Newbie question about os x reinstallation

How do you clear the hard drive on a mac to reinstall a fresh os? I know how to do it on PC but i just figure it's completely different for mac.

If you are installing a retail version of Leopard one of the options in the installation will be erase and install. The different install options are in the Leopard manual
Otherwise follow the directions in your Mac manual as suggested by GfulDedFan.

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    How comes the text is blue in the first place? I guess the cross-reference formats use some character format which makes them blue? There are many options:
    Temporarily change the color definition for the color used in the cross-reference format to black.
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    Whichever method you choose, I would create a separate document with the changed format setting and import those format into your book, create the PDF and then import the same format from the official template.
    - Michael

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    You have to add in the web.xml file that it is in the WEB-INF dir, the information about your servlet. An example:

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    When you click File>Save As, you will see the Save As window pop up. At the top, you will see a box entitled Save As, which has a space for your to enter the file name. To the right of this box is an arrow pointing down. Click it. The full file hierarchy will be seen. Then you can save directly to the file you want.
    Hope this helps.

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    By the word 'disk' I assume you mean LUN . When a LUN in a disk group is filled, ASM will use the remaining LUNs to store the data. You should always use LUNs of uniform size to avoid uneven I/O .
    could i resize the disks with same size without stop database and without affecting the data stored within each disc
    You can get the Unix/Storage team to allocate more LUNs for this Server. Once these LUNs are added , check if the following pre-reqs are met for the LUN which is yet to be added to the disk group
    v$asm_disk.HEADER_STATUS = 'CANDIDATE'
    v$asm_disk.PATH = /dev/rdsk/youLUNname
    v$asm_disk.NAME will be NULL
    Now you can add the LUNs using
    alter diskgroup DATA_DG01 add disk '/dev/rdsk/youLUNname' rebalance power 4 ; wait for rebalance to finish (check status in V$ASM_OPERATION)
    Yes. The above can be done without stopping the DB. It won't affect the stored data either.

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    question 2, not sure about question 1,
    You may need this BIOS update too.

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    FYI- this is a great animation project

    ziggycat4 wrote:
    I guess I’m a little worried about installing the programs and having EO automatically acquire images using presets/defaults that I don’t want to use as well as issues with subfolders,
    EO doesn't do much with the files themselves, just maintains links to the sources.
    For folders you are best to use the folder view in EO to move them as it doesn't keep track of folder locations when changed in Windows Explorer. From the File options in Bridge I think that is pretty much the same.
    ziggycat4 wrote:
    I would like to get as much input as possible on the advantages/disadvantages of using EO vs say Adobe Bride from others who use Elements Organizer.
    Any insights would be appreciated.
    Can anyone who has used both EO and AB comment on how EO handles missing (hidden) files, syncing issues, computer hanging up or crashing....etc?
    I've only messed around a little with Bridge. But to me it seems lightening fast by comparison to EO. The features Albums and Tags in EO seem much the same as Collections and Keywords in Bridge.
    EO has Face Recognition abilities - getting more sophisticated in each version. I've not seen this feature in Bridge.
    By default EO allows you to open a file in any of:
    Photoshop Elements
    Premiere Elements
    A single used-defined application (I have mine set to ColorPilot).
    Bridge only seems to link to Photoshop.
    Missing files can be located manually or by allowing EO to search for them.
    Insanity is hereditary, you get it from your children

  • Newbie Questions About Installing Windows with Boot Camp

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    2. I only have Windows XP will that work? And then do all the SP updates after it's installed?
    3. If I have to use Windows XP SP2 is this one a good one to buy?
    4. After everything is installed do I have to use an anti-virus?
    I want to thank you for your help as you can see I really am a newbie.

