NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object  of class UIView - just leaking

     I didn't work on Threads. I am getting the below console warning. I am using two buttons which are calling two different methods. When i performed any one of that action, i am getting this console warning. I don't know why it is coming like this. if we do button action 100 times, it comes 100 times. How can i solve this. If i remove the Threads in the actions, then it works fine and shows nothing in the console. Can any one help me please.
NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object 0x4cc0e80 of class UIView autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking

Changed it from "query" to "path", and got an array.

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    autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking
    Do you have an iPhone?
    http://www.iphonedevsdk.com/forum/iphone-sdk-development/20720-autoreleased-no-p ool-place.html
    I have the same messages in Console also. I don't think it's anything to be concerned about. It's just programming language.

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    try upgrading to at least 10.4.4 of mac OS as there may be an issue with 6.0.3 running on 10.3.9...that might fix it

  • Static Classes/Methods vs Objects/Instance Classes/Methods?

    I am reading "Official ABAP Programming Guidelines" book. And I saw the rule:
    Rule 5.3: Do Not Use Static Classes
    Preferably use objects instead of static classes. If you don't want to have a multiple instantiation, you can use singletons.
    I needed to create a global class and some methods under that. And there is no any object-oriented design idea exists. Instead of creating a function group/modules, I have decided to create a global class (even is a abstract class) and some static methods.So I directly use these static methods by using zcl_class=>method().
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    1-) Static classes are implicitly loaded first time they are used, and the corresponding static constructor -of available- is executed. They remain in the memory as long as the current internal session exists. Therefore, if you use static classes, you cannot actually control the time of initialization and have no option to release the memory.
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    Any idea? What do you prefer Static Class OR Object/Instance Class?
    Thanks in advance.

    @Naimesh Patel
    So you recommend to use instance class/methods even though method logic is just self-executable. Right?
    <h4>Instance option</h4>
    CLASS zcl_class DEFINITION.
      METHODS add_1 IMPORTING i_input type i EXPORTING e_output type i.
      METHODS subtract_1 IMPORTING i_input type i EXPORTING e_output type i.
      METHOD add_1.
        e_output = i_input + 1.
      METHOD subtract_1.
        e_output = i_input - 1.
    CREATE OBJECT lo_object.
      exporting i_input = 1
      importing e_output = lv_output ).
      exporting i_input = 2
      importing e_output = lv_output2 ).
    <h4>Static option</h4>
    CLASS zcl_class DEFINITION.
      CLASS-METHODS add_1 IMPORTING i_input type i EXPORTING e_output type i.
      CLASS-METHODS subtract_1 IMPORTING i_input type i EXPORTING e_output type i.
      METHOD add_1.
        e_output = i_input + 1.
      METHOD subtract_1.
        e_output = i_input - 1.
    CREATE OBJECT lo_object.
      exporting i_input = 1
      importing e_output = lv_output ).
      exporting i_input = 2
      importing e_output = lv_output2 ).
    So which option is best? Pros and Cons?

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    Of course the prefer way would be to use transports.  There is a utility that you can use to download/upload ABAP programs and screens.  It will not do ddic objects.  I'm pretty sure that it will not do FM or classes.
    There are a few of these out there, this is just one.
    Rich Heilman

  • Array of objects in class private data and calling overridden VIs on these objects?

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    Has a message (Send Log Message) that other actors can use to write to the log. It is supposed to take a string input and a log level (error, warning, debug etc). This message chain sends data to the actor core with a user event.
    The Actor Core of Logger is supposed to save the incoming message to a log, but should be able to do it in several different ways (file, database, email or whatever).
    Logger Output:
    Abstract class that has a dynamic dispatch vi called "Write Output" that all it's children are supposed to overwrite.
    Logger Output File
    Child of Logger Output and overwrites "Write Output" to save the string to a file on disk.
    I want to be able to set up the actor core for Logger once and for all but still be able to create new children of "Logger Output" and have them be handled in the Logger actor core.
    My idea was to have Logger use an array of objects as private data and initialize this array in the Controller actor core.
    In the logger actor core I could then auto index the array and use each element (each Logger Output child) and the abstract "Write Output" vi to get the correct functionality.
    HOWEVER, I cannot get this to work properly and I think I have misunderstood something or stared myself blind on this problem. I have tried 3 different methods when it comes to private data for Logger.
    1. Labview Object
    2. Array of Labview Object
    3. Array of Logger Output Object
    Of these 3 methods, I can only get the first one to work and that doesn't accomplish what I want in the end (being able to add more classes without changing private data / actor core for Logger).
    I have included 3 screenshots that show snippets of 2 of the actor cores and the private data. File names should correspond to my description above.
    The screenshot "Logger actor core.png" shows a very fast test of the 3 different methods I described above. Each of the 3 tunnel inputs to the event structure can be wired to the "Reference" input of "To More Specific Class", but only method 1 (Labview Object) works.
    If you need additional information / screenshots or whatever please ask.
    Thanks in advance
    Logger ctl.PNG ‏8 KB
    Logger actor core.PNG ‏25 KB
    Controller Actor Core.PNG ‏11 KB

