Not able to edit Flat File Location path

We are using OWB 11gr2. We have two control centers cc1 and cc2 along with the Default Control Center. There are two flat file locations ff1 and ff2. ff1 is registered to cc1 and ff2 is registered with cc2 . We are able to unregister ff1 and register again after changing the path. But for ff2, we found the parameter PATH is not editable during registration after unregistering from cc2.
During the investigation, we have found the If we edit the Control Center cc2, the check box of all the data locations , available at right side ( Selected Location) are disabled and it is not possible also to detach the location, i.e. to move the location at left side ( Available Locations) . But for cc1, the check box are editable and we can move it to detach the location from control center. Please advise how to enable the path of Flat File location and how to enable the check box of available locations of the cc2.

Worked out n found the solution

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  • Not able to display flat file's error line in output

    The below Source Code is BDC for XD01 (update Customer Master Record) in CALL TRANSACTION method. This program is written in call transaction method cause as per user’s requirement, user wants error log to be printed as soon as the BDC process finished in the background mode.
    When you execute this below program it will show a selection screen from where you can select your flat file from system.
    After executing this code show output like below as soon as it finished processing the FLAT file.
    1. Customer Update Summary
    2. Successful record with customer number and name.
    3. Error Records with 'record number' and 'reason for error'
    (For testing you just have to copy-paste-save-active  the source code)
    And I have encountered an issue over here in 3rd section-“Record Number” of “Error Records”.
    The “Record Number” is for display the line number of that flat file line which in which error has occurred.
    The “Record Number”  Entries showing only ‘0’ instead of showing line number of error entry .
    I have used Function Module FORMAT_MESSAGE to capture the errors. But not able to display line number of that flat file which is containing error.
    So please suggest me what changes I should make in below source code to get proper output.
    Flat file for your R&D
    1000     1000     10     10     0001     Company     Chobey & Group1N     Choubey     Amit Choubey     New Alipore Road     Habijabi Apartment     Rastar Dhra      777777     kolkata     777777     kolikata     howrah     777777     IN     WB     1111111111     2222222222     3333333333     4444444444     5555555555     6666666666     0700     EAST     02     01     1060003     A1     Z1     ZZ13     CALS     1     A     10     1
    1000     1000     10     10     0001     Company     Chobey & Group2N     Choubey     Amit Choubey     New Alipore Road     Habijabi Apartment     Rastar Dhra      777777     kolkata     777777     kolikata     howrah     777777     IN     WB     1111111111     2222222222     3333333333     4444444444     5555555555     6666666666     0700     EAST     02     01     1060003     A1     Z1     ZZ13     CALS     1     A     10     1
    1000     1000     10     10     0001     Company     Chobey & Group3N     Choubey     Amit Choubey     New Alipore Road     Habijabi Apartment     Rastar Dhra      777777     kolkata     777777     kolikata     howrah     777777     IN     WB     1111111111     2222222222     3333333333     4444444444     5555555555     6666666666     0700     EAST     02     01     1060003     A1     Z1     ZZ13     CALS     .     A     10     1
    1000     1000     10     10     0001     Company     Chobey & Group4N     Choubey     Amit Choubey     New Alipore Road     Habijabi Apartment     Rastar Dhra      777777     kolkata     777777     kolikata     howrah     777777     IN     WB     1111111111     2222222222     3333333333     4444444444     5555555555     6666666666     0700     EAST     02     01     1060003     A1     Z1     ZZ13     CALS     1     A     ..     1
    1000     1000     10     10     0001     Company     Chobey & Group5N     Choubey     Amit Choubey     New Alipore Road     Habijabi Apartment     Rastar Dhra      777777     kolkata     777777     kolikata     howrah     777777     IN     WB     1111111111     2222222222     3333333333     4444444444     5555555555     6666666666     0700     EAST     02     01     1060003     A1     Z1     ZZ13     CALS     1     A     10     1
    And Source Code
    *& Report  Z_TEST_SAI                                                  *
    REPORT  Z_TEST_SAI no standard page heading line-size 255.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_cust,
            bukrs like rf02d-bukrs,
            vkorg like rf02d-vkorg,
            vtweg like rf02d-vtweg,
            spart like rf02d-spart,
            ktokd like rf02d-ktokd,
            anred like kna1-anred,
            name1 like kna1-name1,
            sortl like kna1-sortl,
            name2 like kna1-name2,
            name3 like kna1-name3,
            name4 like kna1-name4,
            stras like kna1-stras,
            pfach like kna1-pfach,
            ort01 like kna1-ort01,
            pstlz like kna1-pstlz,
            ort02 like kna1-ort02,
            pfort like kna1-pfort,
            pstl2 like kna1-pstl2,
            land1 like kna1-land1,
            regio like kna1-regio,
            telx1 like kna1-telx1,
            telf1 like kna1-telf1,
            telfx like kna1-telfx,
            telf2 like kna1-telf2,
            teltx like kna1-teltx,
            stceg like kna1-stceg,
            cityc like kna1-cityc,