    Hi Karen and welcome to Discussions,
    The only reason I want to use Windows is to be able to download games from the internet that are not made for Mac only for PC and I have a few questions:
    1. Doing all this installation will anything made for PC work?
    Nearly anything. There are some Windows programs using hardware dongles that don't run.
    2. I only have Windows XP will that work? And then do all the SP updates after it's installed?
    You need a Windows XP CD with at least Service Pack 2 (SP2) incorporated.
    3. If I have to use Windows XP SP2 is this one a good one to buy?
    another user round here had already asked about that website.
    Three things about this offer are, at least to me, very suspicious:
    "Microsoft Windows XP Professional Edition With SP2, Full Version on CDR"
    Microsoft never has used CD-R disc (CD-Recordable) for Windows
    "software that does NOT include any COA label or a sticker from the manufacturer"
    There always has to be a sticker, that one puts on the computer on which the Windows license is installed and a COA label as well.
    A volume license, from my understanding, was only sold to companys, who install Windows on a larger scale (hundreds of computers) and for that purpose are given only one license-key for all installations.
    Usually this is known as a'corporate license'.
    All in all, I would personally stay away from this offer. It simply doesn't sound legal to me.
    4. After everything is installed do I have to use an anti-virus?
    When running Windows a decent Anti-Virus software is a must.
    I want to thank you for your help as you can see I really am a newbie.
    You're welcome anytime. Hope it helps.

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    Authorization only applies to computers. When you update a device any protected content on the device for which the library is not authorised will be removed. Otherwise no attempt is made to remove content that was added by a now deauthorised library.
    There is a separate scheme permitting up to 10 devices (computers, iPhones, iPad or iPod touches) to be registered for automatic downloads of your purchases with a different mechanism for deregistering devices.
    Once you have a file on your computer you can physically copy it to any other computer in the same way that you would copy any other file like a Word document, put it on a disk, email it if not too large, burn it to DVD, stick it on an external hard drive or move it over a network. You can use Get Info. To tell you where it is now and you can drop it into the library at the other end.
    The user tip shows how to backup the whole library and then update that backup efficiently. Such a backup to a portable drive also provides a possible tool for transporting any content to another computer.

  • Please, help a newbie:  Question about animating expanding containers

    Hi All,
    Short Version of my Question:
    I'm making a media player that needs to have an animation for panels sliding up and down and left and right, and the method I've been using to do this performs far slower than the speed I believe is possible, and required. What is a fast way to make a high performance animation for such an application?
    So far, to do the animation, I've been using JSplitPanes and changing the position of the divider in a loop and calling paintImmediately or paintDirtyRegion like so:
    public void animateDividerLocation( JSplitPane j, int to, int direction) {
    for(int i=j.getDividerLocation(); i>=to; i-=JUMP_SIZE) {
    j.paintImmediately(0, 0, j.getWidth(), j.getHeight());
    The validate and paintImmediately calls have been necessary to see any changes while the loop is going. I.e., if those calls are left out, the components appear to just skip right to where they were supposed to animate to, without having been animated at all.
    The animation requirement is pretty simple. Basically, the application looks like it has 3 panels. One on the right, one on the left, and a toolbar at the bottom. The animation just needs to make the panels expand and contract.
    Currenly, the animation only gets about, say, 4 frames a second on the 800 MHz Transmeta Crusoe processor, 114 MB Ram, Windows 2000 machine I must use (to approximate the performance of the processor I'll be using, which will run embedded Linux), even though I've taken most of the visible components out of the JPanels during the animation. I don't think this has to do with RAM reaching capacity, as the harddrive light does not light up often. Even if this were the case, the animation goes also goes slow (about 13 frames a second) on my 3 GHz P4 Windows XP if I keeps some JButtons, images etc., inside the JPanels. I get about 50 frames/sec on my 3 GHz P4, if I take most of the JButtons out, as I do for the 800 MHz processor. This is sufficient to animate the panels 400 pixels across the screen at 20 pixels per jump, but it isn't fast or smooth enough to animate across 400 pixels moving at 4 pixel jumps. I know 50 frames/sec is generally considered fast, but in this case, there is hardly anything changing on the screen (hardly any dirty pixels per new frame) and so I'd expect there to be some way to make the animation go much faster and smoother, since I've seen games and other application do much more much faster and much smoother.
    I'm hoping someone can suggest a different, faster way to do the animation I require. Perhaps using the JSplitPane trick is not a good idea in terms of performance. Perhaps there are some tricks I can apply to my JSplitPane trick?
    I haven't been using any fancy tricks - no double buffering, volatile images, canvas or other animation speed techniques. I haven't ever used any of those things as I'm fairly new to Swing and the 2D API. Actually I've read somewhere that Swing does double buffering without being told to, if I understood what I read. Is doing double buffering explicitly still required? And, if I do need to use double buffering or canvas or volatile images or anything else, I'm not sure how I would apply those techiniques to my problem, since I'm not animating a static image around the screen, but rather a set of containers (JSplitPanes and JPanels, mostly) and components (mostly JButtons) that often get re-adjusted or expanded as they are being animated. Do I need to get the Graphics object of the top container (would that contain the graphics objects for all the contained components?) and then double buffer, volatile image it, do the animation on a canvas, or something like that? Or what?
    Thanks you SO much for any help!
    Related Issues(?) (Secondary concerns):
    Although there are only three main panels, the actual number of GUI components I'm using, during the time of animation, is about 20 JPanels/JSplitPanes and 10 JButtons. Among the JPanels and the JSplitPanes, only a few JPanels are set to visible. I, for one, don't think this higher number of components is what is slowing me down, as I've tried taking out some components on my 3GHz machine and it didn't seem to affect performance much, if any. Am I wrong? Will minimizing components be among the necessary steps towards better performance?
    Anyhow, the total number of JContainers that the application creates (mostly JPanels) is perhaps less than 100, and the total number of JComponents created (mostly JButtons and ImageIcons) is less than 200. The application somehow manages to use up 50 MBs RAM. Why? Without looking at the code, can anyone offer a FAQ type of answer to this?

