Not locking

My iPod Touch (2nd Generation) lock button isn't working so I can't lock my iPod device and I can't take screenshots either.
I've reset the iPod to factory settings and it still didn't lock after. Can anyone help me please?

Sounds like a hardware problem. If not under warranty there are third part places that will fix it.

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  • Help!!urgent!!can not insert/update clob:the row containing the lob is not locked

    could you do me help?
    i can not insert a string into a oracle clob field, it echo as:
    ORA22920 row containing the lob value is not locked. ORA 06512 at "SYS.DBMS_LOB" line 708
    ORA 06512 at line 1;
    what its means? please.
    my table defined as : create table clob1(id number(5),mclob clob default empty_clob()); the id is create by a sequece of test_sequence automaticly.
    my code as belows:
    import java.sql.*;
    //import oracle.sql.*;
    public class test4 {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
    String url_String
    = "jdbc:oracle:thin:test/test@myhost:1521:myorcl";
    try {
    java.sql.Connection con =
    Statement stmt
    String sqlStr ="insert into
    clob1 (mclob) " + "values(empty_clob())";
    String query = "select
    test_seq.CURRVAL from dual";
    ResultSet rs =stmt.executeQuery
    int currval =rs.getInt(1);
    query = "select * from clob1 where
    String str
    rs =stmt.executeQuery(query);;
    java.sql.Clob clob1
    oracle.sql.CLOB clob=
    } catch(Exception ex) {
    System.err.println("SQLException: "
    + ex.getMessage());

    To avoid ORA-22920 error while selecting lob column, use the 'for update' clause in the select statement like :
    query = "select * from clob1 where id="+currval+" FOR UPDATE" ;
    This should solve the problem. However, after fixing this, you might get the error :
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-1002: fetch out of sequence
    I got this error when testing your code. To avoid this error, before executing 'select ... for update' statement Set AutoCommit to OFF, like :
    query = "select * from clob1 where id="+currval+" FOR UPDATE" ;
    rs =stmt.executeQuery(query);
    Hope that Helps,

  • Mac desktop. 10.6.8. Text edit. Not locked. Read and write. Still, documents are locking when they are moved from desktop to another folder on the server. Techies can't figure it out here. What am I not doing?

    Mac desktop. 10.6.8. Text edit. Not locked. Read and write, not read only. Documents are locking when they are moved from desktop to another folder or saved directly into that folder on the server. Not happening with anyone else but me and the boss's computer so has to be in the properties for my text edit software. Techies can't figure it out after trying for two weeks. Boss can do a cut and paste and put into a new document, but that's starting to become a problem.

    Mac desktop. 10.6.8. Text edit. Not locked. Read and write, not read only. Documents are locking when they are moved from desktop to another folder or saved directly into that folder on the server. Not happening with anyone else but me and the boss's computer so has to be in the properties for my text edit software. Techies can't figure it out after trying for two weeks. Boss can do a cut and paste and put into a new document, but that's starting to become a problem.

  • My first gen 3g iphone photos are not recognised by camera wizard - it sees the phone but nothing else no files - it is not locked - ?

    I have a new 4g Iphone - Telstra (Australia)  disabled my old 3g and enabled the 4g so the 3g is just enabled to show contacts and photos etc.
    I want to download my photos and contacts from the 3g.  trouble is that my internet is dial up only at home and impossible to use as too slow.
    So my itunes is now out of date (not current module 10.5 + etc.) and the 3g phone is also not operating on the latest ios.
    BUT the itunes does sync the phone - but it seems to only sync from computer to phone - so my camera roll on the 3g is not on my computer - therein lies the dilemma - I don't know how to download the photos.  I cannot update the ios on the 3g and it seems that might be reqired to "back up"
    So first question is how do I back up (not sync) my 3g to itunes.
    Do I need to updates its ios first and update iteuns first (in which case thats impossible)
    So what else could I do.
    It seems the other thing is that even if I could back up the 3g the Itunes won't recognise the 4g as the 4g is ios 4 or something and the itunes is not up to date.
    SO I thought I should just use camera wizard or a photo package like iphoto or kodak easy share.
    But with camera wizard my computer recognises the 3g phone BUT nothing else.  It is greyed out for options, and ini Windoes Explorer it shows it as a camera but when you right click it has no "properties" - and no files show up at all...
    it is like it seems the camera and then nothing else.
    THE CAMERA is not locked.
    WHAT shoudl I do?

