Null Validation in Tabular Form in APEX 4.2.2

Hi to all respected Gurus of this Forum!
Recently downloaded APEX 4.2.2. As we know that this version has some improved features and one is the best is i.e. *"Validation on Tabular Form".*
For test purpose I succeeded to apply validation on field of tabular form and I am not allowed to "SUBMIT" data as per Validation Rule.
But now, I want to customize that validation as per below logic.
If required field is null than a message-box should appear with two buttons , as under:
Blank field not allowed. Do you really want to submit? (Buttons should be = YES NO)
If user press "YES" then validation should be false and record should be saved
If user press "NO" then no data should be submitted/inserted as per validation logic.
Please help. Your as usual cooperation is highly appreciated in advance.
Muhammad Uzair Awan

Hello Sabine,
>> I read about enhanced validation in 4.1 and would love to get rid of g_f-programming.
The major “trick” is to associate the validation/process with a Tabular Form. On the first screen of both wizards, the first field is Tabular Form. You must select the tabular form on your page (currently there can be only one. In future versions this will change).
Another factor that might influence the behavior of Tabular Form validation/process is the new attribute of Execution Scope. Unfortunately, you must enter Edit mode to gain access to this attribute (i.e., it can’t be set directly from the Tabular Form create wizard). Set it according to your need.
The rest is very simple. You should treat your Tabular Form as a simple form, where every column header stands for a form item. The following is a very simple example of validating the SAL column:
if :SAL < 1500 then
  return 'Sal Value is under 1500';
  return null;
end if;In this validation I’m using the Function Returning Error Text type.
&diams; Please remember to mark appropriate posts as correct/helpful. For the long run, it will benefit us all.
&diams; Author of Oracle Application Express 3.2 – The Essentials and More

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    i am working with apex_3.2.
    i am working on tabular form. I want to set validation on tabular form column , Column value cannot be null.How i can do this?
    Thanks & Regards

    Vedant wrote:
    Thanks it is working. i Need some more help regarding this. I have set the validation on add row button. If i keep the particular field empty on which i have set the validation , and click on add row button, it clear to the complete record. value should not be clear when click on the add row button it just show the massage, Field (Active_FLG) )cannot be empty.
    Thanks & Regards
    VedantI am not clear; when do you trigger the validation? On submit? If yes, then it will not retain your session state values. What is the relationship between the ADD_ROW button and the validation?
    FYI, if you wish to retain session state values in the tabular form, you should be writing manual tabular form using collections. You will get good amount of information on manual tabular forms and collections in this forum and outside(google).
    BTW, if your question is answered, do not forget to mark the appropriate post as correct. It will help all of us in the forum.

  • Doing validation on tabular form

    i have tabular form based on table which contains name_of_user varchar2(15)
    the name of the user should be upper case.
    i want when i'm pressing the add row button to check if this column (field) contains upper case. i do know that i need to relate to the tabular for as array
    but i don't know how ?
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    "id","name_of_user" from owner."users"
    how shell i relate this array and how shell i ask if it's upper case
    note: i will be glad if you show me also a way to do it as a validation on table level

    Writing validations for tabular form input is not very easy. You can try using some of the excellent work Patrick has done with this, details at
    Using out-of-the-box APEX, you would need to write a "PL/SQL function body returning error text" validation with a Error display location of "On error page" that does something like
    l_error varchar2(4000);
    for i in 1..apex_application.g_f02.count loop
       if (nvl(apex_application.g_f02(i),'~')  != upper(nvl(apex_application.g_f02(i),'~')) then
          l_error := l_error ||'< br/>'||'Row '||i||': Value must be upper case '||apex_application.g_f02(i);
       end if;
    end loop;
    return ltrim(l_error,'< br/>');
    end;[Of course, substitute "f02" with the proper name of the array (unfortunately you need to look at the generate page HTML source to see what array is used to render your "name_of_user" column]

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    Thanks & Regards,

    Instead of starting a new thread with the same question as Query for create manual tabular form using apex collection add row button functionality.
    Could you answer the question about what you see while debug the javascript code.
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  • Across row validation in tabular form and across items in row validations.

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    I need to create a tabular form that will have a start date and an end date. FOr each new row or updated row I need ensure its start date is after the end date of all rows already entered and its end date is after the start date of row being entered. Also that if no end date is entered then no other rows can be found with a null end date.
    SO I need across field validations with in a row and across row validattions. That is I need rowset validations as well.
    Is it possible to do this with APEX? WHat kind of tabular solution would allow these type of validations. How might these validations be done?