    You can comment out the lines that add buttons to the panels to see the behavior with empty panels.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.Timer;
    public class DancingPanels
        static GridBagLayout gridbag = new GridBagLayout();
        static Timer timer;
        static int delay = 40;
        static int weightInc = 50;
        static boolean goLeft = false;
        public static void main(String[] args)
            final GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
            gbc.weightx = 1.0;
            gbc.weighty = 1.0;
            gbc.fill = gbc.HORIZONTAL;
            final JPanel leftPanel = new JPanel(gridbag);
            gbc.insets = new Insets(0,30,0,30);
            leftPanel.add(new JButton("1"), gbc);
            leftPanel.add(new JButton("2"), gbc);
            final JPanel rightPanel = new JPanel(gridbag);
            gbc.insets = new Insets(30,50,30,50);
            gbc.gridwidth = gbc.REMAINDER;
            rightPanel.add(new JButton("3"), gbc);
            rightPanel.add(new JButton("4"), gbc);
            final JPanel panel = new JPanel(gridbag);
            gbc.fill = gbc.BOTH;
            gbc.insets = new Insets(0,0,0,0);
            gbc.gridwidth = gbc.RELATIVE;
            panel.add(leftPanel, gbc);
            gbc.gridwidth = gbc.REMAINDER;
            panel.add(rightPanel, gbc);
            timer = new Timer(delay, new ActionListener()
                    gbc.fill = gbc.BOTH;
                    gbc.gridwidth = 1;
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                    double[] w = cycleWeights();
                    gbc.weightx = w[0];
                    gridbag.setConstraints(leftPanel, gbc);
                    gbc.weightx = w[1];
                    gridbag.setConstraints(rightPanel, gbc);
            JFrame f = new JFrame("Dancing Panels");
        private static double[] cycleWeights()
            if(weightInc > 100)
                weightInc = 100;
                goLeft = true;
            if(weightInc < 0)
                weightInc = 0;
                goLeft = false;
            double wLeft = weightInc/ 100.0;
            double wRight = (100 - weightInc)/100.0;
            return new double[]{wLeft, wRight};