    also - when I use camera wizard it just tells me the phone is busy or in use  and I should retry.
    If I use it through windoes explorer - it shows me the camera to computer symbols and a line moving between then but bombs out saying camera is busy.

  • Is there a way to BULK COLLECT with FOR UPDATE and not lock ALL the rows?

    Currently, we fetch a cursor on a few million rows using BULK COLLECT.
    In a FORALL loop, we update the rows.
    What is happening now, is that we run this procedure at the same time, and there is another session running a MERGE statement on the same table, and a DEADLOCK is created between them.
    I'd like to add to the cursor the FOR UPDATE clause, but from what i've read,
    it seems that this will cause ALL the rows in the cursor to become locked.
    This is a problem, as the other session is running MERGE statements on the table every few seconds, and I don't want it to fail with ORA-0054 (resource busy).
    What I would like to know is if there is a way, that only the rows in the
    current bulk will be locked, and all the other rows will be free for updates.
    To reproduce this problem:
    1. Create test table:
    create table TEST_TAB
    ID1 VARCHAR2(20),
    ID2 VARCHAR2(30),
    2. Add rows to test table:
    insert into TEST_TAB (ID1, ID2, LAST_MODIFIED)
    values ('416208000770698', '336015000385349', to_date('15-11-2009 07:14:56', 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'));
    insert into TEST_TAB (ID1, ID2, LAST_MODIFIED)
    values ('208104922058401', '336015000385349', to_date('15-11-2009 07:11:15', 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'));
    insert into TEST_TAB (ID1, ID2, LAST_MODIFIED)
    values ('208104000385349', '336015000385349', to_date('15-11-2009 07:15:13', 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'));
    3. Create test procedure:
    TYPE id1_typ is table of TEST_TAB.ID1%TYPE;
    TYPE id2_typ is table of TEST_TAB.ID2%TYPE;
    id1_arr id1_typ;
    id2_arr id2_typ;
    CURSOR My_Crs IS
    WHERE ID2 = '336015000385349'
    OPEN My_Crs;
    FETCH My_Crs bulk collect
    INTO id1_arr, id2_arr LIMIT 1;
    Forall i in 1 .. id1_arr.COUNT
    where ID2 = id2_arr(i)
    and ID1 = id1_arr(i);
    CLOSE My_Crs;
    'Test Update ' || SQLCODE || ' ' || SQLERRM);
    4. Create another procedure to check if table rows are locked:
    create or replace procedure check_record_locked(p_id in TEST_TAB.ID1%type) is
    cursor c is
    select 'dummy'
    from TEST_TAB
    WHERE ID2 = '336015000385349'
    and ID1 = p_id
    for update nowait;
    e_resource_busy exception;
    pragma exception_init(e_resource_busy, -54);
    open c;
    close c;
    dbms_output.put_line('Record ' || to_char(p_id) || ' is not locked.');
    when e_resource_busy then
    dbms_output.put_line('Record ' || to_char(p_id) || ' is locked.');
    end check_record_locked;
    5. in one session, run the procedure TEST_PROC.
    6. While it's running, in another session, run this block:
    7. you will see that all records are identified as locked.
    Is there a way that only 1 row will be locked, and the other 2 will be unlocked?