    Okay, Here's a quick rundown on how to build a manual form using APEX_ITEM and collections. The process goes in 4 steps: gather the data, display the data, update based on user input, then write the changes. Each step requires it's own piece of code, but you can extend this out as far as you want. I have a complex form that has no less than a master table and 4 children I write to based on user input, so this can get as complex as you need. Let me know if anything doesn't make sense.
    First, create the basic dataset you are going to work with. This usually includes existing data + empty rows for input. Create a Procedure that fires BEFORE HEADER or AFTER HEADER but definitely BEFORE the first region.
      v_id     NUMBER;
      var1     NUMBER;
      var2     NUMBER;
      var3     VARCHAR2(10);
      var4     VARCHAR2(8);
      cursor c_prepop is
      select KEY, col1, col2, col3, to_char(col4,'MMDDYYYY')
        from table1
        where ...;
      i         NUMBER;
      cntr      NUMBER := 5;  --sets the number of blank rows
      OPEN c_prepop;
          FETCH c_prepop into v_id, var1, var2, var3, var4;
          EXIT WHEN c_prepop%NOTFOUND;
            p_collection_name => 'MY_COLLECTION',
            p_c001 => v_id,  --Primary Key
            p_c002 => var1, --Number placeholder
            p_c003 => var2, --Number placeholder
            p_c004 => var3, --text placeholder
            p_c005 => var4 --Date placeholder
        END LOOP;
      CLOSE c_prepop;
      for i in 1..cntr loop
            p_collection_name => 'MY_COLLECTION',
            p_c001 => 0, --designates this as a new record
            p_c002 => 0, --Number placeholder
            p_c003 => 0, --Number placeholder
            p_c004 => NULL, --text placeholder
            p_c005 => to_char(SYSDATE,'MMDDYYYY') --Date placeholder
      end loop;
    END;Now I have a collection populated with rows I can use. In this example I have 2 NUMBERS, a TEXT value, and a DATE value stored as text. Collections can't store DATE datatypes, so you have to cast it to text and play with it that way. The reason is because the user is going to see and manipulate text - not a DATE datatype.
    Now build the form/report region so your users can see/manipulate the data. Here is a sample query:
    SELECT rownum, apex_item.hidden(1, c001),  --Key ID
         apex_item.text(2, c002, 8, 8) VALUE1,
         apex_item.text(3, c003, 3, 3) VALUE2,
         apex_item.text(4, c004, 8, 8) VALUE3,
         apex_item.date_popup(5, null,c005,'MMDDYYYY',10,10) MY_DATE
    WHERE COLLECTION_NAME = 'MY_COLLECTION'This will be a report just like an SQL report - you're just pulling the data from the collection. You can still apply the nice formatting, naming, sorting, etc. of a standard report. In the report the user will have 3 "text" values and one Date with Date Picker. You can change the format, just make sure to change it in all four procedures.
    What is critical to note here are the numbers that come right before the column names. These numbers become identifiers in the array used to capture the data. What APEX does is creates an array of up to 50 items it designates as F01-F50. The F is static, but the number following it corresponds to the number in your report declaration above, ie, F01 will contain the primary key value, F02 will contain the first numeric value, etc. While not strictly necessary, it is good practice to assign these values so you don't have to guess.
    One more note: I try to align the c00x values from the columns in the collection with the F0X values in the array to keep myself straight, but they are separate values that do NOT have to match. If you have an application you think might get expanded on, you can leave gaps wherever you want. Keep in mind, however, that you only have 50 array columns to use for data input. That's the limit of the F0X array even though a collection may have up to 1000 values.
    Now you need a way to capture user input. I like to create this as a BEFORE COMPUTATIONS/VALIDATIONS procedure that way the user can see what they changed (even if it is wrong). Use the Validations to catch mistakes.
      j pls_integer := 0;
    for j1 in (
      select seq_id from apex_collections
      where collection_name = 'MY_COLLECTION'
      order by seq_id) loop
      j := j+1;
      --VAL1 (number)
      apex_collection.update_member_attribute (p_collection_name=> 'MY_COLLECTION',
          p_seq=> j1.seq_id,p_attr_number =>2,p_attr_value=>wwv_flow.g_f02(j));
      --VAL2 (number)
      apex_collection.update_member_attribute (p_collection_name=> 'MY_COLLECTION',
          p_seq=> j1.seq_id,p_attr_number =>3,p_attr_value=>wwv_flow.g_f03(j));
      --VAL3 (text)
      apex_collection.update_member_attribute (p_collection_name=> 'MY_COLLECTION',
          p_seq=> j1.seq_id,p_attr_number =>4,p_attr_value=>wwv_flow.g_f04(j));
      --VAL4 (Date)
      apex_collection.update_member_attribute (p_collection_name=> 'MY_COLLECTION',
          p_seq=> j1.seq_id,p_attr_number =>5,p_attr_value=>wwv_flow.g_f05(j));
    end loop;
    end;Clear as mud? Walk through it slowly. The syntax tells APEX which Collection (p_collection_name), then which row (p_seq), then which column/attribute (p_attr_number) to update with which value (wwv_flow.g_f0X(j)). The attribute number is the column number from the collection without the "c" in front (ie c004 in the collection = attribute 4).
    The last one is your procedure to write the changes to the Database. This one should be a procedure that fires AFTER COMPUTATIONS AND VALIDATIONS. It uses that hidden KEY value to determine whether the row exists and needs to be updated, or new and needs to be inserted.
      --Get records from Collection
      for y in (select TO_NUMBER(c001) x_key, TO_NUMBER(c002) x_1,
                 TO_NUMBER(c003) x_2,
                 c004 x_3,
                 TO_DATE(c005,'MMDDYYYY') x_dt
        if y.x_key = 0 then  --New record
            insert into MY_TABLE (KEY_ID, COL1,
                COL2, COL3, COL4, COL5)
              values (SEQ_MY_TABLE.nextval, y.x_1,
                  y.x_2, y.x_3, y.x_4, y.x_dt);
        elsif y.x_key > 0 then  --Existing record
            update MY_TABLE set COL1=y.x_1, COL2=y.x_2,
                 COL3=y.x_3, COL4=y.x_4, COL5=y.x_dt
             where KEY_ID = y.x_key;
        end if;
      end loop;
    end;Now I usually include something to distinguish the empty new rows from the full new rows, but for simplicity I'm not including it here.
    Anyway, this works very well and allows me complete control over what I display on the screen and where all the data goes. I suggest using the APEX forms where you can, but for complex situations, this works nicely. Let me know if you need further clarifications.