            lzone like kna1-lzone,
            niels like kna1-niels,
            kukla like kna1-kukla,
            akont like knb1-akont,
            fdgrv like knb1-fdgrv,
            vzskz like knb1-vzskz,
            zterm like knb1-zterm,
            vkbur like knvv-vkbur,
            versg like knvv-versg,
            vsbed like knvv-vsbed,
            ktgrd like knvv-ktgrd,
            taxkd like knvi-taxkd,
    END OF t_cust.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_sucrec,
              cnum TYPE kna1-kunnr,                          "Customer Number
              cnam TYPE kna1-name1,                          "Customer Name
    END OF t_sucrec.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_errrec,
    *        lineno TYPE i,                                  "Line Number
             lineno TYPE string,
           message TYPE string,                              "Error Message
    END OF t_errrec.
    DATA: v_file TYPE string,                                "Variable for storing flat file
    it_cust TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_cust,                   "Internal table of Customer
    wa_cust LIKE LINE OF it_cust,                            "Workarea of Internal table it_cust
    it_sucrec TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_sucrec,               "Internal table of Success records
    wa_sucrec LIKE LINE OF it_sucrec,                        "Workarea of Internal table it_sucrec
    it_errrec TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_errrec,
    wa_errrec LIKE LINE OF it_errrec,
    it_bdctab LIKE bdcdata OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,        "Internal table structure of BDCDATA
    it_messagetab LIKE bdcmsgcoll OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE, "Tracing Error Messages
    v_date LIKE sy-datum,                                    "Controlling of session date
    v_index LIKE sy-index,                                   "Index Number
    v_totrec TYPE i,                                         "Total Records
    v_errrec TYPE i,                                         "Error Records
    v_sucrec TYPE i,                                         "Success Records
    v_sesschk TYPE c.                                        "Session maintenance
    PARAMETERS: p_file    TYPE rlgrap-filename.              "rlgrap-filename is a predefined structure
    PARAMETERS: p_mode    LIKE ctu_params-dismode DEFAULT 'N',
                p_update  LIKE ctu_params-updmode DEFAULT 'A'.
    v_date = sy-datum - 1.
    program_name = syst-cprog
    dynpro_number = syst-dynnr
    FIELD_NAME = ' '
    file_name = p_file.
    v_file = p_file.
    filename = v_file
    filetype = 'ASC'
    has_field_separator = 'X'
    data_tab = it_cust
    file_open_error = 1
    file_read_error = 2
    no_batch = 3
    gui_refuse_filetransfer = 4
    invalid_type = 5
    no_authority = 6
    unknown_error = 7
    bad_data_format = 8
    header_not_allowed = 9
    separator_not_allowed = 10
    header_too_long = 11
    unknown_dp_error = 12
    access_denied = 13
    dp_out_of_memory = 14
    disk_full = 15
    dp_timeout = 16
    OTHERS = 17.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
    *MESSAGE ID sy-msgid
    *TYPE sy-msgty
    *NUMBER sy-msgno
    *WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    v_index = sy-index.
    LOOP AT it_cust INTO wa_cust.
      perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPMF02D' '0100'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
        perform bdc_field       using 'RF02D-BUKRS'
        perform bdc_field       using 'RF02D-VKORG'
        perform bdc_field       using 'RF02D-VTWEG'
        perform bdc_field       using 'RF02D-SPART'
        perform bdc_field       using 'RF02D-KTOKD'
        perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPMF02D' '0110'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNA1-ANRED'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNA1-NAME1'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNA1-SORTL'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNA1-NAME2'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNA1-NAME3'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNA1-NAME4'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNA1-STRAS'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNA1-PFACH'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNA1-ORT01'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNA1-PSTLZ'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNA1-ORT02'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNA1-PFORT'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNA1-PSTL2'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNA1-LAND1'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNA1-REGIO'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNA1-SPRAS'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNA1-TELX1'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNA1-TELF1'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNA1-TELFX'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNA1-TELF2'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNA1-TELTX'
        perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPMF02D' '0120'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNA1-STCEG'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNA1-CITYC'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNA1-LZONE'
        perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPMF02D' '0125'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNA1-NIELS'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNA1-KUKLA'
        perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPMF02D' '0130'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
        perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPMF02D' '0340'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
        perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPMF02D' '0360'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
        perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPMF02D' '0210'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNB1-AKONT'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNB1-FDGRV'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNB1-VZSKZ'
        perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPMF02D' '0215'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNB1-ZTERM'
        perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPMF02D' '0220'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
        perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPMF02D' '0230'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
        perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPMF02D' '0610'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
        perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPMF02D' '0310'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNVV-AWAHR'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNVV-VKBUR'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNVV-WAERS'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNVV-KALKS'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNVV-VERSG'
        perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPMF02D' '0315'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNVV-LPRIO'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNVV-KZAZU'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNVV-VSBED'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNVV-ANTLF'
        perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPMF02D' '0320'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNVV-BOKRE'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNVV-KTGRD'
        perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPMF02D' '1350'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
        perform bdc_field       using 'KNVI-TAXKD(01)'
        perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPMF02D' '0324'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    MODE p_mode
    UPDATE p_update
    MESSAGES INTO it_messagetab.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
    *& reading success records to corresponding internal table
    READ TABLE it_messagetab WITH KEY msgtyp = 'S'.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
    wa_sucrec-cnum = it_messagetab-msgv1.
    wa_sucrec-cnam = wa_cust-name1.
    APPEND wa_sucrec TO it_sucrec.
    CLEAR wa_sucrec.
    *& reading error records to corresponding internal table
    READ TABLE it_messagetab WITH KEY msgtyp = 'E'.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
    id = sy-msgid
    no = it_messagetab-msgnr
    v1 = it_messagetab-msgv1
    v2 = it_messagetab-msgv2
    v3 = it_messagetab-msgv3
    v4 = it_messagetab-msgv4
    msg = wa_errrec-message.
    wa_errrec-lineno = v_index.
    *******wa_errrec-lineno  = v_index.
    *******wa_errrec-message = it_messagetab-msgv1.
    APPEND wa_errrec TO it_errrec.
    CLEAR wa_errrec.
    CLEAR : it_bdctab, it_messagetab.
    REFRESH: it_bdctab, it_messagetab.
    DESCRIBE TABLE it_cust LINES v_totrec.
    DESCRIBE TABLE it_errrec LINES v_errrec.
    DESCRIBE TABLE it_sucrec LINES v_sucrec.
    PERFORM disp_data.
    SKIP 2.
    IF v_sucrec > 0.
    PERFORM disp_success_data.
    SKIP 2.
    IF v_errrec > 0.
    PERFORM disp_error_data.
    *& Form bdc_dynpro
    *#  text
    *#  -->P_0104 text
    *#  -->P_0105 text
    FORM bdc_dynpro USING program
    CLEAR it_bdctab.
    it_bdctab-program = program.
    it_bdctab-dynpro = dynpro.
    it_bdctab-dynbegin = 'X'.
    APPEND it_bdctab.
    ENDFORM. " bdc_dynpro
    *& Form bdc_field
    *#  text
    *#  -->P_0109 text
    *#  -->P_IT_cust_LIFNR text
    FORM bdc_field USING fnam
    CLEAR it_bdctab.
    it_bdctab-fnam = fnam.
    it_bdctab-fval = fval.
    APPEND it_bdctab.
    ENDFORM. " bdc_field
    *& Form disp_data
    *#  text
    *#  --> p1 text
    *#  <-- p2 text
    FORM disp_data .
    ULINE (45).
    WRITE : / sy-vline,
    45 sy-vline.
    ULINE /(45).
    WRITE : / sy-vline,
    'Total Records Processed'(007),
    28 '=',
    30 v_totrec,
    45 sy-vline,
    / sy-vline,
    'Error Records'(005),
    28 '=',
    30 v_errrec,
    45 sy-vline,
    / sy-vline,
    'Successful Records'(006),
    28 '=',
    30 v_sucrec,
    45 sy-vline.
    ULINE /(45).
    ENDFORM. " disp_data
    *& Form disp_success_data
    *#  text
    *#  --> p1 text
    *#  <-- p2 text
    FORM disp_success_data .
    ULINE (45).
    WRITE : / sy-vline,
    14 'Successful Records'(012) COLOR 1,
    45 sy-vline.
    ULINE /(45).
    WRITE : / sy-vline ,
    'Customer Number'(010) COLOR 2,
    17 sy-vline,
    25 'Customer Name'(011) COLOR 2,
    45 sy-vline.
    ULINE /(45).
    LOOP AT it_sucrec INTO wa_sucrec.
    WRITE: / sy-vline ,
    17 sy-vline,
    19 wa_sucrec-cnam,
    45 sy-vline.
    ULINE /(45).
    ENDFORM. " disp_success_data
    *& Form disp_error_data
    *#  text
    *#  --> p1 text
    *#  <-- p2 text
    FORM disp_error_data .
    ULINE (85).
    WRITE : / sy-vline,
    35 'Error Records'(013) COLOR 1,
    85 sy-vline.
    ULINE /(85).
    WRITE : / sy-vline,
    'Record Number'(008) COLOR 2,
    37 'Reason for error'(009) COLOR 2,
    85 sy-vline.
    ULINE /(85).
    LOOP AT it_errrec INTO wa_errrec.
    WRITE : / sy-vline,
    17 sy-vline,
    85 sy-vline.
    ULINE /(85).
    ENDFORM. " disp_error_data