    I don't have database access on weekends (look at it as a template)
    suppose you
    create table help_iot
    (bucket number,
    id1    varchar2(20),
    constraint help_iot_pk primary key (bucket,id1)
    organization index;not very sure about the create table syntax above.
      maximal_bucket number := 10000; -- will update few hundred rows at a time if you must update few million rows
      the_sysdate date := sysdate;
      truncate table help_iot;
      insert into help_iot
      select ntile(maximal_bucket) over (order by id1) bucket,id1
        from test_tab
       where id2 = '336015000385349';
      for i in 1 .. maximal_bucket
        select id1,id2,last_modified
          from test_tab
         where id2 = '336015000385349'
           and id1 in (select id1
                         from help_iot
                        where bucket = i
           for update of last_modified;
        update test_tab
           set last_modified = the_sysdate
         where id2 = '336015000385349'
           and id1 in (select id1
                         from help_iot
                        where bucket = i
      end loop;
    introduced the_sysdate if last_modified must be the same for all updated rows
    Edited by: Etbin on 29.11.2009 16:48

  • Error while upgrading OBIEE10g RPD to 11g Cannot release MBean - not locked

    Hi,, I have successfully installed OBIEE 11g and now truing to upgrade 10g RPD to 11g RPD using Upgrade Assistant. The process gets failed with following error in the LOG file;
    *[2013-02-19T00:54:53.367+05:30] [bi] [NOTIFICATION] [] Adding member 'REPORTING_USER' to role 'REPORTING_USER'*
    [Comment] The above line is last line without any WARNING or ERROR, the WARNING and ERROR starts brom next line (below)
    *[2013-02-19T00:56:55.375+05:30] [BIEE] [WARNING] [upgrade.BIEE] Cannot release MBean - not locked*
    *[2013-02-19T00:56:55.376+05:30] [BIEE] [ERROR] [upgrade.BIEE] WARNING: Element Type: DOMAIN[[*
    Element Id: null
    Operation Result: FAILED_TO_APPLY_CHANGES
    Detail Message: Timeout; Waiting for all managed servers to push configuration changes; [120 secs]; AdminServer
    Please help.
    Edited by: 923934 on Feb 25, 2013 2:41 AM

    while upgrading the RPD make sure that user weblogic server must be up and running including the all the BI Services.
    first look into these servers and run the upgrade utility.
    let me know is there any issues.

  • I have a folder and 3 files stuck on my desktop.  When I drag them to the trash I am asked to enter my administrator's password.  I do this but the files and folder will not delete.  I have checked 'Get Info' on each of them and they are not locked?

    I have an empty folder and 3 .jpg files stuck on my desktop.  When I drag them to the trash I am asked to enter my administrator's password.  I do this but the files and folder will not delete.  I have checked 'Get Info' on each of them and they are not locked and I have full read & write access.  Grateful for any assistance in solving this problem.

    Back up all data.
    Triple-click anywhere in the line below to select it:
    ls -@Oaen De* | open -f -a TextEdit
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard (command-C).
    Launch the Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid.
    Paste into the Terminal window (command-V).
    A TextEdit window will open with the output of the command. Post the contents of that window, if any — the text, please, not a screenshot. The title of the window doesn't matter, and you don't need to post that.
    If any personal information appears in the output, anonymize before posting, but don’t remove the context.

  • My gps is not working.  I cannot use turn-by-turn navigation in google maps.  I downloaded a GPS test app and it showed my phone is not locking on any satellites.  How can I correct this?

    My gps is not working.  I cannot use turn-by-turn navigation in google maps.  I downloaded a GPS test app and it showed my phone is not locking on any satellites.  How can I correct this?

    We certainly want to make sure you get the most out of the GPS, wplaxico! Was this tested primarily outdoors? When did this begin? Any other recent apps of updates installed when this started?
    Thank you,
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport
    If my response answered your question please click the �Correct Answer� button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

  • 6.1.3 on iphone 4s, i cant go into landscape mode (it is not locked)

    After updating to iOS 6.1.3
    my iphone 4s, will not go into landscape mode when I tilt it sidewards
    It is not locked!