  • Newbie question about livecycle data services es

    Hi all.
    i've downloaded the LiveCycle ES2 VMware virtual appliance, setup it up on a esxi server, workspace, content space, all are up and running, but here comes my question, how do i install livecycle data services in there?how do i set it up to start working with the rest?
    i've read the documentation on how to install, but i'm a bit confused.
    can anyone give me any pointers about this?
    help would be appreciated
    thanks in advance

    1) In Workbench ES2 create a process to create a new user. If you need to create a group there is also a service to create group. Create a short-lived process using the Avoka service > Create User operation. The Create User operation has the inputs depicted below.
    2) Create a process variable called 'newUserXml' of type 'xml' and declare the variable as input. Ideally, create a schema for the xml.
    3) The Create User operation has a single output, a string containing the user ID. Create a process variable called 'userID' of type 'string' and declare the variable as output.
    3) Save, check-in, and deploy the process.
    4) To test the process, invoke the process from the Workbench. For the input variable, plug data into an xml structure such as this...
    5) If the test succeeds, you are ready to create the Flex application. If not, figure out why.
    6) Build a Flex app. Once you deployed the process, the remoting endpoint is automatically created and can be accessed by Flex. Here is a stub.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" creationComplete="initChannelSet()">
    import mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel;
    import mx.messaging.ChannelSet;
    private function initChannelSet():void {
    var cs:ChannelSet= new ChannelSet();
    cs.addChannel(new AMFChannel("my-amf","http://localhost:8080/remoting/messagebroker/amf"));
    ro.channelSet = cs;
    private function submitRequest():void {
    var newUser:XML = new XML(getXmlData());
    private function remotingResultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void {
    var userID:String = event.result.userID;
    private function remotingFaultHandler(event:FaultEvent):void {;
    private function getXmlData():String {
    var xmlStr:String = "<NewUser>"
      + "<Login>" + login.text + "</Login>"
      + "<Password>" + password.text + "</Password>"
      + "<CommonName>" + commonName.text + "</CommonName>"
      + "</NewUser>>";
      return (xmlStr);
    <mx:RemoteObject id="ro" destination="MyApplication/processes/CreateNewUser"
       result="remotingResultHandler(event)" fault="remotingFaultHandler(event)"/>
       UI goes here...
       <mx:Button label="Submit" click="submitRequest()"/>

  • Newbie question about Java Studio Creator 2.

    HI all,
    I'm new to JSF and JSC.
    Below are some question which I hope those who has been working on JSF especially those that use JSC to provide me some advice.
    1. Can JSF application developed using JSC be changed or modified using other IDE in the market? Reason being I saw JSC include the position using style in the page. So, I wonder if I use JSC for JSF, will it contraint the future development or not, cos i don't want to be bound by one tool forever.
    2. Is the JSF component (eg. com.sun.rave.web...) provided by SUN are open source?
    3. What is the roadmap for JSC2? Will they continue its development?
    4. JSC2 is free, how about JSC3? Any idea whether it will be free?
    5. Do you think using JSC2 alone is not enough? where to build EJB or web services, we still need to use other tools like NetBeans? What do you use in combination with JSC2? Would like to know your experience.
    6. Can application developed using JSC be deployed to JBOSS?
    7. JSC uses JSF components from SUN (com.sun.rave.web...). So, when we deploy JSF application developed using JSC to tomcat or JBOss, do we need to purchase any license?
    8. I find JSC2 is quite resource hungry, sometimes thing reflect quite slowly. What is your experience using JSC2?
    Thank you.

    Can anyone advise me on my question?
    Thank you.

  • Newbie question about component and UDF usage.

