Not allowing totaling of a field in alv output

I had made a ALV in which i have to hide 1 field for getting it totaling.
i.e. if somebody try to make total of it ,it should not be allowed on dat field . is dere any solution for this problem?
plzz provide me guidelines for it.

Please please it this. I made the total for every field other than RACCT and SUM_COMM.
*&      Form  sub_prepare_display_output
      Display output
-->  No Parameter
FORM sub_prepare_display_output .
Local variables
  DATA: l_lead_col   TYPE char25,       " Lead column
        l_progname   TYPE sy-repid,     " Program name
Local internal tables
        l_oref_layout TYPE REF TO cl_salv_layout, "Layout
Local work area
        l_wa_key      TYPE salv_s_layout_key,     "Work area for key
        l_except1   TYPE REF TO cx_salv_msg,"Exception
        l_text1     TYPE string.            "Exception msg
If profit center is checked
  IF p_prfctr = c_check.
    l_lead_col = 'Profit Center'(041).
If product catagory is checked
  ELSEIF p_prodc = c_check.
    l_lead_col = 'Product Category'(042).
If material is checked
  ELSEIF p_smatnr = c_check.
    l_lead_col = 'Material No.'(043).
Create ALV instance with class-method cl_salv_table=>factory
      CALL METHOD cl_salv_table=>factory
          list_display = if_salv_c_bool_sap=>false
          r_salv_table = v_oref_table
          t_table      = i_final.
    CATCH cx_salv_msg INTO l_except1.
      l_text1 = l_except1->get_text( ).
      MESSAGE i000 WITH l_text1.
Make header of the report
  PERFORM sub_header_report USING v_oref_table.
Get the toolbar
  v_oref_functions = v_oref_table->get_functions( ).
For activating application toolbar
  v_oref_functions->set_all( abap_true ).
  v_oref_columns = v_oref_table->get_columns( ).
It populate the key fields which are always displayed
  PERFORM sub_fill_fields_of_fcatalog USING:
'SUM_COMM'        l_lead_col                ' ',
'RACCT'          'Account Number'(035)      ' ',
'FOBAC'          'FOB Acrual'(023)          'X',
'EXCESS'         'Excess'(024)              'X',
'OBSOLE'         'Obsolescence'(025)        'X',
'PPV'            'Puchachse Price Var'(026) 'X',
'FR_VAR'         'Freight Variance'(027)    'X',
'PROD_OR_VAR'    'Produc Ord Var'(028)      'X',
'DEP_VAR'        'Dept. Variance'(029)      'X',
'OTH_PROD_VAR'   'Other Prod Var'(030)      'X',
'PR_OR_SCRP_VAR' 'Scrap Variance'(031)      'X',
'COST_OF_ACC'    'Cost of Sales Accnt'(032) 'X',
'INV_ACC'        'Inventory Account'(033)   'X'.
Optimize the columns
  v_oref_columns->set_optimize( value = 'X' ).
Setting the layout
get the LAYOUT object
  l_oref_layout = v_oref_table->get_layout( ).
set the layout key
  l_progname = sy-repid.
  l_wa_key-report = l_progname.
  l_oref_layout->set_key( value = l_wa_key ).
set save restriction:
none / only user-dependent / only user-independent
  value = if_salv_c_layout=>restrict_none  ).
set: setting of default layout is allowed / isnu2019t allowed
  l_oref_layout->set_default( value = 'X' ).
Dispaly the output
  v_oref_table->display( ).
ENDFORM.                    " sub_prepare_display_output
*&      Form  sub_header_report
    Create the header of the report
     -->P_v_oref_TABLE  table name