    Hey Walterlam,
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities! And thanks for the question. There's two articles I'd like to point you to - try going through them in order, checking after each step to see if the issue is resolved.
    iPhone: No ring or sound from built-in speaker
    If following those steps do not work, you can try restoring your iPhone:
    iOS: How to back up and restore your content

  • My iphone3g its ben having a lot of problems i it will not lock i open a game and it will go to im  ipod im probly going to get a new one but i would like to know what is rong

    my iphone3 its ben havin g a lot of problems it will not lock i open a game and
    it will go to ipod  im going to get a new one but i would like to know what is rong with it

    Yeah, and it didn't work.
    I had problems when I updated to iOS 5 (lost all my apps - a few of my friends had the same problem) and when there was an update to iOS 4 (camera wouldn't work). The iOS 5 issue was sorted by backup (but I lost the app data) but for the iOS 4 issue I had to return my iPod to get a new one.

  • Lock Object (Not locking the table)

    Hi Guys
    I have a custom table ZDRAD same like standard table DRAD with an additional 'DATE' field . ZDRAD's Key fields are same like DRAD . I have created a lock object 'EZDRAD' where I put name = 'ZDRAD' (Custom table) and mode = 'EXCLUSIVE CUMULATIVE' . Now I want to lock the table(Whole table) before modifying/Inserting/deleting the records in se38. Please check the code below and suggest me if I am passing wrong values to the lock object Function module.
       MODE_ZDRAD           = 'E'
       MANDT                = SY-MANDT
       DOKAR                = ' '
       DOKNR                = ' '
       DOKVR                = ' '
       DOKTL                = ' '
       DOKOB                = ' '
       OBZAE                = 0
       OBJKY                = ' '
       X_DOKAR              = ' '
       X_DOKNR              = ' '
       X_DOKVR              = ' '
       X_DOKTL              = ' '
       X_DOKOB              = ' '
       X_OBZAE              = ' '
       X_OBJKY              = ' '
       _SCOPE               = '2'
       _WAIT                = 'X'
       _COLLECT             = ' '
       FOREIGN_LOCK         = 1
       SYSTEM_FAILURE       = 2
       OTHERS               = 3
    *IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    IF SY-SUBRC = 0.
    ZDRAD table is locked.
        P_L_LOCK_STAT = 'X'.
    ZDRAD table is not locked

    Hi Kanthimathi
    That is numeric field . Please suggest me how can i check the lock.

  • How do I get apps from Amazon...m S note locks me out of everything but google?

    How do I get apps from Amazon...m S note locks me out of everything but google?

    They'll also need to go into their Settings > Security and check the box for Unknown Sources.  I'd highly suggest removing the check once the Amazon apps are installed.

  • XFCE/Xscreensaver not locking on hibernate

    I have XFCE and installed xscreensaver. My screen locks like it is supposed to when suspend, so I need to enter my password on resume. However when I resume from hibernate it goes straight back to my desktop, no locked screen. Anyway to make this work? I want my screen to be locked when I hibernate.
    In XFCE power manager I already have "Lock screen when going for suspend/hibernate" checked.
    Last edited by bwat47 (2012-06-28 01:28:41)

    Hi scorpyn,
    Yes xscreensaver locks the screen and pm-utils works very well.
    I believe that the problem is that the Logout dialog when I select Suspend or Hibernate, not locking the screen before doing the actions.
    Or it not honours the setting in the Xfce Power Manager Preferences: Lock the screen when going for suspend/hibernate.