  • Validation On Tabular Form

    How to implement validation such on TABULAR FORM
    select case when
    lead (IHL_PDATE) over (order by IHL_PDATE) > IHL_PDATE
    lead (IHL_PDATE) over (order by IHL_PDATE) is null
    else 'Not Ok'
    after or before submitting form?*
    I implement it on Table but I want to apply it to form?
    Edited by: Siyavus on Sep 14, 2009 2:19 PM
    Edited by: Siyavus on Sep 14, 2009 2:28 PM

    Is your validation on the base table or a collection? Denes Kubicek has a couple examples of tabular form validation here:
    You can reward this reply by marking it as either Helpful or Correct ;-)

  • Duplicates Validation on Tabular Form

    I have a wizard built tabular form. This displays 2 pieces of information, Phase ID and Phase Description, which the user can either modify or they can add new records. At the database level, I have a unique constraint on Phase ID (even tho it's called Phase ID this is not the primary key). Right now, when the user tries to enter a duplicate Phase ID, they get taken to an error page with the ugly Oracle contraint violation error. What I'm trying to do is create a validation in APEX that checks for duplicates so I can throw a nice, friendly Inline Notification for the user. After searching this forum, I have tried differing variations of the following code:
    vMatch NUMBER;
    vItem VARCHAR2(1);
    vItem := HTMLDB_APPLICATION.G_F03(i);
    SELECT COUNT(*) INTO vMatch FROM Phase where Phase_ID = vItem;
    IF vMatch > 1 THEN
    RETURN 'Phase ID must be unique.';
    RETURN '';
    END IF;
    Obviously I can't get this to work or I wouldn't be posting my question! Can anybody please help me tweak this to validate duplicate entries or point me in the right direction? Thank you very much!

    Which is holding Phase ID: G_F03 or G_F02? Assuming it's F_F03 and assuming the PLSQL you included in your post is in a "PLSQL Returning Error Text" validation...
    The code you have in your post is effectively only checking to see whether the first phase ID is unique because within your LOOP you have:
    IF vMatch > 1 THEN
    RETURN 'Phase ID must be unique.';
    RETURN '';
    END IF;
    So if the first phase id in your tabular form is not a duplicate the above returns '' (NULL) and your validation passes.
    Changing your code to the following should work:
    vMatch NUMBER;
    vItem VARCHAR2(1);
    vItem := HTMLDB_APPLICATION.G_F03(i);
    SELECT COUNT(*) INTO vMatch FROM Phase where Phase_ID = vItem;
    IF vMatch > 1 THEN
    RETURN 'Phase ID must be unique.';
    END IF;
    RETURN '';

  • Validation in Tabular form column

    Dear All,
    i am using tabular form (Apex 4.1) to create new project users.
    i want to apply validation on column of tabular form.
    i have multiple entry in tabular form .i want to iterate throuh all records to check validation but my code is not iterating in to all record of columns.
    where i doing wrong.
    my code is
    D DATE;
    FOR i IN 1 .. apex_application.g_f09.COUNT
    IF apex_application.g_f09(i) >=D THEN
    END IF;
    END;How can i iterate my loop if 2 and 3 row record not satisfying this condition
    apex_application.g_f09(i) >=D .How can i do this.

