No "Redelivery Delay" option available

I'm setting up a JMS connection factory in WebLogic 9.1. According to the documentation, there should be a "Default Redelivery Delay" option on the Configuration->Default Delivery tab. However, there's no such option listed. I only see the following:
          Default Priority
          Default Time-to-Live
          Default Time-to-Deliver
          Default Delivery Mode
          Default Compression Threshold
          Send Timeout
          Default Unit-of-Order for Producer
          User-generated Unit-of-Order Name
          Am I missing something?

It should be on there somewhere, but I haven't checked. Try some of the other CF tabs, and/or click on any "advanced" buttons to see if its been hidden as an advanced option.

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    IF this is coming from MM  and not paid then please reverse in MR8M and maunal clear FI docuemnt F-44 this will open PO again for posting correct Invoice .
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