  • STS not locking data and layout

    Hi, we are trying to use STS for approval.  We have it configured and it seems to work fine but it does not lock the data when it is "approved".  I check the tables UPS_LOCKS and UPS_HASH and the seem in sync, after the approval there is an entry in UPS_LOCKS.  I tried a data slice and it locks fine.  For the hierarchy, I am using a reference infoobject called ZPLNT_CO in which the actual hieraercy is build on 0COMP_CODE, could this be the problem?, although it did import properly into STS . 
    Does the authorization objects need to have an activity other than 16?
    Any other suggestions?  Thanks in advance, Scott

    We have not found that STS is very satisfactory for locking submitted data on status change. It depends somewhat on your organisation and how your planners can work in the organisation: for example take a look at previous thread
    [STS and locking|].
    So STS appears to lock data in all units for which a user plans, and other users may not be affected by the lock. So it appears to work best if there is a one-to-one relation between users and units which they plan.
    I could be wrong, but that has been my impression.
    (We are using SAP GUI entry of data).

  • The macro attempted to modify a key figure that is not locked

    In my planning area I choosen detailed lock, keyfigure specific lock and do not lock read only keyfig after that In interactive DP, I have 2 Planning Books A and B .when I load the selection for book A itu2019s loaded well because all are editable key fig but when I load book B I get error u201CThe macro attempted to modify a key figure that is not lockedu201D in this book 3are editable keyfig 3 are display. I am in SAP SCM 7.0,I had seen the SAP NOTE 851731but its too old i think now iam in advanced that that but that note is not there in my system .
    Any ideas on why this is happening?
    Edited by: sivaram2411 on Feb 3, 2012 1:52 PM

    According to your setting in the palnning area ("do not lock read-only key figures"), if you have set a key figure as "Output Only" in /sapapo/mc8b or by a default macro, then this key figure could not get locked.
    It is not allowed to make changes to unlocked key figures. So if there's  a macro that tries to update this key figure, you'll get the error message.
    If you have "do not lock read-only key figures" set, you must make sure that your macros do not make changes to those key figures that are output only (read only).
    Best Regards,

  • Java.nio.FileChannel  tryLock() method does not lock!!!

    I have the following:
               RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(file, "rw");
               try {
                     lock = raf.getChannel().tryLock();
              } catch (OverlappingFileLockException e) {
                      System.out.println("File is locked"); // this never gets printed
               if (lock != null) {
                      // successfully acquired a lock
                      System.out.println("acquired lock!!!"); // this gets printed alright
                      // check if lock is valid
                      System.out.println("is this lock valid?  "+lock.isValid()); // it always is when I run my app
                      // do stuff with the file
              ....Note that I do NOT close the channel, which would make the lock invalid.
    Well, as far as I know, the code above tries to acquire an EXCLUSIVE lock (no read or write) on a file. It means that no other java application should be able to access that file, right?
    My problem is that I can still open that file with a second instance of my app, regardless of the lock.
    What am I missing?
    PS: don't know if it's relevant, but I do this right AFTER acquiring the lock:
         InputStream stream = Channels.newInputStream(raf.getChannel());
         XMLDecoder d = new XMLDecoder(new BufferedInputStream(stream));                       

    Thanks for the answer, mlk.
    Well, I went through MSDN to find no answer. Anyway, now I noticed tryLock() blocks, and it shouldn't. I ran two instances of my app and the second one keeps waiting till I release the lock created on the first one!!! Here's some code:
                    lock = channel.tryLock();
                    System.out.println("File not locked");
                catch (OverlappingFileLockException e)
                    // File is already locked in this thread or virtual machine
                    System.out.println("File locked");
                    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
                    String str = "";
                    while (str != null)
                        System.out.print("> prompt ");
                        str = in.readLine();
                        if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("status")) {
                            System.out.println("lock = "+lock);
                        } else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("exit")) break;
    ...As stated in the API docs, tryLock() should return immediately. Therefore, the 'lock = channel.tryLock();' should either return cleanly or throw an exception. Then, no matter what, 'prompt >' should appear in the console. Except it doesn't for the second instance. Exiting the first instance makes the second one print out 'prompt'. I believe this shows tryLock() was blocking the execution. Am I missing something?
    Not being able to use file lock functionality has been annoying me for quite some time now. Urgh!!!!
    Has someone used it on Windows with success? Is there another way of doing it (I know one could use native code, but I could not find example) ?

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