FORM sub_header_report  USING    p_v_oref_table TYPE REF TO
                                           cl_salv_table .
  DATA : l_oref_grid TYPE REF TO cl_salv_form_layout_grid.
  CREATE OBJECT l_oref_grid.
Add  text items for top of page
  l_oref_grid->create_text( row = 1  column = 1  text = 'Program'(022)
  l_oref_grid->create_text( row = 1  column = 2  text = sy-repid  ).
  l_oref_grid->create_text( row = 2  column = 1
  text = 'User Name'(021) ).
  l_oref_grid->create_text( row = 2  column = 2  text = sy-uname  ).
  l_oref_grid->create_text( row = 3  column = 1  text = 'Date'(020) ).
  l_oref_grid->create_text( row = 3  column = 2  text = sy-datum ).
  l_oref_grid->create_text( row = 3  column = 3  text = 'Time'(019)  ).
  l_oref_grid->create_text( row = 3  column = 4  text = sy-uzeit  ).
  l_oref_grid->create_text( row = 4  column = 1  text = 'System'(018) ).
  l_oref_grid->create_text( row = 4  column = 2  text = sy-sysid ).
  l_oref_grid->create_text( row = 4  column = 3  text = 'Client'(017) ).
  l_oref_grid->create_text( row = 4  column = 4  text = sy-mandt ).
Declare grid as header of list
  p_v_oref_table->set_top_of_list( value = l_oref_grid ).
ENDFORM.                    " sub_header_report
*&      Form  sub_fill_fields_of_fcatalog
      This subroutine populates the field catalog excluding
      period fields
     -->P_FIELDNAME Table field name
     -->P_NAME      Field description
     -->P_DEC       Decimal value flag
FORM sub_fill_fields_of_fcatalog  USING p_fieldname TYPE lvc_fname
                                        p_name      TYPE c
                                        p_dec       TYPE c.
  DATA: l_char_l TYPE scrtext_l,  "For short text
        l_char_m TYPE scrtext_m,  "For medium text
        l_char_s TYPE scrtext_s,  "For long text
        l_except1   TYPE REF TO cx_salv_not_found,"Exception
        l_text1     TYPE string,            "Exception msg
        l_orf_aggregs TYPE REF TO cl_salv_aggregations.
Getting the text long/short/medium into variables
  l_char_l = p_name.
  l_char_m = p_name.
  l_char_s = p_name.
Setting the long/short/medium text and fix the key fileds
      CALL METHOD v_oref_columns->get_column
          columnname = p_fieldname
          value      = v_oref_column1.
    CATCH cx_salv_not_found INTO l_except1.
      l_text1 = l_except1->get_text( ).
      MESSAGE i000 WITH l_text1.
  v_oref_column ?= v_oref_column1.
  v_oref_column->set_long_text( l_char_l ).
  v_oref_column->set_medium_text( l_char_m ).
  v_oref_column->set_short_text( l_char_s ).
  v_oref_column->set_key( value = 'X' ).
  v_oref_columns->set_key_fixation( value = 'X' ).
Set the decimal length
  IF p_dec = 'X'.
    v_oref_column->set_decimals( value = '2' ).
  IF p_fieldname = 'RACCT' AND p_gl <> c_check.
    v_oref_column->set_visible( value = space ).
  IF p_gl = c_check.
    v_oref_columns->set_column_position( columnname = 'RACCT'
                                           position = 2 ).
  IF p_fieldname NE 'RACCT' AND p_fieldname NE 'SUM_COMM'.
    l_orf_aggregs = v_oref_table->get_aggregations( ).
    l_orf_aggregs->add_aggregation( columnname = p_fieldname
                   aggregation = if_salv_c_aggregation=>total ).
ENDFORM.                    " sub_fill_fields_of_fcatalog