    D DATE;
    B  BOOLEAN := FALSE; -- Added
    FOR i IN 1 .. apex_application.g_f09.COUNT
    --IF TO_DATE(apex_application.g_f09(i)),'DD-MON'YYYY' >=TO_DATE(D,'DD-MON-YYYY') THEN
    IF TO_DATE(apex_application.g_f09(i)),'DD-MON-YYYY' >=TO_DATE(D,'DD-MON-YYYY') THEN -- removed syntax error in this line
      --RETURN TRUE;
       B := TRUE;
    END IF;
    --RETURN FALSE; --commented
    END;This will iterate through the entire array, and if even one time it runs B:= TRUE it will return TRUE.
    Now all this assuming that the above code is a Condition on the Validation. If it is the Validation itself then TRUE Means Passed and False means failed. Check whether that is what you want.
    h5. Contrariwise, if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic. --Lewis Carroll                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

  • Query for create manual tabular form using apex collection using item textfield with autocomplete

    can we create a manual tabular form inside item textfield with autocomplete ?
    how it is possible?
    with Apex_item API used for this item.
    i used this code for creat  cascading select list
    select seq_id,
            p_idx                       =>   1,
            p_value                     =>   c001,
            p_query                     =>   'SELECT C001 D
         , C002 R
    WHERE COLLECTION_NAME = ''col1''',
            p_attributes                =>   'style="width:150px" onchange="f__name(this,parseInt(#ROWNUM#));"',
            p_show_null                 =>   'Yes',
            p_null_value                =>   null,
            p_null_text                 =>   '- Select name -',
            p_item_id                   =>   'f01_'|| LPAD (ROWNUM, 4, '0'),
            p_item_label                =>   'Label for f01_#ROWNUM#',
            p_show_extra                =>   'NO') name,
            p_idx                       =>   2,
            p_value                     =>   c002,
            p_query              =>   ' SELECT null d, null r FROM dual WHERE 1 = 2
            p_attributes                =>   'style="width:150px"',
            p_show_null                 =>   'Yes',
            p_null_value                =>   null,
            p_null_text                 =>   '- Select name -',
            p_item_id                   =>   'f02_'|| LPAD (ROWNUM, 4, '0'),
            p_item_label                =>   'Label for f02_#ROWNUM#',
            p_show_extra                =>   'NO')name2,
    from apex_collections
    collection_name = 'COLLECTION1'
    It is fine .
    but i want item in tabular form  textfield with autocomplete and remove select list. my requirement is using textfield with autocomplete select a employee name and second item textfield with autocomplete display dependent perticular employee related multiple task.
    how it is created.i have no idea related textfield with autocomplete.Please help me....

    I understand that the add row button is currently doing a submit.
    To not submit the page you need a dynamic action on the page.
    Does the javascript function addRow do what you want?
    Otherwise have a look at the following two threads Add row in manual tabular form using dynamic action and Accessing Tabular Form & Add Elements to Collection without Page Submit.
    You're process could be something like:
    Add the new values to the collection using the idea's in the second thread and at the same time add the new row.
    And as second action refresh your tabular form.
    If you get stuck set up what you have done on using the tables from the demo application.

  • What's the deal with 'no data found in tabular form' in apex 4.1

    We recently upgraded to 4.1 to resolve some of the issue found in 4.0. I have a form that populates a had previously worked in earlier versions and now I receive the following error when I try and SAVE.
    any thoughts?
    Contact your application administrator.
    no data found in tabular form