    Worked out n found the solution

  • Why am I not able to export NEF files to Photoshop from Lightroom to edit. This is new. When I right click on an image, the export to PS option is not selectable.

    Why am I not able to export NEF files to Photoshop from Lightroom to edit. This is new. When I right click on an image, the export to PS option is not selectable. I've never had this happen before. I haven't used it for a few weeks, so maybe there's an update (Mac or otherwise) that's screwing things up? HELP!

    I have an Edit In - Photoshop option, but not an Export - Photoshop option.
    Obviously to have right-click Edit In to work, the photo you're right-clicking on needs to be selected.  I assume this is not the problem, and that the photo is selected.
    Mavericks 10.9.3 has a problem where the Users folder is hidden, and you need to update iTunes to fix it, but it's been a few weeks since this happened so hopefully you're up-to-date and the Users folder isn't hidden anymore.
    If you can't get things to work, I'd uninstall LR and uninstall Photoshop, then install Photoshop, and update it, then install LR and update it, as a way to get any wayward security or other OS-level things reset.

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    Thanks in advance.

    Since you are in Track.
    Which propertyu file ???
    Best Regards
    Satish Kumar

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    if nothing at all has changed, make sure you are actually running Acrobat, not still running Reader. But if you hope for something like Word, it isn't. Editing PDF is a painful last resort.

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    Hello All,
    I am install reporting services SharePoint native mode but some users are not able to edit reports on server error is "Application cannot be started contact your application vendor" but this users edit reports on their client machine
    using report builder 3.0.
    Please help me

    Hi harshad_mule,
    Because Report Builder in the Report Manager is a ClickOnce application, the error message means that one or more of the files listed in the application manifest cannot be found on the server, so the application cannot be started. Based on my research, frequently
    this means that the application is somehow corrupted, or that the ClickOnce store is corrupted.
    To fix this issue, we can try to refer to the following steps:
    If Report Builder is corrupted, we can update the Reporting Services to repair this.
    Check that the Report Builder application is existing
        Open the Report Server folder. By default, the folder is located in: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.<X>\Reporting Services\ReportServer\ReportBuilder
        Make sure the file "ReportBuilder.application" is existing in the folder mentioned above.
    If it is existing, please use the following URL to access the Report Builder directly:
    And this issue can also be caused by browser. Because not all report functionality is supported by all browsers in Reporting Services. So please use IE browser to start Report Builder to try it again.
    Hope this helps.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

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    MS office is MS office professional plus 2010 version 14.0.6029.1000, the OS is Windows 7, smartview version is
    Can you help to solve the problem? Thanks

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    Able to import all kind of supported files images,videos in premiere elements 8 stored already in the computer internal hard drive.
    changed the scratch disk, in pre elements 8, to internal c: drive (os).
    All the files from the same camera.
    Please advice, why it is doing like this.