Similar Messages

  • I am not getting the headings of the fields in ALV output.

    I am not getting ALV out put but  the headings of the fields in ALV output.
    Please see my below code .
    TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_zgxmit.
              INCLUDE STRUCTURE zgxmit.
    TYPES : END OF ty_zgxmit.
    DATA : gt_zgxmit TYPE TABLE OF ty_zgxmit.
    *&      Form  alv_display                                              *
    This subroutine is to display the out put in ALV.                    *
    FORM alv_display .
    Local data
      DATA: y_x          LIKE boole  VALUE 'X'.
    DATA: lt_fieldcat  TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv.
      DATA: lf_fieldcat  TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv.
      DATA: lh_index     LIKE lf_fieldcat-col_pos.
    For variant
    DATA: ws_repid LIKE sy-repid,
          g_save TYPE c VALUE 'A',
          g_exit TYPE c,
          g_variant LIKE disvariant,
          gx_variant LIKE disvariant.
      For 1st field.( RPT_LOC )
        CLEAR lf_fieldcat.
        lf_fieldcat-fieldname = 'RPT_LOC'.
        lf_fieldcat-tabname = 'GT_ZGXMIT'.
        lf_fieldcat-ref_tabname = 'RPT_LOC'.
        lf_fieldcat-ref_fieldname = 'ZGXMIT'.
        lh_index = lh_index + 1.
        lf_fieldcat-col_pos = lh_index.
        lf_fieldcat-key = y_x.
        lf_fieldcat-no_sum = y_x.
        APPEND lf_fieldcat TO lt_fieldcat.
    For 2nd field.( BAL_XMIT )
        CLEAR lf_fieldcat.
        lf_fieldcat-fieldname = 'BAL_XMIT'.
        lf_fieldcat-tabname = 'GT_ZGXMIT'.
        lf_fieldcat-ref_tabname = 'BAL_XMIT'.
        lf_fieldcat-ref_fieldname = 'ZGXMIT'.
        lh_index = lh_index + 1.
        lf_fieldcat-col_pos = lh_index.
        lf_fieldcat-key = y_x.
        lf_fieldcat-no_sum = y_x.
        APPEND lf_fieldcat TO lt_fieldcat.
    For 3rd field.( INC_XMIT )
        CLEAR lf_fieldcat.
        lf_fieldcat-fieldname = 'INC_XMIT'.
        lf_fieldcat-tabname = 'GT_ZGXMIT'.
        lf_fieldcat-ref_tabname = 'INC_XMIT'.
        lf_fieldcat-ref_fieldname = 'ZGXMIT'.
        lh_index = lh_index + 1.
        lf_fieldcat-col_pos = lh_index.
        lf_fieldcat-key = y_x.
        lf_fieldcat-no_sum = y_x.
        APPEND lf_fieldcat TO lt_fieldcat.
    For 4th field.( Z500_XMIT )
        CLEAR lf_fieldcat.
        lf_fieldcat-fieldname = 'Z500_XMIT'.
        lf_fieldcat-tabname = 'GT_ZGXMIT'.
        lf_fieldcat-ref_tabname = 'Z500_XMIT'.
        lf_fieldcat-ref_fieldname = 'ZGXMIT'.
        lh_index = lh_index + 1.
        lf_fieldcat-col_pos = lh_index.
        lf_fieldcat-key = y_x.
        lf_fieldcat-no_sum = y_x.
        APPEND lf_fieldcat TO lt_fieldcat.
                i_callback_program       = 'ZJV_2245'
                it_fieldcat              = lt_fieldcat
                t_outtab                 = gt_zgxmit
                program_error            = 1
                OTHERS                   = 2.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    ENDFORM.                    " alv_display

    You can force the headings like so.
    CLEAR lf_fieldcat.
    lf_fieldcat-fieldname = 'RPT_LOC'.
    lf_fieldcat-tabname = 'GT_ZGXMIT'.
    lf_fieldcat-ref_tabname = 'RPT_LOC'.
    lf_fieldcat-ref_fieldname = 'ZGXMIT'.
    lf_fieldcat-reptext_ddic  = 'Whatever Heading'.    "<-  Right here
    lh_index = lh_index + 1.
    lf_fieldcat-col_pos = lh_index.
    lf_fieldcat-key = y_x.
    lf_fieldcat-no_sum = y_x.
    APPEND lf_fieldcat TO lt_fieldcat.
    Rich Heilman

  • Negative sign for DMBTR field in ALV output

    Hi Experts,
    Before posting I have searched for more than 3 hours in the forums to get a solution for this.
    I did not get any solution so I am posting this problem which I need to resolve.
    I have to display the DMBTR field in ALV output for which a grand total will have to be displayed.
    Here for all the values in DMBTR which are negative are getting displayed as '-        6673.56','-       289956.23' as I am using the edit mask 'V_____________.__'.
    I have to get the value shown as '-6673.56', '-289956.23'.
    I tried to use convert this DMBTR to String and have successfully displayed the negative sign correctly in front of the value but I am not getting the totals which I need to have
    PLease check and suggest for a solution.

      If this is the case, then you can use character field to display the sign on the left. Sum up the total and use the event end of list to display the same. Remember to set the TECH and NO_OUT in the field catalog.
    Hope this helps.

  • How to pass custom search help(F4 help) for a field in ALV output?

    I want to activate the F4 help in ALV output for a field for which we do not have search help assigned at table ,data element and domain level.
    In field catalog i have enabled it by below line.
    ls_fcat-F4AVAILABL = 'X'.
    but because there are no standard input help available it is giving message as "No input help is available".
    so how to pass our custom search help (g_search) for any field in ALV output.
    I am using object oriented ALV grid display.
    Rajesh Gupta.

    check this out:

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    Can any body help me?
    Thanks in advance.

    I had the same requirement to add a custom field to ALV output of transaction CO41.
    1. I first added the custom field to an new append-structure to the structure SFC_POCO.
    2. Then i added this field to the Dynpro-Screen 200 in the function-group COUP (by choosing the table control, pressing F6 and then adding the custom field of SFC_POCO).
    3. At last i added an Enhancement to the function CO_UP_PLANNED_ORDERS_SELECT and filled my custom field with data there.
    Please reward if useful.