    Thanks for the reply and sorry for the confusing OP. It was meant as a quick test and a way to skip making 10+ screenshots .
    I updated the actor core for the Controller and Logger to be less confusing (hopefully) and attached 2 screenshots.
    I agree with you that it would be a good idea to make a message for the controller that can launch new children of the L" abstract actor, but for these tests I have just launched it the easy way (dragging it to the controller actor core).
    Both Logger Output and Logger Output File are actors and in Logger Output there is a dynamic dispatch vi called Write Output that I want to override in all its children.
    The problem is when I run the actor core of Logger (see the screenshot) only the abstract version (the one in Logger Output) of Write Output is executed, not the overridden version from Logger Output File.
    When I did the same thing with the actor cores looking like the did in my original post, then the correct overridden version got executed when I used the method with one Labview Object in private data (not any array or an array of Logger Output objects).
     EDIT: I just tried to have the Logger private data be a single Logger Output object and writing the Logger Output File to that piece of private data in the Controller and the correct Write Output override method gets called now. So apparently I have done something stupid when it comes to creating the array of Logger Output objects and writing them in the controller? The private data is in the Logger actor so I have simply right clicked and chosen "New VI for Data Member Access" and chosen "Write" for "Element of Array of Logger Output Objects".
    Controller Actor core updated.PNG ‏10 KB
    Logger actor core updated.PNG ‏24 KB

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    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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    (Class 3) Digital ID". When I try to import it I get
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    keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Input not an X.509
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    vs.keystore -trustcacerts
    Any idea what I am doing wrong? I am using JDK 1.3,
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    being provided by Verisign?
    JimIf you did as I did and ordered a rsa certificate, you need to add the option
    -keyalg rsa
    to your command line.

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    Hi everybody,
    I neeed to create an adapter module in which I have to create an object of class Channel.
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    I need to know in which jar it is.
    We are in PI 7.1.
    Can somebody help me, please?
    Thank in advance for your collaboration.
    Best Regards.
    E. Koralewski

    Hi Eric,
    >>>>>>>>>I neeed to create an adapter module in which I have to create an object of class Channel.This object Channel belong to the package com.sap.aii.mapping.lookup I need to know in which jar it is.  We are in PI 7.1.
    Please see what is you look for.        
    Edited by: Rajesh_1113 on Feb 2, 2011 4:16 PM

  • Difference Between Business Object And Class Object

    Hi all,
    Can any one tel me the difference between business object and class Object....

    Hello Ashish
    A business object is a sematic term whereas a class (object) is a technical term.
    Business objects are all important objects within R/3 e.g. sales order, customer, invoice, etc.
    The business objects are defined in the BOR (transaction SWO1). The have so-called "methods" like
    which are implemented (usually) by BAPIs, e.g.:
    Business Object = User
    User.Create => BAPI_USER_CREATE1
    User.GetDetail => BAPI_USER_GET_DETAIL
    CONCLUSION: Business Object >< Class (Object)

  • How to create unique objects in class and store

    Hi, I have a class that opens a text file and reads in the
    lines. each line holds an ip address. i need to create x amount of
    objects, and each object is assigned a unique ip address from the file.
    and here i am stuck. the class reads in the file, then i think it should create an object for each line read in and assign that object the ip address. i want to store the objects in some sort of array or collection, and i guess each object will need a unique name, but i dont know how many objects until i read in the file and count the number of lines. can anyone give me any pointers as to how i should create/store the objects
    many thanx