    What type of camcorder did this video from?
    Version 8 is generally not compatible with video from still cameras, and this video must be converted before it can be edited.
    Also, remember that video editors do not actually add your media clips to a project but build connections to them. In other words, once you add a clip to a Premiere Elements project, you MUST maintain a connection to the clip's location. So, if you're connecting to video clips on your external drive, you can not remove your external drive from your computer or this connection will be broken.

  • PI is not able to pick the file from the FTP folder

    This is the FILE TO IDOC scenario. We have configured the file adapter. But its not able to pick the file from the specified directory. We have tried changing the transfer mode from Binary to Txt & also we have tried to put advance selection for source file but it didn't work. Its throwing the below error:
    PI Adapter Log:
    An error occurred while connecting to the FTP server ''. The FTP server returned the following error message: ' 451 Unexpected reply coderequested action aborted: local error in processing'. For details, contact your FTP server vendor.
    Also we have contacted the FTP team & they told that PI is sending an unsupported command. So instead of taking the file TLOG.txt, its treating this file name a s a directory. Please find the logs from FTP end below:
    FTP Log:
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:25 PM - sysisappi (> 230 Logged on
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (> FEAT
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (> 211-Features:
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (>  MDTM
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (>  REST STREAM
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (>  SIZE
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (>  MLST type*;size*;modify*;
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (>  MLSD
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (>  AUTH SSL
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (>  AUTH TLS
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (>  PROT
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (>  PBSZ
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (>  UTF8
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (>  CLNT
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (>  MFMT
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (> 211 End
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (> PBSZ 0
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (> 200 PBSZ=0
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (> PROT P
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (> 200 Protection level set to P
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (> CWD /Qas
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (> 250 CWD successful. "/Qas" is current directory.
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (> CWD SAP_ORION
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:26 PM - sysisappi (> 250 CWD successful. "/Qas/SAP_ORION" is current directory.
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:27 PM - sysisappi (> CWD Inbound
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:27 PM - sysisappi (> 250 CWD successful. "/Qas/SAP_ORION/Inbound" is current directory.
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:27 PM - sysisappi (> CWD IRIIN04
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:27 PM - sysisappi (> 250 CWD successful. "/Qas/SAP_ORION/Inbound/IRIIN04" is current directory.
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:27 PM - sysisappi (> CWD TLOG.txt
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:27 PM - sysisappi (> 550 CWD failed. "/Qas/SAP_ORION/Inbound/IRIIN04/TLOG.txt": directory not found.
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:27 PM - sysisappi (> QUIT
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:27 PM - sysisappi (> 221 Goodbye
    It should list  *TLOG.txt*  but instead it is trying to get into a directory named  *TLOG.txt*.  same for other interface.
    So me & my team is struggling for last couple of days to fix this issue.Please share your suggestion

    Hi Sisir
    The screen shot of your config doesn't seem to correspond to the FTP log. I say this because the * is dropped from file name pattern "*TLOG.txt" (comparing your config and the FTP log). Can you share an updated FTP log?
    Sisir Das wrote:
    "/Qas/SAP_ORION/Inbound/IRIIN04" is current directory.
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:27 PM - sysisappi (> CWD TLOG.txt
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:27 PM - sysisappi (> 550 CWD failed. "/Qas/SAP_ORION/Inbound/IRIIN04/TLOG.txt": directory not found.
    (207197)2/5/2013 14:48:27 PM - sysisappi (> QUIT
    Also, like Rajesh suggested, have you tried to manually check permissions by logging in, traversing the directory, and getting the file?
    By the way, we always use backslash \ instead of forward slash in our configs. Not sure this would make any difference for you though. Also, I don't normally use a trailing \ at the end of the source directory path.