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    How to display the fields in ALV Output without using Field catalog?
    Could you pls tell me the coding?

    u mean without building field catalog. is it? I that case, we can use the FM REUSE_ALV_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE.
    data: itab type table of mara.
    i_program_name = sy-repid
    i_structure_name = itab
    ct_fieldcat = lt_fieldcat[]
    inconsistent_interface = 1
    program_error = 2
    OTHERS = 3.
    *Pass that field catalog into the fillowing FM
    call function 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY'
                i_callback_program      = gd_repid
                i_grid_title            = 'REPORTING'
                is_layout              = gt_layout
                it_fieldcat             = lt_fieldcat[]
                t_outtab                = itab.

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    Eric Roots link to AirPlay Mirroring - Troubleshooting solved the airplay problem. I realized that I had turned my Firewall on around the same time that my OS was updated.
    I am able to keep the Firewall on and allow access by "Itunes only" under one of the dialogue boxes for the Firewall. By allowing Itunes access to through the Firewall, I now have full airplay functionality.
    Thanks Eric

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    Looks like my error. I was trying to select the search engine and type over it. You can just type and it goes away. Sorry for the post.

  • Adding fields to ALV output list in Tcode S_ALR_87012357

    I need your help to insert new fields in output at standard t-code S_ALR_87012357 for GST Report.
    Report name is RFUMSV00.
    The add/insert columns are
    1)Vendor Description,
    2)SGD Gross Amt(100% tax Reporting  curr)
    3)SGD Tax Base Amt(100% Tax Reporting curr),
    4)SGD Input Tax(7% Tax Reporting curr) and
    5) Value(100%Vendor Curr)
    Could anyone help me how to do this.

    Changing the field catalog should not add the new fields required in internal table (e.g. structure RFUMS_TAX_ITEM for items)
    You could try to append a structure to those, and fill its value with FI_TAX_BADI_011 ?
    PS: List of BAdI for this report
    RFUMSV00: Events for List Output Using ALV
    RFUMSV00: Event 'APPEND' for Line Item Lists
    RFUMSV00: Event 'GET bkpf LATE' during Selection
    RFUMSV00: Set Parameters for DME Tool (Tree Type UMS1)
    RFUMSV00: Field Catalog of Output Lists for ALV
    RFUMSV00: Event "END-OF-SELECTION" before Data File Creation
    RFUMSV00: Transfer of All Tax Data

  • Fixed length for the fields of  ALV output

          How to fix a field in the ALV output to its max length..For example..if a field's max length is 10...that coloumn should not be dragged or moved to right..Its lenght shluld be fixed to 10...Could any bod suggest me how to perform this...thanks..

    U can better optimize the will be good.
          I_STRUCTURE_NAME       = 'T_ALV'
          IS_LAYOUT              = W_LAYOUT
          IT_FIELDCAT            = T_FIELDCAT_ALV
          T_OUTTAB               = T_ALV
          PROGRAM_ERROR          = 1
          OTHERS                 = 2.
      IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
                WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.

  • Add new selection fields and ALV output  fields in VA05

    I want to add two new selection fields in VA05 'Further selection criteria' screen, also want to add some more fields in VA05 ALV output.
    Please help me how i can do it using user exit ?
    Thanks ,

    You have to copy the standard program SAPMV75A to ZSAPMV75A, change them accordingly.

  • Do not allow to sort some columns in Alv Grid

    Dear friends,
    Please help me.
    I want to tell to the method set_table_for_first_display - make one of the columns not sortable.  Let's say the column name is "My Icon".
    What I mean with that is:
    when User will highlight column "My icon" and then click on sort buttons in the toolbar - no sort will happen on this column.
    I was trying to identify a field in lvc_s_sort which would say "do not sort this column".  Is there any?
    Or the only way to accomplish my task is to make sort buttons in the toolbar disable if column "My Icon" is clicked?
    gt_sort      TYPE lvc_t_sort.
        CALL  METHOD grid1->set_table_for_first_display
             EXPORTING i_structure_name = 'IT'
                       is_layout        = gs_layout
                       is_print         = gs_print
             CHANGING  it_outtab        = it
                       it_fieldcatalog  = gt_fcat
                       it_sort = gt_sort
    Thank you,

