 1.09;
private static final double BROWN_RICE_PRICE = 0.59;
private static final double CAFE_MOCHA_PRICE = 1.99;
private static final double CAFE_LATTE_PRICE = 1.99;
private static final double ESPRESSO_PRICE = 2.49;
private static final double OOLONG_TEA_PRICE = 0.99;
//Initalize food buttons
private JButton tofuBurgerButton;
private JButton cajunChickenButton;
private JButton buffaloWingsButton;
private JButton rainbowFilletButton;
private JButton riceCrackerButton;
private JButton noSaltFriesButton;
private JButton zucchiniButton;
private JButton brownRiceButton;
private JButton cafeMochaButton;
private JButton cafeLatteButton;
private JButton espressoButton;
private JButton OolongTeaButton;
//control buttons
private JButton orderButton;
private JButton cancelButton;
//Subtotal output
private static final String MESSAGE = " Your subtotal: $ ";
private static final String BLANK = "";
//Initialize subtota
private double subTotal = 0.0;
private JLabel countLabel;
JPanel headerPanel, menuPanel, buttomPanel, orderOutputPanel,
middleOutputPanel, buttomOutputPanel;
JFrame lowFatBurgerOrderFrame, lowFatBurgerOutputFrame;
* Start
public static void main(String [] args)
new LowFatBurgerGUI();
public LowFatBurgerGUI()
private void lowFatBurgerMain()
//Create order frame
private void lowFatBurgerOrderFrame()
// set the frame properties
setResizable ( false );
setTitle ( "Welcome to Low Fat Bugers ");
//Create output frame
private void lowFatBurgerOutputFrame()
// set the frame properties
setResizable ( false );
setTitle ( "Finalize your order ");
//Create food buttons
private void tofuBurgerButton()
tofuBurgerButton = new JButton("Tofu Burger");
tofuBurgerButton.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
private void cajunChickenButton()
cajunChickenButton = new JButton("Cajun Chicken");
cajunChickenButton.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
private void buffaloWingsButton()
buffaloWingsButton = new JButton("Buffalo Wings");
buffaloWingsButton.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
private void rainbowFilletButton()
rainbowFilletButton = new JButton("Rainbow Fillet");
rainbowFilletButton.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
private void riceCrackerButton()
riceCrackerButton = new JButton("Rice Cracker");
riceCrackerButton.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
private void noSaltFriesButton()
noSaltFriesButton = new JButton("No-Salt Fries");
noSaltFriesButton.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
private void zucchiniButton()
zucchiniButton = new JButton("Zucchini");
zucchiniButton.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
private void brownRiceButton()
brownRiceButton = new JButton("Brown Rice");
brownRiceButton.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
private void cafeMochaButton()
cafeMochaButton = new JButton("Cafe Mocha");
cafeMochaButton.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
private void cafeLatteButton()
cafeLatteButton = new JButton("Cafe Latte");
cafeLatteButton.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
private void espressoButton()
espressoButton = new JButton("Espresso");
espressoButton.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
private void OolongTeaButton()
OolongTeaButton = new JButton("Oolong Tea");
OolongTeaButton.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
private void orderButton()
orderButton = new JButton("Order");
orderButton.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
private void cancelButton()
cancelButton = new JButton("Cancel");
cancelButton.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
//Create order panels
public void lowFatBurgerOrderPanel()
Container orderPane;
orderPane = getContentPane();
orderPane.setLayout (new GridLayout( 3, 1 ));
//header Panel
headerPanel = new JPanel();
headerPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder( "Menu"));
//menu middle
menuPanel = new JPanel();
menuPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout (4, 3));
//Buttom Panel
buttomPanel = new JPanel();
buttomPanel.add(countLabel = new JLabel(" Your subtotal: "));
buttomPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(0,2));
//Create output panel
public void lowFatBurgerOutputPanel()
Container outputPane;
outputPane = getContentPane();
outputPane.setLayout (new GridLayout( 3, 1 ));
orderOutputPanel = new JPanel();
middleOutputPanel = new JPanel();
buttomOutputPanel = new JPanel();
//Craete and count the number of times a button is clicked
void tofuBurgerCount(ActionEvent event)
void cajunChickenCount(ActionEvent event)
void buffaloWingsCount(ActionEvent event)
void rainbowFilletCount(ActionEvent event)
void riceCrackerCount(ActionEvent event)
void noSaltFriesCount(ActionEvent event)
void zucchiniCount(ActionEvent event)
void brownRiceCount(ActionEvent event)
void cafeMochaCount(ActionEvent event)
void cafeLatteCount(ActionEvent event)
void espressoCount(ActionEvent event)
void OolongTeaCount(ActionEvent event)
void OrderButtonAction(ActionEvent event)
menuPanel.setVisible (false);
// Clear order
void CancelButtonAction(ActionEvent event)
countLabel.setText(" Cancelled Order");
tofuBurgercount = 0;
cajunChickencount = 0;
buffaloWingscount = 0;
rainbowFilletcount = 0;
riceCrackercount = 0;
noSaltFriescount = 0;
zucchinicount = 0;
brownRicecount = 0;
cafeMochacount = 0;
cafeLattecount = 0;
espressocount = 0;
OolongTeacount = 0;
private void setLableTextSubtotal()
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
countLabel.setText(MESSAGE + df.format((
TOFU_BURGER_PRICE * tofuBurgercount
+ CAJUN_CHICKEN_PRICE * cajunChickencount
+ BUFFALO_WINGS_PRICE * buffaloWingscount
+ RAINBOW_FILLET_PRICE * rainbowFilletcount
+ RICE_CRACKER_PRICE * riceCrackercount
+ NO_SALT_FRIES_PRICE * noSaltFriescount
+ ZUCCHINI_PRICE * zucchinicount
+ BROWN_RICE_PRICE * brownRicecount
+ CAFE_MOCHA_PRICE * cafeMochacount
+ CAFE_LATTE_PRICE * cafeLattecount
+ ESPRESSO_PRICE * espressocount
+ OOLONG_TEA_PRICE * OolongTeacount)));
//Create a window closer
private void addWindowCloseListener()
this.addWindowListener(new java.awt.event.WindowAdapter()
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent event)
void quit(WindowEvent event)