    HI Joel, thanks for getting back to me.
    We recently moved from apex 4.0 to 4.1. I have an application that makes use of collections. All was working in 4.0, but now I am having problems with 4.1. I would be happy to move place application in more convenient spot, but need specific instructions as I am not certain how to do that.
    basically, I have a report region, FAVORITES based on a collection (source listed below):
    SELECT apex_item.checkbox (1,seq_id, 'onclick="highlight_row(this,'
    || seq_id
    ||')"', NULL, ':', 'f01_'
    || LPAD (seq_id, 4, '0') ) delete_checkbox,
    apex_item.hidden(2,seq_id) seq_id,
    apex_item.text_from_LOV(c006,'MARKETCODE') MARKET_CATEGORY,
    apex_item.text_from_LOV_query(c007,'select unit_of_measure d, unit_of_measure r from species_qc') unit,
    apex_item.text(8,c008,5) fav_order,
    'style="width:200px;background-color:#FBEC5D; "',
    '- Select Disposition -',
    'f09_' || LPAD (seq_id, 4, '0'),
    ) disposition_code
    from apex_collections
    where collection_name = 'C_DEALER_SPECIES_FAV' order by seq_id desc, c008
    The collection appears and I am able to add rows to this collection. The problem is when I SAVE. The following is executed (and again, works fine in 4.0).
    dispositionCode varchar2(3);
    delete from frequent_species where permit_id = :G_permit_id;
    for rec in (select c004,c005, c006, c007,c008,c009,:G_permit_id from apex_collections where collection_name = 'C_DEALER_SPECIES_FAV')
    if rec.c009 = '0' then
    dispositionCode := null;
    dispositionCode := rec.c009;
    end if;
    insert into FREQUENT_SPECIES (species_itis, grade_code, market_code, unit_measure, fav_order, disposition_code,permit_id) values(rec.c004,rec.c005, rec.c006, rec.c007,rec.c008,dispositionCode,:G_permit_id);
    end loop;
    exception when no_data_found then null;
    I receive the message:
    Contact your application administrator.
    no data found in tabular form
    Return to application.
    Let me know what you think. thanks for your help. Karen

  • Tabular form in APEX 4.0

    Hi everyone,
    We use Apex 4.0.
    In a tabular form, we have two fields that the second of them depend on the first.
    For example in the case of a departement and employees list.
    Is it possible to acheive that when we select a value in the first list the second one depend on the first ?
    How we can reference the first list but we don't have names ?
    In a form region for example we have element name to relate to not in a tabular form
    Is it necessary to use Collection for this case?
    Thanks in advance. Bye.


  • Disable Item in tabular form in Apex

    I would like to disable items in tabular forms.
    If line status is Draft then all items of tabular form are enable other disable.
    How to write this condition and where should i write because in dynamic action tabular Item is not showing...
    Edited by: 926257 on Apr 9, 2012 12:53 AM

    you can do that using java script
    these links may helpful to you
    <a href>Tabular form: how to dynamically enable/disable columns and rows
    <a href>Tabular Form: Enable/Disable a field based on the status of a check box
    <a href></a>
    <a href></a>
    thanks and regards

  • Reg. DDL in Tabular form in Apex

    I have used a select list in Tabular form report. My select list is retrieving only 21 rows.
    But the performance is very slow. Please help me to increase the speed of processing.

    Hello Madhu,
    Can you post the query of your select list - and of your tabular form (or report). Why do you assume the problem is in the select lst? What happens to the performance if you omit the select list?

  • Adding new row at top of tabular form In APEX 4.0

    I havea tabular form and when addrow() it is adding at bottom of the existing rows. Is there a way I can add new row at the top of the rows?
    Edited by: Badari on Oct 19, 2011 12:07 PM

    Hi Raj,
    I'm trying to implement your solution to add the empty row of a tabular report to the top of the page but I can't get it to work. I've identified two errors in your code, namely
    1) semi-colon after mytable.moveRow(mytable.rows.length-2,1) is missing
    2) You say to use "ABC_REPORT" as the region id but you use "report_ABC_REPORT" in the code.
    I've fixed these but still I cannot get it to work.
    Could you check the code again and see if there are any other errors that we may have missed.
    thanks in advance
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    function addTop()
      var mytable=document.getElementById("report_ABC_REPORT");
      mytable.moveRow(mytable.rows.length-2,1) // depending on the report template selected use either length-2 or length-1

  • Validation of tabular form clears all the entries in that form

    Hi all,
    I have master-details form, where I have created details using Apex collections. Now I added validations on that detail form and I am getting proper validation message, but the form itself clears the data for that record if it is the new record. Is there a way to do validation and keeps the data without clearing the form? Thanks.

    After countless searches on google, I chanced upon a solution that works for 100% of all cases. it is to define a set focus function:
    function setFocus(cellID) {
    then call the function after the alert setting a timeout: the function is executed after the cell is exited and this sets focus back to cell.
    myVar = setTimeout("setFocus(vName)",1)
    Works on IE and FF. I found the solution on this page:
    Thank all.

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