  • Not able to edit the report from BO 5.1

    User has Business Objects 5.1 version on his machine  and he is able to login to Business Objects 5.1.2 and can also open the BO reports from the required path
    When he edit the report, the BO is gettng hung and following errors occured one by one when he clicks ok button
    error1: "you must close this universe(name of universe) before importing it"
    when he clicks OK button on this error, second error is received
    error2: "Some obsolete objects have been removed from the query. (QP0027)"
    When he clicks OK button on this error, third error is received
    error3:"A connection required to refresh this document is unavailable(DA0004)"
    I am not understanding why these three errors are receiving one by one.Please tell me how to resolve above errors and edit the report
    kind Regards,

    Hi Denis,
    Normally,what we do is once we provide access to webi users group for each user from BO supervisor module, user(s) will able to refresh/edit the existing report from Full client BO.His colleagues have had no problem editing all his reports from their machines but he is not able to edit any report from his machine and BO is getting freeze.
    He also reinstalled BO and cleaned out everything on his Computer and re-built it but the issue is not yet resolved
    Can you please tell me how to resolve this issue
    Kind Regards,

  • In SharePoint 2013, some of the userswith contribute or full control rights are not able to edit and save office doucuments to SharePoint library.

    In SharePoint 2013, Office 2010 and IE 8. Office web apps is not configured.
    Some users with Contribute or full control are not able to edit and save documents back to SharePoint library.
    When they try to save they are getting following error:
    1. https://.....pptx is read-only. Do you want to save changes to a different file name?
    2. Project canot access "https://...." 
       Try one of the following
    The file may be temporarily open by another program. wait a momoment and try again.
    A file with the same name may already exists. Save it with a different file name.
    You may be trying to save to a read only folder. Save to a different folder instead.
    Please help me with this issue.
    will be waiting for any suggestions or solutions.

    Thanks again for quick response.
    I have requested users who are having this issue to try check in/ check out, and share the results.
    Result with CheckIn/CheckOut:
    User was able to check out but no edit option.
    'Edit Document' option under 'Files' tab was greyed out. I did check permissions every thing seems fine he has full control over the site and document library.
    Please advise.

  • I am not able to delete my files.

    I am not able to delete my files. When I delete file It ask me for password, and then It delete from system but hard does not show any free space that must be created when I delete some file. Please help me.

    After deleting ,no data is going trash.
    I am getting this problem from 3 three days. Rebooting system is not working. It seems like that when I delete file its move to some other location.
    If it is security feature then please tell me how can I change it?

  • Not able to edit event names in iCal

    Since upgrading to Snow Leopard, I am not able to edit event names in iCal once they are created. I am able to edit all other items in the event, but not name. I have tried double clicking, using the inspector, etc. to no avail. Any ideas?

    I tried getting rid of duplicates in FontBook. I tried deleteing the iCal.plist file and restarting my mac. Nothing works. I can not edit any entry in any way except to drag it to a new place. I also can't open iCal Preferences. I have iCal 4.0.1 - is that the current version?

  • RH 9 - Not able to edit project settings (styles)

    Once I import my FM 9 files I'm not able to edit my project settings via the Project Settings dialog. I can access the dialog, but when I try to edit the Style settings, none of the current style settings display. I followed the directions in Online Help and it did not indicate that this could not be done with imported documents as opposed to linked documents. Could that be the reason why?
    Thanks in advance.

    While importing a FM document, the style settings can be done through import wizard. Following steps may be followed.
    1. Click File->Import->FrameMaker Document menu item.
    2. "Import File" dialog opens. Browse and select the desried FrameMaker document.
    3. "Content Settings" dialog appears. Do any TOC/Index/Glossary related setting if required. Click Next.
    4. Click "Edit" button.
    5. "Conversion Settings" dialog opens where style related settings can be done. The dialog will show all the styles of the FrameMaker document being imported currently.
    This way style settings can be done for FrameMaker document being imported.
    The "Conversion Settings" dialog opened through "Project Settings" dialog displays the styles of all the linked documents and not of imported document. However, if some settings are done for a linked document, those settings are available by default for all the FM documents being imported in the project.
    I hope this resolves the issue.
    Please let us know in case you have further queries.

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