And please feel free to critic how I ask this question and the program I am going to show, I hope this will help me in the future ask better questions and write better code.1) Use the "preview" link before posting your question. As you have noticed all your code has lost its formatting and is left justified. I'm sure you don't code like this so don't ask as to read it like this.
2) So you ask how to I keep the formatting of the posted code? Well, did you notice the buttons at the top of the message box or the "Formatting Tips" link.
3) Post a small executable version of your code that demonstrates the problem. I hope you don't expect us to read through hundreds of lines of unnecessary code. Most problems can be demonstrated in about 20 lines of code and the side benefit is many times you find your problem while creating the sample code.
But the problem I am facing is when I try to add more panels the panels are being added to the bottomThis is because of the LayoutManager you are using. Most LayoutManagers just keep displaying the component as it is added to the container. One way around this is to remove(...) the existing component before adding the new component (check out the Container API for more information about the remove(...) methods). Or maybe use a different LayoutManager like a BorderLayout which replaces components that are added or a CardLayout which allow you to display multiple components in the same area.
I suggest you read the Swing tutorial on [url]Using Layout Managers.

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    Hi to all,
    First of all thanks for the interest shown and for the replies. I do know what MVC or Multi-layered design is and I develop all my websites in that way.
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    As you can see my problem is not about layering. I know what layering is and agree with both of you on its importance.
    My question is: What is the best approach to have the same resources available for different websites? This includes Class Files, CSS Files, JavaScript Files, etc.
    Thanks & Regards,

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    One small clarification on my previous the .xdo not the excel name.Inside the excel it is the sheet name.
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    Its working for me.
    This link will be helpful for u
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    I want to know how to design query like that(By product):
    KF:P/O,Ship.Total Sales,inventory
                                 Week1  Week2
    Product A  P/O               70     60
    Product A  Ship              60     75
    Product A  Total Sales       80     70
    Product A  Total Inventory   170   175
                                  Week1  Week2
    Product B  P/O               60     50
    Product B  Ship              50     65
    Product B  Total Sales       80     70
    Product B  Total Inventory   170   175

    Thanks Rad,
    I want to get the report like this:
    Product A P/O 70 60
    Product A Ship 60 75
    Product A Total Sales 80 70
    Product A Total Inventory 170 175
    Product B P/O 60 50
    Product B Ship 50 65
    Product B Total Sales 80 70
    Product B Total Inventory 170 175
    Product C P/O 60 50
    Product C Ship 50 65
    Product C Total Sales 80 70
    Product c Total Inventory 170 175
    Base on same infoprivoder,same 'product' char and KF.