    This will be the 1st time I'm coding a component and UDF. I
    kind of understand the concept but not sure about how to write it
    in detail.Such as passing the parameter, etc.
    I'm starting to write a user login, verifying users before
    allowing them to enter into the app.
    So I have 2 fields in my login form, Login and password.
    Upon submitting this form, on the actionpage.cfm I'm calling
    a component. This is how I call the component:
    <CFINVOKE Component="cfc/loginaction"
    Method="AuthentiCateUser" ReturnVariable="UserInfo">
    Then in my Component I have the following:
    <CFFUNCTION Name="AuthentiCateUser" RETURNTYPE="Query"
    hint="Use for user login">
    <CFARGUMENT Name="login" Type="Structure"
    <CFARGUMENT Name="password" Type="Structure"
    <!--- checking user authentication --->
    <CFQUERY NAME="Authenticate" DATASOURCE="sendfast">
    SELECT * FROM tblcustomer WHERE Login = '#Login#' AND
    Password = '#Password#'
    <CFRETURN AuthentiCateUser>
    When I run this code, I got error, it said :
    The parameter LOGIN to function AuthentiCateUser is required
    but was not passed in.
    The error occurred in
    C:\CFusionMX\wwwroot\KDt_Mod\userloginaction.cfm: line 18
    16 : <CFSET
    UserLoginInfo["Password"]="#Form.Password#"> 17 : 18 :
    <CFINVOKE Component="cfc/loginaction" Method="AuthentiCateUser"
    19 :
    My question is:
    What should I do in order to pass #Form.Login# and
    #Form.Password# to my UDF within my component?
    I'm using CFMX 6 and Micrisift SQL 8

    I've applied cfinvokeargument and my login and password were
    passed to my component.
    But I'm facing new problem: Where should I write my
    authentication? should I write user authentication within my
    component or
    loginaction.cfm (the calling template)
    What I mean by authentication is something like this:
    <CFIF #Authenticate.RecordCount# IS NOT 0>
    <cfset session.CustomerID
    <cfset session.Name ="#Authenticate.Name#">
    <CFCOOKIE NAME="UserLoginIn"
    <cflocation url="index.cfm?loc=home">
    <script language="JavaScript">
    alert("Username/password is not found, plese try again");
    If I keep this code in my loginaction.cfm what is returned
    from my function is not recognized by the component, the error said
    Authenticate.RecordCount is not recognized.
    Also I'm still confuse with what should I put in the
    RETURNTYPE. If I put query, it gave me error, also, what is
    returned by CFRETURN.
    This is my component:
    <CFFUNCTION Name="AuthentiCateUser" RETURNTYPE="Query"
    hint="Use for user login">
    <CFARGUMENT Name="login" Type="Structure"
    <CFARGUMENT Name="password" Type="Structure"
    <!--- checking user authentication --->
    <CFQUERY NAME="Authenticate" DATASOURCE="sendfast">
    SELECT * FROM tblcustomer WHERE Login = '#Login#' AND
    Password = '#Password#'
    <CFRETURN AuthentiCateUser>

  • Newbie question about undo/redo.

    When Oracle changes a data block it records the before-image in an undo segment block. Both changes (data and undo) are recorded in the redo log. The change to the undo segment block is recorded in the redo log so that Oracle can rebuild the undo segment after a system crash. Therefore, any transactions that were not committed or rolled back at the time of the crash can be rolled back after the crash.
    My question is: Why does the undo segment need to be rebuilt? Isn't it a file? And shouldn't it still be there after the crash? I realize that sometimes files can get destroyed/corrupted, but that's a different story.

    Thanks for the reply, but the question is not about how it is used, but about why doesn't it already exist and not need rebuilding.
    That is, the undo segment is a file. Right? What happens to it that causes it to need rebuilding?

  • Newbie question about C coding and SDK for iPhone app

    I am interested in trying to create an app. However, I have NO experience writing code I already have downloaded and installed the latest version of the SDK.
    I know I have to learn: C, Objective C, and Cocoa.
    I just picked up "C for Dummies" as a starting point. I figured the K&R might be a bit overwhelming to start with. Thing is, "C for Dummies" suggests doing some exercises in Text Edit and then using GCC to compile and test. But, then again, it has a copyright of 2004--long before Snow Leopard.
    My question is, do I really need to do the exercises in Text Edit? Can I just use Xcode for entering the code and testing it? And, any suggestions for learning C and Xcode tutorials are greatly appreciated.