    Got a solution for ya, but you have to handle it thru coding.   So you will need to handle an event from your ALV grid. 
    First thing is that you need a local class as your event handler,  copy and paste this code.  Here we are using the name ALV_GRID for your alv object
    data: alv_grid       type ref to cl_gui_alv_grid.
    *       CLASS lcl_event_receiver DEFINITION
    class lcl_event_receiver definition.
      public section.
        methods handle_user_command
          for event before_user_command of cl_gui_alv_grid
          importing e_ucomm.
      private section.
    class lcl_event_receiver implementation.
      method handle_user_command.
        data: icols type lvc_t_col,
              xcols like line of icols.
    * Get the currently selected column
        call method alv_grid->get_selected_columns
             et_index_columns = icols.
        read table icols into xcols index 1.
    * If the selected column is not one that should be sorted
        check xcols-fieldname = 'MATNR'.    "<-- Whatever columns that you don't want to allow sorting on.
    * Now check the function code, if sort ascending or descending, then give message
        check e_ucomm = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_sort_asc
          or  e_ucomm =  cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_sort_dsc.
        message i001(00) with 'Can not sort on this column'.
    * Now set the UCOMM as if the user didn't click anything.
        call method alv_grid->set_user_command( space ).
    data: event_receiver type ref to lcl_event_receiver.
    Also, you will need to set the event hanlder after calling the SET_TABLE_FOR_FIRST_DISPLAY.
      call method alv_grid->set_table_for_first_display
               it_outtab       = i_alv[]
               it_fieldcatalog = ifc[].
    *  Set the handler for ALV grid
      create object event_receiver.
      set handler event_receiver->handle_user_command for alv_grid.
    Just tested this, and works quite well.
    Rich Heilman

  • Not to print some of fields in alv

    Hi  ,
               I am displaying report with ALV grid using,
               My requirement is that I don't want to print some fields which are appering in grid display.
               Is there any field exists to maintain by which printing of some of fields could be avoided ?
    Thanks in advance.

    in the field catalog there is a field no_out, set this to 'X' for each of the fields you do not want to display.
    Eg: loop at i_fieldcatalog into ws_fcat.
            case ws_fcat-fieldname.
             when 'MEINS'.
                      ws_fcat-no_out = 'X'.
             when 'LTEXT'.
                      ws_fcat-no_out = 'X'.
           modify i_fieldcatalog from ws_fcat.
           clear ws_fcat.

  • Sorting not working correctly for date field in alv report

    Hi All,
    My report displays many rows also containing date type fields of bldat,budat .
    When I sort the report selecting field of type bldat budat the sorting is not correct for the year.
    Invoice doc dat
    If I use ascending then it is sorted as :
    Invoice doc dat
    Why the sorting is not working correct for year.(2010 records should have been first).
    The field wa_tab-bldat is of type char10.
    It is populated as wa_tab-bldat = bsak-bldat.
    Kindly suggest what can be done.

    The field wa_tab-bldat is of type char10
    Then what it does is correct.
    Refer to type will work

  • Forms wizard does not allow what type of field to use as default?

    I have Acrobat 9 and am creating a form that has ober 300 fields (for logging calls).
    The issue I have is when starting the wizard, it defaults to creating all 300 fields as TEXT boxes. I'd like to have them as COMBO BOXES. I see no way to change them or to change how adobe 9 creates them at start up of the wizard.
    I know I can do them one at a time and even copy and paste groups of them, but they don't line up as well when I do it this way.
    Any ideas?

    Thanks very much for your reply. Precisely what I'm hoping to do is stamp annotations--to the point that I've prototyped three whole toolbars of fixtures, sensors, and wall controls with mocked up rubber stamps, and marked up several whole buildings worth of construction plans to show the concept.
    Okay--so the stamp annotation looks terrific. How do I find out more? The Acrobat 9.1 SDK (under "Plug-ins and Applications", then "Creating Annotations") says this:
    Several annotation types exist, which are identified  by their subtype. Each subtype can have additional properties that  extend the basic ones. The subtype for text annotations (also called  notes) is text. The subtype for link annotations is link. The Acrobat  core API contains two built-in annotation typedefs PDTextAnnot and PDLinkAnnot. A PDTextAnnot object corresponds to a text annotation and a PDLinkAnnot object corresponds to a link annotation.
    That paragraph (and the subsequent pages in that chapter) led me to think that my options were:
    Text annotation
    Link annotation
    3D annotation
    Dive into the Cos layer and create a custom annotation
    Where can I find documentation on the Stamp annotation? (I do have the Stamper sample application.)
    Thanks again,
    John Murdoch

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