    how can we add range selection in screen painter.

       create two input fields and a push button like select option in the screeen.
    Try checking this logic
    <b>ranges</b> ra_matnr for mara-matnr.
    <b>Layout field name declaration:</b>
    Give the low field name as ra_range-low
      and high field name as ra_range-high.
    extension for pushbutton.--exten(function code)
    next -- function code for the enter key.
    module status_3000.
    module user_command_3000.
    <b>module user_command_3000.</b>
    if sy-ucomm = exten.
      call screen 400. (screen which shows extension values can be kept).
    elseif sy-ucomm = Next.
    if ra_matnr-low is not initial.
        ra_matnr-SIGN = 'I'.
        ra_matnr-OPTION = 'EQ'.
        APPEND ra_matnr.
        clear ra_matnr.
    if ra_matnr-high is not initial.
        ra_matnr-SIGN = 'I'.
        ra_matnr-OPTION = 'EQ'.
        APPEND ra_matnr.
        clear ra_matnr.
    module status_3000.
    read table ra_matnr  index 1 into ra_matnr .
    set pf-status '3000'.
    set title '3000'.

  • How to design a smartform with below tables and table-fields??

    How to design a smartform  and driver program using this tables and table fields
    FIELD DESCRIPTION     TABLE-FIELD                                   
    Tax Invoice No:     vbrk-vbeln                    
    Code     vbpa-kunnr where parvw = RG                                   
    Ship To     vbpa-kunnr where parvw = WE                                   
    PAN No     J_1IMOCUST-J_1IPANNO for WE                              
    ECC     ,,                                   
    Range     ,,                                   
    Div     ,,                                   
    Excise Reg No     ,,                                   
    LST No     ,,                                   
    CST No     ,,                                   
    Invoice No:      vbrk-vbeln                                   
    Do No:     vbfa-vbelv where vbeln = inv no and vbtyp_v = C get the vbeln where vbak-auart = 'ZDO'           
    Sales Doc Num:     vbfa-vbelv where vbeln = inv no and vbtyp_v = C get the vbeln where vbak-auart = 'ZSO'                             
    PO:     vbkd-bstkd where vbeln = sales doc no                                   
    Delivery No:     select vbelv from vbfa where vbeln = inv no and vbtyp_v = J                             
    Goods Removal Dt&Time:     select vbeln from vbfa where vbelv = dlv no and vbtyp_v = R Put this vbeln in mkpf and get BUDAT and CPUTM     
    Selection screen parameter should be : vbrk-vbeln.

    First design your form interface, this is the set of fields that you need to display in your form and create this as a structure in SE11.  In your print program code the logic to extract the data into this structure, this is just regular ABAP, nothing special here.
    When you have your data call function module SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME to determine the name of the generated smartform function module.  Then call this function module, passing the data collected into your structure.  If necessary you will need to find the print parameters required and pass these too.
    In your smartform you will need to use the data structure you created in SE11 as the smartform interface and design the layout required to display these fields.

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    I am using  Sharepoint 2010 list, i need to design SSRS report using Sharepoint List Version History. Could please let me know how to design.
    Thank you.
    Kind Regards

    You could do that with SQL Server Reporting Services, Please follow the instructions from the link below:
    Hope that would work fro you.
    Please Mark as Answer, if the post works for you.
    Amar Deep Singh

  • How to design multitab report in rtf in oracle apps r12

    How to design multitab report in rtf in oracle apps r12
    one consultant working on a multiple projects in this report to design rtf by using multi tab.

    <?if://P_CONSULTANT_NAME='' and P_CLIENT_NAME= ''?> means print the content below this condition if both consultant name and client name is null in xml.
    <?if://P_CONSULTANT_NAME !='' and P_CLIENT_NAME != ''?> means print the content below this condition if both consultant name and client name is not null in xml.
    <?if://P_CLIENT_NAME!='' and P_CONSULTANT_NAME = ''?> means print the content below this condition if consultant name is null and client name is not null in xml.
    <?if://P_CONSULTANT_NAME!='' and P_CLIENT_NAME = ''?> means print the content below this condition if consultant name is not null and client name is null in xml.
    please share your sample rtf and xml file so that i can have a look at it and help you if i can.

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