    But, I really want to learn coding and not just take the easy route by using Xcode.
    The simplification of using Xcode may have been a bit exaggerated throughout this thread. You will still learn how to program full-on by using Xcode -- it's not like you're taking a shortcut or anything. Well, technically speaking, you are, but Xcode is the expected way to develop on a Mac nowadays -- it's how Apple expects you to develop and how most people are doing so. Should you choose, you can taking a deeper dive into the inner workings of compiling and whatnot by using a text editor and the Terminal, but keep in mind that the extra complexities here could complicate the more important overall goal of learning the basics of how to program. There is absolutely nothing wrong with simply using Xcode for the novice part of your programming days. In fact, it's probably the path I would recommend. Some here might suggest that it is beneficial to learn the intricacies of compiling through the Terminal and whatnot early on, and they are right -- it is beneficial, but the benefits of taking a route (at least for the time being) that allows you to focus on the more pressing issues of learning how to program without having to delve too deeply can be just as beneficial. After all, it's not like you can't go back and learn how to compile via Terminal later on -- that's what I've done (or, rather, am in the process of doing).
    I always thought Terminal was something not to mess with.
    Not so much. Like most things in programming (or life, for that matter), the Terminal is something not to mess with +if you don't know what you're doing+. Basically, it breaks down like this. The GUI that Apple has created for you in Mac OS X (by GUI I mean "graphical user interface" -- the icons and windows and buttons and so forth that you use to perform tasks on your Mac -- in other words, everything outside the Terminal) is geared toward the common user who does not need to access advance aspects of the system's functionality. Consequently, it makes common tasks much simpler to perform, but in the process it hides some of the deeper levels of the system's functionality from the user. This is a good thing, since most people wouldn't know what to do with this functionality and would create problems for themselves if they did have easy access to it. However, for some users who know more about the inner workings of the operating system, there needs to be a way for them to access this functionality, so that they can do certain things (like accessing certain files and performing certain tasks) that they would not be able to do using the Mac OS X GUI -- that's what the Terminal is for. It allows the user to operate the system on a lower level. In other words, it allows you to get closer to the operating system. This is good in a way, because it allows you to perform tasks that you wouldn't otherwise be able to perform by giving you more control over the operating system, but it is also bad in a way, because it can allow you to mess up some of the deeper aspects of your system if you don't know what you are doing. Most people leave the Terminal alone for this reason, and because they have no need of it, but if you want to be a good developer, you're going to have to work with it sooner or later.
    Now, with all that being said, it's not that easy to mess things up using the Terminal. It's not like your system's going to crash if you misspell a command. All in all, the Terminal is very forgiving, but it will do what you tell it to do, even if you tell it to kill itself, and it is for that reason that you need to know what you are telling it before you try to tell it something. If you understand what you are telling the system, than operating on a lower level and being closer to the operating system is completely safe.
    The Mac OS X operating system is based around Unix, so when you are communicating more directly with the operating system by using the Terminal, you are interacting with its Unix core. For this reason, using the Terminal goes hand in hand with understanding Unix. So, if you're going to want to use the Terminal, then I recommend you get a good book on Unix to teach you the basics of Unix commands and shell programming and whatnot. Any book on Unix will do, since more or less everything you learn will be applicable to the Mac OS X's Terminal, but there are a few that are specifically directed to Mac OS X users, and that always makes things easier. Most of these books aren't updated to cover past Tiger, but this really doesn't matter (someone correct me if I'm wrong). A few examples are O'Reilly's "Learning Unix for Mac OS X Tiger" by Dave Taylor or Peachpit Press's "Unix for Mac OS X Tiger" by Matisse Enzer. Also, the book "Unix Programming Environment" by Kernighan and Pike is an excellent book on Unix, although fairly outdated, so I would highly recommend it, although I would recommend it as a supplement to another, more recent, Mac-based Unix book and not as your primary source for learning Unix. The skills you will acquire from these books will help you later if not sooner, so I recommend giving one of them a read at some point, whether you are planning on compiling using the Terminal right now or not.
    Anyways, I hope this helped to clear some of this up for you, and please let us know if you have any further questions.

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