    You could use your own object:
    public class Test {
      public class IPNumber {
        public int ip;
        public IPNumber(int ip) {
          this.ip = ip;
      public Test() {
        int numberOfIPs = 5; // this is your number of lines
        IPNumber[] ips = new IPNumber[numberOfIPs];
        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfIPs; i++) ips[i] = new IPNumber(i); // assign ip address from file
      public static void main(String args[]){
        new Test();
    }or you could store the ips as strings:
    public class Test {
      public Test() {
        final int numberOfIPs = 5; // this is your number of lines
        final java.util.ArrayList al = new java.util.ArrayList(numberOfIPs);
        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfIPs; i++) al.add(""+i); // assign ip address from file   
      public static void main(String args[]){
        new Test();
    }p.s Objects don't have names

  • Calling a object of class from other class's function with in a package

    Hello Sir,
    I have a package.package have two classes.I want to use object of one class in function of another class of this same package.
    Like that:
    package co;
    public class one
    private String aa="Vijay";  //something like
    package co;
    import java.util.Stack;
    public class main extends Stack
    public void show(one obj)
    public static void main(String args[])
    main oo=new main();
    }when I compile main class, Its not compile.
    Its give error.can not resolve symbol:
    symbol: class one
    location: class co.main
    public void show(one obj)
                              ^Please help How that compile "Calling a object of class from other class's function with in a package" beacuse I want to use this funda in an application

    kumar.vijaydahiya wrote:
    .It is set in environment variable.path=C:\bea\jdk141_02\bin;.,C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\bin;. command is:
    c:\Core\co\javac one.javaIts compiled already.
    c:\Core\co\javac main.javaBut it give error.
    Both java classes in co package.Okay, open a command prompt and execute these two commands:
    // to compile both classes:
    javac -cp c:\Core c:\Core\co\*.java
    // to run your main-class:
    java -cp c:\Core co.main

  • How to get fully qualified name for a class with just the class name

    I want to get the fully qualified name of the class at runtime. The only piece of information which I have is the class name.
    I want to create a runtime instance of a class with the class name [Just the class name].
    Is there is any way to achieve this using ClassLoader?
    Could anyone suggest me an idea?

    Nope. If you are given "List", will you decide that means "java.util.List" or "java.awt.List"? Of course you could prompt the user to make the decision for you, I suppose. But using a class loader isn't going to make the task any easier.

  • Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string

    Dear all,
    Im very new in PHP development and trying to consume a ASP.NET webservice.
    This is my code:
    <TITLE>New Document</TITLE>
    $soap = new SoapClient('https://testsoap.test.nl:446/Service1.asmx?wsdl');
      try {
        $result = $soap->testPhp();
        echo "$result";
      } catch (SoapFault $e) {
        echo "Error: {$e->faultstring}";
    When running this, im getting this error:
    PHP Catchable fatal error: Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string . on line 14.
    And this is line 14 in my code:
    echo "$result";
    Can anyone help me with this issue?

    Without knowing what version of PHP you are using and also there does not seem to be an SAP angle, have you tried var_dump() instead of echo.
    e.g. var_dump($result);

  • Objects and classes

    Hi All
    I am new to ABAP Objects and i feel lil difficult  to under the concept and classes..can any one please give me with small example to easily understand about the tole of objects and classes..
    Thanks and Regards,
    Arun joseph

    Hi arun,
    These are very simple concepts.There is no need to worry about it.
    Object is an instance of a class.Class is an abstract description of an object. Class is a set of instructions that is used to build an object.  Class represents  properties of an object.
    eg: Vehical, Car,Bird,Box,Student
    Object represents a properties of real time entity  like
    engine, color,marks, legs,height,width etc.
    The following links provide more information with examples.   
    if any more doubts, come to me with your doubts.
    if it useful, reward points.
    Thank you,
    Prasad G.V.K

  • Is it necessary to use this. on objects or is it just good practice?

    Is it necessary to use this. on objects or is it just good practice?

    warnerja wrote:
    yawmark wrote:
    Is it necessary to use this. on objects or is it just good practice?It's good practice to use it when it's necessary.
    ~No, it's only necessary to use it when it's necessary.
    It's good practice to use it when it's good practice.<****/>
    (the sound of one hand, clapping)

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